We recall a time not so long ago there was the Barbados Tourism Authority (BTA), then the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) won the government in 2008 and a decision was taken to change the structure. The BTA transitioned to the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc (BTMI) and the Barbados Tourism Product Authority (BTPA). It is at that time the former minister of tourism saw the opportunity to get rid of Adrian Loveridge from sitting on the restructured BTPA Board.

Ten years later the BTMI and BTPA are about to suffer another transition.

190 responses to “Barbados Tourism Product Authority Undergoing Another Restructure”

  1. @David

    “Pedantic Club”? What type of creature is that? Just trying to see if there is a pattern BTW I am soft pedaling my criticism except for the obvious but if you have Ministers and justify the large number by saying “many hands make light work” the proof of the pudding should be in the eating n’est-ce pas?

  2. @T.Inniss

    You missed this trip?


    Roy R. Morris,

    Added 29 August 2014



    Barbados is sending a ten-member Government delegation, including Prime Minister Freundel Stuart, to an environmental conference in Samoa at a cost of almost a quarter of a million dollars.

    The local team for the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), which runs from September 1 to 4, will also include Minister of the Environment and Drainage, Dr Denis Lowe and three permanent secretaries.

    According to WEEKEND NATION investigations, Cabinet approved the team and the money to cover the travel last Thursday. The decision also approved and covered the cost of Prime Minister Stuart’s official visit to New Zealand, which will take place immediately after he leaves Apia, the Samoan capital.

    In addition to Stuart and Lowe, also representing Barbados at the Pacific Ocean conference will be Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office Sonja Welch, Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of the Environment and Drainage Edison Alleyne, Acting Permanent Secretary in the Division of Energy and Telecommunications Jehu Wiltshire, as well as acting director of the Coastal Zone Management Unit Dr Lorna Inniss.

  3. @Sargeant

    All the blogmaster is saying is that you may turn out to be correct in your analysis but it is too soon to drop the hammer. PUDRYR is correct in his refrain about the quality of M.Ps she has to work with.

  4. “Lorenzo i remember past givt had serval initiatives to reconstruct barbados economy. One of which had to do with lower people electric bills with a combination of tackling the garbage problem…”

    Can any of the Mariposas please present the evidence to BU to substantiate the above comment?

    Because I also remember that your former economic adviser, Dr. Frank Alleyne, …..your former Central Bank Governor, Dr. Delisle Worrell…….and your former Minister of Agriculture, Dr. David Estwick…….

    ……as well as the IMF, Standard & Poor, Moody’s Ratings Agency…….

    ……PUBLICLY ADMITTED those “initiatives to reconstruct Barbados’ economy”….such as the……

    ………Medium Term Development Strategy 2010-2014
    ………Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2010-2014
    ………Medium Term Development And Fiscal Strategy 2010-2014
    ………Medium Term Growth and Development Strategy 2013-2020
    ………Barbados Human Resource Development Strategy 2011-2016


    And the 23 consecutive credit rating downgrades should have given you a hint that something was being done wrong.

    But I know you are fully aware your above comment is not only a “BLATANT UNTRUTH”…..but a FAILED attempt to deceive BU with your “smoke and mirrors” and DLP yard-fowl PR rhetoric.

  5. @Sarge
    SF is a nice place, nicer if one has certain orientations. They have offerings there, to be found in very few places.

  6. David

    That does not contradict what I said.Let me quote:”At the last conference or two Dennis Lowe was Bdos Representative.

  7. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ T.Inniss September 16, 2018 11:05 AM
    “When you listen to Mottley and that 3 football teams she has as a cabinet – it is clear that they don’t know what to do and can only continue in campaign mode .- blame the last govt for everything even if you have to lie,exaggerate or fudge stuff.”

    Sounds like a strategy she has adopted from the previous DLP administration.

    Didn’t your Deceitful Lying Party which formed the previous administration blame for ten long years the OSA 14 years of misrule and corruption for all the high debt and economic woes caused by selling off the national assets to foreigners?

