We recall a time not so long ago there was the Barbados Tourism Authority (BTA), then the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) won the government in 2008 and a decision was taken to change the structure. The BTA transitioned to the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc (BTMI) and the Barbados Tourism Product Authority (BTPA). It is at that time the former minister of tourism saw the opportunity to get rid of Adrian Loveridge from sitting on the restructured BTPA Board.

Ten years later the BTMI and BTPA are about to suffer another transition.

190 responses to “Barbados Tourism Product Authority Undergoing Another Restructure”

  1. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    One would have thought that

    1.Given the time the current administration was in the opposition trenches and 10 years of planning afforded it

    2.Given the stupid, illy thought out announcements of Kerrie Oblong Head about a US$75 departure tax

    3.the fact that the Tourism peak season is beginning in 10 or so weeks

    4.And the critical importance of tourism to our one donkey tourism based economy

    One would have thought that this would have been central to the focus of the Barbadian tourism administration


    Maybe if you guys were to apply the resident skill sets of your thought leaders and their acute vision you might be able to publish your ammm plans that you authored all by yourselves heheheheh

    But don’t mind the senseless submission and ramblings of an ole man with tin foil over my head.

    Each day irrespective of all the smoke screen public relations wunna show wunna selves to be just as inept as the former lot.

    You need time to dissemble further


  2. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item about this subject

  3. What is a tourism ‘product’? Stop with this juvenile PR jargon and speak plain English.

  4. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    I guess that unlike people in different climes Hal 4 hours ahead and de ole man 4 hours behind, the Honourable Blogmaster and the other 2 of the BORG are sleeping.

    For this reorganization to come of age, the replacements have to be identified and agreed kickbacks be established first.

    That step has to be done first given that this IS A $100 MILLION PER YEAR SEA COW TROVE!!!

    This is one of the ministries where Chairman Mia Mao ZeJong and Kerrie Oblong Head can appoint their friends to their hearts content and the Auditor General will not be able to trace indiscretions.

    So until Noel gets setup overseas we going have to leave this alone cause the last fellow found racketeering in America get charged and going get kick up.

  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Not kick up, lock up

  6. More silly paper work that means nothing
    At a time when the Tourism industry is being caught in the grips of austerity measures which would effect its bottom line
    The industry should be planning and be prepared by having serious alternatives through goal oriented marketing strategies which would be effective by way of securing the bottom line
    This govt once again has used a plan of pretentious gamesmanship to brush aside the smoke that rises out of govt dastardly actions which will bury the tourist industry
    Govt playing shoots and ladders will not safeguard the tourist industry from the inevitable financial disaster which is certain to come in the coming weeks and months ahead because of govt austerity measures placed on the head and shoulders of the hotel industry

  7. The letter is well written. It is vague, no negative words and it deliver in 5 paragraphs what can be said in one line.

    Paragraph 1. Timeline is being revised (does not state upward or downward)
    Paragraph 2 “not feasible” -nice way of saying delayed
    Paragraph 3 We will get back to you later – some of wunna might not make the cut
    Paragraph 4. We will be working hard to come up with new timelines – just working on timelines
    Paragraph 5 Thanks for your help and be patient.

    Hey Boys’Gals
    As we cannot mek de timeline. we are revising them, Be patient as we gun get back to you later than expected.

    Hey Boys’Gals
    Bad news. Everything delayed. We gun get back to you with new timeline..

    Good spinning. Letter ‘leaked’ but we don’t have a clue on what they are talking about.

  8. Vincent explained it in a few words yesterday. Barbadians voted for a different way to do things. The blogmaster has been saying a similar thing, the tired narratives will not cut it. Even as austerity takes hold and those who voted start to have second thoughts, it will not change that a different way how we have to do business must be the new normal.

    The structure which saw the establishment of the the Barbados Tourism Product Authority (BTPA) has been unsuccessful. The Barbados product has been ageing and ageing and appears to be tired from observation.

  9. As the new chairman the first thing I would do is to have that brek-up trident replaced by a broken trident.

  10. The letter simply reveals the Barbadian malaise. Of course we all know that all lazy laggards in said SOEs should be fired since tourists come to Barbados with or without them.

    Just consider the perspective of a foreign investor for a second:

    Would you invest in a tiny economy where the workforce claims to be well educated, but is highly demotivated?

    The obvious answer is: You do not invest in too much pride and no industry.

