The six month old Mottley government cannot be accused of NOT making decisions. In the relatively short time since winning the government several initiatives have been promised with few started. There are private sector projects coming online- a few that have been in the pipeline before the Mottley government took up residence in Government House.

The most recent announcement by the government issued amidst the noise of the Christmas season is the plan to litter the coastline between Hastings and Paradise Beach with about twelve hotels with four receiving upgrades. What piqued the interest of the blogmaster was that areas in St. Lucy, Christ Church and St. Phillip will be identified for tourism related projects. The blogmaster suspects deals have already been cut in smoke-filled back rooms and what is left is the PR piece.

The question Barbadians must ask- are we happy continuing to pump millions in the tourism model? The way business is done in this sector requires generous concessions to be offered AND analysts agree there is significant foreign exchange leakage associated with the segment. The blogmaster is not suggesting we should neglect a sector all admit that is paying the bills. What we want to see is a different kind of investment to grow a more resilient economy.

During the Arthur administration BU posted concerns about the extent the coastline was being carved up to serve tourism development. One expects flyovers will enter the discussion at some point. Our opposition then and still relevant is that Barbados will lose its shine as a SID if we continue to morph into a concrete jungle. We are already seeing unusual changes with our coastline to suggest decisions taken are not in harmony with the environment. We struggle with implementing a waste management and efficient water system. Is it conceivable that we should be looking to ease our hand from the tourism investment mouth?

Regional governments and by extension the citizenry have demonstrated in the last twenty years a lack of innovation and creativity in the problem solving business.


You requested to have this matter posted. Expecting you to lead the discussion!





466 responses to “Carving a Hotel Corridor”

  1. Tourism pays the bills but an economy which plans it’s economic development on such a fragile industry will one day realize it’s unsustainable. Low wages, extreme concessions, environmental degradation, increased pollution and net fx gain. How much of the fx from the visitor spend remains in Barbados? The knowledge and for economy is what Barbados needs to embrace coupled with a new working regime of 12 hour days with a 2 shift system.

  2. Cannot imagine how govt can open mouth and make talk about littering the coastline with hotels when the Sewer system is inadequate to hold any additional sewage from residences or business
    Mia has become like Trump telling people what they want to hear but what is far removed from reality.
    What should be of first concern to govt is repairing the enviromental damage because of toxins which has gone into our many bodies of water which will eventually get into our under ground water system from the present dysfunctional sewer system
    Therfore outlining in detail a way forward for corrective measures
    Afterall the Tourism business is also interacted with the enviroment and people health and well being should be given first preference

  3. You are voicing the same concern we have about building the Hyatt. You may recall.

  4. Can’t even begin to make this up…lol

  5. There is nothing worse than having champagne taste with a mauby mind.

    Here is a country that DOES NOT HAVE the mental capacity to retain successful control over the EXISTING assets that were inherited from ancestors, ….but which, RATHER than seek to address the CLEAR MALADY that causes this mental deficiency, continues to dream of somehow successfully managing EVEN MORE COMPLEX assets yet to be developed.

    If you cannot manage to run a corner shop in a village, what is it that makes us think we can run a national chain of supermarkets? All we EVER do with this hotel development is put scarce money from the treasury into albino-centric hands.

    Mia talks up a storm.
    BUT she does not have the human capacity around her to realise this lotta talk.

    Her VERY FIRST national commitment was about the sewerage situation….
    Six months later, the only change there has been cosmetic….. and yet the same clowns continue to embarrass us at BWA
    …while she goes on to make even bigger promises.

    It is the path to grass.

  6. isnt the coastal areas soon to be under water, hey waru hows is that teaching your husband to bark out …..jingle bells for christmas working out.

  7. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Brother Hants

    I was pleasantly surprised to read the following in your submission

    “…The blogmaster is not suggesting we should neglect a sector all admit that is paying the bills.

    What we want to see is a different kind of investment to grow a more resilient economy…”

    Which begs two questions

    What do you suggest as one single investment that would meet your very wise suggestion?

    That question seems to have Mugabe and company stumped.

    And with all the disclosures that hit the airwaves daily as to her Honourable MPs dishonourable activities, does it appear to you that this lot knows anything other than teifing???

    My second question is this.

    The Blogmaster used the third person singular while introducing this piece sorry blog.

    Then he uses 20 pt. font to encourage you to nurture your piece/blog.

    Who is the real author of the piece?

    Is this proxy authorship a practice of the Blogmaster for controversial pieces?

    That is not like the Blogmaster, are you afraid that any of these 4 mile corridor people dont let you remain at their hotel when you get here?

