Walter Blackman is an Actuary and responded to the following comment by the blogmaster as under.

It may seem a trivial observation to make but make it the blogmaster must. How did Jepter Ince qualify to be appointed Chairman of the NIS?


David October 5, 2018 12:53 PM
“Thanks for lending your expertise to this matter Walter. Have you heard your professional colleague from Eckler on the matter? She highlighted all the issues we have exhausted in this forum including the lack of audited financials………”



I have been following the two recent NIS blogs on BU, and yes, I also read the comments attributed to Ms.Lisa Wade, Principal and consulting actuary at Eckler.

All of the issues at NIS boil down to a chronic state of poor governance, poor management, inefficient use of inefficient technology, and ignorance and incompetence flowing down from on high.


Speaking of ignorance flowing down from on high, I was a guest on VOB’s “Tell it like it is” programme one evening around April 2009. A caller mentioned that NIS funds were being targeted to build offices in Warrens for government workers. Government, in turn, was promising to pay a handsome rent. The caller asked for my view on the matter.


My view was that the NIS needed to keep its funds as far from government, or any government-related project, as possible. I informed the listening public that the actuary had recommended less government-related investment of NIS funds, not more. I knew for sure that all of the talk about handsome rents will eventually lead to the issuing of useless government paper in the long run.

In the twinkling of an eye, Jepter Ince, Chairman of the NIS at the time, came on the line and blew over the airwaves of Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean like a destructive hurricane.


You Walter Blackman are unprepared and have come on this program tonight trying to fool and mislead Barbadians. The NIS Fund is going to get a return of 6% or more on its investment in this project.You don’t know what you are talking about”, he bellowed.

Just to indicate how dangerous (sometimes fatal) it is for a country when people hold important positions, but these people know not that they know not, listen to the actuary’s words on page 4 of the 15th actuarial review:



After falling behind on its

contributions and rental payments, the Government of Barbados covered some of its arrears by issuing Treasury notes and debentures to the NIF.”

Do you think that Jepter Ince gives two hoots about the useless government paper that goes into the NIF whilst cash is continuously taken out?

Have all the nails needed for the NIS coffin been already hammered into place?

223 responses to “Former Chairman of the NIS Jepter Ince Gambled with NIS Funds and L@#*”

  1. If I was a brilliant guy. I would sit and theorize that there is some number at which the number of lawyers become a drain on the society. The competition is so fierce that they must rely on thievery and trickery to maintain a good standard of living.

  2. Yeah…and guess who the victims of those thefts are and always have been, generation after independence.

  3. @Northern
    Class actions are not in vogue in the Caribbean.

    About Comme S, it just shows how easy it is to sideline a supposed warrior for social justice as he has been effectively neutered. The Gov’ts decision ought to be challenged and we have numerous lawyers, and one would think that some of them have a parent or a teacher who has been impacted by the Gov’t’s action but those filled with righteous indignation are in short supply.

    And don’t forget there is the honeymoon, for some the honey is missing and they are left with the moon.

    Happy Turkey day

  4. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    How about fixing against a basket of currencies and commodities as an alternative to devaluation?
    So what do you think would be the effective outcome of such a move other than an immediate eroding of the negotiable value Bajan Mickey mouse dollar vis-à-vis the US$ and other trading currencies?

    The T&T dollar is trading around $6.72 (approx) to the US$?
    Do you, in all financial wisdom, think that under a ‘basket-of-currencies’ exchange regime one Bajan dollar can be exchanged for TT$ 3.37 (approx) as pertains today?

    Trinidad-based businesses own and control the vast majority of Barbados importation, distribution and retailing landscape with all the forex ramifications involved.

    How could the Bajan dollar be worth more than a T&T $ against the US$ in a more competitive market-oriented currency trading environment in which a basket of currencies is the mechanism employed to attach value to the Bajan dollar and not the unsustainable ‘fixed’ exchange peg to the US$?

    Given the parlous state of the foreign exchange reserves (and the decreasing potential to top up though improved forex earning capacity) something must give way very, very soon and it is certainly not going to be the collapse of the economy of the grand ole US of A.

