When the sewage breach on the South Coast first surfaced social media was accused of being irresponsible by giving it maximum airplay. Two ministers – John Boyce and Richard Sealy – felt motivated to jump smackdab in the affected area. Subsequent events have graphically illustrated that there was validity in concerns expressed at this relatively early juncture.

Further, it is reported that leader of the Opposition Mia Mottley sent an offline request to the prime minister two years ago to request a meeting, the objetive to discuss how a potential crisis could have been averted. In true bonehead style the request was ignored-  history is replete with narratives to support the political polarization that characterizes how backwater locales manage the affairs of state.

If there is one learning that should be taken away by ALL Barbadians is that there is benefit to working together in the national interest. If we cannot collaborate when the national issue is under threat then the question must be asked – why spend millions to educate ourselves?

The following videos were posted to Facebook and shared by Barbados Underground in the public’s interest.



95 responses to “#sewagerush@accra”

  1. This matter is so serous it deserves a press conference to address the nation by vested parties, prime minister, ministers responsible, Future Trust, BCCI, Private Sector Agency and others. We have to show some leadership Barbados.

  2. John walmark Avatar

    We were there on Worthing Beach Dec 2016 when those two bone heads did their swim in the poop. After 1 1/2 years of obsvucating on the issue by the politicians, this beautiful island has lost many hundreds of thousands of tourist dollars that will never return .after 20 consecutive years of annual trips to B’dos, we are in Antigua this spring . Not sure if we will ever come back. We feel betrayed by the same ones that said come to beautiful barbados….to those politicians and bureaucrats, give all of us a reason to believe you will fix the sewage mess. The great people of barbados deserve better . We have a choice and they don’t besides a strong vote against those who are in charge .

  3. John walmark Avatar

    Can someone confirm the dates when these videos on Accra were taken?

  4. the people of barbados (POB) sit down and let two igrunt gov’t Ministers lie, deceive and fool wunna that everything was A.O.K down south coast even though the residents and concerned folk went on social media telling wunna that down dey was full of S*** and that the sewage problem was actually a very big problem indeed. That sewage has affected the sea, land and air like a cancer plaguing the body. Whatever pollutants (contaminants) spread during that time already done contaminate the sea, fish and what ever other organisms depend on good healthy clean water to survive. The dichotomy we are facing is that we don’t want people (foreigners) to read in the media that barbados going through any problems so the people of barbados will say nothing so as not to kick up any fuss or disturb any of the gov’t Ministers. So because two gov’t ministers tell we it didn’t no problem, we bajans play hush hush when in actual fact we could have PROTESTED a bit more action from the GOB, and maybe caused some SOCIAL UNREST as some workers did get sick (gastro) from the mess. Surprised that none of the union bosses got involved. Anyway that sewerage issue done gone long time and the south coast (sewerage coast) WILL take a tumble. By now whatever bacteria that is passed on in stool (EXCUSE ME?! I mean human waste, errr human excrement, effluent) has already gone through the system, as it was not properly taken care of to begin with. Most likely it was pumped right back into the water supply. My educated guess is that it has already mutated or festered AND passed onto to whatever species of fish that does be in the water. I not too sharp on the biology or ecology but I don’t think we eat none of the fish, or drink any of the water. I don’t wan’t to be an alarmist but I could definitely be wrong on this one. Luckily “BRAND BARBADOS” is safe as this did not cause any foolishness to happen. I doubt any tourist reading the advisory or blogs should be concerned/worried about this problem as the west coast remained in pristine condition throughout this ordeal. POB 0 – GOB 1.

