Click Barbados Today image to read article
David Comissiong Responds to Barbados Today story – BLP PLOT – see this February 2012 PEP Press Release:




As a result of a protest launched by Mac Fingall, Stedson Wiltshire, and other residents of St Philip, the eyes of the Barbadian people are fixed on Skeete’s Bay!

But the Peoples Empowerment Party (PEP) wishes to warn the citizens of Barbados that an even more prominent and culturally important beach is in danger of being taken away from native Barbadians and turned into an enclave for wealthy, white North American and European tourists! We refer to none other than Brown’s Beach – the world famous Browne’s Beach that extends across the length of Carlisle Bay in the parish of St Michael.

All Barbadians know Browne’s Beach. It is reputed to be one of the finest beaches in the world, and, along with Brandon’s Beach, is the beach of choice of the black, working-class people of Barbados.

It is also a beach that is famous in the native literature of Barbados. Our very own national poet laureate – Kamau Brathwaite – virtually grew up on Browne’s beach, and was so shaped by this experience that Browne’s Beach became the spiritual and cultural source and centre of a number of his most important poems.

Go to Browne’s Beach any time of the day and any day of the week, and you will find hundreds of black Barbadians communing with each other, and enjoying this magnificent and priceless component of their birth-right. Indeed, many Barbadians will tell you that Browne’s Beach is their health spa and doctor combined together, for it is the place where they escape from the stresses of life and rejuvenate their spirits.

It is against this background that we in the PEP were recently shocked to learn that one or more business consultants are currently engaged in developing a plan to offer up Browne’s Beach as the location for a number of foreign, brand-name hotel companies to construct opulent five star hotels on this most loved of Barbadian beaches!

The President of the PEP has actually spoken to one of the consultants, and heard the same type of unedifying and self-serving rationalizations that the Canadian capitalist – Paul Doyle – has advanced in relation to the Skeete’s Bay project. According to these people, we Barbadians should be willing to let go of national assets like Browne’s Beach because we are dependent on foreign exchange, and foreign companies are well equipped to market their properties internationally and to bring additional thousands of precious tourists to our shores.

All of these capitalist businessmen talk as though the people of Barbados only exist on the material plane – as though we Barbadians are similar to pigs whose only purpose in life is to be fattened! They all seem to overlook that we are human beings with spiritual, cultural and psychological yearnings and needs!

Well, before this private sector driven idea of turning over Browne’s Beach to “foreign brand-name hotels” gets any further, the PEP is hereby firing a warning shot across the bow of our Ministry of Tourism, and indeed, across the bow of the entire Cabinet. And we are telling them that Browne’s Beach is much too sacred to the native people of Barbados for us to stand idly by and permit it to become an alien zone that is effectively off limits to us.

As it is, we Barbadian people are already sharing Browne’s Beach with a sizeable number of North American and European tourists. And we are happy to do so. But a balance must be maintained, and Browne’s Beach must never be permitted to become one of your typical West Coast beaches – beaches that native Barbadians feel no longer belong to them!

Furthermore, the time has come when we Barbadians must consciously set out to take firm control of our nation, and mould it in accordance with our own ideas, needs and predilections.

We have been operating hotels in Barbados for over 200 years now, and we know about the hotel and tourism industry. We don’t need any foreign tutelage! Let us therefore resolve that future hotel and tourism development will, as far as possible, be based in the construction of locally owned hotels, guest houses and related facilities that radiate the unique culture and hospitality of Barbados and Barbadians.

Thus, if there is to be any further tourism related development along Browne’s Bay, let us ensure that it is owned by and evocative of Barbadians. And let Brown’s Beach always remain a place where Barbadians feel at home!



72 responses to “Foolish Freundel and the Ridiculous Barbados Today Story”

  1. David

    Why are you even bothering to respond to Freundel Stuart? He is showing himself to be like a caged animal who is so agitated that it cannot get out of its cage.

    He is desperately trying to hold on to power……..five full years have passed since the last General Election and he would not call the election. He is a desperate man and is making more and more outrageous statements.

    Example…… people have a problem with Chris because of where he went to school…….

    Pity him, he speaks as if he does not have family……….in fact the cabinet he leads is famous for nepotism!

    Ignore the moron…….a man who got what he never expected and should never have been the Prime Minister of Barbados………sat by while his ministers destroyed our fair land. The man has no credibility.

  2. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Fruendel is marking time, his bag of tricks is empty.

    Bye Felicia.!!!!

  3. @Prodigal Son

    Correction, David Comissiong responded to Freundel.

