On the 11 April 2020 Prime Minister Mia Mottley addressed the nation to update on COVID 19. One of the decisions made was to establish a Jobs and Investment Council that includes former ministers of Finance Arthur and Sinckler. She also promised to address Barbadians soon on what an economic plan for the country will look like.

COVID 19 is a pandemic which continues to stymie ALL the economies of the world.  Sensible individuals have to admit that it will take a herculean effort by ALL well being Barbadians to push start the economy.

The past is the past.

We are here now.

We have to dust off our backsides and look the future in the eye with conviction.

Let us join hands and show we care about Barbados.

What need in the country now …“- Mia Mottley


380 responses to “COVID 19 Action Plan Coming Soon – All for One, One for ALL”

  1. At least Caswell saw the SCAM to enslave workers right away, it would be DECADES before salaries return to normal IF EVER and all the parasites will be blaming it on the plague while tiefing all the EXTRA money…..let them go sell their asses to make up the shortfall…they have been robbing the people, taxpayers and pensioners for decades, they know where to find the money.


    “Unions representing workers in the public and private sector appear unanimously opposed to salary cuts for workers whose jobs have so far survived the economic fallout of COVID-19. They are also adamant that retrenchment should be a last resort.

    The general secretaries of the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU), Unity Workers Union (UWU) and the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) have dismissed such suggestions made recently by local businessman Andrew Bynoe that salaries may have to be slashed by 50 per cent. Similar suggestions have been made by other business leaders in the region.”

  2. @ Miller April 24, 2020 7:55 AM
    @ WURA-War-on-U April 24, 2020 10:48 AM

    The start of the printing press and the refusal of the unions to accept moderate wage cuts will inevitably put the Barbados dollar under severe pressure. We are now closer to devaluation than ever before.

    I am more optimistic now than ever before. I therefore expressly thank the Secretary of the Treasury and Senator Caswell!

    If we achieve a devaluation of the dollar to 1:4, I will personally invite Senator Caswell to Sandy Lane as a thank you – if the restaurant then still accepts natives as guests, you never know …

  3. @ WURA-War-on-U April 24, 2020 10:48 AM

    What is clear is that one must not make cuts in the lower salary groups that are still in employment (in the private sector almost everyone has been fired, so we are talking mainly about civil servants here). They live on the threshold of social welfare anyway.

    But there is no reason at all to protect S-rated civil servants, senators, pastors, GG, ministers and judges. In this group, you can cut their pay by 50-75%.

    Moreover, such a wage cut is nothing more than an internal devaluation. I have always advocated lower salaries or external devaluation.

  4. @ WURA-War-on-U April 24, 2020 10:48 AM

    Let the political class and the top boys in the private sector lead by example and slash their massive emoluments as a ‘token’ of national sacrifice.

    Then the workers lower down in the salaries-and-wages food chain would have no choice but to follow the leaders.

    The Bajan economy needs an alteration to its conspicuous consumption suit to fit the slimming diet Covid will be providing.

    Let them start with a Sandiford-prepared à la carte menu but with the starter 3 times that of the 1992-3 serving to suit the needs of the Covid-19 rabid clientele.

    With a 29 to 1 advantage (with the LoO already bought and stored in the red back pocket) there should be no need to invite opposition to the Constitutional amendment to reflect the pandemic nature of this economic Act of God.

  5. We will soon see how society fragments because of the extremely high and prolonged mass unemployment: Employers against trade unions, trade unions representing civil servants and employees against the unemployed, government against creditors, white against black, rich against poor and so on…

    Social peace will not be maintained in the long run.

    The DLP is to blame for this, because this syndicate burned all currency reserves and all financial reserves between 2008 and 2018.

    Our current government, on the other hand, is facing very difficult decisions after having done many things right since 2018, especially now with the pandemic. The trade unions and the opposition are advancing in their destructive subversive work; they are preventing moderate wage cuts and inciting the people against the government.

    In my opinion, the government has only one choice left: suspend parliamentary elections until 2030, install technocrats as ministers (i.e. financial experts, preferably with an IMF background), temporarily ban opposition parties and trade unions.

