by Peter Thompson – submitted as a letter to the editor of the Nation newspaper and circulated on social media.
Nelson statue defaced on the eve of Independence Day.

THE LAST SUNDAY SUN Editorial, No Good Reason To Deface Statue, is a lost opportunity for Nation Publishing to contribute positively to a conversation among Barbadians about the history and future together of those who are categorised as black or white. Make no mistake: this controversy is about nothing less.

It is not sufficient for our premier national newspaper to hide behind what reads like a schoolmarm’s condemnation of the bad behaviour of splashing paint on the statue. This is not about the paint; it is not even about the statue. This is about who we are as a people.

The perpetrator is not from among the elite, but their misspellings aside, the handwritten placard they left is perfectly eloquent: “This RACIST white supremacist who would rather die than see black people free stands proudly in our nation’s capital NELSON MUST GO!! Fear not Barbados the people have spoken. Politicians have failed us. HAPPY INDEPENCE (sic).”

I was born to privilege and I have led a privileged life: Harrison College education, a postgraduate degree, a Canadian passport as well as a Bajan one. It humbles and shames me that it was left to a person with none of my advantages in life to speak this truth to power. I hope that they read this so that I can express my gratitude. Thank you.

Talk about race

We have been trying to talk about this since before Independence. The Mighty Gabby sang about the pain that it causes more than 30 years ago. What will it take for us to have an honest conversation about history and race in Barbados? This perpetrator splashed some non-toxic, environmentally-friendly paint that caused no permanent damage at all and took less than three hours to clean off. Are we waiting until some impassioned fool imitates the Irish who took high explosives to their statue of Nelson?

Your editorial complains about “distortions previously fed to us that [. . .] generate extreme feelings among some sections of our people”. Someone who didn’t know better might conclude that the placard contained distortions – it does not.

Yes, there are distortions circulating on social media and Nation Publishing should have set the record straight: no, Nelson did not own slaves or engage personally in the slave trade; yes, the statue was erected to celebrate Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar by racists who believed in white supremacy; no, Trevor Marshall’s assertion that “all researchers today regard Horatio Nelson as one the main factors why the British slave trade was not abolished in 1790, but in 1807 after his death in 1805” is not supported by the evidence; yes, Nelson was a racist believer in white supremacy, as were the vast majority of his British contemporaries, even among those supporting Emancipation.

We have witnessed an outpouring on social media seasoned with anger and pain. The largest ingredient was the lack of knowledge and understanding of our history. Among the conversations that I engaged in there were a few which gave me great hope – where I interacted with white Bajans who started out vehemently opposed to moving the statue and making comments that veered into overt racism, but after a dialogue agreed that the statue was in the wrong place, was offensive to their fellow Bajans, and should probably be relocated to the museum with appropriate interpretive signage to explain the context of its existence.

I think it is the duty of Nation Publishing to pay attention to this national conversation beyond a facile condemnation of defacing the statue. We need you to bring professional journalism to the critical issues that are being discussed. Examine the issues; talk to the experts; analyse the pros and cons.

This is a matter for public education, but it will not be solved by staging an opinion poll or a popularity contest. These are issues of right and wrong that strike at the core of who we are as a people, as a nation.

We need you to take a stand. Please lend your authority to the cries to do what is right and relocate the statue of Nelson to a more appropriate venue.

467 responses to “Gratitude to Nelson ‘artist’”

  1. Trump controls Social Media and no one realizes!!!!

    He is determining the outcome of the next election!!

    He does so through his supposed foolish talk and actions!!

    Useless, worthless, well, let’s see what happens next election!!

  2. Chris Gayle hit a record 18 sixes as he smashed an unbeaten 146 off 69 balls for Rangpur Riders in the Bangladesh Premier League final.

    The West Indies batsman, 38, beat his previous record of 17 sixes, set in the Indian Premier League in 2013.

    He also struck five fours as he amassed the highest score in a T20 final and became the first player to pass 11,000 runs in Twenty20s.

