Submitted by David Comissiong, Citizen of Barbados

In the Sunday Sun front page newspaper article of 11th February 2018 titled Not On My Watch, former Commissioner of Police, Darwin Dottin, publicly confirmed :-

(1) that there are “extra-regional third parties” who provide the Royal Barbados Police Force with the “capability” to tap the telephones of persons in Barbados; that these “extra-regional third parties” are given “authorisation” to work with the Royal Barbados Police Force; and that the tapping of the telephones of persons in Barbados with the assistance of these “extra-regional third parties” has been ongoing since the year 1991– a period of some 27 years;

(2) that former Prime Minister Owen Arthur, former Prime Minister David Thompson (deceased), and current Prime Minister Freundel Stuart all knew about this practice of the Royal Barbados Police Force collaborating with “extra-regional third parties” to tap the telephones of Barbadians;

(3) that “it was common practice for all Prime Ministers……. to give authorisation” for the Royal Barbados Police Force to collaborate with these “extra-regional third parties” in the tapping of telephones in Barbados; and

(4) that “all Opposition Leaders over the years had been informed” about the Royal Barbados Police Force’s use of wiretapping technology to tap the phones of Barbadians.

And so, former Prime Minister Owen Arthur could bluster and obfuscate as much as he likes about the Governor General being formally responsible for the efficient administration of the Police Force — sensible and conscious Barbadians are not buying his contention that he and other Barbadian Prime Ministers are not relevant to the issue of foreign entities collaborating with the Royal Barbados Police Force in tapping the telephones of Barbadians.

We are also not buying his pathetic effort to turn himself into a victim by claiming that “it has been represented in the public domain that my phones had been tapped also”.Nor are we interested in his irrelevant sob-story about Darwin Dottin being his best friend at primary school !

Perceptive Barbadians will have noted that in spite of all of his effusions and feverish protestations on the matter, former Prime Minister Owen Arthur is yet to deny that foreign entities have been collaborating with the Royal Barbados Police Force in tapping telephones in Barbados.

As a citizen of Barbados I find it to be totally unacceptable that our Government and national Police Force could be joining together with foreign entities to tap the telephones of Barbadians without having established any legal authorisation in the Laws of Barbados for this practice; without establishing any protocols of oversight and accountability in relation to the carrying out of this activity; without in any way informing us–the Barbadian people — about any of this happening; and without providing us with even basic information about the identity of the mysterious foreign entities that are being permitted to invade the privacy of Barbadians.

Who — former Prime Minister Arthur and current Prime Minister Stuart — are these “extra-regional third parties” that are permitted to collaborate with the Royal Barbados Police Force in tapping telephones in our country ?

What are the protocols and regulations under which this practice has been taking place over the past 27 years ? Aren’t we — the citizens of Barbados — entitled to know the criteria by which a decision is made to tap the telephone of a Barbadian citizen? And who makes that decision?

Furthermore, what mechanism of oversight and accountability has been attached to this practice ?Indeed, is there ANY mechanism of oversight and accountability ?

When all is said and done,the reality is that you–Mr Owen Arthur– held the office of Prime Minister of this country for 14 of the 27 years during which this practice of telephone tapping was taking place. And you– Mr Stuart– have held the post of Prime Minister for some 8 of those 27 years.

Do not insult our intelligence with idle and evasive talk about the Governor General or insinuations about current Opposition  Leader Mia Mottley! We need answers to the serious questions that surround this 27 year old practice of engaging with foreign entities to tap the telephones of Barbadians.




118 responses to “Serious Wiretapping Questions for Owen Arthur”


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  2. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Lol…no wonder so many others on the island were tapping too, a real free for all..I could just hear the well connected ones close to the deceased DPP et al who also had that information………wuh if them could tap, we could tap

    Not trying to make light of this, but when you try to tell people what is happening to them right in front their eyes and they can see….they still dont believe you,.

    .. Bajans did not stand a chance and still cant catch a break from the demons and parasites invading their lives, with the help of their own leaders.

  3. Are these new defense force trucks? Is this confirmation that the government is planning for civil unrest at the next general election?

  4. Enquirying Minds Avatar

    Police Probe Car Fire

    I came across this story today on Barbados Today:

    However as a tax paying citizen of this 2 x 4 island would like some answers from the same Barbados Police.

    Why aren’t the Police not investigating the following and updating the Public?

