Submitted by Andrew Nehaul

We all know the story of Sam Lord. The world’s second oldest known con artist. The first one was William Chaloner (1650 – 1699): A serial counterfeiter and confidence trickster proven guilty by Sir Isaac Newton.

Below is a shortened version of his story.
Samuel Hall Lord, also called “Sam Lord” (1778 – 5 November 1844) was one of the most famous buccaneers on the island of Barbados. Sam Lord as he was usually known, amassed great wealth for his castle-mansion in Barbados. He did this through the direct plundering of ships stranded in the coral reefs just off the coast of his estate.

According to legend, Sam Lord would hang lanterns high in the coconut trees around his estate. Passing ships far out at sea would think it was the port city of Bridgetown and would sail towards the reef in the area, leading them to wreck their ships. Sam Lord would then board the ships and keep the riches for his castle, which stood in the parish of Saint Philip. [Source Wikipedia]

More specific info here:

I submit that we can we take this historical fact and expand upon it. In other words why not create a viable interest in travelling to Barbados to find Sam Lord’s treasure?

We can stimulate attention on social media by suggesting that the treasure has never been found and as the old castle is being renovated, now is the time to come and explore the island and look for it before it disappears. An app can be designed that gives clues to the treasure and visitors can travel around the island looking for it. On downloading and registering, the app will give participants a clue which will give directions to a possible location. When they find this location, the site will have a GPS locator which will register in the app and will then unlock a new clue. Note that the person must stand exactly in a specific location to get the app to unlock.

After the first location is registered it gives the participants a souvenir or drink (sponsored). To cut a long story short, the clues should be tough and the maximum number of clues should be no more than 10. The prize (treasure) should be USD 25.000 (any eventual taxes to be paid by the participants). Once found, the next time that it is run, the prize should be USD 35.000. The time after USD 45.000 etc

Some things to consider.

No other island had Sam Lord. As he was unique to Barbados. Let us use him to our benefit.

As this will be based on wideband usage, a smart phone will be necessary and there will be a fee to register. This fee will include a local SIM card with XXX data.

A sponsored digital map should be created (open for all) showing locations of bars, rum shops, restaurants in each parish that provide food/drink, clean restrooms, parking and free WiFi. These locations should be encouraged to niche what they offer clients. For example 3 of them may specialize on fish/seafood. 3 others on local Bajan food with panache while others on local sweets and/or bakery products.

Spin off high end souvenirs with a Sam Lord’s treasure logo should be created like – brass lanterns, smart phone cases, golf head covers, ceramic place settings etc

I am certain that the island has many creative persons who can run with this and make the concept even better.

197 responses to “Creating a New Lure for Tourism?”

  1. I rather think we should tell the tourists that they can find there the billions that the NIS board has sunk into numerous bumbling investments.

    You can’t even put ten dollars in the hands of a man like Professor Robinson without him making a loss of a hundred dollars in no time. I suppose at home his wife manages the finances. Otherwise, the house would be long gone.

  2. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    You have only halfway learnt the moral of Sam Lord’s story and its application in modern times. i.e. don’t lure people to our shores unless we can offer them something great.

    We do have to lure tourists to our shores but we can’t offer them the same old smoke and mirrors in an attempt to steal their money. They will go away feeling cheated after their expectations of seeing port are dashed on the rocks and their pockets left empty.

    We must offer experiences, products and services of tangible value they did not know existed, were in need of and have been missing out on their entire life.

    We currently have the ability to offer all three but our chances are fast closing the longer we continue to do the same old thing expecting new outcomes.

  3. PoorPeacefulandPolite Avatar

    How about preparing and starting to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the Settlement of Holetown?

