The most recent advisory has Tropical Dorian at 11.5N and 54.W or about 375 miles East-southeast of Barbados. The weather hunter is scheduled to examine the system at 8PM tonight- a firm decision will be made regarding the timing of the national shutdown soon after.

Feel free to use this space constructively to assist anyone search for information.

308 responses to “Tropical Storm Dorian Has BB on LOCK!”

  1. Would be interesting to see how the under ground pipe /cable system that sends effluent from the sewer plant into the ocean rides out this storm

  2. Official government website to validate information.

  3. @Barbadians

    Let us prepare for this one!

  4. Shouldn’t be a problem if the pipe is situated fairly far from the surface of the ocean. The turbulence would only affect a couple of fathoms of sea water or so. Submarine don’t encounter problems in storms when they are submerged, it is only at periscope depth ,that problems in storms are experienced .The same occurs when one is diving.

  5. Thanks Dr. Lucas but i was thinking of possible bursting of pipe which can result in leaking of sewage
    But i would take your comment to heart as one who is more knowelegable in that area


    INIT 25/2100Z 11.5N 54.2W 45 KT 50 MPH
    12H 26/0600Z 11.8N 55.9W 50 KT 60 MPH
    24H 26/1800Z 12.4N 58.2W 55 KT 65 MPH
    36H 27/0600Z 13.1N 60.3W 55 KT 65 MPH
    48H 27/1800Z 14.1N 62.3W 60 KT 70 MPH
    72H 28/1800Z 16.4N 66.4W 65 KT 75 MPH
    96H 29/1800Z 18.5N 70.0W 60 KT 70 MPH…INLAND
    120H 30/1800Z 20.5N 73.0W 25 KT 30 MPH…OVER WATER

    Bullseye forecast.

    Wind speeds forecast to be 65 mph, short of hurricane force but nothing to be trifled with.

    Still has a day or so to strengthen/weaken.

    … and just a few decimal points of a degree south or north and we may not experience the full force of the winds.

    Seen some weird behavior in my time so we just got to wait and see.

    A prayer would not be out of order!!

  7. @John A

    Any system this far South at the speed reported with a day over water bears watching,

  8. @ David.

    I agree with you and will await the result of the hurricane Hunter for sure. Have to say so far the government have handled it well in terms of information and speaking directly to the country.

    As we stand now is the shut down scheduled for 12 noon tomorrow or is this to be confirmed still?

  9. @John A

    The official position is shutdown from 12PM tomorrow subject to change after the next advisory post 8PM tonight.

  10. @ David.

    Thanks will listen later then for a final time.


    Have disaster supplies on hand

    Flashlight and extra batteries
    Portable, battery-operated radio and extra batteries
    First aid kit
    Non-perishable (canned food) and water
    Non-electric can opener
    Essential medicines
    Cash and credit cards
    Sturdy shoes

  12. Let me ask you a question like this: Do the international government bonds/loans that are currently in dispute also have a hurricane clause? And what about the CS-FCIB loan? If I remember correctly, the government bonds-BB have such a clause.

    If all debts had a hurricane clause Barbados would be fine with a real monster storm roller …

  13. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ John A

    We expect this high level of communication. We are getting back to where we used to be. This time around the political class is visible. In the past the technocrats were the communicators.
    The behaviour of tropical storms is unpredictable,therefore shut down time should not be decided too early.

  14. Last time we had a government minister defying national shut down order by opening his supermarket.

  15. Hand crank radios and flashlights are great. No batteries required.

    Hope they sell them in Barbados. If not you could buy them on

  16. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Tron

    All contracts have a ?force de majeur? clause. This covers certain acts beyond the control of the contractee. I am not too sure it covers states.

  17. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    You and I know that under any other PM ( BLP or DLP) he would have been relieved of his portfolio. That is why I said we are moving back to the standards to which we are accustomed.

  18. @ Vincent

    Yes I have to say the PM has handled it well so far. She spoke calmly in simple English to the island and I think alot of the older folks especially felt comforted by it. In cases like these it is good to See a proactive approach as opposed to a reactive one.