    1) Recent video in January on Social Media showing a Barbados Police officer possible Detective in plainclothes planting evidence on someone’s property?

    2)The Supreme Court case last week with the gun case being dismissed involving Jimmy Thorne and other Barbados police in what appears to be planted evidence and a setup to lockup the defendant?

    3)The millions $ stolen in drug money from within the Police Force last year in Barbados?

    4) Investigation of Inspector Mark White of the Barbados Fraud Squad involved in a number of questionable matters.

  5. The government has refused to purchase buses to transport poor black people.

    The government has refused to fund the QEH adequately so that nurses and doctors can deliver good care to poor black people.

    The government has refused to buy garbage trucks to pick up garbage from around the homes of poor black people.

    The government has refused to provide the BWA with funds to fix the sewage flowing on the streets of the south coast.

    The government has failed to repair roads which have deteriorated so badly under their watch and which are mashing up the cars of poor black people…………………

    But they can find money to buy all of this military equipment. When someone Whatsapp me the photo today, I was almost tempted to believe that this was not the Bridgetown Port.

    No wonder the morons have push through the Police Bill last week, we heard from Stinkliar that this is going to be a bloody election, we heard Steve Jacket say that blood would flow in our streets and from Jones, the police will have to crack some heads and shoot some people.

    I have friend who has been telling me for years that these people do not intend to give up power……they have too much to hide………finally I may be coming around to her thinking!

  6. Enquirying Minds Avatar

    @ David Commissong

    I can 100% tell you my cell phone was tapped during this time. I am a telecoms expert and heard background noises from a third party on a lot of phone calls.

    Luckily I was smart enough to not only change the phone which has its own unique 15 digit IMEI I would change the simms to a prepaid through away simm with new numbers.

  7. The word is these trucks were given by the Canadian government to the BDF. Good timing if true.

  8. It is easy to ‘feel’ ones phone is being tapped but the security forces admit that wiretapping is used as a method to investigate. The issue is whether the technology is/was used to satisfy narrow interest.

  9. As Donald Trump would say, it is a huge gift. The best gift at the best time. How huge is this gift and was it a requested gift? If when was the request made?

  10. David

    It does not take someone who understands how ‘intelligence’ agencies work to know that every communication in this world is or could be monitored, recorded, stored. And they sweep it all up, every day, for these purposes.

    There is a whole industry utilizing this information with all manner of devious intents.

    The disclosures of Snowden, Assange, many others, make this clear.

    They can even use satellites to tell the time on your watch. And this technology has been around for decades.

    9/11 has made this brave new world of Huxley possible, the only world there now is.

    What is more frightening is that such information can be bought by any corporation seeking some advantage, governments seeking to spy on their populations.

    There was never any information that the ‘Royal” Barbados Police Force has had or could have that was never available to British intelligence, MI6, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI. In fact all the communication systems in Barbados can be directly accessed by foreign intelligence agencies, directly, without telling anybody a shiite.

    With only an ‘identifier’ – email address, pseudonym on BU, telephone number or address, even private citizens like this writer can listen to any call anybody in Barbados makes. Or the ability to listen to a call history.

    Conversations and sometimes video can be had from cellphones or the newer TVs.

    Calls can be made remotely from a ‘target’s’ device and the voice of said target can be cloned

    None of this can’t scare us. We will continue to cuss everybody including the spies and their agencies in Barbados and elsewhere.

    Given all of this, we can’t tell why David Comisiong would insist on browbeating OSA, a spent political force. Except to seek to confront the political fears of his cousin, MAM.

  11. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “And they sweep it all up, every day, for these purposes.”


  12. These 3 people you featured here are only water boys for the real players – poor fellows.

    We have little doubt that Comissiong’s communications have been, for decades, monitored, recorded, stored.

    And there would be many people, of all stripes, similarly treated.

    We believe the intervention of Don Blackman in the 1986 general elections might have attracted the interests of the agencies.

    That FOIA requests would provide of long list of Bajans attracting the attentions of spy agencies, local and foreign.

    Once, anybody who does not think as expected, would have been long deemed ‘a person of interest’, or worse

    This writer has long assumed that the same is true. But we give not a fuck. And they have good reason to believe that.

  13. OSA days in Parliament are drawing to a close.It looks like he is leaving an impression that he overstayed his welcome.Since becoming an independent and sitting on the same side as the poor rakey wild boys,something seem to have rubbed off on him and Maria Agard.He would do well to avoid taking sides in this upcoming election.Politics really makes strange bedfellows.