  11. @ TheOgazerts
    As the new chairman the first thing I would do is to have that brek-up trident replaced by a broken trident.
    If we had TRULY enlightened leadership, the ultimate chairman would have ordered a D9 caterpillar to restore the Garrison Savannah to its original state as the first order of national business…

    Then 99.9% of the OTHER shiite that the DLP did should then be IMMEDIATELY undone – and replaced in a transparent, performance based, MERITOCRATIC manner….. AS A MATTER OF URGENCY.

    Instead, we are seeing the continuation of the DLP SYSTEMS – except that lawyers have replaced the DLP morons …. jokers who could not understand decimals, who swam in sewerage to address leakages, and who sold off our birthrights to buy mercedes benz….

    Lawyers may understand decimal… but they do not understand how to let go of clients’ money, land titles, and legal papers
    … or how to to get anything managed successfully….

    BBs…..from the frying pan to the furnace….

  12. ” Virgin Holidays and the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Education Foundation (CHTAEF) have entered into a new three-year partnership that will deliver guest care and diversity training to hotel employees and tourism students.”

  13. Bush tea stop talking dog dooo about undoing past govt policies
    This is the same govt who cuss Butch Stewart who sits at table and dine with him like beggars
    Stupse this govt has yet to produce one alternative that would bring growth back to the economy
    In OSA last retort he told govt not to depend alone on IMF measures to stabilize barbados
    Now that they have won i can bet that this govt will not undo past govt policies however just might rearranged the staff on deck
    That is there only ammo to show any form of resentment and please the blp yardfowls

  14. @ Bush Tea

    Please tell us what did you really expect ?

    @ David

    This is third trip to the IMF. Please tell us what is this “dufferent way”
    of doing things?

  15. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ William Skinner

    The dufferent way of doing things is because Chairman Mia Mao says that it is d dufferent way and that Charles Me love you Jong Time streamed when she said that from the Prime Minister’s Office via her personal Facebook Page

  16. @ David , Bush Tea

    Name one single project that the local private sector has promised to execute to assist the country.
    They are the ones who said they had no confidence before and were waiting to invest millions.
    So far we have heard from Doyle/ Hilton Group and Butch Stewart(Sandals).
    I prefer to give concessions so that people can eat and have the dignity of a job than all the fancy crap you David shamelessly spouting.

  17. People cruel like hell with Mia.

    I waiting to see if she won’t wake up and smell the coffee and cut that cabinet by about 10 ministers and get rid of Jessica odle,avinash persaud,billie miller,Analese Babb,Pat Parris and the whole lot of hangers on and leeches.

    No 10 % cut in salary will do, that cannot make a dent in the high salary cost.She must cut that cabinet to about 17 ministers as it was in the last govt.

  18. t innis
    cool it man
    time longer than twine

  19. Kerrie GOT THIS.

    ” “Whether we are talking about persons with disabilities, whether we are talking about person’s sexual orientation, gender, whatever it is . . . . I want Barbados to be a place which is open for business with all, which is accommodating to all and is extending an opportunity to participate,” he added.”


  20. GP

    I hear you but right now I am in a state of flux .

    I have the BLP operatives trying real hard to convince me and everyone else that Mia knows what she is doing and will find the right policies to bring some correction to this economy.However all I am seeing is press conferences,nuff talk and nothing that sound like a ‘real plan’ that can take us out of this deep hole.

    This is leaving me very discouraged because unlike Mia and the BLP followers who wanted the last government to fail,I know that we are all in this together – so failure is not a good option for us.

  21. After only three months how do you know the policies will not work?

    A key strategy to successfully implementing austerity policies is being able to effectively share with the public. This is something the former government failed miserably.

    This is the cold theory, we have wait to fairly judge how the programs will work.

  22. David BU,i agree with you ,every time something is announced to be done we hear the same naysayers on here giving it the thumbs down.These same jokers sat back for ten years and defended almost everything done by the try a thing Government,led by the silent Mr Stuart therefore they are not accustom to any information so the fact that the people are now being consulted is new to them.Therefore the likes of mariposa ,the newbie T Inniss,Hal Austin suddenly develop a conscience and care about poor people,and suffering,not before may 24th when we were being strangle by taxes with all major projects going not to the poor man but to the Maloneys and Bjerkhams etc.Then we have the conspiracy expert the unofficial leader of the opposition Piece,who has an ulterior motive for every thing this Government does,as I told him he have at least 5 years and 90 days to bellyache,or before they take him down to the mental.My advice to you is to step back take a breather,it is becoming tiresome.At least give the initiatives time to see if they can work.The others mentioned above,they have no moral authority to object against anything after the Dems in my view mash up the Economy.

