Verla De Peiza, Leader of the DLP


@David,what rot are you talking? the DLP will be out of govt for at least 10 years. do we really think any person from the last bunch will be around politically at that time? your admonishment is a nonsense under those circumstances. Barrow and others were rejected too. politics is a strange game and the rejected can become the chosen in a wink of an eye politically

The comment quoted was posted by Greene in response to criticism of Verla De Peiza’s leadership of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP). It reveals the electorate’s biggest problem.

There has been a lot of chatter about the decision by former prime minister Freundel Stuart to speak after two years of silence. One of the characteristics of Stuart’s tenure was his unwillingness – some suggest reluctance – to engage the public on the many issues of the day. This detachment from an electorate he was elected to serve permeated his team. The ethos which shrouded his tenure provoked his reference to a sleeping giant who others should be fearful about awakening.

This blogmaster has no intention to be prolix on this matter, the BU family has sliced and diced Stuart matters to bits over the years. Those who prefer to drag a political carcass across the trail to stink up dispassionate analysis, it will not work.

For some time progressive BU pundits have opined that the Bajan electorate has ceded its civic responsibility to the political class.  Key tenets upon which our so called democracy is built require a strident advocacy by the PEOPLE to act as a whip to the political class. What we have is a situation – referred to as the duopoly –  where the Opposition party pays its penance for two terms and is re-elected as the de facto government in waiting.  Some of us have exposed the fault line in our governance system, however, the majority of people have become intoxicated by the games politicians play and do not know B from bull’s foot as it relates to civic engagement.

The last two prime ministers Freundel Stuart and Owen Arthur represent about 25 years in office between them. Is it too much for the electorate to expect them to add value to the governance landscape – post prime ministership – with the objective of making our democratic systems better? For this reason elders in ancient societies have been allocated pride of place and  were pivotal transferring knowledge to mould societies for the better. Instead what we have had is Arthur demonstrating a level of bitterness not worthy of mention AND one Stuart outburst labelled by political pundits as froth over substance.

Some of us have had enough!

it is in this context the blogmaster states categorically there is no merit to Stuart given airtime under the banner of the DLP, if it wants to be taken seriously as being in the vanguard of change. Stuart is free to mirror De Lisle Worrell by posting his thoughts on a website or vblogging on YouTube. The political class has no problem disrespecting the electorate by demonstrating arrogance in office, breaking promises (manifestos), however, the electorate – according to some – must extend all courtesies to Stuart by being receptive to his mouthings on his descension from Mount Olympus. This blogmaster says no!

Two years on it is evident no credible third party movement has emerged. Although disappointing, it is a reflection of the scant regard quality citizens hold for aspiring to be members of the political class. We are what we eat, our governments are composed of poorakey members.

A reinvigorated and reborn DLP is important to a well functioning governance setup in Barbados. One does not have to be blessed with the acuity of the best political pundit to know Verla De Peiza lacks the gravitas in personality to lead the emergence of the DLP.  To have allowed Denis Lowe, Ronald Jones, Adreil Brathwaite et al to hijack her agenda- if there is one -is the biggest indication she does not have control of the party.

Three more years to go Verla, or less!

212 responses to “Two Poorakey FORMER Prime Ministers”

  1. @ Tron February 26, 2020 6:55 PM

    Land is not the problem . The problem is the failure to utilize technology. In many countries, food crops are being grown in a vertical manner in building up to twenty stories high. No soil is used and very little labor is required. The whole system is enclosed using robots or the computer to adjust the temperature, carbon dioxide concentration and so on. The entire system uses solar energy. Since there are very few persons involved the risk of disease and pest out breaks are reduced. The initial outlay maybe expensive but in the long run cost can be reduced considerably. Many crops can be harvested four to five times a season.

    “We have only one hope, and that is that some of the new wealth of the Guyanese will spill over to us”.

    It never ceases to amaze that Barbadians have the gall to talk about Guyana being the savior of Barbados. A short while ago, many bad things were said about Guyanese by Barbadians.

    Using GM technology, one can adapt plants to suit any environmental condition. Stop producing so many lawyers, economists ,political scientists and so on.

