Submitted by David Comissiong, President, Clement Payne Movement

Opposition Leader Mia Mottley is right in calling for and mobilizing a march against the governmental Administration of Prime Minister Freundel Stuart, but she has not gone far enough in identifying the primary goal of the march.

It is not enough to stage a march to express “disgust” at the Freundel Stuart Administration! The political, economic, psychological, and social situation in Barbados has gone far beyond a mere expression of disgust. Barbadians need– as a matter of the utmost urgency– to be relieved from the stultifying grasp of a rotten Governmental Administration that has lost all political legitimacy and that is taking the country down to a disaster of epic proportions.

The only remedy — the only demand– that makes sense at this late stage is a demand for the staging of new General Elections– now!

Our nation urgently needs to be released from the utterly dysfunctional and clue-less Freundel Stuart Administration, and a new national political leadership needs to be put in place. The central demand and slogan of the Opposition Leader’s march should therefore be:- “Elections Now!”.

Indeed, the march needs to be focused on launching a mass people’s demand for immediate new General Elections, and calling on all right thinking Barbadians to march and demonstrate in support of such a demand until it is achieved!

No sane or responsible Barbadian can any longer have any lingering doubt that our nation is in grave peril.

Like the notorious Roman Emperor “Nero”, Prime Minister Freundel Stuart has shamelessly abdicated his leadership responsibilities and has chosen to “fiddle” with his Democratic Labour Party cohorts in New York City while his country burns!

In a mind-boggling interview carried out in New York with the Nation Newspaper last Monday, the Prime Minister of our country asserted that he has no idea as to whether his Government had lost confidence in Dr Delisle Worrell, the Governor of the Central Bank!

The Nero-like Prime Minister Stuart also claimed to be unaware that his Minister of Finance, Mr Chris Sinckler, had brought any “proceedings” against Dr. Worrell! Mr Stuart’s precise words were:- “I have not made myself privy to all that has been happening because I am not aware that proceedings were brought by the Minister of Finance against the Governor…. It is my understanding that proceedings were brought by the Governor”.

These are the words and reactions of a political leader who has lost contact with reality, and who has therefore lost any right to continue to hold on to the reins of government. It is time for Mr Stuart and his Administration to go !

167 responses to “Let’s March for New Elections –NOW!”

  1. @ David
    You have a point about Vincent, but you should not be surprised.
    He has a low level of self-esteem and seeks out validation from the establishment in order to compensate.
    Vincent still sees BU as a small distraction because the other shiite media have sought to pretend that this is the case and he is a follower. He also has no faith in a prophet from his own country…

    The REAL reality is that the other news media and even the shiite government and opposition ALL take their leads from BU….. those brass bowls scour your posts and comments for the REAL issues – and then run off as hard as they can to seem relevant by following your lead.

    Keep up the good work boss (as if you have any more choice in the matter than does a shiite bushman with a big-ass whacker… 🙂 )

  2. @ David

    Honestly, I am unsure and confused.

  3. @ George c Brathwaite

    I know you would reach that stage of unsure and confused don’t worry you have the company of Walter PPK Blackman and some of UWI half bake.

  4. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    @Hal who wrote:

    “I have read that, but Mr Nicholls still said he would proceed. Can he? If so, what is the point of law? That his client rightly, and expectedly, lost his case?”

    He may still make an application to the CCJ for leave to appeal but, given the current state of the law, it will be denied.

  5. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    “The only remedy — the only demand– that makes sense at this late stage is a demand for the staging of new General Elections– now!”

    To mimic a popular meme, “One does not just demand General Elections”. There is a constitutional architecture for this!

  6. Hope Gregory and the Guv listening to the professor. Latest report however is that the Guv is open to a settlement.


  7. David C.
    In your post you chastised the Prime Minister on his comments, but this is what he said: “It is my understanding that proceedings were brought by the Governor”.Isn’t this what really happened? You people cherry pick, and present “alternative facts” and expect people to just accept what you said as the truth. In law one must be precise. When one stirs up a hornets nest the hornets do not pick and choose who to sting.

  8. @Jeff

    With respect the citizens can demand the government call early elections. We have the right to freedom of expression AND there is precedent setting occurrences where elections have been called early.

  9. Yes Jeff

    But must the constitution be an ass?

  10. @Watchman

    Did you want to answer for me? You can.

