The Editor
Barbados Underground

Dear Sir/Madam

Recently,the Attorney General, Mr. Dale Marshall made some observations about the “Liquidation Center” which has been compulsory acquired by government. According to Marshall, the Center has been deemed unfit by the Public Health officials due to the high rodent infestation among other things. Marshall also went onto claim that four illegal connections to the potable water supply of this country were discovered on the premises of the “Liquidation Center.” I have some question that need clarification by Marshall.

1.) Were there inspections of the premises by the Public Health (Environmental) Officers up to the point of closure by government? If the answer is yes,the question remains why was the premises not closed before the seizure by government? One is left to infer that either there was political interference by both sets of government, hindering the Public Health Officers from doing their job, or that the Public Health Officers looked the other way,to avoid witnessing all of the defects which have suddenly appeared.

2). The four illegal connections to the country’s potable water supply seems to be a red-herring deflecting from the high-handed manner in which the closure took place. Marshall wants the populace to believe that with the water being disconnected, the business continued apace without toilet facilities. At some point following disconnection, the authorities must have wondered how it was that the business continued apace without a pause. One is left to conclude that there was some kind of tacit connivance on the part of the authorities.

The government seems to be acting in an totalitarian manner in this affair. In small countries like Barbados one must be on guard against totalitarianism .



Robert D. Lucas, PH.D.

314 responses to “Government Complicit in the Liquidation Centre Matter”

  1. The house negro baggage boys for the palace….lol

  2. David
    December 7, 2019 4:31 PM

    Here is what we know:

    one must assume there is some legitimacy to the transaction which will have to be revealed at some point.


    Your certain knowledge is based on an assumption!!

    … and by your own admission!!

    This is a lunatic approach to decision making, especially since simple logic shows the assumption is flawed.

    If Parliament is unconstitutional, ie breaches the law, then how can there possibly be any legitimate act coming out of it?

    The only way any act can become legitimate is if the next constitutional Parliament legitimizes that act!!

    Mr. Skerrit in Dominica used his head unlike Ms. Mockley and Mr. Mitchell.

    He reviewed his plans from 2018 to get rid of the opposition and decided 21 – 0 can’t work.

    Better let the opposition have 3 and skirt the constitutional issue!!

    Winning a fourth term and with a 21-0 “majority” is pushing the envelope and begs the rigging question!!

    Ms. Mockley is the mock PM of a mock Government, like Mr. Mitchell.

    Plain everyday logic dictates this to be the only relevant certain knowledge in existence in this matter!!

    Ms. Mockley will have to manufacture a 27-3 result next time so this mock Parliament’s actions can be legitimized.

  3. NorthernObserver Avatar

    You already know, that Mrs.Ram and whomever sought to buy her land, were unable to reach a deal. Imagine if the Developers had chosen to move the project elsewhere? May still be an option.
    Seems very tenable, as the Developers apparently own no land in that immediate area.
    What then?
    Mrs Ram brings a suit against somebody, preferably nuff somebodies, claiming the Hyatt project was hijacked, and the land value has now suffered? Not precedent setting either.

  4. Lloyd P Gulston Avatar

    Dear Mr Austin

    You have made some interesting points, the one that stands out for me is as follows:

    ”If the redevelopment of Bridgetown is not a single hotel, plse tell me where I can find a complete urban redevelopment proposal, which includes the Hyatt Hotel.”

    We are in a situation where the Barbados economy needs a direct input drive of development to assist in its growth. I am going to assume that the current government fully understands that, and that the Hyatt, if successful, will only represent one aspect of that growth.

    Our city is crying out for modernity. And, as much as I fail to see Hyatt being the single entity towards boasting the economy in the way that many feel it will do, we must agree that it will be a welcome addition to upgrading one part of the Bridgetown area towards a look of modernity and class.

    Our main city, if it is to be competitive on the international market, must come with a plan to attract and captivate the interest of international developers and tourist, far beyond the traditional countries that frequent our shores. If we lack vision and foresight into this, we just need to look at Dubai, Singapore and other countries who have invested heavily in developing spectacles and creative wonders of modern architecture and tech, to see how their doings have people from around the world flocking to their cities like locust desperately in search of new thing.