    There is some ‘well-reasoned’ justification for the Marla Dukharan argument that the Bajan dollar when matched ‘objectively’ against the US$ is worth no less 10 Mickey mice to 1 Greenback currency giant.

    The Bajan dollar must be ‘Devalued’; one way or the other.

    Either by way of introducing a regime in which the Bajan dollar floats against a basket of stronger currencies or by way of the removal of exchange controls which would force the Bajan dollar to find its ‘natural’ economically sustainable/viable level of exchange in a free-market enterprise zone of trading with the bad old wolves of the financial world.

  5. @ NorthernObserver October 7, 2018 1:35 PM

    The said financial instruments in BBD are governed by local law. The GOBsters can do what is necessary to do, namely cutting down the local debts like bushes. The handling of BBD instruments in the hand of banks and insurances is more tricky for economic reasons. The Canadian banks already consider to leave the island. In a worst case scenario CIBC even could shut down FCIB and fire the native lazy laggards. Unlike the local clueless masses they have some firepower for negotiations.

    However, the GOBsters cannot tough international instruments in USD since they are under the protection of US law.

    My advise: PM MAM must seek the easiest way to cut the debt (“path of least resistance”). And this way leads us through the death valley of local private bond holders. PM MAM must work with an iron heart and punish those clueless natives who bought bonds from 2013 on. Do not listen to the noise that there must be some social justice!

    The masses have the choice: Either cutting down the debts now or devaluation now. In any case Barbadians will lose lots of money. They wanted free bus fares in 2013. Now the GOB is bresenting a huge bill. Barbados is no brothel where you pay UPFRONT. It is more like a broken marriage or a restaurant where the lawyer / the butler presents the bill AFTERWARDS.

  6. @Tron October 7, 2018 12:21 PM “The pensioner bought the T-bills when the rating was B triple-minus. He gambled and lost. Like every gambler he must bear his losses.”

    I am sorry for the pensioner.

    According to the story in today’s Sunday Sun, the pensioner is 82, needed new dentures, and needed to fix his house.

    If you are 82 and need new dentures. Treat yourself to new dentures NOW. Don’t be worrying your head about “investments”. Leave the “investments” to people who have 60 years left to live.

    If you are 82 and need to fix your house and you have near $150,000 cash in hand. Give your house a nice fix-up NOW. Don’t be worrying your head about “investments”. Leave the “investments” to people who have 60 years left to live.

    And one does not need to understand B triple minus ratings, or quantitative easing to understand this, or have a Phd in economics to understand this.

    That said I am sorry for the pensioner. I trust that he has good loving relationships with his spouse and his children. He will need these good loving relationships going forward.

    In order to keep people grounded i like to remind about life expectancy.

    The life expectancy of a Bajan male is 75.66 years.

    The majority of bajan men who were born in 1942 are already DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.

    If you are 82 and have some cash it is ok to spend it NOW. Unless you prefer that other people spend your money on themselves.

  7. What if the pensioner needed to go to New York or Miami for medical treatment ?

  8. At 82 New York or Miami medical treatment is unlikely to add anything to your life expectancy.

    Everyday 80 something people die “suddenly”

    No they don’t.

    They have come naturally to the inevitable end of life.

    We need to stop fooling ourselves.

  9. People studying economics, when at their time of life they should be studying demographics.

    It is hell to get from 80 to 90.

    Spend ya money.

    Enjoy yaself.

  10. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I have no issue with haircuts or other debt restructuring. And while the commercial holders may have some leverage beyond the individual, the purpose of any action is less about increasing value of these instruments, than an investigation into who knew what, and when. Politicians have this little pact between them. Without exposure, we will back here again in two decades.
    I am unconvinced devaluation will solve anything. Unofficially, Barbados already runs on greenbacks.

    Happy Turkey day to you and yours. I really prefer ham!!!!

  11. Another lesson for senior citizens in Barbados, DO NOT invest your money in insurance companies AND DO NOT invest your money in anything government.

