The IDB Caribbean Region Quarterly Bulletin: Volume 8, Issue 3: September 2019 was recently released and the review of Barbados is found at page 7 of the report.

The conclusion of the report:

Underpinning growth constraints in Barbados is the need to invest in infrastructure. The worsening quality of infrastructure indicators reflects an aging capital stock and declining infrastructure investments. Given the country’s fiscal stance and economic reform program, new investments will likely remain constrained in the next few years. The calls for the support of other investment modalities, such as PPPs. Further promoting resilience in infrastructure investments will also be of the utmost importance given the country’s vulnerabilities to climate change and natural disasters.

177 responses to “IDB Highlights Barbados’ Crumbling Infrastructure”

  1. The biggest shame of our post independence era is the emergence of a ruthless, entitled class …


    That class was in the making well before Independence.

    Independence just made the emergence possible.

    The amazing thing is that its members once had none of those deficiencies.

    Something triggered the change and that something started in the 30’s and its leadup.

    It was a mind change which suggests all we need is another mind change, this time for the better!!

    How we think determines what we are.

    It didn’t help that the more capable Bajans left in the 50’s and 60’s.

    Those who could got up and pursued their goals elsewhere leaving the way easier for this class of charlatans to emerge.

  2. What we have is a society under construction. The work of fashioning the near perfect society is ongoing because the actors are human and therefore not perfect.

  3. Worth watching to understand how easily light trumps darkness.

    It’s all in the mind.

  4. @ robert lucas December 10, 2019 6:41 AM
    “Keep cats and the rat problem is solved. I keep cats no rats come around my place. They are not that silly.”

    Robert, you are lucky to have around your place those old-time Bajan cats with a lean, hungry and angry look.

    The modern cats are just spoilt obese armchair Mickey mouse type rat catchers of the TV-watching variety totally dependent for their life of ‘charmed’ luxury on the imported processed food in cans with ‘catchy’ exotic labels.

    The rats in Barbados have become so overwhelmingly large that the few ‘wild’ cats around can be seen scurrying away for their own safety.

    The problem with Garbage in Barbados goes far deeper that the exhalation of hot air in Parliament.

    Putting more garbage collecting vehicles on the road could help but would not put a stop to the massive indiscriminate disposal of domestic and commercial waste from food scraps to discarded household mattresses and appliances to derelict vehicles.

    This waste, along with the many blocked drains, provides not only a reliable source of food for the rats and their vermin relatives but also a safe harbour for them to breed and raise their next generation of ‘ratty’ jihadists to fight lazy humans in the war against public health and safety.

    Who is going to the Pied Piper for Bridgetown before Santa Hyatt comes town?

  5. @John
    The rot didn’t start with Clement Payne. It started in 1627 when the wicked English slavemasters arrived and started their criminal rule over this island and its people which continues to this day.

  6. Here is the Barbados Parallel

    July 25, 2011 7:40 AM

    Sanka Price wrote an article a few years back looking at the various moves of the two parties towards integrity legislation.
    It started back in the 60’s just after independence I seem to remember the article saying.
    He quoted Hansard to show that the first excuse that scuttled the exercise was colour …. all you all trying to do is slow up a poor black man!!!!!
    It is amazing what that excuse has been used for over the decades.


    July 25, 2011 7:59 AM

    My memory may be playing tricks. Must try and find the article and reread it.
    It was in 1975 that Patsy Springer made his comments in Parliament. I still am pretty sure the exercise started in the 1960’s
    Here is an extract from a debate in the House of Assembly (1975) related to ITAL (taken from Sanka Price’s article):
    “Can you countenance anybody asking A.S. Bryden – he held office in the vestry – or who was so mad as to write in the newspaper asking him to declare his assets?
    THEY have lost political power now and THEY are asking every BLACK man who is holding office, so long as he can change a car three times a year, walk about looking clean and carrying a cheque book to declare his assets” said (Patsy) Springer.”

  7. @Miller

    You have been preaching this message for years in this BU forum. Have we arrived at the tipping point and the flute of the Pied Piper is now being heard amidst the din?

