Grenville Phillips II, Leader of Solutions Barbados

Barbados is a small independent island, with a vulnerable open economy, in one of the most hazard prone regions on Earth.  We need a benefactor – someone who can support us in challenging times.

We were taught to accept the Queen as our benefactor, but she did not help us when we went through our last financial crisis in 1991.  Our politicians appear to have accepted that China is a better fit.  We are already indebted to China.  Given the reckless way in which our politicians, from both established parties, have borrowed in the past, it is foreseen that our debts to China will soon become unsustainable – we will not be able to afford to repay them.  What then?

Our financial professionals and business persons are recommending that we accept the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as our benefactor.  However, The IMF is an option if Barbados has the misfortune of electing the undisciplined politicians of the BLP or DLP.  They have both brought us to the brink of economic ruin.  However, the IMF will be no benefactor to Barbados.

Guyana’s IMF experience is instructive.  Within one year, of the Guyanese people were surrendered to the IMF by their irresponsible politicians, Guyana had fallen from being one of the richest Caribbean countries to one of the poorest.  Guyana’s politicians oversaw: a 70% devaluation of the dollar, doubling of income tax rates, a lack of supplies and maintenance parts, reduced social services, mass emigration of professionals, and 75% of the population in poverty.

Solutions Barbados has published the only non-austerity plan, that has been verified to reverse all of the previous downgrades and return Barbados to investment grade within one year.  Therefore, we have not yet run out of good options.

If Barbadians have the misfortune of selecting the IMF directed extreme austerity promised by others, then they will find that the IMF is not the benefactor they were convinced that they were, but it will be too late for all of us.  To whom should our politicians then surrender Barbados after they have wasted our resources?  To the Queen, the Chinese, or the IMF?

Perhaps we should remember the words of those who survived with far less resources and more hardship than we ever had.  The wisdom of our fore-parents is recorded in our Constitution.

“Now, therefore, the people of Barbados proclaim that they are a sovereign nation founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God, the dignity of the human person, their unshakeable faith in fundamental human rights and freedoms, and the position of the family in a society of free men and free institutions;  affirm their belief that men and institutions remain free only when freedom is founded upon respect for moral and spiritual values and the rule of law;”

Perhaps we need to be reminded that our benefactor is God, and He gives wisdom which can be applied to our knowledge in order to provide creative and productive results.  However, God has conditions for His help.

“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.” (Isaiah 59:1-2)

It is in all of our best interests if those whom we elect to represent all of us cultivate a relationship with God.  Irresponsible living does not facilitate that.  This is why morality is crucial to managing public affairs, especially when a nation has run out of all good options.

Solutions Barbados currently has 25 expert candidates with approximately 20 years of management experience.  They celebrate our human achievements, participate in the growth of our institutions, and acknowledge the supremacy of God alone.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and the founder of Solutions Barbados.  He can be reached at

126 responses to “The Grenville Phillips Column – Why Morality is Important”

  1. @ next part246

    nextparty246 March 22, 2018 at 10:28 PM #

    John2: We had more options then. Now, we are almost out of options.

    Hamilton: The BLP, DLP, and UPP have austerity mitigation plans. Solutions Barbados has the only non-austerity plan. We still have one good option left.

    Solutions Barbados is the only political party that plans to use this necessary life-saving equipment. The others want to surrender us to the severe austerity of an IMF program. If we eventually have to go that way, then fine. But why not at least try-out the lifesaving equipment that is already on board the boat?

    @ next party246:
    “we had more options then”
    “your solutions is the only one good option left”
    “if we have to go IMF eventually ,them fine”

    Why not go to IMF when we still have “at least one option”? Why use up our last option then have to go to IMF with nothing – and then if that happen , “then fine” by you???

    You don’t understand that what you are pushing is similar to what the Ds were pushing for the last five years. No IMF, Home grown solutions only.

    Barbados was prepared to bite the bullet from five years ago and would probably be out of or coming out of this mess that we are in now.

    We are more than ready to accept an IMF program to help get things turned around. This will be shown at the polls when the DLP and SB,who are both rejecting the IMF, are both massively rejected by the people.

  2. Cambridge Analytica?

    No political party in Barbados has the resources or could have them to operate at that level gerrymandering.

    One has to meagerly peep into the apparati to know this. When out of government, neither major party can hardly pay its light bill, far less buy sophisticated rigging.

    That is why SB is a wholly owned subsidiary of its leader, as was the NDP before. For the PM and the Leader of the Opposition are the managers of the largesse extracted to run these public relations events, sometimes known as general elections.