    … the only “help” Mia should be giving these senior citizens is giving them back their money and stop pretending she is doing them some favor…the government changed the terms of the contract to hold on to money belonging to the elderly as old as 90 YEARS…the government can damn well change the terms of the contract…TO RETURN EVERY DIME OF THEIR MONEY…as soon as possible before they die..

    How the hell do you ask 80 and 90 year olds to “hold on, I got ya back”…no, ya ain’t got their backs..YA ARE HOLDING ON TO THEIR MONEY EHILE THEY ARE DYING,

    “Government to assist pensioners affected by debt restructuring exercise
    Article by
    Sandy Deane Published on
    October 7, 2018
    Prime Minister Mia Mottley this evening outlined Government’s plan to cushion the blow of the debt restructuring exercise on the island’s pensioners.

    Speaking at a Barbados Labour Party branch meeting of the Christ Church South constituency this evening she declared, “To the pensioners of Barbados, I got your back, hold tight, I got your back.”

    There has been a strong public outcry from the nation’s pensioners who now stand to receive a haircut on interest payments and payments over a longer period for their Government papers

    Scores have publicly complained that were relying on their investments for retirement income and they would now be forced to live on reduced income.

    The Prime Minister told the gathering she could not address the concerns raised by pensioners earlier because of legal advice.

    “The lawyers advised me from early that you cannot do much to be able to deal with the pensioners prior to the close of the debt exchange. Well the debt exchange closed on Friday, it is now my turn to help the pensioners of Barbados,” she said to loud applause.

    Mottley, who said she had received letters of concern from senior citizens as old as 90 years, said her Government would look to assist those pensioners most vulnerable.

    “We accept that for persons who are 75 or 80 or 85 that they can’t see easily that they are going to live another 15 years and therefore what we will do is to work over the next few weeks to seek out those persons who are particularly in that position.

    That elderly age who need cash in the short term that can be assisted, while those who don’t need cash in the short term but are happy to get it in the medium term can hold the instruments.

    She said her office was now going through the process “to be able to see the numbers and make the judgement as to what we can afford and to make sure that those persons who are at the end of the days of their lives can live it out in dignity,” Mottley said.”

  12. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Theophillus

    As for your post of 2.10 PM where you provide ratios of the amount of lawyers against the population de ole man wondered if the table would have shown the real state of the infestation and inutility if (1) you had added the actual population (2) added the Gross Domestic Product (3) the average income of a lawyer overseas and (4) the projected income of a bajan lawyer AND COMMENSURATELY WHY SAID PROFFESSION WITH ITS UNSUSTAINSBLE METRICS MUST PERFORCE PRODUCE THIEVES AND DISHONEST LAWYERS GIVEN the fact that the model is unsustainable.

    What we fail to realize is that only a few lawyers are able to earn an honest income and that would mean that the rest HAVE TO RESOT TO THEFT OR THEY WILL DIE.

    This predicament is worsened when these lawyers get older and have no golden egg set aside for their retirement.

    It is then that the real mercenary aspect of their natures come to the fore for many of them and their vampiric selves emerge

    For some, this is why their outward appearance makes them look like wraiths and galloping skeletons

    And that is why they plot murders and invoice for $3 million for simple opinions. Their time is short that’s all and their income generating potential dwindles

  13. “The lawyers advised me from early that you cannot do much to be able to deal with the pensioners prior to the close of the debt exchange. Well the debt exchange closed on Friday, it is now my turn to help the pensioners of Barbados,” she said to loud applause.”

    The lawyers/lawmakers who are advising Mia have been ripping off pensioners and the elderly on the island for decades, they have NO empathy or any other feelings for the elderly…never have, never will…but soon their asses will be the elderly too…2 or 3 of them are already there..KARMA knows exactly what to do with corrupt criminals with law degrees.

    If the pensioners had not made a collective outcry and protest..the government would not have said a word either…, would not have addressed this travesty.

  14. WARU October 8, 2018 2:48 AM

    How the hell do you ask 80 and 90 year olds to “hold on, I got ya back”…no, ya ain’t got their backs..YA ARE HOLDING ON TO THEIR MONEY WHILE THEY ARE DYING..

