The PM is a lawyer, the last two PMs were lawyers, the PM was Atty General, the present AG was AG in a previous Gov’t, the most senior Gov’t Minister who acts as deputy PM in the PM’s absence is a lawyer. Did any of the these ever suggest any changes in the relationship between lawyer and client? Did they make it mandatory for lawyers handling civil cases to establish Trust Accounts to separate operating funds from client funds? When they hear/heard of improprieties did they take action?

They operate like some secret society ready to prey on the “great unwashed” who darkens their door. Even on the rare occasion that the Court find them guilty of stealing client funds no restitution order is made which enables them to live off the clients’ funds after they have served their sentence.

When Ms. Pile was on trial, the Court was packed with lawyers who were sympathetic to her and ready to deliver pre-sentencing statements on her behalf. They take care of their own – Sargeant

When the injustice meted out by Michael Carrington to a wheelchair bound septuagenarian broke, Prime Minister Freundel Stuart advised – then leader of our parliament – to secure the services of a lawyer. History will record this statement to be one of the most ignorant uttered by a prime minister of Barbados.

On Friday (4 October 2019) the president of the Barbados Bar Association (BBA) Rosalind Smith-Millar was quoted in the local media advising the beneficiary of Stephen Archer’s estate to seek legal representation in order to secure the 2.7 million in compensation BL&P paid to Archer’s lawyer reported to be Ernest Jackman. Ernest Jackman is no stranger to BU and is featured on BU LAWYERS in the NEWS.

The advice given by the Bar president reminds citizens why the the application of the law sometimes is said to defy common sense and as a result “Is the law an ass? remains a valid question. To reinforce the point the BU family recently discussed the legitimacy of Commissioner of Police Tyrone Griffith’s public assertion he cannot investigate the ICBL, Donville Inniss matter unless a member of the public files a complaint. There are many examples of BL&P and FLOW taking advantage of citizens and the regulatory bodies despite consumer protection laws are passive in defence of consumers.

The majority of lawyers licenced to practice law in Barbados had their education funded by taxpayers. It is said that Barbados has more practising lawyers per thousand than any other country in the world. The Barbados Bar Association and the Disciplinary Committee were established for a reason – to regulate the legal profession. We have had too many stories of lawyers misappropriating funds, stonewalling the release of documents, not meeting with clients to discuss matters, colluding with other lawyers to frustrate deals, not attending court sessions to permit matters to close etc etc etc.

Enough is enough!

We live in an era where John Public has access to various social media platforms. Yea yea yea it comes with all the warts, BUT, there is the good that it can do. Naming and shaming these ‘summabitches’ will ensure reputations are sullied, forever. If the bodies to regulate the professional class including lawyers fail to protect members of the public, they will have to suffer the consequences. It is clear the Barbados Bar Association and its sidekick the disciplinary Committee supported by the bevy of lawyers in parliament will not side with the public.

A couple years ago the blogmaster had an exchange with a former president of the Bar who expressed frustration at the lack of resources available to do a better job and the need for legislative teeth. The blogmaster is satisfied stakeholders have no interest in changing the existing arrangement. In fact it is reasonable to conclude the Bar is used by prominent lawyers as a pathway to secure QC status, that is all.


118 responses to “Poor Man’s Weapon – Name and Shame”

  1. “I had a ninety year old cousin who died waiting for a lawyer to “straighten out” land matter and get title for her to the property left by her father who helped to build the Panama Canal.”

    i believe a lot of those people’s lands and estates were stolen. Some had bought plantations, at least a few if not all of those disappeared, that wicked criminal syndicate has a lot to answer for and they should.

    Then foolish Fruendel had the nerve to invite descendants of Bajans who helped with the Canal building to return to Barbados…none of these parliament rats got any shame.

  2. @Enuff

    Trust you to be the only discordant voice on this topic by pointing out that criminals are supported by their friends and family in Court and that Contractors also steal from Bajans; what does that have to do with the price of eddoes? Lawyers occupy positions of trust in our society, we trust them with our Wills, we trust them with family secrets , we trust them with funds to purchase homes, we trust them with funds received from the sale of property, we trust them to complete monetary and legal transactions on our behalf; none of these we entrust to criminals or contractors for that matter. When lawyers break that covenant of trust or when they hold us to ransom or when they steal from us, we have the right to demand some remedy.

