July 2019 saw at least two murders taking place in Barbados (32 for the year so far). Both of them took place in in St. Michael. The victims were male and died as a result of gun and knife related violence. The data was collected and compiled based on available media reports at the time. See below charts for additional details and analysis.

Follow the analysis @caribbeansignal.com.


205 responses to “Barbados Murder Statistics July 2019”

  1. Hal
    The lady made it clear in a video stating publicly what happened to her and the cause
    The fact being that the lady was fully conscience when assisted by local people in the neighbourd after they heard her screams for help
    In this day of technology when everyone has a cell phone the lady in a conscious state of mind said that she was attacked by amake and doused with gasoline
    This video was on social media outlets showing the woman physically talking while being transported her face is in the picture for all to see while she is making the statements
    This story is not going to die a sudden death as the BBC news reuptation is now being called into question after barbados COP states a complete different version of what was said by the BBC news

  2. Let the blogmaster understand what you are saying.

    It is alleged the decease was doused with an accelerant. The post mortem found no evidence this was the case. This is the public examiner NOT the government.

    It was alleged she was doused with the substance in the bedroom, the po;ice advises the kitchen is the only part of the house damaged by fire. This is evidence that can be corroborated by anybody visiting the scene including neighbours who rescued her from the fire.

    The other point is that the recording the COp reference was supplied by the neighbours, are they complicit?

    We are free to ask question and followup questions but be sensible doing so.

  3. @ Hal Austin

    It’s obvious why Bajan in NY says you’re a bullshiter from the Ivy.

    You believe you’re perfect and when proven wrong, you shift the conversation into something new and then explain it against old conversation to prove yourself right.

    It’s an old trick and you’re pretty good at it too. For a man who thinks he is above morality, can never be wrong and is infallible, I hope you know it’s dishonesty.

  4. The post mortem says one thing the woman says what happened to her it is all in video
    As a member of the fourth estate you ought be more diligent
    Go find the video and post it
    Enough bull shit has been coming from this govt

  5. David when are u going to post the deceased woman video so that all would recognize the stinking likes and cover up the COP told the people
    You cant comment that the video have no relevance to the case cause all and sundry knows that u have posted videos before that are irrelevant and has tarnished innocent people names

  6. Robert Goren u need to shut up u say u havent seen the video yet u have much to say
    There are two sides to every story

  7. David are u calling the victim a liar

  8. The government should do ” damage control “.

    The story that she was st alight has been spreading.


  9. Can help but remeber Shanique Myrie case when the story first broke govt officials and authorities were calling Shanique a liar
    It wasnt until the story went to the CCJ that the truth was told and govt officials were soon found out to be untruthful in their public utterances
    I hope family members find a lawyer who will sieve through all that the COP said and use legal avenues to take the blemish of tainted lies from the victim name
    The evidence of the woman statement before she died right after the incident is sufficient and enough to hold govt officials responsible for their damining and contradicted conclusions in the manner of the deceased death

  10. Robert Goren u need to shut up u say u havent seen the video yet u have much to say
    There are two sides to every story (Quote)

    Mariposa, what the hell are you talking about? You must be a real semi-illiterate jackass. Tell me where and when I wrote something about seeing or not seeing a video?

    Get ya facts right before coming to talk shyte. But hey, you don’t need facts, you duz talk shyte all de time.

    Useless yard fowl.

  11. I have my facts right
    The fact u have not seen the video
    Yet u say ther is two sides to a story
    Then bodly u give only one side

  12. @ SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife August 15, 2019 9:06 PM
    “I don’t see aborting male fetuses, who have never done any harm to anyone as any kind of solution. Why are you suggesting this instead of coming up with a sensible solution.? For the most part 10 year old boys do not kill, neither do 15 year old boys. So leave them alone please. And deal with the adult males, the real killers killers.”

    Your ‘reasoning’ lacks logic.

    What do you think distinguishes “10 year old boys” from “adult males the real killers”?

    Is it nothing but a surge in the levels of testosterone in the endocrine system of the ‘innocent’ “15 year old boys”?

    So why not nip in the bud this inevitable surge of testosterone leading to adult male violence?

    Would you recommend a programme of family planning to turn Barbados into a ‘virgin’ land called New Lesbos by castrating the majority of young studding males before they turn into wild raging bulls on the female-controlled dairy farm?

    Why are you trying to mess with your Yahweh’s creation called “Man”?

    ‘The fault, dear [Simplistic Simone], is not in the heart of men (adult males)

    But in the Star which created men [and woes to men] as mere underlings.’

  13. @ David August 16, 2019 5:24 AM

    Maybe this is just an inevitable consequence of Lady Karma at work.

    Maybe this is kind of negative press is just what Barbados, the failing state, justly deserves for having “Two Barbadoes”.