    Hyatt is a start, but Bridgetown needs a major redevelopment drive and, the powers that be, must commit to an urban plan of development over whatever time frame they set to see it come into fruition.

    I would hope that the party in power places the national interest far above personal interests.

  5. Yeah…well my other leg is free, they can try pulling that one too.

    “More manpower and resources are needed if the Labour Department is to adequately crack down on companies that persist in having their workers operate in conditions that jeopardize their health and safety, says Minister of Labour Colin Jordan.

    This morning Jordan made the revelation while on a walkthrough of stores on Swan Street and Tudor Street.

    His comments come just days after the Liquidation Centre was condemned by health and fire officials as a safety hazard, giving rise to calls for an investigation as to whether the workers at the Bay Street store, which was compulsorily acquired by Government last month, were subjected to these conditions. When asked this morning if such alleged egregious violations could have escaped the checks and balances for any extended period, Jordan pointed to the limitations of staffing.

    “I tend to be a person who is always forward focused and one of the reasons that I am coming out myself is because there are always gaps. We have a particular problem of manpower and how we distribute manpower. In my first year on this job I would have said to the Chief Labour Officer that more officers should be on the road, but in discussion with him I had the reality check that when workers call the office they need to speak to someone. If the officers are on the road they can’t also be in the department as well,” said Jordan, noting that due to the vast number of private and public businesses, some may slip through the cracks.

    He added, “We hear from people in all kinds of areas from time to time, but resources are the issue in terms of going out to make those assessments and interventions. Some persons may ask ‘how come when something comes up Government can suddenly find persons to send?’ This is a disingenuous comment because whenever there is an emergency you always pull resources from wherever to address the emergency. However, I can assure you that we would be a bit more methodical as we approach inspections going forward.”

    The Minister promised that his officers will be ramping up site visits in the future as well as keeping their ears to the ground for complaints of poor working conditions, which may not always come through the official channels.

    “In terms of moving forward, we are going to continue these kinds of visits as a ministry. We also have to become sensitive to the areas that can be considered hot spots and by this I don’t mean information that we get through official channels, but rather noise that we may get in the atmosphere. Our intention is to do more visits in the areas where people bring things to our attention and strengthen our inspection process,” he said.

    Jordan further revealed that as Government heads into the Estimates phase, the hiring of more officers was likely to be factored into his ministry’s request for finances in the new financial year.

    “We are heading into the Estimates process and this is going to be completed early next year and these kinds of matters would be factored into how we compile the Estimates while understanding that there is not a lot of financial resources to create the perfect environment. We are not looking for perfection but we are going to do what we can, realizing that there may be gaps but we do our best to cover our bases,” he stressed.

    Earlier this week, Attorney General Dale Marshall declared that Liquidation Centre, which was owned by the Mirchandani Group of Companies, was a vermin-infested former warehouse/store that no fewer than four Government agencies have condemned as a fire hazard and a serious threat to human health. According to the Ministry of Health’s report, obtained by Barbados TODAY, heavy mould and musty odour forced environmental health officials to use personal protective equipment including masks as they entered the building.

    Inadequate ventilation, heavy residues of dust on all of the items in the building, adult mosquitoes and evidence of rodent infestation were among other findings. The environmental health officials also reported that the conditions were conducive to harbouring disease and vectors such as rodents and mosquitoes.

    The inspectors also told the Government they found evidence of improper storage practices which would prevent adequate cleaning and maintenance of the Liquidation Centre due to congestion.”

  6. Most of those side street dumps in Swan and Tudor Streets that do not even haveFIRE ESCAPE EXITS…mostly operated by toxic minorities have been in existence since the 60s, Ram included, so for over 40 years both governents have never armed the labor department with the necessary tools to shut these shitholes down, but these same civil servants are well known and could be seen over decades crawling into these holes to collect their brown envelopes…to keep the shitholes operating..nice try.