  11. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    “Latest report however is that the Guv is open to a settlement.”

    @ David, Truth to tell, this was all he was ever entitled to.


    With respect the citizens can demand the government call early elections. We have the right to freedom of expression AND there is precedent setting occurrences where elections have been called early.

    @ David, I would be the last to deny the existence of freedom of expression and yes, elections have been called early, but was this purely because of populist demands or did it follow the constitutional text?

    @ Pachamama, the constitution does not become an ass and inapplicable simply because one does not agree with its provisions. There would be anarchy otherwise if you reflect upon the ramifications of this sentiment.

  12. @ Jeff
    To mimic a popular meme, “One does not just demand General Elections”. There is a constitutional architecture for this!
    Hopefully, this is a comment designed to reinforce your status as a teacher of the law …and NOT your personal position as an intelligent Bajan.

    “Constitutional architecture” is not and end in itself … it is nothing more than a shiite construct, put together by biased, and largely misguided brass bowls, to essentially achieve their mostly albino-centric ends.

    Intelligent people should ALWAYS reserve the right to demand reviews of any such shiite constructs – particularly when every result seen from the construct is leading to system failure….

    To remain committed and tied to such idiocy is the very hallmark of brass bowlery… somewhat like Bajans taking the most STUPID decision ever taken by Owen Arthur (that salaries cannot be reduced across the board again) as a given …. in an environment where the damned country has NO MONEY to pay at the going rates….

    What a lost and misguided country….
    Such brass bowl IDIOCY is ONLY POSSIBLE when people are subjected to a wicked, spiritual CURSE on their donkeys – and such curses come about when unrighteousness becomes INGRAINED at the highest levels of society – as we have seen in Barbados.

    Our curse is symbolised at the Garrison Savannah in the form of Satan’s pitchfork monument placed there by Froon and company…. and the consequences will be biting our collective asses as long as it sits there …and we continue with the disgusting, wicked, and unrighteous behaviours.

  13. I can’t remember the name of the song or the name of the singers now.

    I can see his face and those of his group but the rest of the LP album is blurred in the caves of my mind.

    ” I was drinking a liquor at the Accra Cabana last night, when a woman came down and sat down beside me last night, and from the way she was sitting I could see all she knitting……”

    The refrain underscores Mr Cumberbatch’s response in plain Bajan so that a reviewer understands the efficacy of this “march” in the context of “demanding a General Election”

    It goes

    “You could look til you eye balls drop out your head you cant get, you cant get, you cant get…”

    In plain english, it doan matter whu Mugabe do and whu Commisiong write, ““One does not just demand General Elections”. There is a constitutional architecture for this!…”

  14. @ Jeff
    People have the option – AND THE RIGHT – to demand fundamental constitutional change ….. VIET ARMIS if needed.

    Vox Populi, Vox Dei ……and ultimately, if that voice accepts shiite constitutional constructs as their guide, ALL the people will suffer the consequences.

    This is why the voice of the people is so CRITICAL.

  15. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bush Tea February 24, 2017 at 7:22 AM
    “The REAL reality is that the other news media and even the shiite government and opposition ALL take their leads from BU….. those brass bowls scour your posts and comments for the REAL issues – and then run off as hard as they can to seem relevant by following your lead.”

    It certainly appears to be the case.

    From the stinking Cahill scam to the collusion by the ‘Guvnor’ of the CB over the years with the ruling brass-bowls (and led on a financial leash of incompetence by a decimalized idiot) to destroy the economy and the more important society of Bim in order to please his political masters who have now done a karma-type Thomas à Becket on his pretentiously hubristic contrite ass.

    But may I say to you Bushman, you have played a major role in the development of this genuine vital organ of Bajan democracy and expression of commonsense flowing through the intellectually–infused blood of the Fifth Estate and the energy generated from your whacker which should now be nicknamed the ‘Lopey-whacking-mobile’:

    ‘Despite its mechanical age, it fears no man. Whoever attacks the BBE (brass-bowl enemy) son on his mission to polish brass-bowls to become golden utensils it will certainly defend the man hiding in Carl Moore’s anonymice bush’ of his utopia of dystopia.

    Hats off also to the likes of “Due Diligence” who is sorely missed (please, D D, show your online face to let us know you are still fighting the good fight).
    You ought to be ‘seen’ as the BU investigative journalist primus inter pares.