    A two-state social system in which the Law can come down heavily one ‘common’ man for cultivating marijuana to save forex or for another living on skid row to find himself incarcerated for stealing a nail clipper for 7 Mickey mouse dollars whereas big-able-well-connected men like Greenverbs and Pornville can steal thousands and millions while the same Law twiddle his thumbs awaiting complainants to knock at the station door.

    Don’t be surprised, too, when the same Lady Karma comes knocking at the door of Public Hygiene for the country’s blatant refusal to enforce the laws regulating public health and safety.

    It would take just one outbreak of some known preventable disease or a party of ‘white’ tourists attacked by an army of ‘brown’ rats for the sh**t to hit the international fan of mass media reporting.

    You just cannot invite people to your home to stay at a rather high price and then not be prepared to keep your premises hygienically clean and environmentally appealing to the eye.

  14. I have my facts right
    The fact u have not seen the video
    Yet u say ther is two sides to a story
    Then bodly u give only one side(Quote)


    Once again, I don’t what the hell are you talking about.

    Please refresh my memory by posting the contributions in which you say I talked about not seeing the video and there are two sides to a story, but gave only one side.

    Because as far as I remember, I posted no comments about a video or whatever else you’re talking about.

    As I said, post the comments that contain what you are falsely accusing me of saying. That would settle it.

  15. The blogmaster’s position was stated on the other blog, the commissioner of police has reported on the matter.

  16. Yeap the commissioner made a conclusion
    However absent of that conclusion were the deceased words
    In any investigation the deceased words are if importance and for whatever reason the police report does not include any of the deceased words

  17. @ Mariposa


  18. Baje
    And they are not hidding that fact
    Yet they are morons believing that officials and authorities are not capable of protecting the status quo
    My question to them.. how can they be saying that they have completed the investigation but have nothing of concrete substance or evidence that can refute what the deceased said in the video
    The deceased words implement a male was the cause of her injuries and gave detail as to what happened
    Unless the Keystone cops were the investigators

  19. Mariposa

    Where did the original story come from? It would be interesting to find out. Was it fabricated by the British journalists or the alleged eye-witnesses? Have these eye witnesses been interviewed by the investigating officers? Was the victim unconscious while in hospital? If not, what did she say to the doctor and nurses? Who spoke to the Stoebroek News?
    Have they been interviewed by the investigating officers? Why was the commissioner so ill prepared for the press briefing, did he talk to his senior command team and the press officers before the briefing?
    Who wrote his prepared statement? Why did the attorney general monopolise the questions when it was an operational matter? Why was the commissioner left silent like a naughty school boy? Why was he alone? Wasn’t police HQ the right place for the commissioner’s briefing?

  20. @ Hal

    They will call you a Bufoon and an idiot for asking such pertinent questions.

    Living in BIM so many inept people who take joy in wallowing in their ignorance.

    BU is a true reflection.

  21. Baje,

    That is fine. I do not come on BU for validation or to be popular. I just think that future generations of young Barbadians should know that we were not all a nation of fools.

  22. Hal i saw a video where the deceased was fully conscience at the scene right after she was set on fire
    This video was not a recreation of a story
    The woman face is being shown and she specifically states what happen to her
    My question bodes well to ask why was the video used as evidence to confirm the deceased story

  23. Have the police seen the video, or asked to see it?

  24. @ Hal

    At this point, the Barbados Police Force is not interested in the video of the now-deceased woman actually telling what happened.

    Dead people tell no tales.

    This is being covered up from the top.

    The COP Griffith was outed years ago by other officers as being involved in a UK Barbados STOLEN car racket many years ago and being investigated whilst he was at Holetown Station, he refused to speak to Scotland Yard Detectives involved in the investigation of that car racket after they had travelled to Barbados to do the investigation and he was one of the main suspects involved.

    This is well known.

    So now you would know what devils you are dealing with.


  25. What is known to the public will be known to the Police, this cannot be refuted.

  26. @ David August 16, 2019 12:31 PM

    Maybe, like the ghost of Banquo, the spectre of the Bjerkham kid and that of spirit of Abijah Holder have twinned to bring a curse on the Justice system in Bim.

    As Piece the Legend would agree, the innocent spirit of Abijah hovers like the sword of Damocles over the millstone which surrounds the neck of the Bajan justice system.

    How the dead boy’s mother could have been charged for ‘child-slaughter’ because of the willful negligence of a ‘building’ maguffy carrying the Mark of the Beast called Mal Money while another construction magnate was able to avoid such charges for “accidentally” shooting to death his own kin?

    The evil that wicked men do lives after them; the bad is interred with their bones like those in the St. John Parish Church yard’.

  27. What role is the British high commission playing in all this? Afterall, the dead woman was a Brit – a black Brit. Have they asked any questions? Have local journalists talked to the high commission? Her UK MP was Matthew Offord, tel 44 (0) 7219 7083. Is he going to raise the issue in parliament when it returns? How about Scotland Yard? They have a brief to take an interest in the suspicious death of Brits abroad.

  28. If she is a Brit the UK Embassy if they are on top of things would have sent a message to their counterpart and in all likelihood be briefed on the matter. Based on what they know proactive steps would have been taken already including a statement to the media.

