BU extracted the following from Dale Marshall’s Facebook timeline. On point!
Former Attorney General Dale Marshall

No? Too difficult?
The DLP has no interest in such things?


The AG is also being asked to investigate whether or not the opposition leader can practice law in Barbados? How about if he investigates the Justice system in Barbados grinding to a halt? How about he investigate the plight of the people who have cases before the court, but must wait years before they can get a decision? The Bar Association has compiled a partial list of some of the outstanding decisions, with some decisions still outstanding after 4 years. That’s a good place to start.

No? Too challenging? Not interested?


So……instead of dealing with critical issues affecting the country, the DLP prefers to look at stuff that just might sound good on an election platform?

Well, do get on with it Mr. AG!!
The country is behind you!!
Way, way, behind you!!

In fact, if you turn around fast enough, you will see the country disappearing in the distance deeper in the mire.

105 responses to “The Politics of Distraction?”

  1. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Dale “smiley teets” Marshall, former Attorney General and the administrator of said system prior to the tenure of this Nitwit Brafwit, should really shut he teets up!

    While he was AG he was DE same man who (1) did not know how much DE prisons Dat Mugabe get build was going to cost (2) did not do one shyte to rectify de same system cause he is Jez like dem and (3) pleazeeeee Doan let de Ole man talk but cases Dat he and he Peeples intentionally thwart.

    Whu happen wide Arch Cot???

    Stepseeeeee! !!

  2. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Why he ask Doan comment pun de wiretapping dat wejonesing. and Pigrim de botsicologist having a lecture bout (dat entry a word so a feller can’t get sue for a word dat don’t exist)

    It would mean dat he wud got to speak bout Mugabe tapping de udder prime minister wouldn’t it?

    As the Honorable Blog master I see dat you does post things here to elicit responses and keep the site lively and ting

    However, truth be told, all topics like these do is to expose the similar and even worse cancer that the Barbados Lesions and Pimps will bring back to the House of Assembly


  3. yeah good question


    Inquiring minds want to know

  4. Why is it that the BLP operatives and supporters always ready able and willing to tell govt how to table their agenda
    So what so wrong with bringing to table another big lie about MIA illegitimate act of being a practicing lawyer when her validity of being a lawyer has not be legitimized by legal means
    A real and legitimate question is being asked concerning her LEC , after all if she ever becomes PM she would be in charge of barbados justice system
    Who needs a BIG LIE / LIAR standing as chief in charge of Barbados Justice system when justice systems world wide requires TRUTH

  5. The point is that whatever is posted it facilitates discussion from all sides.

  6. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Piece…how could you miss all that bajan bassa bassa last week..lol…

    ….if you dont watch carefully you will end up with a bajan white prime minister Piece, the private sector Mangoste revolted on Fruendel’s backside…lol

    Are both governments only capable of violating the rights of their own people, what do they get out if these nasty practices….when it’s not negotiating slave wages for workers on the island they are stealing pensions and benefits from workers.


  7. You do not have to be a lawyer to be prime minister of Barbados, although it feels like it sometimes.

  8. @Pieces, you is an Ole fella so you must remember that TV program called Time Tunnel, yes!

    So the Dale former AG merely doing a bit of bobbing n weaving across time portals to ‘reinvent’ his own untainted history.

    But I wonder if you gave pause on the ‘time travelling’ fable surrounding the other talkative politician in that dump of a White House…

    The story that a 19th century author has a cool elaborate tale about a NY based Presidential candidate called…Trump ….with a progeny called Baron who embark on a dream scape escapade to…Russia!

    You is a smart fella n understand these Internet n computer things real propa so if you could offer some decryption of this amazing time travel tale, this Manchurin dude or the ides of our seemingly fated life it would be appreciated.

    They say that truth is stranger that fiction but this latest Trump saga is too confusing to believe as anything other than amazingly contrived ‘fabulistic’ folly….otherwise WTF!

  9. Mr Blogmaster I presume you saw the online story…have you dismissed it as blarney!

  10. It amazes me how DLP yard-fowls are “anxiously prepared” to show Barbadians how stupid they are.

    How does this yard-fowl jackass know Mottley’s “validity of being a lawyer has not be legitimized by legal means”……………….

    ………………….. when TWO YEARS and 2 MONTHS after PROMISING to commit his office in June 2014, to INVESTIGATING whether or not Mia Mottley is legitimately qualified to practice law in Barbados, Attorney General Adriel Brathwaite HAS NOT INFORMED Barbadians of the RESULTS that investigation?