    What about the constant harangue about your party’s inability to deal with local economic issues because of the ongoing international recession which eventually turned into a depression affecting only Barbados since 2013?

    MAM’s administration might be out to sea in trying to steer the ship of state away from the pending maelstrom of economic disaster but it cannot be gainsaid that the previous administration was woefully incompetent and totally lost in space as seen from the 30-love response by the electorate.

    Instead of heaping your constant harangue on the current administration you ought to direct you anger and frustration on the electorate who kicked you and your party to kerb of outer space.


  8. @Northern

    I didn’t want to go there lest I be accused of something, but perhaps the PM is trying to attract the attention of those Silicon Valley investors with money to burn and lure them to Bim on the other hand you can leave your heart there or wear flowers in your hair.

  9. “Sounds like a strategy she has adopted from the previous DLP administration.””


    The following excerpts were taken from David Thompson’s first financial statement and budgetary proposals, delivered on Monday, July 7, 2008…..substantiates your contribution.

    “But it is my duty to tell you in simple terms that my government is still discovering cases of excessive spending and fiscal irresponsibility that can only be explained in terms of a regime that assumed that it would rule forever and that
    no one outside their Government would ever discover the mess they were creating.”

    “Certainly, I would like to get on with the job of governing if only I could have ignored the following instances of such irresponsibility that put in jeopardy not only our national economic strategy but our standing internationally. ”

    Then he went on to talk about the “financial messes with the Greenland Landfill, the Gems Project, the National Housing Corporation Building at Warrens, Kensington Oval, the new “Barbados-to-US currency” Prison, the bathroom facilities at Silver Sands and the wastage and sqaundermania at the Urban Development Commission among others.”

    Do you notice the underlying similarities?

    Mr. Skinner is correct when he mentions the fact that both the BLP and DLP seem to be following a similar script. In 2008 Thompson and his operatives talked about the “mess” of they found……..and in 2018, Mottley is following a similar path, by mentioning the “mess” her administration keeps finding.

    And this the reason why I’m of the firm opinion there aren’t any philosophical and ideological differences between BOTH these political parties.

  10. Typical nonsense from the chairman. Comparing one form of extravagance to that of the DLP government is illogical. The DLP government was a colossal failure. Full stop. Second, no one expects magic to occur within 100 days of a new administration. What people are talking about is a roadmap, a vision, a decided direction, even a basic understanding of the problem. Some kind of clarity. So far we have not had any of these – after ten years in opposition and nearly four months in government, and before that, 14 years in government. By now they must have a fundamental belief in something. They cannot continue to wing it..
    Under our system of our system of government, the prime minister does not set the bar for ministers to attain, that bar is set by the Cabinet. The prime minister is just part of a team. As to the launch of BERT, I do not expect the chairman to understand. I only respond because he is the chairman and for all the reasons we have discussed previously, his voice is more influential than most..
    The prime minister was about to launch her economic plan, or at least the latest version; she is minister of economic affairs. Then she should have been present at the launch and taken the lead. Instead, she told the meeting that she had to go because she had a pending Cabinet meeting. She did not leave because she wanted her highly aid consultants and technocrat s to elain the proposals. To claim this is being economical with the truth.
    So she either double-booked or considered the launch of phase on of her economic plan less important to the Cabinet meeting – but she still needed to get a photo opportunity (Mr Chinese Jong at play). Most of us when we double book, we cancel one meeting and prioritise the other. In any case, if the launch of phase one of the new administration’s economic plan was important, one of the two junior ministers could have been at the meeting. I know the chairman is deferential to titles and none more so than a PhD, but technocrats are not elected – which apart from everything else is nothing to do with the poor presentation. It is silly for me, for example, to attend a slick presentation by the Bank of England one minute then to accept a sixth-form style presentation by ‘experts’ because this is Barbados. Nonsense.
    Same thing about the climate change conference; if the prime minister thought she ought to attend, then she should have taken her minister with her and, and this is important when it comes to the BERT jargon, given him ‘ownership’ of the event ie ;let him be seen as the lead person from Barbados. This is what the concept of ‘ownership’ means. It is called ministerial responsibility.

