Is collusion a crime? Since the beginning of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, allegations of “collusion” have dominated the debate. President Trump regularly claims there was “no collusion” with the Russians seeking to influence the 2016 presidential election. His attorneys and other supporters also have repeatedly argued that even if collusion took place, that would not be criminal. But last week, in a case brought by Mueller, a federal judge upheld the legal theory under which “collusion” may indeed be a crime.

I’m not sure how the term “collusion” became so central to discussions of the Mueller investigation. It really should be banned altogether. (I know, I know — this from the guy who just wrote a blog post with “collusion” in the title, right? But hey, I can’t unilaterally disarm.) All it does is breed confusion and lead to diversionary arguments about whether collusion is criminal.

It’s true there is no criminal statute titled “collusion.” But as I’ve noted in several places (here and here, for example) the relevant crime is conspiracy under 18 U.S.C. 371. Collusion refers to an agreement with others to achieve some improper end. In criminal law, we call that a conspiracy – a partnership in crime. And the breadth of the federal conspiracy statute makes it particularly well-suited for cases like Mueller’s probe of Russian interference with the election.


467 responses to “Collusion a Crime – Judge in Mueller Case Upholds Legal Theory”

  1. The President is asking SCOTUS to circumvent the Circuit Courts?

    President Trump was rebuked by Justice Roberts in an unusual move?

    SCOTUS hand down decisions based on law and not loyalty to the president that selected them.

  2. Russians indicted for being and acting russian lol. Americans interfered in elections all over the world for years. What a joke this has become.

  3. @lawson

    What is your point?

    Do fuh do?

    On Sat, Nov 24, 2018 at 9:51 AM Barbados Underground wrote:


  4. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    I did not do my customary thing to confirm the writer’s claim that “Collusion refers to an agreement with others to achieve some improper end…”

    But I will guess that many would and will argue the Trunk becoming president is not an improper end, given what election campaigns worldwide seek to achieve

    De ole man however things that what Mueller will show with his incontrovertible evidence is that an American politician plotting with Russia, to become the president of the United States while it may not be against the written laws, go on no precedence, is contrary to what is expected of a loyal American citizen

    And this is going to be the basis of the impeachment because as ingrunt as Americans are, they all have a really deep, though extremely uninformed, sense of what ” being an American” is

    He will be impeached or will be made to leave the white house

    One has to watch China, Russia and North Korea during the impeachment process because a country with eyes turned inwards DOES NOT LOOK OUTWARDS

  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here thank you

  6. Sometimes one get the impression a few commenters here want Barbados to fail, not dissimilar to some who will agree with any BS that fit the ‘prophecy’ of the Bible.

  7. @ David
    So what?

    Often Bushie gets the impression that many here expect to keep on doing the same shiite that has led us to this place
    ….and that SOMEHOW we can achieve OPPOSITE results.
    How rational is THAT?

    Let all opinions contend.
    Those that have eyes to see will see…
    The others will feel …. the grass.

  8. my point is David meddling in elections is not uncommon. The people being charged are Russian for meddling, the americans charged are for tax evasion misspeaking to fbi etc, nothing to do with meddling but have to admit something so they and their families are not bankrupted. There will be people on both sides of the argument but after two years the best they can do is charge some russians who arent coming back anyways and since there is no extradition treaty with russia wont be sent back its laughable.

  9. Isn’t it the Hildebeast and Democrats who colluded with Russia?

    Who paid for the “Dossier” and to whom were the payments made?

    Were these payments to foreign nationals?

    Who gave false information in the FISA warrant to the Court?

    Are any of these ends improper?

    Mueller may well end up investigating not Trump, but the Hildebeast, Comey and Democrats.