    In 1625 an English privateering ship captained by John Powell was blown off course by a storm and was carried by currents way off into the Atlantic to fall within sight of an island indicated on the Portuguese charts simply as “a ilha dos bárbaros” (the island of Barbarians). The captain limped his little carrack warily into a sheltered tidal lagoon to repair its damage. He found fresh water and food on the ground left by earlier Portuguese and Arawak inhabitants . . . and no other European occupiers. As serendipity would have it – he had drawn into a safe landing where he found a large cross planted by an earlier English distressed ship and a great tree with the words: “1605 JAMES I K. of E. AND THIS YSLANDE”, a message evidently left by the ill fated crew of the Oliph Blossome passing through on its way to Guyana that year. Restored now, captain Powell and crew left the island with a plan to return with Letters Patent from the monarch and funding from his principal William Courteen to go back and colonize the area to be dubbed James Towne. In the two years this mission took, King James I had been dethroned and disgraced. When the captain’s brother Henry Powell returned in 1625 with Cromwell Parliament’s commission in hand and a band of workers with equipment to start building, the place was now no longer to be called James Town but rather to be known as the Hole Town. Holetown is the second oldest continuously inhabited English settlement in the Americas.

    For good or for bad, we need to use aspects of our heritage to put Barbados on the map ! Irish, Amerindian, African and English all had a hand in the birth of our nation and we should target these markets. We can use a Quadricentennial to touch off the many un-revealed accounts that involved our shores and our people – brutal or happy, dusty and dull – we have found buried treasure.

  4. I repeatedly tell my son “People are smarter than you think they are. A few may play along with a silly game because the want to. But when they get bored they will walk away.”

    Keep it simple and honest.

  5. Make the pirate Stede Bonnet a national hero at last! Santo subito. He’s a lot better for Barbados than this Barrow.

  6. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    Wuh Loss! Any more comedians in the house?

  7. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Total shit and will continue to see the majority population dependent on a bunch of useless tourists as usual…the people need to produce, create and spread their wings out of a stagnant colonial system that will continue to go nowhere.

    …..the future is about the people and their ability, skills etc creating wealth to sustain themselves, energizing the economy, it’s no longer about dependency tourism….and making shite trinkets that the pretensive tourists don’t even want to pay for…..and most don’t have the money to pay for anyway…..continuing this visionless path will see the island right back where it started….more poverty, more dependency…

  8. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Andrew Nehaul, Freedom thinks that these Ideas can be Developed…People will want to come just for the Sport of it, and the Possible Reward! Freedom also Likes the Idea including the Historic Info of Holetown. I think there is a Lot that can be done about the Parliament Building in Bridgetown; it is the Oldest Parliament in the Region. They can do Tours with Past Speeches playing on a Loop.

    Parliament Buildings, Bridgetown, Year: ca 1880

    Located at the top of Broad Street, in the capital city of Bridgetown, Barbados, these historic Parliament Buildings (once known as the Public Buildings) are home to the House of Assembly and Senate. Packing more than 350 years of history, these buildings were built from local limestone and completed in 1874 by a Gothic Architecture.

    These buildings were built as a primary source of adequate accommodation for the Houses of Parliament, to consolidate the major public offices and to safely and securely file any of Barbados’ Public Records.

    The Parliament of Barbados is the third oldest legislature in the Americas (behind The Virginia House of Burgesses, and Bermuda House of Assembly), and is among the oldest in the Commonwealth of Nations.[

    They can Develop PR by using Old Photographs of Barbados that Tells its History using Imagery. In addition, Develop a Map of the Bridgetown Area on One Side and on the Other Side, a Description of Places of Interest and a Brief History. Many Times we see Tourist Looking at the Statue of Admiral and Know Nothing about it, or the World War One Memorial, or the Water Fountain or the Significance of the Parliament Building, or the Old Mutual Building. Or the Significant Role that the Jews have Played in Barbados also, in Developing the Early Machinery in Sugar Cane Factories, while moving away from Wind Mill Power. Moreover, Barbados Historical Accomplishments in Agriculture is of Significant Interest and Barbados is widely credited as the Birthplace of Rum.

    The first commercial sugar cane crop was planted in in Barbados 1640, but settlers had already been harvesting small crops to create a popular local beverage called ‘Kill-Devil’ an early ancestor of the modern-day spirit. Crude distillation methods resulted in a poor-quality product described as ‘…a hot, hellish, and terrible liquor’, yet its popularity grew.

    Over the next century, distillation practices significantly improved and Barbadian rum became renowned in both Europe and Colonial America. Alcohol played a large role in 17th and 18th century life; it was drunk during social occasions, used medicinally and served as a valuable trading commodity.

