Since the shellacking the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) received at the polls in the last general election held on the 24 May 2018, the citizenry has had to make do with a contrived opposition.  The Reverend Joseph Atherley who presented himself as a Barbados Labour Party (BLP) candidate was influenced by a divine intervention- the blogmaster suspects- when the 30-0 result was careening towards a constitutional crisis to cross the floor.

The adversarial nature of the politics practised in Barbados has quickly exposed the passive political persona of Atherley. Under his style of leadership the People’s Party for Democracy and Development (PPDD) will struggle to compete in what is popularly referred to as a blood sport. To Atherley’s credit he was able to lure trade unionist and social commentator Caswell Franklyn to his team, who to date has been the member of the party equipped to bare visible political fangs. He is supported by a youthful but inexperienced Crystal Drakes. Drakes continues to grow in stature as time passes.

The 30-0 now 29-1 has created a vacuum in Barbados politics.  Our system of government was designed to accommodate an inquiring opposition IN parliament.   What cannot be refuted is that an elected opposition represents an alternative government in waiting. At the time of posting this blog  there was no evidence the  PPDD had announced 30 candidates, therefore, if something unforeseen were to demand a general election there would be concern.

It gets more interesting.

The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) – the other half of the two political parties to have dominated elective politics in Barbados – continues to struggle since the 24 May 2018 to win hearts and minds of Barbadians.  Like Atherley, President Verla De Peiza of the DLP lacks the charisma- in her case add support from the party base to do what is necessary to transform the DLP.  Like the PPDD the DLP is in the process of selecting candidates to represent all 30 constituencies. A good critique is that De Peiza as shadow person for finance has been ‘outspoken’ by both Senator Crystal Drakes and of recent former Senator Maxine McClean. To hear from deputy Irene Sandiford-Garder one has to visit her Facebook page.

The ideal position is for a third party movement to emerge to create viable options for a fedup electorate. Despite a record number of third party registrants contesting the last general election, they have flattered to deceive. Not one has differentiated itself by advocating policies that resonate. It should be clear to new political parties they must have an all-encompassing approach to winning the hearts and minds of the electorate.  One cannot turn up six months before an election with a realistic hope of winning. To Atherley and De Peiza who have been unable to deposit representatives in ALL the constituencies, this must be regarded as an insult to the people they want to represent. Have we reached a point where the needs of the party trump the needs of the people they want to serve?

Come on you other political parties, get your act together!

The 24 May 2018 result has created a situation where we have a de facto dictatorship.


123 responses to “Ineffective Opposition Has Given Rise to a De facto Dictatorship”

  1. Caswell…ya see the same way Dale Whistleblower can claim that he is bringing in outside agencies to investigate corruption in this clip, am sure it is to investigate DLP corruption and NOT BLP corruption…

    well it’s the same way the official Opposition can contact outside agencies to investigate government for writing off 1 whole BILLION DOLLARS in debt both…vat and income taxes for their friends family and BRIBERS….when the majority population can LEAST AFFORD IT, when pensioners and disability pensioners…ARE SUFFERING BECAUSE OF THIS SAME VICIOUS GOVERNMENT..because their income was cut drastically…because as you are saying…MIA DON’T CARE….because they are not even paying thei rinternational creditors, when if they had collected the Vat and tax arrears…they could pay international creditors…something..


  2. So as the official Opposition…what are yall going to do about that….

  3. BTW…don’t tell me yall will pray…cause that will NOT help anything, never helped before cause the country only got worse and it certianly will NOT help now….

    ya smart ENUFF to see my point.

  4. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Outside agencies only respond to requests to investigate wrongdoing from governments or government agencies like the police.

    Sent from my iPad

  5. In 1962, after the collapse of the Federation, the UK government was reluctant to back the Federation of the Eight (minus Jamaica and Trinidad) because of the fear of corruption and the absence of poor statesmanship. The Brits were prepared to back the Federation on condition that more power went to the central government, away from corrupt little islands, but little island parochialism prevailed. That was 57 years ago. Nothing has changed. Plato’s Allegory.

  6. Those who follow the siren song of the opposition should take a close look at the situation in Argentina: There is a new left-wing populist government on the doorstep, which resembles the DLP strikingly. The pesos has already slipped dramatically.

    If the naive masses vote for the DLP again out of nostalgia, this island is in danger of final demise.