  10. How can Trump be impeached for so-called collusion with Russia? The whole thing is a charade. Am I to believe that the Russians convinced three-hundred odd million Americans to vote for Trump? The fact remains that Clinton ran a shoddy campaign.; referring to people as deplorables . She was also smug in the thought that she had every thing in the bag and refused to canvass in states which were marginal. For example Minnesota. All Trump had to do was to visit Minnesota and talk about the threat posed by Muslims. Some Somalis cab drivers refused to carry passengers from the airport who possessed liquor. Also refused to transport blind persons who had guide dogs. And had the nerve to get an imam in Minnesota to execute a fatwah stating that it was un-Islamic to do so. Of course the Yanks dealt with them*. As for the obstruction thing, Trump is the head of the government and as such ,as Alan Dershowitz has said, cannot be charged with obstruction for firing Comey. As a matter of fact ,Trump doesn’t have to give any explanation or he can give a thousand different ones for the firing and Mueller can’t do anything about it. So Mueller is only being silly when he tried to find out how Trump was thinking when he fired Comey. The US’s constitution protects the president in such cases. To even consider asking Trump to divulge how he was thinking when he fired Comey shows how silly Mueller is: by extension to follow Mueller line of reasoning Trump would have explain why he challenged the Chinese with the trade thing or why he pulled out of The Iran nuclear deal.
    Robert D. Lucas

    Insert in google search engine: Somalis refusing to transport passengers with liquor from airport in Minnesota.

  11. John
    You wish. Fortunately information and contending views are available to the discerning and your traditional naive viewpoints are just that..puerile and just rubbish..

  12. Lucas
    Stick to your Food Biotechnology.Your politics USA is way off mark.

  13. Whilst I am at it, the blog members might to research Mueller’s activity when he was district attorney in Massachusetts and the scandal he was involved with the FBI and the gangster Whitey Bulger.
    Robert D. Lucas

  14. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster, wha loss…as another blogger said (came to go there really this surprised me): you don’t love a fight but adore a riot 🙂

    My brother your remark that : SCOTUS hand down decisions based on law and not loyalty to the president that selected them is sweet like honey …when seen in a bottle or placed in a welcoming, warm beverage… but it’s gooey, almost intractable and absolutely not always a sweet substance in the cold reality of life!

    To take you on your word… if the nuance and reality of ALL legal decisions were void of loyalty to a president/party ethos then why oh why, would the battle to gain the power (presidential and governors) to APPOINT judges be such an acrimonious and win at all costs battle?????!!

    Democratic judge are accused of judicial law making… of reinterpreting the original laws of the US to suit modern methods; Republican advocate the concept of originalism: “the notion that an utterance’s semantic content is fixed at the time it is uttered”.

    There are variances of that hard and fast perspective but in sum those who adopt that perspective like the late Justice Scalia, his very alive replacement Justice Gorsuch or Justices Thomas, Alito and Kavanaugh MOST DEFINITELY will research and thus adjudicate the OUTCOME of a case which is hinged on strong constitutional precedents VERY much in line with the loyalty of the (republican) president that selected them.

    Sometimes the honey can get abjectly, almost impossible to accept …from either side !

  15. It comes down to this as I have said it before the eleventh commandment…….the lawyers shall be paid…..on both sides whether its trump, myrie, clinton the lawyers are paid on both sides by the taxpayer so bend over it isnt going away. Even better james carvel and his wife ….kelly ann conway and her husband working for by both sides …paid by the taxpayer. So dont think this anything new each regime finds another new way to skin the cat so the machine is fed……. meow

  16. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Gabriel, I join the last part of your 8:25… The doc can indeed continue to educate us from his food technology experience but he absolutely has to do a better job with his political analysis. Oh Lordie!

    @Dr Lucas, you cant really be seriously contending that a President cannot be held liable (impeached) for obstruction of justice. That you would shroud your ability to dissect, digest and expound on loads of data with this political one-step non-dance is amusing!