    In a one-party democracy, such measures are not only legal, but even ethically necessary. The people should support our Prime Minister with a torchlight march in front of the palaces of the opposition and trade unions to show the people’s anger.

  6. “while Fowl Enuff…aka PIMP for the corrupt, TIEFIN minorities who own the construction companies….tries to sell us snake oil…but no one is buying…”


  7. Alyuh still have too many parasites in the people’s lives, hope yall did not bring in Chinese parasites too…good thing alyuh have no resources….really good thing…..

    the foolish Caribbean leaders ride again…..they just not consistent with the intelligence thing..


    “I suspect that after the dust settles on COVID-19, China is going to emerge as the go-to creditor…. Bearing tons of Yuan at (supposedly) very attractive terms… Our Caribbean politicians will gladly accept while not giving two hoots about the fine print… Some of them may not be around when (as loans are defaulted on) China becomes the OWNERS of some of the Caribbean’s key assets…. Mark these words…”

  8. Stupse!

  9. “I suspect that after the dust settles on COVID-19, China is going to emerge as the go-to creditor…. Bearing tons of Yuan at (supposedly) very attractive terms… Our Caribbean politicians will gladly accept while not giving two hoots about the fine print… Some of them may not be around when (as loans are defaulted on) China becomes the OWNERS of some of the Caribbean’s key assets…. Mark these words…”





    “gimme the VOTE and watch muh”.

  10. Ah told alyuh all the european countries would catch it like they got the flu…wuhloss

    and cousin Boris getting better so ya done know.

    “France becomes the latest country to ban firms registered in offshore tax havens from its government coronavirus bailout.

    It is an opportunity to make a dent in tax avoidance.

    When is the UK going to do the decent thing @BorisJohnson ?

    https://www.businessinsider.com/france-coronavirus-bailout-tax-haven-registered-subsidies-ineligible-020-4?r=US&IR=T …”


  11. We will experience an extreme confrontation in the coming months. On the one hand there are the overweight civil servants with their high salaries and fat pensions. On the other side are the black masses of unemployment in the private sector. Half-starved, the unenmployed can no longer afford the high petrol prices. Desperation, violence and chaos are spreading. I would not be surprised if we see physical attacks on civil servants.

    The government is therefore strongly advised to reduce the salaries of civil servants in the S grade by 50 percent and pensions by 75 percent. Simple Simon told us some time ago about an arrogant pensioner in the civil service with a $9000 pension. This person should receive $9,000 a year in pension, not a month.

    The civil servants deserve this punishment because many of them belong to the DLP and/or sabotage government reforms.

    It is shameful that all we hear here from the opposition is silence. The marxist unions are stonewalling and are complicit in social unrest. Our government must finally take action against the unions to establish social justice!

  12. We all know that OSA’s ban on salary cuts is completely insane. OSA did everything in his power to inflate the bureaucracy and promote laziness.

    Our Most Honourable Prime Minister has finallyto detonate an explosive device at the base of OSA´s rotten legacy and stop his madness. 54 years of laziness and prolonged hibernation in public service are enough.

  13. Donks Gripe and Josh Avatar
    Donks Gripe and Josh

    Everyone is relieved deplorable saga of 33 Trinis ended well .

    The stranded Trinidadians expressed the view that Barbados is a First World nation.

    It brings into question does covid19 have a first world bias?

    Global statistics indicate the posit is not far fetched.

    Some enterprising researcher may wish to dig into the premise.

    Covid by far has impacted first world states more so than developing world.

    According to WHO it is early days nevertheless a country like India whose profile is more developing than first world has not seen the explosion of infections expected.

    Same holds true of Africa and to a degree South America and Asia excluding China and Japan.

    In line with the Trinidadians opinion of Barbados the islands of Bahamas, Bermuda, Trinidad, Jamaica are hardest hit in English speaking Caribbean.

    These are states classified as MDC’s in CARICOM.

    The countries grouped as LDC’s e.g Greneda, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, St. Kitts etc have so far recorded extremely low numbers of cases.

    In those islands a flattening of infections is taking shape in mid teens with no positive cases recorded for weeks.

    LDC’s closed their borders early you may argue while Barbados showed a reluctance to do so.

    That argument is undermined by Trinidad and Jamaica who closed borders relatively early yet racked up hundreds of cases.