    @ David

    What supermarket the man said he opened his ” MALL” to the public as a service to the community. I don’t know if they still had to pay though. Lol

  19. Tonight to all the inhabitants of our beloved little and wonderful island:

    Stand by! Have you stored enough champagne and caviar in cans? Do you have your Flex ticket ready in business class? Swimming pool covered? US dollar, Swiss franc, yen and euro counted? Parked the helicopter in the steel-armored hangar? Informed the butler in your holiday home at Lake Geneva about a possible visit for a few weeks?

    If so, then you are ready.

  20. Comparing Adreil Brathwaite and the PM is chalk and cheese.

  21. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    Hopefully, those that are preparing have started and they are making some headway in their preparations. For the others, they must know what they are about.

    Best of luck to one and all. Hopefully, God will remember Barbados for what he knows it can be and not what it has become.

  22. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    @ David August 25, 2019 8:30 PM

    I guess i don’t get too caught up into personalities; that is why i can’t see/tell the chalk from the cheese?

  23. @sirFuzzy

    It is about clear communication. We did not before, now we do.

  24. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    @ David August 25, 2019 8:41 PM

    I guess i am more into the content. But I am strange that way. I was advised to listen to politicians with my eyes closed. That is why I tend to listen to important local announcements over the radio rather than watch it on the TV. Helps when u are driving as well. The human voice is a powerful thing.

    To me, MAM has not said anything that I have not heard before. or is expected from the PM on an occasion like this.

    Just my take.

    Just saying

  25. A week ago their was the buzz word “humane” repeated over and over again in reference to the squatters
    Hello. Waiting to hear what humane policy in store to remove mothers and children living on Squtters Row from the dilapidated conditions to safe haven
    The minister in charge i wonda where he is
    Remember sir it is all about humanity and a storm is looming right on barbados shores
    Mothers and children living on Squatters Row would be in need of help

  26. Vincent Codrington
    August 25, 2019 8:02 PM

    @ Tron
    All contracts have a ?force de majeur? clause. This covers certain acts beyond the control of the contractee. I am not too sure it covers states.


    Years ago it was called an “Act of God”!!

  27. Are there not hurricane shelters in Christ church and st phillip?

  28. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    QEH Pharmacy opening at 7:15 Monday morning

    To mitigate against the possible impact of Tropical Storm Dorian, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital pharmacy will open on Monday, August 26, 2019, from 7:15 A.M. until the National Shutdown is declared, to provide a limited dispensing service. This limited service is to ensure that persons on life saving therapies, such as cardiac, oncology, asthmatic, diabetic and hypertensive patients with repeat prescriptions to be refilled between Monday, August 26 and Wednesday, August 28, 2019, will receive the necessary medication. It is advised that persons on medication have at minimum a seven day supply of all medications prescribed. As such, this limited dispensing service is to ensure patient care is not compromised.

  29. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Since births can’t wait

    The Labour Ward at the QEH will continue to function 24 hours to facilitate the usual urgency and emergency cases.

  30. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    For those within 4 weeks of giving birth

    Antenatal patients who are due within the next four weeks or are high risk, who have appointments on Monday, August 26, in the Dr. Chatrani and Dr. Welch Out-Patients’ Clinics will be accommodated on Thursday, August 29, in the Dr. Best and Dr. McIntyre Out-Patients’ Clinics. Those with appointments on Tuesday, August 29, in the Dr. Lafond and Dr. Robinson Out-Patients’ Clinics and are due within the next 4 weeks or are at high risk, will be accommodated on Friday, August 30, in the Dr. Chase Out-Patients’ Clinic. All other antenatal patients affected by the closure of the Antenatal Out-Patients’ Clinics will be seen the following week on their respective appointment days.

  31. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    But the other out patient clinics will be closed:

    The public is kindly asked to note that due to the passage of Tropical Storm Dorian, all Out-Patients’ Clinics at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital will be closed on Monday, August 26; Tuesday, August 27; and Wednesday, August 28, 2019. Patients affected by the closure will be contacted by the Medical Records Department to facilitate the rescheduling of their appointments.