  7. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Mr Hal Austin


    Take a read of this illiterate newspaper article

    “…Inadequate ventilation, heavy residues of dust on all of the items in the building, adult mosquitoes and evidence of rodent infestation were among other findings…?

    Could you explain why do they use the term “adult” mosquitoes?

    Were there also “children” mosquitoes (larvae)?

    “…The environmental health officials also reported that the conditions were conducive to harbouring disease and vectors such as rodents and mosquitoes…”

    ALSO – in addition; too; besides; as well: He was thin, and he was also tall. likewise; in the same manner: Since you’re having another cup of coffee, I’ll have one also. conjunction.


    so they repeat the same mosquitoes in the following paragraph (granted that these are not the adults, and they add rodents) and then introduce the word conducive to describe the same conditions mentioned previously.

    What is your opinion about our journalists again?

  8. SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife

    @Piece the Legend December 8, 2019 6:59 AM “Could you explain why do they use the term “adult” mosquitoes?”

    I can explain.

    A mosquito just on the cusp of the age of reproduction, is neither a juvenile mosquito, nor an adult mosquito. It is kind of like an adolescent being.

  9. @ SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife December 8, 2019 7:33 AM
    “A mosquito just on the cusp of the age of reproduction, is neither a juvenile mosquito, nor an adult mosquito. It is kind of like an adolescent being.”

    Since you an expert on all matters differentiating the sexes, especially when it comes to homo sapiens, could you please inform us what’s the difference between a male mosquito and a female “mosquita”?

    Are the male mosquitoes (like their human counterpart) genetically prone to violence and fight over the bloodline as in the mammalian species?

    BTW, since your Yahweh created the lowly mosquito in the garden of perfection what real purpose does the mosquito serve other than to be a source of food for other species and as a natural instrument in culling the profligately dangerous human populations?

  10. @Miller

    Injecting some humour on the blog early on a Sunday morning?

    Good one!

  11. SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife

    @Enuff December 7, 2019 2:25 PM “…the physical and economic transformation of Bridgetown if not public purpose?”

    HINT: Use the term “the physical and economic BETTERMENT of Bridgetown” becaue whatever is done it has to be to make Bridgetown BETTER.

    I am one of those people who love Bridgetown. I have seen many, many town/cities: London, Paris, new York, etc. etc, at last count 25 or more capitals and Bridgetown remains one of my favourites, for its walkability, its location on the sea, its clean beaches, Queen’s Park, its baobab tree, its public housing, including public housing across the road from an excellent beach, its historic buildings, including its places of worship and more. Keep it clean, and keep all of the buildings occupied, fix all of the sidewalks.

  12. @ Mr Gulston

    You are right about the urgent need for urban redevelopment, which is why I said instead of the badly advised austerity programme the Mottley government is following, it should have been a massive stimulus public investment programme for all the basic economic reasons.
    Again it is why I asked if she was advised by Prof Persaud to follow that austerity programme, or if he favoured the one he supports in the UK, the economic proposals of the Corbyn Labour party.
    I won’t repeat myself, but I have suggested putting the bulldozers in Nelson Street, Wellington Street and the neighbouring environs, turning it in to the heat of aa 24-hour economy.
    Also in Suttle Street, Tudor Street, Baxters Road (which the Indians and Chinese apparently are now moving in on); and, most of all Weymouth and the Transport Board site. The cost would be covered across generations
    A single hotel is not an urban redevelopment plan. In the civilised world, an urban redevelopment plan is a joined up plan, not piece by piece nonsense or badly drafted legislation. It is pushing at an open door.
    Lying to or misleading parliament is a resignation issue under the so-called Westminster model. Read the story of John Profumo. It is my case that the Mottley has not come clean with the people or with parliament on the Hyatt issue. What is the public interest principle involved? That should be an impeachable offence. Can we impeach a prime minister?.

    @ Piece

    I have great respect for journalists, what ever their experience. There are also great mistakes by UK journalists which I also scream at.

