Prime Minister Mia Mottley continued the recent trend of making controversial and contentious announcements. She revealed government’s recommendation to rename the University of the West Indies in recognition of the late prime minister Owen Arthur. To honour convention of parliament parliamentarians in the Lower House set aside yesterday to pay tributes to the late prime minister.

The blogmaster has no problem with recognizing Owen Arthur to recognize his contribution to Barbados and the region. The Vice Chancellor and her management team will decide if to accept the recommendation from the government of Barbados, who by the way is its biggest contributor to UWI’s finances.

There is a creeping feeling by the blogmaster Barbadians – as is our inclination – are being distracted by ‘political noise’ and the current dire state of the economy is being relegated. There are several national conversations on the go – recognition of same sex unions, push to be a republic next year, by-election in St. George North and the latest – proposed renaming of the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill. It does not help that the political opposition and media will be consumed by these events and there the masses.

Wait a minute – what about the economy stupid!

186 responses to “What About the Economy Stupid”

  1. @William

    Fraudsters can never understand irony.

  2. @Hal 5:16 p.m.
    Go to the head of the class.
    Required reading.

  3. @ Hal

    I will tell you I have great faith in the Barbadian public if they are honestly spoken with. If you look at how well we have supported the wearing of masks etc in the covid battle, this shows that once you speak openly and honestly to us, we will support the call.

    My problem with how we are approaching the post covid economy is that we are not sharing the reality with our people. You have thousands of hotel workers home, being led to believe their jobs will be there given time. This does not hold up to logic when one takes into account the external factors in the short to medium term. For me the true effect of all this will be felt between October and November. By then the unemployment payments would have ended and the usual pick up leading into the tourism period will be absent.

    Imagine we had an Air Canada flight out of Toronto pre covid with good loads daily. In October this year with only 2 flights a week, many have just 25 and 30 people on them.

    How can anyone in their right mind believe that tourism will lead our recovery based on reality?

  4. This is government by decree, not what happens in a parliamentary democracy.
    Actually, it’s exactly what happens in a so-called “parliamentary democracy”

  5. @ Crusoe September 23, 2020 7:50AM

    “Is Barbados ready? That $300 million would have been better stockpiling food and fuel”.

    Absolutely! De people first.

    BDS Is suffering from economics trauma. Our tourist industry for the foreseeable future is dim. Most countries around the world suffered economic instability resulting from this covid wave. Big industrialized nations are being innovative with their technologies to navigate these rough economic seas.

    I hope my PM take de positives from BU community to heart.

    There’s no collusion here. I seriously condone Crusoe’s comment above.

    Your loyal subject.

  6. @ Crusoe September 23, 2020 7:50AM

    “Is Barbados ready? That $300 million would have been better stockpiling food and fuel”.

    Absolutely! De people first.

    BDS Is suffering from economics trauma. Our tourist industry for the foreseeable future is dim. Most countries around the world suffered economic instability resulting from this covid wave. Big industrialized nations are being innovative with their technologies to navigate these rough economic seas.

    I hope my PM take de positives from BU community to heart.

    There’s no collusion here. I seriously condone Crusoe’s comment above.

    Your loyal subject.

  7. The distraction tactics of the prowlers prevent any serious discussion of the acute crisis facing the nation. We still do not get clear answers about anything.



    ON BU.






  8. To all:
    @ John A and @ Hal do not live in Barbados and they know nothing about the economy. They are rabble rousers, who don’t see anything right inn Barbados. Nobody ain’t listening to them. They just complain: we just get brand new electric buses; we get brand new garbage trucks and we are building a hotel corridor from Paradise right up to Enterprise and beyond. Not one damn thing ain’t wrong with the country. They need to stand where they belong. The two of dem only want the DLP back in power. Everybody else looking out for the good of Barbados. Mottley even got Sinkler who wreck the economy under the DLP on she committee.
    I don’t listen to dem two. They never run no ministry . They just want to see Barbados fail.

