Submitted by Heather Cole
Submitted by Heather Cole

Don’t cry for him Barbados

The truth is he never loved you

During these wild years

He kept his promises to the DEMS

So you keep your distance!”

Perhaps a rewrite of the famous song about Eva Peron is in order with the above sentiments expressed by Barbadians. Clearly the bromance that never was, between the Minister of Finance of Barbados and the Governor of the Central Bank of plotting and overseeing the economic demise of Barbados is over.

Barbados Today reported that the fall out between the Governor and the Minister of Finance was with regards to the Governor’s inability to explain the country’s diminishing economic fortunes and rising administrative tensions within the Central Bank.

Again perhaps the economy has taken its final turn for the worse and is on its official death bed and the dreaded devaluation near. The blame game is underway with the Minister of Finance trying to squarely push the responsibility for failure of the economy on the Governor. The Governor clearly does not wish to be the fall guy. His strange action to avert blame from himself by appealing to the Court of Law against his dismissal is indeed cause for comment.

On one hand we had a governor who was a willing accomplice of this administration at every turn for the last 8 years producing alternate facts in speech, actions and data in support of the policies of the government. It is not that some of his economic policies were successful. He has a long list failures and unethical practices. He sold junk bonds to an unsuspecting public, scrubbed the Central Banks website of data and frequently produced data to paint the economy in a positive light. His action of holding $5 million in the Central Bank for Leroy Parris was illegal. He incessantly printed money, offloaded funds to Bjorn Bjerkham who should never have been appointed to any public board in Barbados. Let us also not forget his attempt to practice nepotism. Then it was the matter of the many economic downgrades that affected the country’s credit rating.

He supported and never admonished the Minister of Finance for his reckless economic onslaught against the people of Barbados. The Governor’s actions not only affected the economy but in extension endangered the livelihood of many Barbadians as it was also indirectly responsible for job loss. He did not perform as a Governor of a Central Bank but as a piggy bank for the Minister of Finance. His actions created capital flight and a scarcity in foreign exchange. Our currency has already been devalued in the eyes of our eastern Caribbean neighbours’ and Guyana.

In another place and another time his actions against the state would be tantamount to treason. This now reminds one of Cardinal Wolsey’s fall from grace when he failed to secure the kings wishes. So what did Mr. Sinckler so desperately want that the Governor could not provide that led to his firing? Was it more than what was stated above?

He has damaged his credibility as a practicing economist and brought shame to the title of Governor of a Central Bank. He sold out the livelihood of the people of Barbados and on reflection the People of Barbados should be taking him to court. His actions are at loggerheads with his profession he has not provided sound economic advice to support the economic growth of Barbados through monetary policy. That is the sole purpose of his job.

No one should be even a bit unhappy to see him removed as Governor of the Central Bank. He is now like a product on the shelf that is long past its expiry date. It will be a sad day if the Court rules in favour of the Governor of the Central Bank as it would be, even at this late stage legalizing the economic death of the island of Barbados by giving an unfit Governor the right to continue to destroy the economy.

353 responses to “No Tears for the Central Bank Governor”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Carl…….I already achieved my goals on BU in 3 short years….ya blinked and missed it……lol I do not want any credit for it, that has never been my goal, that’s why ya may never understand what it is… was not about me, it was about doing what is just and right, if you understood any of it…ya would be able to hear the weeping and wailing and knashing of teeth, but unfortunately, that is way above your head.

    Everything else going forward is just gravy…I believe ya jealous of BU…ya shoulda thought of it first.

    So tell me Carl…what have you achieved in ya exposed glory.

  2. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carl Moore February 18, 2017 at 1:58 PM
    “Imagine, a masked man calling someone a shameful coward!”

    Can we rightly guess you have never heard of Zorro or even the Phantom?

    Boy, your boyhood reading days must have been rather boring. No comic book heroes to talk about.

    But what can one expect from a rat who has to return to a bit of BU cheese although he knows it is laced with a secret’ portion of “anonymice” poison?

    Worse than a dog who has to constantly return to its own vomit!

  3. You are no Mark Twains; you are no George Orwells. Phantoms, yes; the digital kind.

    If I had my way, I would suspend, for about six months, the following bloggers: Bush Tea, Dribbler, Miller, Piece, Well Well and others.