  16. Jeff

    Sometimes you are too closely tethered to the word, as gospel

    The constitution could never have contemplated that our culture would devolved as it has.

    So when there is dissonance between the requirements of the people and the anachronisms of the constitution we say it is the constitution which must give way. Not the immediate aspirations of the people.

    No constitution should be so fossilized.

  17. @ Piece
    You are correct….but
    The FACT is that we should have been marching when the CLICO money was stolen and when Froon sided with the thieves.

    We should have stopped paying taxes when Froon LIED about knowing anything about CAHILL and was found to have his signature on the contract months before…

    We should have RIOTED when there was no water in St Joseph for a full damned year – while the BWA gave millions to Baloney for a new palace in the Pine.

    We should have barricaded Parliament and Government Hq when shiite was flowing in the streets of the South Coast… and made them ALL swim at Hastings beach…

    Now that the place is BROKE, and Stinkliar is selling off the last kitchen sink is not the time to go for any shiite walk …. we should now be rounding up the criminals in a bag and throwing their collective asses into the sea….

    The REAL joke is on stupid brass bowl Bajans …who have sat idly by while these Devils destroyed Paradise – literally and figuratively…. while intellectuals talk shiite about constitutions and legal nonsense.

    We will pay for our idiocy….

  18. Bushie

    If we had seen your contribution at 08:27, we would not have bothered.

  19. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Bushman…..shameful that it took centuries for them to understand they should not be physical slaves, 50 years post slavery nd they are yet to understand that they should not bee mental slaves, it will take decades for the titled to understand that they should never be slaves to a system created just for them, by they former slave masters for just that purpose. …..that is the reason they were given titles.

    A slave system is not gospel….and if they continue with that idiocy, another slave system will be created….just for them asses.

    Just like Canadians are now in Bim selling them the sun….which is free.

  20. @ Mr. Jeff Cumberbatch.

    “..And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the LORD God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over…”

    I had asked this already but dont recall you answering.

    Your comment here permits me, hopefully?< an opportunity to hear you, rather, glean from your expertise, the following

    Suppose, Mr Cumberbatch, that you were to accept “The Mantle” of National Responsibility that MUST BE PASSED.

    I say passed but the word is more like wrestled from the two beasts of Ephesus that bestride this land in the form of Fumbles ( a dumb beast, but a beast nonetheless) and Mugabe (a beast that will PUT SERIOUS BURDENS on the shoulders of Bajans greater than the wiretapping of her Prime Minister’s phone – both Owen and Fumbles)

    But let de ole man return to that question that I claim to be asking.

    [[Can a prospective political party covenant (in the legal sense, not like the empty foolishness that Mia has written) legally engage with the electorate to effect specific actions?]]

    Now de ole man dun know that all uh de fellers reading dis so that is why I am using the brackets, but from a purely academic perspective, were you to take up The Mantle, could you craft a document with the electorate that would be legally binding?

    When you write back, or that should be IF you write back, please use square brackets around your answer cause many hers are looking on to see your academic answer

  21. Jeff

    You have found Bushie in a particular hostile mood this morning

    De man bowling at 120 mph!

    And all bouncers. Don’t duck.

  22. @ Miller
    You don’t mind the mechanical age…. The whacker has been recently overhauled, refurbished, and upgraded… look for even more shiite to be flying bout the place….

    “….I know the village you are from…
    It is a dirty village…
    You are a worthless fellow…
    You DO NOT know the answer…
    Sit down…!!’

    Such teachers were SPECIALLY provided to influence and shape a particular generation of Bajans …and their equals will NEVER AGAIN be seen in this God-forsaken place.

    You HAD to also like the ‘Fireman’, Harry Sealy, H Deighton, Pilly and countless other prophets of that era…

    Look where we have come nuh….!!!

  23. And to think that the BlP leader Mia is a lawyer.Makes one question her credibility when she postulates on Constitutional issues with ridiculous demands presented in the public domain.

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Alvin Cummins February 24, 2017 at 8:00 AM

    And it’s also his lack of knowledge that the same Guv was fired outside his understanding.

    What kind of jackass for a boss can such a far-reaching decision be undertaken without his knowledge and consent, given the policy differences with the MoF and its consequential the fallout which has been occurring in public during the past 3 months?

    The Guv did not resign voluntarily. He was’ fired’ by the MoF who himself has to report to the PM.

