Submitted by Grenville Phillips II, founder of Solutions Barbados
Grenville Phillips II, leader of Solutions Barbados

Jesus’ death and resurrection are part of the historical record.  After Jesus’ resurrection, He declared that He had all authority in heaven and on earth, and told His disciples to teach all peoples to benefit from all of the things that He had taught them.  Then He said that He would be with them until the end of the age.

All human beings are on a similar journey – that of following Jesus.  No one who follows Jesus does so perfectly.  We all stumble, but Jesus waits for us to get back up and follow Him.  Jesus did not promise an absence of persecution and injustice, actually, He promised that the narrow road on which He leads us will be difficult – but He promised to be with us right to the end.

The bravest among us are those who choose to follow Jesus on this difficult road in their teenage years.  It is perhaps one of the most challenging things that a young person can do, especially if the one determined to follow Jesus is in the minority population.

To those who have chosen to unashamedly follow Jesus, I say well done.  You are making quality investments in your future self.  You will know wonder and a quiet confidence when it finally sinks in that you are actually walking with the absolute Lord of heaven and earth.  Keep walking.

Some who have not yet started on the journey of following Jesus may find amusement at disparaging those who preceded them.  However, this always ends in regret.  Those who are determined to reject Jesus’ teachings and persecute those who follow Him should be aware that this never ends well.  God hears the cries of the oppressed and comforts them.  However, a fearful judgement awaits the oppressor.

Our history reveals God’s guidance of our ancestors.  Most of us were captured and sold by Islamic slave traders in Africa and then enslaved for generations by Europeans.  Others were kidnapped in Europe and forced into servitude.  However, God’s comfort sustained us all.  God’s guidance was so obvious that it was acknowledged in our National Anthem.

The historical record should encourage us all.  God guided us through and led us out of slavery and servitude, and there was jubilation among our newly freed fore-parents.  He guided us through and led us out of colonial rule, and we stood confidently facing an uncertain future at our independence.  God guided us through the BLP and DLP mismanagement of our national economy – and He will certainly lead us out.

Grenville Phillips II is the founder of Solutions Barbados and can be reached at

112 responses to “Following Jesus”

  1. Jeff

    Neither have you read the whole constitution.

    Just googling, picking out a part of a document that seems to make your point, does not mean much in the absence of context.

    People like you hate countries like Iran and Libya because of what your masters tell you about them.

    Always assume that we start from the opposite pole.

    In every case, we find your masters wrong and your would be ‘other’ right.

  2. @Pacha

    Contextualize your position for us if you are versed in the Iranian Constitution.

  3. @ Pacha
    There is no personal choice in an age of marketing.
    Completely wrong.
    You are allowing your personal biases to impair your usual sharp analysis…. as you do with Hal…
    The fact that 99% of us REFUSE to look, see, feel, smell, hear or ASK ….and to position ourselves to make intelligent CHOICES …. but instead, like sheep, follow the crowd to do shiite …….DOES NOT NEGATE AVAILABLE CHOICE.

    Our world is actually DESIGNED with intelligent choice as a generally available option to those who are willing to ‘see’. The answers to all the ‘complex’ questions that we all like to avoid are CLEARLY PROVIDED in nature ALL AROUND us…. but we CHOOSE to just follow the herd instead – even when we can see the cliff coming up ahead….

    THERE IS personal choice.
    But brass bowls with hardened attitudes and closed minds probably do fall (by choice) into your categorisation… but that too is a choice…

  4. David

    The Iranians presume that Jews, Christians and Muslims are ‘the people of the book’.

    Being people of the book they are hence entitled to protections

    The Zoroastrianism developed in Iran.

    Maybe, you should ask the british why in Barbados there was only a recognized religion.

    More broadly, that if for them to decide. May their decisions cannot be subject to the minds of inferior civilizations just coming to town.

    We consider their social and governance systems more sophisticated, by miles, than anything in the West.

  5. @Pacha

    You will agree that the recognition given by Iranians to ‘the people of the book’ is arbitrary?