    I have a blog piece that is somewhat controversial

    It is titled “WHY YOU 6 MUST CROSS THE FLOOR…”

    It speaks to the faction of 6 of the BLP who are dissatisfied with Mugabe and are threatening to leave her party

    You would stand proxy for this piece for me? Heheheheh cause when it get blogged many among de readership gine be very vexed

  8. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here thank you

  9. Bushie is right

    Mottley brought a different texture to the primeministership

    But as time goes by it is becoming pellucid that she is the rightful inheritor of Freundel Stuart and his predecessors. And that is no complement

    She made a lot of hullabaloo about the Hilton but now plans on selling the only airport. What magic can a private owner perform which a government can’t – raise user fees, borrow money to finance it?

    The rot will not stop. Most will only come to see the folly of Mottley within a year when a deep economic recession hits the leading countries. It start already!

  10. ..Lawson…just as successful as you getting old 4 legged wifey to do same.

    “Mia talks up a storm.
    BUT she does not have the human capacity around her to realise this lotta talk.”

    Mia is still very misguided, she can proclaim herself the 6 month saviour on borrowed loans as much as she wants…it will be all for NOTHING if she does not ADDRESS the CORRUPTION FULLY and ARREST those who STOLE from the TREASURY and PENSION FUND……and address the corrupt within her government…

    unless Mia gets JUSTICE for those who are suffering because of those THEFTS by government ministers, former, present and tiefing business people…only those yardfowls who are soft in the head will take Mia Borrows seriously.

  11. @Piece

    As is your wont you are addicted to the speculative line of argument. It makes for good promo. You probably missed it but Hants posted a comment requesting this matter be discussed.

  12. @Bush Tea

    You are not moved by the little project currently being undertaken by the BWA and friends?

  13. After all this criticism, what about some constructive suggestions on new directions for Barbados’ economy, investments and development?

  14. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    It is important for Barbados to decide on the future direction of our tourism industry, so it would be a pity if this discussion degenerated into an impotent political one up(wo)manship.

    The sea level is rising and most of our beaches will disappear of be severely compromised over the next few generations. This will occur whether or not the humans achieve significant reductions in atmospheric carbon. The question is: how do we design our tourism product to best respond to this?

  15. @Peter

    Some commenters have a limited capacity that prevents a dispassionate approach to discussion. It is a blog on the WWW not dissimilar to living in the outback or the Wild Wild West. Walk with your gold pan.

  16. David can “we the not so bright” speak a word without u interjecting you political bias poop
    Was the Sewer issue which would be relevant to the Bridgetown plant a cause for concern when the Hyatt was brought to the attention of the people
    Leave it to you to run cover for this heartless govt who have all but thrown the people overboard and persist in the contaminatiion of our bodies of water
    Again Mia has all but took for granted that she can throw words around enough to satisfy and appease only a few those who would mostly benefit while she withholds the truth from the people

  17. Yes it was.

    You were living under a political rock?

  18. Mia cannot speak of justice looking around her cabinet there is enough unjustifable acts done. (because of some of them)upon the old and vulnerable that warrants immediate jail sentences
    And Mia says Nothing

  19. Taxpayers, pensioners, policyholders have been taking hit after hit after hit to the tune of hundreds of millions over the decades….from everyone, particularly and including from the business sector…it is now their turn to take some really, really big hits….85 cents on the dollar is not bad.

    “Sagicor takes hit after taking up Gov’t debt exchange offer
    SAGICOR Financial Corporation has suffered a hit of $86 million (US$43.0 million) as a result of its participation in the Government of Barbados controversial debt exchange programme.”

  20. @Robbie-John

    Your have a valid point. Any idiot can spend all day listing the wrongs, missteps – it calls for brainpower, the ability to be creative, to offer solutions.

    Here is a jump off point:

    We have invested billions in education, successive governments. It seems an obvpath that we should be growing economic activity linked to the knowledge capital we should have acquired.

  21. When taxpayers are paying 17K plus a month in minister’s salaries, senators salaries, plus perks, plus entertainment allowances, plus vehicles, plus travel….ALL OF THEM SHOULD ALREADY HAVE ALL THE SOLUTIONS..

  22. I’ll be damned if I will allow anyone to tell me it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to come up with solutions when there are already, ministers, senators, lawmakers, civil servants and all types of hangers-on already getting full salaries to do their jobs, so what are they being paid for again.

  23. Continuing:

    We educated ALL citizens to resign to live in a totalitarian system?

    Do we want more government or less government. There will always be a healthy tension between the role of elected officials and the degree citizens are allowed to challenge policies determined by said elected officials. There is not blueprint!

    What did Lincoln say?