  13. If the barbados journalist was not so much hand tied to govt the question of what “is of public interest” they would asked of govt
    The govt interpretation does not meet the standard and approved test applicable to the people interest when govt acquires land under the laws of acquisition and transfer the land to outside foreign investors for the sole purpose towards their investment
    If govt purpose is to improve the landscape in an rundown area with the intent of handing property or parcel of land to an outside interest
    Govt should have first involved the citizens by posting such intent within media sending letters of intent to the people living in that area and last but not least having town hall meetings
    All of which would be recorded for public record interest
    But what we see in this ongoing malaise is an uncontrollable govt having a belief that 30-0 mandate means doing as they dam place
    Public records are necessary and a real and necessary source of information for the people

  14. @ SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife December 8, 2019 8:59 AM
    “Keep it clean, and keep all of the buildings occupied, fix all of the sidewalks.”

    Well said, Sir SS !

    Bridgetown does not need any 18 stor(e)y tower of Babel to make it attractive to visitors.

    On the contrary, its World Heritage Site status would be diluted as a place of attraction.

    How can you talk about tourism being the main engine of economic survival while you are planning to throw a spanner in the very works which act as the only ‘magnate’ to tourists visiting the place?

    What Bridgetown wants as a course of immediate and practical medication to revive its diminishing fortunes are not tall skyscraper monstrosities blocking out both sunlight and fresh air but a planned programme of upgrade and upkeep.

    Visitors to Barbados, generally from a metropolis, do not look forward to seeing the same type of concrete jungle in the tropics from which they are trying to escape for a welcoming and relaxing break on a small island. Barbados is not Paris, Rome or Venice or even Kuala Lumpur, Singapore or Dubai.

    With its ‘new’ world old charm why not go for a marina with modern facilities and amenities to ‘exploit’ its comparative advantage as a strategically located first port of call to the calm and beautiful Caribbean sea and with nearby lovely beaches to boot?

    How about a massive sprucing up of its ‘old-style architecture’ buildings and the cleaning of the alleys and ugly lots as you recommended as part of a ‘planned’ programme of proper public hygiene practices right across Barbados?

    Why can’t the same agencies responsible for public hygiene and, at the end of the political games, public sanitation start in their own backyard on Jemmotts Lane by removing the growing rat breeding station whose ‘adult’ population are using the abandoned vehicles as penthouses for their baby crèches?

    How could a rat breeding ward like the one at the Liquidation vermin hospital have continued to operate right in the heart of a small city listed as a World Heritage site without the active connivance of the health and safety authorities if not with the known contrivance of these same corrupt rats; both bureaucratic in stripes and political in colour(s) in receipt of their brown envelopes?

  15. Ram is notorious in Nigeria, she even set up a store at her filthy hotel to siphon off the Nigerian student’s money…anyone coming to the island to do anything, the first thing the skunks do is send them to that filthy hole…Bajans have no shame.

    “Ever since 90 Nigerian students set foot in Barbados in December to pursue a nine-month study programme at the Barbados Community College (BCC) in tourism and hospitality, their presence has been shrouded in controversy. Among the main contentious issues were complaints of poor accommodation and bad food at Casa Grande Hotel at Oldburyin St Philip, and concerns over the manner in which the local project manager was spending the US$750,000 transferred to her for the Delta State Empowerment Programme here.”

  16. Spot on, Miller and Simple Simon! That is ALL Bridgetown needs! Barbados should remain Barbados, just cleaner and neater. And Bridgetown should remain Bridgetown, similarly cleaner and neater. The Barbados I fell in love with when I was dragged here from England as a child had its own irresistible island charm. And so did its people, maddening as they are sometimes.

    Improving Barbados does not entail seeking to compete with countries with whom we can never compete and should not even wish to become.

    I recently took my son on an island tour because he really needed to see Barbados through older eyes (he had not been for a few years) and I realised that there is much in this country to love. We just have to take care of it better than we have been doing. It is not as Herculean a task as we make it out to be. All we have to do is break it down into parishes.