  11. David, The board you listed is specifically for the CRUISE sector. It has nothing to do with the BTMI/BTPA which is chaired by Elegant Hotels CEO (Sunil Chatrani) other maybe than there might be some common directors.

  12. @Adrian

    Given its recent appointment it stands to reason this is the Board with standing given its mandate.


  13. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ Hal,

    What is a tourism ‘product’? Perhaps they meant the model below. A model which is way beyond our scope of imagination.


  14. Mr Skinner I do not know why ypu keep mentioning the BLP,every time I accuse you correctly as being a DLp apologist.I have never seen you credit the Bees on this forum yettherefore I could never accuse you of being a Bee.Mr Skinner ,on the contrary I have seen you praising the Dems before ,which is your right,so do not get tie trying to talk about BLp/DLp,you sir are a Dem apologist nothing to do with the BLP,and I stand by that.I support the BLP but am not a member but in my view Ms Mottley is our best hope of cleaning up this mess left by the Dems capiche.As for hal Austin you seem to be a Barrow Dem,but that party has drifted far away from the late excellent Mr Barrow vision and it is all right for you to live overseas talking about people voted on emotion,well newsflash for you bajans voted on their disgust with the lack of performance by the Dems.Therefore,persons like you,Sargeant and Hants need to step back and let persons who live here determine their own destiny,and face the conseqences of their decisions.

  15. David, respectfully disagree – not with two chairman.

  16. This is what happens when persons allow Mia to put themselves out as explainers in chief for this government like Ellis,Price and wickham in the traditional media and non traditional sites like this – you are sometimes left to ‘wing it’ as Hal correctly states – because your role is to present the facts not to explain government policies or be an apologist at large.

    Extricate yourself BU from this perception whether real or imagined.

    Right now my go – to – sites are Bdos Today and Bdos Underground.CBC News is so sanitized and carefully managed by Charles Jong -that its almost unpalatable.Same for VOB news and The Nation newspaper.Now that they have achieved their aim of regime change – their new role seems to be push the govt propaganda all day – every day.

  17. @T.Inniss

    Looking to receive your first submission shortly.

  18. What Destiny are u speaking of Lorenzo What destiny!
    After 50 years of independence and free education what has barbadains created! Formulated in way of productivity to have a positive impact on its economy
    Gone are the year’s when barbados heavily relied on sugar
    The canfields have now become monuments of concrete
    Tell me what destiny you are speaking of by way of creativity.putting products on a global market that can ensure the economic viability and security of the country
    In over fifty years the only product i know is Rum
    Barrow must be rolling in his grave thinking all that free education was for naught

  19. @Lorenzo,

    expletives deleted.

  20. I already place my views out here on this site – feel free to use them in an article/blog.

  21. T. Inniss,

    There is a principle in our form of government never to criticise your country while abroad. It is bad form.

  22. @Lorenzo

    How long have you been carrying that messianic complex about the PM? Why you would exclude us who were born on the rock but include the IMF who with the exception of the Barbados born Dr. Greenidge hail from elsewhere? Did you reject some of our pre- election criticism of the DLP because we didn’t live there? The PM seems to hold an opinion contrary to yours as she invited two people who resided elsewhere to be part of her administration (I didn’t hear a peep from you when I supported that decision).

    All that to say I will call it as I see it, I am not beholden to any political party or person so like it or lump it……..

  23. To sum up the discussion: Some commentators think that PM MAM can do this and that about the economy. I have to tell you that the situation is by far worse. Let us compare Barbados to a nuclear submarine. Let us assume that Captain “Mad Dog” Sinckler has overloaded the nuclear power plant for 10 years causing the reactor to malfunction. The submarine goes into a steep dive just over the Marijuana Trench. When the sub reaches a depth of 8,000 m and the hull starts to crack, Sinckler says overything is OK with the sub and there is no need for action. The crew panics and replaces Sinckler with MAM.

    So what is the new Captain MAM doing?