    What kind of RIP Van Winkle PM you have sleeping on the job? It’s time he transforms into an AM (alert manager).

    Now that the legal impediment is out of the way do you expect to hear an immediate announcement of the disposable slave’s replacement given the parlous state of the countries finances and its economy on the whole?

    Or should the sleeping giant have to be aroused by an IMF hypodermic needle as an injection of reality laced with the harsh medicine called Devaluation?

  25. @ Piece
    Don’t fall for that trap about any ‘legal’ document.
    Lotta shiite.

    Jeff has ALREADY answered that question when he explained that the Law is just a lotta shiite ideas whose meaning can vary ..depending on who does the interpretations. Is the USA not a textbook case in point? The shiite (so-called) Supreme Court makes rules based SOLELY on who constitutes its membership.
    So one minute Roe vs Wade is law .. … a fellow dies …and Roe Vs Wade is reversed….
    TOTAL: Shiite.

    The solution to your concern is the following…

    1- Proven, competent, UNPAID, well-meaning VOLUNTEERS are conscripted to put together a national Strategic Plan.
    THEY collectively put together the national priorities to be achieved.

    2- Next they seek 30 competent, community minded and EXPERIENCED Bajans to become candidates for Members of Parliament. EACH one signs an undated letter of resignation to be held by the committee of unpaid volunteers….people like Mark Williams and Come-and-sing comes to mind…

    3- They then seek out, head hunt, and otherwise advertise and recruit the most competent, and professional persons available to fill positions of Managers of the various departments of Government to execute the agreed strategic plan. THESE TOO ARE RECRUITED ONLY ON CONDITION THAT THEY SIGN UNDATED LETTERS OF RESIGNATION….and may or may not be the same persons as in item 2.

    4- The coalition of volunteers (BUP) then canvass for the 30 candidates at the next election. Provided that more than 15 seats are won, the PROFESSIONAL MINISTERS are appointed to the various ministries.

    5 The parliamentarians discuss policies and refine the strategic plan, make needed laws, talk the required shiite and have their harmless fun – while the NATIONAL BUSINESS is run by the professional managers.

    6- ANY Shiite from ANY group will be investigated by the volunteer National Supervisory group ….and the appropriate letters duly dated and accepted as outlined…. with new elections /recruitments immediately instituted as needed.

    Your matter duly fixed.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    And herein lies the full disgrace…..more than 1,030 lawyers on the island, many judges, former judges and couple former attorneys general…and not one outside of Commissiong would have the testicular fortitude to identify and amend or change the areas of the Constitution that does not protect the rights of the 270,00 plus black majority on the island sufficiently.

    Therein lies the disgrace of titled leaders still consumed by the slave mentality in 2017.

    Alvin….ya full ah crap, it should not be Fruendel’s understanding like he is divoreced from telling SInckler to fire Worrell….he should be more assrtive and truthful….as leader of government Fruendel ordered Sinckler to fire Worrell.

    Do you never tire off being a yardfowl.

  27. Two things: 1. Should the GoCB call a press conference to give his side of the story, the press should remind him that he has deemed them unworthy of his attention and thus should decline his invitation collectively.
    2. Any appointment of a new Central Bank Governor should be of a temporary nature not to exceed the term of office of this current excuse for an administration.

  28. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Ya dont want the press being petty and declining Worrells press conference. ..

    ……ya want to hear what he has to say about Fruendel telling Sinckler to tell Worrell to lie to the people for the past 3 years..,.think bigger picture, based on those deceptions the electorate will not want to see any of those liars and frauds squatting in parliament stealing taxpayers money ever again.

    Think big picture.

    No.2 makes oerfect sense.