    What Mia is gushing is even a tough sell for 60 year olds, I would not invest in anything coming out of Barbados particularly with the shithound, thieving, corrupt lawyers advising each other…nothing good will come of it to benefit the pensioners….nothing..

  15. Could you imagine Piece…the number thieving corrupt lawyers Mia has surrounded herself with;

    … lawyers who have ripped off the elderly theirs and their beneficiary’s Estates, land, houses;

    …who ripped off Clico Insurance policyholders;

    .. who ripped off injured people traversing the Supreme Court their compensation;

    ..lawyers who are now drafting shite laws and legislation embedded with corruption to benefit THEMSELVES ONLY….that crowd of criminals is advising Mia on what to do about the robbed pensioners in their 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s..while they hold on to these vulnerable, elderly people’s money.

    Not one of them have any shame, still ripping off the elderly as a matter of course, because it is their very lucrative side job.

  16. Isn’t it wonderful how INSTANT technology has become, the very reason the thieves Cow and Bizzy and ALL the lawyers, including Mia….. and thieving fellow crooks in the insurance companies and in the store front owning, Cartel controlled world of drugs were fighting to get the blogs outta Barbados, small island shithound tiefing Cow thought he had the power to get the internet outta Barbados too…thieves do not like the spotlight being shone on them…not when they got generations of black people, especially the elderly to continue victimizing and robbing…

    What they are all missing is that their LAST STOP…is also a hole in the ground.

  17. More smoke and mirrors. Poor pensioners

    Prime Minister Mia Mottley this evening outlined Government’s plan to cushion the blow of the debt restructuring exercise on the island’s pensioners.

    Speaking at a Barbados Labour Party branch meeting of the Christ Church South constituency this evening she declared, “To the pensioners of Barbados, I got your back, hold tight, I got your back.”

    There has been a strong public outcry from the nation’s pensioners who now stand to receive a haircut on interest payments and payments over a longer period for their Government papers

    Scores have publicly complained that were relying on their investments for retirement income and they would now be forced to live on reduced income.

    The Prime Minister told the gathering she could not address the concerns raised by pensioners earlier because of legal advice.

    “The lawyers advised me from early that you cannot do much to be able to deal with the pensioners prior to the close of the debt exchange. Well the debt exchange closed on Friday, it is now my turn to help the pensioners of Barbados,” she said to loud applause.

    Mottley, who said she had received letters of concern from senior citizens as old as 90 years, said her Government would look to assist those pensioners most vulnerable.

    “We accept that for persons who are 75 or 80 or 85 that they can’t see easily that they are going to live another 15 years and therefore what we will do is to work over the next few weeks to seek out those persons who are particularly in that position.

    That elderly age who need cash in the short term that can be assisted, while those who don’t need cash in the short term but are happy to get it in the medium term can hold the instruments.

    She said her office was now going through the process “to be able to see the numbers and make the judgement as to what we can afford and to make sure that those persons who are at the end of the days of their lives can live it out in dignity,” Mottley

  18. Finding it hard to see after agreements with IMF and presenting plans to cut govr debt which might have included withholding of the payments of govt instruments at maturity how can Mia wiily nilly go against terms and agreements presented to the IMF to pay the retirees at this late stage
    This govt has created a hornets nest that only bees can build and the stignning effect on the victims would be hard and long

  19. William Skinner Avatar

    I went with all intentions to steal a man’s fowls. I proceeded to steal them . The man found out and I gave him back some of the fowls . I am no longer a thief. I actually have his interest at heart.
    What a cesspool of an argument but anything goes these days.

  20. And to make matters worst
    The thief has a meeting issuing asinine comments
    Waiting to hear Dale Marshall says the Instruments are in the safety of govt
    Hard to imagine losing one hundred and forty thousand at any age
    Govt now thinks that age should be the calling card as to how long theses instruments should be divided
    The fact remains when those instruments were purchased nothing in the agreement stated such to indicate that depending on age the of the holder they would receive payments due
    This govt has turned out to be hopeless and lost
    Exhibit A kirk need not look any further for proof

  21. Gregory Norville Avatar
    Gregory Norville

    i know i am not the only person in a precarious position,, but I would like to draw to the attention to all compassionate Barbadians
    my scenario /after serving in the Barbados coast guard, the government security guards service, worked in the bridge town harbour as a trainee pilot to manage the boats that dock there, & having worked, & worked here in Barbados( the D.L.P. government now gives me a pension of $ 470: 00 every 2 weeks (you ever here suck madness & gross unfairness) & I have a wife to support & Bills etc to pay, my query is will the prime minister Mia Amor Mottley, assist me out of this predicament .may GOD ALMIGHTY have compassion on all who are suffering like me.