    Gayle helped Rangpur make 206-1 in 20 overs against Dhaka Dynamites in Dhaka.
    He added an unbroken 201 with former New Zealand captain Brendon McCullum, who made 51 not out off 43 balls.

  3. Popular vote 2008
    Obama Democratic 69,456,897
    McCain Republican 59,934,814
    Popular vote 2012
    Obama Democratic 58,720,700
    Romney Republican 56,145,950
    Popular vote 2016
    Clinton Democratic 65,853,625
    Trump Republican 62,985,106

    Lets eye ball the average of the numbers and say the average total voters is 120 million.

    40% are Republican
    40% are Democratic

    The remaining 20% makes up the change vote.

    There are really only 24 million voters who determine who gets in!!

    These are people who are prepared to take a risk on change.

    So, in 2008, 20% decided to take a risk on change, Obama got in!!

    In 2012, they decided to give the incumbent another term, nearly always happens.

    In 2016 they were fed up with the DEMS and had enough!!

    They no longer voted Democrat, Trump was the man, Clinton was a confirmed crook!!

    So Trump won!!

    Social Media played a part in the elections because an imaginary overwhelming democratic majority was created to combat the mood of change.

    Trump, being the genius that he is, figured out all he has to do to combat the fake majority is stay the course and let reality play itself out!!

    A few jabs here and there to stir the pot will expose the plot!!

    That’s why he appears on Social Media with REAL emblazoned in his name!!

    He is laughing at the creators of the FAKE majority!!

    All he does now is wake up on a morning and say “I love the blue sky and the white clouds in it” and the 83 million fake accounts (maybe not all) erupt into a cacophony of racial invective directed against the 24 million who will determine the election next time!!

    Bad idea!!

    The 20% remain silent, they laugh at the cacophony of empty vessels.

    The thing is the 83 million fake accounts are controlled by people who are paid to make the cacophony of noise so they do their job.

    Trump knows all there is to know about employing people so he knows they will do their job once he just tweets “hi and hello, lovely day today”!!

    So, Trump controls Social Media!!

    … and the 24 million keep quiet and marvel at the man … till it is time to vote again!!!

    Someone needs to tell the controllers of all those fake accounts the tables have been turned, they can save their money especially as the Democratic Party can’t raise no funds!!

  4. The controllers of the fake accounts represent a minority of Democrats.

    So, the more trident and idiotic they become in their noise against Trump the less they can identify with their party.

    Trump may not only end up with the 20% but a chunk of the 40% Dems if this keeps up.

    Keep tweeting … and laughing, the entertainment is great down here in Barbados!!

  5. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    PLT… now its all over

  6. Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service December 12, 2017 at 3:58 PM #
    PLT… now its all over

    The 83 million fake accounts must be licking their chops!!!

    Has the sky fallen?

  7. ….. what’s your best estimate at when the sky will fall as a result?

    Meanwhile on the Trump front, looks like the Russia thing is not working so they may need to resort to sexual harassment that is building to a hysterical crescendo!!

    Democrats sacrificing people left right and centre just to get Trump and Moore!!

    Greatest show on earth!!

  8. Moore has voted so we will see what happens later

  9. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    John..Facebook got over 2 billion users…83 million fake accounts dont count, no one cares about them, why are you so obsessed with those accounts…

    … everyone on Facebook knows how to spot fraud accounts, they are more eagle eyed than FBI and CIA combined, Facebook users are frightening….. if you are scared, stay away.

  10. …. and your opinion on when the sky will fall?

    Just want to know if I have sufficient time to get a good steak dinner!!

  11. You noticed of course that the number of voters in the US is 120 million I presume.

    Seems like there are a few more than the 83 million.

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John December 12, 2017 at 4:55 PM #
    “Moore has voted so we will see what happens later..”

    It seems to us that Moor(e) is the kind of man right up your street of Christian morality and one you would welcome dearly with wide open arms.

    He sounds like the kind of guy who would fit right into the Quaker fold.