    Against the background of Denis Lowe and Michael Lashley being adamant that Mottley is not lawyer, and Brathwaite promising to investigate the matter, why should she present her qualifications when the onus is on her accusers to prove her guilty?

    Despite the fact Brathwaite or any other member of the DLP has so far been unable to prove Mottley is not a legitimate lawyer, the DLP yard-fowls are unable to understand they are continuing to pursue a NON-ISSUE.

    Similarly to how the yard-fowls are interpreting Mottley’s silence on the issue as “guilt,” and reasonable thinking individuals could likewise interpret Brathwaite’s silence as her being innocent.

  11. Is it not a better question to ask what qualifications do lawyers have in order to act as auctioneers and financial advisers? These are separate professional disciplines that lawyers automatic ally assume that being a lawyer gives them a right to practice.

  12. Hants is NOT licensed to practice law in Barbados because he does not have a LEC and a

    person CANNOT practice law in Barbados without a LEC unless they have done xy and z prior

    to the 19xx.

    Hants should provide incontrovertible evidence to prove he has the qualifications to

    legitimately practice law in Barbados.

    How wrasse whole complicated could that be for a University educated person.

  13. de pedantic Dribbler August 3, 2017 at 7:31 AM

    “They say that truth is stranger than fiction but this latest Trump saga is too confusing to believe as anything other than amazingly contrived ‘fabulistic’ folly….otherwise WTF!”

    @ de pedantic Dribbler

    I read an article in the New York Daily News which stated Trump “lies ostentatiously, compulsively, almost artistically, about things large and small.”

    Recently Trump was reported as having received a phone call from the Boy Scouts saying his speech “was the greatest speech that was ever made to them,” and the Mexican President called to say his (Trump) tough enforcement efforts at the Mexican border were working.

    However, “Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, confirmed at her daily briefing what the Boy Scouts and the Mexican government had already asserted publicly, which is that neither phone call that Mr. Trump referred to had occurred.” [New York Times, August 2, 2017]

    Perhaps Trump is the real “purveyor of fake news.”

  14. Hants,
    Lawyers too are regulated. Are the regulators happy that all person practising law in Barbados ie a right to appear in court, are qualified to do so? If the answer is yes, end of controversy; if no, then there is a need to explain.
    It is not illegal to describe yourself as a ‘doctor’, if not so qualified; but it is illegal to try and obtain a pecuniary advantage by professing to work as a doctor.
    Is it part of our collective psychology to be petty and vindictive about minor issues when the big, destructive ones look us in the face?

  15. Part V111 of the Code- An attorney-at-law shall not practice unless he has been issued a practicing certificate in accordance with the Act.

    Part V111 of the Code- An attorney-at-law shall not practice unless he has been issued a practicing certificate in accordance with the Act.

    Part V111 of the Code- An attorney-at-law shall not practice unless he has been issued a practicing certificate in accordance with the Act.


    The Association exists for the purpose of ensuring that Legal Services in Barbados

    is offered in the highest degree of professionalism and to provide general

    information to the public and to Attorneys-at-Law.


  16. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    There are ALWAYS exemptions to be found in any codes, for one reason or another, nothing is written in stone, except by dumb slaves in a brainwashed slave society.

    There is always wriggle room.


  17. @ Hants
    Give it a rest do…!

    It says ‘in accordance with the Act’.
    What THAT means is that the powers that be reserve the right to make it ‘mean’ whatever is convenient and expedient in the particular circumstances.

    In the Act, they will typically say things like ‘notwithstanding section 254 b and 7843 e, an attorney shall be eligible to practice if Dipper said so, …OR if their name can be construed to mean ‘my mother’ (Mama Mia)… even if they have no children.”

    In any case, by the time it is finally decided, all involved will be dead or retired….so..
    You CANNOT win with the ‘Law’ in Barbados.
    This is just exactly the kind of issue that the dead DLP will find suitable for their upcoming campaign.

    Perhaps they will lock her up for impersonating an attorney…
    but then someone may lock up Froon for impersonating a human….

    ha ha ha

  18. Who said anything about having lawyer credentials to be a PM.however for your information the question about her lawyer credentials resolves around integrity transparency and truthfulness a requirement that is therfore worthy of great consideration when one seeks to be at the helm of the highest office of the land… Not so?

  19. @Artax, to be fair and charitable to Trump he is a BS artist ànd an excellent purveyor of the political soundbite.

    What he does daily like the Boys Scout and Mexican President fake calls is the type of hyperbole and grandiose sales speak we have heard at presentations, conferences or meetings our entire business careers.