    These people are essentially petty criminals, nothing more. There is no political sophistication here, never was!

    We are not at all convinced that a critical mass of Bajans are stupid enough to talk/write all their sew-and-sew business on fuckbook daily. It would be a waste, in any case.

  3. David and Artax
    Wickham and Holder are both good for Barbados. We have no problem warching CNN, Fox, MSNBC and BBC–all partisan. What good is there in trying to be balanced when in reality it does not exists?

  4. BTW, there was never any ‘morality’ in politics of any kind, at any time.

    And there will never be

    Maybe it is SB which is in the wrong business

    And how could any political project succeed if the leader knows not what kind of business he is in

    Far less possessing a clear strategic intent.

    The latter is impossible

    When the former is absent.

  5. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ Grenville,

    There was a story in yesterday’s Nation newspaper that The Barbados Water Authority have threatened to disconnect its supply to the Royal Westmoreland, unless it settles an unpaid bill of five million Bajan dollars.

    They have repeatedly failed to settle their account.

    I would be interested to hear Grenville’s views on this matter.

    Non payment of taxes or bills puts the country at a severe disadvantage. How do we maintain our services and our infrastructure when we have large domestic and foreign businesses who consistently renege on fulfilling their duties to pay their taxes and bills.

    When will the government intervene and cut out this abuse of our sovereignty by those who feel that they are above our laws?

  6. Talking Loud Saying Nothing March 23, 2018 at 10:24 AM #

    Poor regulation once more. There should be a set time for sending out the first statements (two weeks after the set date), then a reminder (three weeks later), then supply disconnected aft et six weeks, no matter who you are. Do that and see how quickly the bill would be paid. Bds$5m, that is abuse.
    Who owns Royal Westmoreland, is it still the former owner of the English caravan park who sold up and moved upmarket in Barbados?
    People must think we are jokers. Just look at what the Irish-Canadian is doing in Skeete’s Bay and the Crane.

  7. Prodigal Son March 22, 2018 at 3:57 PM #

    These idiots have devalued Barbados and do not even seem to care…..(Quote)
    Does this devaluation include the currency? If so, between January of last year and January of this year the Barbados dollar has been devalued by eight per cent.
    Yet, not a Dickie bird by our politicians, central bankers, academics or media. Why?

    I ask again, why is this issue not discussed among the chatterrati in Barbados?

  8. Miller: The BLP have not disputed the claim that they copied the ideas of teaching students to start businesses at school, and opening a new bank at post offices, from Solutions Barbados. They did refer to a Cabinet paper where the idea of removing VAT from some food items was discussed but not implemented, even though they had 14 years to do so. Then they put it in a manifesto.

    John2: The DLP’s plan shows that they will eventually have to go to the IMF. Therefore, they should have gone to the IMF back in 2008 or 2009 rather than wasting the last 9 years. We are saying that we do not need to go to the IMF – there is still an non-austerity option.

    Talking: I read the article. There seems to have been a misunderstanding on the initial terms, which the BWA and Royal Westmoreland need to discuss. The resolution of this matter is being poorly managed – which is typical. An adjudicator should provide a determination quickly.

  9. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hal Austin March 23, 2018 at 10:30 AM

    What do you mean by “poor regulation”?
    The procedure which you proposed for collection of amounts due to the BWA has been in place for donkey (y)ears.

    Ask ordinary Bajans who do Not settle their water bills in the stipulated deadlines (even for amounts less than $200.00) what happens to them with many having to resort to the old standpipe like those of your Ivy league of living days.

    By not seeing the Bajan forest for the UK trees you keep missing the bigger (helicopter) picture of blatant political interference and its concomitant incestuous social relationships based on class and privileges of who is who in Barbados.

    Just take a look at what is being played out on the Crane beach or the blatant refusal to adhere to ‘regulatory instructions’ by the principals behind the illegal construction of the abutment onto the highway outside the Coverley housing encampment which ‘could have contributed negligently’ to the loss of an innocent young life?

    Don’t these glaring examples of political interference in the regulatory environment ring a similar bell to the one which led to the CLICO fiasco with or without the regulatory expertise of the acting SoI Mrs. Braithwaite?

    Local knowledge is not 20/20 vision but a checklist on reality.

    When you are ‘off’ the draught board and looking at all the ‘shots’ from a distance of over 4,000 miles you automatically become the Suki King of London.