    Not to stay at home and watch T-20 cricket; you would have to attend private lessons from teachers like the late J.O. Morris, Wilkie Cumberbatch, Alva Greenidge, Rudolph Goodridge, Ada Straughn, Jacqueline Banfield and Dame Patricia Symmonds.

    I would let you back on Barbados Underground and other blogs only after you had learned the difference between a simile and a metaphor; hyperbole and euphemism.

    A good few would not make it back.

  4. Theophilus Gazerts Avatar
    Theophilus Gazerts

    Would our diet be just bread and water? Would we be placed in prison cells?

    You stopped annoying this mouse and is scaring him….we know real and implied threats.

  5. Whuloss….

    What is going on here?

    For a man who doan type much and ent able to contend with people cause you old, you sure got alot of spunk in you.

    You said and i quote “…f I had my way, I would suspend, for about six months, the following bloggers: Bush Tea, Dribbler, Miller, Piece, Well Well and others…”

    Carl “Goebbels” More or Less recovered from the gonorrhea is now on the loose to close down BU rather deny certain Anonymice access to BU.

    Carl here is what you can do.

    Open your own blog on Facebook and send an invitation to all of the BU-ians that you feel should get ban for 6 months.

    and, WHEN WE ENROLL PUN YOU SITE, ban we bloodclod!!!

    Yes Carl, I think that we deserve a banning which will be a euphemism for a shot of penicillin for the infections that we are

    Where is the simile in that narrative or would it be best expressed as a metaphor ?

    Let me see

    Carl More or less is showing that he is as brave as a lion in his all out campaign to oust the Anonymice on BU or Carl More stoically took the injection in his willy with the bravery of a lion when the doctor injected him for his infection.

    I going and look up de udder big words you used cause this encounter with you has indeed pushed de ole man further into a room of depression heheheheheh metaphorically speaking.

    Carl Moore or Less better after ….. “the Superlative Champion of those who seek to unmask the Anonymice (assuredly a hyperbole hehehehehe)

  6. Lest we forget the main thread here and get sidetracked by Chris’ agents AC and Carl Moore and Mr Austin here is the subject matter in classic Bob Marley song…

  7. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Dont mind Carl…he is, hurt feelings, he shoulda had the BU idea first, then he coulda ban everbody….lol


    Maybe in another life Carl old boy..

    “I would let you back on Barbados Underground and other blogs only after you had learned the difference between a simile and a metaphor; hyperbole and euphemism”

    A lotta good those similes, meyaphors, hyperbole and euphemisms did for you…they did everything except teach ya how to stand up as a man….for ya own people.

  8. Violet C Beckles CUP Avatar
    Violet C Beckles CUP

    Printing money with not Dates , Yes i have barbados fAKE MONEY with no dates, they were printing so fast they forgot to date their crime or was that the plan? Right before they print new money and then to pull back the fake bills to be replaced with the new money,

    The down grade happened long time inside Barbados , less for your money inside bim , dont have to spend money on copper for cents, dont have to give change,Getting less on the USD inside Barbados , Devalued already happened with more taxes on top,,,,,,,,, and still making 5 bds an hours off the books no NIS paid,

  9. Getting the measure of Hal…
    My perception may be slightly distorted…
    Against fines for EU banks
    Knows of corruption but keeps it covered up…
    Scared to put his own name out there when it really matters….
    Wants the non-journalist mice to put their names here…

  10. One of the very worse aspects of Bajan brass bowlery can be seen in this attitude of wanting to classify people by WHO they are…. rather than by what they bring to the table.

    Every time Hal opens his mouth he talks about what paper he edited; what speech he gave; what he instructed his staff; and which big wig he spoke to…..
    Don’t even talk about the other female rabbit whose main claim to fame is that he is family to Ossie….. he just wants to see if the person at the other end of a conversation is someone whose pooch he would do well to kiss … or if they are like him …having come from ‘nowhere’…

    From school days Hal was a pretentious lout, so his preoccupation with status and reputation is not surprising after over 40 years in the home of pretentiousness. That Carl Moore seems unable to get ‘Bush Tea, Dribbler, Miller, Piece, Well Well and others’ out of his craw is equally unsurprising …given his lifelong (and so far unsuccessful) ambition to match Ossie in intellectual prowess.

