Budget day: Wednesday, March 20. Prime Minister Mia Mottley will deliver her first Budget on March 20, 2019.

Without doubt the 2019 Budget will be interesting not only for the pundits, for the masses as well,  who for the first time are witnessing a Barbados in the grip of economic and social turmoil NEVER experienced in our history. The political partisans as if trapped in a time loop will forever be debating -who to blame, B or D. The blogmaster and sensible others respectfully suggest we need to take a long hard look at the image in the mirror.

We have allowed a burgeoning political class to hold a people and country to ransom while we stood by and applauded. The lack of people participation in government in the last 25 years has given birth to the current state of things. A dysfunctional system will never generate the desired result.

There has been a heavy focus and expectation by Barbadians that monetary and fiscal policies of  government represent a panacea to the many challenges which confront us.  If youth employment is 24% how does one justify an allocation of 3 millions dollars to the BLOCK program being promoted by Minister of Youth and Community Empowerment, Adrian Forde? The young people on the BLOCK is one of the symptoms how the society is failing the people.  Our inability to create opportunities for our people. Our inability to repair, fix and grow and build

Barbados is navigating uncharted waters. The budget will be debated this week with token opposition. Another dysfunction we are grappling. We have a people still hoping for the usual Budget handouts from government notwithstanding the deep economic hole we continue to find ourselves.

One of the greatest disappointments in the post 24 May 2018 period is that we have not been able to reach a national consensus on a way forward. A view from the idealist perhaps.

If we read the political leaves of the 30-0 result the electorate almost to a man determined the DLP was an incompetent government. We have the BLP incumbent and although commonsense suggest the government needs more time, we have spotted a legacy behaviour by the political class which serves to stoke the apathy latent in many of us.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me {us} all the days of my {our} life: and I {we} will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever- Psalm 23:6

As vivid as the imagination of a child the blogmaster – try as he might- is unable to see the flicker of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Bear in mind the cracking of the economic juggernaut requires a parallel effort in the social sphere. There is corruption, rising crime, an irrelevant justice system, a scant regard for the environment etc.

Our strategies must be holistic.

Participation must come from all of civil society.

We must commit to re-engineering our thoughts, words and deeds.

The mantra now and in the future must be sacrifice from everyone for the good of ALL.

If Barbados is to rise, we have to park the noisy adversarial ethos political talking heads and partisan supporters revel and earn pennies from. The final say – in theory – rest with WE the people. Let us power up our collective intelligence to wrest our country from the political class. The hopes and dreams of our children and their children depend on it.

Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people –

-Abraham Lincoln



397 responses to “2019 Budget -A Time for ALL Good Citizens to Pause”

  1. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    SSS…they are not as sure of their pretend invincibility as they used to be…this is a different ballgame with players they never met before and would not begin to know what to do about…unless they hire more consultants at taxpayers expense and even then…this is way above anything they can dream about….let alone recognize for what it really is….that is what happens when you are miseducated and spent ya whole lives and career with tunnel vision…only knowing how to tief…

  2. @ Dullard March 21, 2019 11:04 AM
    Read the history of the welfare state. Originally, the retirement age was much higher than the average life expectancy. Pension insurance was therefore nothing more than invalidity insurance for the elderly. It was Barrow, in his arrogance, who perverted the pension insurance into a kind of state-financed permanent holiday.

    You reading of the issue is incorrect. Yes Bismark introduced old age pensions. But:

    Pension insurance was therefore nothing more than invalidity insurance for the elderly

    Originally, the retirement age was much higher than the average life expectancy.
    NOT TOTALLY TRUE. Though retirement age might have been higher than life expectancy of the general population. The life expectancy of the WORKING AGE POPULATION was higher. Therefore workers did on average benefit from pensions.
    The life expectancy of teh general population in Prussia at the time was driven by maternal and infant mortality.

    It was Barrow, in his arrogance, who perverted the pension insurance into a kind of state-financed permanent holiday.*
    This is just nonsense.

  3. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    I hearing that loud and clear, Jackie Stewart. If you have the proof and legal backing to tear down the corrupt syndicate then move with haste before they try to cover their tracks. they know very well how to spin tot in mud. They are very good at that. However, I see no fear your eyes or your voice. Do your thing ma girl.