  17. So, if some of us love old Barbados, does that make us nostalgic or appreciative? Some of us do not want skyscrapers and SUVs and online shopping and greasy unhealthy fast food and too many foreign restaurants and too much partying.
    We just want our old Barbados back. Is that too much to ask?

  18. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Hal
    @ Donna
    @ Miller

    The destruction of the country’s charm did not start yesterday. We had no building codes; only “certain”properties were protected by the National Trust; we refused to honor those who really made contributions- almost any party higher up is guaranteed a Knighthood ; we watched Bridgetown collapse while we developed Warrens; refused to replace broken underground water mains; paid little attention to our marine life.Our agriculture bid on ruins.
    Pray tell me if any one of you can honestly say that there is any desire or developmental plans to halt the systematic destruction of what you call the old Barbados charm.
    It will take a radical departure from our current thinking. Are we now into deluding ourselves. That old charm is gone. Welcome to little Brooklyn.

  19. William Skinner Avatar

    Should read agriculture “base” not bid.

  20. Lloyd P Gulston Avatar

    Dear Mr Austin

    I cited similar targeted areas for demolition in my second contribution on this topic but deleted those parts to provide a simple comment. However, since you cited what I consider to be a move towards major change, there comes a time when one must make serious decisions against the backdrop of noise for the greater good.

    To this end, I indicated (along with some of your mentions) that all those buildings on the left and right of the harbour going towards Probyn Street bus stand that includes, if my memory serves me correctly, Pelican Village, the bus and mini van stands, post office, Cheapside (left from harbour); Trevors way, Bridgetown Fishing Complex, Old BMC building and slaughter house, Fisheries Division, building housing an assortment of shops and businesses (right from harbour road side) should be demolished.

    The name areas you cited should have, indeed, long been demolished. They are prime areas for redevelopment. There are those who will argue on the basis of the poor, but what they need to understand is that it takes people with money to bring about infrastructural changes. The poor have no means to bring about development for greater good and, must, unfortunately, ”pay the price for progress.”

    I share your concerns relative to the vague public relations optics presented by the party in power. Where we will part ways and disagree is on the subject of the austerity. But, that is a discussion for another time.


  21. “Welcome to little Brooklyn.” can’t afford to rent an apartment in certain parts of Brooklyn these days, not even in the Flatbsh area, the revitalization and renaissance efforts are in full swing and the Manhattan crowd is moving back in….years now because they can no longer afford a box for 10K per month..

    … can’t compare to the degradation that now has the island in a vice grip due to systemic neglect…everyone (all the leaders and tiefing lawyers) wanted million dollar bank accounts, big SUV rides…huge luxury apartment buildings up and down the coast to rent out to tourists and whomever have deep pockets for their own gratiication and self pretense, huge mansions, beachfront properties to hold WILD PARTIES…multiple offshore bank accounts and the list goes on.

    ..not one of them thought of the people who elected them or the island’s future, they thought that long talk and lip service would fix everything…..guess they were all so very wrong, now they can’t come out and say much outside of more BAREFACED LIES…lol

