A tribute by Ambassador David Comissiong

This coming Monday, the 21st of January 2019, is the 99th anniversary of the birth of Barbadian national hero Right Excellent Errol Walton Barrow, and will be celebrated in Barbados as “Errol Barrow  Day” – a national public holiday.

In light of the recent happenings in the Organization of American States (OAS) when, on having to deal with a Resolution that purported to delegitimize the inauguration of Nicolas Maduro as President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, our CARICOM member states found themselves divided on the issue, with some of them voting for the Resolution, others voting against, and some abstaining, I would like to focus this tribute to Mr Barrow on his role as an architect of the concept of a collective CARICOM foreign policy.

It was at the historic Seventh Commonwealth Caribbean Heads of Government Conference held at Chaguaramas in Trinidad that the idea of converting the Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA) into a Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), as well as the idea equipping the new CARICOM with a collective foreign policy were born.

The date was October 1972, and at that time there were only four independent Commonwealth Caribbean nations : namely, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and Barbados, and these newly independent states were led by Michael Manley, Eric Williams, Forbes Burnham, and Errol Barrow respectively.

It was a time of great tension in the affairs of the world – the United States of America (USA) was ablaze with anti-Vietnam war protests; the Black Power and anti-colonial challenges to national and international structures of domination were going strong; and the so-called “Cold War” between the USA and the Soviet Union was still at a dangerous peak.

Indeed, by 1972, the Caribbean had come to be regarded as one of the primary theatres of the “Cold War”, with the USA making every conceivable effort to isolate and subvert the revolutionary Fidel Castro-led government of Cuba.

We need to recall that when—in 1959—the Cuban Revolution triumphed, that the new revolutionary Cuban government entered a Western hemisphere environment that was organized around the OAS—a multi-lateral organization dominated by the USA and dedicated to a USA inspired anti-Communist mission.

Indeed, in 1954, at the instigation of a USA steeped in Mc Carthy era anti-Communism, the OAS had issued the “Declaration of Caracas” which declared that all Marxist revolutionary ideology was intrinsically alien to the Western Hemisphere, and that Marxist revolutionary movements were to be treated as foreign invasions of the Hemisphere.

It was not surprising therefore that as early as June 1959, the USA began pressing the OAS to take punitive actions against Cuba—a founder member of the OAS, but now led by a revolutionary socialist Government.

In August 1960, the USA not only orchestrated a condemnation of Cuba at the OAS on the ground of Cuba’s acceptance of economic assistance from the Soviet Union, but also urged Latin American states to break off diplomatic relations with Cuba – an urging that Venezuela and Colombia adhered to in 1961.

And then the “coup de grace” came in January 1962 when, at the 8th Consultative Meeting of OAS Foreign Ministers in Uruguay, the OAS suspended Cuba’s membership, thereby effectively expelling Cuba from the OAS!

This was then followed by the US compiling a so-called “black list” of all countries still trading with Cuba and threatening to cut off US economic and military assistance to them.

But even this was seemingly not enough for the anti-Cuba forces, and during the 9th Consultative Meeting of Foreign Ministers held in Washington DC in July 1964, a resolution was passed urging all governments of the Western Hemisphere to break diplomatic relations with Cuba.

And—sad to say—in the following years, every single Western Hemisphere nation except Mexico and Canada fell in line with the OAS stipulation and either broke diplomatic relations with Cuba or refused to recognize the revolutionary Republic of Cuba!

This then was the scenario facing the four independent Commonwealth Caribbean countries—all newly installed members of the OAS—in October 1972!

And, needless-to-say, the leadership of the OAS was insisting that the four new Caribbean member states must adhere to the by then well established, USA supported, policy of non-recognition and isolation of revolutionary Cuba.

The magnificent response of the Right Excellent Errol Barrow and his fellow Commonwealth Caribbean leaders—Manley, Williams and Burnham—was to issue the following historic Declaration:-

“The Prime Ministers of Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, meeting together during the Heads of Government Conference at Chaguaramas, have considered the state of their relations with the Government of Cuba and the obligations which the OAS has sought to impose upon its members in regard to relations with that Government; and make the following statement:

(1)    The independent English-speaking Caribbean states, exercising their sovereign right to enter into relations with any other sovereign state and pursuing their determination to seek regional solidarity and to achieve meaningful and comprehensive economic cooperation amongst all Caribbean countries will seek the early establishment of relations with Cuba, whether economic, diplomatic or both.