  2. @ Vincent

    Hal Austin
    Why? Who knows what we want more than we?(Quote)

    Because we have messed up things since 1966. We are massively incompetent at policymaking. A suit and tie and a PhD does not translate in to knowledge. Both names I suggested have Barbados connections. One born in Station Hill and went to Kolij, the other with a home in Barbados and spends half the year on the island.
    It is this blind nationalism that has had led to a government of mediocrities. A nation of second rate lawyers, book keepers and men in suits. A failed state.

  3. @ Silly Woman February 26, 2020 10:16 PM
    “@Tron February 26, 2020 9:30 PM “We simply do not have any workers who want to work in the sun all day long in the fields.”

    I was surprised when you said earlier that the problem was the land, because i know that typically you blame all of the world’s problems on the Bajan worker. Why the quick about turn?”

    Isn’t this a ‘clear’ case of the pot calling the kettle ‘black’?
    Don’t you blame men (and even little boys) for the same “world’s problem”?

    The man is referring to farming in Barbados. And there are sufficient factors at work on the ground to substantiate that claim.

    Even the country’s borrowed elitist educational system is geared towards the ‘demonizing’ of agriculture-based pursuits.

    What is happening to the former CLICO landholdings which once represented some of the most arable and fertile plantations in Bim?

    No other place in the world, especially in Europe, would you see ‘arable’ land (in such limited size) allow to go to ‘perennial’ fallow and waste for so long while the country’s food import bill skyrockets and the policymakers having to borrow from the IMF to finance the long march in a queue to the QEH already overpopulated with victims of NCDs.

    Working in the fields has done wonders for you (if we were to go by your confessions).
    Why can’t you motivate your modern-day sisters to follow suit?
    But just remember that ‘working’ outside and wearing donkey hair do not make for a happy marriage

  4. @miller etc. “donkey hair.”

    No donkey hair. These lovely locks are my very own. You want to caress them and see for yourself?


  5. “Even the country’s borrowed elitist educational system is geared towards the ‘demonizing’ of agriculture-based pursuits.”

    While the Mouth, who in “fighting imperialism” is doing so by picking up 50 Black Bajan slaves and sending them to UK for the next slavery experiment.. have a problem, you are being sold into UK slavery again, this time by ya evil sell out negros in the parliament…whom you not only elected by pay all their salaries and that of their consultants and hangerson and yardfowls….that is some gratitude for you…get rid of this sell out government.

  6. SirSimple SimonPresidentFoeLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentFoeLife

    Now let me go out and do some real-real work. Catch some sun. Keep my vitamin D level up. Reduce my risk of osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis and breast cancer, keep my heart and mu muscles strong. BU is NOT real work. Will wash the locks when I come inside. My own natural hair is so easy to manage. I can wash it twice per day. No trouble at all.

    See you guys after sunset.

  7. @ Robert Lucas,

    when you discuss agricultural matters you are on the ball. quite correct here.

    we must look at new methods and stop looking down on farming.

    it is a v vital and worthy pursuit. it should be encouraged and supported by Govt not just lip service every so often.

    your citation of Israel is quite right too. it has been on the cutting edge on agriculture for a while from improved general farming techniques to introducing new strains in fruits and vegetables

  8. Piece the Legend Avatar

    @ Mr. Greene.

    Let me show you what is lip service to this article’s main thrust

    Sorry, the ostensible thrust of ths Discovery of interest of the electorate Article

    Look how the Blogmaster couches this Discovery Quest in what seems to be a concern about the Duopoly

    “…Some of us have exposed the fault line in our governance system, however, the majority of people have become intoxicated by the games politicians play and do not know B from bull’s foot as it relates to civic engagement…”

    He then complains that his article has veered away from his main thrust to discuss the mundane 11+ exam!

    Yet when you and Artaxerxes ask a question about the Third Parties he refuses to post my response FOR 12 HOURS but then comes back to insert de ole man’s response in the queue 12 hours earlier!


    But de ole man is glad that neither he nor Mugabe Mottley are responsible for if the earth continues to spin on its axis as it effects its orbit in the heavens.

  9. Piece the Legend Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Stop last year’s 50 murders

    And stop this years 75 murders


    Like you stopping my posts


  10. @ Greene

    Have a look at the history of kibbutzim and their methods..

  11. @Hal

    v interesting. collectivism at work. something that could work in Bim, dont you think

  12. @ Greene

    That is the idea, but a selfish, greedy culture would not encourage collectivism.