  29. Have any of you Critics; from David to Bushie and down to Piece,ever sat down with a “black lead” and paper, and quantified the factors contributing to the Government wages Bill, goods and services, debt repayments and sundry other drains on the economy? For instance 1. Government as Employer has to pay wages and pensions for Schools; teachers general workers ancillary staff building upkeep (over 120 schools.)2.Hospital and Polyclinics.3. University, Community College, Samuel Jacksman,etc. same thing, as well as fees (now economic costs) for over 8,000 students in various faculties,at home and overseas. equipment materiel, 4 Court system; judges magistrates, 5. Police and Law Enforcement personnel (from court Marshals to Parking enforcement personnel. 6. Defense Force, Personnel and equipment from Boston Whalers to Coast guard vessels.7.Prison System, from Prison warders to repayment annually to the debt for the new Prison (77million dollars every January.) 8.Pensions: out of the NIS, but still Government responsibility. 9. Transport, Drivers to mechanics toward Maintenance. 10.Social services: ( from Bwa ,SSA,NCC to Home care and welfare)11. From Customs services and all the staff associated with running our ports.12 Provision of goods and services, including subsidies to Non Governmental Organizations. 13 Government statutory corporations; like FTC, BTA, BMc etc.14 Parliamentarians; Government and opposition. and the list goes on.
    This list is not exhaustive, nor finished, but gives an idea of the pressures that are brought on the government; Party does not matter, by a population that has high expectations and an even higher standard of living, and which expects; nay demands, that the government supplies these demands. As someone said before: “The teets have dried up and the milk is scarce or even non existent.

  30. @ Alvin
    That is why we should not put boys to do a man’s job …..
    …or idiots to explain the complexities of life.

  31. @Jeff

    Agree there is an order to how elections must be managed based our laws. Where the discussion is though is how do we force change if it is the will of the people. Didn’t we have the same discussion recently when discussing a recent US Supreme Court nomination? Do we continue to interpret the Constitution literally through time or do we place faith in our law makers to legislate and amend laws that are relevant based on whatever people activism mechanisms are at large.

  32. @ Brother Bush Tea

    There is a method to my madness

    I am hearing you loud and clear and am with with you but am proposing a variant that is palatable and do-able within the BrassBowl Pit toilet that is Barbados.

    De ole man has seen your ten point plan and I believe that it can be made to work if refashioned and optimized, given the exigencies of (a) an existing effed up system (b) the duopoly that will resist it (c) a population that is docile and mendicant people who likes shyte in their soup (d) existing laws and a so called (fossilized) Constitution (e) a union led by chvunts who march for marching sake and (f) ingrunt bajans

    Oh i sad (f) already didnt I?

    What is your begin point Brother Bush Tea?

    Seriously, there is none. Even though your end point is desirable, the begin point speaks of volunteerism in a place where people cant afford diddly squat cause um is real expensife to live in BIM

    So Brother Bush Tea, the reason I want an answer from the legal luminary Mr. Jeff Cumberbatch is because

    (a).he is a man whom I respect and whom the people of barbados will trust

    (b).he is a man who can craft what effectively is a begin step for your Conditions in Point 3 “…THESE TOO ARE RECRUITED ONLY ON CONDITION THAT THEY SIGN UNDATED LETTERS OF RESIGNATION….”

    I am not into the talk mode Bush Tea, that is the affliction of the Demonic Lying Party and the Mugabe Walkers!!

    This is a time for We the people of barbados to change this shyte!!

    Very few of wunna here have ever seen what a bullet does to a body.

    Most of you think that death in Revolutions comes a la Hollywod styling with body shots that leave your face clean for the open coffin viewing.

    That is not how it happens at all.

    THerefore what I an ole fool am suggesting to you brother Bush Tea and others here on BU is that we can craft this type of REVOLUTION which bring a new change but it cannot be done through BUP-ing in a vacuum.

    Simple Strategic Actions that permit the 30 representative of whom you speak to be chosen

    My grandson ent got all this time doing these VOTE OUT THE DLP incompetents AND THE BLP despots all day long

    Lord peradventure there be just 30 men…..

    Let us find the men and women Bush Tea and stop talking bout it ad infinitum

    Let us do this this ting…

  33. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Alvin…who cares, the ministers are the ones told the electorate in 2008 and again in 2013….that all of them could walk on water…what wages bill what…that should be nothing for the liars in Parliament. ..again…who cares.

  34. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

  35. Word on VOB chat is that the governor has been fired and that Darcy Boyce has been appointed governor with immediate effect.

    So Darcy finally has achieved his dream………..even through this means.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Isnt that Bizzy’s “give me” little boy blue.., if so, good, it will be easier to boot both him and Bjerkham out of the central bank when the government is kicked out of parliament.

  37. I see that you have reached the point where you want to move to more than words. I too have reached such a state, but where do I go?

    I am ready to vote, but what are my choices?
    I am ready to march, but who will I march with?
    I can spare a few dimes, but who will I give them to?
    I am willing to be lead, but who should I follow?