  10. A MUSLIM WOMAN’S RIGHT to wear the head scarf (hijab) when taking pictures for identification is one of the key issues the community wants addressed as the 2018 General Election looms over Barbados.(Quote)

    The answer to this unnecessary question is no. They must obey the law of the land. Even people who wear gasses cannot take official photographs in their glasses. If these people want to be fundamentalists, then to Sunni Saudi Arabia or Shia Iran – not secular Barbados.

  11. Solutions/GP are some crazy people. I guess the BLP members just allowing you to hang yourself.

    The policy on health foods first appeared in the 2008 manifesto 10 years ago and clearly precedes your 3 year old policy.

    On business in schools
    “It is critical that our educational system plays its part in reinforcing the basics of entrepreneurship so that our students enter adulthood with the skills needed to successfully start their own businesses.” Page 21, BLP Manifesto 2013

    Curriculum Reform – Entrepreneurship
    We will forge close collaboration between the Barbados Entrepreneurship Foundation and
    the Ministry of Education towards the goal of making Barbados the #1 Entrepreneurial Hub
    in the World by 2020. Page 53 BLP manifesto 2013

    Curriculum Reform
    We will: Place greater emphasis on entrepreneurship, citizenship, education, science and technology and arts, culture and creative industries. Page 21, BLP Manifesto 2008

    Expand the coverage of the YES Juniors Entrepreneurial Education programme to
    the five (5) remaining Secondary Schools and the fifty-two (52) Primary Schools. Page 22, BLP Manifesto 2008

    Develop National Youth Camps that focus on entrepreneurship education for persons between the ages of 8-17 years. Page 23, BLP Manifesto 2008

    Objective 1.1 : To Expand the Level of Education and Training.

    The knowledge-based, skill-intensive economy is powered by ideas, innovation and technology. A sound basic education with emphasis on critical-thinking and problem solving skills and an entrepreneurial outlook and attitude are therefore essential for our continued social development.

    Promote, at all educational levels, the development of critical-thinking skills and an entrepreneurial outlook. Page 54-55, National Strategic Plan 2006-2025

    On the Post Office
    Both the 2008 and 2013 manifestos speak to intensifying the conversion of the post office into a corporate entity and I have heard Dale Marshall talking about the post office expanding to offer services similar to the UK. Not to mention they could have “stolen” it from Hal of BU fame, according to him. lol

  12. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    That topic pf the 1500 or so muslims in Barbados trying to use the upcoming election in extortion and bribery, 7 water coolers to a few schools to get to dictate and demand the government let them wear headress for photo IDs, which happens nowhere else in the world, particularly when the over 260,000 native Bajans cant wear head covers for photo IDs, caused nothing but trouble on facebook yesterday.

    A thousand votes from the muslim community does not equate to their making demands from government, there are not enough of them to sway any election and they should not be allowed to use the election, bribery or extortion to manipulate any government in Barbados to demand anything, it is very disrespectful to the majority population.

    Time for these half assed governments to set these minorities who have ulterior motives to control the bajan population…straight, once and for all.

    Minority populations of a couple thousand people should not be dictating to, making demands of or controlling majority populations or governments …continue that shit to your own detriment….stop allowing history to repeat itself you stupid government ministers and politicians.

  13. Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    It is unreasonable to blame EVERY situation on “poor regulation,” (which seems to be the preferred critique of everything in this island), especially before availing oneself of the relevant information…… making it seem as though Barbadians are “bush people who operate ‘willy nilly.”

    Everyone knows there is “a set time for sending out” water bills, and depending on where in the island you are located, you know when you will receive the bill. There are also procedures in place to deal with the nonpayment of water bills and disconnection of the water supply. Reminders are sent to those customers whose accounts are in arrears and a date given to settle. If customers fail to settle on or before the specified date, their water supply is disconnected. However, customers experiencing financial difficulties can visit the BWA for leniency.

    You can log onto the below website to view the format of the water bill.

    Unfortunately, the rules and regulations are readily enforced when ORDINARY Barbadians do not settle the arrears and the water supply is disconnected.

    I know of a case where a BWA employee was sent to disconnect the water supply of two poor people living in Britton’s Hill and a “well to do” person living in Fort George Heights. When he went to Fort George Heights, he was confronted by a female occupant who told not to touch the meter. He immediately received a phone call from “someone in authority” who told him to leave the premises. The guy said if he had visited Fort George Heights first, he would not have disconnected the supply of those two Britton’s Hill folks.