  8. @ William

    I agree with you 100 percent in that a large part of our problem is that we are party loyal to the point where some allow foolishness to past for governance unchallenged.

    Making things worst now is we have a useless opposition and a half dead press that sees nothing and ask nothing. While this blog may only reach a small percentage of Bajans, I really hope that some day the press will reflect even 50 percent of what this blog does.

    Yes we have the loyalist on both sides and there is nothing wrong with that, as long as we have enough playing centre field that balance is maintained.

    I for one don’t give a RAT’S ASS what people say about my comments, as I will praise those that do right and blister those that do nonesence, regardless of which party they represent. That my friend is what should happen when we put state before party.

  9. @John A

    There was a time when Brasstacks would run with issues discussed here, it is obvious some heat was placed on them and they have gone the predictable route to blackball BU. The political and business class win again.

  10. Dear Mr Blogmaster

    Permit to respond to a comment you made regarding one of Dr Lucas’ assertions o this blog.

    There is a premise in the field of the Barbados Inspectorate that to control rat populations you must do three things:

    a) Build them out
    b) Starve them out
    C) Kill them out.

    Food Establishments that fall under the aegis of Public Health Regulations are expected to keep their establishments fitted with all the controls to keep rats and other vermin out.

    In light of the rat explosion in Barbados, which I must say, has always existed, but kept under control by the baiting programmes of the Vector and Rodent Control Unit, is a ministry that had its budget cut under the two austerity programmes of party forming governments.

    Since government’s baiting programme has suffered a serious blow, it means that it is left up to individual households and businesses to follow the three premises of public health. Build them out, starve them out and kill them out with bait and traps.

    To make a long story short, the Purity Bakery cannot blame the lack of garbage collection and pile ups as a direct contributing factor for rats in their place. Rats are opportunistic beast. Where there is food, they will be rats. Where there is garbage containing food there will be rats and other pest. Purity produces bread, so they should be aware that rats will find their place attractive for ”setting up shop.”

    As a result. their operations should have all the controls in place to keep rats out. If a rat should get into their facility, they should have a RAP (Rapid Action Plan) or SSOP that addresses the situation swiftly, which I believe they do. Also, Purity is obligated by Food Safety Laws to maintain strict health standards and follow a food hygiene code that ensures food is kept wholesome and safe at all times. Regular visits by Public Health Inspectors and their in house Quality Assurance Personnel (if they have that), ensures this.

    Dr Lucas knows what he is talking about when he alluded to GMPs and HACCP as bench marks to achieve this. Purity is without excuse and blame.



  11. @ John A
    The truth is that a few years back Carl Moore tried to advise that the blog had the potential to become a real force but he was dismissed.
    A few months ago the blogmaster promised that the blog will take a new direction. I think Pacha even offered to write a column.
    I have tried to tell the blogmaster that BU is by far one of the most successful blogs in the country.
    The blogmaster suffers from the same confusion as the political class ; that believes it’s okay to do the same thing and expect different results.
    BU should be a more powerful force. It’s not too late but if you plant corn you can’t reap grape.
    BU has now produced a high court judge and a Senator. I know it has a wide following. I have encouraged some who disagree with me to come on the blog. I promote it every opportunity I get. But I have been told they are turned off by these blind party loyalists who have a very overblown view of their own importance.
    Same thing happened to Brasstacks. Hijacked by petty party cool aid drinkers.

  12. @William

    Some things you do not understand. The establishment will not embrace BU because of the issues pised here. Secondly this blogmaster has no problem with the isolated position if it means separating ourselves from traditional pack. People like you and others given the anonymous nature of the blog can push BU by contracting email blasters and distributing links to interesting blogs on your Facebook and WhatsApp lists. Instead many of you get on the blog and be destructively critical. Ask Carl Moore where pushing noise pollution has gotten him using his name and traditional media.