    Corona is the deadliest of pandemics in modern times .

    We desperately need a vaccine like yesterday.

    Some young intellect on lockdown with time on their hands should explore why covid is rampant in the first world and countries with first world profiles more so than in lesser developed states.

  14. maybe just maybe the islands that suffered the most are tourist destinations or have citizens who travel a lot or a lot more than others for whatever reasons

  15. Dietary Supplements Are Important Weapons for Fighting Off COVID-19

    Supplements containing vitamins C and D and other micronutrients, sometimes in amounts exceeding the federally recommended levels, are a safe, effective and low-cost means of helping your immune system fight off COVID-19 and other acute respiratory tract diseases, an Oregon State University researcher says.

    Findings were published today in the journal Nutrients.

    Adrian Gombart of OSU’s Linus Pauling Institute and collaborators at the University of Southampton (United Kingdom), the University of Otago (New Zealand) and University Medical Center (The Netherlands) say public health officials should issue a clear set of nutritional recommendations to complement messages about the role of hand washing and vaccinations in preventing the spread of infections.

    “Around the world, acute respiratory tract infections kill more than 2.5 million people every year,” said Gombart, professor of biochemistry and biophysics in the OSU College of Science and a principal investigator at the Linus Pauling Institute. “Meanwhile, there’s a wealth of data that shows the role that good nutrition plays in supporting the immune system. As a society we need to be doing a better job of getting that message across along with the other important, more common messages.”

    Specific vitamins, minerals and fatty acids have key jobs to play in helping your immune system, he says. In particular vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish, docosahexaenoic acid, also known as DHA, are critical for immune function.


  16. Greene,

    It is a combination of two factors: international connectivity + climate. The new coronavirus behaves exactly like all other known coronaviruses that have been causing colds for thousands of years.

    Think about it, Barbados had intensive flight movements until mid-March, and yet the Wuhan plague has almost stopped spreading. What is clear is that the many tourists have brought the virus with them.

    However, more and more scientific studies show that the virus (like many other corona viruses) cannot tolerate heat in combination with high humidity. Finally, the coloured people in the south don’t get the shit end of the stick for once. What did the North laugh about the South: crime, nepotism, famine, heat, wars, Ebola and much more. Now fate has turned! While London and NYC are choking in blood, the epidemic in the tropics is either not around at all or almost not at all.

    Recent research even indicates that people who have already suffered a cold with other corona viruses may be immune to the Wuhan plague.

    Good is a Bajan.

  17. Some people will not be unemployed for the full 26 weeks. I know of some that already preparing to go back even after they had applied for unemployment about two weeks ago.

    i also have a workmate that want to take her kids, mom and sister on a cruise to Bahamas as soon as they start back. she said then the cruises, plane tickets and most other offer will be discounted/cheap and less crowded.

  18. Finally totally PARALYZED by DEPENDENCY in the 21st century, but to hear them tell it they are so intelligent, oh yeah and punching above that imaginary weight…..lol.

    NO ONE should have to tell them what to do now, but they either got this…and/or as usual have to wait for someone to tell them what to do…..we shall see.

    Miller….. interesting times ahead for the dependent flyweight class..

  19. This should help the fools who believe that sunlight can kill viruses as a treatment, if it could there would be no annual and seasonal flus…..lol..they still cannot find a cure for the common cold….bear that in mind and that is despite the earth being horribly hot and getting hotter every year.


  20. While the people sleep.govt continues its rampage of stepping on peoples rights


    Lawyers accuse Govt of sidestepping consultation on sweeping changes

  21. Dr. Robert J Rowen MD posts on his Facebook page about a new study showing that 5-Gee-Whizz technology seems to have a significant impact on rate of Coronavirus infections

    From Dr. Rowen::
    First Study with Findings the 5G Radiation is Associated with Coronavirus Pathology

    Dear FB Family,
    First, I have been messaged by some of you that my posts have not been showing in in your feeds for several days. Interestingly, that is the period of time that I noticed that visits to my posts dropped by about 60%. From what I’ve read in the news, and on FB, this page has been severely hit by the FB censors. If you want to see what I post, you might have to manually come here. I will soon start posting on MeWe again, assuming that FB is in league with the corporate interests bent on a Brave New World agenda.

