Citizen Advocate David Comissiong has delivered on his word and filed a law suit challenging the permission given by Prime Minister Freundel Stuart in his capacity as minister with responsibility for Town Planning Department to construct a 15 storey building in Bridgetown.

Here is an ABRIDGED copy of the “Hyatt Application” which was filed at the Registry of the Supreme Court today (22/03/2017). The section entitled “the particulars of the facts and other matters relied upon…” was omitted because these are already well covered in the “Grounds”. An Affidavit was filed in support.

The critical issues are the Grounds on which the permission is being challenged, this is what David Comissiong has shared with the BU family.

Read ABRIDGED copy of theHyatt Application

146 responses to “An Abridged Copy of the HYATT APPLICATION”

  1. angela

    Why didn’t they 9all of them) for the law?

  2. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    That is what @uninformedyardfowls fail to see…the intent was to break the law.

  3. Well done Commissiong! I have been saying all along that there are strong grounds to contest the approval of Hyatt. Now we know there is a sewage treatment plant and no advisory panel in place, the case is even stronger.

  4. And for what it is worth there is also a question of personnel intent behind Comissiong motives which should be and must be taken into account! as evidence has shown his negative opinion against Maloney and outside investors
    The courts must not continue to allow a dialogue of frenzy and obstructive force to bend and shape barbados at economy externally and internally to the point of no return
    So far Comissiong has used the court to his benefits but the question now remains to be seen and asked how long would the courts allowed such sinister attacks on barbados economy to continue by internal forces whose goals and aspirations are inspired at the political altar of opportunity
    The courts owes a debt of duty to be wise yet fair putting country first above all other forces last

  5. How do you know what “personal” motive “intent” Comissiong excercised? Unlike you the Courts rule on points of law and the merits of the case. NOT through partisan jaundice lenses.

  6. David
    Thanks for putting her straight.

  7. This case is rooted in political gesturing. Even a blind man on a trotting horse can see
    Also in court of law motives and intent plays a crucial part in decisions ask Donald Trump.

  8. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Bunc ohf rubbish from useless yardfowls, it’s a good thing judges are partial and not dumb.

  9. What an asinine response.

  10. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Bunch ohf rubbish from useless yardfowls, it’s a good thing judges are IMPARTIAL and not dumb.

  11. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just.
    “independent and impartial advice”
    synonyms: unbiased, unprejudiced, neutral, nonpartisan, nondiscriminatory, disinterested, detached, dispassionate, objective, open-minded, equitable, evenhanded, fair, fair-minded, just; without favoritism, without fear or favor
    “he earned a reputation as a peacemaker, serving as an impartial arbiter in numerous international disputes”

  12. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    “What is the role of a judge?

    The Role of the Judge. Judges play many roles. They interpret the law, assess the evidence presented, and control how hearings and trials unfold in their courtrooms. Most important of all, judges are impartial decision-makers in the pursuit of justice.”

  13. Not expecting agreement as most who supports Comissiong are riding bare back shamelessly on the misfortunes of barbados having high expectations that lady luck would reward them

  14. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    This man is a clear and present danger to Barbados’ prosperity.

  15. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Dont worry the Courts will throw out this nuisance application.

  16. NorthernObserver Avatar

    So what the hell have all the employees in the T&CP dept been doing? You mean to say with all the public service salaries Bim couldn’t find a few able bodied persons to update the required legislation and form the requisite committees/advisory bodies?
    This has nothing to do with the hotel itself or the owners/builders, this has to do with one person (DC) exposing what the authorities have “failed to do”. It is unthinkable the GoB could get caught having failed to update legislation and form advisory bodies and publish such proposals in the required areas.
    If I am in Hyatt’s offices reading these issues, my immediate conclusion is “Banana Republic”.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    That is why I said a copy of that application has to go to Hyatt’s corporate headquarters in Chicago, they will do their due diligence and recognize it is a risky investment if the outlined neglect by government is not undertaken or if they cannot find another location, yardfowls are too stupid to know, but Hyatt has built hotels before and they know what MUST be done, they do not need a judge’s decision in this case to know the risk of any investment……how many hotels has Maloney built.

  18. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    If the process was so blatantly compromised, then the administration have no one to blame but themselves.The least they should have done is covered their posterior. Knowing full well there are some among us, no matter what, just oppose for the sake of opposition or some idealistic conviction. Amateurish move.

  19. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    All Comissiong’s legal objection to the smoke and mirrors Hyatt project of tall tales is achieving is dealing a get-out-of-jail card to that deceitful lying party calling itself the administration overseeing the destruction of the economic and social fabric of Barbados.

