DAVID COMISSIONG, Chairman, Caribbean Pan-African Network (CPAN)

The campaign to secure “Reparations” for the multiplicity of genocides and crimes that have been committed against the sons and daughters of Africa during the centuries of Slavery and Colonization consists of  an “outwardly directed” process in which we level demands at the liable European and North American Governments and institutions for a comprehensive package of compensatory money payments, developmental programmes, transfers of resources, and national and international institutional reforms , as well as of an “inwardly directed” process that we African or African-descended people must engage in ourselves to repair those aspects of the damage that pertain most directly to our minds and psyches.

And deeply embedded in the concept of and campaign for Reparations are the following twelve fundamental principles :-


The campaign for Reparations sends a message to all and sundry that there will be no impunity for those who commit “crimes against humanity”. Who so ever  commits a “crime against humanity” must know and expect that justice will be demanded of them– even if it takes two hundred years, and even if it is their successors and beneficiaries who are ultimately required to make recompense !


If we Africans or African-descendants fail to demand that the present-day representatives and beneficiaries of those  institutions and nations that committed the most horrible crimes imaginable against our ancestors be held accountable and made to pay restitution, we would be implicitly sending a message to ourselves and to the world at large that we do not consider our ancestors (or ourselves) to be sacred beings invested with inalienable rights and deserving of respect and justice! And so, the very act of demanding Reparations constitutes a validation by us of our own precious humanity, and is a critical component of the process that we must engage in as individuals and as a collective of repairing ourselves!


The Reparations Campaign must be built upon a foundation of knowledge about who we African or African-descended people were before the criminal European impositions of slavery and colonialism — knowledge of the achievements and glories of our pre-slavery, pre-colonial African civilization; knowledge of the history of European orchestrated enslavement and its destructive effects on the civilization of Africa; and knowledge of the extent to which the present-day materially imposing Western industrial societies constitute agglomerations of wealth stolen from the sons and daughters of Africa over the centuries.


Of course, the point must also be made that the racist oppression of black or African people did not end with the formal abolition of slavery! Indeed, after the abolition of slavery in the 19th century our historical oppressors deliberately entrapped our ancestors in economic, political and social arrangements that were designed to handicap them and to serve the interests of the former enslavers– arrangements that have persisted (in modified form) down to the present day. The struggle for Reparations must therefore be– among other things– a struggle to expose and put an end to such arrangements and to complete the Emancipation process!


The demand for compensation from the present-day representatives of those who inflicted horrendous crimes on our ancestors and who damaged and disabled succeeding generations must consist of a demand for the transfer of material resources in an amount proportionate to the enormity of the crimes and their deleterious effects—resources to enable present-day African and African-descendant populations to counter the economic and social imbalances derived from those centuries of criminality.


The campaign for Reparations or for Reparative Justice must be designed to produce the “just society”, in that the demand for Reparations must be formulated as a demand for a fundamental transformation of the currently existing inequitable and exploitative economic and power relations that exist in the international arena and in many of our domestic societies. This principle has implications not only for the restructuring of such international entities and phenomena as the United Nations Security Council, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the terms of international trade and finance, but also for the manner in which our domestic African and Caribbean societies and Governments function. Implicit in the demand of our Caribbean and African Governments for Reparations must be a commitment to themselves deliver justice to their own people! And this is a commitment that the masses of African and Caribbean people must be prepared – through dynamic activism and advocacy– to hold our Governments to!


An integral strategy of the contemporary Reparations Movement is to present the demand for the payment of compensation (in financial and material resources as well as in developmental programmes) to the present-day representatives and beneficiaries of the evil system of slave trade and slavery and to invite their collaboration in addressing the tragic effects of this monumental historical crime. But even while adopting this approach, we Africans and African-descendants make it absolutely clear to all and sundry that even though we value the concept of collaboration, that the strategies and tasks to be implemented for our psychological repair and for our economic and social empowerment are our own responsibility and will be conceptualized, directed and controlled by us!