    But I can understand the rationale given for the BWA not disconnecting hotels’ water supply. Doing such would have an adverse affect on the tourism industry. Imagine, for example, guests paying US$5,000 per night for a room at Royal Westmoreland and waking up one morning to discover they can’t take a shower.

  14. This is similar to what I have been mentioning in this forum on several occasions. Foreign investors in the tourism sector are allowed “to get away with murder,” because the island has a heavy dependence on tourism. Government does not want to offend these investors, lest they “pull stumps” and locate to another island. And knowing this, the investors exploit the situation.

    Another example is the recruiting process of hotels. Considering the amount of concessions given to this sector and the amount spent on educating students and preparing them for the hotel industry, government should be more forceful in stipulating that more Barbadians should be recruited for senior management positions or place a limit on the amount of work permits a hotel could apply for.

    On the other hand, I could see a scenario unfolding where, for example, the tourism minister puts pressure on Sandy Lane Hotel to recruit more Barbadians in senior management positions and the Sandy Lane owners decide, in retaliation to no longer sponsor Barbados’ premier horse racing event……… the “Sandy Lane Gold Cup.” And the ministers would miss out on the photo opts, mingling with the rich and famous, eating shrimp….drinking Moët & Chandon or Dom Perignon.

    I posted an article in which was mentioned Butch Stewart wanted to hold the Antiguan government to ransom and Gaston Browne passed legislation to prevent such an occurrence. I also mentioned that we should be concerned because these developments could have implications on us, since we also gave Stewart and Sandals 40 years of tax free concessions.

    Rather than discuss these issues, we prefer to waste time “discussing” non issues such as Natlee, while comparing her to Maya Angelou and mentioning she could attend BCC or UWI to pursue social work.

  15. Enuf: It is a waste of time responding to SB. The opposition can state its plans ONLY, and I must repeat “ONLY” if it had won the elections in 2008 and 2013. All parties bring manifestos, but only the winner can implement those plans. Oh what a weak solution Solutions.

  16. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ nextparty246 March 23, 2018 at 10:56 AM #

    “Miller: The BLP have not disputed the claim that they copied the ideas of teaching students to start businesses at school, and opening a new bank at post offices, from Solutions Barbados.”

    What are these “businesses” that would be taught in schools?
    Selling sour ackees and stolen mangoes along the highways to secure $10 tips from condescending people in their tinted limousines?

    How about teaching them how to sell knockoff Chinese-made trinkets marked ‘Souvenir of Barbados’?

    Why not teach them how to be good honest hardworking farmers and gardeners like your first man Adam and his sons in your book of myths and legends so that they can be proud to produce rum ‘genuinely made’ from Bajan molasses and locally made medicines concocted from Bajan grown mary jane instead of the imported synthetic placebos made in India and other drug factories in Central and South America?

    Grenville, you need to get with the programme as far as the banking and financial services sectors are concerned. What Post Office bank what?

    The world of banking is moving into cyberspace, not within the physical walls of retail outlets scattered across the 11 parishes of Barbados.

    Post Offices- like standpipes and the horse and buggy- are things of the past and remain there as long as ICT is in the reach of the ordinary man and woman.

    Who would be working in these branches other than automatons programmed with AI?

  17. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Reference the Muslim woman and the headscarf. She quoted that Barbados was not respecting ” International Standards”!

    I would love to see Alvin and Well Well walking on the beach in their swimwear hand-in-hand in either Saudi Arabia or Iran! They would be thrown in prison.

    Yesterday’s Nation was at it’s finest. I read the “lame” Advocate and there was scarcely any domestic news it concentrated on international news.

    The news pouring out of Barbados is grim, grim and grimmer. The vast majority of the black population are becoming increasingly disenfranchised and the new arrivals and the minorities are becoming bolder, more assertive and more aggressive aided and abetted by a black-led government.

    Something will have to give.

    The BBC’s radio programme on China in Kenya was deeply revealing.

  18. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    The problems in Barbados with incompetence and inefficiency are predominantly bad decision making by ministers who are not skilled or qualified in making commonsense decisions..

    …. and ministerial interference in every department which would run smoothly by experienced public servants if there was no politically tainted corrupt interference…by ministers..

    The permanent secretaries already know their jobs, most for decades, ministers come and go but permanent secretaries are PERMANENT.

  19. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Muslims who want to get photo IDs with head covers, should go live in Saudi Arabia or Iran….if I ever visited any of those countries, I would not be demanding to walk on their beaches in bikini, I would have a hell of a lot more respect for the majority population and their culture…rules, processes and regulations than are currently being displayed by the 1500 muslims in Barbados.