    It would be beneficial to the discussion if you can use your insider knowledge to inform us what plans if any the Gov’t has to police the folks who practice law in Barbados?

  3. Apparently these clowns with their innercircle criminal cabal in the bar association are telling themselves that their victims and their victim’s families are playing their nasty…rob them and wait for them TO DIE…games…that shit is over yall hear…over…so tell ya fowls and foot soldiers to STEP THE HELL BACK..

  4. Kerrie Symmonds…lawyer and government minister…exposed on Facebook.

    Let them report that…yall piece of shit.

  5. What’s that old Bajan saying again…one smart DIED at too smart’s door…

    Quite appropriate really, but wait, this is just the beginning, too many of you filthy, thieving QCs and lawyers to expose, it will take some time. Each and every one of you will get your prime time 15 minutes of fame for stealing from and selling out clients while methodically forcing them into poverty and leaving them to die…,even while knowing that they have small children.

    And… ya so richly deserve….human rights violating SAVAGES.

    Facebook….to the world.

  6. @David
    To those who are reporting BU blogs on Facebook it is war you starting. Will you block on Whatsapp too?

    What blogs trigger these complaints? Are they the ones that are about lawyer/client relationships or are individuals just complaining in general?

  7. @Sargeant

    The Archer blogs.

  8. How do they think this looks, hundreds of people watching this video, am sure they will ignore it as they normally do in Barbados because the lawyers and leaders believe they are so special, but the world can see and hear what they are doing to injured people, why try to hide it now instead of making the appropriate changes to prevent this in the future. We already know they will punish no one for thefts from the injured or any other vulnerable group. So expect more exposure if these clear human rights violations continue.

  9. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    As de ole man said in a nex article here.

    What is so fvucking hard about this?

    1.Create a company and get 5 directors from Barbados who are known to be men of integrity.

    Justice Jeff Cumberbatch, Leighton Trotman, and 3 others.

    2.approach the Interamerican Development Bank and get them fund the creation of a software platform for a Good Jurisprudence project.

    3.This platform is specifically used by this company to establish virtual escrow accounts for lawyers


    4.Get people who are litigants in civil suits to sign on to the platform and create the legal Rasshole documents that authorize parties that are to pay their awards to pay it to the RH facility

    5.AND SINCE THE INITIAL PAYMENT SCHEDULE IS LODGED with the platform WHEN THE RASS**LE PAYMENT IS MADE, THE AWARDEE GETS THEIR FUNDS, the lawyer gets their funds and the platform is paid a RASSHOLE FEE!!

    CAN WUNNA SHEEPLE AND PEOPLE understand what I been writing for the last 3 years and promoting for nuff more?


  10. Sargeant
    Discordance is necessary sometimes if the Salemites would burn everyine. There are abour 1,000 members of the Bar Association. What percentage is corrupt and how do they match up with other professions and bodies? I am not jumping on nuh anti-lawyer bandwagon.

  11. The criminal syndicate in the bar association PREDATES the births of at least 70% of the new lawyers…POST 1940…unfortunately way too many of them joined that cursed, blighted club to rob their own people and sell out their own country…

    If the ones who are not too embedded are clever, they will abandon that crime syndicate…ASAP

    BTW…ah heard yall master suffered a heart attack…let’s hope that TIEFIN racist stain is removed from this earth ASAP.

  12. Well done for posting this moving video. Don’t censor the disenfranchised. Publish all similar videos from Bajans who have and are being stolen from by lawyers, politicians, construction companies etc and very soon the required ratification of the Prevention of Corruption Act will happen, criminals will be brought to justice and bent lawyers will be disbarred. It is time for Bajans to work for the good of the whole island instead of being subjected to ‘divide & rule’ before the whole country has been sold out to outside ‘forces’ by corruption

    Like I said yesterday – Wake up Barbados – poverty and injustice are great motivators for the disenfranchised, and their numbers are growing daily. STOP the corruption!

    It will come as no surprise to the forum that many of us expat Bajans advise advise many people to avoid property purchase in barbados as lawyers cannot be trusted and that such purchases can take anything up to a year or more, and in some cases much much longer…

    I thought we were to see the dawn of a new era, with financial transparency and freedom of information or is everything sine die?

