Head of Unity Workers Union Senator Caswell Franklyn successfully represented Shikelia Johnson in the case ERT/2018/316 before the Employment Rights Tribunal.

89 responses to “Trade Unionist Senator Caswell Franklyn Wins!”

  1. Barbados employers can be slimy and that is when they are not practicing their nasty slave master parts…changing your job description as it suits their bottomlines, lowlifes.Expose them all.

  2. We don’t need workers’ rights. The typical Barbadian employee works 20 hours a week net. The rest of the time is spent on food, iPhone and gossip.

    All the pompous socialist regulations have strangled the economy. Senator, finally understand this!

    We need economic growth.

  3. congrats to the senator Hope that you publish those which you lose with the same alacrity

  4. Tron. Germany grew after getting rid of labour laws. We decide a few years ago we needed more. Any relationship between those facts?

  5. Spikes

    That day when I lose one of my cases might come. This is my third victory since the new tribunal started, so what alacrity are you talking about

  6. William Skinner Avatar

    Why do we find it so difficult to just say congrats for successfully defending a worker.
    Congrats Brother Franklyn. Keep up the good work.

  7. It is good to see the tribunal delivering in defense of workers. We should continue to lobby to ensure it builds efficiency that the throughput increases and the ERT is a top of mind choice for workers. Workers rights must be protected.

    Congrats to the Senator.

  8. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    Congratulations to you Senator Franklyn on this victory

    You continue to show all parties and persons the stuff you are made of.

    You need to understand what Spikes is saying IN CODE.

    De ole man will explain it for you in simple terms and keep away from gibber heheheheh

    “…You Caswell Franklyn are proving to be more troublesome than we anticipated.”

    “We have noted your 3 victories AND WITH SUCH VICTORIES COMES ADULATION AND PRAISE.”

    “We understand what this means in the currency of politics.”

    “It has us afraid”

    “We are afraid because we just sent home 3500 government employees and you seeking to represent them AND WINNING means 7,500 votes for you Senator AND WE FEAR THIS”

    “THEREFORE, as we go forward in our effort to discredit you, YOU MAY EXPECT THAT WE ARE GOJNG TO STACK THESE MATTERS AGAINST YOU by appointing judges who are sympathetic to the Mugabe Mottley regime”

    “It is in our interest to make sure that you lose, so enjoy this time while you can…”

  9. May I aqain call for an honorary LLM in Labour law for Caswell. Are you listening, UWI?

  10. “Germany grew after getting rid of labour laws. We decide a few years ago we needed more.”

    For the 2 ignoramuses, you cannot treat Germans as slaves, disenfranchise, discriminate against them or steal their tax and pension money to give away to minority thieves…you cannot mistreat them and believe ya can get away with it using shite libel and defamation laws as half assed employers and governments…….they will retaliate AND TAKE YOU OUT…don’t care who you delusionally think you are..

    ….so in thst case where Germans know how to REPRESENT themselves and STAND UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS, unlike Bajans who were programmed to be VICTIMS….they can afford to suspend laws cause Germans don’t tolerate shite practiced AGAINST themselves…or accept ANY VIOLATIONS OF THEIR HUMAN RIGHTS….ya talking about 2 completely different mentalities.

  11. War on u
    Spot on… school them!
    Bajans are too passive on sooo many levels. Excellent comparison.

  12. They should become aggressive like the Jamaicans? To what end?

    If we want to offer different perspectives how we can improve do so, doing it by rubbishing what we are is nonsense and will not work. You improve by creating a nurturing and learning environment, not by bombastic and always critical sound bites. How about looking at what the Senator is doing and trying to improve on it. So far he indicated he was able to assist three persons via the ERT, a good thing perhaps?

  13. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu at 6 :27 AM

    I concur. Barbadians can only do it the Barbadian way. Bombast has never been our style.

    Congratulations to Senator Caswell on his third win before ERT. You continue to live up to our expectations. And you did it your way.

  14. And the Dirty lawyers who to know law and rules don’t apply them to cases, They just delay and take your money, We may only need one lawyer in Government as AG , All others need to not be there for there are for the Queen and not the People,There are many other cases where the Masters pay off the Slaves in key position not to follow the law or your case. Every Level id infected and there is much more money out there Yet to be paid to workers,

  15. @Tron, you’re on to something there, others can ignore to theirs and the detriment of the nation.

  16. Sir William Skinner:

    Congratulations what!

    You are too given to the trite. Always was.

    You really think that this drop in oceans of worker disenfranchisement, as establishment norm, and that ever onward march, could have any affect thereupon.

    What this Franklyn should be doing is operating a certain device within the boundaries of the place where gatherings are convened once weekly.

  17. Caswell
    That day will come . You might think that you are perfect but you are not. Only God is

  18. @ David August 28, 2019 6:27 AM

    Barbadians are the most civilized people in the Caribbean. We should not change that.

  19. An employer must follow the consultation requirements (CR) in section 31(4) of the Employment Rights Act 2012 (ERA) – if its workforce “will be reduced by 10% or any other significant number”.

    The CR can apply to an employer who is reducing its workforce by one employee. For example, where the workforce will be reduced by 20% from 5 to 4 employees. Hence, it’s no surprise that Mrs Mayers-Granville’s rebuttal at paragraph 5 of the case transcript was unsuccessful.

    Employment law in England does not apply to Barbados – if there is no equivalent law in Barbados (see paragraph 6 of the case transcript).

  20. There is a difference between being assertive and aggressive.

  21. The Ministry of Health and Wellness is concerned about aggressive and threatening behaviour being exhibited by some members of the public within the public healthcare system. Nurses at the Winston Scott Polyclinic walked off the job today citing safety concerns for staff and patients. This followed the second incident at the polyclinic in two weeks…(Quote)

    Who are thee aggressive people? Barbadian culture is aggressive, verging on violence, of which foulmouthed behaviour is but part. This aggression is expressed n many ways, from the magistrates courts, to the rum shops.

