Submitted by Grenville Phillips II, leader of Solutions Barbados

As expected, Standard & Poor’s downgraded Barbados’ sovereign credit rating yet again, this time to CCC.  As long as the DLP continues to follow their developmental philosophy of high taxation, then further downgrades and eventual currency devaluation are certain.  So what is the solution?

First, we need to understand that the DLP’s developmental philosophy has benefitted Barbados immensely.  However, their philosophy no longer works when we have entered the death spiral.  Our problem is that the DLP continues to stubbornly embrace their failing philosophy, which will certainly ruin Barbados.  Pharaoh’s heart appears to be hardened to any good economic advice.

Some think that the solution is to simply change administrations.  That thinking is valid in normal circumstances.  However, once we have entered the death spiral, special measures are required to get us out.  The BLP and DLP are as inexperienced as all third parties in getting us out of this level of debt.  Therefore, the critical question that responsible voters need to ask those offering to manage Barbados’ economy is: how do you plan to get us out of this death spiral?

The DLP’s management of the economy has been continually examined by the international rating agencies. The now familiar downgrade announcements simply chart our progress to foreseen economic ruin.  However, would anything improve if voters selected the BLP?  To assess the likely outcome, we need to examine the BLP’s development philosophy.

The BLP’s development philosophy is to finance Barbados’ development through debt.  Barbados has benefitted immensely from this philosophy.  However, their philosophy no longer works when we have entered the death spiral.  Our problem is that BLP is also blinded by their developmental philosophy.  Even as we are racing towards economic ruin, the BLP’s solution is to burden Barbados with even more debt – they simply know no other way.

To get out of this death spiral, we need to understand how we got in.  All economic enterprises, whether they are households, businesses or countries, should be run within safe operating boundaries.  Banks normally protect individuals (and their families) and business owners (and their employees) from going outside of these boundaries, by limiting the amount of debt they can acquire based on their income.

Individuals or business owners may acquire additional debt from other sources.  However, once it reaches an unsustainable tipping point, then they enter the death spiral where their families will eventually have to vacate their houses, and their employees will eventually become unemployed.

Our elected politicians negotiate national loans on our behalf.  However, unlike individuals and business owners, international funding agencies willingly lend politicians any amount, but inflict punishing interest charges on citizens based on the risks of lending.  The IMF warned us citizen not to allow our politicians to enter the death spiral.  We enter this spiral when our debt exceeds 40% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

The BLP took us from the safety of 30% GDP debt to approximately 90% GDP debt.  Entering the death spiral is deceptive, since there is very little change in the circumference or size of the circle in the initial cycles.  However, as we move from the rim and inevitably travel downward towards the eventual drain, then with each successive cycle, the circle gets smaller, the effects of each cycle become more noticeable, and we become more alarmed.

If Barbados has the misfortune of electing the DLP, or any party that shares the BLP’s failed philosophy, then Barbados is sunk.  Solutions Barbados is the only party that has published a non-austerity plan for getting Barbados out of this death spiral.  It has undergone over 2 years of rigorous public scrutiny and is available on

Essentially it comprises 4 proven main steps.  The first is to increase Government revenues by lowering taxes and making them fair, and easier to calculate, pay and audit.  The second is to increase productivity in both the public and private sectors by managing each Government service to the international customer-focused quality management standard, ISO 9001.

The third step is to effectively address corruption by fining those who receive and pay bribes up to 10 times the value of the bribe, and rewarding the whistle-blower with the full value of the bribe.  The last step is to depoliticise the civil service by ensuring that all public workers are promoted on merit alone.  The details are on

In the upcoming election, the choice for voters could not be clearer.  We either complete the death spiral by voting for politicians who embrace the failed philosophies of the DLP and BLP that have brought us to this point, or we get out of this death spiral by voting for Solutions Barbados candidates.  Decide Barbados.
Grenville Phillips II is the founder of Solutions Barbados and can be reached at

153 responses to “Solutions Barbados’ Response to the S&P Downgrade – The Death Spiral”

  1. “The last step is to depoliticise the civil service by ensuring that all public workers are promoted on merit alone”

    Good idea. Let us start with the Supreme Court.

  2. “Merit” is really hard to define. Doubt if you can get three people to agree on whether Tom is better than Harry.

    Meanwhile, Solutions needs to work on presentation. Will somebody buy their candidates some suits that fit?