  22. Mr Gregory,

    I am sorry to hear this. You should have been on a 40/60 defined benefit pension, giving you a two-thirds pension based on your final salary, and your benefits should have been based on your years’ service. In a proper jurisdiction, your union would have been defending you. BARP should also be providing legal advice for pensioners.
    Plse have a look through your pensions documents when you joined the service. Barbados is a failed state, but t the heart of this administrative failure are real people. That is sad.

  23. @ Mariposa October 8, 2018 7:43 AM

    PM MAM should never ever assist any pensioners. They voted for the DLP for free bus rides.

    They must pay for it! No mercy for any pensioners. These financially illiterates must accept that they live in a bankrupt country in the Deep South.

    If everybody in Bim gets a cushion for the haircut, nothing will be achieved. PM MAM must stay calm and act like a Caribbean Stalin on that issue.

    Either a strong haircut or devaluation. If PM MAM goes on like this we have devaluation by Christmas. And then the clueless “educated” mases start to cry and call for the Briz to come back.

  24. Tron for your info
    The instruments were a loan to govt with agreements attached
    Because Mia unilaterally defaulted on govt debt does not give her the right to deny persons their livelihoods
    This govt was elected on a mandate to do better than past govt
    Nothing in the mandate specialize theft to be one inclusive in policy making

  25. Wrong, very wrong Mariposa.

    I was shocked initially too. But after reading various docs and talking to banksters I changed my mind.

    As you know, I am highly critical when it comes to the present policy for the civil service and gov size. However, I try to be fair and balanced. PM MAM just announced what was due sine 2013. Barbados was cut off the bond market since 2013. And remember that the CS-FCIB loan was a PRIVATE loan and that GOB waived immunity. The Prime is a lawyer and cannot risk to run into any criminal act for delaying insolvency. These international banks do not know any mercy.

    PM MAM tries to cushion the outfall of ten years policy. I started to understand that. Devaluation and/or cutting down the civil service by 30-40 % was the only alternative to the haircut.

    So do you want devaluation? If I follow Carson C Cardogan that seems to be the new official DLP policy. I endorse devaluation, but not as a free fall of local currency as in Guyana and Jamaica but as a controlled process of readjustment to a new lower but stable level.

    Or do you want to cut down the bloated civil service? What is your position? You cannot have the peg, no haircut and a bloated civil service at the same time.

  26. @ Gregory Norville October 8, 2018 9:42 AM


    I really understand your position. However, as you know the tourists and international banks pay for ten years of postcolonial insanity as well. And do not forget that most pensioners voted for the DLP in 2013 to maintain free bus tickets.

    However, as told before I understand your anger. Why do not get to the police and complain about various former ministers like Donville Inniss or Big Sinck? I assume that most former ministers have illegal offshore accounts … Or about the COP and the DPP themselves? The COP made it very clear that he will do nothing about corruption between 2008 and 2018. Why don´t you file in a complaint about the COP and DPP with the AG personally. He and PM MAM would be very glad to fire both figures.

    Or organize a protest in front of some villas of former ministers. That is how you do it in North America and Europe.

    Barbadians need to understand that their inactivity encourages corruption on the highest level. You are a free man, so start to act. Take General Saint Bussa as a striking example that justice takes more than silence and obedience to unjust powers. There are no brothers and sisters in Barbados but sharks around you.

  27. Such BLP Crap from Tron – repeating it over and over hoping that the propaganda would stick.

    You wait – yuh think the last set was bad – you watch the demon in white ha ha ha.

  28. “Alexander Nix, the former chief executive of the elections consultancy Cambridge Analytica, is facing fresh questions about his conduct after a leak of documents revealed he used a highly offensive racial slur to describe the prime minister of Barbados.”