    Improved Spirits

    It was during this time that the Nicholas Family sold the Plantation to Joseph Dottin, who gifted the property to his daughter, Christian, and her husband, Sir John Gay Alleyne, on their wedding day in October 1746. Sir John is credited with introducing both the production of molasses, a thick dark-brown by-product of sugar production used in baking, as well as rum, a spirit created by fermenting the molasses.

    Sir John, who successfully managed the Mount Gilboa Plantation and Distillery for his friend, John Sober, introduced the same rum distillation methods to St. Nicholas Abbey in the 1750s, which were much more sophisticated than those used by the first settlers. Barbados enjoyed a prosperous rum trade with the American colonies for some time, helping to boost the island’s economy, and the plantation also profited from this new line of trade.

    Was called Brum back in the Day

  9. Do you remember Geraldo Rivera and Al Capone’s vault.

    “When the vault was finally opened, the only things found inside were dirt and several empty bottles, including one Rivera claimed was for moonshine bathtub gin”.

    It happens years ago, but this often comes to mind when Geraldo is mentioned.

  10. @FC
    I must point out to you that what you described is quite different from what was suggested by the post.
    I can see a genuine product in your proposal.

  11. Actually, I think this is a good idea that needs some work. When Barbados takes some baby steps into the new post Covid tourism a variant of the great Sam Lord treasure chase could be one of the many attractions that could be developed. People are already dipping their toes into internal air travel in the US, less than one week after fairly widespread reopening. With the unprecedented huge amount of research that is now unravelling all aspects of the virus and suggesting that its spread can be contained, some kind of tourism may be possible sooner than most of us think. But our planners will have to be ready to propose new ideas. The mindset that Covid will kill tourism permanently will prove to be totally flawed. Barbados cannot afford to abandon Tourism without a fight.

  12. Freedom Crier Avatar

    RE…TheOgazerts May 23, 2020 10:01 AM…”I can see a genuine product in your proposal.”

    TheO All are welcome to make Valid Contribution, that way we can Insure the Survival of our Country on Many Levels. Freedom Loves to Tell Stories of Old Barbados through Imagery, that is why as an Artist, Freedom so Enjoys Painting them, it takes me back in time while Enjoying those Learning Experiences.

    RE… lyallsmall May 23, 2020 10:15 AM “Barbados cannot afford to abandon Tourism without a fight.”

    Only Those Who Do Not Value Barbados are So Shortsighted! Some Don’t Even Live Here!!

    Image of Parliament Buildings, Bridgetown, Year: ca 1880…Enjoy!

  13. Ch**st Almighty! Am I missing something? This is pure unadulterated bovine excrement! Why are we excluding the legacy of our African descendants who sacrificed their blood to build this island; in order to spin some yarn about a pirate and a scam artist for the sole purpose of attracting tourists.

    Even in the UK, the mother of all colonising nations. It has built a museum in Brixton, London, in memory of those Africans who built the Caribbean. The same applies to Bristol and Liverpool – two cities infamous in the development of the cross Atlantic slave trade. This was due to pressure groups largely from within the Caribbean community.

    I have pointed out on numerous occasions that Barbados has to do the right thing and to honour the legacy of their African descendants. Starting with the honouring of African burial sites. Rather than promoting Barbados as having the oldest synagogue in the southern hemisphere without adding that Jews were part facilitators of the slave trade and made a lot of money during that period.

    I note that the author is of Indian extraction. I forgive him for having made such an oversight. However, it is understandable in a country where a tourist may visit and leave without being aware that slavery or exploitation existed for over 400 years in the killing fields of the Caribbean The fault lies with our weak and feckless leaders since the days of Barrow who have all refused to enshrine “our” story within the Barbados constitution.

  14. This post is unbelievably depressing. Even more depressing are some of the responses from some of the BU contributors. What should this tell us? The country is in a worse position than we could ever imagine and that there is no hope for the islanders, certainly for the majority population. It would be best for them to take flight and abandon the island or use their intelligence and muscle and fight for their island by any means necessary.