  6. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    People like you hate countries like Iran and Libya because of what your masters tell you about them.

    Do you know me? I do not know you!

  7. Bushie

    Cud lord man, if 99% of the people are so gullible as you seem to agree

    And when David is otherwise fighting us about ‘minorities’.

    You really feel comfortable in fronting a 1% footnote.

    Bushie, we have over the years here on BU given you more than a fear hearing for your innovative way of promoting your Christianity.

    In the final analysis we fear that it represents nothing more that old wine in a new bottle

    Our serious consideration of your views, as a basic matter, has thus come to an end.

    We find no perfection in anything on Earth or Mars. That assumption can nowhere be found.

    Previously we had asked you if we have this BBE, why is a snack bar located next to a toilet, you never responded. This is just one of the intractable issues for the perfectionists like you to make coherent.

    Then there are billions more imperfection of your BBE.

    At best, everything is a work in process, including the humanoid.

  8. Jeff

    Do you know all the writers you read?

    Do you not see them, as in a movie, when you read them?

    And do you not form impressions based on what they write.

    Stop being a boy!

    You attempted to play lawyer about a country unknown to you. A country never visited. A country whose literary giants are hardly known. etc

  9. @Pacha

    The discussion is not about:

    And when David is otherwise fighting us about ‘minorities’.

    It is about evaluating freedoms which exist in different systems of government.

  10. David

    You sound like a light weight

    You approached this matter as if there is a straight polemic – Christianity v Islam.

    After we introduced a level of complexity unknown to you, you shifted to minority rights.

    When we beat you back on that, you have now descended to the territory of arbitrariness.

    This is a constitution the people of Islamic Republic voted for in their tens of millions, and continue so to do.

    Is this not the ‘democracy’ you are always seeking. The Iranian people who can change their constitution if they wished. Recall elected officials and more

    Did you ever vote for a constitution in Barbados or for it to stay in place?

  11. @Pacha

    Ok, you won the argument.

  12. David

    What is ‘freedom’. We do not accept that Western conceptions of freedoms are best evolved.

    That is why you must get up from behind your computer and see the civilizations in Asia and Asia-Minor that existed while White people were living in caves.

    Surely, they have something to say!

  13. Separation of church and state in the United States
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    “Separation of church and state” is a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson and others expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

    The phrase “separation of church and state” is generally traced to a January 1, 1802 letter by Thomas Jefferson, addressed to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut, and published in a Massachusetts newspaper. Jefferson wrote,

    “ “I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”[1] ”

    Jefferson was echoing the language of the founder of the first Baptist church in America, Roger Williams who had written in 1644 of “[A] hedge or wall of separation between the garden of the church and the wilderness of the world.” Article Six of the United States Constitution also specifies that “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

    Jefferson’s metaphor of a wall of separation has been cited repeatedly by the U.S. Supreme Court. In Reynolds v. United States (1879) the Court wrote that Jefferson’s comments “may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the [First] Amendment.” In Everson v. Board of Education (1947), Justice Hugo Black wrote: “In the words of Thomas Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state.”[2]

    However, the Court has not always interpreted the constitutional principle as absolute, and the proper extent of separation between government and religion in the U.S. remains an ongoing subject of impassioned debate.[3][4][5][6]

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, OR prohibiting the FREE exercise thereof.” Also, as Roger Williams wrote, “{A} hedge or wall of SEPARATION between the GARDEN of the church and the WILDERNESS of the world.” Emphasis added.

    A majority of the founding ‘fathers’ of America, had and spoke emphatically on their deep and abiding belief, faith and trust in Almighty God and His Word the Bible, as a necessary foundation stone IN the building of this great Nation, and did not hesitate to publicly express and state their conviction in this regard!

  14. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hal Austin April 17, 2017 at 7:27 AM
    “It is not being bogged down, it is simple understanding. Because one does not go to church every Sunday, or is not ‘born again’, does not mean one’s values are not Christian.
    You could be a drunkard, a gambler, a fornicator, a liar, etc, but your values could till be Christian.”

    What you have written sounds no more than a load of codswallop of paradoxical contradiction.