    “…that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth…”

  24. re I’ll be damned if I will allow anyone to tell me it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to come up with solutions when there are already, ministers, senators, lawmakers, civil servants and all types of hangers-on already getting full salaries to do their jobs, so what are they being paid for again.

    HOW CAN IT BE THE PEOPLE’S RESPONSIBILITY to come up with solutions when there are already, ministers, senators, lawmakers, civil servants and all types of hangers-on already getting full salaries to do their jobs, so what are they being paid for again.

    THIS IS ALSO 100% TRUE…..
    When taxpayers are paying 17K plus a month in minister’s salaries, senators salaries, plus perks, plus entertainment allowances, plus vehicles, plus travel….ALL OF THEM SHOULD ALREADY HAVE ALL THE SOLUTIONS..

    RE We have invested billions in education, successive governments. It seems an obvpath that we should be growing economic activity linked to the knowledge capital we should have acquired.
    “commenters WHO have a limited capacity that prevents a dispassionate approach to discussion”


  25. The people’s RESPONSIBILTY is to WATCH the ministers, senators etc and CALL THEM OUT…when they stat tiefing and getting uppity…

    If bajans had KNOWN that is what they were supposed to do and not show FEAR to ministers and lawyers, the island could never be in this corrupt mess…but the same lawyers and ministers kept the people unaware and in the dark so they could ROB them…so no, no one owes any government any solutions, they were supposed to have those solutions when they were elected by the people…they said they did..

  26. “The most recent announcement by the government issued amidst the noise of the Christmas season is the plan to litter the coastline between Hastings and Paradise Beach with about twelve hotels with four receiving upgrades.”

    David BU

    What sense does it make to increase the number of hotels in Barbados and when tourists come to the island, they don’t have anything to do………other than visiting Harrison’s Cave or going to Oistins on Friday nights and the rich playing golf or polo?

    Gone are the days of marketing Barbados as the “land of sea and sun.” The weather pattern has changed significantly, which has seen an increase in the level of intense rainfall that repeatedly cause localized flooding… with the “rainy season” sometimes extending to months that were traditionally “dry”…….

    ……… addition to prolonged periods of drought and the number of days that are very hot. Also, rising water levels will obviously cause beach erosion. The environmental and climate change scientists will deal with these issues.

    The tourism industry in the Caribbean is highly competitive, especially when one considers the islands offer similar natural resources. Tourist attractions are the most important of the three basic components of a country’s tourism product…….and determine the choice tourists make to visit a particular destination as opposed to another.

    Unless there is a rational development of tourist attractions, no matter how many hotels are constructed, tourists will not be motivated to visit Barbados. These attractions could be cultural, historical buildings and sites or even music festivals and sports.

    Why not encourage investors to build casinos, night clubs, convert the old Empire theatre into an entertainment centre, refurbish historical buildings, etc?

  27. RE What did Lincoln say?

    “…that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth…”


  28. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Pachamama December 19, 2018 8:21 AM
    The rot will not stop. Most will only come to see the folly of Mottley within a year when a deep economic recession hits the leading countries. It start already!

    You are a prescient being, indeed!
    Pacha, so you too can see the ‘big’ recession on the horizon?

    It is believed that Britain (no longer Great) would be the biggest casualty in the West.
    Given that Barbados depends mainly on Britain for the majority of its long-stay visitors during the winter season the problems for Barbados would be tenfold in 2019-2020.

    Any further reduction of the value of the Pound sterling against the US$ could spell disaster for BERT and put tremendous pressure on the extremely vulnerable Bajan dollar.

    It would do Bajans a lot of good if they should seriously consider ‘re-cultivating’ their once arable lands if they want to avoid the probable starvation similar to what is now facing the innocent people of Yemen.

  29. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    There is a Brit who often employs the phrase “This is all going to end in tears”. We live on an island that measures a mere 166 square miles. Barbados size should be its saving grace with reference to her tourism industry. Jamaica due to her size and her proximity to Canada and the USA could, relatively easy, adopt a mass tourism model that would be able to cater for a number of large scale hotel developments along her extensive shoreline.

    This is in direct contrast to Barbados where our motto should be less is more. Rather then expanding our hotel footprint we should be looking at developing an alternative model that is the antithesis of this “mass tourism” model that we appear eager to adopt.

    Why would tourists visit a hotel lined beach monstrosity in Barbados when they can visit Puerto Rico, Miami or some other God-forsaken place. Cast your eyes around the other small islands in the Caribbean; these islands will gain from our stupidity. They are all infinitely more attractive and more beautiful then our unplanned and visually hideous island.