  4. Sorry David, I meant David Comissiong as well!

  5. A plot to stop that which ought not……….to have been in the first place. Hyatt is a forced ripe-and out of scaled hotel project, one which unsympathetic to its surroundings.

  6. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service February 28, 2018 at 8:07 PM #
    Fruendel is marking time, his bag of tricks is empty.
    Bye Felicia.!!!!

    Not that easy to break up and say goodbye to this lot of deceitful lying political pimps.
    These low-class men (and women) from whichever Secondary schooling- both elected and non-elected through the most dishonorably dishonestly deceitful means and now totally punch-drunk with the addiction of political power- intend to remain in office by whatever means imaginable.

    You can expect ‘fireworks’ to be part of their display of gunplay already practiced by their known and soon-to-be hired gunslingers.

    These wild boys (and girls), so aptly identified by OSA, are so viciously desperate that they are prepared to destroy Barbados both economically and socially in order to prove that the two “B’s” in ‘B’ ar ‘b’ ados no longer stand for ‘Barbados Better with the Bees’ since Barrow died.

    How else would you explain the on-going situation with the South coast sewerage temporary ‘minor’ inconvenience despite almost three years of serious warnings about the inevitably serious economic and social ramifications?

  7. Unfortunately Barbados has one TV station only and therefore another view is not possible.We boast of this and that and this carbuncle remains whereby the ruling party can dish out all its propaganda and those of an opposing view must put up with the JA’s in our living room because,locally,there is no TV alternative.
    This is the second occasion Stuart shows how unprepared he is when he goes to the public with misleading and false claims.First he pardoned the pardoned ”37 rioters.Now a 2012 media release has become a family conspiracy to get rid of dem in 2018.Speak of perspicacity!

  8. this is so pathetic i dont even know if i should laugh or cry. for the first time i truly feel ashamed to be “represented” by fumble. why is he still loitering on bay street?

  9. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Peter Holder February 28, 2018 at 9:13 PM #
    “A plot to stop that which ought not……….to have been in the first place. Hyatt is a forced ripe-and out of scaled hotel project, one which unsympathetic to its surroundings.”

    Stop focusing on the Hyatt high-performance ‘PR’ (physical relief) form and zero in on its financing substance.

    Where is the money coming from to support this massive erection in a Lilliputian city?

    Since no local State-dependant set of parasites calling themselves the Bajan business class would ever put a dime of their own ‘Marked Maloney money’ at such serious risk you ought to ask yourself which brave gambling ‘foreign’ investors would be putting up in excess of US100 million to finance the construction of a 1970’s mass hotel of the Miami Beach and Las Vegas tourism style in a fast climate-changing fragile environment of a ‘SIDS country with junk-bond status and an accelerating negative economic outlook.

    Don’t expect Butch Stewart to put his tax-free money behind Hyatt which would be in competition with his Sandals on the two Beaches.

    Neither should you expect the Chinese to be backing Hyatt on the West when they have their own rebuilt Sam Lord’s to be Emperor in his Eastern palace over which the sun will not set.

  10. @Gabriel February 28, 2018 at 9:24 PM #

    They said they are “working with the Productivity Council to come up with a strategic plan for the future” (Nationnews).

    This is so typical for Barbados! There is no single boss to develop and implement a plan through his minions. All you see is some “counsel” where some lads sit with suit and tie, talking without action. And at the end, if at all, a “strategic plan” which is too vague, never be implemented.

    I see no strong men as leaders in Barbados. I only see small and shy boys in suits for adults. So sad.

  11. I don’t believe there is any family plot to stop Hyatt .

    However you should all be aware of the incestuous nature of politics in Barbados.

    There is also the us ( wild boys ) versus them ( political elite ) in Bajan life and politics.

    Love the coordinated white tops of David and Mia.

    Now back to the real problem.


  12. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Fumble partied, let off fireworks, erected an ugly monument and overall had a really good time celebrating 50 proud years of independence while ignoring the fact that shit flowing in the street was a possible warning sign that the South Coast sewage system was in serious trouble.

  13. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ David Comissiong,

    Interesting use of the word “Natives” to describe the majority Negro population. I trust that you are well aware that your typical native throughout history has a habit of becoming displaced and marginalised. The Aborigines of Australia come to mind.

    Paul Doyle is a capitalist. His priority in life is very simple and that is to make money by the bucket load! Barbados has always been a low hanging fruit. Firstly, it is governed by a group of morally bankrupt Negros who in a previous life were ex-slaves. Secondly, it is being scandalously mismanaged. Thirdly, the majority of its Negro population are indifferent to the fate of their country and their descendants. Fourthly, Bajan Negros are simply too frightened to become socially and politically assertive.