  4. NorthernObserver Avatar

    given life expectancy has increased, there is sound reason to increase the pensionable age. We can expect once somebody manages to get a grip on the NIS, this will be a natural outcome. Civil Servant pensions are another matter, for when various GoB over the years decided to hire more, few gave any consideration to the ‘retirement costs’ which are unfunded. There are similar reasons why they need to extend the length of service required, or limit the years after service ends for benefits. Your numbers feel a little extreme without doing any calculations.
    Seems the key to this budget, is what % of the increased/new levies are collectible, as successive GoB’s have had issues collecting.

  5. Seems the outcome if this budget would to force local business to further increased prices
    Forced households and tourist to save on their spending
    Create an economic enviroment which leads to inflation which in turn would lead to a severly depressed local economy as people financial input/ spending power comes to a creeping halt

    The problem with expanding the retirement age leads to a negative employment for the youth
    Who would have arrived at an age whereby they can have a job but gran ma and gran pa hasnt got a choice but to hold on to the 40year job until retirement comes around

  6. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    I would love more to come forward and speak up about the thieving of their properties by corrupt lawyers. That is why I have no respect for that rogue. Jackie Stewart laying claim at their feet for doctoring documents and stealing her mother’s land, she threw the whole kitchen sink at Dale Marshall, and still, she did not open her mouth once concerning these two questionable characters. Now she is Prime Minister she is wearing a halo and white robe to do what is right in the name of good governance, powder puff the PIG so no one focuses on the shite did they during their 14 years, and George Payne, who remains a figment of everything bad, gets a green card from her because he decided to be loyal and she decided to operate like a saint. Until I hear investigations in the shite that the DLP did, Mia Mottley will remain a vicious, vindictive rogue.

  7. @Dullard the unionist

    We should stick to the facts.

    The life expectancy for men in the case study you mentioned was 45 years at the most. Even if this low value was due to high infant mortality, very few men reached the age of 70. According to the figures available to me, even around 1900 only 27 percent of men reached retirement age.


    Thank you very much for your kind words. I sometimes choose pointed remarks and high numbers to initiate the discussion.

    Apart from that: It is as clear as daylight that a dangerous bomb is ticking among the civil servants’ pensions.

    When the government lowers the pensions of civil servants, civil service posts become unattractive, so that not so many young people want to become civil servants anymore. I think that would be a very positive side effect.

    We must finally stop using the public service as a rubbish bin that collects all those who are not good enough for the private sector or unwilling to emigrate.

  8. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    someone; anyone please explain the need for the “compensatory Income Credit” as introduced in the budget presentation.

    To me; its all alot to do about nothing? If the effect is to make sure that income earner under a certain level pay no taxes; then simply set a tax free income level where u pay taxes above that amount. But i need some one to help me to understand why we need this additional piece of GOB paperwork or red tape.

  9. @SSS

    You cannot eat the cake and have it too.

    We promote the behaviour we rail against everyday in this forum?

  10. @Tron

    The life expectancy for men in the case study you mentioned was 45 years at the most. Even if this low value was due to high infant mortality, very few men reached the age of 70. According to the figures available to me, even around 1900 only 27 percent of men reached retirement age.
    The numbers reaching retirement age are only an issue if pensions are not dynamically linked to life expectancy in some way, e.g. the PAYG

    So what is your point? Man you are conflating the issues. Please re-read your original post where you falsely stated Pension insurance was therefore nothing more than invalidity insurance for the elderly.

    This was the main gist and it is incorrect.

  11. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Northern Observer at 9:55 a.m.

    The PM did mention NIS, but perhaps not in a substantive way. She has asked the NIS to arrange paternity leave payments. However the guys will only be able to claim for one pregnancy per year. I am not sure exactly how this is going to work because women can give birth twice in a twelve month period, if the second pregnancy occurs 6 to 12 weeks after the previous birth.

  12. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Tron at 10:00 a.m.

    You’ve spent the past few months talking foolishness on this blog, and now the land tax is going to bite you in your rich behind you complaining?


    Pay up or ge out do.

    We ain’t working to age 75, just so you can relax yer lazy fat @ss beside the pool.