    Not faulting your right to have any opinion…so lets be clear…

    I do vigorously challenge you however to tell the blog how you can compress loads of precedent, streams of troubling circumstantial and evidentiary details (Senate Judicial report bluntly said: Russians aimed to assist the POTUS campaign for DT), tidbits of complicity from WikiLeaks to the ‘coffee-boy’ which led to PERJURY by campaign officials etc etc into that brain of yours and issue such a paltry judgement.

    No one has said that Russians alone convinced 63 million (not 300) to vote for Trump; nor has anyone (reasonable anyhow) disputed Clinton’s inherent deplorability as a candidate (the statement itself was unfortunate but irrelevant) but to suggest that there is ‘no there, there’ as the Americans are fond of saying is well…a clearly biased folly.

    Anyone who is Republican leaning should dispute the invalid claims powerfully but please dont offer softballs against serious charges.

    Incidentally, tapes aside Pres Nixon was gong to be impeached for his firing of his AG …his Republican comrades in the Senate were loath to impeach him too (before the tapes snagged his backside).

    Thus it’s beyond amazing to suggest that the intent of a Pres in terminating a senior US law officer on a matter DIRECTLY related to the president’s own interest can be equated to his mental processes on an international trade deal…oh wondrous mental leaps!

    Reasoning in your field of expertise uses the same synapses and logical nous as your reasoning in all matters…I would presume!

  17. @lawson

    Let us accept your position. IF there is evidence that there might be collusion should it be ignored because other government have done it?

  18. Unable to contribute here……
    Will let Lawson and 45govt do my contributing for me although I suspect they know even less than I do…

  19. Lawson

    So you do not see anything wrong with Putin and Trump’s relationship?
    A man who continually and consistently tries to undermine American democracy and yet he walks hand in hand with the leader of the Free-world?

    And those of us who can see the written on the wall must somehow ignore this reality as though all is good and well with which the leader of the free-world regard this dictator…

  20. @RD Lucas
    The whole thing is a charade. Am I to believe that the Russians convinced three-hundred odd million Americans to vote for Trump?
    Who says “three hundred odd million Americans” voted for Trump? The Russians only had to convince a certain percentage to vote for Trump and he has certainly repaid Putin for his help. One should also ask why facebook belatedly acknowledged the presence of thousands Russian “bots” on its site which were designed to feed false information and mislead vulnerable voters but facts are stubborn things.

    Right now, collusion is the farthest thing from Trump’s mind after all according to him he has done “nothing” wrong so he shouldn’t feel threatened right? (BTW think of the historical and current use of that argument when it pertains to certain minorities). Trump is worried that Mueller has his tax Returns which shows his duplicity and downright lies (as usual) and his indebtedness to among others the Russians and the Saudis.

    The Emperor has no clothes.

  21. @ Lexicon
    And those of us who can see the written (writing) on the wall must somehow ignore this reality as though all is good and well with which the leader of the free-world regard this dictator…
    What can be done about it?
    Wunna could not wait to rid wunna self of George Bush…. now wunna got Trump… who is next … Putin?

    Suppose it is what wunna DESERVE … based on irrefutable SPIRITUAL Laws …
    What if such ‘leadership’ is the fruit being reaped after eons of planting wickedness and spitefulness around the world?

    The ONLY real solution (in conformance with the IRREFUTABLE LAW) is to plant different seeds.
    First wunna would need to cut down the shiite trees and burn them
    (i.e. Repent of wunna brass bowlery with sack cloth and ashes – meaning with HEARTFELT SERIOUSNESS)

    Then wunna would have to systematically plant some seeds of LOVE. …For God, for fellow man and for self.
    THEN AND ONLY THEN … will there be any hope for good fruit to be produced.

    So prepare for the worst….

  22. Lawson

    Which one do you think Trump should be charged with … Sedition or Teason …? Because it is quite evident that he has a personal association with a knowing enemy of America …!