  23. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ T. INNISS

    It is not as you have said that one wanted the Incompetent DLP’s policies to fail.


    I FOR ONE do not want any of the enfranchisement policies of the BLP to fail

    But are there any? And the answer to the question is a resounding no!

    Just listen to Minister Olong Head as was reported recently in the news

    “…To loud applause from the audience at the launch of a pilot course in diversity training for hospitality workers, the Minister suggested Barbados must distinguish itself as an open and inclusive destination.

    But he did not hint of any policy directions from his Ministry to push for diversity…”

    What one understands is that 100 days is relatively a short time to get any programme going THAT IS IF AS A PARTY IN THE OPPOSITION YOU HAD A PLAN!

    Kerrie, with his pronouncement about water ferries from st Lucy and the East coast coming to Bridgetown HAS SHOWN THT HE PERSONALLY HAS NONE.

    But the sad thing is that he is charged with rallying the Thought Leaders!

    Wunna see the quandary that we are besieged by? A dufus leads the Charge of the Light Brigade.

    So we have yet another situation where Mia has to manage yet another ministry

    The other day I was responding to a comment that the Honourable Blogmaster made about Mia having go attend the Conference about Small Island Developing States when she has a minister for the blue economy

    That is because she really has a bunch of dufus ministers who she can’t trust in these sensitive negotiations


    De ole man just hope thst her other obvious policies about investigating citizens under her 1933 Enabling Act would just cease and desist.

    Like I said at the beginning of my drivel I like any bajan want her policies to enfranchise and regenerate the Barbadian economy to succeed but anything that would bring draconian rule I WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT AGAINST.


  24. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    See what de ole man means?

    Even as I was writing my conspiracy theory drivel as Leader of the Opposition there was Lorenzo had Enuff sidekick to Enuff of Lorenzo duo writing about de ole man.

    Wunna must be under struck orders to come pun BU to see what de ole man writes isn’t wunna?


    DO you see that I do not write against the BLP administration of which Chairman Mottley is the leader And Charles me Love you Jong Time is her Goebbels, but that I write for Barbados’ well being?

    Mia and I and you going pass.

    The policies and programmes and management of this country is what I am concerned about because if will affect my grands and great grands long after your ass is dust.

    You feeling me?

    That is how I live my pledges Both of them heheheheh

  25. Mia runs back and forth like a chicken with head cut off on pretense as to send a message .”hey look at me i am so busy”
    Mia words stating many hands make for light work is one of bumper sticker mentality because it is obvious she does not belive her own words
    On day one she all but double her ministry yet she opts to carry the small task instead of opting to hit the ground running in those areas important to creating growth for the economy the most important area that would help to put barbados on a path for economic sustainability
    After ten years of being in the opposition and having all the answers NO Growth plan but nuff empty PR Conferences
    Barbados a.ss is burnt grass

  26. RE I have the BLP operatives trying real hard to convince me and everyone else that Mia knows what she is doing

    and will find the right policies to bring some correction to this economy.
    However all I am seeing is press conferences,nuff talk and nothing that sound like a ‘real plan’ that can take us out of this deep hole.

    This is leaving me very discouraged because unlike Mia and the BLP followers who wanted the last government to fail,I know that we are all in this together – so failure is not a good option for us.

  27. What are the characterisc of a good leader?

    A leader will lead from the front if the situation demands it.

    Given the urgency of what is required to fix the Barbados economy Mia has obviously decided to blaze the trail.

    If the others do not step up after awhile, she then opens herself to valid criticism if she does not make HR changes.

    This is 101 stuff PUDRYR.

  28. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    I have heard it said by some that this government has ran out of steam. Well, let me tell you – all of their steam expired on the day they were elected to power.

    Dr GP is correct in his comments at 7:53 AM. How many of you guys have watched a disaster movie when something catastrophic occurs on planet earth, where the leaders have been forced into hiding or have been wiped out; and that the remaining survivors realise that their very survival depends on their ability to work together as a group.