    Now, the big news of the day. I’ve been reading that coronavirus severity may be related to the presence of 5G which is pretty thick in Wuhan. We now have the first study that this may be true. It does not explain cause and effect. However, we know that seemingly disparate stresses can be more than synergistic. For example, while mercury and lead are not disparate (they are both toxic heavy metals), studies have shown that combining the amount of each that separately would kill only 1% of lab rodents will kill 100% of them. Toxics are clearly synergistic which is part of my long term mantra of the cause of dis-ease: improper nutrition, toxins and stress.

    Please look at the findings below. If interested, click the link and read the details. While the HEALTHY are quarantined, corporate interests, with the blessing of governments, are installing 5G in many places, including the schools which are vacated now. And, at the same time, a clearly BOUGHT OUT congressman has introduced legislation to secure 5G technology pollution on our nation without requisite safety studies. We truly have been reduced to lab rodents.

    Continued at https://www.facebook.com/DrRobertJRowen/posts/1261890540675611?tn=K-R

    The study Dr Rowen refers to is here:

    Study of the correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks
    Author: Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre1
    Available at tomeulamo(DOT)com/fitxers/264_CORONA-5G-d.pdf
    Translated from the Spanish by Claire Edwards
    Date: March-April 2020

    To assess whether a correlation exists between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks. Without entering for the moment into subsequent cause-effect approaches in the case of positive results. Given that there is a sufficiently large statistical sample, it is possible for the results obtained to have a high level of reliability.

    Material and methods

    The study has benefited from the official statistical material published daily, which is a basic and valuable tool. It should be noted that in these publications, the methodology used for counting cases of coronavirus infections does not generally provide real data. In Spain and many other countries, it has not been calculated as there are not enough tests for such analyses. However, this does not alter the results of this study since it is based on the comparative rather than the absolute method of infection. Therefore, in order to avoid statistical error, we will compare the density value of confirmed cases of coronavirus (expressed in number of cases per 1000 inhabitants) instead of absolute values. Since the criterion for counting used by the health authorities within the same state or city is the same, the comparison of published values for different cities or regions will be equally reliable for statistics. Comparisons between different countries of confirmed cases, excluding asymptomatic cases, will be equally reliable. The possible exception of some non-transparent country that could manipulate the publication of its data is beyond the control of this study.
    The method used was to compare the incidence (no. of cases per 1000 inhabitants) between countries with and without 5G technology. Between regions of the same country with and without 5G technology. Between cities of the same state with and without 5G technology. Between different neighbourhoods of the same city with the 5G network map of that city. Comparing states with common borders with and without 5G technology. Comparing the case of one state within another, as is the case of San Marino.

    Continued here:

  22. @ Mariposa

    You are right again about the shaving off of these democratic freedoms. It is only when we wake up one morning and discover we are no longer a democratic society with democratic freedoms, including the rule of law, that we will realise the full evilness of this government. It is what the late Quintin Hogg called an elective dictatorship.
    But another problem is our mindset, what I call the Barbados Condition, in that most people will not see, as you do, that these are undemocratic policies.
    We must scrutinise every aspect of government, every suggestion, every policy, every idea. Governments use the cover of a crisis to force through undemocratic proposals.
    Keep up the good work.

  23. As I understand it, they have changed the requirement for a unanimous jury verdict for certain categories of murder and they have also taken away the right to make an unsworn statement from the dock. Those are the two major sweeping changes for the defence,” Pilgrim told Barbados TODAY.



    I thought government was taking away someone basic human rights. STUPES!!

    someone will soon come and say how back Barbados is because them not already on the books. STUPES AGAIN !

  24. This is what Caswell, Piece and a bunch of others and now many lawyers are concerned about. Using the plague to institute DICKTATOR laws and policies. Bad enuff they sell out their own people by default. Now this. And ya done know if bar association lawyers are publicly voicing their concerns and displeasure it does not get more serious than that and obviously being used with impunity to
    CONTINUE TO VIOLATE HUMAN RIGHTS at a more extreme level. If it continues, human rights agencies will have to be notified.