  13. Therefore, Mr Speaker, immediately based on income year 2018, we are adding the $9 million to the existing allocation of $11.3 million for thousands more Barbadians who earn $18,000 or less. Overall, the reverse tax credit is putting just over $20 million back into the hands of low income Barbadian workers.
    Mr. Speaker we will continue to provide a $25,000 personal allowance for all taxpayers. For those who earn above that $25,000 but below $35,000 per year, my government is introducing a Compensatory Income Credit (CIC). In essence, Mr. Speaker, no one earning less than $35,000 will pay income tax in Barbados.
    The CIC is accessible after the filing of the income tax form for income year 2019. The CIC is applied such that it provides a credit of up to $1,250 to anyone earning from $25,001 up to $35,000 such that they are in a position of paying no income tax. It is a non-refundable credit that brings the tax paid in this income range above to zero. Mr. Speaker, this tax policy takes care of another range of low income workers.
    Therefore, Mr. Speaker, we have introduced two types of credit approaches to protect low income Barbadians as we change the incidence of taxation. Imagine earning $35,000 per annum and not paying a single cent of income tax. Further imagine earning $25,000 per annum and receiving a Reverse Tax Credit of $1,300.

  14. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Whoever you are, you are talking shite. Promote what behaviour we rail against. The SSS focus from day one was on transparency in governance and seeing the establishment of some type of Financial Investigative Bureau to bring to light the manner in which these politicians have become so rich. Outside of that, I have relentlessly placed in my posters the need to give the Auditor General more power, hence his face featured in many of the posters. I do not waste my time reading half of what is written on here because only a few peak my interest. Not interested in all the polish writing either. None of that is making in rows into what is happening in Barbados. So take a chill pill.

  15. What about the negotiations with Sandals?

    According to Mottley, Sandals is seeking assurances and guarantees that the Government of Barbados would “indemnify them if any future Parliament at any stage in the next 40 years were ever to tax them for anything in the industry for any goods or services that others in the industry were paying taxes for.”

    If Butch “doesn’t get his way,” does this mean he will not “go through” with his US$4M Sandals Resort, which is already in construction at “Heywoods,” St. Peter?

    Surely the PM Mottley is aware of the difficulties encountered by the Gaston Browne administration of Antigua, when they sought to renegotiate the tax concessions the previous Baldwin Spencer administration gave Sandals.

  16. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “The numbers reaching retirement age are only an issue if pensions are not dynamically linked to life expectancy in some way, e.g. the PAYG”
    Given the state of the NIS, where a former official directed the staff to ignore the approved investment guidelines, and buy more GoB bonds/TBills, and then these “investments” turn out to be worth less than initially expected, your choice to increase contributions OR change the terms of the benefit structure. So ALL the inputs become relevant, retirement age, life expectancy, NIS investments/earnings, and personal contribution formula.

    unfortunately, paternity leave is an increased cost, unless the NIS targets males for increased contributions. And it wasn’t clear to me, this would be the sole source of paternity benefits.

  17. @Dullard
    We should stick to the facts.

    Oh @ Tron before I forget.

    What are the facts?

    The NIS is mismanaged from top to bottom
    Simply saying, “Oh gee, life expectancy has gone up, lets raise the retirement age” without careful consideration of a broader pensions policy and reform is mere tinkering and we would end up back at square one or worse further down the road.

  18. Mari

    There is just no pleasing you.
    For months you complained about the tax cuts for the businesses and none for the ordinary workers was unfair.
    Now MAM heard you cries and give the low income workers some tax relief/reverse tax (whatever you want to call it) u still complaining. Under the DLP the got neither wage increase or tax breaks only tax tax and more tax for 10yrs and 9months.

    Now MAM trying to recover some of the tax cut money from the business by increasing water rates on the businesses ONLY you still complaining.

    Cant please your at all.

    When the economy start growing and employment start coming down you still will be finding fault

  19. @ Northern
    So ALL the inputs become relevant, retirement age, life expectancy, NIS investments/earnings, and personal contribution formula..

    I agree totally!

  20. “Seems the outcome of this budget would to force local business to further increased prices..”