  13. @ Piece the Legend

    I endorse the opinions Mr. Greene expressed in his February 26, 2020 1:33 PM contribution.

  14. (Quote):
    your citation of Israel is quite right too. it has been on the cutting edge on agriculture for a while from improved general farming techniques to introducing new strains in fruits and vegetables…(Unquote).

    It is argued that Israel’s massively profitable Aloe Vera-based agribusiness has its roots in Barbados in addition to the botanical name “Aloe Vera barbadianis”.

    What has happened to all that cutting-edge scientific research in agriculture which was once conducted in Barbados?

    In a such a small country with about 20 people holding PhDs in agricultural science don’t you think it is time the country benefits from this huge investment in human capital?

    In addition to pushing ‘medicinal’ marijuana (even if a bit late to the lab and pharmacy counters) what about exploiting opportunities in the growing and processing of ‘Aloe Vera Barbadensis [Miller]’ for use in the same organic pharmaceuticals, health foods and cosmetic niche industries?

    Can there be some economic synergies to be achieved from the combining Cannabis with Aloe Vera instead of putting all the country’s forex-earning eggs in one sun-sea-and-sand fickle basket?

  15. @ Miller February 27, 2020 1:52 PM

    “What has happened to all that cutting-edge scientific research in agriculture which was once conducted in Barbados?”

    Most likely the works would have been discarded. I will give you an example of what is the norm: When the Ministry of Agriculture was moving from Codrington to its present location, it was left up to the person in charge of the library to decide which books to keep and which to ditch. The person in charge of the library was not trained in the scientific disciplines. The criteria used seemed to have been age of the books. Older books were discarded ( thrown out to be disposed of by the Sanitation Department). I obtained some gems from the discards. One can judge a people by the state of its libraries and buildings. Barbados is found wanting in these areas.

  16. Ideally the Ministry of Agriculture should have hired a librarian with degrees and experience in both library science and a scientific discipline, preferably agriculture. But even so it is inexcusable that there was not a team approach to deciding what should be discarded and what should be kept.

  17. @ Robert L; Re Israel and Agricultural Reform and Barbados.

    Yes; note that we have previously tried to get the B’dos Gov’t work with Israel on the WATER/IRRIGATION issue, insofar as Israel reportedly has substantial expertise in water resources management and reclamation.

  18. @Caleb Pilgrim February 27, 2020 6:05 PM “Israel on the WATER/IRRIGATION issue, insofar as Israel reportedly has substantial expertise in water resources management and reclamation.”

    Would the Palestinians agree?

  19. @ Caleb Pilgrim February 27, 2020 6:05 PM

    Barbados has a much longer history and excellent track record in water resources management than Israel.

    Who, do you think, conceived and constructed those many suck wells, planted Khus Khus grass as soil retainers to the sugarcane fields and the many watercourses and ponds with their own organic mosquito controllers and which have now been filled in and concreted over?

    Barbados is not a geographical entity bordering some desert but a small limestone island with a clay bottom sitting in the tropical zone of the big Atlantic Ocean.

    There is a lot of water surrounding little Barbados.
    Why not let modern technologies be the friends of its so-called educated population?

    Just like how the ‘colonial’ managers of yesteryear used the natural aquifers to fill the aboveground-constructed reservoirs and windmills to make Barbados a place of preferred colonial settlement.

    If the economic future of Barbados is expected to sail on the only Sea called Tourism then a reliable supply of potable water must be treated as a sine qua non of infrastructural progress.

    The building of more desalination plants must be the order of today with alternative energy sources their ‘powerful’ friends.

  20. “Miller February 27, 2020 6:54 PM

    @ Caleb Pilgrim February 27, 2020 6:05 PM

    Barbados has a much longer history and excellent track record in water resources management than Israel.”

    @ Miller
    On what proof do you base the above claim?

  21. @ Miller

    Israel is a global leader in water management. Just do some research before publishing absolutely wrong/false information.

  22. @ William Skinner February 27, 2020 9:16 PM

    Never denied that Israel IS the global leader in water management (today). The state of Israel was formed in 1948.

    My point is that Barbados was, long before that (1948), a very good example of water collection, storage management (collection, storage and distribution).
    A similar (his)story can be told about its other utilities (telephone and electricity).

    The fountain in the old Trafalgar square is testimony to that reality of former outstanding potable water management.