    And those orange shirts do not look good. The turquoise lady looks like she just got back from Sri Lanka.

  3. Orange is the United Progressive Party Chad … different party.

  4. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Waste not, want not.

    “The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) has started to pay its debt and is in a position to meet its financial obligations to suppliers once again. The Sanitation Service Authority (SSA) will soon get its new fleet of trucks, and will even be looking to purchase additional equipment. Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler says Barbadians can..”

    Thanks to the overtaxed majority population, but since fine ants aint too bright it would not occur to him that :

    The millions wasted on the useless independence celebrations and building the Bushman’s pitchfork on the Garrison would have resulted in the same thing….new garbage trucks, repaired sewage plant etc….and no new taxes would have had to be introduced to overburden the majority population.

    The 60 million US of pensioners money given to the 4 seasons crooks would have helped the majority population progress if spent wisely on them instead….eg services, QEH. ….paid down the 14 million dollar commitment to the Caribbean Caricom Development Fund CDF….instead of fine ants neglecting the island’s development to develop the bank accounts of minority crooks and scam artists on the island

    The hundreds of millions given to the minority crooks Maloney, Bjerkham et al in contracts to build useless scam houses at coverley etc, renewing Bizzy’s Ionic scam etc…..would have instead resulted in more progress for the majority taxpayers and done even better to take care of the people’s needs, paid down QEH debts..etc..

    The hundreds of millions stolen from taxpayers and pensioners to put in Cow’s etc pockets for his Apes Hill Plantation scam, buying new trucks and equipment for himself and building a luxury property in St. James, could have done even better for programs for new mothers and children in the majority population and bought additional new equipment to benefit the population, retrofitted all schools, upgraded their their curricula to meet modern standards, refurbished buildings neglected by this government so they wont have to pay, Bizzy, Barrack and others outrageous rents to house government workers. …wastong tax dollars.

    Instead it was all about lack of priorities and commitment to the majority population and putting bribe money in their own pockets were these minister’s priorities…… each and every one of them out,…split the votes among all new political parties…vote candidates, not party.

  5. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    The hundreds of millions stolen from taxpayers and pensioners to put in Cow’s etc pockets for his Apes Hill Plantation scam, buying new trucks and equipment for himself and building a luxury property in St. James, could have done even better for programs for new mothers and children in the majority population and bought additional new equipment to benefit the population, retrofitted all schools, upgraded their curricula to meet modern standards, refurbished buildings neglected by this government so they wont have to pay, Bizzy, Barrack and others outrageous rents to house government workers. …WASTING tax dollars, the majority population’s money.

  6. @Chad99999 October 3, 2017 at 8:59 PM #

    Look at the Registrar of the Supreme Court to figure out what happens if there is no merit but political ideology. Outcome: The CJ complains in front of the whole legal fraternity about the mess in the registry. Read the story on CBC. Or take the CJ himself: A family lawyer at a state court. Was there any managerial experience how to run a court? ZERO. And look what we got. The Barbados judicial system is the laughing stock of the whole Caribbean. Nobody takes them seriously anymore. Not the CCJ, not the companies in the Caymans etc doing the offshore business.

  7. Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim.

    A couple things are obvious:

    There was never any chance of economic recovery under Fumble’s Fools. They are just too stupid in the ways of simple management and too overt with bribery solicitation.

    Never has Barbados experienced the current level of political corruption. It is blatant and has chased away 99% of the investors, local and foreign, who have been propositioned.

    Social media exposure to stupid decision-making and outright teefin has never been greater but we have failed to turn the knowledge of such things into the power to change them.

    Whoever wins the next election will have allot of work to do but there are many patriots standing by with the knowledge and skills needed to help.

  8. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Justice Gibson needs to up his game, despite all the political interference from AG Nitwit, who is stopping upgrades and modernization of the judiciary to continue the misuse and abuse of the entity by themselves, their friends and business partners in the insurance companies and in the other cockroach hideouts.

  9. It is a great pity that Mr. Philips nor any of the other leaders of the newly formed political parties been able to inspire public confidence in their ability to properly manage this Country’s affairs. As in my opinion both the BLP & DLP have failed us and it would have been wonderful to be able to turn to with a degree of confidence to an alternative source of Govt. I find myself in a particular uneasy position that while there is no doubt in my mind that the present lot has to go I am not seeing the opposition bringing forth a set of measures to turn the country around. But despite this i cannot in all conscience vote for a single member of the present govt.