    With the IMF bailing out the country and the cost to tourists now too high to contemplate holidays in Barbados – coupled with the fact that with a population of only 350,000 to steal from and very limited resources remaining, surely it doesn’t take much imagination to see that without transparency and the enactment and ratification of the Prevention of Corruption Act – the name banana republic is now a valid prefix. Add to that the deaths / murders reported in the media on a far too regular basis mean that tourists and returning Bajans are looking elsewhere.

    Surely the legal framework for the legislation has been put in place after two years? Wake up Barbados – poverty and injustice are great motivators for the disenfranchised, and their numbers are growing daily. STOP the corruption!

  13. @ WARU

    Kerrie Symmonds Minister of Tourism hands caught in the cookie jar exploiting Clients and then being rude to them?

    However, this is their normal ploy.

    Glad you posted the video.

    Bunch of fucking crooks and scumbags deceiving Clients and voters alike.

  14. And they got the nerve to tell themselves it will last forever.

  15. @ Enuff October 7, 2019 3:04 PM

    The answer to your question is blowing in the wind caused by the flatulence from the long-term constipation afflicting the Bajan judicial system.

    Come on, you are man “enuff” to know that while a few apples might not spoil the whole big barrel of competence you must accept that too many crooked incompetent ‘legal’ con-artists can cause an entire judicial system to grind to a halt for those who cannot ‘pay the going price’ for justice.

    The recent engagement of additional judicial officers aka the bodyguards to Lady Justice would only result in the warming over of the cold soup of incompetence shared among the brotherhood of chicanery.

    What a perfect example of: “Who will guard the guards”!

  16. And they are still telling themselves that they got some kinda superior judicial system and they are on some mission…which is all well and good, if they weren’t tiefing the client’s funds and using it to enrich rthemselves and doing pure criminal shite.

  17. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ WARU,

    what is the link to this Kerrie Oblong head article?

    Kindly post it, have not seen it yet, thanks

  18. Sad, sad that this thing is happening in Barbados. On some on these blogs WARU has been saying that this thing has been happening for years. That the lawyers in Barbados are in cahoots with the insurance companies. that they do not represent their clients as they should. Now we have it from the horses mouth.

  19. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Dame Bajans

    Among the many wicked manifestations of those practices that de ole man knows Ernest Jackman practices is his “selling out his clients, while blaming the Registrar” trick.

    You go into court with this criminal AND THE JUDGE TELLS THE GAMBLER to submit document x in 7 days, Ernest will discuss the matter with opposing counsel, and, after assessing what he gets from the opposing lawyers to sell you out, HE PURPOSELY FAILS TO EFFECT THE SUBMISSION causing the judgements to be made against you!!

    It is for this reason de ole man is pushing for a publicly accessible registry of professional conduct THAT IS COMPLIMENTED BY VERIFIED CLIENT COMMENTARY!

    Any thing else is a waste of time.

    Expose the nasty lawyers like Jackman to the light.

  20. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @WURA-WAR-on-UOctober 7, 2019 3:51 AM

    Sorry for the lady’s brother who was injured on the construction site.

    But “yes” the insurance company will assess who was responsible. The determination was that he was 15% responsible? Why? None of us is ever supposed to stand behind a vehicle. If we do we have to expect to get hit. That’s the truth.

    A child was begotten after the accident, even though according to his sister he is in 24 x 7 pain? The insurance company will look at that too. They will wonder how come a person in 24 x 7 pain in capable of copulation.

    It is NOT a human rights violation for an insurance company to send investigators and to use cameras i their investigation. This happens all over the world. It is not a Barbados specific thing.

    The long and short of it is that a “back injury” will not lead to a lifetime of payments equivalent to the wages the person might have earned.

    From what the lady is saying it seems to me that the $144,000 injury was the gross amount, and that the lawyers fees, and fees for the doctor’s) were taken out of the gross and the injured person was left with $71,000 which of course is less that a construction worker can earn in 8 years.

    Sadly for injured people insurance companies exist to pay dividends to their share holders, not to pay money to injured people. This is a hard capitalist world.

  21. @SSP

    Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

  22. @ Sargeant


    Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.