  22. Mr Gulston,

    The environs of Nelson Street and Suttle Street, Barbarees Hill down to Eagle Hall, came out of the abolition of slavery. As the newly freed slaves abandoned the plantations in St John and St Philip and came to town, they settle in what we now call the old villages and town (Rouen, Licorish Village, Carrington Village, Ivy, Bird Hill, Haggatt Hall) on the one side and Eagle Hall, Black Rock, etc on the other. Nothing much has changed since then.
    To ease the overflow, the Adams government created a few housing estates, which were revolutionary in their time. We need to take the country forward in to the 21st century as we have proposed above.
    Every graduate of the university is a potential homeowner. Yet, for some reason, both the government and private sector have failed to meet the potential needs of this market. We have failed to develop a capital market because of the poverty of ideas.
    The hysterical noise that comes out religiously is who is going to pay for this development. Two things: by having sovereign of our currency we can print money; the only risk from that is a liquidity risk and the subsequent asset price inflation and that can be managed through such devices as banks’ capital reserves.
    The other funding mechanism is by buying off plan so that the cash received can pay for developments. In any case, the debt for such a development can be paid off over the generations and the plan can be carried out over a ten-year period. For example, Britain paid its final Marshall Plan debt under the Blair government. As I have said before, we waste Weymouth. Every time I see it I just ahake my head.
    We also need to develop indigenous businesses; for example, the biggest in terms of numbers black-controlled businesses are law firms, but if you look at their business models they are still stuck in the 1930s, many in little rooms with piles of paper files.
    We need large regional law firms with offices in every CARICOM nation, providing a comprehensive service (law, accountancy, business consultancies) with Chinese walls between sectors.
    We need alternative funding to the banks and we can do this by monetising commercial business operations. I can go on, but you get my drift.
    Or look at my trade; it is old hat just providing newspapers while leaving the wider markets opened to be exploited. A regional financial paper, for example, print or digital (I proposed such a business to a senior Jamaican businessman some years ago and he brushed it aside. Which was strange since he came to see me for a working breakfast). But news

  23. By the way, you cannot have austerity and an economic stimulus. It is one or the other.

  24. William Skinner Avatar

    @ WURA

    Haven’t you heard . We are not only punching above our weight. According to one blogmaster, we are going to successfully complete the IMF program and then create a whole industry, teaching other countries how to successfully negotiate IMF programs.
    That is the type of arrogance and delusion that we carry and it comes from being fed “barefaced “ lies for the last half century. It comes from propping up the Duopoly. It comes from blaming the struggling poor people for every thing that is wrong with the country. It comes from giving the private sector a pass.
    Stay tuned for more brilliant ideas and the new industries that we will be creating in the near future.

    @ Hal
    Don’t waste your time here with such great ideas. Contact the IMF and just maybe your ideas may at least get a hearing. Dey running tings right now Remember : you are just Hal Austin from the Ivy who live in Englan and you don’t even come back to Barbados for a vacation . And furthermore you up dey in englan living well under a duopoly too. I don’t know why dey don’t ban yuh from BU.

  25. Look how quick govt got ownership of the liquidation centre
    Meanwwhile squatters Row still remain occupied by illegal inhabitants
    Mia also had the mitigated gall to.offer the squatters money to move
    But in Ram case she gets nada
    What could be missing here

  26. @ William

    You can only try.

  27. If you want to see a city near us that has developed without building eyesores to do, so I suggest you look at Willemstad the capital of Curacao

  28. @William

    The cold like it knawing at your understanding. You take a comment laced with sarcasm and running with it? Steuspe.

    Another thing, what makes an idea good?

  29. “It comes from blaming the struggling poor people for every thing that is wrong with the country. It comes from giving the private sector a pass.”

    William…. they are vicious..everyone’s eyes were glued to the marijuana blog recently and this little twit, someone says he is Mia’s cousin in charge of the marijuana trade on the island, he decides to boast and boast and when someone asked him certain questions he claimed…THAT IS WHAT BAJANS WANT…and when asked, did they take a survey to analyze the replies and make an informed decision about what the people wanted, the dummy did not even answer…even worse, when told that other countries were seriously legalizing or had already legalize, this thing for want of a better word declares, well Barbados government has no such plans and that is what Bajans get for wanting to be different….

    people are still STUNNED by that shite…STUNNED…the blog has no recovered since..

    that is why some people already made a preemptive strike on those assholes

    it will only get worse, Bajans really have to watch that bunch, your safety and financial security depends on it..and not to mention the FUTURES OF YOUR DESCENDS….they do not have the majority black populations interests at heart..AT ALL…

    house negros in all their stain and glory..

  30. And as for the leeches and parasites in the private sector, all bajans got to do is STOP SPENDING THEIR MONEY WITH THEM…and shut all of them to hell down. See how quickly they all run off the island when they cannot suck on the people anymore.

  31. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    Stay hot my brother . Drink plenty water.