  15. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “**st Almighty! Am I missing something? This is pure unadulterated bovine excrement! Why are we excluding the legacy of our African descendants who sacrificed their blood to build this island; in order to spin some yarn about a pirate and a scam artist for the sole purpose of attracting tourists.”

    and all the shitehounds would jump on board, minority drug and gunrunners upfront, because they don’t want to see the majority population progressing or creating wealth for their future generations… and they believe they have some say in how the island should progress…because no good black face leaders allow them to believe they do…

    …..those are the ones who need to be STARVED RIGHT OFF THE ISLAND…..they have no shame..

    Mia would prefer pick up dust or bones with no care to our ancestors and haul it across the African Continent as a sideshow rather than pay homage and memorial to her African ancestors….all she and her ilk want to do is pander and cater to shite minorities, the drug, gunrunners and thieves..

  16. @ TLSN May 23, 2020 11:02 AM

    Barbados would also be much more attractive for tourists if the locals did not remove almost all the historical monuments. Historical sites of slaves are no exception. I even claim that the local monument conservation authorities care the least about them. Slavery is often depicted in golden colors. Unfortunately.

  17. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    These black leaders are the same ones chasing down REPARATIONS for the enslavement of their ancestors whom they only remember when they think about money or their next scam or they would have had a memorial built to their enslaved ancestors in Bridgetown within the last 40 years, but guess who they have instead, a demon crook like Nelson..

    they can’t say they never had the money, they stole most of it and gave it away to shite minoriites..

    .., same ancestors of the descendents of slaves still building and funding the island and have for the last hundreds of years.. WHOM THEY ALL ROB on the regular like it’s a blood sport……and they are telling themselves that Karma and Retribution will not pay them all a long well deserved visit…

    then they want someone to take them seriously, damn frauds….now you see why i can’t stand any of those pretensive frauds for ministers and lawyers and their thieving minority parasites living off the Black population.

  18. Lyallsmall makes a fantastic point at 10:15.

    Nehaul’s proposal is an example of the innovative ideas we need in the rebranding of our tourist product if we are to continue to be viable in the post-COVID world. Tourism isn’t going anywhere, so we must continue to find new ways to exploit the industry.

    The usual antagonists rant and rave but what they don’t seem to understand is that it is quite possible for multiple ideas to contend. Why can’t Nehaul’s idea (or some refined version of it) not be done at the same time as other projects such as honouring African burial sites? Why must the two be mutually exclusive.

    I wonder with interest what “enshrining our story in the Barbados Constitution”. Depending upon the conception of “our” and how it might be integrated with a document such as the Constitution, it could be rather interesting. Without clarifying what that means however can lead persons to speculate which is never a good thing, particularly if one possible interpretation of the statement is some kind of Serbian-esque action in Kosovo.

  19. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “it is quite possible for multiple ideas to contend”

    only if the ideas are not basic, not unique, have not been done before, ideas most be developed by the majority population to create generational wealth and not just the sale of some shite trinkets that will not allow the same population to progress..

    Sam Lord’s castle before it was burnt was around for a couple centuries..

    “It is useful to remind Barbadians that Sam Lord’s Castle was built in 1820 and like Paradise and several other historic sites have been allowed to run to ruin.”

    tourism has been on the island from that time,110 YEARS

    Crane hotel has been around from the 1890s, has there been any permanence to the economy, has it eradicated POVERTY, no, and it never will be because it is nothing unique….

    ….and it’s even worse when people of limited intellect and tunnel vision continue to act as though tourism is a great savior….look at how government is now scrambling, they have gotten so low, they are allowing plague infected people on the island as long as they have access to a private jet…

    limited intellect cannot think of anything better…….if tourism cant uplift the island in 110 years….how will selling a bunch of useless trinkets uplift it now in 2020.

  20. The idea that tourism has failed the country because it hasn’t eradicated poverty on the island, is a very good argument against the utility of every single industry across the millenia of human history. It simply makes no sense. The gains of tourism can be seen across the country for nearly the entire post-independence period. It is not a perfect industry clearly but it is one which has been a main driving force of decades of economic development on the island. As always mischaracterisations abound – “useless trinkets” Really??!!