  14. Heather Cole February 12, 2018 at 8:25 PM #

    “Are these new defense force trucks? Is this confirmation that the government is planning for civil unrest at the next general election?”


    Perhaps they were purchased for the RSS when they eventually take over the duties of the RBPF.


  15. @David Commissiong “Who — former Prime Minister Arthur and current Prime Minister Stuart — are these “extra-regional third parties” that are permitted to collaborate with the Royal Barbados Police Force in tapping telephones in our country?”

    Is it that extra-regional third parties that are permitted to collaborate with the Royal Barbados Police Force? Or is it that the Royal Barbados Police Force is permitted, perhaps even encouraged to collaborate with extra regional third parties?

    The only saving grace is that some of these extra regional third parties are lazy as RH and are here essentially enjoying a two ot three year holiday in the sun.

  16. I would not be at all surprised ti learn that our Goverors General gave all been treated like the elderly dignified figure heads that they truly are.

  17. piece uh de rock yeah right Avatar
    piece uh de rock yeah right

    @ David Commisiong

    The article poses a number of questions of some import.

    AND YES IT IS DISTURBING THAT YOU SEEK TO BLAME OSA, if fact I would suggest that you have ill-advisedly brought to the fore an aspect of this malfeasance that would have done better to have been left alone.

    But then again Mr. Commissiong you are not a Machiavelli.

    And there will be others that will take you to task for the idiocy o this insertion.

    i will however seek to give another perspective for your consideration.

    I will call it WHAT THE EF CAN YOU DO BOUT IT?

    TO do this best requires a rapid indoctrination for the uninformed amongst us OF WHOM de ole man numbereth first among the unequals.

    The better authority is where one can find the superlative instruction on this matter

    In simplest terms DC I would ask you and all the others who would seek to browbeat OSA which of you has the requisite skills or affiliations to be able to

    (a) determine the point of entry of the threat i.e. are these the chinese PRC computers that were gifted to the DLP administration of the GoB recently
    (b) is this the prolific Microsoft or Apple led invasion of privacy a mechanism that is now customarily embedded in the chip of our computers as part of the purported Big Brother is Watching Us All?
    (c) is this the payload code that is used to invade the unsuspecting internet user’s machine just while browsing and/or downloading a picture or
    (d) is this just the Internet of THings and the ever increasing activities of a troublesome and ubiquitous hacker community?

    Is Barbados ready to deal with the internal AND the external threat @ 2018?

    Which lawyer in Barbados has the skills to lead a court case involving “backdoor software threats”, which Director of Prosecutions or for that matter Judge has the capacity to prosecute or adjudge the matter?

    And the answer is a resounding WE ENT READY!

  18. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ David C

    I think that we are doing a bit of overkill here.

    The security of our Island state requires a level of surveillance activity including the interception of communication between conspirators/criminals/ terrorists etc. The entities empowered by law do not have to disclose these activities. If they disclose them they become ineffectual/ compromised. Rational citizens expect a modicum of secrecy. I think OSA was candid enough.

    The prime minister is responsible for the Ministry of Defence and Security.

  19. Here is someone else who went in for wiretapping!!

  20. @Pacha

    The word is ‘backdoor’.

    The debate about the state encroaching on the freedom of citizens is old. Barbados is late to the debate. Comissiong is touching the surface of what is a very murky issue. Many Barbadians truth be told prefer that it goes away. It is unfortunate that Arthur who should be actively operating in the role of a statesman is prepared to sacrifice such at the altar of political expediency.

  21. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    John Liesalot..that is an outright lie, it was the George Bush administration put that in place..

    ….you will get tired of the equally old tired divide and conquer, when you finally realize it does not work on Bajand anymore, slowly but slowly the population will open their eyes and when they finally do, you and your ilk will have to run.

  22. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Bernard, yours is a very dangerous and reactionary (harking back to a former and unsafe period) perspective if you are suggesting that “The entities empowered by law do not have to disclose these activities” to the courts in order to get warrants.

    Yes of course national security forces must have some ability to investigate without disclosing to all and sundry but your rights are trampled if they can simply tap anyone on the pretext of criminal/terrorist without a distinct and orderly court approved process.

    As the blog master notes we Bajans are late to this murky issue, but being so late means that we have the aility to review the details already presented as we catch up.