  10. These are none solutions from AN.
    It is a lie that lower taxes could either increase tax receipts or productivity. There is nowhere that either has been proven.

  11. @ Grenville Phillips who wrote, ” The first is to increase Government revenues by lowering taxes ”

    Please explain in terms that a voter with a primary school education would understand.

  12. So the DLP has a philosophy to manage this country’s resources?Well,whad’ya know! Nothing will replace a massive dose of confidence in our political operatives to get Barbados up and running again.Untried and untested fringe groups or parties will not cut it.Whomever or whichever party creates those conditions which inspire confidence by investors and the citizenry should combine to ensure Barbados rises from the repeated demolition of its economy post 2008.Call the election and stop the wholesale destruction of what is left of this once prosperous and proud country.

  13. Grenville would have to get legislation pass which would levy fees on most govt sponsored social programs like health care and education in order to make up for the inevitable financial shortfall which will be incurred if his plans are to lower taxes


    Listening to David and other BLP commentators on this blog…….you would believe that only BARBADOS 🇧🇧 economy is struggling.

    Read the link above and see how our oil rich neighbor is coping.

    I have faith in rational thinking 💭 Barbadians…..

    But none in the likes of Prodigirl, Miller , Enuff , Well Well & Artax

  15. Fractured
    Dutch disease is to Tdad as bad management is to the DLP! Stop looking for excuses.

  16. We wonder when is the ‘mis-leadership class’ in Barbados, and this includes the SB people, will come to know that the arithmetic of the old economy model will never be workable again.

    That the Richie Haynesian calculus has no political purchase

    That in a financialized economy businesses transfer tax savings into financial assets, not production

    That no level of traditional productivity increases can lead to sustainable ‘growth’

    That no level of traditional investment will ever lead to anything near full employment

    That no level of servile compliance to perceived needs of the corporatists could deliver any political heaven

    The misleadership class in Barbados is playing a game with an outdated set of rules. But playing nonetheless!

  17. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    “That being the case, “what they [the ratings agencies] say has as much value as what you would see in any garbage dump collected by the Sanitation Services Authority”, Stuart contended at the time.”

    Except that the government mismanaged the economy so badly, that fine ants had to return to the taxpayers and soak them in taxes, to be able to afford new garbage trucks to collect garbage…lol

  18. Fractured,

    Personally, I care a sh… about OTHER countries. The local residents do not live in OTHER countries. We have our houses and investments right here in Bim. There will always be some places in South America or Africa were things are even worse than in Bim. Who cares.

    What matters is the fact that the sanitation service is not working, the roads are not repaired, the public schools are in a mess, the crack heads of St. Michael North West rally around the island to commit atrocities and massacres, police officers are caught selling ammunition and drugs, the judiciary is in a bloody mess and prices are going up high in the sky.

    I really would like to know, Fractured, if you live in Bim or like many other democratic ideologists in Canada, Florida or Zurich, since shopping in Bim is like hell. Paying 40 USD for some popcorn chicken, 1.50 USD for 1 l fuel, 2,500 USD for a proper washing machine and 200,000 USD for a slave hut at Coverley is nothing else than hell when you earn some weak local Mickey Mouse dollars at the same time.

  19. Wunnah could jump high or jump low

    Barbados is not immune from the rest of the world 🌎

    It is a world wide recession…..and we all gine sink or float …..together !!!

    NSRL …,,,. in wunnah arse !!!

    Tek dat !!!!

    If wunnah tek to the streets again …..CURFEW … wunnah tail !!!

  20. Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim.

    Tron October 4, 2017 at 9:39 AM #

    What matters is the fact that the sanitation service is not working,

    There was a tender advertised for new SSA equipment on Saturday, deadline Oct 13th, delivery 90 days later, no specification sheets available from SSA, vague newspaper descriptions only.

    That means a couple things:

    Election spending fever has started, we will be further bankrupted in the next couple months.
    Elections will be mid-February.
    Another whoring lackie will sell SSA the trucks because the backroom deal has already been done with a teefin’ minister and specifications set with a single vendor, the invitation to tender is a pretence; hence no actual tender documents available.

    Downward spiral indeed.

    There was never a chance of economic recovery under Fumble’s teefin’ whores.

  21. Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim.