  29. @ Mariposa

    Afterall, the dead woman was a Brit – a black Brit. Have they asked any questions? Have local journalists talked to the high commission? Her UK MP was Matthew Offord, tel 44 (0) 7219 7083.

    If you have a copy of the video I implore you to contact and send him a copy.

    @ Waru you can also get the information to Jackie Stewart to ensure this will not be buried.

    I don’t know the deceased woman but if she was my relative I would want the truth to be known.

    We need to start taking care of our people.

  30. Cant say if the police saw the video or not
    But what i can say is that the deceased woman stated in the video that a man schackled her and tried to choke her then douse her with gasoline and set her on fire

  31. I bet a weeks pay David saw and in posession of the video
    But would not release as all well know he is one of them stool pigeons who build nest only to protect this govt
    Cant forget when he posted a picture of a supposed house belonging to Sinckler which was an untruth
    However with a video which would bring truth to the light he plays uncaring and stupid
    What a thing doah

  32. @ Maiposa

    You are very very ASTUTE

  33. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-49370917

    However, Royal Barbados Police Force said there was no sign of an intruder or flammable liquid on her clothing.

  34. ‘Nothing to indicate’ British woman was killed by intruder in Barbados
    Barbados police say nearby CCTV shows nobody entering house before death of Natalie Crichlow in fire

  35. British mother who was ‘set alight’ in Barbados house not attacked by intruder, police say
    Gas canisters were found in the kitchen, police say

    The Royal Barbados Police Force is still conducting investigations into the fire at Sargeants Village which led to the death of British national Natalie Crichlow.

    However, with the assistance of CCTV footage from an adjacent house and statements from members in the community, including those who rushed to the aid of Crichlow when the flames engulfed her, there are no signs supporting the story in British media about her being doused with an accelerant and set on fire.


  36. All and sundry knows what the COP stated no need to repeat
    But what no one knows.. is why the police investigators have not included in the investigation footage of the victim statement

  37. @Baje

    There are more questions to be asked. Is there going to be an inquest? What about the burns unit at the hospital? Will the consultant speak to the press and explain the so-called infection the woman died from? Are the hospital records gong to be made public? Where is the body now? There is an organisation called Inquest in the UK which should take an interest in this case. They are experts. Call them on 44 (0)207 263 1111.
    You can write to the MP at the House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA.

  38. @ Hal Austin

    Thanks for the info.

    I don’t have a copy of the video if not I would send on info.

    I hope Mariposa and or Waru can do so since they have seen on Whatsapp.

  39. The British diplomatic office in Barbados is NOT an embassy, but a high commission.

  40. What is the difference between a High Commission and an Embassy?

  41. A couple days ago the COP and AG said that violent crime was under control
    But once a again up to yesterday their was another report of gun violence
    When i make mention of the austerity plans as a catalyst which is causing hardship in the country especially when so many are unemployed
    I am hollered and called a liar
    The words A hungry man is an angry man are true words
    This govt hit the road with promises for better so far all that have been given is a harsh reality of a bitter pill for the people to swallow
    Reserves increase doesn’t mean a damn thing to the person having no job but who still has bills to.pay and a family to feed
    Mia needs to get that point woven into her nappy hair

  42. A Foreign Office spokesman said: “Our staff are supporting the family of a British woman following her death in Barbados, and are in contact with the Barbados police force.” (Quote)

  43. Rememba wha dey said.

  44. A blessed and happy “Good Morning” to all of Barbados.

    I am back at home and can now fully participate in the discussion that goes on in my favorite place I am starting fresh from today, so I will not return to any “old” skirmishes…

    Have a “Great Day”, Barbados.

  45. https://barbadostoday.bb/2019/08/17/new-port-system-starts-september-1/

    The minister must be complimented if the improvements go forward,

    I am durprise that in all of the talk about update of the port, there is no more news about the two port scammer ( scanners).. Has the idea been abandoned or has it been determined that there is no need to give an update on their cost?

  46. The media do not ‘balance’ anything. In this case they report what the police have said. It is called news reporting. Journalism has no truth-testing mechanism.

  47. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Hal Austin August 17, 2019 2:19 AM “What about the burns unit at the hospital? Will the consultant speak to the press and explain the so-called infection the woman died from? ”

    Our skin prevents all sorts of infectious substances from entering our bodies. if the skin is removed, as happens when a person (or animal) is badly burned, death often follows from infection.

    I have severe doubts about how this death has been handled. But the death from infection subsequent to severe burns is a reality. In this case, maybe the ONLY reality.

  48. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @David August 17, 2019 3:40 AM “What is the difference between a High Commission and an Embassy?”


    Except that among Commonwealth countries the head of a diplomatic mission is called a High Commissioner, and the office is called a High Commission. Among non-Commonwealth countries the terms Embassy and Ambassador are used. But the functions are IDENTICAL.

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