A critical component of the campaign for Reparations is the African’s and African-descendant’s own inwardly directed struggle for psychological, cultural and spiritual self-repair. Thus, African or Afro-descendant members of the Reparations Movement and their governments must be committed – as individuals and as collectives – to seek to identify all of the ways in which we have been and continue to be negatively affected by false notions of white supremacy and black inferiority, and to rigorously attack them and eradicate the negative effects that impact on our individual and collective psyches!


The effort to “prosecute” and hold accountable the present-day representatives and beneficiaries of the historical oppressors of the African and African-descendant people will require the widespread participation of Africans and African-descendants: and the attainment of such widespread popular participation will, in turn, be dependent on the inwardly directed struggle for self-repair and its capacity to persuade a critical mass of the African population to re-evaluate themselves and their history; to perceive the gravity of the injustice; to feel the tragic historical loss they have suffered; and to be sufficiently motivated to get involved or otherwise support the campaign for Reparations. The Reparations Movement and the African and Caribbean governments that lead it must therefore engage in a comprehensive mass education outreach programme to the community that is designed not only to educate about the relevant history, but to also help as many of our people as possible to emotionally connect with that history and the tragic loss and injustice suffered.


The campaign for Reparations must be designed, on the one hand, to bring on board with us all of our natural allies in Africa and the Diaspora, Latin America and Asia and to enlist the tremendous weight of world opinion on our side, and, on the other hand, to isolate and publicly hold up to international embarrassment and critique all those entities that perversely and unreasonably seek to deny and resist the manifest justice and righteousness of our claim to Reparations. This will call for a concerted effort in the field of international diplomacy by the Ambassadors, Embassies and foreign Missions of the nations of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the African Union (AU). It will also require consistent effort at the General Assembly of the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the Commonwealth and in other relevant international organizations.


The masses of our African and African-descendant populations must be intimately involved in the campaign for Reparations: they must be permitted enough time and opportunity to thoroughly discuss and understand the issue; their right to have the final and decisive say on the concrete details of the Reparations claim must be respected; and they must have a say – through representatives specifically selected by them – as to how the compensatory resources are utilized. Furthermore, at a national level– within our many nation states–the Reparations Movement should systematically appeal to and challenge all of the relevant local and national organizations to put support for Reparations on their agenda and to include it in their programmes and Manifestos – political parties, trade unions, youth organizations, churches, women’s organizations, educational institutions, local government administrations, and the list goes on.


The successful pursuit of Reparations will require the establishment of a world-wide network of community, regional, national and international organizations. Indeed, at the grassroots level, the community based Reparations organization must be linked into a national network, while at the level of our African and Caribbean governments we should establish a trans-Atlantic international network that is preparing and engaging in legal, diplomatic and political strategies at the international level to achieve Reparations. The African and African-descendants Reparations Claim (s) will either be consensually negotiated between mutually respectful State parties gathered around an international negotiating table, or it will have to be litigated in a series of international law cases brought against the Governments of the liable nations.


The time has come for the African and African descendant people of the world and their Governments to finally present their Reparations Bill to the current day successor Governments of those national Governments of Europe and North America that organized, facilitated, legitimized, financed, and benefited from the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the associated system of racialized Chattel Slavery — the governments of Britain, Spain, France, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway, and the United States of America (a former colony that perpetuated the enslavement of African people for nearly one hundred years after attaining its independence).

Onwards to the achievement of Reparations in this United Nations International Decade For People of African Descent!

287 responses to “REPARATIONS MADE SIMPLE or almost everybody’s guide to reparations”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    “WW who are BU?”

    Yet ya here posting away…lol

  2. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    I am 100% certain and if you knew what I knew about my ancestry…..you would be 100% certain too….as are billions of other people about their ancestry…..the ones who know.

    Anyway, ah know yall unsettled by the reparations news, why, I don’t know, but at least yall wont have to make the decisions…lol

    If UK and europe want the continued embarrassments, their bad, if they allow it to go to ICJ.., the judges will decide.

  3. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    MoneyB. …it must be eating at your insides that ya can’t stop it…lol

    Ah know it’s killing Vincent…I doubt he will survive until next year…lol

  4. WW, I wish wunna well!

    I am already prepared for the Collapse, are you?