    We would not be surprised if you can trace your Quaker ancestry right back to a common English root which Mr. Moor(e) shares.

    For you to claim unabashedly that the grand ole US of A was founded on Christian principles like Barbados is like saying the devil is the brother of your friend Jesus.

    If the USA is a country founded on Christianity why is there no reference to any god in its Constitution?

    And all along we were of the convincing persuasion that the writings of John Locke (despite his Puritan background) and Thomas Paine were the ‘principles’ which informed James Madison in his compilation of the American Constitution.

  13. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    All hypocrites and frauds, from John down at the bottom, all the way to the scum that rose to the top.

    Their world has caved in, the sky has fallen on top OF THEM…

    The game is up, the only way out is down.

  14. Do I have enough time to get a good steak dinner?

  15. Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service December 12, 2017 at 4:56 PM #
    John..Facebook got over 2 billion users…83 million fake accounts dont count, no one cares about them, why are you so obsessed with those accounts…
    … everyone on Facebook knows how to spot fraud accounts, they are more eagle eyed than FBI and CIA combined, Facebook users are frightening….. if you are scared, stay away.

    If you look at people like Zuckerberg and Gates and others you will see they keep their children away from Facebook!!!

    We all know of the suicides Social Media causes.

    So, people with any sense who understand how to build relationships and businesses stay away.

    They don’t waste their time.

    They spend it on their businesses and relationships because it is fake.

    Then we hear the complaint that only certain people make money, create businesses and are perfectly happy in their lives while others can’t because they are black!!!

    It is about choices ….. remember … The Choyce, St. Andrew!!

    There is no excuse, that fundamental value is indelibly written on the landscape of Barbados from the days of the Quakers!!

  16. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    So whose children do you know goes on Facebook?

    My children are grown and my grandchildren dont, Facebook just came around recently, the last decade and you are already making it a scapegoat for other people’s decades old thefts and criminal behavior…carry on smartly, fooling yaself.

  17. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    how wonderful yall cant hide, say and do evil anymore without it going viral.

    how wonderful is that.

  18. Early results so far predict Moore will lose by 0.2%

    Jones at the moment ahead by 18%

  19. Moore now expected to win by 0.2%!!!

  20. Jones back in front in prediction … 0.3%

  21. Jones ahead by 4.3% in prediction

  22. 74% chance Jones will win

  23. 90% chance Jones will win

  24. 50% of votes counted, Jones has a 72% chance of winning

    Expected margin 3.5%

  25. According to NYT

    About 677,000 votes have been counted already. Mr. Moore leads in that count by 7.5 points.

    We think about 523,000 votes remain to be counted. We think Mr. Jones leads in that vote by about 15.0 points.

    Democratic strongholds of Birmingham, Montgomery and Mobile remain

  26. Jones has a 63% chance of winning, the margin estimated will be 1.8%

  27. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service December 12, 2017 at 9:18 PM #
    Alabama…the racist, poverty state.

    So if Jones gets elected, will Alabama suddenly change from a racist poverty state?

    I suspect the Democrats will be disappointed if Moore loses because they won’t have the option of a Senate Ethics Committee to investigate him!!

  28. The Russia collusion probe by Mueller looks to be close to ending with nothing found so far so the Democrats may be only left with the sexual harassment allegations against Trump!!

  29. Looking forward to Trump’s next tweet

  30. Looks like a red state turned blue. Some Republicans just didnt have the stomach for it any longer and stopped holding their noses. This was an anti Moore vote and not a pro Jones vote. With mid term next the Senate majority for Democrats is in play.

  31. Wow!

    Yes David, all true but that anti Moore sentiment was up against a tidal wave 25 years in the making…That’s a lot of elephant do-do to hold one’s nose against….but they sure did, as you said.

    This is a major political event. Kudos to common sense.

    However, Jones unlike Clinton must have been decent enough to be acceptable.

    Remember that the incumbent replacement guy Sen Strange was beaten by Moore although he (Strange) was supported by Trump.