    My message is very clear and simple. This government has nothing to offer the people of Barbados. Work amongst yourselves, look at ways where you can develop autonomous zones free of government interference and look at all meaningful ways where you can detach yourself from this corrupt dictatorship. I fear that that this government and the previous one have always had a mandate to bring misery and social poverty to her Barbados citiizens.

  29. What are the characteristics of a good leader?
    Good question….

    A good leader is able to identify, and effectively share ,a desirable vision…
    to then achieve that vision by using various effective techniques…
    while in the process, CHANGING THE CULTURE for the better.

    The DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC of good leadership therefore is a HISTORY of doing so… in increasingly complex areas…
    NOTHING to do with qualifications, talk, influence, money or political clout….

    It is about organisational EFFECTIVENESS.

    He that is faithful in small things, behold, I will make HIM ruler over great things….

  30. David you can as well face the truth i know what i say would mean nothing to you
    However after ten years of your hard fought battle against previuos govt in effort to elect Mia and her crew
    The question being asked What does present govt have to offer to the people that is exceptionally different in terms of easing the economic burden
    Maybe u David can answer that question as present all are looking and searching for the answer
    Present govt made promises to lighten the tax load but far from doing so has increased the tax burden on the poor while releasing the burden of tax debt / cheaters for the rich
    Another way of transfering debt from govt to those whose backsides should be in jail
    Where there is no vision or insight for justices and fairness the country would become a failure
    Think on those things

  31. A leader will lead from the front if the situation demands it.(Quote)

    A leader may also lead from the back, if the situation demands it. What about the Grand Old Duke of York? Leadership is about vision, principles, conviction, commitment. Not about career advancement.

    @Talking Loud

    A government without a moral or policy compass is what you get when you vote on emotion. A party that campaigned on a flimsy manifesto loses its way when it comes to office because it has no guiding principles. Apart from dozy BERT, the government, with its expensive consultants, has no idea what to do about the nation’s deep social and economic problems.
    We also live in a nation that prefers to bury its head and pretend that the future is rosy. What is the BLP government’s macro vision of Barbadian society? What does it hope to achieve by the end of its parliamentary term? Apart from the waffle about a knowledge-based society, what steps does it plan to take to meet that objective? How does it see a micro-state like Barbados in a globalised world in ten, fifteen or 20 years time?

  32. mariposa question to you ,William Skinner ,Gazerts ,talking out Loud ,T Inniss,what plan did the Dems have for 10 years and 90 days,taxation?What were the results?.Why did Mr Sinckler not go to the IMF,simply put ,they could not not convince them of any workable plan they had as these people are experts so no bluffers could get pass them,as they are not the Goerge street crew.Ms motley has been able to get an agreement with the IMF in record time tells me she has a workable plan,which in turn will unlock other funds.Therefore to the naysayers point us to anything you all have run successfully baring your mouths,take a long break ,giving your mouths a deserved rest.,or bring some ideas.

  33. “What is a tourism ‘product’? Stop with this juvenile PR jargon and speak plain English.”


    Interestingly, in tourism management, one learns about “tourism product development” and the phases of creating a tourism product……….

    ………..such as the primary inputs……intermediate (or processed) inputs (that supports and facilitates tourism)……intermediate outputs, which are the services associated with the tourism industry……..and the final outputs which are described as the personal experience and satisfaction tourists derived from services and various tourism-related activities.

    Then one goes on to learn about developing a tourism product, by conducting market research; assessing the market segments and conditions for tourism; assessing the destination to identify its features, shortcomings, ability to adequately accommodate and serve the tourists etc; identifying and understanding the roles of tourism stakeholders in public and private sectors as it relates, for example, to their respective contributions in developing the tourism product; marketing and promotion, as well as providing skilled staff and technology to efficiently cater the needs of tourists.

    But we all know this is “waffle and juvenile PR jargon.”


    ” One of the burning questions the pending investigation is expected to examine is why a particular attorney was paid $3.125 million for legal work on the project. ”


  35. According to you Barbados is a failed state and you have taken delight in recommending others to flee from island. Why should you care about the government’s strategy? Sit back and watch you predictions play out.

  36. @Hants

    Say this is not Hal again.

  37. David BU

    And yuh know uh lot uh DEM lawyers are exempted from paying VAT, especially when their “clients” are state-owned agencies………..

    …………..or they request the “client” to pay VAT on their behalf.

  38. @ David,

    The question is if the $3.1 million fee is reasonable and lawful.