    The environmental impact on the island will be catastrophic for Bajans. How will we deal with the demands on our sewage system? What about access to high quality potable water? Will we have access to the beach? And are we seriously prepared to place more of our eggs into the tourism industry basket at the expense of developing and creating new sectors?

    It is sad to see the demise of Barbados. Our politicians are killing us slowly whilst we have become mere bystanders looking in on our own fate within a sealed coffin.

  30. Where’s the voice of Commissiong when you need him

    Just observing

  31. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    A hotel corridor of the type illustrated would be an unmitigated disaster for Barbados. The government’s “plan to litter the coastline between Hastings and Paradise Beach with about twelve hotels with four receiving upgrades” is a profound strategic mistake for the industry and for the country. The ONLY significant beneficiaries of such a plan will be Mark Maloney and company.

    The global economy is 12 to 24 months away from a “correction;” it may well be as severe as the one in 2008. Our landscape is still scarred by the half built 2008 relics of badly planned and executed hotel development that will cost millions just to tear down. Have we learned nothing?

    The entire economy of mass market global tourism is teetering on the brink of significant contraction. The type of middle and working class tourism sustained by Virgin and similar carriers is completely dependent on low oil prices which will come to an end within a decade. Brexit, and the deeply xenophobic/racist populist forces which produce Brexit and Trump, will fatally constrain our old market model.

    So what then should we do?

    It is time to specialize in markets: (a) that are not completely dependent on the disappearing beach, and (b) where we have something of unique value to offer.

    We should build an aspect of the industry that is focused on the global African diaspora… this will begin with Black people from North America and Europe because it should be a high end experience, not mass market. For example we could host an annual Black Writers Literary Festival.

    What other good ideas can you contribute?

  32. David

    It is called intensification and makes sense. The key is ensuring that a comprehensive approach is taken to addressing issues such as sewage, water, energy, coastal environment, air quality etc and by engaging with prospective investors/developers in a conference setting enables the government to build consensus on funding for infrastructural requirements and EIAs etc. Something that was missing from the stand alone Hyatt. But let me hush cuz the bloggers here prefer commess, misinformation and innuendo. #ionlycommentonwhatiknow

  33. RE Brexit, and the deeply xenophobic/racist populist forces which produce Brexit and Trump, will fatally constrain our old market model.

    So what then should we do?

  34. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    WARU at 9:23 AM

    I agree with you 100%.
    When I worked and managed, I was expected to identify problems and provide solutions and create opportunities to add value. Now a days people take up jobs and expect management to tell them what to do and how to do it. And that includes the Political Directorship. No wonder at this distance they appear to be on the same trajectory….doing the same things and expecting different out comes.

    It is time for the paradigm shift. Where is it? We have reached the upper limit to our tourism expansion. It is robbing us of adequate supply of water. It is robbing us of access to our beaches. The noise levels have risen. Do I need to list all the downsides?

    Where are the cost/benefit studies? Where are the net increases in foreign exchange?

    Were we not promised a diversification of the economy?

  35. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Robbie-John December 19, 2018 8:38 AM
    “After all this criticism, what about some constructive suggestions on new directions for Barbados’ economy, investments and development?”

    Good call!

    But what do you expect other than negativity arising from the comatose status of Hyatt and Four Seasons?

    When genuine light is shed on these inchoate forex-earning projects we would warm to the possibility of more hotels on the Island’s sewage-damaged south coast; even a restart of the Harlequin abandoned rat house.

    Meanwhile, the question to be mulled over is similar to that for the Hyatt:
    Where is the foreign money coming from to pay for these ‘grand’ hotels?

    Will Barbados be able to attract the extremely scarce FDI to its sunset industry called beach-based tourism given what is on the Climate Change horizon?

  36. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Intensification ONLY makes sense in a growing market, otherwise we are doubling down on a loosing proposition. That will simply intensify our losses.

  37. “The ONLY significant beneficiaries of such a plan will be Mark Maloney and company.”

    it is troubling that they still can’t get past the old tired tourism product sufficiently to CREATE new avenues of INCOME..

    …that mental block that prevents new ideas while marginalizing the current creatives will obviously continue to PEVAIL…that is all they know…they have nothing new or useful to add….they need a mental NUDGE.

  38. that mental block that prevents new ideas while marginalizing the current creatives will obviously continue to PREVAIL.

  39. @PLT
    The global economy is 12 to 24 months away from a “correction;” it may well be as severe as the one in 2008.
    Correction we are at the formative stage of a correction, check the Dow today vs the Dow at the start of the year. The Fed Chairman J Powell is expected to raise interest rates today but the straw that will break the camel’s back is March 2019 when Brexit becomes reality.