  29. @Hants

    The statement confirms what we know.

  30. Hants…what is so surprising about that.

    The Brits have always thought blacks inferior..ministers and PMs having a few shit titles given to them by the people and their warped belief that once elected by the people and now carry some fake titles…that it somehow makes them superior to the same BLACK people who elected. them….does not change that fact.

    It is time these prime ministers and ministers of small island states face reality and understand that they are nowhere as special as they tell themselves and as they FOOL the majority population into believing.. and they are corrupt and incompetent which make things even worse.

    Besides…the minority parasites in Barbados like Cow, Bizzy and all their thieving fellow crooks say that about them all the time while they continue to rob their own black people to enrich those who insult them in private….so Mia and Moe and none of them should feel in the least bit insulted..

    In saying that…Cambridge Analytica are scum, lowlifes, but those are the same scum and lowlifes that Fruendel took taxpayer’s money and paid to tief the 2013 election, so they are ALL scum and lowlifes TOGETHER…

    Ah suspect by then Mia was rightfully AFRAID of Cambridge Analytica…and that is what saved her..

  31. @ Hants October 8, 2018 1:20 PM

    The article confirms the integrity of the present GOB and of PM MAM.

  32. Nix was nixed by ding dong Jong. lol

  33. Why are yall so easily fooled…integrity had nothing to do with it, Mia would have to be a special kind of dumb to engage the same company who helped Fruendel steal the 2013 election…and think it would end well for her when the company already had a track record for being dishonest, cut throat and love to set up opposition parties…by the time the 2018 election rolled around, there were already videos of small island oppositions being set up by the same Cambridge…

    So integrity has nothing to do with it or we would see Donville and the bribers from ICBL charged and the former ministers from DLP charged and the PEOPLE’S STOLEN MONEY RECOVERED..

    yall quick too get soft in the brain…that’s why ya got robbed by both governments.

  34. When I see DLP from ministers like this, then I will take Mia seriously..

    Who names anywhere falcon crest anyway…steupppsss..

    “Earlier today, 42-year-old Gopi Venkata Rao, of # 11 Falcon Crest, Tuscany, Oldbury, St Philip, appeared in court facing four
    Rao, the chief executive officer of Washington University of Barbados at Casa Grande, St Philip, was charged in the District ‘C’ jurisdiction with three counts of evading liability at Casa Grande Inc. for three dishonoured cheques totalling $210 000.”

  35. Weren’t these guys last seen working for Trump and the Republicans?

  36. The phucking article refers to 2010 and the know-it-all thinks it is post the 2013 election. #backinmuhholelehdejabray

  37. …Enuff in Wonderland…look at 2018….below..

    Ah thought ya say ya taking a break from BU…it don’t take a lot to get ya back on the blog at all..

  38. Tell Mia to go after the former DLP Ministers …for corruption…as she promised the people….arrest them and get the people’s money back, that is called making yaself useful… things stand people are not sure about her with all these little games being played and the people are still being robbed….especially the elderly.

    That should make you feel real important.

  39. Yall are not getting away with trying to make Mia look good…until she does what she promised the people pre May 24, 2018…put that in ya pipe and smoke it….she will look good when she does the right thing and show some integrity, some honesty…

    …..yall full of shit while old people are being robbed, the whole island got robbed and those who robbed it …Mia’s friends are walking around freely…and Mia is not going after them for their crimes..OR the people’s money.

    Only yardfowls get fooled in this type of scenario….

    …..only those who trust ministers and lawyers get robbed and victimized……they are vulnerable..

  40. In just over 100 days we are seeing something unprecedented here.

    A prime minister of this country in just that short space in time being described in very disrespectful and unflattering terms.

    First it was the Bahamian journalist/Consultant who after observing Mia’s Pre and post elections antics described her as both a Clown and a Con Artist.

    Now Cambridge Analytica in their dealings with her in Opposition referred to her as N****gger

    There seems to be no respect from those looking in.Hmmm

  41. You are really reaching. A white man refers to a Barbadian who is prime minister by the N word and you feel emboldened to feather an argument? Is there any depth to which you will not sink?