    Given the above, it makes perfect sense for Paul Doyle to push assertively for his pot of gold. He has calculated, correctly, that Barbados is a risk free environment for those who are involved in real estate provided they are prepared to play the rules ( i think you know what i’m alluding to!). The natives will accept the loss of their beach and the Politicians will argue that the refurbishment of the Hyatt will be good for the economy.

  14. Talking Loud Saying Nothing March 1, 2018 at 1:23 AM #

    How can we allow an Irish-Canadian, whose source of money remains a mystery (but I would generously put to loans from the Canadian banks), to disrupt an area of the island that could be used as a great recreational area.
    In the final analysis, it is a failure of government – 14 years of the Arthur BLP government and nine years of the Thompson/Stuart DLP government.
    I have long suggested that we could reclaim the land between Culpepper Island and the mainland and turn that area in to a mini-Disney, a Coney Island, and a centre of entertainment for the Eastern Caribbean.
    This area can then be connected to a mono-rail running in the first phase between Seawell and Culpepper Island, and at later dates round the rest of the East Coast.
    Funding will be tough, but not impossible: international development banks, incremental development, introduce flat-fee tourism visas (this will not stop people from visiting), etc.
    Our problem is that we have lost our nerves and fear major development projects. The last such project was when Grantley Adams built the Deep Water Harbour, one of the first container ports in the world.
    Then we got the massacre of the sugar plantation by the building of the ABC Highway, intended simply to get tourists from A (the airport) to B (hotels on the West Coast) without passing through run-down areas. In the meantime mutilating our landscape.

  15. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    None of the government ministers engender confidence in people who can think for themselves and they should never see the inside of parliament again, not even as opposition.

  16. “Then we got the massacre of the sugar plantation by the building of the ABC Highway, intended simply to get tourists from A (the airport) to B (hotels on the West Coast) without passing through run-down areas. In the meantime mutilating our landscape.”

    Utter rubbish!! The ABC highway is far more than tourists to the West Coast,

  17. Trust Hal to come up with utter rubbish aka nightmarish hairbrained ideas.

  18. Gabriel

    Do you expect to pick golden apples from a mango tree?

  19. Given where we are now in our election cycle, the article below is most apt. Note the action/inaction of the public servant Martin Clarke.

  20. Note along with Adriel Brathwaite planting his name on an unfinished police station Stephen Lashley broke ground at Paragon yesterday to signal the start of construction of a youth centre of the sort. Question for Lashley, was a youth strategic plan floated during his tenure and what is the status of its implementation.

  21. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @Hal Austin March 1, 2018 at 3:43 AM,

    Your suggestion that Culpepper Island should be reclaimed and utilised is an excellent idea. However, i would stress that Barbados has a pressing need to firstly repair and then to upgrade her infrastructure.

    Hal the “natives” here are not terribly bright. I went to the new government building in Warrens to obtain my driving permit (i was served immediately! Unbelievable!). The road that leads you into the car park is poorly designed. It does not allow for the safe egress and ingress to and from the car park. One of the parties is obliged to give way. Therefore, there is a high risk of cars colliding with each other at this spot.

    Likewise, the stretch of road linking Cost-U-Less with Warrens is a potential black spot for pedestrians. I have taken this route several times on foot. Even though there is a residential estate on one side of this road, it does not have a pavement. Plus the road is overgrown with bush. It reminds me of the USA where the driver is king and the pedestrian is the pauper.

    You could ditto this for all developments on the island. Everything is poorly planned and executed.

    What we are seeing now in Barbados is the stepping up of socially exclusive zones. Coastal and a limited number of areas will be prioritised for development. Whilst the majority of traditionally poor and working class areas and parishes will remain underdeveloped. Barbados is being encouraged to promote this model of development. Take a look at the publication below, it unashamedly promotes a vision of Barbados that has no place for her “Natives”.

    Hal, just thank God that you reside in a “beastly” and a cold England, according to Well, Well…….. .

    England may be a country that has its many faults but compared to Barbados it is a paradise. David Comissiong best will never be good enough to save guard the interests of her “Natives”. How sad.

  22. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Wow i’ve just seen this article. Did you know that….. ” there are more than 1,000 registered charities in Barbados”?!

    That’s the way to go “Brand Barbados”!

  23. Hal: I have long suggested that we could reclaim the land between Culpepper Island and the mainland and turn that area in to a mini-Disney, a Coney Island, and a centre of entertainment for the Eastern Caribbean.