(2)    To this end, the independent English-speaking Caribbean states will act together on the basis of agreed principles.”

Here then were the four smallest and youngest states of the entire Western hemisphere standing on principle; courageously speaking “truth to power”; and setting a noble and principled example for all the other nations of the hemisphere to follow!

Indeed, six months later—in April 1973 – Mr Barrow gave an address to the Empire Club of Toronto, Canada, and explained the significance of the unified Caribbean stance on Cuba as follows:-

“……we have managed in our four countries, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and Barbados to sustain our independence to the extent that we were considered to have committed an act of defiance in October last year when we took a lead in the western hemisphere in deciding to open diplomatic relations with the Republic of Cuba, much to the chagrin of our neighbours to the north.

But it demonstrates that the developing countries can take a lead in conditioning the minds of people who should know better…………And I have no doubt that the other countries which are mightier and more powerful than the four small independent countries in the Caribbean will soon shamefacedly or not, have to follow suit……

And we cannot sit down in the Caribbean and wait for our strategy to be dictated or governed by the political or other economic or social prejudices of people in other countries because to entertain such a belief would be an abandonment of the sovereignty that we believe in and we have never subscribed to the doctrine of limited sovereignty. And I have been, myself, very firm right from the beginning of Barbados’ independence that we would be friends of all and satellites of none.”

Happy Errol Barrow Day to all my Barbadian and Caribbean brothers and sisters! Long may the spirit of Errol Barrow live in our beautiful sovereign Caribbean homeland!


217 responses to “Errol Barrow — Architect of a Collective CARICOM Foreign Policy”

  1. Overseasobervisor

    And America is 243 years old and abandoned the practiced of racial apartheid a little over five-decades ago …

  2. Overseas Observer …January 21, 2019 4:45 PM

    The growing crisis in Venezuela

    Three million people have fled imploding Venezuela. How did it get this bad? Here’s everything you need to know….

    Why the exodus?

    Venezuela’s economy and social order are collapsing, leaving 75 percent of the population desperately poor and without SUFFICIENT food. …The IMF predicts that the country’s inflation could reach 10 million percent this year… Most Venezuelans are now protein-deprived, and they joke grimly about the “Maduro diet” that has left adults thin and children malnourished. Hospitals lack medicines and basic supplies, and surgical patients are told to bring their own cleaning products and bandages. The murder rate has soared to 15 times the global average, and crime is rampant. “They rob you in the street, on the beach, in the market, at the hospital,” said teacher Yamileth Marcano. “It’s terrible to live like this.”

    For Details Read @


  3. No one has said what is the collective CARICOM foreign policy designed by Barrow. What is it?

  4. Not here to attack the man Commisiong but his merhods and formula of usung two political systems one communist and democratic to push his political agendas
    Onm one hand he sees nothing wrong with communist philosphies and agendas that deny people human basics freedom like freedom to speech and assembly
    While on the other hands he uses the democractic system as a leadway to infiltrate and push his political ambitions
    The rght Honourable Errol Barrow use of the Mirror image Speech was one meant for a people to remove barriers of fear and inhibitors derived out of a slave mentality and replaced with a mentalitythat we can do those things which are are beneficial to our country and peoples interest collectively those things which disallows us as a people never having to be beggars at any one doorsteps.

  5. Overseasobervisor

    And Black Americans lived under the same conditions in the 1960s, as you purported to stated that Venezuelans and Cubans are living under in 2019 …

    But the only the difference is America is supposed to be the land of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness … but we know this only hold true for what the Native American calls the pale-faced man…

  6. John

    President Andrew Jackson was worse than the communists portrayed as evil because what he did to the Native Americans is unexcusable … he unrooted the Native Americans from their fertile lands of the South and forced them into cold the Dakotas to make room for white Americans… And thousands died on what was known as the Trail of Tears…

  7. Lexicons January 21, 2019 5:53 PM


    President Andrew Jackson was worse than the communists portrayed as evil because what he did to the Native Americans is unexcusable” …

    Jackson was a DEMOCRAT! What do you expect?