    Stopping the drastic descent of the submarine and plugging the leaks
    Stabilizing the submarine 10,000 m below surface in the Marijuana Trench
    Repair the power plant.
    Resurface the submarine.
    Overhaul of submarine in the dockyard.

    We are now at stage 1. Barbados is still falling. We will reach stage 2 not before all credits are settled and the leak of forex is stopped.

    Outlook: The debt agreements will be settled by the end of the year. The assessment of the forex reserves will take more months since the effects of the latest taxes must be analysed. We must take into consideration that the incoming forex has to be used for the settlement of the existing debts and is not for the usual Barbadian clowning (buying Japanese and German SUVs, American fast food, holiday in Florida etc pp).

    So we will watch the numbers for another 6 months. Gov will power the austerity up if necessary. Take that for granted … A massacre in the civil service and devaluation are on the table if the targets/conditions of the IMF loan are not met and forex still leaks. In any case light-minded Barbadians should not expect economic growth or another miracle in 2019. Help from Guyana will not come before 2020. My prediction is that the Guyanese will invest a lot in Barbados, buying valuable assets. We will get lots of petro-dollars in Bim, but the Guyanese will take over the economy, replacing COW, Bizzy and Baloney as key players and will influence local politics as well.

  24. @Hal A
    Re criticism from abroad

    Actually, that is a something that I hear from US politicians if their political opponents criticize the US Gov’t while abroad e.g. even if an American politician is opposed to US policy e.g. in Afghanistan they would never say that in Paris or London. However, if a Bajan is critical of a Barbados Gov’t on a Bajan blog it shouldn’t matter where they are perched.

  25. Hal Austin

    You are so right but you see the problem is Mia Amor Mottley has been doing this since she was given the role of Opposition Leader in 2008 and carried on in this vein – every year right up until 24th May 2018.

    She was always speaking ill of this country to investors,other heads of state whether within the CARICOM region or further afield – Internationally.Her aim like Mitch Mcconnell and the Republican party – re Obama – was to ensure the DLP become a one term government and failed in stimulating investment and pulling Bdos out of the financial mess,thus setting her up to take over and become Bdos first female prime minister.

    It became so ingrained in her that whether she is at Caricom Heads of Govt meetings or talking Climate Change in California – her first and natural response is to bad talk the DLP and blame them for everything – and thus make them look bad – thereby presenting herself as the heroine rushing in to save Bdos on a white horse.

  26. @ Lorenzo
    1. Many of us on this blog see the BLPDLP as a duopoly. I am one of themselves
    2. Remittances from overseas helped build this country
    3. Don’t forget thousands of Bajans overseas wanted Stuart and his
    invertebrates our of office
    4.Everybody, yours truly included wanted to see the back of Stuart and company
    5. I never said the PM Should not go to the IMF, I merely said I would have preferred we did not have to
    6 For the last time both the Bees and Dees , are to blamed for the good and the bad . The degree is always partisan.
    7. A personal friend of Mia told me she does like sycophants. Be very careful.

  27. @ Lorenzo

    Should have read:” that she does not like sycophants. Be very careful.”

    my apologies.

  28. @ Hal
    “What people are talking about is a roadmap, a vision, a decided direction, even a basic understanding of the problem. Some kind of clarity. So far we have not had any of these – after ten years in opposition and nearly four months in government, and before that, 14 years in government.”

    Bang on. Those who argue that there is insufficient time to comment on the performance of the gov’t are being disingenuous.
    There is ample evidence to suggest where this govt is heading. Of course events could unfold any number of ways but thus far all the PR fluff is not being accompanied by coherent strategy.

    On another note, many hands only make light work if the additional hands are knowledgeable and productive. Otherwise the addition of extra hands are counterproductive and ad cost rather than benefit.

  29. A. Dullard,

    We now have young university graduates who were not born when Mottley was a senior member of the Arthur government. How much time is enough time?

  30. re There is ample evidence to suggest where this govt is heading. Of course events could unfold any number of ways but thus far all the PR fluff is not being accompanied by coherent strategy.