  42. Feel emboldened ? You’re sure that’s what you want to say?

  43. British people are just very jealous that they live in some cold and grey country. And depressed that they are not Numero Uno in Europe. Britain will face a very hard time after Brexit. … Whereas Barbados is true paradise with fantastic beaches and nice people … despite all the noise about some small haircut.

    If you have been in Jamaica, Guyana and Venezuela before, Barbados feels like a little Switzerland 🙂

  44. Is it true that the Government Printery is to be closed down and the work farmed out to a relative of a Government Minister?

    Is it also true that the Government Information Service is to be closed down as well – and already a certain well known person’s son and Charles Jong have been doing a lot of the work which will normally go to GIS ?

    Enquiring minds want to know.

  45. You call that privatization! Hopefully CBC is next.

  46. As nasty as the crooked dude at Cambridge Analytica was, it’s not as if Mia can go after them, what is she going to do…,, as I said, Cow, Bizzy and all the minorities the 2 governments helped rob and disenranchise their own people for decades, marginalize and sideline their own people’s progress….for decades…call each and everyone of those ministers/lawyers in and out of parliament ni**as.., and more… private, when they are around each other..then call up the same ministers and demand what they want because they know they could…that is the highest level of disrespect.

    I recall years ago, there was some dispute between Liz Thompson and one of the Goddards, something about something…I was not on the island when the incident occured, but was around later and got details …, and how Goddard put it over to family members is he did not like the way Thompson spoke to him and he would have slapped that ni**a.., i was taken aback because it was spoken out load for other bajans to hear…

    …so pretending that the little shitehound minorities the clowns in parliament enriched dont call the ministers and any black person they use or hope to use…out of their names and boldly say how they really feel about them….when they are around their ilk….just like the dude did in the email….is living in a fantasy world..

    The ministers are only good for being used by minorities, they are totally useless to their own people.

    It’s ugly, but the ministers who love to pretend and who do not know how to treat their own people well OR how to ENRICH their own people…should be used to the insults…it is not like they are going to stop…and the disrespect mostly stems from and are directed at governments who disrespect their own people, who do not look out for OR after their own..

    Cambridge Analytica researched and targeted governments and opposition they knew were corrupt.

    I am more concerned with what Mia is going to do about the corruption in her government, the corruption and corrupt ministers in the previous government that she shouted about pre election….and what about recovering all the missing money she also shouted about pre election….and when she got elected, had a look at the mess and now knows exactly how much was ripped off from the people….how about recovering it.

    That is the only thing that will make her look good.

  47. WARU,

    The AG should seek a court order to extradict that criminal. The GOB cannot allow such insult. Let him work on a cane field for ten years.

  48. So why dont the AG put out arrest warrants for the former ministers who robbed the people, put out warrants for the minorities who robbed the people, put out warrants to recover the people’s money, put out warrants for the bribers from ICBL former employees…bribing of a government minister …put out a warrant for Inniss for allegedly taking a bribe using BIDC a taxpayer funded entity.

    If January comes and Mia does not do any of those things.., we will know that the one thing that will really make her look good, is the one thing she CANNOT do.

    This crap that happened 8 years ago, vile as it is, is not really of any consequence, there are pressing matters more important than a bunch of criminal white boys who are bottomfeeding off corrupt governments and oppositions from former UK colonies and engaging in their basic instincts to be savages….

    I dont hear you say that the AG should lock up George Payne…, he himself should be locked up too because he is Payne’s partner in their scams against the elderly.

    BTW…why did they not put out a court order to extradite from UK.., the guy from water authority…who ripped off 10 years worth of water down Holetown…and sold it to the residents down there…they had 10 years of free water…because he took a bribe….yall are not interested in that right, it is only the taxpayer’s got ripped off, no extradition for that one…no government cares enough.

    Ya can try extraditing him, with all the shit falling down around yall…buena suerte.

  49. Enuff @4.21p
    Enough said.Some people so blinking blind they can’t see the truth when it right in front of them.Yuh does call Dem yardfowls.

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