    We can protect our nation and yet control authorities who would invade our privacy for personal or political reasons.

  23. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    The prime minister is responsible for the Ministry of Defence and Security.

    @ Bernard, And under our current constitutional arrangement, he is answerable to the high court for proper administration . He is not a law unto himself!

  24. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    WW&C, I disagree with your stance on several issues and I would refrain from calling John an outright liar as I don’t think that’s his intent but otherwise I have to accept your prosecution of his rather insidious attempts to mislead.

    I simply cannot understand how a man so deliberately misdirects, dissembles and misinterprets data when the extensive info dumps available clearly point to the opposite.

    When that individual also represents himself – rather well, on its face – as a doyen of original research and presents loads of interesting historical facts I can only presume that his representations are steeped in the same disembling…. soooo how is he different from the historians he condemns!

    Continue to prosecute….

  25. David

    ‘Backdoors’ have always been built-in to the communications systems, devices.

    Do you presume that the agencies have special relationships with the manufacturers, large internet companies, by happenstance.

    Before we were born C&W was listening-in on our calls as one means of informing Westminster. Of course, they had human intelligence too, like the networks of lodges, churches, etc

    And when these structure are created do you believe the niceties about ‘due process’ have any meaning to these animals.

    Do you know that within the US alone over 6 million people are employed to do nothing else?

    That there are large nondescript buildings all over the place with farms of highly-paid geeks doing nothing else but?

    The only way out for the human, from this big brother world, is total destruction.

  26. Wire tapping can produce results, in the first few months of it being implemented it was found that there is well over fifty ways of saying …who dat

  27. David Comissiong Avatar

    “What are the protocols and regulations under which this practice has been taking place over the past 27 years ? Aren’t we — the citizens of Barbados — entitled to know the criteria by which a decision is made to tap the telephone of a Barbadian citizen? And who makes that decision?
    Furthermore, what mechanism of oversight and accountability has been attached to this practice ?Indeed, is there ANY mechanism of oversight and accountability ?”


    David Comissiong

  28. @ The Honourable Blogmaster

    I posted a submission a few times last night on this item and it won’t post.

    Grateful for your intervention

  29. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar


    The right to know and not to be kept in ignorance!

    If Barbados was a democracy AND BAJANS WERE ‘REAL REAL’ PEOPLE INSTEAD OF BRASSBOWLS……..these issues etc…

    The point that continues to elude you – David C, is that you are an outlier. A normal, human being – living among a quarter million brass bowls…

    You need to listen to Bernard in order to understand our current reality, …and to David (BU) for the accepted response ….hoping (and actually expecting) that the ‘authorities’ will achieve different results by working harder at doing the same shiite that currently fail us…
    Pacha is actually right about the ONLY possible outcome…total destruction.

    In fact, the Bible agrees with Pacha – and explains that brass bowls are so damn retarded, that unless the original manufacturers (BBE) step in at some point, not one brass bowl will be left alive….

  31. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David Comissiong

    Hopefully the Blogmaster will retrieve and post my errant submission which provides a few observations as well as sources for the uninformed here

    I repeat the jist of that submission which is

    A.Can you substantiate any of the above posit which forms the substantive part of this submission? What independent electronic chronicling do you have to substantiate any part of this speculation ?

    B.Why would you seek to be so disingenuous to attribute this well established wiretapping practice to former Prime Minister Owen Seymour Arthur ? Does this article seek to ascribe blame to the then head of state as opposed to someone else?

    C.Is there any local agency which in its capacity of ombudsman has the technical capacity to ascertain the validity of your fallacious submission?

    D.The salient question is this. If I as an overly zealous minister of defense, or a techie CEO at Lime with an overactive politically driven aspiration or a jilted lover, proceed to use or abuse the ubiquitous technologies to spy on you, how will you know and will such action be blamed on my respective bosses?

    It is evident that this is a jobby article whose focus is to affix a “begin point” to wire tapping in Barbados and then blame Owen Seymour for all ensuing acts.

  32. @David C

    And what defines an active relevant democracy again? The blogmaster suggests a citizenry that is engaged. The following was posted to Senator John Watson’s FB wall this morning:

    Senator John Watson is there an approach you favour to effectively educate the population about civics and governance issues? The key to a working system of government is an engaged citizenry. What we have -which belies the investment in education- is a minority segment of the population clamoring for change in the national interest but it will never happen at the ‘mass’ required because of a relativistic view by the majority. Many of the issues mentioned above are outcomes, in business terms operational not strategic.