  8. I am curious about what you did to celebrate EWB day…
    Did you help someone
    Did you feed the poor
    What made today different for you?
    What difference did you make today

  9. Freedom Crier

    And Jackson was a white man, male, a politician, president etc …what does that have to do with anything? Listen! The Republican President Warren G. Harding was a member of the KKK but it does not matter now? … all I am saying is this: before you start to point one finger at another … remember two is always pointing back at you … now America does have a spotless record on human rights and history bears testament to this fact …

  10. The following column is excerpted from the book, “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party”

    Contrary to what we learn from progressives in education and the media, the history of the Democratic Party well into the twentieth century is a virtually uninterrupted history of thievery, corruption and bigotry. American history is the story of Democratic malefactors and Republican heroes. Yes, it’s true.

    Lets begin with Andrew Jackson. He—not Thomas Jefferson or FDR—is the true founder of the modern Democratic Party. Progressives today are divided about Jackson. Some, like historian Sean Wilentz, admire him, while others want to remove him from the $20 bill because he was a slave owner and a vicious Indian fighter. He was, in this view, a very bad American.
    I support the debunking of Jackson, but not because he was a bad American—rather, because he was a typical crooked Democrat. Jackson established the Democratic Party as the party of theft. He mastered the art of stealing land from the Indians and then selling it at giveaway prices to white settlers. Jackson’s expectation was that those people would support him politically, as indeed they did. Jackson was indeed a “man of the people,” but his popularity was that of a gang leader who distributes his spoils in exchange for loyalty on the part of those who benefit from his crimes.

    Jackson also figured out how to benefit personally from his land-stealing. Like Hillary Clinton, he started out broke and then became one of the richest people in the country. How? Jackson and his partners and cronies made early bids on Indian land, sometimes even before the Indians had been evacuated from that land. They acquired the land for little or nothing and later sold it for a handsome profit. Remarkably, the roots of the Clinton Foundation can be found in the land-stealing policies of America’s first Democratic president.

    The Democrats were also the party of slavery, and the slave-owning mentality continues to shape the policies of Democratic leaders today. The point isn’t that the Democrats invented slavery which is an ancient institution that far predates America. Rather, Democrats like Senator John C. Calhoun invented a new justification for slavery, slavery as a “positive good.” For the first time in history, Democrats insisted that slavery wasn’t just beneficial for masters; they said it was also good for the slaves.

    Today progressive pundits attempt to conceal Democratic complicity in slavery by blaming slavery on the “South.” These people have spun a whole history that portrays the slavery battle as one between the anti-slavery North and the pro-slavery South. This of course benefits Democrats today, because today the Democratic Party’s main strength is in the north and the Republican Party’s main strength is in the South….

  11. But the slavery battle was not mainly a North-South issue. It was actually a battle between the pro-slavery Democrats and the anti-slavery Republicans. How can I make such an outrageous statement? Let’s begin by recalling that northern Democrats like Stephen Douglas protected slavery, while most southerners didn’t own slaves. (Three fourths of those who fought in the civil war on the confederate side had no slaves and weren’t fighting to protect slavery.)

    Republicans, meanwhile, to one degree or another, all opposed slavery. The party itself was founded to stop slavery. Of course there were a range of views among Republicans, from abolitionists who sought immediately to end slavery to Republicans like Abraham Lincoln who recognized that this was both constitutionally and politically impossible and focused on arresting slavery’s extension into the new territories. This was the main platform on which Lincoln won the 1860 election.

    The real clash was between the Democrats, north and south, who supported slavery and the Republicans across the country who opposed it. As Lincoln summarized it in his First Inaugural Address, one side believes slavery is right and ought to be extended, and the other believes it is wrong and ought to be restricted. “This,” Lincoln said, “is the only substantial dispute.” And this, ultimately, was what the Civil War was all about.

    In the end, of course, Republicans ended slavery and permanently outlawed it through the Thirteenth Amendment. Democrats responded by opposing the Amendment and a group of them assassinated the man they held responsible for emancipation, Abraham Lincoln. Republicans passed the Fourteenth Amendment securing for blacks equal rights under the law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote, over the Democrats’ opposition.

  12. theogazerts
    January 21, 2019 6:10 PM

    I am curious about what you did to celebrate EWB day…
    Did you help someone
    Did you feed the poor
    What made today different for you?
    What difference did you make today


    Relaxed, recuperated and prepared!!

    You really need to read the “dynamite”!!!