  21. @lyall

    We can all agree that some innovative ideas are required to keep our tourist product off of lfe support. Here is the problem that I have with Andrew Neehaul suggestions

    1: There is no buried treasure. Many will see this as nothing more than a gimmick or scam to attract tourist
    2: Who will be paying out the 25K, 35K, 45 K etc>
    3: Who will be benefitting from the sale of thes sim Card and data? Or more explicitly? Who will be getting the money from the sales.
    4: How many tiimes per year will there be a winner? How many times can you sell a nonexisting pig? After this thing is won once or twice, tourist would know there is no pig.. Believe it or not, tourist are not fools.

    Indeed, this may be a good business venture for an individual or a group.and I would wish him/her/them well. Let us see it as that and not give it patriotic wrapping

    I think the proposal by FC (a person that I seldom agress with) is worthy of further considertaion. We need to be innovative and creative, but we cannot take everything that is thrown against the wall.

    TheoGAzerts has no affilliatiation with Sam’s Lord castle or any apps.

  22. agrees
    A good game Ifor tourists only)nothing more…

  23. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Your comment would make sense if Barbados did not RELY SOLELY ON TOURISM once the sugar industry went south, for decades they never imagined or envisioned that it would all come to a SCREECHING HALT ONE DAY…well today is that day..

    ….the limited intellect leaders and the shite minorities they listen to…CANNOT THINK OF ANYTHING BETTER, they only think about themselves, what they can steal from the people… and not the future of the majority population and their descendants……they are not capable, they were told for decades, those leaders, to diversify…but did they…no they did not…that is why they should all be ignored….

    tourism is at a screeching halt in 2020…now some fools are talking about selling trinkets…..110 years later…

  24. @ O Gazerts

    You would notice I spoke to his type of idea being important going forward. Gimmickry always has an aspect of tastelessness to it that doesn’t particularly appeal after a while. The idea however can be refined. The point is that we need to develop an ethos of innovation in not only tourism but also across our economic landscape.

  25. @ Khaleel Kothdiwala May 23, 2020 11:57 AM
    “The usual antagonists rant and rave but what they don’t seem to understand is that it is quite possible for multiple ideas to contend. Why can’t Nehaul’s idea (or some refined version of it) not be done at the same time as other projects such as honouring African burial sites? Why must the two be mutually exclusive.”

    Nothing absolutely ‘wrong’ with such approach.

    There is nothing mutually exclusive or ‘black-or-white’ when it comes to the history and recent heritage of Barbadoes.

    What role would there be for the cultural contribution of the ‘indigenous’ people to the island’s settlement?

    How about getting those Bajan people carrying the name “Lord(e)” to be at the forefront of this new project which could be dubbed the Bajan for the descendants of the ‘Lord’ Family of ship wreckers and sea brigands?

    The ‘modern’ Jews make a living from posing as the victims of oppressors throughout history, so why can’t black Bajans of the Lord’s Holy Family?

    How do you think the modern traveller from Europe (including the UK) and N. America would react to a visit to a country which looks the other way at the practice of cultural apartheid and gender discrimination where females- both old and young- are barred from worshipping Allah in the same hallowed space as their Islamic fundamentalist fathers, brothers, husbands and sons?

    First deal with that problem right in your own backyard before trying to vicariously rebuild a ‘holy’ life in a Castle of Imitation and Money Laundering.

  26. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Theo…it’s just the rehashing of the same old bullshit with no care for the majority population in mind, or how they will survive selling stupid trinkets… it’s all about quick money, jucking out the tourists eye selling nonsense and just a few on the island benefiting…same old..

    the 500lb gunrunner/trafficker knows why she wants to put in her 5c worth….it has nothing to do with benefiting the majority population and is more like the Bitcoin/app scam…same family..

  27. @ Millsy

    I fail to see your rebuttal. All of those ideas can content simultaneously so what is your point?

    As to your unrelated point about gender discrimination, I do believe I addressed that already. So as always with you, what is your point? If you continue to be so circuitous, WARU might have to start saying that you lack testicular fortitude. Also “fundamentalist”? “My backyard”, I had always felt that as a Barbadian my backyard would be Barbados, not so? You all do make me laugh 🤣🤣.

  28. @ Khaleel Kothdiwala May 23, 2020 1:12 PM

    So which should come first? The recognition of the involvement of the Lord’s descendants (of which the miller could be one) or the treasure hunt for booty which ought to be the heirloom of the black Lords?