    Barbados is not a high rainfall country with very little ‘flowing’ surface water.
    It therefore required outstanding water management skills and experience to make continuous human settlement a profitable enterprise.

  23. @ William Skinner February 27, 2020 9:16 PM

    You should also ask who is responsible for dropping the baton of outstanding water management with its failure to pass on even the basic water management skills other than you famous Duopoly which has politicized the BWA and cannibalized its reputation.

  24. @ Miller
    You made a statement that was absolutely false. Barbados has been experiencing water shortages and poor water management for three decades. The problems have become more severe in the last ten years or so because of a failure to be proactive.
    None of the problems we face started last week. All of them are at least 30-40 years old.

  25. @ Miller
    I thought that knowing the Duopoly was responsible was common knowledge.

  26. @ William Skinner February 27, 2020 11:06 PM

    Which statement was made that is “absolutely false”?

    That the state of Israel was established in 1948 long after Barbados had an envious water distribution system (some of the mains stretching back to the Victorian/Edwardian eras) which contributed significantly to its former good public health achievements??

    Or that the old plantation system ensured the proper maintenance of the ravines, gullies and the suck wells which lead to aquifers instead of what pertains today where too much of the precious rainfall finds itself straight back into the sea circumventing the clogged drains and gutters because of extremely incompetent management under the so-called educated black elite?

    Which side of your Duopoly made the decision to build a sewerage system for a low rainfall coral island where the ‘used’ water is pumped into the sea instead of bring treated and reused for purposes other than those requiring a high potability?

    BTW, the Jews have always played an important role in the development and management of Barbados even if under the converted business cloak of Christianity.

    From the establishment of the sugarcane industry to the construction of the Montefiore fountain now turned into an outdoor latrine for the homeless and vagrants not too far away from the original home of the then competently-managed BWA and close to one of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in the ‘New World’.

  27. The sell out negros in the toxic parliament had their little pimp in the UK volunteer to recruit slaves from Barbados for the racist UK experience complete with low wages…the only government to do this in the Caribbean…

    The Mouth is “fighting imperialism” by selling Black Bajan slaves through the back door.

  28. @ Miller
    You made a statement which you thought would not be questioned. I merely stated that Israel is a global leader in water management.
    Obviously you have ignored the tense in which I speak.
    I don’t know if it’s important to answer “which side” of the the Duopoly ruined the BWA because only the Duopoly has ruled the country since 1961 and the mismanagement of all matters related to water and sewage must be blamed on the Duopoly like everything else.
    I now repeat for the final time that Israel “is” a global leader in water management.
    I leave it to you to tell us on BU what can we teach Israel about water management in 2020.

  29. @ William Skinner February 28, 2020 6:48 AM
    I leave it to you to tell us on BU what can we teach Israel about water management in 2020.

    NOTHING!! Simply Nothing!

    How the country Barbados teach Israel anything when the same country Barbados was ranked on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI) in the early 1990’s at No. 20 (No.1 in the ‘Developing World) whereas Israel was ranked at No.19.

    Check and see where Barbados is ranked today compared to Israel.

    Now who is responsible for this ‘backward’ slide by Barbados if not the same black Duopoly elite which has promoted materialistic consumption before genuine development and economic security?

    Bajans need to learn not only from Israel but, more importantly, from their own ancestors where water management is concerned.

    The only thing Barbados can teach Israel is how to learn to coexist with its neighbours without having to wage a one-sided war with the help of their American friends.

    “Friends of all and satellite of none” can still ring a bell of peace and coexistence in the ME.

  30. @ Miller
    Take it easy I only asked about Water Management. That was the topic under our discussion.
    If there is one person on BU that you need not convince about the short comings of the Duopoly is me. The whole of BU knows that by now.
    However, I did find our spirited back and forth interesting.

  31. @ Hal
    I note with more than passing interest that only Errol Barrow is being reference by the Duopoly. I scarcely ever hear reference to Sir. Grantley Adams.
    This clearly shows that our educational system does not really expose our children to any thing before 1966.
    I wonder how many citizens who walk across the Charles Duncan O’Neal Bridge know who he was.
    How many know about Winter Crawford.
    The two most popular political quotes are : What kind of mirror image do we have of ourselves and We will be friends of all and satellites of none. Both Barrow.
    Amazingly when I was growing up I used to hear: Bajans have short memories . That was attributed to Sir Grantley.