  13. David

    What we have is a society under construction. The work of fashioning the near perfect society is ongoing because the actors are human and therefore not perfect


    Correct more reason why barbadians must elect visionary minds
    The laid back attitude demonstrated by barbadian society as a whole is not sufficient to carry barbados and helped barbados to excell in a global economy
    With technology being the driving force
    The educators need to step up at a faster pace and take a look
    My endorsing a WTE plant might have been wishful thinking
    However i saw it as a step forward rather than a step backward to a point again in may be another twenty years the same old issues would resonate of buying garbage trucks and garbage pile up
    Come on now a country that prides itself on high education can do better than be stagnated by old and outdated ideas looking for solutions

  14. @ William.

    I have to confess I wasn’t aware of the blog until a few months ago when Walter Blackman’s article drew me to it. So it’s Walter wunna got to blame for my presence. Lol

    As for David he does a good job but yes I agree that many important issues are lost by petty party nonesence. When I see that I just don’t even bother to comment. The thing that David I am sure battles with is while he wants to see the blog grow, is it fair to sensor some people based on nonesence comments. It’s a hard call to make because the purpose of a blog is so all can comment. What I find distasteful though is when it degenerates into the gutter. Thankfully when that happens my laptop has a mouse so I can move on to other things. Lol

  15. @John A

    The same occurs on the talk shows. How can you control what people prefer to say? Censor them? This is an old discussion on BU. The best path is to all the dullards and ignorant along with the intelligent to have their say.

  16. The electorate will select from who offer themselves for public office. The problem is that our best minds are not inclined to offer themselves for public office.

  17. @William
    @John A

    I have said my bit about the chairman. I now just ignore silly juvenile noises. Good luck to you.

  18. @ David.

    Yes I agree with you I don’t favour censorship in any form. All I would beg some is stick to the issues and don’t get personal.

  19. @John A

    Outside of censorship there is nothing you can do because people will bring their biases. Listen to the impeachment hearings, listen to the UK parliament, listeners the talk shows, read the various columnists , they all have a story to tell. What being blogmaster has taught is that the nuggets of truths do not usually come from those who read books lol.

  20. @Hal.

    I shall try to take your learned advice my friend. But sometimes the BS overfloweth my well of patience. Lol

  21. And guess where a lot of the BU comes from?

    You have to understand for some people what they post is their truth. Yes one has to exercise patience but the job is to stay focused on your point and at the same time be sensitive and respectful to a different view even if it is BS from where you sit. Many people cannot handle it.

    Sometime the blogmaster to colour the blog take different positions, a few of the emotionally intelligent in the blog will detect this mode, others like your linear friend is hopeless when such occurs lol.

  22. BU is a FREE blog that allows all and sundry to write their opinions FREELY.

  23. @ David
    I appreciate your more measured response on this occasion.

  24. @ Hants
    You have mentioned one of the strengths of BU, a free market of ideas. What I personally object to are the obscenities that go unchallenged, sometimes encouraged by the chairman.
    The people who often refuse to engage in serious debate and routinely fabricate claims can be irritating, but that is not a crime. However, there are a number of people who seem to be targets for the keyboard warriors, which is part of the fun.
    But we must separate the role of an impartial chairman and that of a blogger who often posts irrational nonsense. If you have any integrity you cannot allow one to cover for the other.

  25. Wuhloss, wuhloss, wuhloss! The blogmaster under attack Part XX and counting. Anyone who has paid attention to the blog should (or ought to) know that “David” is the nom de plume of a few people who may have unanimity on how they view some topics but whose responses may vary from the strident to the accommodating. No one person will have the energy or time to mage a blog 24/7 over the length of time it has existed. Is it perfect? Hell no! but so far it has allowed people to voice their opinion on a variety of subjects, it has also permitted some “whistleblowers” to spotlight Gov’t or Corporate policies that would otherwise been hidden from view.

    BU has always been populated by the Party faithful ready to defend or praise some action of their political colleagues , there have been the earnest contributors whose approach has ben even handed and there are those whose approach has been frivolous, most contributors have had “run ins” with “David” from time to time, many of them shrug off the discussion and move on ,some leave never to return. There are a limited number whose opinions generate more responses than is the norm and lately we have had the rise of the mutual admiration society where one contributor is praised by another and vice versa.

    While anonymity has been seen as a detriment by a few, the blog wouldn’t exist without that provision so we have to accept the good with the bad. I welcome the opportunity to get my 2 cents in and hope it will continue.