    I see words and ideas, but they flash across my screen and fade into oblivion before any action can be initiated or, like a movie on rewind, they will appear again at some time in the future. Even Carl Moore with his constant appeal for unmasking the mice is caught in our ‘Groundhog Day’ universe.

    We are men of words and not men of deeds.
    We are warriors fastened to our armchairs and staring at our screens.
    Our dreams remain on our beds when we make our first step,
    We attend universities but we always return to our high school, where life was safe and others acted on our behalf.

    Frustrated businessman is kind in his assessment of our future for I fear that “the worst if yet to come”;

  38. *is yet

  39. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son February 24, 2017 at 11:47 AM

    The Quisling is the perfect fall guy. He has a track record of selling his professional soul to the money devil. The man would steal a ‘blind’ cent from his dead mother in return for 30 pieces of dirty ‘sell-out’ silver.

    He has nothing to do right now nothing to do in that broken-down cabinet with nothing to lose politically lose but all to gain from the big perks and the chance to directly facilitate the salting away of millions for his friends and their families before the forex ship runs aground; just like what happened in Jamaica in the late 1970’s and through the 80’s.

  40. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    As the goodly professor at UWI is predicting, the country’s downfall could take on yhe characteristics of another CLICO splash…initiated by the government, that must be the precursor the dimwitted ACs were mumbling about yesterday…but they should all go to jail.

    How do they ever expect to continue governing without transparency, trying to destroy all freedom of speech and having no freedom of information acts.

    Ah know bajans too love they buckingham palace fantasy tales….so yall may be getting a new princess after all, a true mixed blood princess who considers herself a black woman.

    “Prince Harry and Markle require the queen’s approval for their marriage because of a United Kingdom law created in 1772. Under the Royal Marriages Act, the monarch has the ability to veto the marriage of any relative who is within six family members away from the throne, People magazine reported earlier this month. Prince Harry is fifth in line to the throne after Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.”

  41. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    How do they ever expect to continue governing without transparency, trying to destroy all freedom of speech and having no freedom of information acts……in 2017.

  42. Now that the storm has rolled out in the public domain most likely the shift of agressive dominance driven by a narrative of doom and gloom by the blp would translate to a sympathy card for govt .
    Reason given is that the average household can understand the factors presented which would have given govt little choice to pursue a path of printing rather than pursue a path of draconian medicine which would have impacted households and the economy
    If the blp was looking for a golden nugget in this issue they have failed since barbadians would prefer a job rather than not having one
    On the other side of the coin going forward the govt must be creative by way of tax incentives to bring public on board in helping govt to curb expenditures in health and Education

  43. @ The Gazer

    I hear your plea.

    And let see if I can present a few humble responses

    To your 1st question – I am ready to vote, but what are my choices?

    I will tell you that there are hundreds of Bajans, even thousands who are willing to lead.

    The thing is that the don’t know where to go and therefore are in a state of “arrested development.”

    They will not go to join the DLP and they will not follow Mugabe’s BLP.

    They have no idea of the process to make themselves relevant and they don’t want to (a) loose their deposit like David Commissiong has and (b) do not want to be beaten since they fear they don’t have the financial backing, read “bribe money” of these other groups

    First things first.

    THey have to be told that their skills will offset the first requirement, the one that Brother Bush Tea presents here, that they MUST BE men/women of integrity and who are competent

    As to the second issue, let de old man share something that WILL DEFINITIVELY offset the $$ issue which people feel is so important

    This Stoopid Cartoon just asks the same question that you are asking, ONE THAT ALL Bajans want answered

    “Why should you vote for me?”

    These men and women will answer that question simply

    “Because I Love My Country” and deliver a curriculum vitae that shows what they have done and what they are going to do TO MAKE IT SO

    And yes THe Gazer while you are saying that this is providing fodder for the wolves that are out there let me share this too.

    I do not fear that “any man of woman born nor torn unceremoniously from mother’s womb” can steal this campaign theme, because the ole man has finally come to understand that you cannot teif an extra breath from GOD.

    My purpose in life, as should all of ours should be, including Sir Kyffin, especially Sir Kyffin, is to give of ourselves, like Him Whom I, (like Kyffin), claim to Love. to give of ourselves to others.

    So I propose to live this Pledge to Barbados in a different way

    To your Question number 2. I am ready to march, but who will I march with?

    There are thousands of Bajans who will march with you.