    The difference of course is that this is no simple real estate meeting or business conference!

    And by the way this fable supposedly dates to 3 centuries ago…if valid the coincidences are scary, incredible and confounding…Trump didn’t create this tale this time…although who knows what is real these days.

    @Hal, everyday politicians use petty folly to dissemble from the real issues. This Motley LEC is such and everyone knows that. The DLP operatives are enjoying the wasted space and time to pursue this issue.

    I would ask them or the current AG a few basic questions like what would happen to all the legislation signed by the AG supposedly non certified lawyer Mottley.

    This is and was always a non-issue.

  20. MIA should provide INCONTROVERTIBLE evidence to prove she has the qualifications to

    legitimately practice law in Barbados.

    She will be the next Prime Minister of Barbados.

  21. @Bush Tea & Hants

    The issue here as Dale correctly points out is why would the DLP table this matter as a resolution at their annual meeting? The answer is simple, to create noise to respond to the rising opposition sentiment in the country. Same tactic Trump is pursuing to deflect the heat from Russian probe. This is why many fear the grand standing that will be generated from publicizing a meeting of the social partnership. Ignorance!

  22. @ David
    …why would the DLP table this matter as a resolution at their annual meeting?
    Name one other topic that they can POSSIBLY talk about …that does not show them up to be complete jackasses….

    This was no doubt arrived at by a process of elimination.

  23. MS Skeete, DLP person I like your statement….it is so laughable.

    Were you a script writer for the MADD team…with laff lines as: “… her lawyer credentials resolves around integrity transparency and truthfulness”….you are awesome.

    When in the last 48 hours has anyone in your team looked up ” integrity transparency and truthfulness”.

    Oh mi lawd… I gone. What a conniption of lies and complete foolishness.

  24. @Hants

    If members of the ruling party suspects there is a problem they are the ones to invoke the law or shut the hell up while Mia continues to make her millions.

  25. Hants, WHY!

    To prove to a set of idiots that ‘he was born in the US’.

    Mottley has NOTHING to prove. There is clear and unequivocal clarification of her bonafides noted by a CERTIFIED QC and former AG (if memory serves).

    Obama was treated with fake and stupid accusations for 7 years by a man who now claims the terms fake news…what exactly does the DLP hope to ‘win’ with this stupidness.

    This is absurd and nonsensical in every practical sense.

  26. @ David,

    MIA is the LOO and future PM of Barbados.

    She should shut DEM up by providing INCONTROVERTIBLE evidence to prove she has the

    qualifications to legitimately practice law in Barbados.

    However it may better ( politically ) for her to do this after an election date is announced.

  27. de pedantic Dribbler wrote ” There is clear and unequivocal clarification of her bonafides

    noted by a CERTIFIED QC and former AG “

  28. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    It’s certainly not going to win the government the election….at this point Mia would be elected just for NOT being a lawyer…

    ……unlike Fruendel whose law degree is obviously useless, he can’t even get out of the hole he dug fir himself and Adriel Nitwit whose law degree is obviouly useless, cause he can’t functio and Michael Carrington, who uses his law degree to steal from 70 year old disabled people in wheelchairs…and Michael Lashley who misuses his law degree to consort with criminals for self enrichment….and the other “$10 dollar” Lashley, are yall sure he actually has a law degree, begging the population outright for ten dollars which his math calculated to be a 20 million dollar ripoff of Bajans.

    I could go on but it would be pointless and exhausting.

    So it maybe better they table a non issue and blow themselves up.

  29. David
    How dare you compare politics in Bim with USA

    The mind guards will have you for breakfast

  30. de pedantic Dribbler August 3, 2017 at 9:21 AM #

    “When in the last 48 hours has anyone in your team looked up ” integrity transparency and truthfulness.”

    @ de pedantic Dribbler

    “……………integrity transparency and truthfulness a requirement that is therefore worthy of great consideration when one seeks to be at the helm of the highest office of the land………………”

    …………….yet they are satisfied with Freundel Stuart being the Prime Minister of Barbados, Christopher Sinckler, a man who “lies ostentatiously, compulsively, almost artistically, about things large and small,” the Minister of Finance?

    …………….and a DLP administration that refused to enact the following legislation after promising to do so NINE YEARS ago in 2008, as mentioned on page 48 of their 2008 election manifesto:

    “Immediately introduce integrity legislation requiring:
    • a declaration of assets by public officials,
    • a Code of Conduct for Ministers,
    • a new Freedom of Information law,
    • amendments to the Defamation laws and
    • new constitutional provisions to rationalize the powers of the Prime Minister.”