    Now that dangerous actively loquacious pretending promoter of good governance has every propagandistic right to find the perfect scapegoat to back away from this imaginary project just like the Sugar Point Cruise Ship terminal after bilking millions out of tax payers and consumers hard earned money by way of consultancy fees, finders’ fees mobilization fees and the like.

    Comissiong is being used just like the two committees under the aegis of the BCCI and PSA created to advise this deceitful lying administration as a ruse to find an excuse to go to the IMF in the coming weeks.

    Admit it, David Comic, you have been outfoxed by the Machiavellian Fumble- the favourite student of King Maker Cammie T- just as Richie Snow White Haynes was out foxed by Sandie.

    Why don’t you try to find the hidden key to that $200 million locked question?
    Which jackass investor in his braying dreams would invest that sort of money in a hotel next to a burgeoning ghetto called Bridgetown?

    Which type of modern-day discerning visitor, as featured in the Hyatt video posted by our Canadian buddy “Hants” would want to stay next to a concrete rat invested garbage dump called the Liquidation Centre?

    When you are able to find out who are the phantom financial backers behind the scam to bilk taxpayers in the same way the Housing Credit Fund was raided we will ask Bush Tea to administer a genuine bush bath to a brass-bowl you are pretending to be.

    Man, ask the questions about the money, nah! People will listen to you; not to the Bushman or the miller.

  20. CCC

    Are you a betting man?

  21. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Miller…you are the 3rd person said this Hyatt Barbados is a scam, someone showed me a Hyatt mailing list and there is no Hyatt Barbados there yet, but the person will send them this contentious application, let the chips fall where they may, the government is too nasty and deceitful and so is Mark Maloney.

  22. David Comissiong is like a breath of fresh air….
    indeed, he is like a gemstone in a topsy call brassbados.
    Imagine if there were a dozen more like him….?

    Where would the bribe masters hide…?
    Who would so openly steal CLICO funds?
    Which official would so brazenly ignore the clear law, to facilitate underhand deals?
    How would Plantation Deeds have gone so long without a FAIR hearing in court?

    Alas, one man can only do so much…. and in any case, why should we expect to sit idly on our donkeys waiting for someone else to do our ‘cleaning’ for us…?

    Calling Caswell and the other ‘Davids’ to the fight…..

  23. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Miller…if Fruendel is doing that he is downright evil and there will be massive blowback once Hyatt corporate learns they are being used as an election gimmick in Barbados. ……that is why I insisted they get a copy of that court application.

  24. @ Miller
    It CLEARLY is a scam….and so was CAHILL.

    However, don’t you think those behind it ALSO know it is a scam? They never expected any patsy to come up with $500M to fund any project…. THEIR plan is simply to get about $30M or so from OUR treasury /NIS in the short term…..

    So while YOU wait around to see the ‘investor’ (not) turn up, the fellas would have been laughing all the way to Zurich (emphasis on the ‘rich’) off our donkeys….

    Leave Comissiong alone, the man is singing loud and clear.

  25. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Commissiong filing that application exposes the scam, that is the weapon we needed to alert Hyatt, these vile bitches in government want blacklisting internationally and the 6 -7 minority thieves Maloney et al should be imprisoned….hopefully they managed to scam some investor who will send out a posse for them.

  26. Violet Beckles CUP Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI Avatar
    Violet Beckles CUP Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI

    We sent a look out for fraud letter to Hyatt, They will be looking for Clear Title land and we will see what the investors thinking or have to say,
    We see other Projects on the wall for Hyatt and for months we see nothing saying Barbados after many years of long talking by Crooks, Liars and Scumbags,

    With all the talk of lawyer and lawyers, we see nothing in the legal paperwork about clear land titles or ownership as the fraud courts playing games with Probate,

  27. Violet Beckles CUP Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI Avatar
    Violet Beckles CUP Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI

    Early vote buying by way of JOBS, ,More Land Fraud to come,

  28. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Actually I believe the government and those Bizzy, Cow, Bjerkham thieves have already been blacklisted with the 4 Season’s scam…remember Simon Cowell and a bunch pf people got robbed with that, it is still in litigation..and no one is volunteering to touch 4 seasons property…….ehat, 7 years now.

    ……Maloney needs blacklisting internationally…he is now the frontman for these scams against bajan’s tax dollars and pension fund.