  32. Having seen the misery that accompanies major hurricanes, let me offer my top 12 recommendations to significantly reduce the misery if this becomes a major storm.

    One. If a window is breached, everything will get wet. So, pack a suitcase as if you are going away for at least 2 weeks. Then go to the supermarket and purchase 3 packs of jumbo plastic bags, and several large plastic bags. Place your luggage in the plastic bags. Place everything that you do not want to get wet in the remaining plastic bags, including the TV, computers, and documents.

    Two. Wash all of your clothes and store them in plastic bags. You may not get a chance to wash them again for weeks.

    Three. Raise all electrical connections at least 100 mm (4″) off of the ground. That would include fridge transformers, and all surge protectors for your TV etc.

    Four. Go to BRC and order hurricane connectors and screws for every rafter connection. Make sure that your roof sheeting has a screw every 150 mm (6″).

    Five. Go to H&B or Carters or any hardware store that sells plastic sheets and duct tape. Buy a 30m (100 ft) roll of plastic sheet (it can easily fit in the boot of a small car) – it costs about $75. You can use it to wrap up any rugs, cover your bed, and use it to cover your furniture if part of your roof is damaged.

    Six. Buy dry cereal in plastic bags. Buy enough to last you for 3 weeks. Also, buy rice, lentil peas and seasoning. That may be your staple for a while.

    Seven. Buy one solar panel, which you can use to charge your phone and computer. It is a lot more convenient than using a small generator.

    Eight. Collect drinking water, and if the water goes off, only flush when you have replacement water to fill the tank.

    Nine. Buy a mosquito net for each bed. There is usually a lot of standing water and mosquitoes.

    Ten. Fill your car with fuel, and use it sparingly.

    Eleven. Every timber framed roof that I have seen fail seemed to start failing at a spliced joint. These joints are installed because the rafter or apex ridge beam was too long, so the contractor spliced two timbers together to get the required length. However, there slices are almost always done badly.

    So, look at each timber rafter and ridge beam, and see of you notice a spliced joint. A quick fix would be to visit BRC tomorrow and purchase 2 moment connectors (preferably stainless steel since it looks a lot nicer, and may go with your stainless steel appliances) for each spliced connection.

    Some installation directions are linked below for your convenience – scroll down to the moment connector.

    Twelve. Doors should be secured at all 4 corners. The hinges normally secure two corners, but the other two are normally unsecured. Go to any hardware store, purchase bolts to secure any unsecured corners.

    This, and any other information to economically strengthen your house against hurricanes and earthquakes, is provided in the Home Strengthening Guide, linked below for your convenience. Strengthening doors is Item number 14.

    There is still time, so use it wisely.

  33. Thanks Grenville!

    Are you satisfied with how the government apparatus has been mobilized so far?

  34. @John

    Are you satisfied with restorative work at Graeme Hall Sanctuary including the south coast sewage system?

  35. @sirFuzzy

    Content is always in important however how the effectiveness of the content is often measured in how it is delivered to achieve maximum results.

  36. It is unfortunate Barbados Authority has to rely on the Martinique radar to track weather systems. We need to rejig some priorities.

  37. @David

    “It is unfortunate Barbados Authority has to rely on the Martinique radar to track weather systems. We need to rejig some priorities.”

    Dont get me started, Barbados recieved a free weather radar a few years, courtesy of I believe the EU, managed to operate it for a few months, since then it’s been offline. This is typical of the BARBADOS government system, unable to manage what resources they have and capabilities. Know doubt if Dorian wrecks major damage on the island the political elite will transfer the BLAME to lack of infrastructure and resources. Barbados is always quick to jump to BLAME EVERYONE EXCEPT IT’S OWN INCOMPETENCE.


  38. David
    August 26, 2019 3:09 AM

    It is unfortunate Barbados Authority has to rely on the Martinique radar to track weather systems. We need to rejig some priorities.


    It used to bug me that Barbados could not keep a radar working.