  7. Caswell but the opposition voice is to hold govt feet to the fire
    Why do u think taxpayers monies are dolled out to you the opposition
    Surely not to sit on the side lines and watch the parade pass by
    The opposition is closer to govt actions and behaviour
    Most of the time the people rely on an the untrusted media
    Coming on BU to be crtical of what people say or think is ridiculous when all the people have is the blp news media to rely on

  8. “Outside agencies only respond to requests to investigate wrongdoing from governments or government agencies like the police.”

    but ya can make reports, if not requests…and give those agencies a headsup…because Mia and her gang will not be in parliament forever…people want them GONE NOW…

    ya will wait until they are kicked out to then say ya contacting agencies, by then they would destroy all the evidence…reports CAN BE MADE…and they can be WATCHED….as you can see, she has no problem doing shite that goes against any benefit to the people who elected her…

  9. Caswell

    Thanks for your contribution. However, even if there were a genuine opposition, which there is not, it would result in no difference.

    We trust that your current exposure would result in that determination.

    When you arrive at that ‘overstanding’ maybe the only way out will thusly present itself.

  10. @Pacha

    You beat the blogmaster to it.

    If an election were to be held tomorrow the result will be the same.

  11. “When you arrive at that ‘overstanding’ maybe the only way out will thusly present itself.”

    a way out always presents itself, all Caswell has to do is look for it, because the modus is to hide information that will allow people to make the requisite changes…..but the info is there, given what i know about those slugs.

  12. What many are missing is that the Vat was ALREADY COLLECTED AT POINT OF SALE…you pay vat at cash registers as consumers etc…the businesses that collected the vat…REFUSED TO PAY ANY OF THE MONEY TO EITHER GOVERNMENT…and that was ok by both governments…when it is a clear case of THEFT…and they should all have been arrested..

    i believe we have been saying this for YEARS..

  13. And David

    You must also mean in whichever way/s that that new government produced from that election is made up.

    Therefore then, the problem we have always been discussing is primarily systemic.

    That no set of variables can produce a different governing ethos.

  14. And imagine an old vulnerable man got a year in prison for stealing a 99c nail clip, people go to prison for stealing food because they are hungry…and this alien in parliament is allowing thieves who robbed hundreds of millions in VAT…public funds……to walk freely.

    and we have not even talked about the family, friends, bribers, who got away with paying no taxes to the treasury..

  15. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Senator Caswell Franklyn

    You said and I quote

    “…Government is systematically legislating without circulating the bills before passage.

    Most of the time, when the country finds out that a matter is before Parliament, it has already been passed into law…”

    Might I suggest something?

    Where is the official website of the PPDD?

    HAS IT BEEN LAUNCHED YET? Not to worry that is not really the issue here.

    What IS THE ISSUE is your statement which confirms what de ole man has been saying

    Mugabe Amin Mottley IS A DICTATOR!

    MUGABE AMIN MOTTLEY AND her regime are systematically changing the laws to introduce her dictatorship

    this is what I expected AND IT IS NECESSARY SO THAT NEXT TIME AROUND the electorate elect your party!

    De ole Man suggests that you create a site FOR THE SHEEPLE AND THE PEOPLE called


    De ole man would do um for you if you asked .

    Here you will list 1. The date of the infraction 2. The name of the Law 3. A summary of what the Mugabe criminal is doing through the Law 4. The name of the criminal who introduced the crime

    Remember that you are writing for people who can understand and Sheeple whose reasoning skills are “Mugabe how much you giving me for my vote?”

    Pretty soon Senator Franklyn what that site will have is

    1.Every single illegal law that Mugabe has enacted AND WHAT IT MEANS


    Meet me outside!

  16. @Caswell
    Rather than focusing on who or what constitutes the Opposition, it would be more beneficial to this society to focus on the rampant bad behaviour of this present administration
    You are making David’s point about an “ineffective” opposition. Societies must be led and usually it is the Opposition that leads the charge in bringing these issues to the public’s attention, any focus on “bad behavior” is not generated organically, the political machine is usually the catalyst that gets the ball rolling. I am not faulting you as a member of the “Opposition” but the spotlight must be directed at your Parliamentary leader.

  17. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    You asked and I quote

    “…If an election were to be held tomorrow the result will be the same…”

    Every day you intone the same hymnal which, WHILE NOT ENTIRELY TRUE, is pretty much obvious

    There is no Democratic Labour Party and the people kicked them out and would be real RHs to vote for those rapists for the next 15 years

    Is there another viable alternative? @ today?