    And see how long the Coney Island rides and their mechanical components will last before rusting out and seizing up in the salt laden air. Two years? If you lucky maybe three, unless you are prepared to spend a wash of money on maintenance. And you already know maintenance is a bad word in Barbados.

  24. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ David C

    A timely reminder of who we are and what we should be concerned about. All other concerns are distractions,calculated to confuse and divide us.

  25. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    I went to the new government building in Warrens to obtain my driving permit (i was served immediately! Unbelievable!).

    Talking Loud…have they started issuing renewal of drivers license complete with photo card at Warrens too, or is that still hit and miss and bouncing all over the place…asking for a friend.

    Hal, just thank God that you reside in a “beastly” and a cold England, according to Well, Well……..

    ya can stay in ya fantasy world until ya end up in chains, thinking ya are special makes no difference to beasts, kings, princesses, princes and queens were known to be enslaved, you certainly dont strike me as either…so ah guess anything can happen..

    …besides, yall got more urgent problems in UK, ya healthcare is shit, if ya get sick and have to be rushed to any hospital in UK, ya very likely to die.

    everywhere has serious issues, some more serious than others.

  26. For a while now, some channels on MCTV have now been showing. Now since Sunday, MCTV has not been able to provide any service at all while they have received subscribers monies monthly.

    Can you imagine the shame hoteliers who subscribe to MCTV are experiencing having to explain to guests why there is no TV service?

    How low are we going to go before we get rid of these morons?

    Sewage flowing in the streets does not move Fumble so I do not think having no TV service would bother him in the least.

  27. I was a subscriber to MCTV for as long as I can remember. While I paid for the complete package, I had no interest in some of the offerings. The networks channels were my main interest but were unavailable from time to time. The last time I called, I was told that CBC was aware of the problem with some channels and that service would be restored once the problems were resolved. After the fiasco with the refusal to broadcast the BLP’s AGM and coupled with the nightly parade of ministers across the screen, I made the decision to cancel my subscription. It was not my intention to support government in force feeding me with a GIS diet. Government has now further insulted the taxpayers by saddling them with a $9M handshake to the CBC and just in time for elections. Is this in to support government sponsored brainwashing? Criminal if you ask me.

  28. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Is this true:


    ELECTIONS 2018 – Wednesday APRIL 11th”

  29. Fractured BLP Avatar

    Well well

    Poor you !!

    Yuh singing 🎤 fuh yuh supper !!!

  30. @Fractured

    Have you passed by Laterns on the South Coast within the hour?


  31. David

    Sewage flowing on the streets of the south coast for weeks now is of no concern to these yard fowls.

  32. Instead of being in Barbados dealing with the myriad of problems, the PM is in Haiti with a large entourage talking what is flowing on the south coast that it is a shame that only 4 countries have signed on to the CCJ.

    Hello, where has this man been since 2010?
    Is he aware that he has been PM and at times was Caricom Chairman? Did he not know then that only 4 countries had signed on?

    May the good God help us if this moron is reelected.

  33. @ Well Well

    Don’t post any dates for the election. If by chance it is correct, the sleeping moron would change it as he believes that no man can predict what he would do.

    The man is that delusional and full of himself.

  34. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Prodigal…they can only change it for so long.. Fruendel can keep changing dates right up until the time the opposition wake up and parties realize that they should call for international election monitors because Fruendel and his loiterers dont want to leave, that means they will try something criminal to stay, as people have been warning for months…so let them run scared.

    …dont look like Fractured and Scared wants to hear about any election date.

  35. The Antigua government has more than a year to go and the PM has announced a date for an election and has invited election monitors to over see the election.

    In Barbados, five years have passed since the date of the last election. Monday will be five years since the throne speech.

    What the hell is this sleeper waiting for?

  36. What the hell is this sleeper waiting for?


    CLICO payout to voters perhaps??

  37. Wishing and hoping!!

  38. I have to agree with you, John.

    Stinkliar intends to drain the treasury as none of these things were included in the just debated estimates.

    The estimates laid showed that there was a deficit of over one BILLION dollars. So with all of these off budget items (where is Kellman? ) pray tell me what is there for the incoming government to work with?

    These people are evil. They hate Barbados. They will destroy it out of spite for the BLP not realizingthat they are hurting all Barbadians.

  39. Prodigal Son March 1, 2018 at 8:30 PM #
    I have to agree with you, John.

    “These people are evil. They hate Barbados. They will destroy it out of spite for the BLP not realizingthat they are hurting all Barbadians.”