  23. Bush Tea

    I saw my mistake (writing rather written) … however… the blog offers little or no regress for common human errors … so don’t use my mistake to somehow validate your want of self-aggrandizement…

  24. Redress

  25. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @John, yesterday as reported, there was some rich fun in Las Vegas, Nevada….one fellow won $9 million after beating another fellow with his balls…there was so much hype about these two men playing with their balls that one of them bet the other $100,000 that he would show him a birdie (his I presume) right at the start of the ballsy battle ….can you believe all that!

    Millions of $$ for two men to play with those lil white balls….now that was golf of course with Tiger and Michelson….but you too love playing stupid ballsy games with your repeated right-repub narrative….. so I bet you that ANY republican investigation into..

    Who paid for the “Dossier” and to whom were the payments made?,Were these payments to foreign nationals?,Who gave false information in the FISA warrant to the Court?,Are any of these ends improper?

    … will result in a big loss just like that bet to play a birdie on that first hole…but lots of millions spent tho !

    Why cant you Republicans just be PRACTICAL….Accept that an indictment for Clinton DOES NOT INVALIDATE one for DT campaign personnel or something for him!

    Accept that the Repub Nunes already did his report on the FISA stuff…its was shown to be a poor, cherry picked analysis of partisan palaver and debunked at EVERY important point.

    Accept that shenanigans did take place but that they DO NOT rise to a level of improper case handling.

    Surely Accept we know he is the POTUS and we dont freaking care about Clinton…AND accept you can’t prove POTUS innocence by proving a Clinton guilty!

  26. Maybe he should get one of those reset buttons. Look they send billions in multi currencies all hush hush clitory takes a hammer to her phone and bleach bits everything. All her people get immunity before the investigation and some of you act like this doesn’t smell lol I guess they will have buyers for new clico policys

  27. Direct from the Horse’s mouth!!

    “Rosenstein said that no Americans had any knowledge of the operation listed in this indictment and that the operation had no impact on the outcome of the election.”

    People are out of touch with reality, of course, things can change after two years and 10’s of millions!!

    The Russians will never be prosecuted.

    One of them actually came to Court in the US and asked to see the case against them.

    Mueller ran!!

  28. @John

    Help us to understand what the deputy AG’s admission has to do with the case at hand read Mueller’s special investigation?

  29. … so if there are no Americans with knowledge of the operation listed in the indictment, it seems logical to assume that Neither the Hildebeast nor Trump will be part of the indictment!!

    The only reason the indictment exists is because there have to be Russians for there to be collusion!!

  30. @ Lexicon
    you are too sensitive boss… it was obvious you meant ‘writing’….
    Don’t dig….
    NOBODY types more mistakes than Bushie..

    The problems come when you go for the big words that you don’t quite understand
    … Mr. Malaprop
    ha ha ha

  31. Forget Trump and Clinton for the moment, who are the Russians that did the colluding?

  32. That’s the only question you need to answer!!

  33. John

    Wouldn’t it make sense to try to discredited the Intelligence Community if you have something to hide … in order to instill doubt in the collected -mind of the American public … as Trump has endeavoured to do in order to concealed his wrongdoing …?

  34. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Lawson, you falter..badly. No, NO, NOOO. People do care that “[they took] a hammer to her phone and bleach bits everything”.

    Let commonsense PREVAIL. She is NOT POTUS and that is as an absolutly DIRECT result of her INANE decision to adopt BS funny business with management of her emails – personal and business….

    …the moment that original news broke I am positive that millions of people did an old fashioned Bajan style stueeepse…long, long and hard and were immediately turned off with her continued political nonsense.

    Fast forward many months later and Comey’s damning presser that SUNK her…..BUT it all started when she suspiciously and STUPIDLY decided she didn’t want to use two smart devices or couldn’t properly keep personal and govt business separate…all leading to that bleach bath!

    That was 101 operational stuff and she fudged it up…. Clinton did not DESERVE to be POTUS based on THAT stupidity ALONE.