  26. Thanks Sargeant, you were present from the early years. Unfortunately BFP left us to fight alone.

  27. @ Sargent

    For all the talk about democracy our society will destroy some people if their names appear on BU. The anonymity in many cases is understood.
    I received a call once and was asked a very simple question: Do you ever intend to seek wuk again?
    Even ex prime ministers on hefty pensions have to eat . I say no more.
    Believe me when I tell you that the tentacles of the Duopoly have no bounds. Those who mistakenly believe that their are absent in the Diaspora are sadly mistaken.

  28. This is probably why the Barbados “economy” is stagnant!!

  29. @ William

    Don’t be so pessimistic. The worst they can do is kill you. And, as someone has said, there are things worst than death. Don’t give in; don’t let them terrify you. If you do it will be the end of Barbados as we know it.

  30. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    John A at 10 :13 AM

    Did I read you correctly? Are you going to take David’s advice and not read books? Lol!!!

  31. A win win win for the Sanitation workers, Sanitation managers/board and the Bajan public.

    Since the workers are against working on weekends and holidays UNLESS it is overtime, award OT only to the crews/workers that have a perfect attendance record.
    Lets say a crew has a perfect record for the last quarter of 2019 then that crew would be allowed to work one week a month for the next three months (this is just an example and can be modified).

    This may also help cut out the large absenteeism and need for day laborers.
    The workers would get the opportunity to earn some much needed extra money
    The public will get more trash off of the streets

  32. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    No blog or Blogmaster is perfect. If there is such a thing. The blog reflects the society. It has the good, the bad and the indifferent. That is the reality.

  33. Like

    Hal Austin
    December 10, 2019 2:22 PM

    @ William
    Don’t be so pessimistic. The worst they can do is kill you. And, as someone has said, there are things worst than death. Don’t give in; don’t let them terrify you. If you do it will be the end of Barbados as we know it.


    Been there, done that!!

    Good advice Hal.

  34. @ Hal
    @ John

    Thanks. They can’t stop me but imagine the hundreds of citizens who will like to help our country but can’t because of the viciousness of these political monsters and their lackeys.

  35. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    Investment in Human Capital is an important investment in future growth and development. of an emerging society. Expenditures in health and education should be maintained even in times of austerity.

  36. Away with the I this and that.

    The only person who can censor is the blogmaster and the comments policy was made clear.

    Now get on with making constructive and relevant comments.

  37. The thing that we need to accept is that in our current financial situation with 20 downgrades and the IMF watching every cheque we write, what we see as a necessity they will not.

    Let’s take just one entity the TB. If this was a private entity how would one approach a bank for refinancing? Your financials are behind, you have been experiencing yearly losses from time and memorial and your entire fleet is over 12 years old hence fully depreciated. So what exactly is your asset base going to be for the lender? You also have no retained earnings or equity of any kind. If we just stop and think about this for a few minutes then ask yourself this question. Were you a banker based on the above would you lend the TB money? No doubt the answer will be no, yet every year government comes to the tax payer and ask us for more “Grant money” to keep this entity going, while at the same time doing nothing to restructure it. Instead of doing that they increase the bus fares and try to fix a poorly managed entity by throwing more money at it.

    If this approach ain’t the height of madness please somebody help me to understand the logic behind it.

  38. Piece the Legend Avatar

    De ole man heah busting me belly laughing after I read this

    “… John A December 10, 2019 9:48 AM

    @ William.

    I have to confess I wasn’t aware of the blog until a few months ago when Walter Blackman’s article drew me to it. So it’s Walter wunna got to blame for my presence. Lol…”

    Great joke

  39. Piece the Legend Avatar

    @ Sargeant

    You submitted a quote earlier which began

    “… Sargeant December 10, 2019 10:50 AM

    Wuhloss, wuhloss, wuhloss! The blogmaster under attack Part XX and counting…”

    People would be wise to read what you said about the BORG in its many formats and biases!

    David King has been fortunate to have maintained BARBADOS Underground for all these years both from a technological perspective and the perspective of opinions and political allegiances

    The problem occurs when the synthesis of multiple identities introduces A TROJAN HORSE, then TROY FALLS.