    But you might just be right. You could also be a murderer, an owner of Bajan slaves who forcibly raped black women and lynched the men who dared protest and still be considered a white Christian, right Hal?

    All you had to do as a slave owner and exploiter of blacks was to leave some money or land (glebe) to the Church and all your sins would be forgiven with you (like an insurance policy) paying for an apotheosis to heaven to sit next to white Jesus.

    Since when was Barbados a Christian country? Certainly not during Arawak occupation or for blacks prior to Emancipation or adult suffrage?

    Where is the contrite act of asking for forgiveness and commitment to ‘sinning’ no more? Or are you subscribing to practice of indulgences and buying your way to heaven?
    If Barbados is a Christian country then a Chinese will be the next Messiah of the Buddhist or Confucian persuasion.

    By limiting your understanding of religion to those of the rather recent Abrahamic faith, in anthropological terms, you are really shortchanging by a long haul you intellectual potential.

    Come on Hal, you live in a rather enlightened country called the United Kingdom. Christianity (a down-the-totem pole descendant of Zoroastrianism and other old Egyptian forms of spiritualism like Akhenaten’s monotheism) is just one of the many religions existing in the world today.

    Christianity too would have its day in the Sun and would disappear from the culture of humankind just like those of yore like the worship of previous representations of gods in the skies (constellations).

    The internet (one of the children of Technology) would take care of that Jesus (Piscean) cult just as it did to Isis and Ba`al.

    But Mithraism in whatever incarnation would continue as long as there is Light Perpetual to shine on and give life to Pachamama.

    Don’t take it too personal Hal.
    At least you have the simple sense to worship on “SUNDAY” and do your ritual duty like a real religiously enthused Christian even if you have ‘hate’ the BU anonymice and would like to deliver them to the black Bajan Pilate as your Jewish brothers did to your white friend Jesus.

  15. Miller

    A “Christian’s” understanding of the world is guided by the book which was beaten into them from birth.

    …..not only them but all religions so schew the thinking of their followers.

    …..I wish you good luck in your attempts to have a rational conversation with those who have not forsaken their childhood mythology.

    Note your boy Zoe is on the prowl again…….I wonder if that is short for Zo(e)rastrian?

  16. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Let’s hope this is not a race to see who could sell the most jesus stories to win an election when there are more dire problems facing the majority voters…ya know, the ones with the numbers to actually elect candidates and a government. ……. .the poorer segment of the population that jesus stories cannot help….only good governance and less thievery from the treasury and their NIS pension fund.

  17. When many Barbadians,most of whom were Anglicans, emigrated to England during the 60’s , many of them were in for a rude awakening, when they ventured into a Church of England. Many of the Clergy there used a similar language to that which we heard our late Prime Minister David Thompson expoused………’Ever so welcome, but you will be better off …………….”
    This is what probably led to the rise in pentecostal churches in the UK.

  18. Miller,

    If only I could understand your semi-literate rantings I would reply. Goes to show that a little education – and Google – can be a bad thing. Stop Googling.
    A belief in Christian values does not mean one is walking around with a Bible and a dog collar. It simply means the values are rooted in Christian beliefs.
    Maybe if you drop your silly mask and engage in proper discussion you may learn a bit more.

  19. “A “Christian’s” understanding of the world is guided by the book which was beaten into them from birth.

    …..not only them but all religions so schew the thinking of their followers”

    There you go again Mr. Haynes with you simplistic conceptualization of the matter. The fact that your belief system is implicit and lacking structure does not make you free of religion. All human beings are religious. The main differences is the degree to which we acknowledge (and are honest about) said system and how explicit the tenets of the system may be.

    You are one of the most religious persons on this blog. The fervour with which you promote your system and the enthusiasm with which you attack opposing systems betray you. Surely, you realise this?