  29. I don’t think the failure of the TPD to renew the physical development plan is strong enough; because the reverse can be argued i.e. the plan is out of date and therefore can’t be used to assess, whether refuse or approve, an application. I am also not sure that an “outdated” plan means it becomes irrelevant given that the plan is constantly being “updated” without actually publishing a new plan. The clause dictating a new plan every five years should be amended to remove a specific time period. Secondly, the Minister is not obligated to seek the advice of Town and Country Planning Advisory Committee.

    There are still sound reasons put forward by Commissiong: current policy requires an EIA for sewage treatment facilities and the height is way in excess of stated policy.

    The Hyatt contradicts so many policies in the draft PDP, that DC should reference the draft plan in his arguments.

  30. @enuff

    Good comment.

  31. There is nothing wrong with building a hotel at Brownes beach.

    However it should be designed by Architects who can create a world class structure

    befitting the location in the capital of Barbados.

  32. Enuff

    The lack of an EIA wil bite.

  33. Can look at Commisiong face and see these words written all over it cunning !witty ! smart ! deceptive and dangerous
    Any one who dare believes that he has given up on his goal to be PM dumber than a door nail ,
    He is trying to achieve by way of the justice system a ground swell of support that he has yearned for throughout his political life , Now he has found the correct formula and recipe to do so by going way of the court in that by throwing out a wide net to achieve wins no matter how great or small and let the tide of political angst bring a floodgate of supporters to his cause,
    In so doing he would have achieved the ultimate validation and satisfaction of proving that he has the ability to be a great leader
    Personally i admire his tactics those that presents great shrewdness with a one two step approach which simply glides across a room unnoticed but yet persuasive enough to make anyone take a peep
    Those individuals are being taken in by his glib and suttle approach are very unaware of the dangerous land mines he has already put in place against this society in order to achieve the prize

  34. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    You still worried about Commissiong, he is not the dangerous one, it’s Maloney dangerous to any future development of Barbados, dangerous to the treasury, dangerous to the pension fund, there are millions of dollars missing from those entities…it’s only fair international investors know about yall scams against the people, was the 60 million US repaid to NIS, ya know the money used as collateral for the dead 4 seasons scam.

    It is only fair the international community knows of the scam artist Maloney.

    Commissiong is the least of yall worries right now, he played his part.

  35. LOL @ WW&C
    Take it easy on angela. It looks like Come-and-sing-a-song is REALLY putting a spoke in the DLP’s party finances with this Hyatt blockage. Yuh gotta understand that her crumbs can’t fall off the table if the table is bare….
    No wonder she is so pissing vex with David C.

    …either that or the weave is tight again….

  36. @Deeds,
    The Barbados Hyatt was announced in 2016. If you look under that year, you will find it there. What I dont understand is the Visions history:

    About Vision Developments Inc.

    Vision Developments Inc. is a Barbados company engaged in the manufacture of construction related materials as well as the financing, construction and development of residential, commercial, infrastructure, and hotel projects throughout the English-speaking Caribbean.

    It seems that Maloney says that he has built hotels in other islands. Or, are the ones he is fronting for who have built the hotels? It would be enlightening to see the ownership of Visions.

  37. Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI

    Lol…Bushman, they deserve their punishment.

  38. At the end, the outcoming of Hyatt will be as always in Barbados: The inhabitants of the plantation aka taxpayers will finance the construction, the deficit running the hotel and pay for all concessions. Jobs created: maid, warden, greenkeper etc for 3000 BBD/months. The High Whites from the North take away profit in foreign currency.

    At least the old owners of the plantations had to clothe and feed their subordinates.

  39. Violet Beckles CUP Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI Avatar
    Violet Beckles CUP Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI

    bajans March 23, 2017 at 8:12 PM #

    The Barbados Hyatt was announced in 2016. If you look under that year, you will find it there. What I dont understand is the Visions history:@@

    Yes i see it, We will hope they all do their homework, there will come a time for all to answer for their crimes against man or nature, Hyatt better ask for a clear title , both sides were warned, Everyone have their points we have ours, If or when its done we dont mind taking the top 4 floors, Ya just see government moving from the Hilton over to the Hyatt, Barbados will be a cage with the people locked on the inside.

  40. The 2:1 peg is a national tragedy. It is a national religion, a sick obsession, cancer. The ministers worship the peg like God. The political reasoning is:

    We must preserve the peg at any cost. Therefore we must increase taxes and run hotels at the taxpayer´s expense.

    How do Dick and Harry benefit from paying higher taxes every year and financing hotels for tourist´s asses?