    It may surprise these two brass bowls to know that there are some of us on BU …who do NOT use real names so as NOT to intimidate bloggers with our ACTUAL accomplishments … so that we can ALL focus on the issues – rather than speculate on shiite like, for example, the possible impact that gonorrhea may have on a man’s rational thinking after years of feelings of guilt… or having brass bowls blindly listening to bloggers like Bushie – just because the bushman happens to be rich as shiite….
    Look where THAT got Americans with Trump…

    If the two o’ wunna cannot keep up with the cut-and -thrust of BU’s analyses of current issues, then why not ‘carry wunna donkeys’ and retreat to the safety of wunna 19th century minds where ‘names and status’ determined the order of the plantations… and keep far away from the whacker…?

  11. @Piece at 4:31 PM # — re ” Whuloss….What is going on here? Carl here is what you can do.

    Open your own blog on Facebook and send an invitation to all of the BU-ians that you feel should get ban for 6 months.

    and, WHEN WE ENROLL PUN YOU SITE, ban we bloodclod!!!” ———

    Classic. LOLL.

    I would have ‘liked’ and given my thumbs-up to your entire post but you really gotta cut the man some slack with that ‘clapping’ line, fah real. We does all make mistakes and some we really don’t wanna see up in lights all de time. Cud-dear.

    After all think back of any of time that Mr Wharton scolded you for taking a simile for a metaphor or using hyperbole when you wanted a Eucharist…did I get that right! Would you want to be embarrassed with that now based on your excellent display here of the written word.

    I have no idea why he would ban my dribbly backside, BBE harmless Bushie or the poetic Miller.

    We can understand why he would ban you my friend; activist extraordinaire that you are.

    And Well Well, simply overdoes the cut and paste way, way, way too much so that’s understandable also. LOLL.

    You pegged him perfectly though as “Carl ‘Goebbels’ More or Less” !

  12. @ Carl Moore

    Sir I need your assistance in regards to a legal matter in the High Court where I believe I am being sold out by Attorneys and others.

    The case involves fraud, police corruption and an attempt at incarceration by setup to remove parties out the picture.

    I have had to move out of Barbados fearing my safety and have had my own Lawyers refusing to provide info for the last 2 months on a Court date which took placed in the last month of the year 2016 of which i did not attend being overseas despite 3 requests by email.

    I would like the names of 2 investigative journalist one at the Nation and Barbados Today.

    Alternatively I can email you all background information to have the matter exposed once I have an email address.

    This is not a joke or hoax I had to leave my family behind in Barbados because of this matter.

  13. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Gazer…ya forgot:

    Hal admitted this morning to working undercover on assignment for one or two newpapers in UK, he must have used his real name while undercover. …although I have no clue how that would work.

    Pedant…ya just screwed up that post with ya nitpicking…ya sure ya an old man and not an old woman….some people got 3 second attention spans, like goldfish, ya think in all his frustration Carl Moore remembered all the crap he typed while ranting at us……lol

    Bushman….the Carl Moores and Hal Austins and Dizzy Dompeys and Pedants….. ….all focus on the messengers….and miss the entire

    So blind they cannot see that half the job has already been achieved, there are those who have been brought to their knees, mission completed, a paradigm shift has taken place on the island and most have missed it….still focusing on the messengers….

    ……even Anonymouse dressed up in his clown suit and on a YouTube video missed the whole event……lol…ya cant make this stuff up.

  14. If the governor had political discrepancies with govt policies and namely the MOF they both could have met and discussed their differences and agreed to disagreed in the best interest of the country and move on
    However when such disagreements spilled over in the political landscape then becomes overheated with political poop and bile the country interest becomes the biggest loser
    The Governor now taking this matter as personnel projects a ting of unavoidable suspicion steep in a political vendetta which in the end could take away all the valuable gains and worthwhile efforts he contributed in the seven years in helping to stabilize the barbados economy
    Hopefully he would do the right thing and not let bruised feelings of anguish separate and deteriorate his love of country under a guise of wanting to get a upperhand
    Putting country first is not always easy but being a patriot is the noble and right thing to do,

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    ACs…shoo, ya like a cadaver fly.