    On another note, many hands only make light work if the additional hands are knowledgeable and productive. Otherwise the addition of extra hands are counterproductive and ad cost rather than benefit.

    AS TRUE AS JOHN 3:16

  31. Poor dems……….oh my goodness, the May 24th REDWASH has sent you all off your rockers….. this defeat has made you all batshit crazy…….no one can understand how after three months you yardfowls can expect MAM to correct all of the wrongs the party you all stoutly defended on BU for ten years…….

    I believe miracles still happen but have a conscience yardfowls…..for ten long years, the DLP systematically destroyed this economy and it is going to take a herculean effort from the BLP government to put the economy back on an even keel.

    In the meanwhile……..it is pathetic to see those who were cheerleaders to the destruction that the DLP inflicted on Barbadians knocking themselves out on BU. …..no wonder the people of Barbados inflicted the historic REDWASH on wunnah on May 24th.

  32. We need to do a blog on the DLP MPs 100 days after.


  33. Prodigal

    You don’t care squat because you are enjoying your nice job.However I would suggest that you all get past that 30-0 wonder because it is wearing very thin right now with the people.

  34. @ David,

    DLP has no MPs.

    After listening to the former DLP MPs for 10 years why should we want to hear from them now they are civilians ?

    MIA and the BLP was relentless in their accusations of corruption by the DLP.

    That is who we need to hear from.

  35. @Hants

    Humanitarian concern that is all.

  36. The Dems lost Hello We get it

    But what we cant get is Mia having balloned the cost of running govt with many hands sitting idly by doing nothing
    After all it was her mantra and her call to expand her govt
    So now all are asking and for what!
    Yes she has a country to run and needs all the help
    However please explain that after 100 days there is nothing to show as to what these extra hands are doing
    All at taxpayers expense.BTW a question of Mia was asked by the opposition Atherly concerning White Oaks and to this day with all the PR grandstanding no one has heard an answer
    Mia did indicate that when the White Oaks team arrived in barbados( that should have happened about 3mths ago) she would have made available appointment for Mr.Atherly to see him
    But i guess that was just another smoke and mirror pretentious ploy to fool the people

  37. T Inniss you speak of CBC being sanitized,now it needed sanitizing every since .In case you have amnesia,let me refresh your memory.CBC refused advertising dollars from the BLP prior to the last Election,at the time being cash strap under Mr Hoyte.Every night for the last 10 years for the first 20 minutes viewers had to endure the nightly parade of Dem Ministers like Mr Inniss,Ms Byer-Suckoo,,Mr Stephen Lashley,Mr Sinckler and Mr kellman,whether they were saying anything of substance or not,and not a word from the BLP,on a taxpayers, station.On top of that,we had a political analyst or more correctly operative Ms Holder who used her programs to close down BLP callers and push DLp propaganda,along with the Trini Dem ,Rawle,Arthur,Lolita,Ms Undecided,to lambaste the Ms Mottley every week.Therefore for you to speak about CBC tells me you are a hyprocrite and a stranger to the truth.

  38. Maybe the DLP spin doctors can tell us a little about the revelation on the back page of the Sunday Sun….

    Just think that the spin doctors are on BU and Brasstacks every day complaining about the new taxes….hello….. explain this.

    When Mia Amor Mottley finish exposing wunnah there is going to be no come back for the DLP….. even Grenville and Lynette will fare better.

    By the way, T Innis….l am a happy retired person. I have never supported the BLP for personal gain….. get your facts right….
    What would you know about truth…….you are a Dem.

  39. Has the DLP repaid the $100 thousands dollars we were informed just before the general election?

  40. David did the dlp repay100 thousand dollars

    Did Mia father ever pay his taxes of over a million dollars.

  41. David BU

    To be more specific, you should have asked the consortium of Mariposas if the DLP settled their debt of $109,609 owed to CBC.

    In response to their other question, you could also asked them if Michael Carrington paid the VAT of $92,146 he incurred on his legal fees for services rendered in respect of “the $32M sale of a BIDC at Lot A1 Newton Business Park, Christ Church to Gildan Activewear Properties (BVI) Inc. in 2010.”