    In what way have you addressed the matter of gender discrimination among the Islamic fundamentalists in Bim which is a breach of the Constitution which you like to hold up as the paragon of good governance and precepts for a modern civil non-discriminating society of equal opportunity?

    Are you denying it exists or are you prepared to issue a Fatwa now on BU against the practice?

    Why not get the local NOW to back you in this ‘wrong’ that needs resistance?

    “Women are held dearer in Allah’s regard than men, and Allah will highly reward any man who brings joy to his Mahram women.”

  29. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Andrew’s idea is pathetic. I notice that he does not suggest risking his own money by investing it in this manipulative deceitful nonsense… he seems to expect that taxpayers should pay for this idiocy so that private sector leeches can pad their pockets. It is disgraceful.

  30. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Miller……it will be interesting to see what happens going forward, their jobs have been made doubly hard now with a plague being part of the equation , it should be 50 times harder than they had it before when they absolutely refused to diversify when advised to do so by many of us on the blog for YEARS…..also by IMF, rating agencies even Bloomberg, but they did not want to let go the corruption, bribery and money laundering, so incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time….now they gotta run all over the place begging and borrowing and will have to continue to do so for years to come…..they are deserving of problems, no sympathy here…

    i will enjoy the show..

  31. @ Millsy
    “In what way have you addressed the matter of gender discrimination among the Islamic fundamentalists in Bim which is a breach of the Constitution which you like to hold up as the paragon of good governance and precepts for a modern civil non-discriminating society of equal opportunity?

    Are you denying it exists or are you prepared to issue a Fatwa now on BU against the practice?

    Why not get the local NOW to back you in this ‘wrong’ that needs resistance?”

    Your ignorance of reality leaks through as always lol. If you made an attempt to be aware, you would know that members of the association of muslim women along with support from sister organisation such as the NOW, launched a sustained campaign a little while ago, in which women attended the friday congregational prayers at one of the mosques at which they are not allowed. They endured abuse etc but went week after week to secure their religious and constitutional rights. So you can be assured that the NOW and others are actively attempting to right this unconscionable wrong.

    Also because you are generally unenlightened, I will assume that you are unaware of the meaning of fundamentalism in our contemporary consciousness.

  32. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    worth repeating…..meant to only benefit the few and let the majority suffer unnecessarily….all of them expect the taxpaying majority population to pay for their fly by night scams against the tourists and the same majority population…..because the useless DBLP have done exactly that for decades on end, enabled them and their scams while the people pay and pay and pay for years……

    ….the party is over though….they better go elsewhere and look for honest employment instead of continuously being parasites in the lives of Black people..

    “Andrew’s idea is pathetic. I notice that he does not suggest risking his own money by investing it in this manipulative deceitful nonsense… he seems to expect that taxpayers should pay for this idiocy so that private sector leeches can pad their pockets. It is disgraceful.”

  33. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Freedom Appreciates any Comment that would Improve Barbados. However, I am Yet to Read anything in Potty Mouth’s Comments that have come Close to a Suggestion.

    What was said here seems to me to be the beginning of something that we can Discuss and to Massage the Ideas to see what could Develop!

    But what Point or Suggestion is She Devil Playing the Race Card with? And if she wants to have something for the benefit of the Majority of the people on the Island what does she think we were talking about?

    Freedom thinks that she should come up with something Useful or Shut her Trap!

    Submitted By Freedom Crier

    Merit Based Immigration & Citizenship by Investment:

    Barbados Improvements Part 1: Bridgetown

    Barbados Improvements Part 2: Thoughts & Ideas

    Barbados Improvements Part 3: Agriculture

    Barbados Improvements Part 4:Looking Forward

  34. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    I am astounded that a “businessman” would expose this idea to the public without having run the numbers. The most rudimentary financial analysis reveals this to be an asinine idea.
    What are Andrew’s projections for capital investment in the “sponsored digital map”?
    What increase in visitor spend does Andrew predict?
    Who does Andrew think will invest?
    Who does Andrew think will put up the US$105,000 in prize money over the next three years?