    Barbados is not a muslim country and should not be allowed to become one…

    …..African countries made that error of allowing muslim extremism, demands and sharia law to creep in and invade the continent and have centuries ahead of chaos, death and destruction… remove that mistake and threat to African people..

  20. The leaked draft BLP manifesto is a superior document to the manifesto issued by Soutions. Easily!

  21. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    North America and Europe have banned these muslim burqas and head coverings in public, particularky if the face is covered, they certainly will not allow muslims to take photo IDs with head coverings, it is about safety to the population and nothing to do with discrimination or stopping religious practices, and it certainly does not violate any internstional standards, the muslim girl is a liar.

  22. NorthernObserver Avatar

    early in your writings as leader of SB, you made reference to the two major parties, attempting to outpromise the other, in an attempt to gain votes.
    Now you have gone from rigorous discussion to ” has been verified to reverse all of the previous downgrades and return Barbados to investment grade within one year.”
    Verified by whom? S&P? Moody’s? Fitch? Barbados is currently at S&P CCC+, investment grade is BBB-. Between the two is B-/B/B+/BB-/BB/BB+. That is SEVEN level upgrades in 1 year?
    Last week you suggested you had received a Report from a CA, which confirmed that under a SB “Plan” Barbados would be running a surplus after year 1 and “This means that Barbados reverses all the downgrades and returns to investment grade in their first year.”`
    A single annual surplus does not erase a nation’s debt?
    Especially appreciating part of your “Plan” is local debt forgiveness….”To address the non-payment of taxes, all taxes of any type owed to Government by individuals and businesses will be forgiven.”

    As per last week……kindly produce the CA Report. To me, it seems you have jumped on the bandwagon of ‘outpromising’. Or has your Saviour indicated some form of divine intervention?

  23. Talking Loud Saying Nothing March 23, 2018 at 12:39 PM #

    Once again you are very perceptive. There are about 10000 Chinese and in East Africa (I cannot remember f Kenya or Uganda) restaurant owners regularly throw Africans out of their restaurants for all kind of reasons.
    Remember when the Chinese woman in Guyana shot the little boy sent by his mother to buy some goods? Whatever happened to that.
    @Talking Loud, you have obviously seen this scenario being played out in other theatres; I have seen how it has transformed key areas in the UK for the last fifty years to the level that certain parts of the country are no longer recognisable.
    I have also seen the grooming, the smiles and donations and telephone calls to say how wonderful they are: one highly reputable Barbadian has told me how she gets telephone calls informing her of the community work they do; it is propaganda.
    I have even seen fundamentalist Muslims in Barbados making donations to Christian churches, the very people they execute in Pakistan.
    Sadly, Barbadians may learn when it is too late. As to wearing the hijab and burqa, you know and I know that they are not allowed to wear these wrappings in public in a number of European countries.
    It has nothing to do with religion as senior Imans have made it clear this is not compulsory in Islam.
    We have a situation in Barbados in which an Iman is regularly given free range to write rot in one of our newspapers, where the editor has abandoned all responsibility as far as content is concerned..
    Barbados is sleep-walking in to danger, but this time there will be no return. @Talking Loud, at this time of a general election I know how they operate: the big man will get them all to join constituency political parties; they will make decent donations of money and goods; they will smile and grin at the candidate and be always on hand to do whatever work is needed. Did you see the audience at the recent BLP public meeting?
    It is a culture of grooming. Making incremental demands is part of the strategy, but they il not stop here. They will continue until we are part of the caliphate.

  24. Hal
    You need help.

  25. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “NewsUKHome News
    Cambridge Analytica: Investigators raid London offices after search warrant granted
    Decision comes four days after Elizabeth Denham says she wants access to records

    Harriet Agerholm @HarrietAgerholm 2 hours ago19 comments

    The Independent Online

    The building in which company Cambridge Analytica are based on 21 March 2018 in London Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images
    Officers for the Information Commission have begun to search of Cambridge Analytica’s central London offices after a High Court judge granted a warrant.

    Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham wanted access to records and data in the control of the London-based company amid claims that Facebook data may have been illegally acquired and used for political campaigns.

    Ms Denham announced on Monday she would seek an urgent warrant to search the offices, but a hearing on the matter was adjourned on Thursday.