  13. David, I never knew Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot, so what is your point?


    I am not generalizing, just applying sound and tested principles!!

    “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. The test implies that a person can identify an unknown subject by observing that subject’s habitual characteristics.”

    All of these characters were leftist!!!

    …. and you can add Benito …. all leftist …. and ….. all seeking power!!!

    The only problem the world had was they succeeded in getting the power they craved!!

    The National Socialists (Nazis) failed.

    The Facists failed

    The Communists failed and continue to fail.

    No one can point to one successful socialist country!!

    England and much of Europe are failing!!

    … and yup, Jefferson was a Democrat, party of Obama!!


    The party that ended slavery in the US was the Republican party, the party of Lincoln and …. well ,,, am ,,,, the other guy whose name we have been forbidden mentioning!!

  14. David
    January 21, 2019 5:08 PM

    A generalization, do you know the man personally?


    I have supported him in Arch Cot by original research and …. Hyatt!!

    Just don’t go left … I like the right!!

    Both those efforts were right … as in CORRECT!!

  15. John

    What Lincoln did before he entered politics?

    What Lincoln said about the Union?

    Yes …we know Lincoln was a lawyer …but who were his clients?

    Yes…we know Democrats support slavery, but there is also documented evidence that Republicans financed the institution of slavery…

  16. John

    A Democrat signed the 13th,14th and 15th amendments which ended slavery …who was he?

    It waen’t Abraham Lincoln but the Democrat President Andrew Jounson who end slavery by a stroke of a pen

  17. President Andrew Johnson, ended slavery by the stroke of the pen … Prior to his political career Lincoln clients were slave owners and public record bears proof to this fact…

  18. Worldwide inequality between rich and poor getting worse.

    Inequality at record levels as new billionaire emerges every 2 days – Oxfam

    The gap between the super-rich and the rest of the world has never been wider, with 26 people now owning the same amount of wealth as 3.8 billion of the less privileged, global charity Oxfam said in a new report.

    The new report, titled “Public Good or Private Wealth,” sheds light on the continued accumulation of wealth by the richest, as well as the reverse trend for the poorest half of the word, which grew some 11 percent poorer last year.

    During the same period, the assets of those at the top of the wealth pyramid, the billionaires, have skyrocketed, increasing by $900 billion in 2018, or by a whopping $2.5 billion a day. Between 2017 and 2018, a new billionaire was created every two days, the report says.

    In comparison to the previous year, when 43 people owned about the same as the poorer half of the world, in 2018 it took only 26 billionaires to match the wealth of 3.8 billion people.


    Oxfam says the impression that the wealthiest one percent don’t give back enough to the community is justified, as they are indeed paying less and less.

    “In rich countries, the average top rate of personal income tax fell from 62% in 1970 to 38% in 2013,” the report says, while in the developing countries it stands at 28 percent on average.


  19. Errol Barrow was known as Dipper because he was a navigator in the Royal Air Force in WW2.On Brasstacks today a DLP senior did the unforgivable and gave credence to the myth perpetrated by Cammie and others in the party that EWB was a pilot during that war. That he subsequently learned to fly at Seawell airport in his own aircraft 8P-EWB,christened Air Barrowbados by the fertile imagination of Harold Hoyte of the Nation newspaper,does no good to the fake image of a fighter pilot dodging the Luftwaffe and dropping bombs on the Nazis.
    David Commissiong was once a ‘blue-eyed’ boy and a rising star in the DLP firmament with the blessing of the lord EWB.But the spirit of individualism,barrowesque,prevailed and the Dipper knew he had a challenger who displayed the forthright independent characteristics that moulded his own politics and two such persons could not survive in one party and the young upstart had to go.So that DC continues to show that activism and commitment to fair play that is his MO to date.
    Another elder of the party called in to Brasstacks and conveyed the impression that EWB was one who wore out his shoes campaigning on the ground and encouraged her to do so.It is strange how constituents of St John to this day complain of the lack of development in that constituency.One assumes EWB saw it first hand and choose to do nothing to bring the parish into the 21st century.