    Guadeloupe and Martinique Radar will only be able to “see” the storm later today.

    Curvature of the earth, line of sight.

    Even if Barbados had a working radar it would only be “seeing” the nearest parts of the storm at this moment.

    The satellite imagery is fine to appreciate what is going on.

    As the storm comes closer the radar will “see” it in almost real time and its circulation can be watched.

    Martinique and Guadeloupe are both departments of France so the resources available to them to keep a weather radar working are infinitely greater than what is available to us.

    It really doesn’t bug me any more!!

    The two radars will give ample time to watch the approach of the storm real time.

    Winds of 65 mph are winds of 65mph whether we watch them on radar in real time or by satellite!!!

    Be prepared and be ready as far as you can be!!

    This is Martinique and Guadeloupe radar.

    We can see the nearest parts of the storm at the moment.

    Later today we will see the whole storm come into view and can watch its circulation real time.

    … but we can also get alot of the information from satellite!!

  39. TheOGazerts (Unpaid and not appointed PRO) Avatar
    TheOGazerts (Unpaid and not appointed PRO)

    Thanks Grenville!

    Are you satisfied with how the government apparatus has been mobilized so far?

    A deliciously wicked ball.

    I put that in the “Do you still beat your wife category?” Answering does not help “your case.”
    A “No” will have some saying that as an opposition leader his response was expected.
    A “Yes” will have some attacking him for ‘supporting” Mugabe, saying saying his ‘trojan horse was expected and confirm to a few that Mia is always right.

    If you are going to respond, do it sensibly. “Good mobilization, but it seems as if there is a disconnect between government and the ordinary Bajans From what I saw, it looks as if the government is focusing on prominent businessmen.”

  40. Barbados Water Authority
    10 hrs


    The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) wishes to advise the public that as Tropical Storm Dorian approaches the island, it is important to store adequate supplies of water for yourself, your family and your pets.

    The recommended amount is five gallons per person per day for at least five days. Water must be stored in clean, covered containers.

    The BWA will also be filling all of its Community Tanks starting this Sunday evening to ensure that water is available to persons who may not have running water in their homes at present. These tanks will then be refilled tomorrow Monday and locked off until after the passage of the storm. This is to ensure that the tanks are secured by the weight of the water for use after the storm and do not become missiles in high winds.

    Please note that once the system starts to affect the island, the Authority’s crews will not be available to assist until the all clear is given. Once that has occurred, personnel will be deployed to unlock the Community Tanks.

    The Authority would like to urge all persons to always be prepared and stay safe during this hurricane season. (ENDS)

    August 25, 2019, BWA

  41. David
    August 26, 2019 2:46 AM

    Are you satisfied with restorative work at Graeme Hall Sanctuary including the south coast sewage system?


    One thing at a time.

    Let’s get past today.

    For me the biggest issue is the 1156 acres of land collecting the 2-4 inches of rain expected and dumping it into the swamp.

    Open the sluice gate …. remove the sand .. whatever … do it all like yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    When we had 6 inched and 64 parts on the 50th anniversary of the independence of Barbados and somebody forgot/delliberatly allowed it to remain closed all hell broke loose!!

    The expectation is for less rain so maybe …. !!

    The strength of the civil works will be tested but still, this is a small storm so maybe ….

    We will see!!

  42. In days gone by most people kept a small kitchen garden.

    There would have been potatoes, cassava, pumpkins etc etc available after the passage of a storm.

    One of the ways our ingenious fore parents got by without a supermarket … storm or no storm!!

    It also kept them healthy from the exercise and good food!!

  43. @ David.

    Are we still working with the 12 noon shut down or has that changed?

  44. @John A

    We are still working with a 12 shutdown.

  45. @ David,

    Good suggestions by Grenville. A link to the information could be put on BU front page from July to November every year.

  46. Hi Ross University wish i was a fly on the wall to hear govt and Ross plans for the students as the hurricane looms closer to barbados
    Isnt it ironic that Ross runs from Dominica to barbados. because of hurricane effects and Barbados is presently caught within the margin of a cat1 hurricane

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