    We have answered that question 5 time a day, 7 days a week for the last year.

    @ today there are few alternative persons FAR LESS PARTIES

    But, give it time, and you WILL SEE a change a’coming that going either mek you very happy or give you the bowels AND GIVEN THAT YOU ARE THE Minister of Disinformation, we dun know what dat means heheheheh

  18. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Sargeant

    “Ours not to reason why, ours but to do AND DIE!” speaks to the life of loyal soldiers.

    We follow orders TO THE HILT a d Senator Caswell Franklyn IS A SEASONED SOLDIER.

    HE is not going to betray his Commander.

    The Chain of Command WILL PRESCRIBE what Senator Franklyn does and when he does it!

    He is not like the Judases Mugabe Mottley nor David Thompson,he will wait and in due time you will see how he will speak.

  19. Excellent article David.

    Keep pressing on.

    Just observing

  20. I have read here what some see as the limits of the opposition in government, fair enough that is their view. What about the responsibility of the opposition to enlighten and educate the public? Surely they are not limited there by political restraint.

    Why did this party when in opposition not alert us we were about to lose access to the car park at Accra when The Blue Horizon deal was taken to parliament? After all they were in opposition then were they not?

    Why has this opposition not brought to the public’s attention that the current central bank report is grossly misleading as it speaks to reserves without making any provision for debt service on the defaulted debt?

    The opposition has a responsibility to us at the very least to dissect information and put it into the public arena for discussion. It must cut through the political propaganda and glossy publications and bring to the public our true reality.

    If that is done then your battle to convince us the voters is on its way to being a reality.

  21. While their heads are bowed and they are in some kinda pray session…there is a plan afoot…to ROB THE PENSION FUND AGAIN…

    so keep bowing yall heads and praying…

    yall think i was joking this morning when i plainly exposed who plans to rob the pension fund…just be aware that they cannot rob my pension…lol

    it’s yalls that will disappear ….AGAIN..

  22. The opposition does not inform voters sufficiently. Perhaps the opposition has become too tired. Or corrupted. Take a look at the saturated characters in the Senate. I would be very interested to know whether senators also have advantages when importing (tax-free?) and whether there is a banquet at every session. If we had a decent opposition, they would long ago have abolished the Senate instead of imposing costs on the taxpayer and living like all other bureaucrats at the expense of others.

    We need the senate as much as we need the seaweed on the beach. So not at all. If anyone deserves the word “dictatorship”, it is the opposition that sucks the taxpayer out.

  23. At the heart of the matter has to be we select representatives who are going after a job rather offering themselves for public service.

  24. I had seaweed with sushi recently….it is more useful than government or government ministers….

    we need seaweed much more than we need politicians/ministers/senators…all parasites on the public purse.

    and when yall get robbed ya PENSIONS AGAIN…the scamsters will sell ya backsides into slavery cause that’s the only way yall will survive when ya end up with nothing…call it new age slavery…every cycle got some kinda scam to enslave black people all over again, particularly small island crooks……ya leaders are always ready to enslave yall as long as it fills their pockets…and some people will never even know they are slaves…

    i always knew there was something wrong with that damn insurance company as it is with all insurance comapnies..

  25. Caswell u a joker for real
    Now telling all and sundry what u think they should talk about .dont you think that having your ears eyes and hands closer to govt gives the opposition the ultimate opportunity to put govt on full blast in full view of the public
    Yuh got to be joking talking about what people should be discussing as if Atherley is doing a good job of being transparentand accountable to the for the back door laws and policies this govt is passing
    I will bet that your retort on things that this govt have done is the first time most have officially heard
    What u need to do is to make it your business to use the soap box of VOB just in the same way and manner Mia did when in.opposition

  26. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Malarky. All majority governments are essentially dictators until the next election. Bajans should know, as the D’s only had a single seat majority post 2013. No amount of opposition voices did a damn thing. But a March did. That still sticks in the craw of the D’s. But most in a small society, are like mice, they don’t wish any light shone on them. For even if they are passionate about an issue, it will be interpreted as being either a B or a D, should they step out and voice an opinion. So they ‘hush up’, and engage in a lot of long talk between friends, who are similarly sheepish to take a stand. Too risky.
    The opposition here in Ontario have been barking, but it is the demonstrations and ‘people outing’ which gets the pols attention. It also grabs the media attention.