  5. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    What collapse…..only certain people will feel that…it’s usually the wealthy feeling it the most when they lose hundreds of millions and get really scared and jump off high buildings…

    ……..trump already lost 600,000,000 of his fake wealth…and it has not started yet…lol

    I am collapse proof.

  6. Miller

    This makes for interesting reading……especially the part about the countries in Africa.

    We better let the rest of the world kill of its self and try and put our Caribbean to rights.

    Genocide Watch Home Page
    Genocide Emergency: Central African Republic. Genocide Watch has issued a Genocide Emergency for the Central African Republic. Continuing violence …

  7. Barbados does not need further slavery. We have the Sinckler now. He will finish what was left.

  8. WW,
    Start with demands for an apology and reparations from African Chieftans who SOLD the Slaves in the first place! Surely their position is hereditary and so their beneficiaries are easy to locate.

  9. What a disingenuous statement. Were the majority of slaves sold into the trade facilitated by “Áfrican Chieftans”? Even if such occurred does it mean we should ignore the igneous act visited on Black whose labour significantly built the White establishment?

  10. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    i told MoneyB since yesterday that argument is tired, old and the more he posts it, the more stupid it sounds….it cannot hold up in any world court…

    why are you so desperate….it is what it is…..you cannot stop the lawsuit MoneyB…ya already went through ya stages of grief….now accept…

    you can do nothing else, stop beating up yaself.

  11. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Do you and Vincent know what a world court of justice is, i think not..

    the lawyers in the Kenyan Mau Mau case obviously are world class..

    the world court will hear about the racism that still exists in Barbados and who is perpetrating, it…after all they have to show how the slave trade is still today, negatively impacting the descendants of slaves…and that is just a preview…

    dont make yaself sick MoneyB.

  12. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    but wont it be just supreme justice if the perpetrators of racism, disenfranchisement, thefts, modern day slavery and just plain old evil then, in the minority business community get hauled up before the world court for continuing to commit crimes against the descendants of slave….in Barbados.

    wont that be just the shits…lol

  13. Reparations? If Haiti was unable to recover a franc of its “reparations” paid to France, what makes these blissful souls believe that the colonial powers will provide a Quid or a Euro in settlement of “reparations” claims?

    It makes for good copy to be on these never- ending quests that generate emotional comment and hand wringing. In the real world here is an example of how African countries are used as a dumping ground for used clothing and when they try to restrict imports of these articles and develop their own textile industry they are they are subjected to trade sanctions by the USA.


  14. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    You neglected to add that the African countries have fought back, put their foot down and refused to take forced handouts and old clothing from US and bow to their bullying tactics despite the sanctions, as is their right, the ban against the US shit stays in place, that is what strong Black people do, they fight back.

    …….this is old news from months ago…and there is nothing US can do…who cares about their shitty sanctions…the African coast got monster hurricanes that barrel right up to the US and break up everything, let them put sanctions on those.
    It is a different time, no one has to accept bullying from US, UK or anyone anymore….only weak negros would not fight back and seek to cower in fear and accept bullying and criminal actions against themselves and their people.

    The Caribbean, including Haiti, has a right to seek redress from europe and their evil ways, Haiti still has the option to try again in the future……against France.

    ….the world court and full exposure of what the initial slave trade has caused centuries on and it’s damaging effects on successive generations of the majority population is best for the Caribbean right now…particularly the modern day crimes being perpetrated on the island against the descendants of slaves by a small minority of thieves, calling themselves white, in the community……they will be exposed and dislodged from the parasitic stranglehold they used as a modern day model of the old slave trade of the past to steal from, abuse, discriminate against and mistreat the majority population….all to enrich themselves.

    The halfassed minorities on the island cant even dispute their dirty criminal actions against the last 2 generations of the majority population for the last 50 years…they wear their wicked actions as a badge of honor and boast of it to any foreign whites they believe admire their nasty handiwork against the people………many, many foreign whites have spoken about it and am sure they shared the information when they returned to their own countries……..so those present day criminal actions must be used as an example of the follow on to the european slave trade of the past…cause and effect….that takes place throughout the Caribbean, but is particularly brutal in Barbados.