  9. @ William

    Thank you sir, it is a good thing I got my Bora Bora passport to fall back on as a plan B. LOL

    Dont worry in my next life i coming back as a sheep. Them life nuff simpler, all they got to do is follow the rest of sheep blindly and go where ever the grass look greener.

  10. Skinner you real funny and petty for a big man.It is amazing that you like criticize others especially Ms Mottley but when you and your gloom and doomers from overseas get a dose of your own medicine you behave like a 5 year old.These are the facts you do not live about here.2 you ran for the NDP and lost your deposit 3 you are a political lightweight.4 you are always rushing here to defend the Dems particularly Mr Thompson.These are facts you cannot refute and if those mash your corns too bad. Nobody ain, t vote for you, Austin Mariposa or Greene and if you lot feel you can do better throw your hat in the ring and challenge the BLP come 2023.As you know the easiest thing to do is talk back it up with some action.

  11. Mariposa, your ORIGINAL COMMENT was the “UWI named TO BE CHANGED to OSA University.”

    What you said give the impression that the decision was made already to change the name.

    Mia Mottley made a PROPOSAL to get the name changed, which is something completely different from your original comment.

    So how you could say it is me that wrote an untruth, when it is you that told the lie?
    And because I point out that to you it means I am a BLP yardie?

    Now you came back to say it was a proposal, which is now the truth.

    Stop the dilly dallying and admit you told a lie.

  12. To all:
    “ We would continue the policies of the Democratic Labour Party Government and have an all-day land fair to literally give away the lands.”

    “ You are selling the same land that was to be given to those (poor people from White Hill) at $15 a square foot”
    George Payne MP, BLP Barbados Today,

    For those who don’t know. Mr. Payne is a Barbadian living overseas. He knows nothing of what goes on here. All of this stupid talk about selling off land that was supposed to go to the poor people in White Hill is bare lies. I hope he stays where he belong. He always pulling down Barbados.

  13. After each fact, repeat the following “you said it before. Now boring”.

    you do not live about here.
    ***you said it before. Now boring.

    2 you ran for the NDP and lost your deposit
    ***you said it before. Now boring.

    3 you are a political lightweight.
    ***you said it before. Now boring.

    4 you are always rushing here to defend the Dems particularly Mr Thompson
    ***you said it before. Now boring

    You are a three-trick pony. You jump out nasty trying to intimidate, repeat the same old shit and publish an enemies list.

  14. @ peterlawrencethompson September 23, 2020 1:06 PM

    As said before, the 1-year program should only be the beginning. We need many more expats, expats building their villas here and having one of their permanent residences. This creates permanent jobs for cooks, housemaids, nannies, gardeners, janitors, guards and many other service providers.

    The fact is that in our gate communities many villas are permanently empty and there are many open spaces to build on. If we get 1000 expats to build a villa in our communities that will be 1-2 billion USD in construction costs! All paid with foreign money. On top of that, there are permanent services and purchases worth about 100 million USD per year (see above), so in 10 years it will be another 1 billion USD.

  15. @David

    “You still support not subsidizing the hotel sector? Allow it to fail?”

    The simple answer is YES. If the tourism sector does not survive the COVID 19 situation then there will be lmited need for HOTELS and their employees. Granted these people involved as owners, operators and employees must be addressed by some PLAN/PLANNING for the future. This is where the government is totally deficient, no plan/planning other than lets become a Republic and make same sex legal, maybe these unemployed people can start a new business pimping each other out for what ever same sex unions do. Government could charge a tax per foop fee, who needs Tourism & Hotels.

  16. @Tron September 23, 2020 8:38 PM

    You drinking that cheap Bajan Rum made with Jamaican molasses again, told you before that stuff is deadly on the Gray matter. Take your canoe and paddle over to Martinique and get some real RUM, it’ll grow hair on your chest and other unmentionable places and rejuvenate the gray matter.

    Sarcasm is way above most BU Bloggers intellect levels.

  17. Here is something that would offend nobody. Our capital is named after a bridge? A bridge? Not after a man or a woman, not after a Christian saint, not after any other religious figure.

    A bridge????