  5. When someone posts anything on social media, all it does really is to alert other human beings that something is happening in the world, be it a cause, event, breaking news or unusual phenomena. It was quite normal to find these postings online as it did warrant someone else’s attention. People are still becoming accustomed to the uses of the new technology so I don’t hold the grudge that the country’s reputation was being tarnished during that time. Unless it is something absolutely grotesque OR forbidden by societal norms, values, traditions, etc, no social media post does bother me. We are all adults here. The human beings managing this country did not see this as any big emergency so they let the effluent run its course [back in the sea water, back down the drains and out by chicken barn]. It is not normal for feces to run in the beach water so I am a bit surprised it took so long for disaster management to take place. I heard more being done to safeguard “Brand Barbados” with lots of chatter about the negativity being put on social media to tarnish the island’s reputation. I think the concerned folk just put it ‘out there’ for those who manage the country to see that effluent was indeed in people back yards and inside their houses. I think they wanted those human beings who manage the country to fix the problem urgently and with more alacrity. During the time of the build up I was furious with all the foolish rebuttals from the Dems. Now I find it ironic to see their cute faces on the same social media platforms promoting their team as though social media is some wonder to behold. From 2016-2018, the south coast problem happened under their admin and I will never forget. (Maybe history’s page will tell a different tale?) So I am eagerly looking forward to the outcome of the election. BTW, can anyone say for certain that the problem has been fixed on the South Coast? I wouldn’t like to think that a future administration has to come in and carefully handle this problem.

  6. ….can anyone say for certain that the problem has been fixed on the South Coast?

    You ent hear? They telling us now they can’t START to fix the underlying problem with the broken down sewage system until they get these glorified suck wells (AKA injection wells) built to pump the sewage in, and they won’t be ready until June. Only after they can pump the sewage into the wells will they be able to drain the lines and start trying to affect a full repair of the system. In the meantime driving by Massy at Rendezvous the air smells ripe although the puddles of sewage water in the road have dimininshed somewhat. Driving by the old Scotia Bank on higway 7 just past Graeme Hall you can see and smell the big puddle of sewage water that is usually there at the side of the road, and there is still sewage leaking out onto the road and smelling up the place down by KFC/Lanterns Mall.


  7. @Green Monkey

    Why is it taking so long to complete the wells? Especially with so much riding on them doing the job to allo proper detection?

  8. Choose to Make Barbados Great!

    “Leaders think and talk about the SOLUTIONS. Followers think and talk about the Problems.”
    You Cannot Fix the Problems without Knowing the ROOT CAUSE!


  9. Mummy when those people come on the plane and they are all white but when they go home they are brown. Is it the sun? No dear they swim on the south coast

  10. lol..and you are got your share of bajan brown stuff coated on your skin to take back to Canada too right?

    ya just could not help yaself Lawson.

  11. No not one drop maybe tomorrow on west coast

  12. Does this issue have the potential to break the back of the government 23 days from general election? Suspect the Opposition will not touch it unless forced.

  13. @ David who asked “Why is it taking so long to complete the wells?

    There probably is a very good reason. Ask Joy Ann Haig. lol

  14. @Hants

    She has been unusually silent of late, there is on so much spin you can do before you get dizzy.

  15. @ David’

    If the Sewage problem does not ” break the back of the government ” nothing will.

  16. May Day! May Day! May Day!

    Not the traditional Labour holiday but the sounds of distress coming from the hapless residents of Worthing/Hastings who have been held hostage by an invasion of watery sewage over the past few months. Every evening on the local idiot box I saw spokespersons from the BWA touting one fix after another. The most recent “fix” that I know of was the digging of three wells to alleviate the issue and those wells were supposed to fix the problem. After one well was supposedly dug I heard that they had to perform tests to see whether this proposed “fix” would work, so far, the “tests” appear to be ongoing but there may be other fixes in the pipeline (pun not intended).

    I take my hat off to the folks and businesses that have weathered this deluge of crappy water, they must have the patience of Job, for my part during my most recent visit I avoided that area like the plague, I didn’t even go to a funeral at Hawthorne that I wanted to attend. If there was a single issue that one should vote against the current Gov’t this would be it, I don’t understand how they could be so cavalier with the health and economy of the island.