  35. All these beautiful ideas suffer from three factors:

    First, who builds or renovates the tourist attraction?

    Who repairs the attraction?

    Who bears the economic risk?

    In view of the fact that we are broke, the state can no longer subsidize anything here.Even if the state does something, we need honest analysis, not the usual Caribbean euphemisms.

    When it comes to maintenance, you should remember Harrison’s Cave. The native masses were not even able to service the elevators into the valley. Only one elevator was still working at the end. Now foreigners have taken over the attraction. So if the locals are in charge, we need low tech, so at most with wooden wheels and without electricity.

  36. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @lyallsmall May 23, 2020 10:15 AM
    “Actually, I think this is a good idea that needs some work.”
    What kind of work?

    Do you really think that it is a good idea to create a tourism product that explicitly lies to visitors “by suggesting that the treasure has never been found”?

    Do you think that the scam that Andrew is proposing here is improved by the fact that it celebrates a scam artist and multiple murderer? (Yes the shipwrecks that Sam Lord caused resulted in very significant loss of innocent lives.)

    What do you think the effect on Brand Barbados will be when we build a reputation as deceitful scam artists?

  37. @Peter

    In this or any environment no idea is a bad idea.

    In other words a bad idea can transform to a good idea with the right inputs.


  38. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    As long as it’s not the weary of the parasites… taxpayers paying for the bad idea..

    .has anyone asked the MAJORITY POPULATION what they think…..they are usually the ones expected not to benefit from anything, expected to pay for everything, expected to suffer…..or are they still thought of as INVISIBLE BY GREEDY MINORITIES…..and the sell outs in the parliament, only good for votes..

    this is a brand new environment where the majority should be the ones saying what will be the future for them and their children……what will benefit them and what they prefer..

    .no one wants to hear the same regurgitated vomit coming from the same people over and over because they are looking out for themselves only and what benefits them….it has been going on for decades and should no longer be tolerated period..

  39. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    “… no idea is a bad idea.”
    ‘Garbage in, garbage out’ is a fundamental law of human systems. It is tragic to waste human time and energy on going in a useless direction.

  40. @Peter

    That is if you focus on the bad idea at the risk of negating idea generating activity.

  41. @ Khaleel Kothdiwala May 23, 2020 1:38 PM

    Glad to hear of the recent jihadist-type attempts to break down the Islamic high walls of discrimination against the majority of those from the Faith of Muhammud.

    So it had to take a set of feminist infidels to do the work of Allah which one elder of a rebellious Imam could have simply called ‘Un-Islamic’ in the first place?

    Will send some of my Opus Dei spies in Bim to see if the sheep pen made of galvanise is still there with the markings: ‘Ladies (only) Pray Room’.

    Or we might just have to send down an Islamic version of MLK 11 to preach down that shed of gender discrimination and social revulsion.

    Now, when are the same ‘NOW’ people going to see their sisters dressed for tropical Barbados and working in all areas of the society like serving as waitresses, cooks and cleaners in your much desired tourism and hospitality sectors in the future economy (inclusive of the Sam Lord’s and the Hyatt’s) instead of being in a tent of a harem or riding on the back of a camel in the deserts of Saudi Arabia?

    Now that would be a ‘luring’ act of sheer anti-fundamentalism of the highest order much pleasing to Allah?

  42. Freedom Crier Avatar


    Every Country has Legends. But the Stories of Bajan’s Can be Added to the things we are Speaking of…here are Two that you may Not be Familiar with…

    William T. Shorey (1859 – 1919) was a late 19th Century American whaling ship captain known to his crew as the Black Ahab. He was born in Barbados July 13, 1859, the son of a Scottish sugar planter and an Indian creole woman. He married the daughter of a leading African American family in San Francisco. He became the only black captain operating on the west coast of the United States in the late-1880s and 1890s. He obtained his certification in 1885.

    His whaling voyages were based out of San Francisco on the whaling barks John and Winthrop. He retired from whaling in 1908 and lived in Oakland until his death from the Spanish flu pandemic in 1919. He is buried at Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland, California.