    Cow, Bizzy, Bjerkham etc and all the other nasty bunch of criminals have been needing to be exposed internationally for decades…..they have worked very hard for that spotlight to be shown directly on them…….

    ……right along with the house negros in parliament who take their bribes, condoned their crimes against the people and enable them, it’s such a pity those house negros themselves can’t also be thrown in the mix…..but their day too will come.

    If nothing else it will shake up the minoritie’s shithouses and make them famous worldwide, like they always craved to be……in the most negative way…worldwide exposure on the record, damn……lol

    See MoneyB….ya have to show the direct results of what the evils of the past has caused in the present….ya cant run from the past, it catches up…..if it makes ya feel better you and Vincent can file ya own lawsuits against Africa, why, I don’t know, but am sure yall will think of something…lol, lol

    Looks like the fun is just getting started.

  15. David, why not start at the beginning?

    Prof Henry Louis Gates of Harvard U has conducted much research into the Slave trade and Africa, he is not lily white but is a serious researcher.

    How come I have no problem condemning White people who transgressed against my family but some darker brothers all to frequently refuse to blame African leaders? We all need to face historical facts. This is a very complex issue somewhat like the Jews in concentration camps where totally unbelievable associations and actions took place.

    You should forgive me for bringing up the tough questions and answers that many seek to avoid.

  16. @Money Brain

    Have no appetite to rehash what is a simplification of the issue on your part. While no sensible person who has read history will deny that Blacks participated in the selling of other Blacks on the continent, this represented a small part of the transaction which was led by the Portuguese and others external to Africa who raided the coast to fill their slave ships as part of the mercantile class.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    So wait, what yall thought. ….that a bunch of mediocre descentants of indentured servants…who immediately post slavery decided that they are british whites and slave masters to the majority black population in continuation of modern day slavery.,,….with the likes of Charles Williams, cant remember this other fools first name, Bizzy Williams, Bjorn Bjerkam, out of Norway, not even born on the island and a gang of other minorities who still call the Black population SLAVES…”their slaves”….and treat them as such, with foreign white criminals also washing ashore on the island because the island is still a well known slave society in 2017 and all of them continuing the vicious practice of slavery for decades…. up to 2017….and yall thought that under the 30 articles of universal and International Human Rights, to which Black majority populations are also entitled to have those human rights observed..,.that it wont one day have consequences for the wannabe slave masters Cow and Bizzy them and all the other white, indian, syrian exploiters….and all the lowlife minorities that continue to mentally terrorize the majority population and violate their basic human rights….really.

    If yall thought it would not one day return to bite and bite hard…yall really shortsighted and dumb as ass….lol

  18. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    I refuse to massage MoneyB’s stubbornness. ….how does he know that up to 100 years from now future Caribbean people eill not hold the whole of Africa accountable for the part they played in our ancestors brutality caused by both them and Europe…but African countries have apologized…which makes them open to lawsuits in the future…

    ….. unlike the arrogant UK and Europe who refuses to apologize but will be sued anyway.

    Right now it is europe being held accountable. …as they damn well should be and those who continue to perpetrate modern day slavery on Caribbean people….a spinoff of the centuries old slave trade…..on the lives of descendants of slaves….ought to be held accountable as well…..today.

  19. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    I am still waiting for both MoneyB and Vincent to show me who FORCED Europe and North America to get involved in the African Slave Trade.

    WHY did Europe and North America VOLUNTARILY get involved in the African Slave Trade….AND…stayed involved for centuries…getting wealthy from stealing labor and meteing out brutality to African people…

    So MoneyB…..stop talking crap.

  20. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Ya want to blame African Chiefs for what Cow, Bizzy and them been doing to the Black population on the island for decades too…..try it.

  21. WW,
    It makes absolutely no sense to attempt to reframe what I wrote as crap!

    Just admit you lack the ability to think through this complex situation with intellectual honesty as it is very emotional.

    No one should take historical situations and place the facts into today’s world of 2017! Don’t take the 17-1800s out of context. Those times were completely different to today in all respects.