    I could blame the bureaucrats/engineers at the BWA who are in over their heads, but the buck stops at the Gov’t and it has been found wanting.

  17. Prodigal Son Avatar

    You will not hear Joy Ann on this topic again………..one of my friends who work in the MOH told me that they were appalled that those technocrats in the BWA like the engineers who knew what was going on would not come out and address the problems but was sending Joy Ann out there to embarrass herself daily as she was clearly out of her depth trying to answer engineering questions.

    Dont you see that not even Pat Inniss comes to the public anymore? This alone should be the death nail in Fumble’s coffin.

  18. Choose to Make Barbados Great!

    “Leaders are Innovative, Entrepreneurial, and Future-oriented. They focus on getting the job done.”
    By their Fruit you shall know them!


  19. Prodigal Son Avatar

    I am so ashamed right now.

    We have two friends from the UK who are coming to this region for the first time after wanting to visit since the 80’s when we met in the UK. They are so anxious about coming, they told me they have gotten jabs just to be safe. They will be staying on the south coast and we have had to tell them not to worry as they will be above the affected area………now this???

  20. Prodigals we came 22 people many first timers I am not sure they will return anytime soon. I think the toilet paper floating at the grocery store or condoms washed up along the boardwalk. I cannot believe how people have accepted this as normal and complicit with the government in not being upfront with visitors. But the most astonishing thing to me is that chicken barn is to reopen in this mess I guess if people are willing to walk through sewage to get to kfc or Massey it just might fill up

  21. @Sargeant

    May Day indeed!

    One senses in the gut- to reference Pacha- that the South Coast is about to blow its wad.

  22. Lawson..you would have to be sadomasochistic, to know this last year and to still bring 22 people into that shitshow…I would never speak to you again had you not found a way to avoid the south coast, we beat that subject to death on here last year..

    I mean, you could have changed hotel or guest house reservations and gotten back at least a percentage of your deposit and move to the west coast, there are so many safe, clean places to stay on the island still.

    I guess you will return to south coast next year again.

  23. In an effort to contain recent overflows near the Rockley Beach facility on the island’s south coast a sand-bag barrier has been temporarily created by the Wastewater Division (WWD) of the Barbados Water Authority (BWA).


  24. @Hants

    The question to ask the BWA officials is if there was the opportunity to be proactve. Why wait until there is an overflow of embarrassing levels. Nip in in the bud?

  25. It wasn’t my idea plans were made without my knowledge till it was too late but I honestly believed that they were going to have it fixed by now. now It is not an issue on the resort but when you venture out it’s disgusting Is this what it’s like in India

  26. you really believe that the same government who has done as little as possible for their salaries for 10 years were going to fix a sewage mess they created by neglecting to do maintenance on it for 10 years…

    ….looks like you are getting too much free weed to smoke in Canada, good one too, from BC no doubt.

    what are you asking me about India, ask ya girlfriend Wynne.

  27. That’s your solution for the sewage ?? A Dyke

  28. What exactly do you mean by a “DYKE”?

    There is a proposal of a “BERM” built around Graeme Hall Swamp to prevent overflow onto the South Coast.

    True true fact!!!

    It is in the professional engineer’s report from 2010 commissioned by the GHNS?

    Where would you put the “DYKE”?

  29. https://wikidiff.com/berm/dike

    There is a difference.

  30. I am not an engineer, but pray tell me… If the lines to the sewerage plant are clear of all debris and its the plant that is non functional, would it make sense to extend the end lines way out to sea, use pumps to push the effluent out ( temporarily) while either upgrading or completely build a new plant and reconnect on completion? For the time that this has been ongoing, surely it would have been completed or at lease near completion. the only draw-back would be some environmental pollution at sea and waste ending up on the shores of other islands…maybe. That simple?

  31. Prodigal Son Avatar

    I know that the DLP is a morally corrupt party and has gone past being incompetent.