    This surely does put some wind in the Dem’s sails but they need to be very careful…Moore was truly toxic so they CANNOT expect to extrapolate much from this to the many other 2018 races….

    What a zinger there in Alabama.

  32. And David as a follow on … I thought this was a classic political pronouncement …read as…’Doug, come on ova’:

    “The people of Alabama deemed Roy Moore unfit to serve in the U.S. Senate. I hope Senator-elect Doug Jones will do the right thing and truly represent Alabama by choosing to vote with the Senate Republican Majority,” said National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman Cory Gardner.

    Jones will be up for re-election in a short two years, so if he wants a full 6 year term he will have to consider that invitation carefully…and will surely have to refine the term ‘moderate’ to keep his seat.

  33. Yes, Jones is reported to be a liberal Democrat and will definitely have to adjust voting position to a more moderate line if he wants to have a chance to retain the seat. Of course there is the Trump dynamic that could impact the vote at the end of this session (no pun intended).

  34. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Jones wins…a.k.a the pollsters eat crow again!!!

  35. Exciting. Is Doug Moore a DLP or BLP supporter? . Which is his constituency? What is the party balance in parliament? What does this mean for Barbados? Will our sewage system now work?

  36. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Facebook is on overload….

    Now Alabama can start their clean up of all that blight and centuries old curse, Jones has a track record for cleanups.

    The demons tried their best to deter Blacks from voting in Alabame, but they were not having any of that, their 30% votes carried Jones.

    And Moore the racist, kicked of the bench as a judge twice, is a sore loser,

    “Alabama election: Doug Jones scores stunning win, but Moore won’t concede
    By Eric Bradner, CNN

    Updated 0551 GMT (1351 HKT) December 13, 2017
    Tapper: Moore’s loss is a huge defeat for Trump

    Lemon: A day of reckoning in Alabama

    Tapper: Moore’s loss is a huge defeat for Trump
    Guest iso 11p special coverage
    Barkley: AL has rednecks and amazing people

    Roy Moore: It isn’t over
    Alabama Senate Race Election Coverage
    Jones: We have shown the country we can unify

    BIRMINGHAM, AL – DECEMBER 12: Democratic U.S. Senator elect Doug Jones greets supporters during his election night gathering the Sheraton Hotel on December 12, 2017 in Birmingham, Alabama. Doug Jones defeated his republican challenger Roy Moore to claim Alabama's U.S. Senate seat that was vacated by attorney general Jeff Sessions. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

    Democratic senatorial candidate Doug Jones speaks during a "get out the vote rally," Saturday, Dec. 9, 2017, in Birmingham, Ala. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson)
    CNN Projection: Doug Jones elected to US Senate

    TALLADEGA, AL – NOVEMBER 20: Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Doug Jones meets with supporters and voters at a Mexican restaurant, November 20, 2017 in Talladega, Alabama. Jones has moved ahead in the polls of his Republican opponent Roy Moore, whose campaign has been rocked by multiple allegations of sexual misconduct.
    Jones courts minority vote in Alabama race

    Alabama voters struggle with supporting Moore

    Tapper: Moore’s loss is a huge defeat for Trump
    Guest iso 11p special coverage
    Barkley: AL has rednecks and amazing people

    Roy Moore: It isn’t over
    Alabama Senate Race Election Coverage

    Jones: We have shown the country we can unify
    BIRMINGHAM, AL – DECEMBER 12: Democratic U.S. Senator elect Doug Jones greets supporters during his election night gathering the Sheraton Hotel on December 12, 2017 in Birmingham, Alabama. Doug Jones defeated his republican challenger Roy Moore to claim Alabama's U.S. Senate seat that was vacated by attorney general Jeff Sessions. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty
    Santorum: Voters expect Senate to do their job

    Stunning victory for Jones as he becomes first Democratic senator from Alabama in a generation
    Moore is facing allegations of sexually abusing teens
    A Democratic win narrows the GOP Senate majority to 51-49
    Montgomery, Alabama (CNN)Doug Jones on Tuesday became the first Democrat in a generation to win a Senate seat in Alabama, beating Republican Roy Moore amid a firestorm of allegations that the GOP candidate had sexually abused teens.