    And if she had eeked it out and become POTUS her backside would have been in MUCH more trouble that this current JA… that should be as clear as crystal… it’s reasonable to believe that the Repubs would also have demanded and got appointed a Spec Counsel to review all the Lynch/Comey email stuff and we all know that when those investigation start that all types of facts are uncovered…Hilary Clinton like her husband would have faced impeachment …not for emails…but for something.

    They are NOT nice people.

    BUT stop this BS shilling for TRUMP. His backside is not good either.

    TWO JAs can never equate to a well regarded thoroughbred! And one JAs’ BS will never cover the stench of the other JA….the place just smells worst!

  35. John

    Trump, may not be an academics… but that does not mean he is a fool when it comes do the wrong thing …

  36. Another Judge’s opinion!!

  37. DRibs wrote
    Surely Accept we know he is the POTUS and we dont freaking care about Clinton…AND accept you can’t prove POTUS innocence by proving a Clinton guilty!

    POTUS nor anyone else is required to prove themselves innocent!!! DemonicRATS have exhibited a serious lack of legal comprehension ie presumption of innocence is a central component of the western legal system for hundreds of years.

    Clinton should be brought before the courts along with the Soft Coup participants at the FBI, DOJ, CIA (Brennan) and NSA (Clapper). They conspired to stop Trump from becoming Pres and have been relentless, along with their Media departments, in attempting to disrupt his Presidency.

    Read this to understand the real power in the US—The Deep State—-U know those that disposed of JFK 55 yrs ago!!!!

    Secretly operating behind the curtain of “national security” in Washington, D.C., exists the real government of the United States — the Deep State. This is the story of the players who pull the strings, no matter who you voted for, who actually sits in the Oval Office, or even who controls Congress.

    Now, the New York Times bestselling author of The Obama Nation, The Late Great USA, and Unfit for Command pulls the veil off the Deep State and the powerful agencies behind it — the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, and the Federal Reserve.
    In his latest bestseller, Killing the Deep State:The Fight to Save President Trump, Dr. Jerome Corsi reveals for the first time powerful evidence that the Deep State is seeking to remove President Trump from office.
    Corsi argues that no government agency, department, or official inside Washington — including the president of the United States — is immune from the powerful grip of the Deep State.

    And despite an almost total media ban on this book — CNN, ABC, NBC and even Fox News won’t put Corsi on — Killing the Deep State has exploded on the bestseller lists — and is a New York Times bestseller, #1 Amazon bestseller and a Barnes & Noble bestseller!

    Saving Trump
    Bill O’Reilly Says
    Bill O’Reilly
    Killing the Deep State is “a book that the left doesn’t like.”
    “There’s a new book out — and it’s an homage to me — called Killing the Deep State by Dr. Jerome Corsi.
    “The people who are entrenched in Washington, from the very beginning wanted Trump out and were going to do anything they could to get him out.”

    Killing the Deep State, Bill proclaims, “is a best-seller, it’s a best-seller.”
    Inside his explosive new book, Killing the Deep State, Corsi lays it all out — from the alarming evidence for the coup d’état to take out President Trump to the plan that will allow the president and patriots to destroy this dangerous shadow government for good.
    Corsi offers the “smoking gun” proof that the FBI has now taken the lead to stop Trump once and for all.
    He also provides new evidence that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and their key lieutenants are orchestrating the Deep State — relying on many of his most trusted aides who are still in the government working for President Trump!
    Killing the Deep State shows that the investigation led by Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who served under Obama, is nothing more than a political witch hunt.
    Corsi says President Trump is key to restoring America, protecting the U.S. Constitution, our borders, and our way of life — and the man who can destroy the global New World Order.
    Answers Revealed
    Have you ever wondered why . . .
    Just 24 hours after her loss in the presidential election, Hillary was already touting the Russian collusion theme? It was part of this FBI “insurance policy.” Pages 6 and 19.
    The FBI’s Robert Mueller has turned a blind eye to the open and brazen efforts of the Bureau to first back the Clintons and now sabotage Trump? Page 104.
    Russia was funneled U.S. military technology and 20% of all U.S. uranium production as part of the “Russian reset” . . . Pages 111-113.
    Popular Fox News host Glenn Beck, MSNBC’s Pat Buchanan, and CNN’s Lou Dobbs were all forced off their networks? Find out which powerful figure in the Deep State was behind this rabid attack. Page 124.
    Obama wants black America against President Trump and how antifa activities became designated as domestic terrorist violence by U.S. Department of Homeland Security . . . yet the mainstream media still champions their cause and hails them as heroes? Page 134.
    FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, who once led the Clinton email probe, changed the wording in James Comey’s speech about Hillary’s handling of classified information through her private email server from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless”? Page 7.
    It took so long for government officials to admit the Fusion GPS dossier was a fake — paid for by surprising sources. Were the FBI and Obama behind it as well? Page 90.