  20. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Vincent…they are never going to get it, religion has nothing to do with spirituality and mysticism which many of us are blessed with naturally from birth and which the manmade crap of religion and chritianity was successfully knocked right out of the African, most of whom had possessed these attributes, by Europeans….and as we can see, they will never get it back…only the few who are blessed to fight off the curse will continue to pass on spirituality and mysticism to their progeny…the others are forever lost sheeple….doomed to eternity singing the manmade praises of christianity and religion.

    Don’t waste ya breath…Miller save ya strength.

  21. Colonel,
    The Church of England is still institutionally racist. Are they going to separate us in Heaven?

  22. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    …..and which the manmade crap of religion and chritianity were successfully USED to knock spirituality and mysticism…..right out of the African.

  23. @Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    You would do well to stay away from certain discussions. This one may be a step beyond you.

  24. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    You attempted to play lawyer about a country unknown to you. A country never visited. A country whose literary giants are hardly known. etc


    Fortunately I do not have to “attempt to play” lawyer and after your spiel -What is the official religion of Iran? And what is the minority religion’s representation in the 270 member Iranian legislature.? You may play the constitutional lawyer now. I will not argue law with you.

  25. Sam Joseph Clarke Avatar
    Sam Joseph Clarke

    Phillips: “Jesus’ death and resurrection are part of the historical record.”

    Really? Where? Is there a single, living, reputable scholar who would agree with this? Name one. Just one.

    It being a given among reputable scholars that the first gospel was Mark’s; that Mark was writing a minimum of three decades after the execution of this particular one-in-a-very-long-line of itinerant Jewish preachers angry at Rome at the time; and that Mark’s gospel clearly ends with the execution (everything else was added by fabulists decades later), in precisely which document is this resurrection “part of the historical record”? What record what? What “historical” record what?

    If your original premise is indefensible in your first sentence, everything that follows it is going to look like mental ordure. That’s just the way it is.

    It is, demonstrably in the second decade of our century, a nightmare to live in a theocracy. Phillips’s first sentence causes concern, and his notion that “God guided us through the BLP and DLP mismanagement of our national economy – and He will certainly lead us out” can only make his election impossible.

    This, just above, is theocracy. It is screamingly obvious that what Barbados should do immediately is act less like Iran and more like Canada, less like Afghanistan and more like Sweden, much, much less like Nigeria and more like Denmark.

    History will get you in the end. Karma is for kretins. History decides.

  26. Like Canada?

  27. Do you people ever read anything ever that isn’t on a screen? Do you ever write anything ever without using something other than your thumbs?

    All due respect and everything in the, er, political landscape.

  28. All of the above being irrefutable in “the historical record” the idiot is asking, in the end, that you believe in astrology. He knows nothing of the history of biblical Galilee and nothing of the stars but somehow, you, fool, are supposed to follow the moron into the dark mysteries of his, er, “governance system.”

    Mek Bushie laff!!! Ha ha ha … And, inevitably, lol.

  29. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    I repeat…the jesus stories are a great cause for concern.

    Let’s hope this is not a race to see who could sell the most jesus stories to win an election when there are more dire problems facing the majority voters…ya know, the ones with the numbers to actually elect candidates and a government. ……. .the poorer and poorest segment of the population that jesus stories cannot help….only good governance and less thievery from the treasury and their NIS pension fund.

    A. Dullard…I noticed something years ago by those brainwashed into religion and christianity, they always believe they are experts and no one else knows anything regarding those subjects. …what they dont know is….that is why they were targeted centuries ago in the first place, because they are so predictable and will just take the stupidity further and further with every generation.., until they are so confused they just run around in circles….something like now, something like you.

    My spirituality and mysticism takes me places very few can go….i wont want to be you…I love my natural state.

  30. This doesn’t even begin to work, welly. OK if I call you Bonny, or would you insist on “Ms Peppa”? How did that surgery work out?

  31. Don’t want to have to rush you, here, bonny, but is this “the moot” or “the prolix” or “the posit” or “the truism”?

  32. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Sam…didn’t ACs the idiots say that person died, ah think ya suffering from mistaken identity, but what do I know, maybe ya should ask the ACs.

  33. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    Chuckle… have correctly identified the mould the character A.Dullard has been cast from……best ignored as I did on first observation……I begged his pardon for living and moved on.