    They may not march in the sun, but they are going to march in their hearts and with their fingers at the voting booths, because this Victory MUST BE for One Being ONLY. and once that Being is served, all this dross, this BL and DLP, will fall away.

    You can be assured that it will not matter all the millions of $$ they will spend to grease peoples palms, they, both Mia and Fumbles, will loose.

    Question 3. I can spare a few dimes, but who will I give them to?

    Unlike you and others here de ole man does not have $$ (certainly not to spare)

    That which I have I give freely, my knowledge and know-how on how to fight PsyOp Campaigns and some methods that these badwords WILL NEVER KNOW. heheheheheh.

    “…Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied…”

    Question 4. I am willing to be lead, but who should I follow?

    We are encouraged variously through our respective faiths and beliefs The Gazer, “not to follow any man”, but to put our faith in the Hand of our Creator, irrespective of The Name we wish to call Him.

    Again not to wax or wane philosophical, of one thing we can all be in agreement is that, whatever our faith, they all converge on the denominator of “man having a special relationship with such Deity and, that we should all pursue and emulate said (Divine?) attributes in our lives ( a plagiarism but true nonetheless)

    The representatives will come.

    All that we the people will need is “well-crafted instruments of appointment prior to their appointment that bind said persons to (a) performance indicators (b) clearly defined deliverables and (c) like the Minister of Fine Ants, Decimals Bond and Deliar Worrell, enforceable contracts that allow us to fire their badwords if they deviate from those deliverables.


  44. There will not be an early election called in Barbados…

    Froon has to make us a republic first so that he can have some kind of a legacy and they are furiously working to bring this to fruition.

    Forget about Sinckler and Worrell. The latter is gone and the former remains. Forget also about the Lawyers with letters behind their names. They don’t want to offend their friends and cohorts.

  45. @ David Commissiong

    This article is titles Lets March

    I make this statement “Lets Get Serious”

    And then I would ask you these question.

    If a common citizen wants to run for parliament what are the procedural steps that he or she must effect to do so?

    Would you, o champion of the Barbadian Underdog, provide a comprehensive plan of what one has to do, from start to finish?

    After you do you thingy I will get the Grandson to make it into a simple graph for dissemination here on BU

    Assuredly that would give some indication as to how serious you are about Bajans TRULY MARCHING FOR NEW ELECTIONS.

    But then again I doubt that you will come here to provide such since you are locked on to the BLP being the saviour.

    I do hope that your Archangel who scours this page will see this and tell you of the ole man’s query heheheheheheh

  46. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Pity Chadster aint around to take some heat for

    “Judge allows a second accuser to testify at Cosby sex assault trial
    Added 24 February 2017

    Bill Cosby re-enters Montgomery County Courthouse after a break during the second day of his pre-trial hearing in his sexual assault case in Norristown, Pennsylvania, December 14, 2016. (Reuters

    udge allows a second accuser to testify at Cosby sex assault trial Read More
    A JUDGE RULED on Friday that a second woman who said comedian Bill Cosby sexually assaulted her would be allowed to testify at his upcoming trial in Pennsylvania on charges he sexually assaulted a former employee of Temple University.

    About 50 women have accused Cosby, 79, of sexual assault. But the accusation from 2004 by Andrea Constand, the former university employee, is the only one to result in a criminal prosecution.”

  47. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    Bush Tea,

    I know from earlier submissions that you chaps want to jettison thew Constitution but where else other than in your euphoric mind can the above suggestion obtain without radical constitutional change that you are incapable of effecting?

    This is just a pipe dream, right? I want some of whatever it is you are smoking!

    “1- Proven, competent, UNPAID, well-meaning VOLUNTEERS are conscripted to put together a national Strategic Plan.
    THEY collectively put together the national priorities to be achieved.”

    Who will pick conscript these? You? Will this strategic plan have any force, legal or otherwise?

  48. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    pick or conscript

  49. That is because Bush Tea thinks that God is a big boss engineer. What if God is not a BBE, what if he is a loving shepherd?

  50. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Jeff…the constitution does not necessarily need radical change or overhaul……..but radical amendments, in their present form, you know amendments to any constitution is elementary, when the lawmakers are skilled and competent. …laws are only laws until they are tested and made precedent.

    No constitution is written in stone since the drafters are all dead anyway…yall are too sentimental with the nonsense drafted by dead people.

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