    Trump Presidency Was Well Underway
    As Corsi explains in Killing the Deep State, the effort to stop the Trump presidency was well underway in the weeks before the momentous 2016 election — as some polls suggested he might actually beat Hillary Clinton.
    Key operatives of the Deep State began to hatch a plot call the “Prudential Plan” — named after the well-known insurance company.
    Killing the Deep State is making waves . . .
    A Must-Read!
    Ed Klein
    “Killing the Deep State is an explosive must-read that not only exposes the insidious nature and goals of the shadow government, but also provides a road map to ensuring that the will of the people — through President Trump — succeeds.”
    — Ed Klein,
    Bestselling Author
    He Can’t Do It Alone
    Joseph Farah
    “Nobody understands the Deep State like Jerome Corsi. Anyone who wants to see it dismantled needs this book, because Trump can’t do it alone.”
    — Joseph Farah,
    Founder, WND
    The Best
    Roger Stone
    “Jerry Corsi may just be the best investigative journalist working today and this incredible book proves it.”
    — Roger Stone,
    Trump Campaign Manager
    The Prudential Plan was the insiders’ own “insurance” against President Trump — that would keep the Deep State humming no matter what Donald Trump decided to do as president.
    Here are just some of the incredible revelations Corsi makes inKilling the Deep State:
    “F—ing terrifying.” Which Deep Stater typed this in an email sent from a government phone when Trump’s election victory became apparent. Page 5.
    The name of the high-ranking Deep Stater in whose office the failed government plot to defeat Trump was hatched. (Guess where he still works?) Page 6.
    “The smoking gun” — irrefutable digital evidence of “the amount of anti-Trump hatred at the head of the FBI and DOJ during the election and afterward.” Page 8.
    A $675,000 money trail leads from the Democratic Party to the top levels of the FBI. Few Americans have seen how these dots connect. Page 9.
    Did the Russian-speaking wife of a high-ranking Deep Stater establish backline communication with a foreign spy to help plot against the Trump campaign? Page 11.
    PANIC: How Trump’s victory plunged the Deep State into a profound sense of shock and fear. Page 17.
    The ultimate ambition of Obama and the Deep State: “to create a far-left utopia . . . a Marxist-leaning social welfare state consistent with globalist one-world-government ambitions.” Page 23.
    “Globalists in the Deep State have already decided that Trump must be removed from the presidency — one way or the other.” See their Plans A, B, and (if all else fails) C — all listed on page 30.
    Deep State control of this one department sets them up perfectly to remove Trump from office. Page 58.
    How Deep Staters turned James Comey’s firing into a fishing expedition with “virtually unlimited scope, unlimited completion deadline, and unlimited funding.” Page 62.
    How crony capitalism has earned James Comey millions. Page 64.