    Mark Zuckerberg on Cambridge Analytica: ‘I’m really sorry’
    The warrant was only granted on Friday evening. Less than an hour later, a group of 18 people, some wearing ICO enforcement jackets, were led by a woman holding a piece of paper that appeared to be a warrant.

    They walked up a side set of stairs at the building in New Oxford Street, London, and were seen on the second floor – where Cambridge Analytica is thought to have its offices.”

  26. @Hal Austin March 23, 2018 at 4:17 PM “They will continue until we are part of the caliphate.”

    What “we” are you talking about?

    By the time that happens you will be well dead, just like Enoch Powell was dead, dead,dead, dead as a doornail, after 37 years of slopping at the public trough, before rivers of blood ran in the streets on London.

  27. @WWC
    Do you mind starting your own blog, website, newspaper or something, you litter topics with irrelevant information and when you do post your thoughts/opinions it is more often than not salacious, malicious and libelous crap.

  28. @Pachamama March 23, 2018 at 8:34 AM “Cambridge Analytica? No political party in Barbados has the resources or could have them to operate at that level gerrymandering.”

    Somehow the political class in St. Kitts Nevis with a population of less than 60,000, including new born babies found the money to hire the white boys at Cambridge Anal–lick–ita. I don’t know where they found the money to pay Cambridge Anal–lick–ita.

    Pay a white boy to fly from and to London, put him up at a fancy hotel, feed him—and then expect to persuade poor people with corned beef and rum and biscuits.

  29. If somebody want to bribe me maybe I would fall for an all expenses paid week at Sandy Lane, and if they have any sense they would throw in a handsome young fella.

  30. @Enuff March 23, 2018 at 9:41 AM “Wickham and Holder are both good for Barbados.”

    Don’t share your views. When I hear Maureen I turn off my radio.

  31. @nextparty246 March 23, 2018 at 10:56 AM “There seems to have been a misunderstanding on the initial terms, which the BWA and Royal Westmoreland need to discuss. The resolution of this matter is being poorly managed – which is typical. An adjudicator should provide a determination quickly.”

    Misunderstand what?

    Discuss what?

    Poorly managed what?

    Adjucator what?

    Two weeks ago the BWA cut off a poor struggling mother’s water. She owed less than $200, and has a toddler in the house. She lives about a mile as the crow flies from Royal Westmoreland.

    It seems to me that Royal Westmoreland wanted to buy the water from BWA and then retail it to its residents. At a much higher price maybe? And after all BWA does all the work of extracting, cleaning and delivering the water.

    One has to be tough with these capitalists fvckers, otherwise they will bvll you without vaseline.

  32. @Hamilton Hill March 22, 2018 at 7:49 AM “As a former rabid supporter of the Democratic Labour Party I have not so fond memories of looking up to Dennis, Michael, another Dennis and Stephen my four favorite politicians.

    Never ever be a rabid supported of any political party. Treat them all as though they want something from you.

    Because believe me they want to extract from you all that they can.

    Even 90 day vacations with benefits, all fully paid for with your tax money.

    Don’t ever look up to anybody. Look any man or woman straight in the eye, except for little stevie, of course you have to look down on him.

  33. Simple Simon March 23, 2018 at 8:03 PM #

    You are spot on. I will be long gone by then, hopefully. But the way things are going they may get control of the nation before very long. Barbados is low hanging fruit to people skilled at taking over countries.
    Look at what the Guptas did to South Africa in the space off eight years, and that had nothing to do with what is going on in Durban? We need proper scrutiny and comprehensive auditing of the assets of our senior public servants.

  34. @Hal Austin March 23, 2018 at 11:48 AM “A MUSLIM WOMAN’S RIGHT to wear the head scarf (hijab) when taking pictures for identification)…The answer to this unnecessary question is no. They must obey the law of the land. Even people who wear gasses cannot take official photographs in their glasses. If these people want to be fundamentalists, then to Sunni Saudi Arabia or Shia Iran – not secular Barbados.”

    Sometimes the law of the land is wrong. Didn’t the law of this land keep my ancestors and yours in slavery for hundreds of years?

    There is nothing fundamentalist about a Muslim’s woman veil. The Koran of course does not demand, but only advises veiling.

    And how would you plan to deport a Bajan born Muslim to Saudi Arabia or Iran?

    And would you also deport the Bajan born black woman who went to elementary school with me in the early sixties, and who converted to Islam more than 50 years ago and who always wear her veil.

    Where would you send her?

    And why?

    And how?