    Home / Local News / Lawyers accuse Govt of sidestepping consultation on sweeping changes

    Lawyers accuse Govt of sidestepping consultation on sweeping changes

     – byEmmanuel Joseph April 25, 2020

    The Mia Mottley administration is being accused of failing to consult with members of the legal profession before presenting to Parliament today, a Bill to drastically change the way in which criminal justice is administered in this country.

    The move has been condemned by senior lawyers and the head of the local Bar who all offered swift and scathing responses with one noted criminal attorney charging that it appears “Government can do whatever it likes” because of its overwhelming majority in Parliament.

    “They are enacting serious major changes to the criminal justice system,” charged prominent attorney-at-law Andrew Pilgrim Q.C.

    “As I understand it, they have changed the requirement for a unanimous jury verdict for certain categories of murder and they have also taken away the right to make an unsworn statement from the dock. Those are the two major sweeping changes for the defence,” Pilgrim told Barbados TODAY.

    “If you are making changes like this, don’t you consult the people you represent, who in this case would be represented by the Bar Association and the general public? Don’t you ask them, ‘how does this affect you; how does this affect your clients; do you have any views on whether this is the right way or the wrong way to go?” he queried.

  25. When you only cut & paste and/or don’t seek, through research, to better understand a position. But aren’t we a failed state and should therefore be looking to implement practices toutine in successful states? And I thought all yuh say lawyers and the Bar Association are criminals, now we are campaigning for them to influence laws? I gine bet BU the ones quick out the debate haven’t a clue about what was said in Parliament. 🤣🤣

  26. You see Enuff u make a good observation when stating that the people of barbados does not trust lawyers
    Which would be a major hurdle for barbadians accepting the Bar Association utterances
    There words would mean little or nothing since they have already destroyed their reputation
    Now as the Constitution of the land becomes under suttle attacks
    A Constitution which was formed and built upon principle
    The Bar Association cannot challenged or stand bold faced against govt with compelling arguments to generate support from the people
    That govt is wrong
    God help Barbados

  27. We do not have a dictatorship in the classical sense, but a one-party democracy as desired by the people.

    It would therefore be undemocratic, because it is not in accordance with the will of the people, to consult the opposition, trade unions and professional associations. It is precisely the specific problem of Barbados that decision-making processes take far too long. Many economic and financial decisions of the government since 2018, which I criticize, are not based on the expertise of the government at all. Rather, the trade unions and the opposition, in their egoism, have blackmailed the government to do so.

    I therefore expressly welcome the extension of the state of emergency. The government should consider transforming the state of emergency into the new normal state. This would make the new emergency law the first new constitutional law since the 2018 Red Revolution, so to speak.

    Hopefully our beloved government will act as well and as powerfully in solving the economic crisis as it did in the medical corona crisis. Don’t ask any undemocratic organizations (for example trade unions) or democratically not legitimized persons (for example Senator Caswell), but trust in the divine destiny of our leader Mia Mottley

  28. Stupse! A WHOLE press conference yuh, a WHOLE one. Too malicious!

  29. I would also like to expressly support Enuff in the matter with the magistrate and his criticism of our beautiful emergency legislation. As the Honourable Attorney General has said in diplomatic terms, the judge exceeded his powers. Whether one would like to call this a denial of justice remains to be seen.

    In my opinion (as an amateur, I am frankly not an emergency lawyer, LOL) the wording and the system of our beautiful emergency legislation are sufficiently clear.

    The state of emergency now lasts until the end of June and will then hopefully be extended again and again for the whole decade. After all, we also have to resolve an economic emergency; it is not just COVID19. I therefore suggest that a new subject be set up at UWI, entitled “Legislation on empowerment and combating emergencies”.

  30. “There words would mean little or nothing since they have already destroyed their reputation
    Now as the Constitution of the land becomes under suttle attacks”

    they cannot very well sit back and SAY NOTHING as usual, when they CAN SEE that they were clearly MALICIOUSLY AND DELIBERATELY BYPASSED and could very well be impacted, that could be called TESTING THE WATERS.

    but i don’t expect the shorted sighted Fowl Enuff to see any of that.