  23. I can relate to that. One often has to try to do “stuff around the house” even when in pain. One does it when one can muster the strength. That does not mean one is not in pain. It means one has determined to overcome it for a while. Bajans are notoriously bad minded and hate to hear somebody might be getting money. His neighbours don’t surprise me. They do not think of it as compensation for pain, suffering and injury but rather as free money that would place the injured above them. But when the injured get the money they would be by with hard luck stories looking to borrow.

    I am wondering though, was this man not contributing to the NIS? Was his employer not paying the NIS on his behalf? Why is there no money coming into the household?

    Too many issues here to discuss.

    Simple Simon,

    What you say is not entirely wrong but the question is – has he been properly represented? Is this a reasonable offer for settlement? Even though the court judgments are ridiculously low in Barbados, if the man was working and is now unable to work permanently he is entitled to compensation replacing his lost earnings until retirement age. But he must be able to prove his income. He must have documentation. What was his employment status? How long was he working? He is entitled to pain and suffering, loss of amenities, medical expenses and yes, payment for the person who takes care of him, among other things. The issue of his contributing to the accident by being in the wrong place at the wrong time is debatable and might need to be determined in court. If so determined his judgment would be reduced proportionately. Not taking the surgery also provides the insurance company with some ammunition. One is expected to accept reasonable medical treatment to improve one’s condition.

    This seems to be a matter best handled in the courts. The fact that that in itself is a problem time wise also provides the insurance companies with more power. As Symmonds is reported to have said, the insurance companies can afford to wait this one out.

    More information would be necessary to determine if the settlement offer is the best that could be done in the circumstances, but what I will say is that if the attorney’s attitude is what was described he should indeed have been more understanding. Not a good look on him, I would say. Not a good look at all!

  24. “But “yes” the insurance company will assess who was responsible.”

    Insurance companies DO NOT assess liability …THE COURT DOES…but the lawyer REFUSED to take it to court as INSTRUCTED by the injured client…insurance compsnies try to avoid liability even when it’s very clear thst they are…Massey is now an insursnce compsny to AVOID..thanks to their stupidity and backward Kerri.

    “They will wonder how come a person in 24 x 7 pain in capable of copulation.”

    Even while in chronic 24/7 pain…there are periods where the pain is bearable enough to move for short periods and do normal things, very short periods.

    Any lawyer refusing to take instructions from a client…giving the client one story and then years later changing that story to suit his or her agenda, while playing mind games KNOWING that the client is in MENTAL and physical DISTRESS…is violating that client’s human rights….

    Yall have a WARPED idea about what human rights violations entail….especially for injured, suffering, elderly, young and disabled people…that is why the OPPRESSION on the island is unlikely to end in our lifetimes…because due to lack of knowledge it is condoned and enabled…by black people who refuse to educate themselves on the subject matter….i refer you to the UNs 30 Articles of Human Rights ratified since 1948 which most people on BU never even knew existed until i posted it a few years ago…i will not post it anymore…google it yaself.

    I saw some blatant ignorance displayed recently when one injured person said they recently had their spine realigned after nesrly a decadevand an idiot says…well nothing is wrong with you now you are better…no jackass..realigned spines SLIP OUT of place easily and often so that is no excuse for greedy insursnce companies not to pay…educate yourselves about these elementary things, it’s better than pretending to be knowledgable but sounding misinformed and uneducated.

  25. “I can relate to that. One often has to try to do “stuff around the house” even when in pain. One does it when one can muster the strength. That does not mean one is not in pain. It means one has determined to overcome it for a while. Bajans are notoriously bad minded and hate to hear somebody might be getting money. His neighbours don’t surprise me. ”

    That lowdown, low class mentality has reduced the island to it’s current position.

    Even with an injury decades old, like someone i know felt well enough to put down the cane for one day to walk half mile…suffered for a week after that and was told by physio…DO NOT MAKE IT A HABIT…don’t put down the cane too often….but that does not mean you do not try to do things around the house. Some injuries if you do not attempt to stay mobile…you stiffen up drastically and with some injuries osteoarthritis etc can become PERMANENT…especially with back injuries, trapped nerves etc….educate yourselves before posting,

    Badminded people need to educate themselves about injuires, pain and suffering. The badmindeness is also easily displayed by those greedy lawyers who believe the money should be theirs, despite the client having the injury and years of suffering..