  32. “As I have said before, we waste Weymouth. Every time I see it I just ahake my head.”

    sometimes i wonder about you, were you in Barbados in 1970 when they had that flood, i doubt it or you would never, ever consider Weymouth as any housing solution.

    so when are you returning to Africa…i can just hear you in West Africa with that brit accent…

  33. SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife

    Lloyd P Gulston December 8, 2019 3:13 PM “all those buildings on the left and right of the harbour going towards Probyn Street bus stand that includes, if my memory serves me correctly, Pelican Village, the bus and mini van stands, post office, Cheapside (left from harbour); Trevors way, Bridgetown Fishing Complex, Old BMC building and slaughter house, Fisheries Division, building housing an assortment of shops and businesses (right from harbour road side) should be demolished. The name areas you cited should have, indeed, long been demolished. The poor have no means to bring about development for greater good and, must, unfortunately, ”pay the price for progress.”

    I just hope that they do not do what was done in Salvador deBahia, also a World Heritage City where the “powers” felt that the areas where the poor lived should be demolished, and that the poor must pay the price for progress.

    Cities are not only about buildings, cities are not even principally about buildings and certainly cities are not only about new buildings. Cities are PRINCIPALLY ABOUT PEOPLE. The buildings in a city MUST SERVE THE CITI–ZENS, anything else and we WILL get it very, very wrong.

    Dead buildings, dead streets, dead parks, no life, why would anybody want to come there?

  34. The comical aspect of this whole Ms Ram fiasco, & Hyatt, is that win or lose, the lady will be long dead & gone before she sees any money! Remember the episode up at Warrens??

    The greedy lawyers involved will be laughing their way to the Banks, cause you can be sure they will get their fees first …. using the fee structure of those like Hal Gollop….lol.

  35. @ WARU

    You are correct:

    Garbage issues behind rat sighting

    PURITY BAKERIES says a rodent problem it is experiencing is nothing new, and is blaming it on the sporadic collection of garbage.

    This is according to the company in response to two videos making the rounds on social media showing a rat between baking pans in Lower Collymore Rock, St Michael facility.

    “Purity Bakeries, like every other food business, has experienced challenges in relation to the rodent population around our facility. The national issues related to garbage collection have compounded these challenges,” said Purity in a statement on its Facebook page yesterday afternoon after the DAILY NATION had earlier contacted general manager Ralph Holder for a comment.

  36. @ ks December 8, 2019 9:17 PM
    “The comical aspect of this whole Ms Ram fiasco, & Hyatt, is that win or lose, the lady will be long dead & gone before she sees any money!”

    That’s what you think!

    That cheque would be the fastest one ever cut by the Accountant General.
    The payment would be from taxpayers’ money that has no owner.

    The sad thing about it is that none of the outstanding liabilities due to the Crown or State-owned enterprises like the BWA would be taken into account in preparing that instrument of payment needed to help a long-time friend out of serious financial difficulties.

    It’s high time the Ram reap the last big dividend due on her massive investment in the ‘leading’ personalities of both political parties over the years whether they were winners or losers in the electoral zero sum game.

  37. Your suspicion has some currency Miller. You will recall Maloney was paid for work at the GROTTO from the Industrial Housing Fund. There was the unusual transaction at the BWA concerning the construction of BWA headquarters with Innotech that caught the attention of the Auditor General.

  38. told that ass that no lawyer was going to go on FACEBOOK…a community of billions of people to expose something like that…unless he or she has evidence, no lawyer worth his or her salt is that dumb and i do not defend lawyers UNLESS…i know they are right…

    now were i that lawyer, i would drop a lawsuit in their asses, just because….

  39. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    As usual, de ole man NOT BEING BRIGHT LIKE WUNNA, causing I left school at 11, cannot run wid wunna big boys..

    So lemme axe wunna a question!


    All uh wunna, after wunna ask WTR is the purpose of my stoopid question, gine say Senator Caswell Franklyn


    It would be Senator Franklyn ‘s designate in the PdP WHO DOES NOT HAVE ANY “NATIONAL CURRENCY” @ 2019!!!

    And what de FVUCK de ole man talking bout?