  39. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David September 16, 2018 9:34 AM

    Most likely another Hal & Mike scam in conjunction with the ultimate minister responsible for all matters energy.

    Given the status of the BNOCL as a private company there is very little Mottley can do about recovering monies not deemed to be that of taxpayers’.

    But she does the power to order tax investigations into the ‘niceties’ of those payments in respect of their tax treatment and legal compliance.

    Have the payments made to H &Y been duly declared for both VAT and Income Tax purposes?

    If Mottley does not investigate immediately to ensure that these ‘unusually’ large payments have been treated Kosher for tax purposes and that the Treasury has received its share of the payouts then she will soon have a major wall of opposition facing her.

    And this is NO joke. The people did not give her a 30-0 mandate to endure this kind volte-faced decision-making.

    We are sure the taxes (both VAT and Income Tax) represent a sizeable amount enough to buy a few garbage truck (either second-hand or brand new) instead of asking honest hard-working Bajans to fork out $45.00 p/m to pay for such stark downright ‘arranged’ incompetence that stinks to high heavens even in the totally rotten kingdom of Buybados whose king was none other than the false doyen of integrity Fumble Stuart.

    We eagerly look forward to supporting our newest BU relative “T. Inniss” on his call for full disclosure on this obvious case of financial nepotism and possible corruption of the highest kind.

  40. @ Lorenzo
    I have written on BU and several other places that the duopoly of the BLPDLP has not had any vision for our country. I have no interest in family feuds. They had collective management of the country for 63 consecutive years. They have both taken the country to the IMF;they select lackeys for key positions. It’s the old story of the pot calling the kettle black.
    You apparently believe you have some fruitless mission to prove I am ,like you , rapped up in the soiled blankets of Roebuck and George Streets. You will fail miserably because I don’t hide behind anybody. I have been speaking out on social matters since fourteen years old.
    You need to go and find your political friends. Leave me out of your buffoonery.
    Finally everybody on this blog knows where I stand. I know where you stand and you and others have been escaping the bullet for sixty three years.
    I like all loyal Barbadians embrace our Prime Minister’s call to rally behind the flag. Unfortunately for her people like you who out to cuss anybody , who have a question to ask, will ensure her failure because this is a time yo build bridges not burn them.
    I am philosophically opposed to going to any draconian loan shark like the IMF . Go and read Owen Arthur’s views on this.
    The only thing I have said is that the private sector (local) does not seem to have any innovative policies to assist us at this crucial time. They are not helping the cause. They need to step up to the plate.
    Go and read Ezra Alleyne in the Nation !! Forget me I am not and don’t want any invitation to your decadent DLPBLP.

  41. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @William Skinner September 16, 2018 10:09 AM
    “I am philosophically opposed to going to any draconian loan shark like the IMF . Go and read Owen Arthur’s views on this.”

    Is this the same Owen Arthur who in 2016 and 2017 was begging the then DLP administration to go to the IMF for help sooner rather than later?
    If the then government had taken OSA’s advice and had engaged his well-honed skills as its chief economic advisor maybe, just maybe, Bim could have had a say in setting the conditions for an IMF-funded economic restructuring programme.

    Please William, you just cannot blame the current administration for the economic bind the country now finds itself in.

    What is the alternative other than a currency devaluation to make Bajans realize what is facing them as a result of over 20 years of profligacy and low productivity including the glory years of blatant conspicuous consumption under the same OSA period of borrowing other people’s money in order to live the life of a Bajan Riley

    So what would it be under the inevitable DBLP scenario?

    An ‘IMF planned’ Devaluation by August/September 2018 under a returned DLP with Sinckler as chief economist or a stay of execution under a MAM administration hoping she can bullshit her way until the shit hits the fan while Bajans continue to whine because they cannot eat at the table serving the imported hog?

  42. The other day I was responding to a comment that the Honourable Blogmaster made about Mia having go attend the Conference about Small Island Developing States when she has a minister for the blue economy
    ¬In the continuing vein of “many hands make light work” why is the PM in San Francisco attending a conference on Climate change while the Minister of the Environment sits at home twiddling his thumbs? Does she not trust the Minister to be an effective advocate representing Bim in discussions of climate change? The PM seems to be minted in the same metal as former PMs (not Stuart)who were uber PMs with a finger in every pie.