  27. At the heart of the matter has to be we select representatives who are going after a job rather offering themselves for public service.


    I must hand it to you boss.

    Either you are a masochist or you are a patriot par excellence!

    I’ve been lurking on BU since day 1 (the slug video) and while the actors change, the themes repeat year after year, govt after govt.

    Surely by now you see what Pacha, BT and GP have been saying in their different ways?

    The ‘good ole days’ are done. Societies everywhere are deeply penetrated with corruption and evil. Chaos and destruction is really the only logical end to all this. Our discussions on BU – though useful – are merely tinkering at the margins of some very deep-rooted, intractable problems.

  28. @Dullard

    And what must good people do for the cause?

  29. William Skinner Avatar

    Caswell is very happy making his contribution as a member of the BLPPdP coalition which is an extension of the Duopoly. He must be complimented for his biting and often blistering contributions in the senate. He is earning his cheques. Keep up the hood work Brother Franklyn.

    The Duopoly Rules

  30. William Skinner Avatar

    Good work not hood. Thanks

  31. Very well, Sir William.

    Now, you must tell us what, in your view, would be the end result of this ‘good work’.

    And if it will have no material influence on the duopoly, is this ‘good work’ any good at all?

  32. Caswell Franklyn August 12, 2019 10:25 AM

    One of the saddest things that I read here. I almost started crying.

    I weep for my country and its people
    I pray for the leaders who would yoke them as if they are beast of burden

  33. Caswell Franklyn
    August 12, 2019 10:25 AM

    Rather than focusing on who or what constitutes the Opposition, it would be more beneficial to this society to focus on the rampant bad behaviour of this present administration.


    No opposition = no government

    Waste of time!!

  34. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Pacha
    Caswell is paid by the taxpayers. Since entering the senate, he has highlighted some topics and issues that others have opted not to touch. The general consensus is that the public that pays him benefitted from his contributions. That’s where the “good” comes in.
    We ought to remember that Caswell was once a very strong supporter of the BLP. I therefore said he is “happy” within the BLPPdP coalition, which is an extension of the Duopoly.
    Like it or not Caswell is really at home politically.
    The Duopoly Rules

  35. And to make Barbados look even worse on the world stage, ya having the most evil, THIEVING lawyers coming out of the Barbados Bar Asdoviation…..THE BIGGEST THIEVES IN THE WORLD…….Vonda Pile is where she should be safely locked away ..IN PRISON…but ya will hear of her fellow thieving lawyers wailing and knashing their crooked teeth because she got caught and is locked up….but not one tear for the MANY PEOPLE SHE ROBBED..

    But it gets worse…yall should see JUST HOW MUCH PAIN &TEETS HAVE BEEN STEALING FROM VULNERABLE PEOPLE…it willl make ya CRY…someone had to put these bitches to tief FOREVER…..for robbing them…this is NOT NORMAL….this level of thievery coming out of parliament and bar asdociation…AND NONE OF THEM IT SEEMS CANT STOP ROBBING PEOPLE..

    Have a read.

    “, this Vonda Pile & Rosemary Lane requires urgent attention., Rosemary’s mother died without getting back her $200,000 whilst a brother had given up. Is it not amazing from the Bar Associstion and Police Reports that this matter was not even mentioned in Vonda Pile’s recent court case with all this material evidence. This is certification of the unworthiness of Barbados’ Disciplinary Committee.

    The police fraud squad needs to explain why this matter was not taken before the law court, with all this unquestionable evidence OF VONDA PILE TAKING the $200,000 from the accounts and refused to hand over the money to her clients after deducting her legal fees.”

  36. Here is Dale Whistleblower showing us that both corrupt governments’ skill sets are EXCLUSIVELY as follows:

    tiefing from their own people..

    helping their bribers tief from their own people

    helping criminals tief from their own people…

    AND protecting all the criminals AFTER they have robbed the majority population of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS….and then CLAIMING…that NO ONE IN BARBADOS…has the SKILLS SET…to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE corruption…..their skills set STOPS AT TIEFING…only.