  33. Owen Arthur was PM during World Cup. in addition who gave Motorola all the vehicle registrations information such as ownership etc. Wunna clueless as to how your politicians have abrogated your freedoms to foreign law enforcement agencies.

  34. @David King, I see machinery to clear the streets. Lol it’s now even clearer with just 30 days of Foreign currency left.

  35. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Jeff Cumberbatch February 13, 2018 at 7:05 AM #
    “The prime minister is responsible for the Ministry of Defence and Security.
    @ Bernard, And under our current constitutional arrangement, he is answerable to the high court for proper administration . He is not a law unto himself!”

    If the alleged wiretapping was undertaken illegally why are the alleged perpetrators NOT yet charged for this major offence?

    Who would be responsible for initiating such a process? The AG, the DPP or the CoP?

    But what can be expected from a country full of banana eating republicans when a claim of there being around 30,000 vehicles not legally allowed on the roads of the same “S”& @R@ holy country?

  36. Is the police force compromised? What happened to the seized vehicles at District A and the link with ministers?Are the Chequers seized from Mrs Weirs property still under lock and key of the COP? Is Barbados little corrupt.

  37. David Comissiong

    Barbados was never a democracy. Your premise is fatally flawed.

  38. Here we have a Commissioner of police whom the Police Service Commission advised that he be retired in the “public interest” and a former Prime Minister, openly at odds regarding what was or alleged to be the illegal tapping of citizens’ phones. A former Deputy Prime Minister is calling it nothing more than a red herring. We , the citizens, are therefore left to conclude that a former Commissioner of Police and a former Prime Minister are at each others throats because of a non issue.
    In the meantime, we now expect some report on wiretapping going back almost three decades !!!
    But this is not as strange as it seems. A few months ago a retired Chief Justice went on a call in program and said there was rampant corruption in high places. Nobody asked him to pass on the information to the DPP.

  39. David Comissiong Avatar

    Dear Pieceuhderock, this information did not come from me– it came from former Commissioner of Police Darwin Dottin. I am just an ordinary Barbadian citizen who has been kept in the dark about these matters just like the other 280, 000 or so citizens.

    I do recall that when it was leaked that the National Security Council of the USA was engaging in a similar type of practice in the USA, that there was a public outcry, and people were demanding information and assurances about the activity.

    The only reason any of this information is coming out now is because these people are engaged in partisan attacks on each other, and are all opportunistically pleading ignorance (and innocence) and trying to put blame on their political adversary.

    I am not too interested in their political games, but in engaging in those games they have revealed to us– the Barbadian public– information that should make us sit up and take notice of something that is potentially very subversive of our rights taking place right under our noses.

    David Comissiong

  40. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    An additional perspective.

    “THIRD PARTY INTELLIGENCE COLLABORATIONS” and their impact on the so called sovereignty of Barbados

    This would have been a better title for this article since the obvious bias of the writer is blinding.

    Having said that let us examine some elements related to these “national indicative” interventions and the compromises of these so called mutually beneficial intelligence collaborations.

    Certain first world countries euphemism for the United States, have an understandable interest in supporting data mining the cyberspace corridors to find their enemies.

    This is endemic of all serious governments, the issue of keeping themselves safe from domestic or foreign enemies.

    The millions of dollars that are dispensed WITHOUT MUCH AUDITING PROTOCOLS IS STAGGERING

    Any country that pays $500 for a hammer WILL OPEN THE FLOODGATES OF GENEROSITY where there is a semi legitimate project for collaborations of these types

    The catch 22 situation is that where the funding of said project might be US $15 million in hard Equipment and US20 million for operating costs for a five year cycle, whereas the equipment DOES NOT DEPEND ON THE DISHONEST CIVIL SERVANTS, the reporting requirements for the use of the administrative support funding are slight to non existent and as long as the US gets its data they WILL NOT REPORT ON ANY MISAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS

    Concommitantly the successive administrations WILL NOT DIVULGE ANY OF THESE COLLABORATIONS because it is not in their interest to do so firstly because of the terms of the third party,s surreptitious mechanisms but because of the fact that the local counterpart facilitators are teifing

    So realistically, how will any mechanism be able to overcome avaricious civil servants and ministers of defense who benefit from these Zuma/Gupta arrangements in the face of the largesse of the mighty United States of America and other first world counterparts?