    Or did the BIDC adhered to Carrington’s request that the BIDC (and by extension, Barbadian taxpayers) pay the VAT on his behalf?

    And you could have reminded them that Hal Gollop charged the BWA $1.5M, inclusive of $223,404.30, submitted on an invoice that DID NOT have a VAT registration number.

    Perhaps they may be able to inform BU if Hal Gollop included the $223,404.30 on his VAT return for that period……..or did he deposited the sum into his bank account?

    They could also “shed some light” on how many members, operatives and supporters of the DLP that benefited from the waiver of value added, income and corporation taxes under the previous DLP administration and this current BLP administration.

    Similarly to how the DLP sought to gain political mileage by presenting information that suggested Mottley underhandedly gave her father tax concessions (which obviously back-fired)…….this current BLP administration should expose the DEMS.

  42. Oh also Mia said the kaw firm which she is an associate owes many years in back taxes
    I wonder as PM if she did due diligence in having them paid

  43. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Your post of 8.29 AM is absolutely correct. and, as with any candle that is lit at both ends, “said candle burns twice as bright, BUT HALF AS LONG.”

    How long can Chairman Mao sustain that? Surrounded as she is by people like Pain and Teets and Sandra and Lynette?

    So at least you Honourable Blogmaster start to understand what her task is managing 26 ministers, 21 of whom are dufuses and having what a blogger here calls “a few football teams” of whom none are proper goal keepers AND THEREFORE, AS WE ARE SEEING, MIA IS FORCED TO KEEP THE BALL UNDER HER CONTROL dribbling as a one man Pele team to the other teams goal posts.

    But the thing is that she is playing on her first eleven and her second eleven and her third eleven teams SIMULTANEOUSLY in different jurisdictions!!

    Mariposa accused you of working for 10 years to bring down the DLP.

    She then asks you the question about what can the BLP government do to ease the economic burden outside of shuffling the chairs on the deck of the titanic?

    Look at what one of her Thought Leaders has to say on this matter

    “…Ms motley has been able to get an agreement with the IMF in record time tells me she has a workable plan,which in turn will unlock other funds…”

    You ever hear such shyt##?

    Lorenzo had Enuff comes and says three lies in the same breath!! Which Agreement does Mia have with the “IMF”? Does the dufus understand that there is yet to be an Agreement?

    By extension that would itself defuse the second statement about what she has proposed “being a workable plan” since their is no agreement with the IMF (but the dufus cannot understand that until their is a sign of at the IMF there is no agreement and finally the third myth


    Honourable Blogmaster is Lorenzo some type of idiot? Is that the type of thing that you come on a National Blog and as one of Mia’s thought leaders say?

    Is he a Buhkvunt? Be it true or otherwise do you declare that in public?

    But let me say what is more serious than all of that bravado, not anywhere in his shyt** pronouncements has he make any statement to show what is to be done with money to ease the economic burden!!

    Paying off our indebtedness is not easing the economic burden that is only paying what is owed.

    And therein lies the crux of this matter. Paying the overdue bills is seen as easing the economic burden and for some it means diversifying our economy.

    I can tell you now that Mia Amor Mottley has IN THE 100 DAYS THAT HAVE PASSED gone home and cried long tears when she assesses what is in front of her AND WEIGHTED THAT WITH the resources that are at her disposal to bring a solution.

    I can see the tracks of the tears in her face.

    This is not victory she is drinking vinegar!!

    But de ole man will leave you and her to continue the countdown of 135 days left in her CRITICAL PATH tasks.

  44. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Sargeant

    Man you going murder Lorenzo had Enuff with such malice aforethought?

    You said and i quote “…The PM seems to hold an opinion contrary to yours as she invited two people who resided elsewhere to be part of her administration (I didn’t hear a peep from you when I supported that decision)…”

    Whuloss man! you jes hold he by both balls and pull dem out jes so!!