  34. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Lol…Vincent…predictable, if I didnt think it was morally evil, maybe I too would do the same to such gullible fools.

  35. @ David BU, David, why did you delete my earlier posts re, the Facts reported on the vast numbers of Muslim converts to Christianity in the Middle East, and on the reliability of the New Testament documents?

    You have never done this before!

  36. BTW David @BU , I don’t know how my handle Zoe got altered to Zoepp, anyway I just corrected it!

  37. “Zoe

    BU did NOT delete your comment. Perhaps you should check the other blog at this link.


  38. @Zoe (without the pp)

    The pp was added because you inadvertently typed pp in the comment box where Name is located.

  39. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Lol…happens to me all the time.

  40. Dear All:

    Before I start, let me quote part of Mia Mottley’s Easter Message.

    “The principles of the Christian faith are the values on which Barbados was built. … In that extraordinary event centuries ago, the Son of God was crucified and rose three days later in glory, conquering death. And through our belief in Christ, we have the promise of one day joining him in heaven. This event changed the world forever.”

    To Jeff Cumberbatch (April 17, 2017 at 9:17 AM) who wrote “Does Barbados face the prospect of a theocracy if Solutions is elected to office?” Will you ask Mia Mottley a similar question?

    To Well Well: Since Mia’s message is as “extremist” as mine and all other Christians, then does your disparaging remarks extend to the BLP and DLP who regularly write such messages, and to all Barbadian Christians – or are they only directed at me?

    Vincent – Ditto.

    Exclaimer – Ditto.

    Sam Joseph Clarke. You queried the historical record about Jesus. Then without waiting for an answer, you made premature conclusions. That is not the way to learn anything Sam. I refer you to Roman historian Tacitus (Tacitus Annals) and Jewish historian Josephus (Jewish Antiquities). Come along Sam, it is time that you followed Jesus – no more excuses.

    Best regards,

  41. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hal Austin April 17, 2017 at 1:22 PM
    “If only I could understand your semi-literate rantings I would reply. Goes to show that a little education – and Google – can be a bad thing. Stop Googling.
    A belief in Christian values does not mean one is walking around with a Bible and a dog collar. It simply means the values are rooted in Christian beliefs.”

    Thanks Hal for pointing out the difference between 24/7 Christian fanatic and a Sunday go-to-meeting believer.

    And all along I was under the mistaken impression that a true Christian simply had to follow the golden rule as ascribed to Jesus (and which forms the foundation of all faiths): “Do unto to others as you would have them do unto you”.

    And you see, Hal, the miller was taught this basic ‘Christian value’ right in Sunday school, long before Google came along.

    So why not stop being a full-time illiterate and apply that same moral principle in your dealings with others?

    First stop your nauseatingly xenophobic calls for the resignation of the “Guyana-born” DPP.

    Why not be like the good Samaritan and stop attacking people because of their country of origin?

    People like you (and the Miller) ought to be the last to practise discrimination based on a person’s country of birth.

    If we had been shipped back (repatriated) to the jump-up island neither of us would be drawing pension from the mother country, university education notwithstanding (or polytechnic in your case).

    Maybe then- by forgiving others seventy times seven- you will see the Light and seek salvation from above.

    Here is a Christian prayer even semi-illiterates like us can comprehend:
    ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us’- (including the unforgiving drive to expose the identities of those sinful bloggers masking themselves as the anonymous heathens to be delivered up to the local Sanhedrin).

    You are forgiven, Hal! Now run along and do likewise (including the forgiving of the BU ‘masked’ men and women).

  42. LOL @ hal
    The Church of England is still institutionally racist. Are they going to separate us in Heaven?
    Church of England….?
    Ya mean the one created so that a King could get his divorce?
    It will FAR more likely that any such separations will occur in the ‘other’ place.