    See why Darwin did not name any of the third parties?

  41. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ William Skinner February 13, 2018 at 8:38 AM

    So why don’t you make such a clarion call on the ex CJ? We on BU would back you 100%.

    Only if your “D” part(y) of the BDLP deceitful lying cabal had kept its side of the bargain with the electorate and had implemented by the Integrity in Office Act and its handmaiden FOIA you would be in a better position to ‘demand’ that such information be passed on to the CoP and DPP.

  42. @ millertheanunnaki
    “Only if your “D” part(y) of the BDLP deceitful lying cabal had kept its side of the bargain with the electorate and had implemented by the Integrity in Office Act and its handmaiden FOIA you would be in a better position to ‘demand’ that such information be passed on to the CoP and DPP.”

    I respectfully submit that your use of the word “your” in reference to me is totally out of place ! I don’t support any part of that cabal. Please follow my comments in BU closely. Thank you.

    I raised the matter on BU and said that in any other country a Chief Justice, retired or not, would be hauled before some committee to explain his statements.

  43. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David Comissiong

    The issue that you have brought to the fore as with another of your “representations” is of interest to me as you well know.

    Your title targeted OSA but, given the contiguous responsibilities of all the Prime Ministers, in my humble opinion, did a disservice to the article, but I do understand the readership quotient derived from a salacious title such as yours.

    I think it is in the Acts of the Apostles where one of its characters speaks of “when I was a child I did childish things…but now I have become a man…I put away the things of a child…”

    As time passes David there are things that you have “successfully retired” and your national agitation supports that observation to the max but sometimes you throw these googalie balls that diminish the absolute seriousness of what you are championing and de ole man doan unnerstan why you do it

    It causes one to stop mid thrust and ask the question about “why such a critical issue gets whittled down to an OSA bias? and then the answer comes to the ole man and I smile as I identify with this flaw, one that is emblematic of the humanity that besieges us all

  44. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David Comissiong February 13, 2018 at 8:41 AM
    “The only reason any of this information is coming out now is because these people are engaged in partisan attacks on each other, and are all opportunistically pleading ignorance (and innocence) and trying to put blame on their political adversary.”

    The question to be asked is why isn’t person whose character is being besmirched taking the matter to the Police?

    What is he afraid of if he was totally unaware of any alleged illegal wiretapping activities under his watch?

    What kind of Mea Culpa being do we have here? A reincarnated Quisling dressed in a yellow turncoat?

    Barbados is not only a sewerage filled s**thole but a ripened banana republic where the law is not only being made to look like a broken-back ass but also like a fully-packed circus of monkeys parading like clowns.

    Dem white people in ‘Ingland’ must be really laughing at wunna Independent jokers.

  45. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ William Skinner February 13, 2018 at 9:10 AM
    “I respectfully submit that your use of the word “your” in reference to me is totally out of place ! I don’t support any part of that cabal. Please follow my comments in BU closely. Thank you.”

    So let me apologize profusely and remove the possessive pronoun “Your” and replace it with “The” the definite Mccoy.

    If ‘We’ had put an “N” somewhere in that acronym would the point still stand, ‘as is’?

  46. The country has reached such a level of inferior political partisanship, that those with truly independent minds, have decided not to join any cause. Everywhere we turn, public discourse , is driven by partisan political posturing, that is dragging us down. Even on BU, we find this malady. Fortunately, we have some: Pacha, Bush Tea , Hal Austin, who inject some form of enlightened discourse. I have read columns by one contributor laden with nothing but innuendo, non-facts and the unapologetic attempts to destroy peoples’ character , without one scintilla of evidence.

  47. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    disagree as much as you want Pedant, it will keep ya brain active.

    ya not as badly infected as GP….mais vous etes egalement aveugle, infecte et soumis au lavage de cerveau…

    .and dont feel offended, i am being kind.

  48. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service


    all by design.

  49. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ William Skinner February 13, 2018 at 9:47 AM

    Willy, it sounds like what this wiretapping lark is all about with the practice of destroying other people’s character being perfected by those inside and outside Parliament; gun play and all and right within the fold of the BDLP (got that one right this time).

    Did you hear what the MOH had to say about Hockey Donavon just because he is bold enough to express outrage about the sewerage overflow on the South coast?

    Those who are without ‘fault’ can only judge others according to their own reflection in the mirror of morality.

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