Citizen Advocate David Comissiong has delivered on his word and filed a law suit challenging the permission given by Prime Minister Freundel Stuart in his capacity as minister with responsibility for Town Planning Department to construct a 15 storey building in Bridgetown.

Here is an ABRIDGED copy of the “Hyatt Application” which was filed at the Registry of the Supreme Court today (22/03/2017). The section entitled “the particulars of the facts and other matters relied upon…” was omitted because these are already well covered in the “Grounds”. An Affidavit was filed in support.

The critical issues are the Grounds on which the permission is being challenged, this is what David Comissiong has shared with the BU family.

Read ABRIDGED copy of theHyatt Application

146 responses to “An Abridged Copy of the HYATT APPLICATION”

  1. Question is: Hyatt a Cahill 2.0, a plantation where Bajans work as maids, greenkeepers, housekeepers etc? Why do we need a university if the masses are poised to serve?

  2. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Fruendel obviously did not read the island’s laws they are breaking that are associated with his and Cummins reckless and careless actions….a copy of that application should be sent to Hyatt’s corporate headquarters, they are all so dizzy and desperate to deceive the people for election that none of them are paying attention, they are just breaking the laws willy nilly. …

    …..and am sure none of them are investigating Maloney’s true motives, they are already known as dummies easily manipulated,.

  3. Barbados has been a kleptocracy

    The same infamous band of thieves have made lots of money under the last BLP government

    Under this government, the same people, in the main, continue to see government as strategic to their top and bottom lines.

    Under the next BLP government, the same institutional business gangsterism will continue.

    The question is, when will Bajans wake up from 50 years of elected kleptocracy?

  4. Can’t fault David Commissiong here. Congratulations are in order.

  5. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Pacha…that is why much effort has to go into breaking the backs of DBLP tag team governments…..they are both toxic and owned by these 6 or 7 minority business people.

  6. This is not a case of anti-development or anti-investment but one of following and abiding by laws, procedures, regulations and conventions.

  7. Some mind game

    What, what IF slavery never ended in Barbados and the planters simply told their slaves at same point in time that they are free when they are not? Slaves working hard AND paying taxes to the planters? What IF Maloney succeeded others too old to rule the plantation as master? What IF the laws only exist in the minds of the inmates of the plantation and the master acts as he wants from time to time?

  8. Tron

    From time to time or ALL THE TIME?

  9. You got it! 🙂 A matter of perspective.

  10. Tron March 22, 2017 at 8:52 PM #
    There was a time when a plantation owner had no need to obtain a personal drivers license. He hired a skilled licensed Chauffeur to run the great house “staff’ car .
    COW and Bizzle , et all, also require UWI qualified ‘chauffeurs’ to run their air-conditioned industrial and service plantations.

  11. Violet Beckles CUP Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI Avatar
    Violet Beckles CUP Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI

    So many crooks and liars on one page, Everyone talking about what they dont own

  12. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Time to break their backs, life has become way too easy for these 6 or 7 minorities who are deliberately and maliciously sucking the island dry so no one else can prosper, access to taxpayer’s money and pensioners money has become way too easy for them through these vile, greedy and weak government ministers, it has to end.

  13. Why did David Communist-allalong NOT peotest against the construction of Sandals in the South of the island and Beachlands in the North?

    I believe it is time for this bandit to practice his “Law” in Cuba!

    I am sure David of BU concurs. !

  14. The Court will decide on the merits just like it did with the fingerprint policy.

  15. Tron,
    From the begging of time there have been servers, and there will always be servers. the choice of what one wants to do is up to the individual. In life on rises to the level of on’e abilities.

  16. “Too many blocks in Govt’s way – Worrell”

  17. Fruendal is jogging down the boardwalk and sees a kid with a box and asks whats inside. The boy says kittens DLP kittens the prime minister says great and gives him a dollar. Couple of days he sees the same kid while out with stinklar he says watch this…whats in the box the kid says kittens BLP kittens. Wait the primeminister says the other day they were DLP kittens the kid says yeah but their eyes are open now.

  18. Ignite the Nite Avatar
    Ignite the Nite

    The wide discretion given to this applicant by the CTP and PM can be ‘explained’ but what I am struggling with is why didn’t the applicant/developer want to carry what is now a quite routine procedure, an EIA?
    What is the cost of not doing an EIA?

  19. In the past, the Williams Brothers and Jerkham were the bosses of this island. Since the triangle of concrete is too old now, Maloney is taking over, becoming the new master of Barbados alone. Advice for the masses: Instead of submitting your application to Town & Planning and waiting ages, just call Maloney.