  31. It is obvious that freedom of information and integrity legislation would not have required any significant sums of money to draft, legislate and enact. As such, this inept DLP administration cannot use the prevailing adverse economic environment as an excuse for their being unable to deliver on their promise.

    However, the DLP was able to find expenditure to “Establish state-funded Constituency Councils,” delivering on an unimportant promise as mentioned on page 48 of their 2008 manifesto.

  32. At this point after these morons have destroyed our country, who the hell cares what they say or table at their useless party conference?

    These dems have decimated the country and the dlp……so tabling a resolution is as useless as they are.

    They forgot that the majority of Barbadians are educated and have commonsense and will not be fooled by their stupid gutter politics.

    I believe that most people are now tone deaf to the dlp so bring it on, you morons.

    From 2008 you could not govern this ountry but think that by defaming Mia will suddenly teach you idiots how to govern? Jackasses!

  33. Pedantic dribbler
    “When has anyone in your team…..”

    Well should you not be asking yourself the same question about your team

    How is it that after nine years of asking for integrity legislation to be pass and ripping govt apart that you have the gall to question when your team blp is placed under the microscope for such indiscretions
    Really am i now to believe that you only have eyes to see what surely fits your political agenda
    Well then if so tell me why Mottley should be given a passing grade on all past and present indiscretions while she pursues the highest office in the land

  34. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    You idiot….Pedant dont even live on the island. ..what team what.

    Blind yardfowl…lol

  35. Poor dlp………….they have run out of excuses for their poor and destructive management of this country and have now realised that they are out of time…….

    And what do they do……….return to their mous operandi……..the politics of blood sports……wallowing in the gutter, dlp style.

    Too late shall be your cry!

  36. @ Prodigal Son,

    There is no difference between the DLP and BLP when it comes to “the politics of blood

    sports……wallowing in the gutter,”

    The Masses are ooking foward to “comedy central Barbados” aka ” Political Brass meetings.

  37. WWW
    “Pedantic doesnr live on the island

    Could not care less. However pedantic does not shy away from speaking and making self clear concerning the politics of barbados and on that rationale i make my comments towards him
    Btw do you ever clean house or take a trip to the batroom your daily presence on BU gives enough of an assessment to believe that u never do

  38. Did anyone hear the trini woman on Brasstacks trying to defend Fumble Stuart’s leadership style?

    Does she not understand what this leading from behind has done to our country? Leaving every minister to do what the hell they likeis not leadership……..look at the fraud and corruption highlighted in the AG report!

    She defends everything this DLP does.

  39. @Prodigal Son

    The Trini lady is free to wear whatever colour peticoat she desires.

  40. Prodigal
    So what if the Trini lady wants to defend PM Stuart leadership style.
    Not every one has the stomach of once again going diwn a rabbit hole of debt and corruption handed to the country by past blp administration
    Debt which has taken a strangled hold on the country economic performace
    Debt which can be attributed to blind political ambitions
    Debt which has only proven to serve a few among the masses
    Debt which now must be serviced by all and sundry even while the high and mighty refuses to pay their fair share but would rather gather the lowly to participate in chaos and staged marches in defiance

  41. @ Prodigal

    The resident yard-fowl is CORRECT.

    According to the IMF, CBB, S&P, Moody’s, CDB and other financial agencies, the DLP systematically INCREASED the country’s debt WHICH:

    “…………has taken a strangled hold on the country economic performance…..”

    “…………can be attributed to blind political ambitions…..”

    “…………has only proven to serve a few among the masses…..”

    “…………now must be serviced by all and sundry….”

    But I hope you noticed the march got duh head hot.

    Rawle calls BT everyday trying to convince himself the march was not a success, while the other two jackasses assigned to this forum are doing everything to convince themselves as well.

    The mere fact they are continually mentioning the march, means it has them bothered.

  42. @ac

    You dems are so ignorant that you are here saying that debt has strangled the country’s economic growth……..and yet you do not know that your party the DLP which has been the government since 2008 has borrowed more money in 9 years than the BLP borrowed in 14 years………..

    At least we can see what the BLP did with the money it borrowed, what has the DLP done with all the money it borrowed…………added to that the local money it borrowed, the millions it took out of the NIS and the massive deficits it has racked up year after year.

    The DLP government has not bought a bus, a garbage truck…….I dont even know if vehicle were bought for the Police but I know the PM got two new vehicles.

    The QEH is in serious condition, the roads are a mess, the UWI who helped DLP MP’s to be where they are today is in a critical financial position, schools are in disarray and you can name any other thing in this country and it is in dire straits.