    You see when dese syncophants come here and tell you to drink the coolaid and you say no brother the water got in cockroaches and the syrup looking like if it come from the shipment for the School Meals department in **** dem does get vex wid you and want to call you all sots of bad names.

    But you have remembrance and that is what they hate

    Remembrance & Common Sense

  45. Piece,

    Calm down. Since Barbados is so bankrupt that the island cannot even afford a quick fix for the sewage, the political options are very limited.

    As I said in my parable with the sinking nuclear submarine HMS Barbados: We are still sinking down the Marijuana Trench, we are nearly 10,000 m deep.

    It will take us to the end of the year to settle the default towards a new debt scheme.

    Then PM MAM has to stabilize the island (meaning we are not stable yet) BEFORE economic recovery will take place in 2030 or so.

  46. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please with an item here that did not post thank you

  47. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Tron

    Your count is 210 days for this to tank out the ole man’s was 180 now 135

    The reason that i dropped off 30 days is the effect of Xmas ON THE PARASITE PRIVATE SECTOR.

    Christmas is going to be reallllll brown for them AND THAT IS GOING TO HAVE A MULTIPLIER EFFECT that will shorten the cycle from 210 to 180 and bring the change of currency from BDS $ to MMDs or Mia Mao Dollars which the Sage Annunaki dubbed Mickey Mouse Dollars.

    This is a dire state of being but remember “We Got This”

  48. Piece I read your dribble and had a good laugh as you are such a jackass.As far as I am aware an agreement has been reached,as ststed by the lead in negotiations from the IMF and Ms Mottley herself .Therefore if you know otherwise present the facts and stop running your mouth like a pipe.There are IADB loans that can be accessed as well.Piece I have already told you that no one elected you to run nothing,so let those elected get on with their jobs,as I do not know if you have ever run a breadshop far less a country.As for Sargeant and Hants all I said to those two along with Hal Austin let persons wholive in Barbados make their decisions and live with them,not those outside of Barbados..I never suggested they should not voice their opinions,as they have done through the years,and to close neither you nor them can frighten me ,as it will take ten like you all to stop me from expressing my view,capiche especially you piece so continue with your drivel everyday,until the next Election or they take you down to the Mental capiche.

  49. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Lorenzo you had Enuff?

    Let me show you how small a man? you are and will always be.

    You were given a directive from Barbados Underground that comes from Mia Mottley herself which was and is “do not estrange the diaspora by you small island statements”

    So you get wake up early with a whatsapp note that said Lorenzo you had Enuff? “go immediately to Barbados Underground and give an apology to the Diaspora

    And like the sycophant but arrogant pig headed lapdog that you are you get up at 5.34 a.m. and look for someplace to stick your so called apology.

    Chairman Mia Mottley to whose pooch you apply your lis daily CHANGED THE CONSTITUTION OF BARBADOS TO BRING BACK THREE BAJANS FROM THE DIASPORA.

    But you come here to Barbados Underground and insulted that subset of people who remit more money that you ever will in 1933 lifetimes to Barbados.

    Look at the format of your apology!!

    It is couched in the very slime that characterizes your contributions to BU.

    De ole man could disavow you of your idiocy as to my employer status in a few seconds WITH RH videos of employees but I will not but what I will do is immortalize your statement about “Bajan in the Diaspora needing to STFU forever by providing a Stoopid Cartoon that you will be credited for forever.

    Yet Mia’s Director of Communications is one Charles me Love you Jong Time!!

    You people have to learn that because Mia Mottley is in the drivers seat @ today that DOES NOT MAKE HER GOD.

    Furthermore there is no guarantee that Mia WILL BE IN THE HoA UNTIL THE NEXT ELECTION you buhkvunt AS THE UNTIMELY DEATH OF DAVID THOMPSON OF THE FATTED CALF BRIGADE should have shown an ignorant swine like you.

    Let me rachet this up a notch or two so that you start to comprehend THE POWER OF THE DIASPORA and what IT IS GOING TO DO to change the fortunes of the IMF Barbados

  50. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please with an item for Lorenzo had Enuff

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