    Moore, however, refused to concede Tuesday night.

    “When the vote is this close … it’s not over,” Moore told supporters after Jones declared victory.
    The results are nothing short of an embarrassment for President Donald Trump and a disaster for Republicans in Washington as the reliably red state of Alabama elected its first Democratic senator since the early 1990s.

    “I think I have been waiting all my life and now I don’t know what the hell to say,” Jones said Tuesday night.
    “I am truly overwhelmed,” he added. “We have shown, not just around the state of Alabama, but we have shown the country the way that we can be unified.”
    “This entire race has been about dignity and respect. This campaign — this campaign has been about the rule of law,” he said. “This campaign has been about common courtesy and decency and making sure everyone in this state, regardless of which ZIP code you live in, is going to get a fair shake in life.”

    Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill told CNN that while results are not yet certified, it is “highly unlikely” Jones will not be the winner of the Senate race.
    “I would find that highly unlikely to occur … there’s not a whole of mistakes that are made,” Merrill said.

    Should the results hold, the Republican Party’s narrow Senate majority will be trimmed to 51-49. And two wings — the establishment led by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and an insurgency led by former Trump White House chief strategist Steve Bannon — are now in open civil war headed into an already fraught midterm election year.

    It’s an especially awkward outcome for Trump, who endorsed Moore on Twitter and rallied for him at a campaign event just across Alabama’s state line.

    “This is an earthquake… it’s devastating for the President,” a source close to the White House said.
    Moore’s defeat amid allegations of child molestation and sexual assault could fuel growing calls from Democrats for Trump to resign from office over the accusations of sexual assault against him.
    Shortly after the race was called, Trump tweeted, “Congratulations to Doug Jones on a hard fought victory. The write-in votes played a very big factor, but a win is a win. The people of Alabama are great, and the Republicans will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time. It never ends!”

    Large African-American turnout carries Jones
    Jones’ victory was fueled by huge turnout — and near-unanimous support — from black voters.
    Turnout was much stronger in heavily African-American counties, relative to recent presidential elections, than in rural, white counties.

    CNN’s exit poll found that 30% of the electorate was black — a higher share than in the 2008 and 2012 elections, when Barack Obama was on the ballot. The exit poll showed that 96% of black voters backed Jones.

    Jones cast the election as an opportunity for Alabama voters to reject the embarrassment he said Moore was sure to bring the state. His campaign focused heavily on turning out African-American voters in the run-up to election day, with civil rights icon and Georgia Rep. John Lewis, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and other black leaders hitting the trail alongside Jones.
    “I love Alabama, but at some point we’ve got to draw a line in the sand and say, ‘We’re not a bunch of damn idiots,’” retired basketball star Charles Barkley, who played at Auburn University, said at Jones’ election eve rally in Birmingham.

    Moore’s denials fall short

    The Moore campaign’s strategy for confronting the allegations was simple: Deflect and deny — rolling out allies to praise Moore’s character without ever directly answering questions about the specifics of the accusations.
    His campaign seized on minor openings — the location of the phone in one accuser’s house; the date and location details another accuser had added to what she said was Moore’s signature in her yearbook — to attempt to broadly discredit the allegations.

    How badly did the sexual allegations damage Moore? Exit polls were virtually split as to whether voters believed the allegations: 51% said they were probably or definitely true while 44% said they were probably or definitely false. A majority of the electorate, 57%, decided who to support before news of Moore’s alleged child molestation and sexual assault broke in November.
    Moore’s campaign similarly deflected questions about his long history of controversial remarks — including saying that homosexuality should be a crime and that Muslims should not be allowed in Congress.