    Yet you got the gall to talk about debt…………If the country had so much debt prior to 2008, it just goes to show how ignorant your party is to borrow and borrow until no one will lend you a yen now!

    Brilliance! That Credit Suisse loan tell us how brilliant the dems are.

  43. David

    Yes, I agree she has the right to wear her yellow panties and defend the PM…….was just mentioning it to show how even now people still think that that type of leadership has been good for country Barbados.

  44. I simply cannot understand the rationale pertaining to the opposition leader having rights to practice law in the country. In the political circle from the great EWB, Adams, Sandiford and a host of influential Attorney General from Independence we knew of the Opposition Leader being a certified lawyer or should I say was of the opinion that her profession was lawful. Now in 2017, after Lowe questioned her qualification and waste parliament’s time lambasting the person including the budget debate to continue his nonsense. Now, we as a country trying to deal with serious financial problems, and we now hearing that a serious annual conference will dealing with this non-issue.

    As a people, we need to remove ourselves from the negativity and look at creating positives.

  45. Prodigal Son,
    What did the BLP do with the money it borrowed? The truth is that Sinckler should not have stayed in that job for eight years and Stuart has not got the guts to sack him. To do so now will be too late.
    What is the future of the DLP? We only have to look at France for an example of what could happen.
    There is a myth, fuelled by so-called political scientists, that in our two-party, first-past-the-post adversarial electoral system there is no room for a ‘third’ party.
    This may be so, but the French experience is that a new party can are-arrange the chairs on the deck. The Macron centre-right victory is a distraction[; what is really interesting is that the traditional Socialist and the Leftwinger Jean-Luc Melenchon and the traditional Catholic-biased Gaullists also got wiped out.
    Although Macron won 62 per cent of the popular vote, that was out of 20 per cent registered voters. It was a rebellion against the elite, who they blame for the demographic changes overtaking their country, the so-called Great Relacement..
    Le Republique is a new party, which is still very much on probation. France is a strange country: the country that suffered most by the Fascist invasion, is now the home of European Fascism.
    There is more expressed racism in France than in the UK, for example, but it is more nuanced than that.
    The French rightly do not mind foreigners, but they want them to become French, share in their secular Republican values, while the newcomer insist on retaining their religious and cultural traditions. About 40 per cent of newborns in France have at least one parent who is from an ethnic minority. In time that will feed through to the whole society.
    So, in short, although the traditional BLP and DLP may dominate Barbadian electoral politics and under the current system two parties may remain dominant, there is no reason to believe the two will be the BLP and DLP.
    Until 1945, the UK Liberal party was the alternative to the Conservative and Unionist party, but Churchill, fresh from winning the war, was rejected by the people. We have seen the same thing in Scotland with the Scottish National Party replacing the Labour party as the party of government.
    The forthcoming general elections may yet spring a few surprises. We still need a more sophisticated debate about the state of the nation, which is yet to emerge.

  46. In his statement, Sir Henry admitted that Mottley did not attend any of the law schools in the Caribbean administered by the Council of Legal Education, prior to being admitted to the Bar of Barbados. However, he strongly argued that this fact did not preclude her from practising law in the region.


  47. ““The Honourable Attorney General is the Leader of the Bar of Barbados and is Parliament’s and Government’s principal legal advisor. In addition, he is the guardian of the public interest and invariably moves the admission of young attorneys to practise in Barbados.

    “It is therefore in the public interest that the outcome of this investigation is publicly revealed so that any slur cast against the late Chief JusticeSir Denys Williams, the former Attorney General Sir Maurice King, and the former Registrar, Madame Marie MacCormack, and of course Miss Mottley and myself, may be removed,” added Sir Henry.”

  48. @ Tell me WHY

    Politics of distraction.

  49. NorthernObserver Avatar

    What a joke headline “sir henry defends Mia”

    Sir Henry was defending himself as her co-introducer, along with the late PM Barrow, as well as the presiding officials, including the late CJ Williams. These two cannot speak for themselves.

  50. I find it a massive joke that intelligent people can expend so much cognitive energy discussing whether or not the leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition is fully legally qualified to practice law in Barbados – after a number of years – when the nation is crying out for sound and visionary political leadership..
    I thought it was April Fool’s Day. What makes it even worse is that we have at least one senior attorney who, if the Law Society of England and Wales is correct, took part one of his solicitor’s exams but never took part two. I know that because they told me that and I queried it on several different occasions and they confirmed it each time.

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