    Drink a rum on a Christmas morning drink a rum…….

  40. Most here seems to agree that the idea is Rubbish and should be ditch along with the South West Sewer plant
    Cant imagine after Mia speech about the enviroment that she proposes an idea to create massive damage to the enviroment along tge South Coast
    Where there is no vision the people shall perish

  41. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Beach-based tourism is a sunset industry (pun intended). The appropriate strategic response is specialization, not intensification. There is no point in building more that replicates what is already struggling and dying. We need to build differently… this means doubling the spend per tourist, not doubling the number of tourists. This means that we do NOT need new hotel rooms, we need new experiences that visitors want to pay for.

  42. “Now a days people take up jobs and expect management to tell them what to do and how to do it. And that includes the Political Directorship.”

    They need to take a good, hard look at themselves..

    For decades both governments have maliciously IGNORED the needs of the people, once elected, they proceeded to pretend they are the masters of the people and not their employees, riding the wave of the SHIT TITLES and perks given to them by the people …..AND proceeded to do whatever they like without using even basic intelligence and common sense and not at anytime asking the people their OPINIONS.

    Ergo all they have done in the last 30 years is sink the island into MASSIVE DEBT and KEPT the DEPENDENCY on tourism ALIVE….and for some reason…none of that is RESONATING in their HEADS..

  43. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Enuff December 19, 2018 9:50 AM
    “Something that was missing from the stand alone Hyatt.”

    Not enough, “Enuff”! What was ‘totally’ missing (and still so) is the main ingredient of any ‘major investment’ project.

    Money (not Maloney’s mickey mouse housing credit fund loot); especially foreign money needed to pay for the imports required to the construction and outfitting of a grand-style hotel like Hyatt.

    Where is the beef called FDI to feed these grandiose projects expected to start before fixing the South Coast shithouse?

  44. The Miller

    It is indeed refreshing for us to again include you amongst that dying breed of Bajans who have a vision uncluttered by party political considerations and somebody else’s mind.

    We have long contended that there can be no ‘transformation’ in BERT unless it first deals with a radical land reform as a precursor to the indigenization of food production and the banning of all inputs in agriculture, with minor provisos.

    This BLP regime has regrettably shown no such inclination. We are getting more of the same misguided ‘development’. And that is a game to have never won and will never win.

    This insistence on tourism led growth is a fool’s errand. All it tries to do is earn foreign exchange, not to add to national wealth, but to pay for imports. And the country is then left with huge social and environmental costs it’s unable to sustain.

    But even if Bajans would start to plant more food, we are still members of the WTO. And being members, there are strict limitations on what we can do to allow the development of a local agricultural revolution. But first, we need land!

  45. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Sargeant at 10 :01 AM

    I am not drinking any rum unless it is made from Barbados manufactured and grown sucrose. Moreover the ownership must be Barbadian. I am now a protectionist. LOL!!!

  46. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    FDI will not fix the Barbados economy. Even if Maloney finds the few hundred million to finance the Hyatt, that money is scarcely any better than the foreign debt that Mia is getting from development banks. FDI needs to be repatriated at some point to wherever it came from, and for it to be an attractive investment the amount repatriated needs to be considerably more than the amount invested… this leaves us no better off than running up foreign debt. Furthermore the FDI is almost certainly going to be funds that need to be laundered because their source is unseemly.

  47. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Vincent Codrington
    None of our rum is produced from “Barbados manufactured and grown sucrose.” The best Barbados rum is made by R L Seale & Co. at their Foursquare distillery from Guyanese molasses. It is far superior to the French owned Mount Gay.

  48. David Comissiong ………………….

    Is proof positive, why we have long determined that the elites in the Caribbean are useless, worthy of death.

    Comissiong, as was anticipated, found the proposed hotel project on Bay Street, as an exit ramp, in using a social issue to bring down his political enemy, while consolidating consanguinity.

    Don’t cay wuh Bajans try to do to civilize the elites, dah does get hit wid big rocks by the said same bloodlines.

  49. Tourism ALWAYS ends up destroying the beauty and the reason people came in the first place, but not before the lives of the inhabitants have been destroyed. There are places now like Cornwall an Venice where they are trying to stop people coming. Barbados used to be blessed with cool breezes (indeed, the very phrase entered the lexicon, well for most of us!!) now you get a hot wind cooked by expanses of concrete.

  50. So…. Mr. Codrington

    ……’re only going to drink rum that is legally defined Barbadian (Bajan) rum?

    Then…..perhaps you should drink Glenfiddich single malt Scotch whisky or Jack Daniel whiskey…….as they are both legally defined.

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