  32. Add this poor rakey government to the group.

    your leader is conniving, dangerous and destructive, she sat on the Caricom chair and gushed about “fighting imperialism”, she failed to mention that she had already eagerly VOLUNTEERED her own people for UK’s modern day economic slavery, racism and mistreatment of Black people program….you do not get more dangerous than that..i can guarantee that no one forced her.

    bet you she did not tell any of the Caricom leaders any of that except for those who have the tendency to collude when it comes to destroying Black people’s lives.

    ..she does not want her own people to have the marijuana trade to become independent, self-sufficient and wealthy. but had no problem selling them out to be 21st century economic slaves dependent on racists and slavemasters in UK.

    Yes, this same black face who promotes wicked wannabe slavemaster Cow while being fully aware that he refused to give his workers a raise for nearly 10 years and before that gave them a raise of 75 cents, that is who the sell out black faces of parliament promote while working against their own people, only racists and slavemasters and the wannabes.

    Caricom has to watch very carefully this deceitful, dangerous pretender and liar who is now the chair….Caricom people are now at risk.

  33. @ William

    I have always said that the BLP seems embarrassed by Sir Grantley, yet if we took his achievements and Barrow’s, Sir Grantley’s were the greater.
    Despite paying lip service to history, we are not a historical people. For example, after 30 years, except in unusual circumstances, all official documents must be lodged in the Official Archives where researchers will have access to them.
    Once in Barbados I tried getting access to court records from the days of magistrate Bourne in the 1950s. I could not.

  34. Again…Atherley is being warned to get this ignorant crooked ass weather head off his team, he is useless and carries too much baggage of corruption and crookery against the people, him and his family..

    .Grenville was also warned and he ignored it..

    Dependency tourism has to be dismantled so that parasites like this lowlife can stop feeding off the Black population, he needs to go look for a real job and stop believing he can insert himself in the people’s pension fund and treasury to create more problems on the island for the majority population.

  35. Barrow would be forever stuck in the minds of the blp
    Reason he singlehandedly wrestled the blp high archery to the ground in their fight against Barbados Independence
    His was a fight in those days that saw a black man winning over the white supreme powers that run the economy of barbados and were infamous for getting their way by all means necessary
    Now almost 60years later the blp bows to Barrow in humility
    Never mind Mia once again is using gladiator tactics to place herself on even keel with Barrow legacy by building a park which pales in significance to Barrow value and significance in history t
    by Barrow achieving independence for Barbados
    Try as Mia wants her legacy would be doomed by her misunderstanding of her relentless fight for the rich while the poor suffered under her years of governance

  36. @ Hal
    I also noticed Arthur never failed to express his devotion to Barrow. While I am at odds with some of the positions taken by Sir Grantley and have dismissed Barrow since the 1974 Public Order Act, I find the affection for Barrow, from the Duopoly quite fascinating.
    I have to agree with you that the BLP seems embarrassed by Adams yet they find time to lavish praise on Tom .Another thing that fascinates is how quickly Owen Arthur has been downgraded by those in the BLP, who once considered him a god. I think Arthur is heading to be a mere footnote for historians. His legacy seems to be on the wane.
    With “ short memories” and an apparent disdain for keeping proper records and hundreds or more Cave Hill grads walking about the place with degrees in history, the shortage of bios and other political writings is indeed one solid reason to ask what is the role of UWI.
    To use your words: It’s an embarrassment.

  37. Then there is the deceitful Mouth who HID and plotted in stealth… and is sending vulnerable, black bajans into this very deadly racist and dangerous situation.

  38. @Hal,

    have you met this tosser yet- Rev Morris?

    quote] “Many people have spoken and they have said yes, there is crime in Barbados, but there is crime in England too. They say look at the stabbings on the streets and so on and Barbados is no worse than anywhere else.

    “Many of those persons in England who are born in England call Barbados home and if you call them English they get offended. So I don’t think anything will stop that,” the deputy high commissioner told Barbados TODAY. [unquote

  39. Not in full agreement with the man, but would give him passing marks as

    But Reverend Morris described such measures as discriminatory.

    “I don’t know that that would be correct legally and you may very well be creating one type of Barbados for tourists and then another type of for locals. I don’t think that that would be just and fair,” he argued.