    ( Pictured here is Captain William T. Shorey and family. NPS SAFR P00.21578x)


    Were you raised on Cream of Wheat? Then you were raised by a Bajan. That’s right. Our very own Frank L. White was a Bajan. Frank was born in Barbados in 1867 before immigrating to the U.S. in 1875 and becoming a citizen in 1890. White lived much of his life in Leslie, Michigan, and was working as a master chef at a Chicago restaurant at the time he was photographed for the cereal box in 1900. Frank was the chef best known as the model featured on Cream of Wheat breakfast cereal boxes. White died on February 15, 1938, and is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Leslie. In June 2007, his grave had a concrete marker replaced with a granite gravestone.

  43. @ Millsy

    Your state if benightment is truly amusing. I agree that the sheep pen ought to be taken down.

    You don’t seem to realise yet Millie that such attempts to “catch me out” simply can’t work because I’m always ready to criticise my fellow Muslims too many of whom are poor representatives of the religion.

    But anyhow this post is about tourism so I won’t be going down your rabbit holes today.

  44. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @David May 23, 2020 2:41 PM
    “That is if you focus on the bad idea at the risk of negating idea generating activity.”
    Generating ideas is like writing recipes. It is great to write recipes, but if they taste like shite, they are a waste of time. It is useful to anticipate whether they will taste like shite because the ingredients are literally shite, poop, crap and hot sauce. You can choose to focus on the fact that you like hot sauce, but that is not going to save the recipe from tasting like shite.

  45. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    They got some nerve to come out suggesting anything at this stage and of course what they suggest is their usual scam, especially that trashy FC…….after all they have done on the island and for so many decades, they should all be in prison and not trying to create more scams for the Black majority to pay for……or to cause more suffering, hardship and low wages in their lives.

    Just a matter of time before they more than likely have to leave the island when all their asses go broke…which should not be in the too distant future the way things are going, if anyone deserves some decades of generational suffering, it’s them…nuisance parasites…just like the no good scum in the parliament….feeding off the people..

  46. KK
    That’s Millie’s mo, run and twist once cornered. And he’s always cornered 🤣🤣

  47. “‘Garbage in, garbage out’ is a fundamental law of human systems. It is tragic to waste human time and energy on going in a useless direction.”


  48. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    Very cringe-worthy proposal. Now that the tourism rent has dried up, rather than some bold and creative ideas put forth, Andrew is proposing a rather silly gimmick for an industry that will take at least another two years to come back to some level of normalcy. OK, if tourism is ALL there is for Barbados, according to the many believers, at least put forth some viable and credible proposals rather than the scam above. I think we should consider the integrated resort casino market seriously.

  49. @ Tron,

    We venerate the resting place of the Haynes dynasty; yet have failed miserably throughout the island to acknowledge the resting place of the tens and thousands of slaves whose “burial grounds” have been scattered all over the island without the hint of a tombstone or an acknowledgement of the travails of their existence.

    Our ancestors throughout the Caribbean region had to endure Auschwitz like conditions. Auschwitz is a town in Poland where mass geocide was committed against the Jews. It remains a “tourist” attraction for the sole purpose as a memorial of man’s inhumanity to man. Do you believe that your average sunseeker who seeks pleasure in the Caribbean would be aware that the region was built on a foundation of genocide. The indigenous groups were virtually wiped out by the marauding Europeans only to be replaced by our African ancestors who were completely subjugated by their masters.

    Here we are in 2020, we have gained our independence; some of us would have a distant memory of the civil rights movement from the sixties; or the struggle of the women’s liberation movement; or our pleasure when South Africa’s apartheid system was demolished. Yet, miraculously, in Barbados we have regressed. We defer to a cossetted minority group who have set the agenda for Barbados; a group who appear to have the support of our two principle political parties.

    We have moved seamlessly from the plantation system and renamed it the tourist industry.

    All these bullshit ideas to improve the tourism brand; and not a man wants to discuss the actual history of the majority population who had to endure and carve out their survival from the coral bedrock of the island.

    Why should a so called educated people find it so difficult to promote a brand of tourism which educates the tourist. Where are the voices from the majority community? Are they contented to remain as passengers?

  50. Andrew’s idea is brilliant and he could sell it to a video game creator.

    As a tourist attraction….It is just beyond my my imagination.

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