    Surely we can do better than that.

    So let us rename Bridgetown:

    OWEN. The name by which we all knew and loved him.

    After all the Americans have their Washington. Australia has its Adelaide and Darwin and more, the Canadians have Barrie, Churchill, Kitchener etc. St, Kitts has Charlestown, St. Lucia has Castries, Guyana has its Georgetown, Trinidad has Diego Martin, the U.K has at least 3 Victoria’s

  18. Why does everyone want a republic? A republic is for impoverished rags, for the naive masses.

    I would much rather have an empire, with Mia Mottley as the first empress “Mia I.”. Then we would have beautiful princes, dukes, counts and other nobility. Each Parish is transformed into a duchy, each village into a shire.

    Enough new jobs for everyone!

  19. What became of bitt?

  20. Gazzerts i csll your name you always jumping on people, bandwagon.I choose who i respond to and you are not one. Therefore if you do not like my comments addressed to Skinner not you tough scroll past.It is amazing how thin skinned you overseas bajans are when criticized when that is your agemda everyday all day to criticize . Go figure .Anyway this is my only response to you trust me not worth my time.

  21. @ Tron

    Dont forget each chattel house owner now a Squire and every mongrel dog a hound, but most importantly every rum shop now a tavern if you please! Lol

  22. @Hal Austin September 23, 2020 6:47 AM “…time was taken up with a worthy, if not immediate, issue of paying respect to a former prime minister.”

    Not a former Prime Minister, because to use former implies that he might come back.

    Late Prime Minister.

    or better still DEAD Prime Minister.

    No more duppy politice ’bout here.

  23. Funny.. you told me that before. Now boring.

    Looks like you have two or three
    standard scripts..

  24. Greene September 23, 2020 7:40 AM “the more important question in this regard and one for those making the decision, is why should the uni in Bim have Arthur’s name? i am sure someone will point to the land he gifted and the backing that the uni had when he was in power.”

    But he didn’t “gift” any land, because like me he didn’t have any land to gift.

    The land belonged to the people of Barbados, and is being used for the sons and daughters of the people of Barbados.

    He was in office, not in power, and he used OUR money to “back” the university.

    And I really, really loved Owen.

  25. @Crusoe September 23, 2020 7:51 AM “Meanwhile Trump fiddles as Rome burns, ”

    How can you say that about our boy Trump?

    It is being reported today that Trump has rewarded himself with an A+ for his handling of the COVID19 pandemic. However his team gets a D for their handling of the pandemic public relations. His team did not do a wonderful job of telling the American public what a wonderful job he did.

    I did NOT make this up.

  26. Worldwide the number of deaths per million people so far is 125.9

    The number of deaths per million people in the USA is 623 per million people

    The number of deaths per million people in Burundi is 0.08

    it may be that bigger is better so the country with the biggest number of deaths per million gets an A+?

    My math is not too good.

    Help me out nuh?

  27. @Dullard September 23, 2020 8:49 AM “When did Avi complete his doctorate? What was the thesis about?”

    You know very well that in barbados we too like to call people Doctor this and Doctor that.

    Just yesterday Dr. the Rev Mrs. Lucille Baird was pompasetting all over de people radio.


  28. In most other places people with honorary doctorates are not called, and do not permit themselves to be called Doctor.

  29. @Dullard September 23, 2020 11:03 AM “The history or major pandemics has shown that the 2nd wave can be worse than the initial one. ”

    But how many of our political/economic class read WIDELY outside of their narrow fields of interest, law, politics, accounting?

  30. @Enuff September 23, 2020 11:47 AM “All yuh could really hush and go plant some food.”

    i didn’t wait to be told. Planted my first crops for the year in March, the day after the schools shut down, because I anticipated that this thing would be very, very bad. I DO read widely.

    I have been harvesting spinach, okras, and bok choi for months, freezer full, had to give away some. Started harvesting cucumbers last week and pumpkins today.

    But I am wondering what agriculture would look like if we threw $300 million at it. If every square inch had been planted with food at the beginning of the rainy season. But by February 2021 the drought will hit us, and it is unlikely that a vaccine will be widely available by then so we are in for some really hard times.