    Now you know one reason why I migrated from Bim—the realisation that one day Racism would be used as a tool to blame successful people, enhance the wealth of most undeserving political types and destroy the nation. Voila!

    MB is a fool! lol

    I wish I had time to really play wid yuh but I can only spare a few seconds a day while I am working on other far more important concepts.

  22. Who are these to lawyers in Britain that are going to win billions in reparations? Martyn Day et al?

  23. WW,
    The Slave Trade was forced on Europe by the actions of all races in history as they ALL had Slaves! Hence at that time Slaves were economic tools. NOT justifiable by standards of today but this had been going on intra and inter racially for thousands of years.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Yes it’s crap, ya know why…..Africans never shied away from admitting their part in the Caribbean slave trade, europe and north america being the scum that they are bribed African leaders….who can be scum themselves and sell their own asses……to pretend that europe and north america were not involved, not equally culpable….to avoid what is happening now….lawsuits….,

    …..all the while europe and oirth america continued boasting of the crimes they committed against African people and documenting each and every crime for centuries, so arrogant were they in the belief that they would never be held accountable. .

    Since Caribbean people live in the west….it is more prudent to sue Europe and North America….FIRST….what is so hard about that…one thing at a time….since ya are not a lawyer, keep ya ass quiet.

    Why do you believe that the African countries would never be held accountable by Caribbean people for crimes against them and their ancestors…an apology is crap, especially if ya dont mean it and would commit the same crimes again…, so rest assured, African countries can also be sued at anytime.

    Now show me where europe and north America were NEVER involved in the African Slave Trade…that extended to the Caribbean and beyond….so yes ya really are talking crap..

    Have you never heard of modern day slavery…., the spinoff from the original slave trade..that is what cow and bizzy them been practicing….right along with vicious racism…..when have you known minorities on the island to not violate the rights of the majority population…I have had to put a few of them in their place more than once and threaten to slap one vile bitch for terrorizing a Black female at the then SuperCentre stores….so dont get me started.

    …take the exploitation and theft of labor, the bribery and corruption with the house negros of parliament and disenfranchising of the majority black population out of the equation and see how successful Cow, Bizzy and Bjerkham will remain…their asses will be selling all those business within 5 years.

  25. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    MoneyB…..YA LIE….

    How is it that not all African countries got involved in the Arab/African slave trade…or the Caribbean Slave trade….and they survived…and still survive…

    YA LIE..

    Greed, evil and nastiness brought europe and north america to the African continent. …every evil they committed on that continent was in the name of some shithead, fake king or queen or company from north america or europe….it was a deliberately and maliciously orchestrated crime of theft murder, enslaving and rape…to gain control.

    That lie is supposed to convince someone…..lol….ya really too emotional.

  26. Money B

    There comes a time in an argument, when, whether you are right or wrong, you just call it a day. Agree to disagree.
    I just want to know where Hilary Beckles got the figure of $76bn in compensation from, and if successful, how it is going to be spent.

  27. WW all white europe?????????????
    Russia, Poland, Eastern Europe dem not white???????

    U too love to comprehensively blame people in NO WAY involved! When are you going to understand the the miscreants were the Elite Controllers who treated everyone badly? Yes less than 1% of the people! The usual suspects in EVERY community regardless of RACE the Political and Wealthy Elite! Is Zuma poor? Are the political criminals in Bim poor? Trust me race is somewhat irrelevant the problem is HUMANS that will do anything to dominate!

    The PROOF is obvious to anyone with intellectual honesty. Being RACIST against all whites is STUPID!

  28. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    MoneyB…it ewas UK and 7 or 8 european countrues along with US and to some extent Canada involved in the slave trade of Africa, I will nit blame whites are countries that were not involved…

    ,….it is historically documented all who were involved as slave traders….so ya can stop ya histrionics…I do not have to keep calling the white slave trader countries names all the time….Europe US, UK etc will suffice, yall always proud of being referred to as white, even if ya know that slave trading is a crime against humanity that was perpetrated by whites ALSO, yall still proud to be identified with it….so the white description stays.

    You will give yaself a stroke….give it up.