    Fractured BLP October 4, 2017 at 9:45 AM #
    Wunnah could jump high or jump low

    NSRL …,,,. in wunnah arse !!!

    Tek dat !!!!

    If wunnah tek to the streets again …..CURFEW … wunnah tail !!!

    I so wish Fumble’s Fools would follow through on threats like these.

    The higher the teefin’ monkeys climb the taxpayer’s mango tree, the more the taxpayers see his tail.

  22. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    The electorate will have the last laugh…Fruendel and his thugs will be humiliated at the polls. ..

    No more diplomatic passport protection that the crooks are desperately trying to hold on to…….

    ,….they are wanted….give them up, the same way they sold out the majority population.

  23. Frustrated,

    BUYING trucks and SERVICING them are two very different issues in Barbados. Even if they buy the trucks they will break down in a couple of months. Like the many Audi, Landrovers, Mercedes and BMW where you won´t get spare parts in timely manner.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Let us see them stopping the electorate from tossing their asses out…from parliament.

    Let us see them running when they no longer have diplomatic protection against the many international crimes for which some of them are being looked at……

    Fractured Damaged Yardfowl got a lot of talk….and think we dont know.

  25. @ Tron who wrote ” you won´t get spare parts in timely manner.” Try this solution….

    Go online, order the part, Fedex or DHL will deliver.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Election is months away… is another downgrade.

  27. Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim.

    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. October 4, 2017 at 10:50 AM #
    Election is months away… is another downgrade.

    Yes, we will hit rock bottom. As I predicted 7 years ago.

    There was never any hint that Fumble’s Fools had any idea what they were doing; except for the blatant teefin.

  28. @ Grenville Phillips wrote “The second is to increase productivity in both the public and private sectors by managing each Government service to the international customer-focused quality management standard, ISO 9001”

    You are oversimplifying the implementation of a QMS on such a large scale. While it would be exhaustive to detail all the problems to be encountered I will instead focus on the 7 principles of ISO 9001

    Customer Focus – The civil has moved away from customer focus (ie serving the public) to being a job provider first. Serving the customer is not the primary focus. How do you intend to change that?
    Leadership – Implementation of a QMS requires leadership at all levels. So a Prime Minister, still needs his ministers, senior managers (Permanent Secretaries) and mid level managers to believe in the system and show leadership. There is no leadership in the ministries, it is every man for himself. Square pegs in round holes cannot lead. What is your solution?
    Engagement of People – The government stopped engaging civil servants and the public long ago. You are engaged if you know the right person.
    A Process Approach – A process approach requires the definition of processes first. The inputs, outputs, controls and resources. Defining and documenting processes will be a huge undertaking. Will you entrust this to civil servants or a consultant?
    Improvement – To continually improve you need a baseline, a standard of performance against which to measure future performance. Good luck standardising and measuring the performance of civil servants and government departments.
    Evidence based decision making – I won’t even bother. From policy development to infrastructural projects, to investment there is currently very little evidence based thinking. Decisions are entrusted to high priced consultants or businessmen who have their own agendas. How do you address this?
    Relationship Management – Currently the only relationships that matter are financiers and party supporters. The relationship with the unions is terrible, the relationship with the private sector is even worse and the public does not trust the government. These are your major stakeholders. How do you improve these relationships?

    If you are intent on implementing ISO 9001 and you expect to be taken seriously, at a minimum you need to add more substance to your solutions beyond simply stating ISO 9001 is the cure all.

    Not one of the principles of ISO 9001 is currently a guiding principle in the civil service. You will need a cultural shift requiring a purge even greater than the IMF is suggesting.

    There is a saying in business “If you can’t change people, change people”.
    You don’t have this luxury in the civil service. How will you address officers stubborn to change?

  29. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    “There was never any hint that Fumble’s Fools had any idea what they were doing; except for the blatant teefin.”


  30. Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim.

    Redguard October 4, 2017 at 10:56 AM #
    @ Grenville Phillips wrote “The second is to increase productivity in both the public and private sectors by managing each Government service to the international customer-focused quality management standard, ISO 9001”

    Not one of the principles of ISO 9001 is currently a guiding principle in the civil service. You will need a cultural shift requiring a purge even greater than the IMF is suggesting.

    There is a saying in business “If you can’t change people, change people”.
    You don’t have this luxury in the civil service. How will you address officers stubborn to change?