  16. So what is your point david yes trump win.however my comments were influenced by pollsters just like how yours are being influenced by various interest aligned to the blp party.
    Btw did you not have an ongoing poll on Bu going into the last election which gave the blp an overwhelming victory against the dlp.
    So who are you to bring arguments of engagements about winners or losers knowing that your credibility was shot to smitterings in the last election with your failed predictions

  17. According to the Weekend Nation of Friday 17 February 2017, p.3 (paper edition) In “a leaked August 13, 2015 document [Deputy Governor Cleviston Haynes] begged the Board of Directors of the Central Bank to help him…he said that he was being marginalised, as over time Worrell had stripped him of responsibilities, stopped consulting him, thus reducing his status and creating an unwelcome atmosphere…in the organization [furthermore] the work environment at the Tom Adams Financial Center [where the Central Bank of Barbados is located] had become toxic…he [Haynes] was virtually powerless with very little to do, and was hardly spoken to by his boss…[he Haynes was] concerned that [his] professional reputation is under threat…[and was] firmly of the view that the state of affairs requires IMMEDIATE resolution[and he Haynes requested that the board of directors address [his situation as a matter of URGENCY”

    Some Simple questions:

    Is this leaked document true?
    If so has Mr. Haynes’ concerns been addressed? If not, and since 18 months have passed why not?
    If they have been addressed what has been the outcome?
    Is this highly paid public servant still being paid to do very little? And if so can we the people of Barbados continue to pay salaries to people who have very little to do?
    Does the Board condone this?
    Does the Minister responsible condone this?
    Does our Prime Minister condone this?

    I’ve taken a look at the Central Bank’s directors and I note that all of them, including the Governor, but excluding Peter Carter have been educated at the University of the West Indies, therefore all but one of them have been educated with the taxpayers money
    Board of Directors, Central Bank of Barbados

    Just a few awkward questions from a taxpayer.

  18. @ Simple Simon
    Perhaps you just hit on the REAL problem and want to gloss over it…. Mek Bushie LAUGH!!!

    ” I’ve taken a look at the Central Bank’s directors and I note that all of them, including the Governor, but excluding Peter Carter have been educated at the University of the West Indies,”

    There we have it….
    Bunch of shiitehounds with over-rated opinions of their worth and under-rated capacities to execute ANY shiite.
    Poor Peter ain’t able…. likely just filling a quid pro quo …as you will find if you check a NIS or other Labour related Board of dummies…

  19. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    ac February 18, 2017 at 11:36 AM #

    Yes all public officials are subjected to rules and standards
    However as i stated the Govenor of the Central Bank is more subjected than joe Q public in his utterances when it comes to fiscal matters as it is all well and good to be truthful but in doing so one should measure the impact or damaged which can be done to the social and economic enviroment

    Intelligent AC and hopefully not the CUNT AC, are you reading what you wrote? So are you subscribing to the same disclosure approach that has branded the DLP as pathological liars, which is, muddle the truth, keep silent or present alternative facts? It darn well sounds to me like you think Barbadians are mindless buffoons too stupid to embrace the reality of truth so altering the information is the best approach when having to confront a deemed wayward bunch. I hope that you know, intelligent AC and not the CUNT AC, that all that is happening on the island testifies to the fact that what you are seeing and reading, is a far cry from what Freundel and his bunch, wants you to believe in the nonsense they tend to spew. Truth is always better than fabrication. You are defending blindly Intelligent AC, wake up!!!

  20. When one table a position of branding a difference of opinion as untruth , Then one should present evidence of facts to their arguments instead of blindly cutting swaths of political diatribe to support their argument

    No one is indispensable and the countries best interest supersedes all and any one else and if the countries interest appears to be under attack by whomever whereby in such a case can cause harm then whatever remedy is needed to find and remove the source should be pursued
    In such circumstance there is only one truth a truth which calls for remedy

  21. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Ammmmm Mr Business Owner.

    Your plea to Carl More or Less better since the medical ting and Hal Austin are waste foopisms

    Being betrayed by Bajan lawyers and incarcerated for what is yours is par for the course.

    De ole man have ong believed dat Barbados should have a better business bureau rating agency for teifing lawyers and honest lawyer commendations

    You see de carousel of teifs dat de Honourable Blogmaster has up here ? you should be sending you matter to Barbados Underground for airing instead of two sedentary ole menses like me, a man who will air you matter and tear a hole in any conspiracy to BREK up a family and got you living overseas and you family heah.