    Take the penis sympathy advice from Hal…lol

  29. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    I will NOT blame whites OR countries that were not involved in the slave trade…..

    …..they know who they are, you know who they are….so stop with all the pretend indignation. ….cause when yall describing black people as criminals and animals, especially the men…yall paint all with the same brush….

    And don’t bother lying and say not……lol

  30. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    cause when yall describing black people as NIGGAS, criminals and animals, especially the men…yall paint all with the same brush….

  31. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    look MoneyB…ah even forgot.

    Have you never heard of modern day slavery…., the spinoff from the original slave trade..that is what cow and bizzy them been practicing….right along with vicious racism…..when have you known minorities on the island to not violate the rights of the majority population…I have had to put a few of them in their place more than once and threaten to slap one vile bitch for terrorizing a Black female at the then SuperCentre stores….so dont get me started.

    …take the exploitation and theft of labor, the bribery and corruption with the house negros of parliament, the money laundering, drug trafficking, gun running, human trafficking and disenfranchising of the majority black population elements out of the equation and see how successful Cow, Bizzy and Bjerkham will remain…their asses will be selling all those businesses within 5 years.

  32. WW wrote,
    know that slave trading is a crime against humanity that was perpetrated by whites ALSO, yall still proud to be identified with it….so the white description stays.

    Regretfully, you still cant understand, who is yall? Who is proud?

    You know the DEMs are going after Trump for every lil ting but what they dont have the BRAINS to comprehend is that it WILL BACKFIRE pun dem! Same principle applies with your attitude and approach!

  33. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    MoneyB….be true to yaself for once….the only retard everything is backfiring on is trump…lol…he can`t even get a simple conversation with a grieving widow who lost her young husband in Niger right without it blowing up in his face…

    what brains what…

    like its a centuries old curse falling yall whites.

  34. WW, you dont understand when you excessively go after Trump,or anyone, it WILL eventually have the OPPOSITE effect as intended. I am not defending Trump, I am just giving strategic advice based on years of experience in communications and life. You will eventually understand that the DEMs are overplaying this strategy and it will bite their backsides majorly.

  35. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “the only retard everything is backfiring on is trump”
    and yet, you cannot see the fallacy in promoting division. separating and dividing is your #1 strategy. Your base effort is identical to the orange man. And like him, its all about the win-loss column, so you proclaim victory and tell others to get lost (in other words you won).

  36. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Northern….stating facts is not creating division…yall been living in a fantasy world that disenfranchised others for decades and all you self satisfied beasts ever said was …cud dear…while smirking and happily allowed it to continue because you either benefitted from it or it never affected you…and if yall could continue getting away with that, ya would, but the jig is up..

    so take a good look at those three fingers pointing back at you.

    the internet orange joke that`s trump has become so pathetic that one female on FB declared yesterday that she would piss on him like a dog, but he might like it, he is so useless, just like his followers…lol

  37. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    besides, everyone on and off the island knows what am posting is true, yall are the ones in denial…but ya will learn that Denial is a river in Egypt…

    yall are too wicked, that`s what.

  38. Hal

    Chuckle…you do have a point…..where ignorance is bliss is folly to be wise.

    This discussion on slavery and reparations really serves no usefull purpose as in the end if it is given it will be phyric victory…..the victors would have accepted a cost for the inhumane,brutal,iniquitous treatment of their ancestors.

    The sad part lies with the lack of facts informing this emotional subject with twistorians having a field day.

    A recent example of the twistory is the statement made so emphatically about raids carried out the west african coast for slaves by the portuguese……I have submitted historical facts from an African source stating that the Niger Kingdoms were responsible for assembling the slaves on the coast for sale…….any raids would have been between warring european factions stealing slaves from each others compounds.

    Ah well they have their own agenda and let not the truth hinder them in that pursuit,which in the long term will do more damage than good.

  39. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    So let’s talk African Slavery in Africa…Vincent’s and MoneyB’s favorite topic.