  35. Is it true that the BWA delivers water to Coverley thru one single commercial water meter (which it is assumed is used to calculate what they charge and are paid) but then the water is distributed by the developer to homeowners who in turn are then charged residential rates?

    The correct term for such a venture is Water Arbitrage. If true, is this water arbitrage legal/permissible?

  36. @Hal Austin March 23, 2018 at 8:54 PM “We need proper scrutiny and comprehensive auditing of the assets of our senior public servants.”

    Should we have proper scrutiny and comprehensive auditing of the assets of the political class and their friends and family too? Whether or not those friends and family have leprosy.

    And if not, why not?

    And surely you can’t be so naive as not to understand that if senior public servants are thieving, they thieve with the complicity of the political class.

    Or maybe you will say again that talk about thieving politicians isjust gossip, while thieving public servants are in fact thieves.

    Maybe you spent too much time in Sunday School in the Ivy.

    However I did not.

  37. If this is true then while the homeowner is technically not paying more for water than the normal residential water rates the creation/existence of an arbitrage means that the BWA is losing valuable revenue by a scheme which might not be legal/permissible.
    What about Bizzy, does Millenium Heights also make a water arbitrage on the sale of water to homehowers there?

  38. @Artax March 23, 2018 at 12:17 PM “Imagine, for example, guests paying US$5,000 per night for a room at Royal Westmoreland and waking up one morning to discover they can’t take a shower.”

    If the guests are paying $5,000 USD per day, or even $50 USD per day they are entitled to water, and if the establishment does not provide the water, then the guests should sue the hotel. I am sure that there are plenty of shark-like lawyers local and foreign who would be only too happy to sue the hotel.

    I does do a lil thing pun the side and only charge $50 USD per day, and yes I got my water bill this week and paid it before the due date, which is March 30, next week Friday/Good Friday.

    Wunna does be too soft with these capitalists. You have to speak to capitalists in the language that they understand and the name of that language is MONEY.

    I think that far too many of the political class spent too much time in sunday school. [which is why I am not voting for Solutions Barbados] I bet that most of these capitalists fvckers did not spend a single day in sunday school.

    If they don’t pay. Cut them off. Stop feeling sorry for people who are far richer than you are.

  39. @Artax March 23, 2018 at 12:20 PM “…And the ministers would miss out on the photo opts, mingling with the rich and famous, eating shrimp….drinking Moët & Chandon or Dom Perignon.”

    Alcohol is alcohol, is alcohol. When the alcohol hits your head, your brain does not care whether it is AA white, or Moët & Chandon, or Dom Perignon. The brain does not care. And fish is fish is fish. When it hits your stomach your stomach does not care whether is is flying fish, saltfish, red herring or shrimp (except you are more likely to have an allergic reaction to shrimp).

    People got to stop letting themselves be seduced by petty foolishness.

  40. @Artax March 23, 2018 at 12:20 PM “Rather than discuss these issues, we prefer to waste time “discussing” non issues such as Natlee, while comparing her to Maya Angelou.”

    I ask you again.

    What were Maya’s achievements when she was Natlee’s age?

  41. These morons have allowed this “redman” to royally screw all Barbadians.

    Does Michael Lashley have any sense at all?

    He gave away Barbados to these ‘redmen”. What black jackasses they are! …….and dont tell me that Fumble did not know what these idiots were doing. Can Fumble claim that he did not know that the Stinkliar was transferring over $2 million dollars every month illegally? For this the Stinkliar should be charged with financial crimes…….a charge for every illegal transfer.

    Stinkliar seems to have the belief that the taxpayers’ money is his…….. hence the blatant misuse of money like it was candy to be shared away how and when he liked.

    Not a black man can claim to have receive any of this largess that was shared away so lavishly at the taxpayers’ expense!……..and these SOB’s would not leave our place!

  42. @Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service March 23, 2018 at 12:53 PM “North America and Europe have banned these muslim burqas and head coverings in public, particularky if the face is covered, they certainly will not allow muslims to take photo IDs with head coverings,

    So does that mean that North America and Europe are right?

    Doesn’t both North America and Europe have long and virulent histories of racism and religious intolerance? Sexism too. Didn’t the people who came to North America, Central America and South America kill off most of the indigenous people? Wasn’t it a European country which killed 6 million Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and others within the living memory of some of us?

    Why should Europeans and North Americans be moral arbiters over anybody?

    A burqa is the big tent like thingy worn in Afghanistan. Keeps the body warm in the harshly cold Afghan climate. I’ve never seen a burqa wearing woman in Barbados. Have you?