    Carrot and stick.

    The civil service needs pay increases.

    They need to do a better job.

    There needs to be a freeze on hiring. which means managers need to be able to move civil servants around to where they are most needed without falling foul of employment conditions and severance payouts.

    The time to make this all come together is ripe. But maybe for the next PM who won’t be such a fool.

  31. @ Grenville Phillips,

    Take one Ministry and explain how ISO 9001 would work in a way 3rd formers at Kolij would understand.

    The average voter is not University educated.

  32. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ Grenville Phillips,

    You would do well to take your lead from the man discussed in the link below. Your intentions are good but you are far too conservative. You need to be more aggressive.

  33. The solutions are COMMON SENSE solutions however that is a very rare commodity!!!

  34. Barbadians complain bitterly about rampant mismanagement in the public sector and high prices for goods and services.

    But then they keep electing lawyers to govern the island.

    That is like hiring a poet to fix your toilet. Lawyers are not trained in management. They are not trained in finance. They are not trained in economics. Some of them can write legislation, but they need good ideas to write good legislation.

    Anyone who thinks Mia can help the country has given up his right to grumble.

  35. But Freundel Stuart, who is also a LAWYER and Sinckler, who does not have any training in economics, can help the country?

    However, based on the fact that Sinckler is the holder of a MSc in International Trade Policy and was the Executive Director of the Caribbean Policy Development Centre, he should have been appointed as Minister of Industry, International Business, Commerce and Small Business Development, rather than Minister of Finance.

  36. Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim.

    chad99999 October 4, 2017 at 3:15 PM #
    Barbadians complain bitterly about rampant mismanagement in the public sector and high prices for goods and services.

    But then they keep electing lawyers to govern the island.

    That is like hiring a poet to fix your toilet. Lawyers are not trained in management. They are not trained in finance. They are not trained in economics. Some of them can write legislation, but they need good ideas to write good legislation.

    Correct, as I have been typing here for years.

    But here’s the difference; Barbados has ALWAYS been led by lawyers. But some lawyers talk for the sake of hearing their own voice and some listen before making a decision and proclamation.

    The post-Dippa DLP gov’t has ALWAYS excluded the people that Barbados needs to take us forward. The fact that Fumble is the most useless human we’ve ever had in Parliament and holds the highest gov’t post created the ‘perfect storm’ of our demise but that has always been their practice, if not their policy.

    The BLP never has.

    That is not opinion, that is historical fact. So are the results and consequences.

  37. The BLP has lost its soul !!

    So said his Majesty Owen Arthur !

    He knows of which he speaks !!!

    Edmund Hinkson called George Payne a THEIF !!!

    Edmund knows of which he speaks !!!

    Maria Agard calls Mia Mottley a SERPENT in white !!!!!

    Maria knows of which she speaks !

    Why would anyone waste their damn voters on a set of …..BLP CROOKS !!

    Owen is correct ……the BLP has lost its soul !!!

    Get lost ……ye DEViLS !!!!!

  38. “Because we have not done it…to the satisfaction of some people and you get a little downgrade, everybody running around [saying], ‘Oh dear, the sky is falling!’”
    Extracted from a statement made by the Buffoon of Finance to Loop News – please read the above again paying particular attention to “you get a little downgrade”. Buffoon, Dotard, Moron, Imbecile, Retard …pick any one of the preceding that best defines the intellect that would give birth to such a statement. Really, a little downgrade. I suppose we had a little hurricane in Dominica and Puerto Rico and a little shooting in Las Vegas and a little idiot damaging the finances of this country.

  39. FearPlay,

    The Kingpin of Black Rock knows very well that they will be ousted next February. He is planning his relocation, not his future in Bim. All they will leave behind for the next government are BIC and account number of their domestic banks in Canada and Switzerland, so that the new government can transfer their huge pensions.

  40. Fearplay

    Go and sleep 😴

    We have the best government & Minister of Finance in place .

  41. Fractured, yes you do. The Republicans also have the best President ever too and you are probably the sharpest tool in the shed.

  42. Grenville,

    I will say this. I agree that the DLP and BLP really have no credible, viable solutions for Barbados at this time as evident in the 8 dismal years of the DLP and the lack of any substance coming from the BLP. You are right, Barbados does need a 3rd party and I really, really want to get behind you. But as I analyse Solutions Barbados’s Policy Solutions, I see the same pattern of dated thinking. Out of the 12 steps you outlined, only one barely hints at trying to address the real “elephant in the room”. The majority of what you propose tinkers with bureaucracy and does nothing to generate revenue for this island.