    Which Deep State agency “has been involved since its inception both in operating the international trade in illicit drugs and in creating, financing, and arming various terrorist organizations around the globe.” See the evidence on page 68.
    How the Deep State’s loyalty to Obama “worked in the interest of making sure Democratic Party high crimes and misdemeanors in the White House were excused.” Page 71.
    “If you send emails to recipients on page 82, or browse websites outside of the United States, the NSA has almost certainly searched through your communications — and it has done so without a warrant.”
    Deep State access to this key technology gives it the opportunity to exercise “control of the U.S. population.” Page 83.
    Perhaps the most convincing evidence that the Russians were not involved in accessing John Podesta’s emails. Page 93.
    “Extensive evidence that the real Russian collusion involved Democrats.” Page 98.
    Why did Hillary order Robert Mueller to make a secret trip to Russia? Page 107.
    The identity of the U.S.-based terror group that equates law enforcement with fascism and racism, yet is championed by the mainstream media. Page 134.
    Which mainstream media outlet published formal “standards” equating conservatism with racism and white supremacy. Page 140.
    Why the “Russian collusion” meme will not go away until Trump himself employs the specific tactics given on page 151.
    The real purpose of mainstream media “presidential approval” polls. Page 157.
    The counteroffensive Trump must launch if he is to take full advantage of his historic opportunity to Make America Great Again. Page 160.
    3 personal qualities Trump must tap if he is to the end the reign of “the entrenched enemies of God, freedom, and humanity.” Page 163.
    The Trump Plan to Decimate the Deep State
    A FINAL Warning
    Jerome Corsi
    “The Deep State will not care if Trump is removed from office by impeaching him, declaring him mentally incompetent, or in the final resort, by assassinating him, as long as he is removed from office before the completion of his first term.”
    — Jerome Corsi, Killing the Deep State
    There is a way out . . . a way to defeat the hard-leftists at their own game. In Killing the Deep State Dr. Jerome Corsi lays it all out, step by step.
    But he also warns that the effort to stop and remove Trump has been well underway. Trump is outnumbered and outgunned. With the help of liberal billionaires like George Soros, he is also being outfinanced.
    Still, Corsi says Trump can vanquish the Deep State and his most virulent opponents.
    In Killing the Deep State he reveals his masterful plan for Trump . . .
    The game-changing national security crisis that could force the Deep State to abandon the Russian collusion meme. History shows this plan will work. Pages 152-153.
    How Trump can play this “card” to his advantage and silence Deep State narratives backed by no evidence that are bent on destroying his presidency. Page 154.
    The 3 things that can save the Trump presidency, including polls! Pages 155-157.
    How ending a time-honored tradition will silence the mainstream media and stop the jackals from attacking the president and planting fake news. Pages 170-171.
    And much more.