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    Efunroye Tinubu/Unknown /Wikimedia/Public Domain

    In Central Lagos stands a statue of Madame Efunroye Tinubu (c. 1810-1887), the wealthiest woman in Yorubaland in the 19th century. Born in Abeokuta, Ogun State in Western Nigeria, she would learn the skill of trade through the women in her family: her mother and grandmother.

    Tinubu eventually transcended to political power and maintained community prominence in both pre-colonial and colonial Nigeria. The teachings of her foremothers laid the foundation of her economic empire. But, she rose to true power by utilizing her husband’s connections and began her empire in trading tobacco, salt, and slaves.

    Tinubu was born into a society where slavery was common. However, the slavery model of West Africa was drastically different than the system introduced by the Europeans during the Transatlantic slave trade.

    Europeans created the system of chattel slavery, in which an enslaved person became complete property of their owner. The enslaved had no rights and were treated as animals for their entire life. Any children they produced (or were forced to produce) became property of the “master.”

    In 19th century West African societies, enslaved people were acquired and treated differently than in European societies. In Africa, the victors of warfare enslaved members of the opposing group for a defined period of time. Someone could become a slave in order to pay off debt, or to repay society for a crime they committed.

    Unlike the European chattel slavery system, in African slavery a person did not remain a slave for their entire life, and slavery was not based on race. They often worked alongside their “masters” and earned the same living. Enslaved people would even enjoy meals and recreation with the family.

    In stark contrast to American slavery, people enslaved in Africa could form close bonds and marry a member of the family to whom they belonged. With such close ties, enslaved Africans would usually become part of their owner’s family and eventually gain freedom.

    Within this complex system, a person enslaved in Africa could also take others as slaves. The work of enslaved people ranged from domestic labor all the way up to positions as government officials with wide-ranging powers.

    According to world-renowned scholar and historian Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Efunroye Tinubu was unaware of the differences in European and African slavery when she partnered with the British to trade Africans. However, once she learned of the horrific nature of European slavery, she made it her life’s mission to stop Africans from selling other Africans to Europeans. She was successful in getting many African kings to outlaw the practice.

    In the midst of political turmoil – as power transferred from ruler to ruler (and eventually to colonial rule under the British), Tinubu remained a fierce defender of African interests and autonomy. However, her staunch opposition of British colonial rule would support her eventual exile.

    While exiled, though, Tinubu influenced local politics. She’d also establish secret trades for guns, and subverted treaties in order to sustain her empire. Eventually, her political influence dominated British colonial interests and she’d be exiled, again, to her home state of Abeokuta.

    Back in Abeokuta, Tinubu continued to build an army and was prominent in the trade of gunpowder and bullets. She’d expel invaders and would eventually receive the title of Iyadole (First Lady) in 1864. Her political endorsements held tremendous weight and her influence on commerce, independence and economic growth can be witnessed today in Tinubu Square.

    For more information on the differences between African and European slavery, pick up a copy of Slavery In Africa: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives.”

  40. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Yall think ya can get on BU and use it to spread ya lies and misinformation without getting called out….eh…to keep the modern day slavery going for generations to come on the island.

    I will make it my life’s work to end the nastiness in Barbados perpetrated by the minority beasts….and expose them all to the world.

  41. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    This is the evil that europeans introduced to Africa, their brand of slavery, the most brutal, vicious form of slavery and racism, it did not come out of Africa, it was created by europeans and Americans..

    “Tinubu was born into a society where slavery was common. However, the slavery model of West Africa was drastically different than the system introduced by the Europeans during the Transatlantic slave trade.

    Europeans created the system of chattel slavery, in which an enslaved person became complete property of their owner. The enslaved had no rights and were treated as animals for their entire life. Any children they produced (or were forced to produce) became property of the “master.”

    In 19th century West African societies, enslaved people were acquired and treated differently than in European societies. In Africa, the victors of warfare enslaved members of the opposing group for a defined period of time. Someone could become a slave in order to pay off debt, or to repay society for a crime they committed.

    Unlike the European chattel slavery system, in African slavery a person did not remain a slave for their entire life, and slavery was not based on race. They often worked alongside their “masters” and earned the same living. Enslaved people would even enjoy meals and recreation with the family.