    Most injured people when retaining an attorney do not know that they SHOULD INSIST…the attorney give them their FEES IN WRITING BEFORE they start working on your case.

    … i posted recently…one QC told his client recently…i had a bad experience years ago with a client so i don’t tell my clients how much i charge until after the case is completed…oh really, the client says…well after asking you for the 4th time in writing you sent me your fees in writing…attorney says…oh no..i would never do that…client says…oh yeah…well let me email what you sent me..on your letter head….some attorneys are notoriously slimy and would pad their fees..if they can get away with it and too many of them do.

    It is clear that is the scenario on those whatsapp messages….if ya KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR.

    All correspondence from and to attorneys should be in writing, their correspondence to the client should be on letterhead..the court does not recognize social media correspondence …at least not in the real world…and only a very dishonest attorney would use whatsapp to a client to promote his agenda of thievery and selling out said client.

  26. “Not taking the surgery also provides the insurance company with some ammunition. One is expected to accept reasonable medical treatment to improve one’s condition.”

    He needs a SECOND opinion on if he actually needs the surgery, doctors tend to suggest surgery as a first option when there are other methods available….especially vicious insurance companies with agendas..

    …Barbados still performs INVASIVE open back surgeries…WHICH ARE KNOWN TO CRIPPLE PEOPLE with back injuries….when noninvasive surgeries and other methods are AVAILABLE in other jurisdictions…

    …everyone should do research on their injuries and the multiple treatments available…do not take the first opinions of doctors and greedy insurance companies as gospel…and do not let them force you into surgery you do not trust..,especially open back surgery in a careless place like Barbados…especially when you have alternative options.

  27. Besides…for those WHO DO NOT KNOW…

    The INJURED PERSON decides if THEY NEED SURGERY….after an INFORMED, well researched decision,…..not the doctors..and DEFINETELY NOT the court nor the insurance companies and DEFINTELY NOT the greedy, sell out attorney….that decision REMAINS the SOLE HUMAN RIGHT of the injured.

    Ya see..most people do not even know their basic human rights and what they entail then want to force their own lack of knowledge on the injured……so evil tiefing lawyers…take advantage while the cockroaches for insurance companies…sit in the background orchestrating the DEMISE of the injured, unaware and vulnerable.

  28. @Wura
    You do a great job.

    I like how you link some of these nasty practices to a denial of human rights,

    Indeed it is more than stealing, when you take a person’s property and reduce a man/woman almost to the unnecessary level of a beggar. You have not placed chains on them but by denying them their property you have shackled them and blocked their chance of escape from dire poverty. You have kept them enslaved on the plantation in your mind.

    Stau strong, stay on course.

  29. Yep…that is basically what these evil, low crawling negros/ lawyers pretending to be professionals…do to their OWN PEOPLE…in Barbados…and NOT ONE OF THEM see anything wrong with their human rights abuses and crimes against their people.

  30. Simple…instead of posting utter shite, ya may want to do some research into pain levels and how they are measured….something wicked, dishonest shite lawyers and tiefing insurance companies will never tell you…and even some doctors in cahoots with insurance companies will fight to keep that information from patients..

    “Pain measurement scale

    Image courtesy of

    A visual analogue scale, or VAS, is a tool that dispenses with numbers for measuring pain. It recognizes that many patients don’t experience pain in discrete units like numbers, but in a variable way that exists on a sliding scale. A pain VAS allows patients to mark their pain intensity on a continuum.”

  31. WURA

    Maybe I did not express myself adequately.

    Quite true that a patient should get a second opinion and that he is entitled to make his decisions but the insurance company will use that against him and would take their chances in court. And it could possible affect the quantum of his judgment. One is expected to accept REASONABLE treatment to improve one’s condition. I did not come to any conclusion on what would be the outcome. I simply stated that it would be a weapon as far as the insurance company is concerned. Now, say for instance I shatter my femur and refuse to accept surgery to fix it, will I be compensated for the fact that I cannot now walk? And so there is much to consider, including all you have shared about back surgery in Barbados and the Court WILL ultimately decide.

    Re: All correspondence from and to attorneys should be in writing, their correspondence to the client should be on letterhead..the court does not recognize social media correspondence …at least not in the real world…and only a very dishonest attorney would use whatsapp to a client to promote his agenda of thievery and selling out said client.