    Oh, they realize. They just don’t care.

  40. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    @sadbajan February 28, 2018 at 9:45 PM “i truly feel ashamed to be “represented” by fumble. why is he still loitering on bay street?”

    The pay and perks sweet man!!

  41. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    @Tron February 28, 2018 at 9:56 PM “There is no single boss to develop and implement a plan through his minions.

    If you regard the people who do the real-real work for you minions, why are you then cry when these “minions” become passive/agressive on you, and do as little as possible?

    Are you so foolish that you do not understand that your workers know when you are insulting them?

    Foolish man.


  42. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    @Talking Loud Saying Nothing March 1, 2018 at 1:23 AM “Interesting use of the word “Natives” to describe the majority Negro population.”

    Between you and David Commissiong who de RH wunna calling negroes and natives?

  43. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    @Hal Austin March 1, 2018 at 3:43 AM “Then we got the massacre of the sugar plantation by the building of the ABC Highway.”

    Not so.

    The sugar industry was “massacred” by low prices for sugar and lack of people willing to work in 30 degree heat and 100% humidity for low wages.

  44. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    You people need to stop focusing on the cunts that make up the DLP, and that sorry ass idiot for a Prime Minister. There is overwhelming evidence to bring serious charges against DLP members for rule breaking, and I would think that pressure should be applied to ascertain the substantial increases millions for certain projects. Attention should be paid, therefore, to the Mottley crew. We need to know what Mottley in the capacity of Prime Minister will do. We need to see if she will go after or get down to the bottom of the skulduggery practice by the DLP,. And, if she has the balls to put the findings of the PAC report in a forensic investigator hand, then in the hands of the police for crimes against taxpayers. Mottley wants all of us to believe that she suddenly found integrity, but will she do a David Thompson and only highlight the wrong, but at the end of it all, do nothing as is the per usual thing that is done by both parties?

  45. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    @Talking Loud Saying Nothing March 1, 2018 at 8:09 AM “Your suggestion that Culpepper Island should be reclaimed and utilised is an excellent idea…Hal the “natives” here are not terribly bright.”

    The truth is neither you nor Hal know whether using Culpepper for recreation is an excellent idea or not. We cannot know until environmental/social/economic studies are done.

    I’ve had the opportunity to evaluate the “brightness” of Bajans and compare it with the “brightness” of other peoples and I can assure you that the average Bajan is just as average as the average American or European (lol!!!) , and that the “bright” Bajans are just as “bright” as “bright” Americans or Europeans or anybody else.

  46. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    T@alking Loud Saying Nothing March 1, 2018 at 8:09 AM “I went to the new government building in Warrens to obtain my driving permit (i was served immediately! Unbelievable!).”

    So ya complaining because you were served immediately?

    What the RH do you want?

  47. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    @Talking Loud Saying Nothing March 1, 2018 at 8:09 AM “The road that leads you into the car park is poorly designed. It does not allow for the safe egress and ingress to and from the car park. One of the parties is obliged to give way. Therefore, there is a high risk of cars colliding with each other at this spot. Likewise, the stretch of road linking Cost-U-Less with Warrens is a potential black spot for pedestrians. I have taken this route several times on foot. Even though there is a residential estate on one side of this road, it does not have a pavement…Hal, just thank God that you reside in a “beastly” and a cold England.”

    Anybody who believes that -10 C is beastly cold is a weenie. I have stepped out in -40C with an infant and smile on my face. Put in an excellent day’s work and then home again. Still -40C. Minus 10 is NOT particularly cold.

    The roads who spoke of were probably designed by someone with a degree in engineering from a fourth rate British university.

  48. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    @Talking Loud Saying Nothing March 1, 2018 at 8:09 AM “England may be a country that has its many faults but compared to Barbados it is a paradise.”

    Welcome to paradise where today the British media is reporting that McDonalds in the U.K. forbids school children in uniform from eating on their premises because of the restaurant’s fear of antisocial behaviour.

  49. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    @John March 1, 2018 at 7:18 PM “CLICO payout to voters perhaps?”

    Some of these CLICO voters and dead and won’t come out to vote. Some are dying and won’t be able to come out.

    8 years is a long, long time.

    Glad that i did not put any money to CLICO (I am smarter than much of the monied and political class I guess) mad as hell that they are using my tax money for this. Same people who spent ten years underfunding the university, the hospital, the Transport Board (I thank God everyday for the ZR men) and the Sanitation Service Authority.

  50. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ Dr. Simple

    You are keeping them in line today. Good job.

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