    We already believe that there are two version of Barbados, to create a Super-Honorary Citizen class for tourist would be the introduction of a third Barbados.

  40. A happy Saturday morning to all of Barbados.
    Have a great day.

  41. Rev Morris is a right arsehole. i remember him during the Cawmere foul stench crisis. my mates on the ground there said he and his cohorts were responsible, trying to make the Minister of Ed look bad so MAM use that as a rallying cry much like Donovan did with the South Coast Sewage crisis. both were rewarded with BLP picks.

    we Cawmerians got together and solved the issue. so i have no time for Rev Morris. he is a wanker in my books

  42. @ William Skinner February 29, 2020 7:00 AM
    “I have to agree with you that the BLP seems embarrassed by Adams yet they find time to lavish praise on Tom .Another thing that fascinates is how quickly Owen Arthur has been downgraded by those in the BLP, who once considered him a god. I think Arthur is heading to be a mere footnote for historians. His legacy seems to be on the wane.”

    But it was right under the watch of the same OSA- whom many still consider a god- that Barbados slipped rapidly down the UN HDI scale from being No.1 in the developing world to what it was rated in 2009.

    Just look how the country’s agricultural and manufacturing sectors have virtually disappeared during the same people while the rise of foreign-owned and controlled retailers has gone to the apex of economic disenfranchisement.

    Any leader who supports the pursuit of policies to fulfill his pipedream of encouraging people to own their ‘own’ private vehicles ( on a 2×3 island with makeover donkey cart roads although bigger than its idol Bermuda) has effectively resulted in the deleterious cost of creating a jungle in public transportation and an ever expanding sickbay of asthmatics and obese citizens ought to be considered functionally shortsighted and not fit for purpose of having vision or deserving of special national adulation to last through the ages of time.

  43. @Miller

    didnt know Barmuda was Bim’s idol. what do you mean by this?

  44. @ Greene

    No. I am no longer on the high commission’s invitation list.

  45. @ Greene February 29, 2020 10:51 AM
    “ didn’t know Barmuda was Bim’s idol. what do you mean by this?

    Let’s call it role model. There is nothing ‘idolatrously’ wrong with looking up to and emulating your superiors even if they are ‘smaller’ than you.

    You should have gone there to practise your craft(iness) in intellectual chicanery.
    Even your naïve gofer Artax would have been so proud of you as to even try to walk behind you in your footsteps tarnished by political partisan reasoning to justify blatant bribery and corruption.

    Bim will always play second fiddle to Bermuda when it comes to tourism, international business, the cleanliness of its environment and as a retirement ‘village’ for the rich.

    Why would a 2×3 country like Barbados which can be flown over in less than 10 seconds by a jetfighter would want to import 2.0 litre and 3,000 c.c. luxury vehicles to drive at 15 mph on congested makeover cart roads to go nowhere at breakneck speed?

    Is the ABC highway the Bajan version of autobahns designed to accommodate fast-moving Mercedes Benz for the local rich and famous like judges, social patriarchs and financial kings of scams?

    The ‘Pretend-Independent’ Barbados- although seeing itself as punching above ‘her’ lightweight- is, really, too much an indiscipline and growingly corrupt ex-colony to ever surpass Bermuda; with only its Shorts and Salad onions to brag about.

  46. @ Greene

    I have a great affection for Bermuda. Some years ago the government offered me a job on a three year contract and I asked them to make it permanent. They refused and I turned down the offer. I appreciated that. They stood their ground, but I like the country.

  47. @Greene February 29, 2020 9:07 AM “have you met this tosser yet- Rev Morris?”

    I have. As we say in Barbados I have know him since before he was born, that is I know his parents and grandparents as well.. He, his parents and grandparents are decent people. Honest. Hard working. Smart. Salt of the earth.

    I hope that you get to meet him soon.

  48. @Miller

    i believe i read somewhere that Gabriel Abed is special advisor to the Bermuda PM in Fintech


    i know a few solicitors over there

  49. @Hal Austin February 29, 2020 1:02 PM “No. I am no longer on the high commission’s invitation list.”

    Wha’ happen? You too politically “D” partisan?

    Remember that both “B” and “D” taxpayers money pays for the delightful hors d’oeuvres.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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