    Expose dem as#es! What you have to loose? My man looka whey you is living now, like a criminal, butting bout while dem living it up snorting cocaine, some of dem, not all of dem.

    Lef out Hal Austin cause he does expose issues and not personalities so you matter dun in uterine wid he hear?

  22. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Sorry, subject/verb agreement lacking.

    Your plea is, your pleas is a waste foopisms

    Mr Wheaton would be disturbed by such assassination of the language and de cuss word too heheheheheh

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Hal has embarrassed himself on BU.

    Carl Moore loves being made embarrassed. …sadomasochistic….he will be back for

    I got his number….he has to do penance, I am the òñè with his whip.

  24. David

    You JACKASS, if the BLP did not leave two million foreign reserves What would be the situation today?

    Shit man talking about two million but not talking about the debt left behind which was more than the measly 2 million in reserves is political hog wash
    We are where we are because of external and internal debt which has impacted our foreign reserves

  25. Note to BU commenters, let us remain focused on the issues. Barbados finds itself where it is because of the polarized partisan political positions we have morphed to. We have to learn fromour mistakes. In the words of former prime minister Sir Lloyd -how has the country found itself at the same place after the horrors of the 1900s.

  26. Thank you, David.

  27. Well well,

    Plse explain!

  28. Bus Tea,
    Me pretentious??? You got the wrong person. I mention my background so as not to appear like the resident liar. I give examples from my occupational experience. Unlike the resident liar I do not talk about my qualifications from a distinguished university.
    As to going under cover, it was only to expose organised gangs.

  29. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Ok Hal…..short and sweet, for both you and Carl Moore, this is a definition of real journalists, ones who have the testicular fortitude and backbones to bring down governments and crooked busines people. …to stand up for citizens rights.

    And whenever Karma books that visit to the US…she will be relentless. This dude is still alive for a reason…to help them bring down the illiterate.

    The man who brought down Nixon says Trump is even ‘more treacherous’

    Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein criticises Donald Trump’s ‘unhinged conduct’ and warns ‘The most dangerous ‘enemy of the people’ is presidential lying’

    Adam Lusher 2 hours ago

    Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein has attacked Donald Trump’s “lying” and said his attacks on the media are more treacherous than those of Richard Nixon, the president he helped bring down.

    Bernstein, whose reporting with Bob Woodward and Ben Bradlee helped exposed the Watergate scandal of the 1970s, has told his 26,000 twitter followers: “The most dangerous ‘enemy of the people’ is presidential lying – always. Attacks on the press by Donald Trump [are] more treacherous than Nixon’s.”

    Apparently questioning Trump’s mental stability, Bernstein added: “Real news (not fake) is that Donald Trump is trying to make conduct of the press the issue instead of egregious (and unhinged) conduct of POTUS [President of the United States].”

  30. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The explanation cannot be clearer than that Hal, have you any idea what your people in Barbados have been subjected to for decades because of the collusion of wicked, greedy government ministers, many lawyers, one former chief justice and the criminal minded business people…for decades….do you not understand what is right now playing out behind the scenes without the knowledge of even BU and every blogger…., for safety purposes. Even I am not willing to say anything just yet…, this is not a game.

    “As to going under cover, it was only to expose organised gangs.”

    Which could have got ya killed, so did you use ya real name.

  31. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And in saying that….from the 1900s until the 40s, 50s and definitely in the 60s….post slavery, black people in Barbadod had no access to all these pretentous titles and government control , control of the treasury and all the other trappings…..suddenly they had complete political control come 1966…..from the 70s coming forward, it was never used wisely.

    Politicians and government ministers continued from that time until now, to see it as a game as opposed to taking control and working accordingly for the good of all their people, not just yardfowls and followers, who we clearly see with Worrell are disgarded without a second thought when their usefulnres of deceiving taxpayers come to an end.

    The black ministers and politicians lost their way, immediately post political independence.

    They are all guided by greed, stupidity, egos and arrogance. ….this is what fuels their failures.

  32. Well well,


  33. As I take another break, I don’t think the late Jack Smale would mind if I borrowed this:

    It’s folk like Well Well, Piece, Dribbler, Bush and that coterie of faceless flunkies who make me wish that science will soon come up with a way to make birth control retroactive.