    In stark contrast to American slavery, people enslaved in Africa could form close bonds and marry a member of the family to whom they belonged. With such close ties, enslaved Africans would usually become part of their owner’s family and eventually gain freedom.

    Within this complex system, a person enslaved in Africa could also take others as slaves. The work of enslaved people ranged from domestic labor all the way up to positions as government officials with wide-ranging powers.”

  42. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Why don’t you for once, condense all your facts into one post.
    1. Banish all white people from the island, they are scum.
    2. Freeze all their assets, because they are all crooks who have gained their assets off of the backs of the majority population. Redistribute these to the only people left.
    3. Prohibit all white visitors, specifically from the slave creating and perpetuating nations, like UK, EU, USA, Canada, S.Africa, Australia and NZ. We cannot have them paying any price, to live like the Massa’s of the past, if only for a week.
    Did I miss anything?

  43. Lock up all progeny of freed,house,yard slaves and mixtures of african and European.

    That covers it….ww…..is an equal opportunity hater.

  44. Vinni,
    Come on now, she left out SELF HATE!

  45. The title says it all, Reparations is for Dummies!!!

    Only a dummy could believe this rubbish and go looking for reparations!!

  46. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Northern….no banishing of white people…what for….we just want them to stop tiefing from Black people…. and stop thinking Black people are their slaves..

    Freeze all their assets that were stolen from the treasury and pension fund, the proceeds of money, laundering, gun and drug trafficking also stolen…yes…an honest intelligent government, with no house negros could do wonders creating jobs for everyone….from those illgotten gains.

    No banishing of tourists…they will continue to pay full price…

    Yeah….ya missed locking up whites, indians, syrians etc for the crimes they continue to perpetrate on the island and on the people…everything must be equal….

    ……no whites thinking they cant go and do honest days work for the majority population…because of their slave master mentality. ..equality across the board…there are not a lot of yall on the island 7,500 tops…..the massa, slave master mentality gotta go.

    I am nit a savage…ehites like to act like savages to black people, that is not me….besides, I get more pleasure from seeing the looks on yall faces when ya actually have to act like a human.

  47. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Freeze all their assets that were stolen from the treasury and pension fund, the proceeds of money, laundering, gun and drug trafficking also FROZEN…yes…

    ah posted facts on African slavery and Vincent is stil not satisfied because he realized that his idols the whites have always been savages, will always be savages, he can’t get around, over or under it….unless people like myself domesticate them and teach them how to act like humans…..to other people.

    John….go rest ya old, tired, damaged self. …you do realize that it’s black persons will have to take care of you in some nursing home right…..so ya better pray that reparations in whatever form comes very soon.

  48. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    I am NOT a savage…WHITES like to act like savages to black people, that is not me….besides, I get more pleasure from seeing the looks on yall faces when ya actually have to act like a human.

    so….get over yall selves and come down to earth, reality is knocking….with KARMA not far behind.

  49. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    MoneyB….self hate is very alien to me, not part of my genetic makeup.

    That white supremacist idiot ….Richard Spencer I think his name is had one of his hatefests at the University of Florida recently, might have been yesterday, anyway, a black football coach confronted one of the young white racists and asked him several times….why do you hate me….he could not answer, he only answered after the black man hugged him and asked him again…he then told him….he did not know….the result of that hatefest, a shooting, attempted murder, luckily no one was hit, but 3 young white supremacist locked up for attempted murder.

    the great grand, grand and parents have been teaching their progeny to hate others for centuries, particularly Blacks, because the vile bitches are lazy and feel blacks should work for them and enrich them throughout their lives….

    ….just like the halfassed nitwits Cow, Bizzy et al do in Barbados, but they also want to continue to steal money from Black people as well and they should go to prison for those thefts, along with the house negros in parliament who help them.

    …… many whites learn hate on their own, but most are raised to hate in their homes…, and they do not even know why they hate Black people.

    Whites can be savages…but very pathetic savages, very greedy savages…and they are thieves..

  50. Chuckle……what more do we require to know that we are dealing with an idiot who cannot differentiate between apples and oranges……..let it rant as showing up their lack of comprehension is a waste of time.

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