  31. Coyotes !

    Bajan coyotes were extinct in 1701. Are they emerging from caves again? endemic species with BIG mouths and tiny heads, looked and sound like wild hogs.

  32. Donna…they want you to query the absent and ungraded complaints despite it being THOUSANDS of young people impacted across the Caribbean, these incompetent public nuisances in the ministries of miseducation. Nothing about waiving the $100 fee, they are as usual creating a class of helpless young people.

    “CXC has a long established process in place for addressing these concerns. Candidates who have questions about an Absent or Ungraded result, can submit a Query,” CXC said in a release.”

  33. Throne Speech reset

    THREE BROAD TENDENCIES, with a few differences in policy emphases, have emerged, in response to the Throne Speech delivered by Barbados Governor General Dame Sandra Mason on September 15.
    The first, is the pro-Government liberal line, which sees the move to republican status, the recognition of same sex-unions, and the softening of the criminalisation of marijuana usage, as progressive democratic developments which complete the decolonisation project and enhance the freedom of the individual.
    The second tendency, largely from the economists, has been to assess the pros and cons of the Government’s COVID-response policies, in particular its $300 million of recovery support to the tourism industry. While recognising the need for governmental support, this group questions the wisdom of continual support to an elitist group of tourism providers, in a context where COVID has sounded another loud warning against overdependence on tourism.
    The third group can be simply be classified as the conservative opposition group. Collectively, they oppose republicanism for historically pro-colonial reasons, they oppose marijuana legalisation due to ingrained and unconscious hostility to the cultural practices of the Caribbean underclass, and oppose same-sex unions on the claim that the Caribbean is a Christian society. One line, coming particularly from the official Opposition, the PdP, is that the Government has misplaced its priorities, since, instead of focussing on the material aspects of COVID recovery, it has chosen to engage in a project of “social reconstruction” which goes against the
    dominant cultural values of the society.
    This latter tendency, given its starting point in pro-colonial conservatism, is the least productive and most anti-developmental in outlook.
    It was indeed odd to hear a leading trade unionist, characterise republicanism as a distraction from the economic imperatives of surviving COVID. Decades ago, Lenin accused trade unionists of the tendency towards “narrow economism”, a condition in which their emphasis on “bread and butter” militated against their ability to embrace broader projects, democratisation and political transformation. Only “narrow economism” can explain why Senator Caswell Franklyn could reduce republicanism to “how many people will get jobs…Only a few legal draughts people”.
    However, what can be asserted is that the Government, aware of growing impatience with its failure to engage in genuine transformation, has radically reset its legislative agenda, while pursuing pro-business responses to the COVID challenge.
    One criticism, however, is the continued tendency of the Government to premise its domestic democratic adjustments on appeasing external powers. A related weakness has been its couching of same-sex civil unions and marijuana liberalisation in economic material terms.
    The time has come for the Caribbean’s democratic advances to be justified on the logic of our own internal struggles for freedom, rather than pleasing external forces with questionable democratic records. We are now in a moment when the process of decolonisation and democratisation can enter a new stage.

    Tennyson Joseph is a political
    scientist at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, specialising in regional affairs. Email