    “Religions” are social constructs that are created to fill a clear void in us materialistically focused brass bowls.
    They are ‘important’ for those areas of our existence where we find ourselves up shit street and where the day-to-day routine is seriously disrupted by complex events.
    Funerals, mass casualties, tragedies, natural disasters are some of the events that comes to mind where ‘religion’ plays an important social role.
    On another level, religion provides a crutch for many who consider themselves as having failed in the materialistic realm of life and who then console themselves that all will be compensated after death.

    In this regard, religion is no different to any other of the other social constructs that dominate our existence. Things like professions, social hierarchy, language etc …in that religion plays an important role in our societal structure.

    Why so many would therefore wish to confuse ‘religions’ with the REALITY that some higher-order creator(s) would have initiated the whole experience that we call ‘life on Earth’,
    …and would have had some LOGICAL reasons for so doing…
    …and surely would have an ongoing interest in the successful fulfilment of that objective …. the outcome of which objective is SURE to impact us as participants one way or another.

    Since this “higher-order-Creator” is obviously of more robust construct than we (the participants of the project) – a condition we have come to describe as ‘Spiritual’, what SHOULD interest all conscious brass bowls is how we can tune into this ‘spirituality’ …and perhaps come to understand the bigger picture; the long term objectives; and the ACTUAL purpose of the whole life experience.
    This question is WAY above any ‘religion’.
    It is a fundamental requirement of ‘success’ that we find out where the finish line is located.
    This goes even more so for the ‘race of life’.

  43. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Libya slave market gets complete Blackout from black media

    Black people being sold by MUSLIMS for Us$200.00.
    Meanwhile here in Barbados the Black stupid Barbados Labour Party is aligning themselves with the MUSLIMS in Barbados.

    We will soon need Jesus in truth Grenville.

  44. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    nextparty246 April 17, 2017 at 7:04 PM #

    Higher expectations…..we know what to expect from those you are trying to replace.

  45. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    “To Well Well: Since Mia’s message is as “extremist” as mine and all other Christians, then does your disparaging remarks extend to the BLP and DLP who regularly write such messages, and to all Barbadian Christians – or are they only directed at me?”

    Grenville…nothing personal, I dont discriminate and I did not read Mia’s nonsense and definitely wont read the current government’s, their hypocrisy would be painful to read, am sure I have seen both their messages before and am nit impressed. ..

    …… as ya can see, I posted the same information on the origins of christianity to both yours and BIMs link….just to let you bpth know that in spite of your beliefs, which are yours, the reality is…yall have serious work to do if ya are going to get rid of both political parties who are parasitic by nature….if ya dont use consistent strategy, no amount of religion or christianity will work in ya favor.

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ nextparty246 April 17, 2017 at 7:04 PM
    “Before I start, let me quote part of Mia Mottley’s Easter Message.”
    “The principles of the Christian faith are the values on which Barbados was built. … In that extraordinary event centuries ago, the Son of God was crucified and rose three days later in glory, conquering death. And through our belief in Christ, we have the promise of one day joining him in heaven. This event changed the world forever.”

    The difference, Dear Grenville, is that Mia is the consummate politician ‘trained’ to manipulate stories to suit their power-seeking agenda and you are not.

    You are a man of science who should be dealing in proven or established data; not regurgitating mythology to manipulate the minds of the naïve masses.

    Easter is not an original Christian festival tagged XP made in Rome. Like Xmas, it is copied from paganism and has nothing to do with any actual birth, death and resurrection of Jesus.

    Until you can explain ‘scientifically’ to the BU class why Jesus was born on a fixed day (you celebrate it always on 25th December) but died and was resurrected on various dates (depending on the year) after the vernal equinox then we might just be keen to listen to you and your prescriptive ISO 900(0) formula for managing the affairs of Barbados.

    Now please don’t go to your Judeo-Christian book for an answer but use the grey matter with which Mother Nature has over-endowed you.

    “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” ~Buddha

  47. WW&C..Miller

    Excellent prolix on the issue.

  48. Hi Miller:

    That is why I referred Sam to specific credible historians of the era.

    Best regards,

  49. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    The anniversary of Jesus’ Death fell on Tuesday, April 11 2017.

    Ask any Jehovah’s witness. That is what I was told.

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