    The glove puppets in the theatre of the plantation might change, the puppet master stays.

  20. Ignite the Nite Avatar
    Ignite the Nite

    You are close but a bit far off. Maloney is Williams, Simpson and Bjerkhamn DLP face. I have heard repeatedly that 2008 prior to the DLP coming to office this man was operating a small construction company and living a average middle class life in a rental house.
    Remember the late David Thompson awarded Housing Concepts SRL, by way of a Cabinet decision, during the tendering procedure in 2008. Imagine Barbadian companies busy trying to put together decent proposals for the use of the lands at Coverly and putting themselves to serious expense completely unaware that at the date for submissions of tenders/proposals the DLP had already awarded the project to Housing Concepts SRL. You can think of anything more wicked than this?

  21. A good question against the warning from Comissiong that he would challenge the decision in court. Strange also if one reads the draft TPD Physical Development Plan.

  22. Ignite the Nite Avatar
    Ignite the Nite

    Mr. Comissiong is to be congratulated for having the guts to make sure Barbados is equal for and amongst all. I am sure that Mr. Comissiong does not oppose the Hyatt hotel but is more the scale of the project and the usually, the irregular manner in which permission was granted and the beneficial conditions/ommissions given.

  23. @Ignite the Nite

    Coverly is a crime against humanity. Tourists come into Barbados and what do they see first? A Chickmont Factory for Housing.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Both political parties once elected break the islands laws to accomodate the few minorities.

    Fruendel and Cummins openly broke the laws to accomodate Maloney and his masters with this Hyatt project, this gotta stop, both political parties continue to disenfranchise the 270,000 majority votes to accomodate a few minority crooks and have done so for decades….That is criminal.

    Alvin…can the rubbish, you useless slave minded black man, you disgrace your blackness.

  25. Violet Beckles CUP Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI Avatar
    Violet Beckles CUP Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI

    No rule of law as a lawyer, , no rule of law as a Minister, No rule of law as AG , no rule of law as PM , no rule of law as Head of Town & Country.

    Just a crooks liar and scumbags as a Prime Minister dealing with CLICO. More Land Fraud in your face, People Wake up,
    Trust Me in Barbados they have another word for land fraud , its called “Land Acquisition” “You never see the deed nor who the money went to or how much , The Government and COW seem to own the same land?

  26. Well Well

    You wound have thought that a man like FJS who was hithertofore central to the kleptocratic general tendencies would have been recoiled from this kind of thing.

    The truth is that FJS is as big a criminal as any other PM of Barbados has been, if not worst.

    And because this criminal doesn’t speak to us or when he speak tells persistent, provable lies, all the time, he just proves how dangerous a a criminal he can be.

    A criminal without feeling, a narcissistic personality like Trump.

  27. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    Dozens of times teefin’ Mark Cummins has been destroyed in our High Court but still keeps his job. He must have more dirt on politicians than Randolf Straughn.

    Fumble is and always has been a self-aggrandised idiot. No legal skill, no moral fibre, no management skill, no base in reality.

    There will be no economic recovery under Fumble’s Fools.

  28. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Pacha and Frustrated….without a doubt.

  29. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    Ignite the Nite March 23, 2017 at 7:44 AM #
    Imagine Barbadian companies busy trying to put together decent proposals for the use of the lands at Coverly and putting themselves to serious expense completely unaware that at the date for submissions of tenders/proposals the DLP had already awarded the project to Housing Concepts SRL. You can think of anything more wicked than this?

    Similar to the tenders that were (never) invited for the redevelopment of Bushy Park? For which the land owner is yet to agree a price, far less been paid?

  30. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    It’s amazing that Mark Maloney wanted Cummins fired because he could not get his way with the Soring Garden mess, ah bet he dont want Cummins fired anymore…..Fruendel and Cummins should be fired and Maloney remove from dipping his hands in the treasury…..of course Bizzy, Cow and Bjerkham will just send another minority in his place to steal from the people using government ministers, but not if the people stay on top of them, identify and continue to expose them.

  31. In the mean while economic growth of this country is hampered placing another road block in its path. Lives of everyday barbadians looking and depending on meanigful projects for employment would have to wait another day a week a month or who knows for how long
    This ongoing activity to sabotage the barbados economy by way of the court if allowed by way of jurisprudence would come back to bite barbados big time in the ar.sss and the poor and unsuspecting would suffer the most
    Govt can no longer sit and wait and see but must proceed with decisive actions that would protect barbados best interest.

  32. @ angela Skeete
    Govt can no longer sit and wait and see but must proceed with decisive actions that would protect barbados best interest.
    Even you calling on them to resign?