    It all culminated in a bizarre election eve rally in Midland City, in which an Army friend described Moore deciding to leave a brothel in Vietnam and his wife Kayla Moore responding to Moore being portrayed as anti-Semitic over his attacks on Jewish progressive mega-donor George Soros by declaring, “One of our attorneys is a Jew.”

    Moore had hung the election’s results on his own character Monday night.
    “I’m going to tell you,” he said then, “if you don’t believe in my character, don’t vote for me.”
    McConnell, establishment GOP abandoned Moore

    McConnell decided Moore wasn’t worth the headache and withdrew support for him — which means the Senate Republican campaign arm and a super PAC that usually backs its candidates were nowhere to be found in the closing weeks in Alabama

  37. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    John…Jones has been elected and he is well known for prosecuting racists, white supremacists and KKK…you can view his track record yourself, he has worked tirelessly for years to clean up Alabama….he sure as hell will work on cleaning up a state that has spent a quarter century….read…25 years…under the domination and destruction of racist republicans..

    Now you and GP can cry all day.

    Yall are losers, just like filthy Moore.

  38. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    How ironic and poetic that is the Black vote took down the racist Moore, even more poetic that it’s Black women whose votes counted the most 97% to Black men 92% for Jones.

    The shift has started.

  39. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Scholars indeed…steuppps, on paper only.


  40. What are the lessons of Moore’s defeat in last night’s senate race?

    White voters: Moore 68%, Jones 30%
    Black voters: Moore 04%, Jones 96%

    About 68% of the White Alabama voters are such diehard racists that they will vote for a pedophile provided he is racist enough.
    About 4% of the Black Alabama voters are so stupid they will vote for a candidate who thinks that they are sub-human.
    In order to defeat Trump’s candidates in the midterm elections of 2018 we need a massive voter registration drive aimed at Black voters, Latinx voters, and all other voters motivated to vote against racism.

  41. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    That is the goal…vote against racists and racism and you win the war in the US..

    In the meantime, there is no statutes of limitations on sex crimes in Alabama so they can put Moore away and send an even bigger message, before dragging that orange scum out of the WH..

    How ironic it is Facebook users understand how it should be done.

  42. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    How Karmic…

    “Today is world Anti-Corruption Day

    The West and the Europe must be held responsible for all their corrupted acts in Africa for over 500 years.
    For imposed corrupt puppet leaders on Africa Nations .
    For dividing our lands according to their interest without our consent.
    For the looting of our Gold
    For the looting of our Ancestors
    For the looting of our Oil
    For the stealing of our people
    For the looting of our Artifacts
    For the looting of diamonds
    For the looting of silver
    For the Congo genocide
    For the apertheid in South Africa
    For the destruction of our culture
    For the killings of our leaders(Sankara, Garvey, MKL, MJ, Malcom X)etc.
    They must be held responsible for deleting the real Africa history.
    For creating slaves out of professional Africans
    For creating wars and divisions in Africa
    For demonising African Gods
    The West and Europe corrupted structures have kept Africa on the low and unstabilised for centuries.O B”

  43. @Peter

    Let us not give the evangelicals who supposedly represent righteousness yet the majority of them voted for Moore, a bigot!

    The upside is that Moore was not able to invigorate that base.

  44. Of recent the candidates Trump endorsed have faltered.

  45. Instead of debating an irrelevant US senate election, we should be talking about a man being jailed for six months for stealing three hams. Is this Bajans idea of justice? Wake up people.

  46. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    No MOORE racism.

  47. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    If you break the backs of the racists in UK and Europe, US and Canada etc….you break the backs of the MINORITY racists in Barbados and the Caribbean…..

    …….the minority racists in the Caribbean feed off the stench of the racism in the bigger countries to keep racist practices alive in Barbados etc, like the bottom feeders and cockroaches they are.

    It is a first step..

    Ha, Ha, Jihn’s asslicker…is too dumb to understand that…

  48. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    The Jihn and his 2 dumb sidekicks were looking for a racist win….the Jihn and his too dumb sidekicks got disappointed…lol

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