  20. 13th through 15th Amendments to the United States Constitution

    Background and Summary

    The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution officially abolished, and continues to prohibit, slavery, and, with limited exceptions, prohibits involuntary servitude. Prior to its ratification, slavery remained legal only in Delaware and Kentucky, everywhere else; the slaves had been freed by state action and the federal government’s Emancipation Proclamation executive order. Abraham Lincoln, who had issued the Emancipation Proclamation, and others, was concerned that the Proclamation would be seen as a temporary war measure, and so, besides freeing slaves in those two aforementioned states, they supported the Amendment as a means to guarantee the permanent abolition of slavery. The amendment was originally co-authored and sponsored by Congress-member James Mitchell Ashley (R-OH) and James Falconer Wilson (R-IA) and Senator John B. Henderson (D-MO). It was followed by the other Reconstruction Amendments: the 14th, which intended to protect the civil rights of former slaves and the 15th, which banned racial restrictions on voting.

  21. John should know that the Democratic Party of the old slavers and segregationists is not the Democratic Party of today.As a matter of fact roles have reversed.The Republican Party was the party of black Americans but it became infiltrated with racists and bigots, the likes of George Wallace,Jefferson Sessions,Limbaugh,Coulter,Beck,Hannity etc.When I see blacks sucking up to the guy in the WH,it says a lot of their lack of self esteem and how they think.

  22. @Overseas Observer January 21, 2019 3:59 PM

    How did your 32 Venezuelan friends make it to a live of luxury and comfort so quickly in the USA, when the average middle class American is struggling to make it from paycheck to paycheck?

  23. Gabriel

    The fundamental reason there were no successful slave revolts in America was due to the house slave informing on the yard slave … and unfortunately that mentality is still with us and today … listen! An African friend of mine from Uganda told me many years ago that in his country when you see a white man you have seen God …

  24. Even on a submission to honour Barrow some of you must inject this US BS we have discussed many times already? Make a point and move on.

  25. John

    Andew Johnson was Lincoln’s vice president ( true) but he was still a Democrat … go back and get your facts straight …

  26. John

    When the Republican Party was formed there were no such thing as a Republican philosophy … the party was formed on the basis to fight against slavery … Slavery was written into the Constitution in 11 clauses … John, there was no such thing as a Democrat when European Americans decided to enslaved Black people … so stop with the bullshit that the Republican Party free the slaves …

  27. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster your assessment and that of @Artax re David Commissiong are of course accurate.

    It is unfortunate but expected in the politically charged life we live that such blatant mischaracterizations of the man can be voiced so easily.

    One does not have to AGREE with his political stances (as I do NOT on many) but to label the man as profiting or benefiting in some grand way as a result of his very public stances is mere political noise and slander.

    Undoubtedly he gets some benefits as a lawyer due to his public image and surely he opens contacts due to the circles in which he moves which offer business gains but to suggest he sets out to gain personal benefit is crass.

    If we are honest and recall pictures of EWB boating across the Caribbean sea in company of the then playboy PM Trudeau all looking dapper and vibrant in the pomp of their public acclaim then how can we NOT imagine Mr Barrow also ‘benefiting’ from that level of fraternization and the spinoffs of acclaim from the various very public actions he undertook….

    Not trying to equate the two men but simply stated it is blatant lies to portray the man as some money grabbing sleeze profiting from his social activism…

    Particularly coming from a political hack of Mariposa’s poor reputation.

    What a total distraction from discourse on EWB.

    @Mr Blogmaster if we accept the argument that isms are just window dressing for political power then how do we decry capitalism so vehemently when in almost all cases of true capitalism there has been some form of democratic governance whereas almost all forms of communism have been autocratic rule!

    The argument of Russia as the enemy while China was embraced is very straightforward as noted above (re greed) but as is now seen the Chinese are literally stealing US economic power as a result of that greed.

    It has NEVER been about an ism and has ALWAYS been about POWER.

    That came home to many arguing Russia/Cuba vr US in 3rd and 4th form eons ago … so if that’s a revelation in 2019 then I am much surprised !

  28. I see some commenter has actually quoted ‘Oxfam’ aka OxSCAM – this is one of the wholly discredited vehicles for perverts, thieves and the sticky fingered. What naïveté.
    I am also puzzled as to why a blowhard Black Bajan should be resident in the hated US while moaning about how he is discriminated against there. Could it be parasitism?

  29. I am really puzzled and preplexed as to why the Blacks who were forcibly taken from their homes and made to work under all sort of inhumane conditions haven’t gotten their reparation as of yet, and the Japanese Americans have gotten theirs for their treatment during the Second World War?