  31. As a matter of fact…ah think all yall missing the REAL play here, but i will let Piece…BREAK IT DOWN FOR YOU …when he appears…..ah can’t let these things suck my energy anymore, these are things that were destined to happen.

    There is a very valid reason why Caswell came out with a very CLEAR WARNING.

  32. @ Enuff April 25, 2020 10:45 AM

    We should take a somewhat differentiated view of the BBA. At the same time, you have to be careful not to be suspected of being a DLP mole, as in the Sinckler case. Our leader pursues disloyalty with brutal force.

    The BBA, unlike the DLP, is not a criminal syndicate per se. However, it cannot be ignored that the BBA unilaterally prefers followers of the DLP when awarding a QC title, although they are neither intellectually nor professionally outstanding.

    Dear Enuff, there are many lawyers in Bim who have been practising for decades, are internationally recognised, have a stellar record, have won cases in the billions (!), but have never been appointed QC by the BBA.

    How could this be, if not for the missing DLP party membership?


  33. Tron
    Not me yuh! I am not and will never be one to come on BU and cuss the BBA, lawyers or any profession. Not me, get yuh facts straight. Note I said “and I thought all yuh say lawyers and the Bar Association are criminals”. Further I don’t know what AG and magistrate comments you’re talking about, as I made no reference to that story. My comment at 11:57 am was in response to a post about NAB workers and COVID, which seems to have been removed. You may proceed with your BBA-DLP mouthings, but left me out. Unless it is in the public domain, I don’t know anything about the BBA or DLP or any of the political parties for that matter. Leff me out.🤨

  34. So the story goes that 5 govt officials of the NAB was tested for the virus and the main carry who was tested first information was kept secret from the other employees with whom they worked
    Hence all long the four made daily contacted with the victim while being unknown of the victim medical problem

  35. “Note I said “and I thought all yuh say lawyers and the Bar Association are criminals”.

    wuh even criminals GOT HUMAN RIGHTS…and who better to KNOW THIS than lawyers….cause they got a voice and all the accompanying legal argument to be heard….lawd…

  36. Barbados records two new cases of COVID-19 moving total to 79 – by Barbados Today April 25, 2020
    Barbados has recorded two additional cases of COVID-19, acting Prime Minister Santia Bradshaw announced moments ago. This brings to 79, the total number of positive cases recorded on the island.

    The two new cases are staff members of the National Assistance Board.

    This bring to five, the number of employees of the National Assistance Board who have tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

    Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs Cynthia Forde said the five have all been traced to one officer of the NAB who had very close contact with a previously positive patient.

    Minister Forde said the affected individuals are all in their 60s. Two are senior home-help officers, while three work in the NAB office

  37. @ WURA-War-on-U April 25, 2020 1:02 PM

    These constant blows to the people’s rights and democratic ways of life are only providing more fodder to the authenticity of Piece de Legend’s prophecies of rule by diktat.

    That same political energy it takes to whittle away at the democratic state should be expended in the removal of the class bias and punitive laws that are on the books against the use of marijuana.

    With that 30-0 de facto ‘can-pass-any-law’ majority why wait for the rigged results of some expensive referendum?

    The same way the sale of alcohol was banned during the curfew by the stroke of the Czar’s pen why not to go to Parliament and make the sale and consumption of alcohol a permanent fixture of illegality on the statute books.

    The same way the Treasury can do without the constant flow of revenue from that previously gushing taxation well why can’t it also forego the daily supply (excluding Sunday, the Lord’s day) from the Double Draw lottery pump that help pay for those taxpayers-funded perks to the political class?

    Isn’t it the height of double digit hypocrisy for a ban to be placed on the sale of Bajan distilled rum but the Double Draw addicts can continue to await results midday afternoon evening and night while is total breach of the curfew regulations?

    Where is the religious Czar of Bajan ‘make-believe morality’ to put an end to this pure cock-up of bullshit tomfoolery?

  38. “That same political energy it takes to whittle away at the democratic state should be expended in the removal of the class bias and punitive laws that are on the books against the use of marijuana.”

    greedy and sellout, that is all they know, while holding on to the marijuana because they do not want their people to have it to bring wealth and progress into their communities, but if everyone up and dies from the PLAGUE…ah wonder what they are going to do with the marijuana or the legislation…DUMB NEGROS…maybe it’s time they get their fat asses and go work the land themselves…all their pretentousness will be gone for good….for sure. and the people will finally be rid of all the parasites.

    we can now watch all the entertainment Miller.