    Barbados’s BIGGEST problem in a new digitally influenced world is the SEVERE inability of it’s citizens to contribute to the global economy and engage in industries to generate increasing revenues and wealth for the island. The ability for the island to generate wealth allows for a fair taxation policy to pay for social programs and eliminates the need for borrowing/ external debt. You have barely scratched the surface in answering the question. HOW AND WITH WHAT NEW ECONOMIC ACTIVITY WILL BARBADOS GENERATE ENOUGH WEALTH AND FX TO PAY ITS DEBT BURDEN. It is nonsense to talk about teaching how to manage home based businesses when the citizenry has not been taught, trained and exposed to what is needed now to compete globally. So what business are your newly trained folks going to launch, basket weaving? There has to be a deliberate effort to develop youth on specific, globally relevant niche areas. Pick 5 areas as we are a small island and incubate a material number of youth in these niches, who can be fully armed with the training and skills needed to SUCCESSFULLY launch globally relevant small businesses. All will not survive and succeed but a pipeline that keeps producing youth like this will eventually turn out winners. I do not see anything resembling this approach in your proposal.

    Barbados is at the stage where strong, focused leadership, WITH A CLEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN (8-10 YEARS) is needed. We do not need someone to just occupy the crease. As you mentioned we are in a death spiral. No time for tinkering with bureaucracy, We NEED decisive, clear leadership acting with a RELEVANT DEVELOPMENTAL PLAN

  43. Tron: We plan to address all Government services concurrently.

    Chad: Now that you know that the orange shirts that you criticised were actually worn by the UPP, will you be retracting your criticism?

    Pach: The evidence is not on your side. Please review “A New Measure of Taxation: An Application to Barbados” by Greenidge and Drakes.

    Hants: I refer you to the same study I referred Pach. Essentially, there is greater formal participation when taxes are low and easy to pay, therefore, the Government collects more. The converse is also true.

    Gabriel: So, call the elections and allow who to manage this economy?

    Angela: Please review the evidence before making such conclusive statements – which happen to be incorrect.

    Pach: Well, who do you think is best suited to lead Barbados at this critical time.

    Redguard: The ISO 9001 system has been successfully implemented in diverse public services, and your comments about why the system was likely to fail were typical before its implementation.

    Hants: The ISO 9001 is an international customer-focused quality management system. Essentially, it aims to delight coustomer by continually improving the management of how products are developed and delivered to customers. See an example of the ISO 9001 system.

    Baje: Most of our policies are intended to increase revenues.
    a) The ISO 9001 system should increase the productivity in both public and private sectors.
    b) The reduced taxation should increase Government revenues.
    c) The health tax and making finable offenses results in greater participation of the Barbados Economy.
    d) The changes to the Secondary School curriculum has the end-goal of developing quality products and marketing them via the Internet – to receive foreign currency

    Best regards,

  44. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Congratulations. There are the best, and most polite answers you have ever given.

  45. Grenville

    It is best for the people to lead themselves. Rid themselves of all elements of the political misleadership class. Including SB.

    One study cannot sway us one way or the other. We look at the preponderance of studies.

    Where in the world is neoliberalism wukking for the many.

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bajeabroad October 4, 2017 at 7:35 PM
    “Barbados’s BIGGEST problem in a new digitally influenced world is the SEVERE inability of it’s citizens to contribute to the global economy and engage in industries to generate increasing revenues and wealth for the island. The ability for the island to generate wealth allows for a fair taxation policy to pay for social programs and eliminates the need for borrowing/ external debt. You have barely scratched the surface in answering the question. HOW AND WITH WHAT NEW ECONOMIC ACTIVITY WILL BARBADOS GENERATE ENOUGH WEALTH AND FX TO PAY ITS DEBT BURDEN. It is nonsense to talk about teaching how to manage home based businesses when the citizenry has not been taught, trained and exposed to what is needed now to compete globally….”

    Bajeabroad, excellent contribution!

    You have zeroed in on the Achilles heel of SB’s proposals for economic recovery and social development to make Barbados a competitive player in the fast-changing 21st Century.