    This is indeed highly unprofessional but is better than the word of mouth many of them try to use. You have to be on your toes when dealing with these people. You have to get all their advice in writing so you will know when they are changing their tune. Most of them cannot be trusted.

    I, like Theo, think you are doing a good job! Information is key.

  32. “Now, say for instance I shatter my femur and refuse to accept surgery to fix it, will I be compensated for the fact that I cannot now walk? And so there is much to consider, including all you have shared about back surgery in Barbados and the Court WILL ultimately decide.”

    Insurance companies and crooked lawyers…as a RULE…seek to make simple cases, as in this man’s case…COMPLICATED…they pull out all stops to do so…on a case by case basis…you will find many differences, PRECEDENTS…etc.

    ….accepting libality…and then bullshitting ya way with the aid of the claimaint’s attorney to reduce the compensation to very little or nothing….is criminal to say the least and his is not the only case, in that instance, you take your chances with the court, though it is still heavily compromised..because of corruption…but what do you got to lose, they rigged the whole corrupt system for you an unaware, injured person to LOSE anyway.

    and unless you are just as brutal as them and willing to bury them all, they will not stop.

  33. …and we both know, if per chance you get a shattered femur, given the pain levels, discomfort and lack of mobility involved you will be more than happy to have recommended surgery…but even then…YOU…the patient/claimant get to DECIDE…in your best interest where the surgery should be performed and who should be performing any surgery.

  34. WURA,

    Unfortunately, if an insurance company correspondence states “without prejudice’ they can change their minds at any stage. It doesn’t matter if they had made interim payments of medical bills. That does not mean they accept all liability. They make a point of not using those exact words.

  35. All in a bid…to avoid paying, this fool had the nerve to whatsapp his client telling him, if he got the surgery, he can’t get compensation…clear bullying tactics…if he picks up a bag, there is nothing wrong with him, if he does nothing, he is not trying to get better…i know all their stinking tricks and will expose each and every one, so that people will know what they do to destroy injured people…

  36. And all of that is DESPITE…them being in possession, both claimant’s attorneys and insurance companies of multiple MEDICAL REPORTS from DOCTORS..including their own, sometimes their own doctors tell them the injuries were unavoidable on the claimant’s part…and they still REFUSE to accept liabilty..

    some people have 12 and 15 medical reports from SPECIALISTS and it makes no difference, they will do everything in their power to SABOTAGE FACTS and TRUTHS.

  37. WURA,

    When he said if he gets the surgery he cannot get compensation that probably meant that the payment for his surgery was quoted as part of the settlement and he would not be getting that amount again if it is paid to the doctor on his behalf.

    This is why you should have everything in writing for clarity. It can be confusing. Very confusing.

  38. Where is the regulator?

  39. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @DonnaOctober 8, 2019 5:03 AM “Not taking the surgery also provides the insurance company with some ammunition. One is expected to accept reasonable medical treatment to improve one’s condition.”

    Ah yes. I forgot to mention this one. If a patient declines to follow medical advice/have surgery which the doctor thinks will ease his pain and suffering, then the insurance company will hold it against the injured person, although if I was the lawyer I would have added post traumatic stress disorder to the injury claim. PTSD so bad that it has left the patient fearful of taking the surgery as advised by the doctor(s). In this case i don’t think that the sister’s comments about him being able to beget a child, ride his bicycle, walk his child to school every day, decline surgery, and doing little jobs around the house is helping his claim.

    Insurance companies are capitalists. They are not compassionate charities. They are the same sort of capitalists who practiced in this part of the world for nearly 400 years.

    Capitalists do NOT LOVE people. Capitalists LOVE money. That is the truth.

    As for the neighbours. I do not know what the neighbours said, because the sister did not say, but the implication seems to be that it was negative. Yes one neighbour or two might make a negative report, but if three or four or more neighbours all make negative reports the insurance company will also take that into account. he neighbours are under no obligation except to tell the truth, whatever that truth is.

  40. Confusing only when your own attorney is COLLUDING with the insurance company TO ROB YOU..

    ….they always do this, it’s nothing new, instead of paying you out so that you will organize surgery…if you need it…or further long term treatment, if that is the case…but they ALWAYS got some slimy agenda that causes you the injured person to suffer unnecessarily and for YEARS..