  39. CBC News Barbados

    The administrative staff of the National Assistance Board is to be quarantined at a local hotel at Government’s expense. This announcement by Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs Cynthia Forde, following the news that 5 employees have tested positive for COVID-19. The positive cases have been traced to one of the Board’s officers who had close interaction with a previous case. All staff will also be tested between today and tomorrow.

  40. Miller…what got me is the yardfowl logic, we have been calling out lawyers for years, those who are corrupt, selling out and robbing clients etc, etc,, those who know about the thefts from the elderly and everyone else and said nothing., those who know about government corruption etc and ALSO SAID NOTHING….it’s all documented..

    .so now that the constitution is being abused by one of their fellow lawyers and PM to boot, just because many of them are known to be less than stellar, criminals according to the fowl…..they should not only shut up about any DICKTATOR practices they are seeing, but we should also continue to call them criminals and don’t DEFEND their RIGHT to EXPOSE any abuse of the constitution or the so called sweeping powers…

    as far as i know, the most abhorrent criminals got the right to DEFEND their position, it is a basic human right….

    …. yardfowl logic at its most gross….can never see something so basic and steeped in legality and commonsense..

    wuh if i was a lawyer, i would believe am not only BEING MUZZLED and SIDELINED…but also being SET UP, preparations being made to throw me under the bus….but that’s just me, am not telling any lawyer what to think…

  41. Isnt it embarrassing that for lo.many days media has allowed govt to stand bold faced and deliver a misleading. narrative on COVID count while media knew all along that govt was not doing the testing as required PAHO
    What a dam shame
    Now the truth is being exposed with a relevation so mindbogling it makes for asking. WTF

  42. @ Miller April 25, 2020 3:15 PM

    The national drink rum must continue to flow. No rum, no life.

    In future, the government should pay civil servants with a bottle of rum and some rusk a day. Just as the British Navy paid the sailors in those old days. That would solve our financial problems.

    We could also introduce sugar cane or bananas as new currency.

    People must finally get used to the fact that in future there will no longer be two cars per household but per village. Like in the glorious colonial days when we had no national debt, the infrastructure was superb and rebellious Barrow was in British custody.

  43. I am waiting to hear what rights are being whittled away. People just throwing words left, right and centre.🤔

  44. “what rights are being whittled away”

    Tell that to the local bar association! They’re panicking the people. Andrew Pilgrim is free to emigrate at any time if democratic conditions do not suit him. He is not democratically elected and he’d better keep his mouth shut. Whoever opposes Mia Mottley calls democracy into question. The line between high treason and freedom of expression is very thin and will certainly have to be readjusted in the Corona crisis in favour of state security.

    When Mia Mottley calls us to a torchlight procession to the BBA’s palace, we should follow her call without hesitation so that the arrogant lawyers can feel the wrath of the people.

  45. @Tron April 25, 2020 9:47 PM “The line between high treason and freedom of expression is very thin.”

    Only in your sick, demented miind.

  46. @Tron April 25, 2020 9:47 PM “When Mia Mottley calls us to a torchlight procession to the BBA’s palace, we should follow her call without hesitation so that the arrogant lawyers can feel the wrath of the people.”

    Count me out

  47. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Enuff April 25, 2020 9:27 PM
    “I am waiting to hear what rights are being whittled away.”
    They right of an accused person to make a statement from the dock is being not just “whittled away” it is being eliminated for no discernable reason.

    Only a government with a reason to hide tries to legislate without public discussion or consultation.

    I am extremely disappointed with the BLP administration for this cowardly move.

  48. @Peter

    You read Chief Justice Gibson’s view of the matter? Have you included the head of our independent judiciary in your blanket comment?

  49. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Enuff & @David,
    I posted before I had done sufficient research into the matter. It is only unsworn statements from the dock that are prohibited by the proposed legislative changes. I withdraw my strenuous objection.

    I still object to the lack of public discussion and consultation.

  50. @Peter


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