  34. @ Hal
    What is it exactly that you do not get about the modern REALITY where, all we care about on BU is the value of the contribution that a fella makes to the discussion, and the extent that it can take the national thinking forward?
    Whether such contributions come from Dompey, AC, or from such luminaries as Ping Pong or the legendary Micro Mock Engineer is absolutely irrelevant.

    No one cares if you went to HC, QC, C’mere or Brumley.
    No one cares if your name is Alleyne, Bowring, Hoad, or if you are a high court judge or a bus driver ….. if you are talking shiite you will be flushed…and if you make valuable contributions, you will be ‘bigged-up’.

    That is how BU operates.

    When you and the Ossie jackass come into such an environment with the distracting and outdated focus on knowing to whom you are conversing, it tells us that you are pretentious. You are from the shiite school where certain people deserve deference – no matter what shiite they spout, while others are not worth listening to….

    THE ONLY OTHER VALID REASON FOR IDENTIFYING CONTRIBUTORS ON BU is where writers’ contributions are tied intrinsically to who they are, or what they do. Even OUTSIDE of this reality such persons should be allowed a nom de plume by David for independent contributions.

    We care about IDEAS and NOT personalities…. Do you know that at least one of the AC’s has a nice personality? ….but not an idea to save their life….. 🙂

    ….and Hal, pretentious persons NEVER feel themselves to be thusly inclined….

  35. We wonder whether Ossie Moore was capable of interpreting the non-vocal communication of Smale

    ’cause after 75 years you are as abortive as could have been.

  36. @ Hal
    Hear what your cohort says…

    “It’s folk like Well Well, Piece, Dribbler, Bush and that coterie of faceless flunkies who make me wish that science will soon come up with a way to make birth control retroactive.”
    Are you beginning to see the heart of the female rabbit?
    Is it clear to you now …why he wants bloggers’ names and addresses and National ID numbers?

    Moore is a low-intellect, low self-esteem, failure …who exhibits clear symptoms of whatever it was that afflicted poor Ossie..

    When GP brazenly told him who he was, his first instinct was to investigate and drop remarks about GP’s family, status and upbringing. Of course after the Doc put some gonorrhea facts on the table he ran off like the pimp that he is….

    Now he wants to eliminate humble bloggers who refuse to go along with his witchhunts… Moore is a journalist after Trump’s own heart….

    Time for you to distance yourself from this idiot Hal…..

  37. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Hal….then ya were not undercover, ya were covering a story….undercovers never use their real names….not to expose armed gangs.

  38. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carl Moore February 19, 2017 at 10:37 AM

    Only a “break”, Carl??

    Why not make it “RETIREMENT” (you have truly earned it) and permanently join your Uncle Ossie in the circus for idiotic clowns and pedantic fools?

    There is no need to send out complimentary VIP invitations to the Anonymice.
    Anonymice have NO right at a party put on by academic alley cats.

    But there is one electronic big ‘boar’ rat which will be in attendance (online). That will be the alpha of the anonymice called Bush Tea with his highly tuned triple carburetor whacker all ready to clean up the circus full of dullards and to polish brass-bowls therein.

  39. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Carl….that’s the very reason when ya own whipped is being used on you…by me…..and you think it’s coming from one source….it will be the other.

    Ya will spend the balance of ya life figuring that one out…lol

    It’s too late for you to grow a back bone and stand up for your own people’s rights.

    It’s just too late.

    Everything is too late for you.

  40. Ok Well well. You know about

  41. @Pieces, @Bushie: In assailing @Moore’s irritating attack on anonymity it’s self defeating and unequivocally makes the only valid aspect of his assault by going after him in very personal terms. That is not copacetic.

    With a valued mantra as “if you are talking shiite you will be flushed…and if you make valuable contributions, you will be ‘bigged-up’” we cannot talk personal shiiite about those we don’t like and big-up those we like.

    It was totally unacceptable when a professional medical practitioner could “brazenly … put some gonorrhea facts” on the blogger.

    If that remark had come from anyone else then it would be normal BS fair-play because there would absolutely be no verifiable validity to it. But to this day I cannot understand how anyone here can defend that behavior coming from an accredited local doctor, but maybe I am missing some key interceding facts.