  41. And they are fully aware that you will run broke, be a burden to family and friends…and they drag that out for as long as they can until you end up under the earth like Stephen Archer…where they TIEF YOUR WHOLE 2.7 MILLION DOLLARS and leave ya a hospital bed to die ……or even worse, living in extreme poverty and injured AND suffering too…with your family suffering too.

    some people onlooking and as dumb as rocks will enable and condone such….because htey cannot see anything different or better for their own people.

  42. ISimple Simon,

    I know that in this case you are speaking about what is rather than what should be. Sometimes your dry way of speaking obscures that.

  43. “although if I was the lawyer I would have added post traumatic stress disorder to the injury claim. PTSD so bad that it has left the patient fearful of taking the surgery as advised by the doctor(s).”

    if ya lawyer is intent on robbing ya…PTSD which is REAL…will NEVER enter the equation….as in this case.

    AGAIN…certain injuries DEMAND that you remain as mobile as is possible OR you become PERMANENTLY CRIPPLED…

    No insurance company can force you to take a surgery you are not ready to take….and you NEVER take a surgery unless you have explored and researched other methods of treatment to get better…..preferrably NONINVASIVE.

    the problem with the sum insuance companies in Barbados not enough people in Barbados have the information they need to give them GRIPE…that is why they do what they do.

  44. most injured people should have psychological to help cope with pain….which they never get because of the actions of wicked lawyers and even more dangerous insurance companies who refuse to pay for it…and are well aware that the injured cannot afford it, due to no income, because many years passed and there is no available finances..

    Hal…this is a governemnt minister being exposed…there was no regulator for Leroy Leper/CLICO…….there is none for this one either…if Barbados had any regulators, we won’t be here…but you have corrupt governments, no one can say no on that score.

  45. WURA,

    Then they are not all bad because I know an attorney who did tell the client that she should have taken psychological treatment when recommended by the physician. He said it would have enhanced the claim. Trouble is when the foolish Bajans see you attending a psychologist or psychiatrist they label you mad and do not attribute it to any injury trouble. Then you and your children live the rest of your lives with the label.. So…. most people would refuse the treatment.

  46. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @WURA-War-on-UOctober 8, 2019 6:06 AM “doctors tend to suggest surgery as a first option when there are other methods available….especially vicious insurance companies with agendas.”

    Is this true?

    I’ve had need to use the service of an excellent orthopedic doctor in Barbados, and he said the exact opposite of what you say. he said that patients tend tend to see surgery as a first resort, but that typically it is a last resort. he referred my relative to the physiotherapy of the QEH and they did an excellent job, but it involved weekly appointments over a period of 18 months. Labour intensive. But it worked. years later the patient is pain free, without surgery.

    Another Bajan doctor, speaking for a friend now. Lolll. Friend felt that she needed obstetrical surgery. The excellent doctor advised no. He advised to switch from tampons to sanitary napkins, prescribed short term hormonal therapy, 3 decades later my friend is in excellent health, no surgery, no problems.

    So doctors in Barbados, prescribe surgery first? In my experience and I am certain in the experience of many, many, others the answer is no.

  47. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Sargeant and Baje 12:15 and 12:32 Sargeant and Baje

    And I am not a capitalist. People who know me know that I am a socialist, a foolish, soft hearted bunt.

    Should an attorney be rude to his or her client?


  48. “Then they are not all bad because I know an attorney who did tell the client that she should have taken psychological treatment when recommended by the physician. He said it would have enhanced the claim.”

    some are very conscientious…it is the connected ones in the cabal that are a danger to the majority population and those connected ones, reside in the parliament..

    ..i keep speaking about a CRIMINAL SYNDICATE…within the bar association…the problem with the other lawyers….by their SILENCE THEY ARE ENABLING THESE CRIMES AGAINST THE PEOPLE…they cannot plead ignorance…that is no excuse, they all know..

    Simple…you have obviously never had a serious injury…and was never exposed to doctors who feel surgery is the first and only option…usually a second opinion from another doctor informs the patient that they do not need surgery and give them other options..

    do people even still listen TO “FOOLISH BAJANS”…..Donna…..if they still’s time to stop.

    remember they stigmatized the Rastas on the prompting of their nasty leaders for decades……and look how well that is working out for them all…re medical marijuana.

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