  34. Region hopeful of financial relief

    THERE IS HOPE that Barbados will be among countries benefitting from financial relief facilitated by some of the world’s largest economies.
    While it was not a done deal, Dr Dillon Alleyne, who is deputy director of Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), said by next Tuesday it should be known if such assistance was forthcoming as part of a financing for development initiative by the United Nations Secretary General António Guterres.
    Alleyne said so as he urged the Caribbean not to be lulled into the belief that the world would return to the pre-COVID-19 “normal”.
    He was participating Tuesday night in the fourth edition of the Central Bank’s 2020 Caribbean Economic Forum, which was held online and focused on the topic Adjusting To The Post-COVID-19 Economy.
    The Guyanese economist, who is based at ECLAC’s office in Trinidad and Tobago said: “There is some hope in that the Secretary General has been pursuing a process called financing for development which will culminate on the 29th of this month and that process, led by six groups, is designed to hopefully bring some liquidity to the region, which… is under enormous stress.
    “That liquidity may also be through [special drawing rights] allocations and debt standstills which
    hope the G20 will extend to middle income countries to embrace Caribbean states.”
    Alleyne reminded that “all of this is happening in a very active hurricane season and in the context of climate change so it’s difficult for us”.
    “But I think we have to begin with clear planning and not be lulled into the belief that after COVID the world will return to what it was. The world has changed and the post-COVID world will be a different world and we have to be prepared to adjust to that world,” he cautioned.
    Alleyne said the global economy was “in difficult circumstances” and Caribbean economies “are no better off” as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    “We have sought to keep our people safe, we have helped businesses, we have done as much as we are able to,” he said.
    “The debt to GDP ratio in the Caribbean is about 70 per cent and many countries have ratios in excess of a hundred per cent or close to a hundred per cent. And the issue is how do we finance the immediate short term needs and the longer term needs?”
    Another panelist, Dr Peter Blair, assistant professor at Harvard University, who is from the Bahamas, saw an opportunity for the region to emerge from the crisis more vibrant and with a united focus.
    “What COVID-19 is really doing is it exposes some of the vulnerabilities
    in the ways in which our economies have historically been structured and I think that this is a great moment amidst this global pause for us to really sit back and to reflect and to see why…our countries exist, for whose benefit, how is it structured to ensure the safety and the vitality and the growth of its own people,” he said.

    Source: Nation

  35. Today, today, these ministries of miseducation across the Caribbean are going to be WORLDWIDE FAMOUS…just as they deserve..

  36. @ Baje

    Thank you for your sharp perception. I am aware of the Barbados Condition, the back-biting, crab in a barrel, ‘don’t mind him, I know him’ mind set. The good thing about it is that I was lucky to escape from Plato’s cave, which blinds one to the wider world.
    I am familiar with the vulgarity, the foul-mouthed, abusive nonsense; it is a defensive trick to hide one’s ignorance. Watch how they come out like hungry dingoes looking for food.
    In the meantime, the nation drifts like a rudder-less ship.

  37. Let me ask a question. Who was the individual who first committed to free education for Barbadians and brought it to reality?

    That was a major step and a philosophy that persists today. Other actions since that implementation are wonderful and supportive of the ethos, but are but additions to support the concept.

    If the university is to be named after anyone, it should be named after the person who first brought the philosophy. Let us not rewrite history. Give jack his jacket and recognise fairly.

  38. The BEGGARS and BORROWERS of parliament….keeping the populations in perpetual financial them punch above their weight or is it wait…while complaining to the world about the “mental slavery” they themselves promote, condone and enable, but KEEPING IN INTACT for their own benefit..

    “THERE IS HOPE that Barbados will be among countries benefitting from financial relief facilitated by some of the world’s largest economies.”

  39. Siempre recuerda la bolsa roja grande….of corruption to be exposed and to lock up DLP crooks, maloney, et al.

  40. @ david

    I very happy from the articles above that the big brain people got the same questions about the post covid economy as me. I is only a humble one door shop keeper in the bush, but i kmow if the drink truck and biscuit truck passing Wednesday you better got the money for both dem!

  41. WURA,

    CXC is a separate entity.

  42. @John A

    We can glean from the Throne Speech that government is still placing bets on the tourism industry bouncing back even if not to pre covid level. If this is the case the decision to subsidize the industry is understood. Your position et al is also understood. Bets are on!

  43. @ David

    Dont get me wrong, some level of tourism will return in the short to medium term. Just dont expect it to be at pre covid levels where it can employ the thousands currently jobless. My question to the bosses is what is wunna plan B for those people?

    Remembering of course we not just talking maids and barmen here, we talking everybody from jetski operator to tour company.