  33. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    As’ s will have to get over it, that application would never have been filed if Fruendel and Cummins did not so arrogantly try to corcumvent the country’s laws…..and lie to the people about it…lol

  34. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Fruendel is disgusting.

  35. Well Well,
    What is really the matter with you? What sort of island would you like? You don’t like “so called” minorities. You do not like lawyers, even though they are from the majority. You don’t like politicians, even though they are from the majority, You don’t like preachers and religious leaders, majority or otherwise. Is there anyone you like? do you like yourself?

    Tron, that should have been “from the beginning of time…”, and later “one rises to the level of one’s abilities..

  36. At Coverley, they want to charge you nearly 200,000 USD for a hut. Sounds like The Grotto. Coverley is like cancer in the eye, a tragey for modern Barbados.

    Let us rename Coverley. What about “David Thompson Village”?

  37. Hoping that the court would see through this charade of clandestine actions and put the interest of barbados first. Mouths have to feed and an in economy struggling to breath must be the first order of business in the courts decision making. Nothing else matters .
    A country sole economic reliance and one nest basket is being pilloried and punch in the face by enemies from within

  38. Pacha:
    “…The question is, when will Bajans wake up from 50 years of elected kleptocracy?
    Wake up to what?

  39. David,
    The most important question is: “is a Hotel, or hotels, good for the island? There are hotels and businesses all along Collins Avenue in Miami; all on the Beach side. Why not in Barbados? Why do so many Bajans think so small, but long to be so big?
    Well Well, You are hopeless.

  40. Alvin Cummins

    The question is, has the chief town planner been paid already by the backers of this project?

  41. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Backward yardfowls the As’ s/ACs/Alvins see nothing wrong with breaking the law, this is not about anything but you mediocre dummies wanting Fruendel to use this illegal Hyatt permission and scam to deceive the voters be reelected, but the court deals in facts outlined in front of them, breaking the law is not an option, neither is listening to stupid, uninformed yardfowls.

  42. Alvin the eternal JA compares the thousand of miles of shoreline of the mighty USA with a 2×3 island.Sumbeech!Fool!

  43. Bush Tea March 23, 2017 at 9:34 AM #

    @ angela Skeete: Govt can no longer sit and wait and see but must proceed with decisive actions that would protect barbados best interest.

    Shiite…!!! Even you calling on them to resign

    @ Bushie

    Dah is uh good wun… hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

  44. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger sure Cummins’ bribe is in his account, but they did not count on Commissiong doing indepth research, it was clear even to me that no impact study had been done on that stretch of beach in 10 years …… I posted on it, ya cannot build on such dangerous ground without a study, which both disgusting Fruendel and Cummins were willing to overlook, even if by doing so the 15 storey structure eventually fell into the sea….with people inside.

    These beasts are not leaders, they are bribetakers, hence NOTHING has been done in 9 years, in 14 years in decades before that to stop the island’s dependency problems..

  45. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Of course dumbass Alvin will try to compare Miami’s great barrier reef coastline and everglades….with Barbados fragile coral reef coastline that sinks into the sea every year….idiot, uninformed.

  46. What barbadians are witnessing is a drawing of blood drip by drip with the eventuality of having a snowball effect on investor confidence long term in barbados economy.
    The court must wisely look with a deepened interest of motives and intents brought forward and weighed the rationality of the impending negative actions wherby there decision making can help or harm barbados economic future

  47. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    What Barbados is witnessing is incompetent Fruendel and his equally incompetent and useless ministers being upended because of their lack of action in 9 years re the economy and their propensity for breaking the law to accomodate crooks and thieves.

  48. @ angela Skeete March 23, 2017 at 10:51 AM #

    Confession is good for the soul.

    “What barbadians are witnessing (with this inept DLP administration’s failed economic policies, which resulted in 19 consecutive credit rating downgrades), is a drawing of blood drip by drip with the eventuality of having a snowball effect on investor confidence long term in barbados economy.”

    AC, you have changed your name, but you cannot change your writing style.

  49. Any one who belives Commissiong actions serves well the interest of barbados better think again.His views on outside investors are well detailed in word and deed this very action to stop the Hyatt is another manifestation of all he has said which calls into account the seriousness of his actions and whether those actions are simply driven by political oportunism or simply a love of country.
    One would be hardpresse to decide the later given Commissiong various utterances mounted on political speech
    The future of barbados interest would contiue to be fragile unless the courts act with quick resolve in preparing an agenda that is apolitical mounted on a high level of putting country first

  50. His action must only be motivated by a questionable process. In this case no EIA, SIA etc.

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