    I knew they did not have a clue how to govern but I had a little faith in Pat Inniss…..I thought that she would still have had some clout to get money to fix the problem but alas …….look where we are now…….a dont carish PM who has done nothing to solve this problem and he thinks he can win a third term?

    But where is David Estwick in all of this….this man does not care about the people of Barbados at all.

    Does he go to work at all? Word on the street is that when Estwick was in one of his drunken states he has been telling people to vote for John King……..dont know how true.

    To be honest I did not even imagine that this sewage mess would still be a problem in May 2018…….when my friends booked their holiday in 2017….we told them dont worry the problem would be gone by the time they arrived…………sad to say they arrive tomorrow and the problem has gotten worse.

    What a government………so Stephen Lashley, you go right ahead and prosecute Mia Mottley! JA!

  32. @Lawson

    At your next weekly meeting please take John aside and explain what you meant when you used the “D word”

  33. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Lawson…do you remember the story as a child where this little Dutch kid, stuck his finger in a dyke to prevent the whole of Holland from flooding, maybe you can try that, it might work..

    One dude on the south coast with his beach chair business, built a dam out of sand to prevent the shit water from flowing into the sea and ruining his livelihood at Accra beach.


    you will note no one in the government you are waiting for to clean up the sewage even thought of that solution with their limited intellect and lack of creativity, but a brilliant beach worker did…so a dyke might not be such a bad idea after all.

  34. Lol WW I was standing right there as they took that picture and interviewed a bajan couple it was bad his little wall wasn’t going to last long. What you had described was wynnes and her girlfriends hallowe’en costume last year but where a finger once could suffice a fist is now needed

  35. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Lawson..that was cold..lol

    A tempory fix by a thinking man, instead of the idiot Boyce sending out workers from MTW to help make it a more permanent fix, he is claiming it will work, like if he is the one thought of it….limited intellect without even a temporay fix in his head.

  36. The sewage system breakdown, and the response to it is very sad . Accra beach and the boardwalk are in normal times such a great location to enjoy a stroll & sea bath. A public space that all can enjoy. It’s difficult to understand the thinking or lack thereof behind the response to this national emergency, and the money must be found without delay to provide a permanent and complete fix to the leaks. Bad as it is now there is much worse yet to come. Far from going away this problem will continue to snowball taking the South coast tourism revenues down the drain along with the putrid runoff. Really hope and pray that whoever forms the next government makes fixing the sewage system a top priority.

  37. The sewage CRISIS will get RESOLVED after the next hurricane hit Barbados.

    There will be a lot of foreign aid to help in “reconstruction.

  38. Freedom Crier Avatar


    Part of my Contribution to my Fellow Barbadians is to Bring Awareness of a System of Governance that is taking the Wind out of our Sails… As a Matter of Fact it is Causing this Island to be Strangled into Economic Slavery.


    I have brought some Serious Matters that Affect us All to TRY to Raise Awareness of the Root Cause of All our ills which Result in the Issues that have a Strangle Hold on Our Nation …

    It is by no means an Easy Topic…The Adversary does not want people to Awaken to the Terrible Rippling Effects of his Ideology that are all part of the nefarious age-old plan. Instituting Failed Socialist Policies is the name of the game. These are the means to win, because the object is never to be successful in solving problems. Instead the object is to sow continuous discord, foment confusion, erupt dissatisfaction, and promote grievances between the citizenry, in order to get gain from the tyranny of Socialist Governments oppression.

    Everyone Recognizes the Degeneration on Every Level of Existence in Barbados and we all kept busy discussing the Issues however No One Addresses the Root cause.


  39. Freedom Crier Avatar


    “There are only two means by which men can deal with one another: guns or logic, Force or Persuasion. Those who know that they cannot win by means of logic have always resorted to guns.”