  22. Spikes
    August 28, 2019 8:41 AM

    That day will come . You might think that you are perfect but you are not. Only God is(Quote)

    What is this? How do you know what someone is thinking? This bitter, savage envy will be the downfall of Barbados. The man is a trade unionist representing his members.
    Stop playing the man and play the ball. Deal with the ideas and policies and not what what you think the man thinks.

  23. But wait a minute, has anyone lost a case taken before the ERT?

  24. “Barbadians are the most civilized people in the Caribbean.”

    ya claimed to be the best educated too…so what happened with that…turns out ya ARE the MOST MISEDUCATED…so ya better change “most civilized” to MOST VICTIMIZED AND MENTALLY BEATEN DOWN….by lawyer/liars/thieves/i of government and hypocrites and frauds that all of you are…ya done know it’s the HONEST TRUTH..

  25. …….ALL COMMITTED BY lawyers/liars/thieves/MINISTERS of government..

    …and hypocrites and frauds that all of you are…ya done know it’s the HONEST TRUTH..

  26. Mr Bascombe lost his case before the ERT. The case is available at: https://labour.gov.bb/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Decision-Bascombe-October-9th-2018.pdf

  27. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Pacha
    I merely congratulated a Brother on his success. If that is trite so be it.

  28. Thanks TT. Yuh must commend the DLP for the ERT.

  29. I have been listening to Brasstacks and hearing about nurses not getting paid for months.

    The must be devout Christians.

  30. The state is bankrupt. I am sure White Oaks and ministers are being paid. It shows the idiocy of BERT. Print money and pay the people. Barbados is a failed state.

  31. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Hants

    Note a caller said there were problems since 1966. I keep telling the jokers on BU that we have lost lost decades and not no one lost decade.
    But cool aid was never known for quenching anybody’s thirst with common sense.

    The Duopoly Rules

  32. William Skinner Avatar

    Should be : “ have lost five decades…..” Apologies

  33. @ William,

    Never mind what happened before.

    This is a glorious for the PM to show exceptional leadership and put in place measures to ensure that nurses and other civil servants will always be paid on time.

    She got this ?

  34. glorious opportunity

  35. But looka the UK, Parl shut down so the aristocrats can do as they wish. Failed state?

  36. @Hants

    The non payment of salaries is a public service inefficiency?

  37. They should become aggressive like the Jamaicans? To what end?

    No they should remain like the sheep, docile, easy manipulated and standing for nothing.

  38. @Dullard

    From one extreme to the next?


  39. Not really boss.

    You first brought the straw man Jamaica reference.

    All I did was to use a figure of speech to shed light on your weak position.

    Should I explain how a figure of speech works?

    Besides, even many Bajans would agree that many of their compatriots are “docile, easy manipulated and standing for nothing”

  40. @Dullard

    What criteria have used to determine Barbadians are docile?

    Anecdotal nonsense.

  41. That cunt Halton Austin never ceases to condemn Bajans.

    This time we are aggressive – customary meme.

    But we’ve never enslaved half the world,

    Fought wars for territorial expansion

    Nor stolen everything that the White people who he never seems to have any critique of have

    Never been seafaring brigands, bandits, pirates and knights

    But yet the Bajan sets records for being aggressive.

    What an ugly self-hating cunt is he – HALTON AUSTIN.

  42. What criteria have used to determine Barbadians are docile?

    Wait, you want chapter and verse? I wont debate you on this matter but consider this boss.

    Being the global epicenter of African chattel slavery for a couple of centuries comes with consequences.

  43. I rest my case.

  44. @Enuff August 28, 2019 3:19 PM

    But looka the UK, Parl shut down so the aristocrats can do as they wish. Failed state?

    Could you imagine the crap the bullshitter from the Ivy would have posted on this blog if Mia has sent the type of request to the GG that Bojo sent to the Queen, and the GG approved it? Don’t hold your breath expecting to read any condemnation from him. He is most likely afraid a bobbie taser his black backside and put him in prison or deport him to the failed state of Barbados.

  45. The GG has no choice but to approve on a technicality.

  46. Anecdotal nonsense. ???

    The real David like he retire fuh trute yuh. Lay off de Kool aid

    Man you mekkin bare mock sport. You are well aware of the kind of folly that goes on in Bdos daily and people dont say a word.

    You want to see docility?

    Check out any west coast hotel.
    Check the pensioners that suffering in silence
    Check the double land tax billing
    Check the Abijah Holder affair which in many jurisdictions prosecutors would be considering manslaughter charges.

  47. Warm and sincere greetings to Hal.
    Most times you punch above your weight.
    Stay strong, brother.

  48. TheoGaz

  49. Something set Pachamama off today.

    It would be interesting to know how many ordinary Barbadians, and how many union leaders, accept Marxist conceptions of the employment relationship as inherently exploitative.

    Pachamama would undoubtedly say that to be employed (in a capitalist system) means you will always be cheated; will always be required to produce more in value than you receive.

    To a Marxist, ALL employment relationships are always unjust because you must sometimes work “for free”. Do union leaders in Barbados generally share that perspective? How many of them truly believe they can use the legal system to win fairness for at least some workers? How do people on this blog shake out on these questions?

  50. @Dullard

    “Man you mekkin bare mock sport. You are well aware of the kind of folly that goes on in Bdos daily and people dont say a word.” (Quote)


    You’re speaking the truth, and I agree.

    Unfortunately most Bajans prefer to suffer in silence, too afraid organise anything to challenge the status quo.

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