  37. Have a read and see if any of you black faced criminals in the parliament have the skills set to run paralells between the brutality practiced back then on your Black people …in and outside of Barbados……AND THE BRUTALITY YOU PRACTICE AGAINST THEM NOW….with such delight and glee just to fill ya greedy pockets…….try not to invite in any outside agencies to help train on how to spot the paralells…

  38. I was determined to get this to you RATS tonight…see if you can spot the paralells….yall wannabes should be shipped out.

    “From island to continent

    The Barbados model then spread to British North America, sometimes via word-for-word cribbing of the 1661 laws. South Carolina in particular was as much a colony of Barbados as it was of England. Its haughty elite invited whites to see themselves as members of a ruling race whose manifest destiny was to conquer the New World.

    But dangling such unlimited powers before the whole Euro-American population turned out to be self-defeating for the British colonists.

    This was especially true for those who later spurned the Crown and declared themselves to be entirely free and independent. Refusing any limits on their pursuit of wealth, the most ruthless owners eventually took over the best lands and the most slaves, leaving many whites with little more than their racist sense of entitlement.

    This moment came quickly on tiny Barbados. As one wealthy planter noted in 1666, men like him had already “wormed out” the humble colonists. Many poorer merchants then moved on to other colonies, where they gained a reputation as both proud and bitter.

    Things were different in the new United States, because even before the Louisiana Purchase it was some 5,000 times larger than Barbados. But no matter how much land they stole from the Indigenous inhabitants, the spectre of Barbados and South Carolina — places with enslaved Black majorities — haunted American citizens.

    Many opposed slavery but not out of sympathy for the enslaved. They opposed slavery because they desired an all-white nation, where everyone was equal because everyone was superior.

    These fears and fantasies of white supremacy in America have pushed many people to vigilante violence and racial terrorism. This happened in the 1860s, as Black Americans emerged from slavery, and again a century later, as racial minorities demanded real equality. It’s happening again today.”

  39. @ David

    Recognize that the system is working as it was designed to. Corrupt and an inbuilt tendency towards ever greater inequality.

    Recognize that these quaint notions of democracy are all lies.

    Recognize that the situation in Barbados has to get worse and that the government has zero answers.

    In fact the govt creates and magnifies many of the issues.

    The tone of the blog may change from one of only highlighting the growing list of problems to one of how to navigate the broken and farcical absurdity that Barbados has become.

  40. Have a good read…negro sellouts….read where the brutality started and see if upon self reflection…yall can see…WHO IS CONTINUING THE BRUTALITY AND THEFTS AGAINST YA OWN PEOPLE…

    “The roots of America’s white nationalism reach back to this island’s brutal history
    August 12, 2019 6.17pm EDT
    J.M. Opal
    Associate Professor of History and Chair, History and Classical Studies, McGill University

    Disclosure statement
    J.M. Opal receives funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

    The vicious ideology that allegedly drove a gunman to kill 22 people in El Paso, Texas last week could be traced back to a tiny island on the eastern fringe of the Caribbean Sea.

    As England’s most famous and profitable colony in the 17th century, Barbados shaped many of the rules and ideas of the future United States. That includes the toxic mix of white privilege and resentment that has plagued the United States ever since.

    From servants to slaves
    The planters who came to this island in 1627 treated everyone badly. As one English overseer recalled, “I have seen such cruelty [done there] to servants, as I did not think one Christian could have done to another.”

    Most of these British servants had agreed to work for five years on the island’s tobacco and cotton farms. But in the 1640s, during Britain’s civil war, thousands of POWs, vagrants and orphans were also “spirited” to Barbados and sold to the highest bidder. Very few returned.

    During that same decade, English merchants gained access to west African slave depots. Responding to the island’s insatiable labour demands, these merchants sent ships full of people from Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde to Barbados. The planters put these slaves to work making sugar, which resembled cocaine both in its power to addict users and to enrich producers.

    The big planters soon calculated they could wring the most profits from Africans. Many of the Black slaves had previously worked on Portuguese-occupied sugar islands in West Africa and were less susceptible to the deadly yellow fever that killed thousands of white servants in a 1647 outbreak. Growing criticism in England and some colonies of the practice of “spiriting” freeborn Englishmen to the Americas also shaped this decision.

    Read more: The resilience of Barbados counters Trump’s ‘sh-thole’ remarks

    In 1661, the island’s assembly passed two historic acts, one that rejected bondage for “any Children of the English Nation” and one that embraced it for “brutish” Africans.

    Henceforth, white meant freedom. Black meant slavery.”