    For this reason (among others), decent and peace-loving people everywhere should be alarmed at the emergence of “progressive” authoritarians in our midst. You know them when you see them: ambitious, power-seeking zealots who are full of plans for the lives of others; ivory-tower barbarians who busy their small minds with shutting down other opinions; witless activists who demand to live at the expense of others; and fanatic regulators, bureaucrats and busybodies who enjoy pushing other people around.


  40. Let’s hope there’s not an ecoli outbreak, or something worse.

  41. When Mia stated we needed to shut down key areas on the South Coast and fix the damn problem she was scoffed at as usual because we have become so political polarized. We have to focus on the issues!

  42. Me Rustic Bajan Sr. Avatar
    Me Rustic Bajan Sr.

    Surely Bush Tea have taught we, David, dat it all part o de “spiritual realm”?

    De shite on de steets, OBVIOUSLY, because of Ephesians. If we demolish that monument tuh Satan, everything will be copacetic.

  43. Looks like she is about to blow.

    “There has been no ease in the overflow of sewage on the island’s south coast.
    In a statement issued this evening, the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) warned that “recurring overflows, primarily in the Hastings, Rendezvous and Worthing, Christ Church areas indicate that the breach in the sewer line is worsening.”

    As part of a temporary measure, the BWA said its Wastewater Division has erected a sand bag barrier to contain overflows near the Rockley Beach facility.
    “This has minimized the drift of waste water onto the beach as septic tanks to address part of this issue will soon be installed, “ the BWA said.”

  44. Can’t an engineer have a little fun”

  45. John May 2, 2018 1:42 PM

    I see the Quakers are about to drop, or at least reduce, all references to God in the new edition of Quaker Faith and Practice.

  46. Me Rustic Bajan Sr. Avatar
    Me Rustic Bajan Sr.

    I know no Quakers. I note that Hal Austin seems to have made it the mission of his adult life to cultivate the world’s most ridiculous moustache.

    It got ma Bawlinn o dat ilk.

  47. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    A bunch of Johnnies and a Prime Minister that is too self absorbed to give two wuk ups and squeeze pooch about a sewage a crisis. I sorry is ass I was not home and he decided to come on any one of the family properties. I would welcome him with a topsy fill of piss from head to toe. And, to think they are a bunch of nitwits singing he and Chris Sinckler praises just because they pay off a few bills for them or get the son or daughter a job. Does not take much to buy off ignorant is shite Bajans.



    We can Each Can Do Our Part in Making Barbados Better. Now More Than Ever Barbadians Need to Support Each Other…

    Business on the South Coast are Dying…That is No Laughing Matter, Now more than ever they Need the Support of those who Really Care. They are those who Recognize that Deliberate Neglect and Decay Caused this problem in the first place and who Clearly See the Disastrous Ripple Effect it is Causing to our Tourist Industry including Locals Businesses on the South Coast!

    So are we going to be Part of the Demise or are we going to do Our Part in helping in such a Situation by our Continued Patronage to those Businesses on the South Coast of Barbados? Are we going to Extend a Helping Hand by our Continued Support or are we Going to Stand by and Watch those that are in the Hospitality Business see their Demise?

    Are we Going to be the Kind of Bajan’s that Says, “In this Situation I can help” and do so by Extending a Life Line to those who have been there to Fill their Needs in Better Times!

    We can Each Can Do Our Part in Making Barbados Better. Now More Than Ever Barbadians Need to Support Each Other…

    Thanks to All those for their Continual Patronage in these Very Challenging times. Remember that “We are there to Serve You to the Best of Our Ability!”


  49. Hal Austin
    May 2, 2018 1:51 PM

    John May 2, 2018 1:42 PM
    I see the Quakers are about to drop, or at least reduce, all references to God in the new edition of Quaker Faith and Practice.


    I formed the impression in my reading of their history that they had no doctrine, unlike the mainstream churches …. Roman Catholic, C of E etc.

  50. Just to say that it is surprising to hear of a new edition when my understanding was there was no edition!!

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