  43. Lorenzo i remember past givt had serval initiatives to reconstruct barbados economy
    One of which had to do with lower people electric bills with a combination of tackling the garbage problem
    I also remember the large hue and cry by the blp which cause that project never able to see the light of day
    I also recall the Hyatt project which again was met with loud iut burst by the blp yardies and present govt
    The saying never kick a 🎁 horse in the 👄 apply applies to the blp for with all their hue and cry they have nothing to offer the people except more pain and punishment and a PM who runs around like a busy nobody burying her head in the sand avoiding the inevitable cost of showing up at the doir steps of the IMF with beggars cup in hand
    History shows that the IMF is the biggest legal loan shark operation which gives one penny and in turn asks for many pennies in return mostly off the backs of the poor

  44. Sargeant,

    You got it in one. This is the most blatant autocracy we have had in Barbados since rule by the colonial governor. She either has confidence in her ministers or she does not. She either believe she is the cleverest person in Barbados, and if so she is delusional. If this is the PR strategy worked out by Mr Chinese then she is in serious trouble. This is a one-term government in the making.
    She is the economic minister, tourism minister, environment minister, attorney general. Where does her remit end? She is first among equals, not an elective dictator.

  45. @Hants

    What a waste of taxpayers money. Do not agree that yours is the right question to ask.

  46. Mottley has hang her head very high in the past ten years now she has push her self into a 📦 so small where their is no room for her to breathe
    Leaders lead with an expectation for others to follow at present time i fail to see how her leadership has anything to do with running a weakened economy which requires all hands on deck by which her ministers play an intricate role

  47. It was the most shameful thing for me to listen to Mia crying down my country at a climate change conference- talking about when she took over the government she found a lot of debt – and how Bdos is the third most indebted country in the world.

    Well,well ! All of our former prime ministers attended various conferences like these and never have we seen them resorting to talking local politics on an International stage like this.

    Note at the last conference or two Dennis lowe ,the Minister of the Enviroment was Bdos Representative and based on who I was seeing speaking I can’t recall any Heads of Government.

    The few other speakers I heard (and this has been usually the case) – they were discussing Climate change – what has been happening,how the developed countries can help the developing countries etc.Yet Mottley so still in campaign mode that she forget that she not in Bush Hall yard gap – she started crying down the former govt.

    Like Mottley felt that by saying so – it would make these donors more inclined to give her money – because you know bdos so indebted and if a hurricane come – we don’t have any money la di da.Steupes.

    When you listen to Mottley and that 3 football teams she has as a cabinet – it is clear that they don’t know what to do and can only continue in campaign mode .- blame the last govt for everything even if you have to lie,exaggerate or fudge stuff.

  48. @Sargeant

    You have chosen to join the pedantic club as well? There will be time enough to judge if her approach is correct. To criticize her at 100 days in is disingenuous. She is positioning the bar where she wants others to operate based on her experience in government and assessment what has to be done. As Barbadians we wish her success. Time will tell.

    The other day she left the technocrats/advisors to explain BERT and the same ones braying here about the need to delegate were first criticize the move. She knew a second bite of the cherry was to follow and many mor opportunities BERT 2, 3 4 etc.

  49. I recall reading of a 15 person committee to look at the cruise sector, but have not seen who are on the board of the current BTMI/BTPA or its replacement. From my personal experience over the last 52 years in tourism, there are people who talk and people that implement meaningful policies.

  50. It was published Adrian:

    Committee formed to enhance cruise sector

    ALEX DOWNES, alexdownes@nationnews.com

    Added 11 August 2018


    Minister of Tourism Kerrie Symmonds speaking during this morning’s Press conference. (Picture by Sandy Pitt.)

    Minister of Tourism Kerrie Symmonds made the announcement of the 15-person team earlier this morning during a Press conference at the Ministry of Tourism’s offices at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre.

    The NCDC comprises:

    Chairman – Errol Humphrey

    Deputy chairman – Dean Straker

    Senator Lisa Cummins

    Vic Fernandes

    Kevyn Yearwood

    Geoffrey Roach

    Roseanne Myers

    Alfredo Weatherhead

    Natalie Burke

    Kerri Gooding

    Adrian Bailey

    Patrick Estwick

    André Miller

    Amanda Reifer

    Carol Roberts

    Symmonds explained the Commision would start its operations by September.

    And after interactions with the public and private sector over the next 12 weeks, the NCDC is expected to report its findings back to Cabinet to plan a path forward for the cruise sector. (AD)

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