    That may be so. But with a significant reduction in corporation taxes, it would be unreasonable for any company to pass additional taxes or levies on to the consumer. Companies could “absorb” taxes and still make a profit.

    What about the Fair Trading Commission and the Office of Public Council? Surely consumers could utilize the services of these entities.

  21. That is ok SSS the point is eluding you. For example Donald Trump try as he might cannot direct the US Attorney General.

    We can move on.

  22. If she ease the businesses she wrong
    If she take back from the businesses by increasing water she wrong

    if she tax the workers she wrong
    if she ease the workers she wrong

    if she tax the tourist she wrong.

    she you agreed on selling the oil terminal and Hilton then I guess the only right thing to do is tosell allmof Barbados and pay off the debt with that funds.

  23. @ SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife March 21, 2019 1:40 PM

    Social justice is relative. For me, social justice means performance justice. We must therefore punish those who do not work hard.

    Look around you and see what your social consensus has led to. The population is impoverished and in a monetary twilight state between death and life. Barrow’s welfare state is a walking corpse that’s falling apart more and more.

    What I’m doing is just setting up the defibrillator and turning on the power. You call it pain. I call it life.

    You need to use the magnifying glass to look for economic growth in Barbados. From an economic point of view, Barbados is not a developing country, but a country that is falling apart. And the worst thing is that the masses are so lethargic that they willlessly accept socialist propaganda.

    Welfare state means poverty – social dismantling means change, hope and prosperity.

  24. Artax

    You and your ‘ shadow ‘ Mia Mottley delivered a poor budget yesterday !

    24 hours later…..you still trying to polish up the mess – as shown in your last post , above !

    Chris Sinckler was head & shoulders above you & MAM !

  25. NorthernObserver Avatar

    you have omitted possibly changing WHO gets any side benefits from the deal?

    the SSS situation recently came under the microscope in Canada, where the AG/MoJ refused to order the DPP, or override her decision, to change her position on whether a large corporation qualified for a DPA (Deferred Prosecution Agreement). For unstated reasons, the AG was transferred, then resigned, and her resignation set off a series of resignations, incl another senior minister, the head civil servant and #2 in the PM’s Office.

  26. When I call for the retirement age to be raised, for wages to be reduced and for the bureaucracy to be dismantled, that is not my private opinion, but what the IMF, international creditors in the current negotiations and international investors are calling for.

    The problem is that in Barbados some believe they are smarter than the rest of the world. And you are surprised that investors have been avoiding the island for many years and that we have not had economic growth for 12 years now.

    This is called consulting resistance.

  27. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar


    Oh just pay your 20,000 BDS property tax and shut up, or sell your mansion to somebody who can afford the tax. There are plenty of rich people in the world. In any event it is your own lazy fault if you are too poor to afford a mansion in Barbados.

    And don’t bother to curse me in Russian. I heard you loud and clear the first time.

  28. A giant Pox on barbados

    Havent heard govt allocating funding to fight crime and violence
    I guess govt smoke and mirror presentations in Parliament fondly known as a budget is enough to suffice
    In the meanwhile barbados murder rate climbs day by day

  29. Welfare state means poverty

    Is Norway a welfare state? Denmark? Sweden? Finland?

  30. Welfare state means poverty

    Is Norway poor? Denmark? Sweden? Finland?

  31. “Chris Sinckler was head & shoulders above you & MAM !”

    Yes, Fucktured…

    Surely you must agree that any man who could be at the helm of an unprecedented 24 credit rating downgrades, (a feat that hasn’t been achieved by any other finance minister)………..

    …………. has not only to be “head and shoulders above MAM and I,” but over everyone living in Barbados and the Caribbean region as well.

  32. Murder # 20 at Sheraton Center Mall

  33. @ Dullard March 21, 2019 2:25 PM

    You cannot combine the work ethic and mentality of the Deep South with the Scandinavien welfare state. That is a highly toxic mixture. In Skandindavia many social benefits are only on paper. But people don’t make use of them because it is against tacit social convention of the protestant work ethic. In Barbados, on the other hand, all social benefits are claimed until the taxpayer is as exhausted as a Romanian farmer is after the 10th visitation by Count Dracula.

  34. @Northern Observer

    Thanks, will read up on it.

  35. 20 murders? What is the problem?