  41. @Dullard

    We have to discharge our civic responsibilities.

    We have to hope for change.

    We have to align to the cause, to give life to adding value to the space about us.

  42. @ Blogmaster

    In what or whom are you placing this hope?

  43. In ourselves and for our children to force the change required to aspire and sustain a quality existence.

  44. First…you have to get rid of ALL the EXISTING SLAVE LAWS ON THE STATUTE BOOKS….

    ….the Mia government will NEVER want to remove them because they have all benefitted from keeping those evil laws in place AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE….for far TOO LONG…

  45. Is this any different than the financial, military and economic dictatorship that the whole world finds itself under?

    Who runs the world? Ultra wealthy and hedge funds. If you think otherwise, go and research some more.

    From controlling massive real estate holdings and running up the cost of housing and rents, to controlling the movement of money, hedge funds are holding the strings.

    What governments need to focus on are:

    Major building schemes to increase the volume of houses available, thus bringing supply closer to demand and removing the stranglehold that hedge funds have on the real estate markets. This is true of the USA, UK, Canada.

    Barbados, not so much in the private housing area as the others, but the commercial rents are what is killing business.

    More, the governments need to tax the income from the commercial owning of residential properties for lease and rental purposes at a higher rate than regular business tax. This is not a tax on developments for sale, but a tax on those hedge funds that hold much needed residential properties in their portfolio and create the stranglehold on the market.

    The other thing that governments have to do is to remove the stranglehold on the money markets, lending etc, that the hedge funds have.

    That is what is creating a super elite today, the hedge funds run by ruthless people who only care about another dollar.

    No D,B , E or F can change anything unless the status quo of hedge funds controlling much of daily activity is reduced.

  46. I think getting rid of nasty, corrupt black governments…comes first…

    Then ya get rid of the crooks posing as hedge fund managers and pension investors and business people….the PARASITES…THE VERY NEXT DAY….clean up the FILTH…now POLLUTING the island and sucking it like leaches..

    ..get rid of the FILTH…WHO ARE STILL ROBBING THE PEOPLE…who have been living off the backs of the majority population…FOR FAR TOO LONG….

    Living off Black people is NOT A REAL JOB..

  47. WURA There is nothing wrong with business people. From the sno cone man to the manufacturer, they earn a hard living. It is the hedge funds that are screwing up the markets and real estate internationally.

    They also hold heavy sway in politics, by pumping money into public perception, such as Mercer did using Cambridge Analytica with Brexit. Mercer being US based, but pushing for Brexit for financial gain, mainly to get his tentacles on the UK health scheme., which has tremendous potential for financial gain for individual investors.

    Hedge funds are the worst thing to happen to the business world. Where the real businessman is squeezed out and these stranglers grab control.

    Make no mistake, they are just as much an enemy of the regular businessman as they are to the average working man.

    The regulators in developed countries stringently regulate most corporates. Hedge funds are loosely regulated but need to be regulated and restricted in the same way as large corporates and treating them as oligopolies.

    They are extremely dangerous in view of the immense power in the hands of a few, unelected individuals.

    Urgent action needs to be taken internationally to curb their influence and regulate their activities.

  48. The smell of sewage along Hastings has made its presence known once again
    The minister in charge says there is no breach in the sewer system
    It cannot be a figment of imagination that have people speaking of the stench
    There got to be a problem related to how and where the effluent is disposed with a resulting process of leaving and annoying smell of stench in the air
    The problem could as well be the swamp filtration has become overwhelmed and blocked

  49. Mariposa
    August 14, 2019 5:33 AM

    Should EVERY household and business on that coast be instructed to install a septic tank?

    Maybe that is the direction that needs to be taken. With the low land level there abutting sea level, maybe that is the issue?

    Also any strong earth tremor is likely to break a concrete pipe. So individual septics may be smarter.

    How about the government getting a quote on special pricing (that does not mean overpaying and a man getting a ‘lil pick) for properly constructed and installed septic tanks, per usage units? One to five persons A, six to ten B etc.

    Then give the cost off as tax relief over ten years to those businesses and houses on that corridor, over a ten year period. That is, straight cost against tax.

    The businesses / houses will bear the cost of periodic sewage removal by the septic cleaners.

  50. @Crusoe

    What is obvious or should be it is not business as usual. There is a more vigilant public who appear to be awakening from a passive state to voice concerns. We have to keep at it.

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