  30. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “It is strange how constituents of St John to this day complain of the lack of development in that constituency.One assumes EWB saw it first hand and choose to do nothing to bring the parish into the 21st century.”

    Barrow was too busy enriching Simpson with his own people’s money instead of bringing the people who elected him into the 21st century…through their own development and self enrichment.

    …….same mistake the blighted clowns in each successive duopoly government has made every time they entered that cursed, possessed parliament….for over four decades…their blighted handiwork of enriching others who are not deserving and themselves only…..continues even under the present government…leaving their own people to struggle and suffer and sacrifice, their favourite word…which is deliberate and malicious wickedness….total neglect of their own people..

    They do it voluntary with no prompting from anyone, all any white, Indian , Syrian etc have to do, is smile in their dumb faces..and OFFER BRIBES………Barrow also allowed in the repulsive Ram Merchandani and her racist, slum mentality…look at the piles of filth she produced,,…he certainly never did his own people any favours…nothing that would lead to serious upliftment of the majority population……he was too busy hobnobbing with and in SHITE..and SUPPRESSING independent thinking among his people.

    And then the current shitehounds of the exiled DLP now got the nerve to be telling young vulnerable minds, to be like Barrow…frigging unbelievable..

  31. EWB campaigned in St. John by using some yard-fowls like (Mariposa T. Inniss), half cooked chicken and rum at certain locations .

  32. After 52 years of independence we are down to 62 Transport Buses and and unruly MInibus and ZR culture that is more reliable that the state own transportation, Housing solution that only fits for persons within a certain tax bracket but leave the poor to squat hither thither . An economic environment that only the upper class can be comfortable going t the supermarket. Political parties that do not serve the interest of the people but serve themselves to partake of tax payers contributions. A prison that can only hold a certain class of persons when they go against the law. Two barbadoses after 52years. RIP dipper

  33. David
    January 21, 2019 9:36 PM

    “Even on a submission to honour Barrow some of you must inject this US BS we have discussed many times already? Make a point and move on.”

    David Pity you give a voice to those who corrupt the Truth and their comments are allowed to remain and erase the voices of others that clarify their lies deeming it US BS! However the Communist Voice of the Article presented accusing the US of meddling and interference in the progression of Communism throughout the Americas is Hailed and Welcomed in this forum!

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ bony man January 22, 2019 6:45 AM
    “After 52 years of independence we are down to 62 Transport Buses and and unruly MInibus and ZR culture that is more reliable that the state own transportation….”

    And the black corrupt political imbeciles in charge continue to play a game of musical chairs in fooling the people about the viability of electric buses while ceding the largest slice of the ‘fixed’ pool of mass transit revenues to a hidden group of mostly ‘Indian’ profit-making opportunists hiding behind an environment and culture of indiscipline, lawlessness and unscheduled service provided by a bunch of wild west type cowboys called ZRs and minibus operators.

  35. David
    January 21, 2019 9:36 PM

    Even on a submission to honour Barrow some of you must inject this US BS we have discussed many times already? Make a point and move on.


    I submit that honouring Barrow is viewed as even more BS if you read the majority of submissions!!

    If this piece was supposed to honour EWB, it has backfired … bigly!!

  36. NorthernObserver Avatar

    A most interesting “tribute”, as I was left wondering tribute to whom or what?
    As @Gabriel pointed out, David C was a D, and a Senator almost as soon as the ink on his professional qualifications had dried. He has adroitly chosen topics close to his own heart, to project or stamp the apparent approval of EWB.
    Often in school yard games, as a team captain, you selected persons, who may not be stars of the game, but whose effort and tenacity could be a hindrance to success. Way better to have DC on your side, than against you. Kudos to MAM, better safe than sorry (as ac laments frequently)
    The interesting part, as demonstrated in the video posted on ‘fingerprinting’, David C refers to democracy and the tools available. I hope he realises that today in neither Cuba nor Venezuela could he voice his disagreement with the ruling powers or any of their policies, and expect not to be in jail or worse.

  37. @John

    You are aware you have the opportunity by posting relevant comments to enhance the discussion?

  38. “The proof lies in his acess and easement of manipulating the system in extraordinary fashion while massaging the weakness of a people looking for change in one way or another…”

    What does this supposed to mean?