    I obviously have no brief for someone like Moore who would wish a person aborted or not born I should say, but to treat him with his kind of nasty vitriol solves NOTHING.

    So let me quote and paraphrase from the blogmaster of a website (Above The Law) which stopped its popular commentary section because of nasty, mean spirited trolls: I would miss the comments and commenters, especially the good ones. But I bear no ill will toward former mean commenters. I feel about them the way I feel about a perfectly cool ex-paramour: We had some great times, we grew apart. I wish her all the best — and if I don’t ever hear from her ever again then all’s good because I really don’t need to hear from her ever again.

    That applies to all mean spirited commenters: anonymous or named.

  42. Mr Blogmaster…once more I entreat you. sigh!

  43. Carl Moore should use his professionalism to tell us some truths about the late Ossie Moore ( who lived in st.James and worked for Magistrate Nurse in Holetown ).

    At the very least Ossie was of good enough character to maintain a job at Magistrate Nurse.

  44. Hants,

    We are all of a certain age. Let us behave like adults and not embarrass ourselves in front of the youths.
    One principle I always maintained as a journalist is that there are certain groups one should never offend, including pensioners. They have all the time in the world to carry out petty little vendettas – anonymously.
    That was for the English situation. In the case of Barbados, add malice and venom.

  45. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Pedant….ya aint get it yet, should Carl get ya real name on BU…he will sell it to the government ministers all the politicians and all the business people. There is a lot more going on here than just biting comments…much more going on than you can see.

    Soyez prudent, soyez conscient …

  46. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And that part about wishing bloggers, including myself aborted…lol….makes me wonder how many abortions Carl Moore instigated and is now paying forr his sins….cant stay off BU..


  47. @ Dribbler
    Boss, speak for yourself….

    Neither you …nor anyone else ..can tell Bushie where or how deep to whack… those instructions come with the equipment.

    You may have heard the maxim that says. ..he who lives by the sword should expect to die by the sword.
    If a fellow wants to access personal information to engage other bloggers, he should make sure that he can handle PERSONAL attacks directed at him.

    Are you familiar with the chap Caswell?
    NO ONE has endured more personal attacks – including some deep digs from the whacker…. But Caswell has always responded with facts and often with wit, and has been able to emerge as A MUCH MORE RESPECTED MAN as a result.

    The REAL moral of the story is that if you know that you live in a shiite glass house, DO NOT START A BIG ROCK FIGHT with a fellow in a chattel house…. and if you have a ‘history’ not start slinging shiite talk at GP…. or Bushie…

  48. @ Hal Austin,

    Let me be clear. The late Ossie Moore was a man of good character.

    Yes he may have been “simple minded” but he was a nice fella.

    It should be obvious to most people that the majority of ossie moore jokes are ficional.

    I will continue to hide behind “Hants” until “Flying fish & cou cou” use their real names at NationNews.

  49. Be careful. Flying fish sometimes wink its eye. Burton Hinds used his real name – as did Dan Blackett of Torch. Do you remember old Bolden who had a welding shop in Carrington Village, I believe his son was a top lawyer?

  50. Bushie, we can agree on different paths on this subject.

    Bajans always know each others’ business and broadcasts all types of scandalous remarks…fah years.

    We cuss each other from boyhood and as we grow to adulthood ‘realistically’ talk about hitting a house with a big rock after making a hit on mother and all daughters in said house. So like the ubiquitous golf courses now dotting the island that sorta stuff is a par score for Bajan life.

    What took place with DP was unacceptable. Seemed to me to border on unprofessional conduct per the Hippocratic oath.

    I do not support Moore. He deserves all the licks and lashes he gets here. His campaign is totally out of bounds and ridiculous.

    However, when any blogger crosses a line or appears to do so in his or her critique reasonable people must speak up.

    I also do not support mean-spirited and unprofessional behaviour. How can we palaver extensively about how Carrington acted against the pensioner and condone similar gross unprofessional conduct here.

    At what fork in the road can a doctor producing possible private medical information about someone be the path to righteous blogging?

    But anyhow let me stay in my corner on this. The entire blog community -named or anonymous- here seems to agree with your position or are not keen to speak to the issue.

    Good blogging as good ethics in life must work for the goose and the gander.

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