    The Muslim women here wear the abaya, essentially a long dress, not so different from the robes worn by Christian priests, altar servers, and choristers. Not so different from the wedding dresses worn by Christian, Hindu, Rastafari and Jewish women, and by their bridal attendants, even the 3 year old mini brides. Lolll!!! I am not sure what the 3 year old is supposed to hide, unless there are perverts around.

    It wasn’t so long ago that my Christian church demanded that I cover my head while in church. How soon we forget.

    The Muslim community is not asking for ID’s to be taken with the face covered by the niqab or face veil. If they did so any sensible government would be within its rights to say no.

    if you want to ask really hard questions you should ask why Judism, Christianity, Rastafari and Islam all demand that women cover themselves in excessive quantities of cloth even in 30 degree heat and 100% humidity. [Had a sister who almost fainted on her wedding day, all that cloth, and long sleeves, and high neck] Is this nonsense supposed to prevent men from looking at women. Has it worked? Does it work? Don’t men still look at women?

    Why can’t Judism, Christianity and Islam not DEMAND that men avert their eyes?

    And the old fashioned penalty of jukking out the eyes of the disobedient might just work.

  43. Had a friend living in Saudi Arabia wearing the abaya and head cover and still men pulling out their doggies, and hissing at her from across the street and masturbating. Had the same thing happen to me walking fully clothed home from work.

  44. @ Simple Simon
    …Had the same thing happen to me walking fully clothed home from work.
    ???? Someone pulled out your doggie too….? !!! ?

  45. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Dr. Simple…ya missed the whole point…no nprth american or european can walk in the beaches in Saudia Arabia or any middle eastern country in bikinis, you HAVE TO observe their rules, regulations, customs and religious practices……in the middle east….with all their faults, these countries tried to accomodate the religious practices if6 muslims and got thier asses bombed by extremists. ..over the years, so it is in their best interests and fir their popukation’s safety ti curb muslims hiding their faces under the pretence if religion.

    Maybe you have never been stuck in a train in a tunnel because some crazy muslim extremist had threatened to blow up the subway station, but I have, with my then 5 year old daughter.

    Unless you see it as such….I do not believe Barbados is a muslim country, the over 280 thousand citizens do not have to indulge or cave into to the demands, bribery or extortion of 1500 muslim residents who have been made to believe by reckless, corrupt politicians that they can do whatever they like and demand whatever they like, even if it goes against the island’s laws……

    You have conpletely gone off subject….this is about a handful of muslims being disrespectful to the Barbados population and Barbados’ laws as it relates to taking an ID photo….and trying to impose there own customs which does not amount to a handful of beans or benefit the island in any way, but can be dangerous going forward .. on the Barbados population.

    Try to understand the risks associated with having a small bunch of people who never have respect for the island’s majority population to begin with trying to force their will on you…it is not rocket science.

    Ask your friend how restrictive living in Saudi Arabia is and how quickly as a westerner you can end up in prison for the smallest infractions, let alone, drug trafficking, gun running, illegal cigarette sales…and a whole lot of criminal activity that muslims on the island never have to fear going to prison for because of the two shitty governments who have indulged them in these criminal behaviors for decades.. yes, people on the island have a right to be downright angry that muslims believe they can deem themselves more special than the entire population and not have to observe any laws or procedures that were meant for everyone.

  46. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    no north american or european can walk on the beaches in Saudia Arabia or any middle eastern country in bikinis, you HAVE TO observe their rules, regulations, customs and religious practices……in the middle east…or go to prison.

    ….with all their faults, these countries tried to accomodate the religious practices of muslims and got thier asses bombed by extremists in thanks. ..over the years… it is in their best interests and for their populations own safety to curb muslims hiding their faces, identities and distinguishing identifying marks under the pretence and cover of religion.

    Maybe it’s time for reckless government ministers and politicians to consider their own people’s safety for once in their neglectful lives.

  47. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    I even forget to mention…the shit muslims in Barbados get away with, they can get caned, beaten within an inch of your life, lose a hand or executed for by the state in any middle eastern country.

  48. Simple Simon
    You turn off your radio, mine is never on.😂😂 But having the option of hearing two sides is still good for Bim, even if Maureen talks a lotta RH.

  49. @Bush Tea March 23, 2018 at 10:55 PM “Someone pulled out your doggie too Murduh!!!”

    I gine ask the reverend to pray for you when I go to church tomorrow.

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