    Murders, chicken meat and the sun are all typical Caribbean ingredients. So there is no reason to get artificially excited.

    You just send your footboy to the mall with a body armour. Problem solved.

    Barbados is absolutely safe as long as you live behind barbed wire.

  36. We have to circle back to the point. Do we want the executive directing the CoP and DPP? We cannot ask for change and ignore what we ask for by expecting the same behavior to drive our requests.


  37. How many more murders must occur before this unprecedented abnormality of ongoing crime in barbados is given rapid attention by govt
    The resources necessary should have been govt first priorty rolled out in the budget
    Instead of govt hastened approach to pacify the IMF and boast about reserves and better credit ratings
    In the meanwhile innocent citizens lives remain at high risk due to ongoing violence ig hastened ssfety measures are not put in place

  38. Oh my , OH MY !

    Murder # 20

    In a public space – Sheraton Mall !



    While Darwin Dottin – will receive a big cheque for March 2019 pay day – after being brought back to ” public office ” by Mia Mottley !

    But remember folks , this is the same Darwin Dottin that Governor General Sir Elliott Belgrave and the Guyson Mayers led Police Service Commission …….retired from the post of Police Commissioner in the “PUBLIC INTEREST ”

    What is it that the GG & PSC knew about this DOTTIN – to have taken such drastic ACTION ?

    Stop the ROTTIN !

    PLEASE …..Bajans……Fire DOTTIN !!

  39. You are such a duffus, any question why you lot suffered an unprecedented result at the poll?

  40. It’s easy for you to spew your silly, generalized, political rhetoric.

    PLEASE inform BU what “safety measures” ANY political administration could “put in place” that would have prevented the shooting that occurred at Sheraton Center; or the stabbing in Silver Hill?

    I’ll bet anything you can’t provide this forum with ONE…. or even half of a solution to the recent spate in murders.

  41. Tron if you understood the ruthlessness of what occured in the mall with an intent to kill by any means necessary
    You wiukd not be talking so much sh ..it in your last comment

  42. David BU

    Yuh imbecile leh the questions about your cousin – Dottin – eat out yah .. . .AR$E !!

    The questions gine HAUNT yuh tail …..till yuh dead !!!

    Doan worry about a DEM !

  43. I am not a paid consultants in this govt. Those are to whom u should be delivering those questions
    The ruthlessness of a fearless gun man is enough for govt to stand straight and pinpoint what safety measures should be taken to protect inocent lives
    A mall of all places

  44. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Photos from that Sheraton shooting are horrible.

  45. Why Fractured don’t tell BU what Adriel Brathwaite’s advisor received? At least we know Dottin exists. It’s this childishness that got you and your lot 30-0.

  46. Yet again there are reports of #21 in less than half hour
    Wuh this govt gonna do
    Lest we forget the invite to Parliament of a known drug dealer by Mia
    The chickens have come home to roost
    This snowball effect of violence will continue until govt gets serious about safety measures to tackle violent crime

  47. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Fractured BLP March 21, 2019 3:14 PM “Oh my , OH MY ! Murder # 20 In a public space – Sheraton Mall! THIS IS THE FIFTEENTH MURDER IN BARBAFOS.”

    Why do you seem to rejoice at the death of someone’s son or daughter?

    This has NOTHING to do with the BLP, nor the DLP, nor with Dottin.

    However wunna MEN need to behave wunna selves, and stop killing one another.

    If I could find someway to make MEN experience labour pains, i would. Maybe then they would have respect for life.

  48. Recently I checked the “family notices” in the newspaper and saw that 3 of the recently departed were over 100 so it would be quite safe to raise the requirement age to 90. While we are at it how about those parliamentarians who after two terms are eligible for a lifetime sucking at the public trough, and those other retirees who have been brought back as ‘consultants” and Senators and are now “double dipping”.

    BTW is there any need for a full time elected H of A? Why can’t the members keep their full- time jobs and meet once a quarter at an honorarium of $25,000 per?

  49. We are happy former Senator Ifill was not injured.

  50. Well the fiscal enviroment is tattered and torn along with a decaying social enviroment
    A recipe for certain disaster
    Good luck barbados u would be needing all the help necessary

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