    Take the Hyatt case for example.

    On March 22, 2017, Commisiong filed a claim in the Supreme Court constituting an application for judicial review of the legality of the process by which the Minister Responsible for and Country Planning purported to grant permission to construct the Hyatt hotel on beachfront land at Bay Street, St. Michael…….and granted such permission without having the benefit of the results of an Environmental Impact Assessment to guide and inform him in the making of his decision.

    The Court found that the EIA was NOT conducted, as stipulated by law in these circumstances and ruled in favour of Commisiong.

    Could you please explain how Commisiong was able to “manipulate the system in extraordinary fashion while massaging the weakness of a people looking for change in one way or another?”

    Like the man or not……..but be FAIR to him.

  39. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Artax January 22, 2019 11:13 AM

    Artax, since Comissiong placed his professional head on that legal block don’t you think it’s high time Bajans demand to know what is going on in their name in respect of both the Hyatt erection and the Four Seasons financial fiasco?

    Weren’t those two projects touted by the current Governor of the Central Bank as game changers for economic growth, future forex money-spinners and great opportunities to wrestle unemployment to the ground especially for those living in the inner city depressed communities?

    Or has the Ross medical school replaced those two in the bag of bullshit tricks to be fed to the masses to buy their appeasement?

  40. David
    January 22, 2019 9:30 AM

    You are aware you have the opportunity by posting relevant comments to enhance the discussion?


    I believe EWB destroyed Barbados and I don’t think he should be honoured!!

    But …. forget me for the moment, read the supposed dynamite in circulation!!

  41. Hal Austin
    January 21, 2019 5:39 PM

    No one has said what is the collective CARICOM foreign policy designed by Barrow. What is it?


    … and as a follow up to my previous comment, no one has been able to answer this question of Hal’s so whatever he did in CARICOM seems to be an unknown!!

  42. You see, I am a Barbadian first.

    CSME was pure rubbish meant to get CLICO into Barbados

    We need to get our house in order and repair the damage of the past.

  43. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John January 22, 2019 12:37 PM
    “You see, I am a Barbadian first.
    CSME was pure rubbish meant to get CLICO into Barbados..”

    Are you implying that Duprey had all the West Indian political leaders at the time in his pockets to the extent that his local gopher and doggie Parris was able to control three Bajan PMs?

    Barbados would only get her house (back) in order when she returns to a culture of caring for the lands and its sources of precious on which the Almighty God daily shines Its Light.

    No country can ever prosper when the lands are defiled and neglected and its waters -both inland and the sea- are polluted.

  44. despite all the flowery rhetoric history would record that Barbados’s Ambassador to the Caribbean andLatin American States voted to expel CUba from the Organization of American States. I belive Sol Linowitz was the American Ambassador who led the charge. At that timeCuba was in the business of fomenting revolution througout Latin America.

  45. Was not the break up of the talks on the ” Formation of Little Eight” which were held at Sherbourne attributed to Mr Barrow?

  46. Exactly what about Barbados was there for Errol Barrow to destroy? What was Barbados like for the majority population?

  47. “CSME was pure rubbish meant to get CLICO into Barbados.”


    Colonial Life Insurance Company (CLICO) was founded in 1936 by Cyril Lucius Duprey and by 1946, the company began to expand regionally, establishing branches in Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, St Vincent, St Kitts and St Lucia………

    ……..and the CSME was conceptualized in 1989 and its Single Market component of the CSME was established on January 1, 2006?

    Taking this information into consideration………would you care to explain you above comment?

  48. And while you’re at it, could you please submit a name of a person you think should be honoured?

  49. Miller

    The Four Seasons project is a very interesting issue.

    Given the investment of taxpayers and NIS funds into this project, which remains unfinished…….dilapidated and vandalised……would we be seeing an investigation into Four Seasons any time soon……..

    ………..or, now that Mottley is PM and Avanish Persaud is one of her “trusted” consultants………will we be WAITING in VAIN?

    And Miller…..what about us…….after all, the NIS funds consist of our contributions towards pension and other NIS benefits.

    Will we continually play the blame game by pointing “accusing fingers” at BLP and DLP……….or when we attend these annual conferences of these political parties or their constituency branch meeting…..

    ………..will we DEMAND our parliamentary representatives provide us with answers to the Four Seasons debacle?

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