  38. @Moneybrain

    What prevents the Trump plant in the AG’s office from appointing a special counsel to investigate Clinton?

  39. David,
    I know of no plant. I do know there are many holdover plantS from the previous admin like RoDENTstein, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and many, many more!!! I do know that Sessions should not have recused himself since the investigation did not involve a crime by Trump. Secondly , I do know that RoDENTstein should never be in charge of an investigation where he wrote the recommendation to fire Comey and where he is therefore a witness. RoDENTstein’s direction to Mueller is exceptionally broad and yet we have heard nothing about Shillary and her DemonicRAT interactions with foreign entities like Steele who was in charge of the Russian desk for MI6 and who relied on info from Russian sources. We also know that DOJ senior people like Ohr and his Russian speaking wife Nellie were involved illegally. So why has the Mueller investigation focused on Trump only?????????? Have not even brought up Mueller’s role in the Uranium One selling of Uranium to Russia. Much is made of Mueller and Comey supposedly being Republicans, which is irrelevant since they are Deep State first. Secondly, many Repubs did not want Trump.

  40. @Moneybrain

    Wittaker is not a plant?

  41. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster, one of the blogs that need ventilating here is the incredible nexus of how a cadre of well educated Bajan men (black and white) from different age cohorts who all went to Kolig can congregate at this gathering post and so comprehensively disavow ALL their supposed hard earned ability for logic, thoughtful consumption of data followed by successful implementation and execution and spew this level of illogical, incomprehensible blather!

    Based on the views of @PLT, the law dean, the Hantsman, @Gazerts and others so identified from the institution I accept that it was not the koolaid imbibed there as they all drank copiously but spew differently…so one is at a lost on what causes otherwise sensible people to be so ‘bazodeed’!

    At the most simple and ridiculous level how can this @Money blogger assert that there are lots of plants post Obama and that even Trump appointees are terribly conflicted but that this Whittaker man who has vociferously spoken on how to disrupt/stop the investigation and has taken lots of money from right wing groups totally alinged to the most conservative aspects of the agenda of his boss is NOT a plant.

    How does that level of crass hypocrisy actually WORK!

    Does it take dead-head or a rag-head with no self awareness beyond jargon from others to actually opine that a supposedly all powerful deep state that shifted and changed US govt power for eons will now be breached and brought to heel by the words one author and this president. Really, how would that work to crash this long entrenched cabal!

    The utter lack of commonfreakingsense of some of these mouthing completely amaze me!… sounds like a Baldacci thriller tho or a Jack Reacher action packed page turner: sweet pulp fiction, likely forgotten soon after the first reading…but you cant wait for the next book!


  42. David, if Whittaker is a plant he is 1 vs 25+++.(U real unfair to think that the DemonicRATS should have all the sport!)

  43. RE Wittaker is not a plant?

  44. @de pedantic Dribbler : You just scared the “Be Jesus” out of me when you identified some of the contributors to this discussion as having attended Harrison C. Please say it ain’t so. I have friends, nay acquaintances, who would argue along the same lines as those identified as having gone to HC and I am flabbergasted. Is this the same reasoning that saw the last administration returned for a second term? Heaven help us.

  45. Dribs wrote—How does that level of crass hypocrisy actually WORK!

    Dribs, I will defer to your superior usage of crass hypocrisy for an explanation. U seem to have convinced/ deluded yourself into thinking that somehow you have developed superior capability to manipulate and brainwash on this blog—you have not accomplished your mission.

    Dribs, your reading comprehension has reached a new low. I stated I knew of no plant. I never said anything about Whittaker. Additionally, the said Whittaker is an employee of the DOJ. So how could he be “planted” when he was already there? He was elevated but not planted.

    Dribs, you attempt to believe that you are some fountain of knowledge when in reality you are a blatant manipulator. When are you going to publish your fiction?

  46. WTF are you bothering yourself with this for David? Haven’t you got enough to write about at home without showing off your terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome and looking an arse in the process?

  47. it was not the koolaid imbibed there as they all drank copiously but spew differently


    Out of context but many are called, few are chosen!!

    Personally, I never touched koolaid myself.

    Maybe those who drank the koolaid as children just remained children … others grew up …. or vice versa!!

  48. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @MB, not me and your games today bro.

    Whittaker is no plant, you say because he was there already….as your fellow Tankite offered..when is a plant a trunk and when is an elephant a tree…or in other words when and how did this new AG get assigned at DoJ…to be the eyes and ears of the WH!…human plants like dat do eventually get weeded out, not so 😂

    A rose is a plant
    A Whittaker is not a rose
    But this Whittaker is still an elephant plant tho 🤣🤣

    What fountain of knowledge what…don’t mek sport at me do… I never work in de WH in my life so all my data points does come from readings of fact avaialble publicly …just NOT the alternative facts that you guys read!

  49. I see we are facilitating our weekly purge. I won’t waste my time discussing that wild animal in the White House. Almost 9 million voters extra recently voted to plug his shit hole. I leave him to Nancy Pelosi in January.

    And Mueller, who is leaving him to marinate in his own shit.

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