  41. bushman would the hyatt be in the position that it is in if the govt had not mis managed every thing for the last bunch of years no you are like the old whore that takes it up the ass because she has to to survive sandals gave it to you now they are all going to be lining up,so bend over and suck it up like you are at dodds you are in no position to fight it

  42. dont worry as you say you can “weave it tight again”

  43. Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI

    This is called investing in and giving back to the country and people in which you do business, that allpws you to do business ….Cow, Bizzy, Bjerkham, Maloney etc should take notes, stealing and taking from the treasury, national housing and pension fund is not investing in Barbados, that is being thieves and parasites to the people to serve yaselves, disenfranchising the people taking from the services taxpayer’s are paying for and are entitled….that is being thieves and parasites…not business people..,, Arawak, those are business peoole, when last did the Maloney, Bizzy, Cow, Bjerkham thieves give 50 million in foreign reserves to the island instead of taking it……I bet NEVER.

    “Concrete hope
    Arawak vows to bring in millions in foreign exchange

    Added by Emmanuel Joseph on March 23, 2017.
    Saved under Business, Local News
    With the Freundel Stuart administration thirsty for some foreign currency to boost foreign exchange reserves, Arawak Cement Company, whose parent firm Trinidad Cement Limited was recently taken over by Mexican manufacturer CEMEX, today disclosed it would make a concrete contribution to the economy.

    The St Lucy-based firm said it would invest some US$50 million here over the next three years, a sign that the company was bullish about the local cement business, General Manager Manuel Toro told Barbados TODAY this afternoon.”

    Piece….ya dougla girlfriend is in the money, she must be dizzy…lol

    “PM urges business sector to export
    Added by Colville Mounsey on March 24, 2017.
    Saved under Local News
    The Barbadian and regional private sector is being urged to be proactive and creative by increasing the number of projects that would qualify for support under the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export).

    The call comes from Prime Minister Freundel Stuart, who is advocating a shift in focus by the private sector from import to export, as a means of earning precious foreign exchange.

    Stuart was speaking yesterday at the signing of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) programme at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre.

    The agreement between Caribbean Export and the European Union represents a €24 million (BDS$51.6 million) boost to regional private sector development.”

  44. Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI

    This is disgraceful, I saw it corculating online since last week, these stupid government ministers allowed butch stewart to rape the people fpr 40 years as well as rape the trees that keeps residents in the Dover area from drowning, what good are these useless leaders if they refuse to protect the people and island, and just selling out to everyone for very little or nothing.

  45. @ WW&C
    If Stewart could so callously wrecked Paradise when he was not allowed to get his way, why is there any surprise that he would callously wreck Dover woods?

    The problem is not Butch, …it is the political idiots who gave away the kitchen sink to a criminal who had previously pissed all over our Paradise beach – arguably one of the VERY nicest natural places on this whole planet.

    Froon and Stinkliar should be charged with treason … or at the very least, with official idiocy….

  46. Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI

    It’s shameful Bushman, those woods should have been protected and as I keep say Stewart should never have been allowed into Barbados after his spiteful minded ruin of Paradise which it seems he forever blighted, he is destructive to the island, but when ya have desperate ministers who know npthing, not how to manage an economy, not how to relate to the majority population who elected them, npt how to negotiate contracts with minorities to benefit people and country, but only know how to kiss ass to minorities, kowtow and sell out their people, that is what happens as result.

  47. Yuh know barbadians need to live in a world of reality. Understandable that trees are a natural and serves importance to our enviroment but for balance barbadians need to weigh into the equation of the importance of tourism to the overall viability of the country
    This constant hee and haw of complaining does nothing to help barbados economy
    The Sandals corporation is known for adherence to enviromental concerns they have a stellar portfoli bar none that gives assurance and vouches for the fact that no government in any country that the Sandals Corporation is located has done harm or violated the enviroment
    But then again this is barbados where any and everyone has criticisms but no solutions

  48. U people behaves like the Israelites nothing was good enough quick willing and ready to block your blessings . just like tge israelites God is losing patience with barbados and like the Israelites the nation might have to suffer the warth of God for being ungrateful
    In other words start counting yuh blessing and stop setting up roadblocks un your pathway.
    The israelites learned the hardway as they travelled and circled the mountain for over two hundreds ungrateful and forgetting who had brought them out of bondage.
    God has been good to barbados but it seems barbados has firgotten the source if their survival and are determined to spit in God face .
    Carry on smartly

  49. Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI

    As’ s…yall too damn stupid, clueless, talentless and unskilled, that is why none of the government minister know hpw to manage the economy or create more viable and better avenues than tourism that could drive job creation…yall are useless.

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