    Please don’t expect a meaningful response to your most pertinent query other than by way of some vague vacuous resort to idealistic pie-in-the-sky of copying some kind of good or service already swamping the international trading markets whether in the traditional sense or some already saturated Internet-based buying and selling activity.

    Similar queries regarding SB’s proposal to earn and save forex- the lifeblood of socio-economic activities and on which all tax revenues are symbiotically linked- were placed before SB and which with were eschewed like a snail avoiding salt.

    What we would like to hear from SB is not only their set of ‘specific’ proposals to earn forex but also their intended policy on marijuana.

    A plant which is clearly adaptable to the agronomic conditions of Barbados and a possible replacement for the fast disappearing grass called sugarcane; also a plant with which the youth of Barbados have a rather longstanding relationship which will continue throughout their lives even in the face of State-sponsored competition from alcohol and Chinese-made cigarettes.

    Would SB be banning an already banned god-made plant as is their wont with Internet-based porn and link it to the handiwork of a devil disguised as snake in the ‘grass’ or would they embrace the economic and commercial potential contained in its cultivation and processing as a viable option to save or even earn massive forex currently lost through underground channels?

    Those who can earn or save FOREX for Barbados should be seen as the real knights and dames of the realm; not some set of silly two-bit garrulous lawyers or politically-tainted ass-licking yard-birds and shite-hounds sniffing around the intellectual dregs of Parliament.

  47. Grenville

    Your party delivered a manifesto to my home. I read it and the mention is ISO 9001 piqued my interest because I have embarked on a course of study to become a Certified Quality Practitioner with the goal of eventually reaching Certified Quality Professional.

    The information was vague so I decided to seek out answers.

    I have asked you questions based on the principles of ISO 9001. These principles will need to be adopted if ISO is to succeed. Your answer to me was:

    “The ISO 9001 system has been successfully implemented in diverse public services, and your comments about why the system was likely to fail were typical before its implementation”

    Please provide EVIDENCE of successful implementation and show similarities to the current pathology of the Barbados public service. You must be basing this on something, so if it is documented I would love to analyse it for myself.

    I never said the system would fail. I said based on what I currently observe in the civil service I anticipate challenges. As Prime Minister (CEO) how will you address them.

    While the average person may only have a superficial understanding of ISO 9001 and QMS’s, I at least know a bit more. Your responses indicate either:

    You also have a superficial understanding of ISO 9001 and are winging it
    You have a greater understanding but you are having problems explaining it to the layman and hence you have resorted to maintaining an aura of superiority about the standard
    You know very little you are wasting my time.

    Another point. If Evidence Based Decision Making is a guiding principle for you, please provide evidence that your tax plan will work. To make such promises of increased revenue and reduced taxation and not provide one shred of evidence is mind boggling. Evidence can be examples of where it has worked or using current revenue and taxation numbers to make a prediction.

  48. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    “Would SB be banning an already banned god-made plant as is their wont with Internet-based porn and link it to the handiwork of a devil disguised as snake in the ‘grass’ or would they embrace the economic and commercial potential contained in its cultivation and processing as a viable option to save or even earn massive forex currently lost through underground channels?”

    This one I gotta hear.

  49. @8:34, Redguard, your post is instructive and purposeful in highlighting political high level policy which is either difficult to actually implement or virtually impossible.

    A supply side tax program has its benefits as was clearly shown in the US under the Reagan tenure. But the ballooning debt post Reagan was also an important feature of that tax policy.

    It is absolutely “mind boggling” therefore as you note that a serious political party can sketch a framework for such massive change to our economy and not provide the rigour and careful analysis needed to properly develop that framework.

    The ISO 9000 discourse is simply juvenile. It is impractical to offer that as a defining perscription to resolve or civil service and governance malaise. Several people here, I am sure, have either been thoroughly exposed to management change processes or been part of an organization which implemented them.

    The list of processes would include things like Six Sigma but of course must also incorporate stuff like TQM propogated under Dr Deming.

    Just as obvious is the fact that any management efficiency process can only be implemented in a large govt bureaucracy on an incremental basis after much preparation and basic retooling.

    It is therefore also mind boggling that this perscription is expected to achieve any desired concrete results in such magnitude and immediacy to improve total governance in short-thrift.

    The concepts of any TQM improvement make sense but that a consultant touts one such process as the saving grace for our nation’s well being again without the realities that accompany such an implementation is amazingly simplistic and juvenile.

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