    But i woukd still tek yuh money in a bet though. Lol


    “It seems that Solutions Barbados stands alone in trying to pull Barbados back from the brink of insanity. We would be certifiably lunatic to give up our international insurance, just to please our politicians and activists – against whom we are insured.” Grenville Phillips

    Pray and Vote for Grenville to win the seat that has opened up in St. George.

    How China has poured billions into the Caribbean by investing in ports, roads and a five-star resort in a soft power grab – as Beijing is blamed for Barbados’s calls to drop the Queen as Head of State

    • China has been accused of ‘playing a large part’ in calls in Barbados to drop the Queen as Head of State
    • While Beijing has not responded, the allegation comes amid a heightening soft-power grab in the region
    • China has pumped billions into the Caribbean, both in direct investments and soft loan deals that has seen it acquire ports, construct roads, refurbish cricket stadiums and invest in the regions biggest casino
    • Barbados itself has received at least $490million and has signed up to Beijing’s Belt and Road trade initiative

    By Chris Pleasance for MailOnline
    23 September 2020

    China has poured billions of dollars of investment into the Caribbean while signing tax and trade deals in an attempt to wrest the region out of the West’s sphere of influence and bring it under the sway of Beijing.

    The Chinese government has invested at least $7billion in six Caribbean nations since 2005, records show – building roads, ports and the five-star Baha Mar casino and resort in the Bahamas – though the true figure is thought to run well into the tens of billions.

    While some of the money arrives as part of trade and investment deals, much of it is offered as ‘soft loans’ for infrastructure projects that are harder to track and typically come with requirements to use Chinese contractors for the work. The loans also provide long-term leverage for Beijing over the cash-strapped island nations.

    MailOnline investigated China’s growing influence in the region after Tom Tugendhat, chairman of the UK’s foreign affairs committee, accused Beijing of ‘playing a large role’ in Barbados’s recent calls to drop the Queen as the Head of State.

    In addition to the loans and investments, eight countries in the Caribbean have signed on to Beijing’s Belt and Road initiative, including Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago, with agreements in place to deepen trade ties along with building bridges and airports, and improving energy and telecommunications networks.

    China has pumped at least $7billion in investment into the Caribbean since 2005, records show, though the true figure – when taking into account soft loan deals and private investment – is thought to run well into the tens of billions. Showpiece projects have included a cricket stadium in Grenada, a casino and resort in the Bahamas, and acquiring Jamaica’s largest port.


  45. @ John A

    What are the unique attractions of Barbados tourism?

  46. “THERE IS HOPE that Barbados will be among countries benefitting from financial relief facilitated by some of the world’s largest economies.”

    I believe that the full enormity of this COVID-19 problem is not grasped by all. Some of the world’s largest economy do not know if it will be business as usual or a recession that is ahead.

    We need our leaders to suggest solutions other than to wait with a tin-cup in hand.

  47. @4:33
    A bit harsh. Could be restated with honey …
    You are not supposed to look beyond sea, sand and sunshine.

    Have a great day, Barbados.

  48. “CXC is a separate entity.”

    doesn’t matter, ALL students have been impacted and only causes people to ask if it was a conspiracy between these two useless entities to DISENFRANCHISE thousands of students across the Caribbean, we know they have all been doing shit periodically from the 70s via the colonial 11 plus, but it has been taken to another level with this across the board bullshit…we await the lies to cover up..

    HC and QC have already submitted queries am told.

    I remember in 2010 when Jackass Jones and the other misfits at the miseducation ministry tried to prevent some students from receiving their scholarships….these repulsive little colonial rats would do anything to sabotage youing people.

  49. Donna…FYI and future reference, am told it’s one unit, one umbrella, it’s only callled CSEC for convenience…, regardless they did not expect the backlash, am told that children in Jamaica are going off on their treacherous evil asses.

  50. @ Hal

    Another question is when last other than the train ride at Nicholas Abby, was a new attraction of any impact opened?

    For the record I went and saw the train attraction and it is really well done.

    I believe like Disney World, a destination needs every year to add something new. It just keeps the product fresh for those that have come before. It doesnt have to be a capital intensive one either it can be one that makes use of what we have.

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