    I gine explain!


    So de Caswell designate is being pulled along on his coattails!

    Den, de next RH ting dat de PdP is to do is to have dis Shadow Minister WHOM CASWELL FRANKLYN HAS BEEN GROOMING, start going to RH stores, and businesses etc saying to people,

    “look, de BLP out heah tekking way people property for health reasons etc. We understand how you as a business owner will feel.

    But wunna dun know dat Caswell is a man deeply versed in Employee and Employer Rights!

    What we are doing is working with Employers and employees to create independent records of compliance for….blah blah blah”

    Wunna unnerstan de ole man campaign strategy?

    And how dis is promoting de PdP and its unknown candidates nationally?

    But remember dat Piece the Legend ent bright (savvy) like wunna ok?

  40. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here for Senator Caswell Franklyn

  41. @Wru,
    Hopefully this is an eye opener for the person who was attacking you.

    It was a classic example of people willing to carry water for others even though they do no know the full circumstances.

    Hopefully he/she learnt something and will not just sit there with a water bucket.

    You are doing a great job of showing that the interests of the majority population often plays the second fiddle. So continue beating your drums.

  42. So nice, I post it twice

    Hopefully this is an eye opener for the person who was attacking you.

    It was a classic example of people willing to carry water for others even though they do no know the full circumstances.

    Hopefully he/she learnt something and will not just sit there with a water bucket.

    You are doing a great job of showing that the interests of the majority population often plays the second fiddle. So continue beating your drums.

  43. Theo…i know you mean well…but that is what fowls unable to think for themselves do…they will come out again to COVER UP CRIMES AGAINST THEMSELVES AND THEIR PEOPLE….it’s an ugly residual colonial stain and reminder of the DAMAGED BLACK MIND…

    .in yardfowls…IT’S even WORSE….they do it even while knowing that it will kill them and their families in the process….very, very ugly to watch…they do it their whole lives in self-destruct mide…why do you think the useless pokiticians are so sureof themselves in their cirruption and evil…they get no resistance.

    The logic is because we expose lawyers for wrong doing….when a lawyer has the public’s best interest at heart…we should not have his or her back…and that makes perfect sense to brain damaged fools..

    ….the intent…protect government corruption and bribetaking that destroys Barbados and bajans……at all cost.

    So look out for more of same.

  44. Hal
    When the pierhead project was conceptualised were there not also jointly funded IADB projects for Cats Castle, Garden Land and Greenfields? You just string words and phrases together based on what you have read (sadly not enough), not what you have actually done or understand. Yes you interviewed a man, so what? How could one carry out urban regeneration without assembling different parcels of land to ensure a “joined up plan”? How could land assembly be achieved without public acquisition, unless land owners agree thru private treaty? How could urban regeneration happen without private developers? What is urban regeneration without an aspect of economic development? In the case I cited, the Council could have acquired the land for the pedestrian and cycle infrastructure only, but it also provided for an expansion to the shopping centre. Why?It is important to note that the shopping centre developer was not contributing to any housing or public park etc. The shopping centre owner could have bought the land (as you argue so vociferously for Maloney to have done) and expanded; and the Council would have secured similar public purpose through the Section 106, in other words planning obligations/gain.

  45. @ Enuff

    I am out of any further discussion on this issue with you. You are too far ahead of me on this matter. I am not that bright. Sorry. I give up.

  46. Barbados has been FIGHTING BLACK POWER and Black enrichment from the 1970s, always beating down their own black people and fighting postive change to keep a stinking racist, colonial slave system alive to rob their own people…disgusting and repulsive negros in parliament have always done that..

  47. BTW…this article is compliments of our brother who deserted us on BU..Vincent Haynes, he has a nice blog on FB..

  48. Hal
    You would have to exit stage left. I would too, if I were completely pulverised and exposed as talking nonsense by someone who, according to you, does not know what they are talking about.🤣🤣🤣

  49. @ Enuff

    You got it in one. You are now my new urban regeneration hero. Great bloke. Politely, no more comment on the subject.

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