    So that we who campaign for a better Barbados AND USE THIS SPACE TO VOICE OUR OPINIONS tread carefully because of the very same macro issues David comments on that beseige Barbados

    He claims at times to be purposely provocative and that He alone has this right to be provocative BUT DE OLE MAN asks you to examine his statement in light of Mr Hal Austin’s comments about “the Chairman” euphemism for the not so sharp instances within the BORG GENERALLY DE ONES WHO HATE YUH GUTS.

    Let me make mention of 5 men here who, DO NOT “NEED” BARBADOS UNDERGROUND

    Dr. GP
    John Q
    the Sage Annunaki Miller and
    Mr Vincent Codrington

    Now I have not left out Hants, nor Gazzerts, Artaxerxes, Pachamama nor Northern Observer nor any one of the other bloggers, on purpose, but i mention these 5 above, to give context to my comment.

    1.Men who are comfortable with their incomes,
    2.who have achieved respect among their peers,
    4.who simply do not need the botheration of Barbados Underground

    But they blog here nonetheless, for no personal gain, but because they are Patriots who are committed to being part of The Solution be it social, economic, political or spiritual.

    And lest de ole man gets dizzy from the coolaid remember my chant


    So, one really does not have to worry about user counts JUST KEEP

  40. Stuespe

  41. @John A

    So far what has this government done to suggest it will be business as usual at the TB?

  42. @David.

    I haven’t seen audited financials from the board so can’t really say if anything has changed. What I would like to see though is just the below info shared.

    Revenue when they had 200 buses on the road
    Expenses when they had 200 buses on the road.
    Losses yearly with 200 buses on the road

    Revenue with 50 buses on the road.
    Expenses with 50 buses on the road.
    Losses with 50 buses on road

    Just that basic data will tell us roughly how good the boards were then and now and if in fact the drain on our wallets has increased and if so by how much annually. It will also tell us if any genuine reposition of the TB has occurred under both parties, or if it is just nuff talk from both of them.

  43. Run it as a business to make a lill profit

    Make the pensioners pay
    Make the police pay
    Make the school children pay
    Abandon the long haul routes during off peak/non profitable hours.

    While you at it, after crying the recent increase, increase the bus fares to reflect the true cost of a trip

  44. Can see the increase in bus fare (only) but refuses to see those that were retrenched to reduce expenses.

  45. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ John A
    @john 2

    The transport Board was never conceived as a profit making corporation. It was part of the Economic Transformation Infrastructure. It is a public service to move people to their places of work at the lowest possible cost.
    Are you saying that this subsidy is no longer necessary at this stage of our development? Do you realise that without TB the traffic grids between 8Am and 9AM and 4 Pm and 6PM would be worse?
    Are we running this country to meet an accounting numeraire? It is about People not WINDOW DRESSING. AND yes.There must be accountability.So we need those figures in order to measure performance and probity.

  46. @ Vincent.

    We need a Transport Board system for sure. It however needs to be efficient and function. The PSVS were making money and expanding at $2 a fare without duty free concessions and subsidies. At the same time according to Sinkler, we were losing $5 million a month at the TB and paying for the same repair job twice.

    The whole thing is a mess and needs overhauling. I would bet you an efficient TB run like a business could not only operate on $3 a head, but make a profit in the process.

  47. The PSVS that has all the profitable short haul routs and makes EVERYONE pay?

  48. Note I didn’t mention the lawlessness and hustle for the dollars to make that profit

  49. How can you want it to be run like a business yet is against the increase in bus fares. Name one PRIVATE business that did not increase the cost of its products for about the last 5-8 years?

  50. From my reading in the press
    X amount of workers sent home = decrease in expenses
    Increase in bus fares = increase in revenues
    = a closing of the lost gap / depending on the public purse.

    Beside the above the new chairman seem to be getting a few more buses on the road.
    Beside that a new GM was hired about less than six months ago.

    We are not going from losing $60 mil a year to making a profit in one year, not even with the lay offs and increase in bus fares and with the SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES!

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