Jeff Cumberbatch - Columnist, Barbados Advocate
Jeff Cumberbatch – Columnist, Barbados Advocate

“In short, his wits being quite gone, he hit upon the strangest notion that every madman in this world hit upon, and that was that he fancied it was right and requisite, as well for the support of his own honour as for the service of his country, that he should make a knight-errant of himself, roaming the world over in full armour and on horseback in quest of adventures, and putting in practice himself all that he had read of as being the usual practices of knights-errant; righting every kind of wrong, and exposing himself to peril and danger from which, in the issue, he was to reap eternal renown and fame. Already the poor man saw himself crowned by the might of his arm Emperor of Trebizond at least; and so, led away by the intense enjoyment he found in these pleasant fancies, he set himself forthwith to put his scheme into execution…” –Don QuixoteMiguel de Cervantes

As many others, including apparently the majority of the voters in the United States, I do not care much for the politics of the current president of the United States, Mr Donald Trump. Having myself survived exposure to the nightmare scenario of his Electoral College triumph last November, nothing he has done since persuades me that he is not the narcissistic, temperamental misogynist that he projected himself to be during the campaign to citizens of the United States who, albeit, by fortuitous electoral distribution and for their various personal reasons, did not care enough about these flaws and so elected him to the high office of POTUS, as it is so charmingly referred to.

Most of my readers will be familiar with the epithet “quixotic”. It describes, according to one source, behaviour that is foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals and marked by rash, lofty, romantic ideas. The word derives from the character created in 1605 by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in his novel, “The History of the valorous and wittie (sic) Knight Errant Don Quixote of La Mancha”, to give its full title. There has been a number of musical and film adaptations since, including the 1992 “Man of La Mancha”, featuring the popular hit, “To dream the impossible dream”.

Constraints of space do not permit a fuller discussion today of the adventures of the title character, but the epigraph above offers some information as to the anatomy of his pursuits.

The connection that I seek to make between Don Quixote and Mr Trump lies in the erratic, nay, quixotic nature of the behaviour of each of these individuals. For instance, perhaps the best known escapade of Don Quixote is tilting at windmills, an expression that has found its way into the lexicon as a metaphor for inutility and one that is ideally likened to Mr Trump’s attempts to exclude Mexicans and some Muslims so that America will be “great” again, whatever that coded expression might mean.

“At this point they came in sight of thirty or forty windmills that there are on a plain, and as soon as Don Quixote saw them he said to his squire, “Fortune is arranging matters for us better than we could have shaped our desires ourselves, for look there, friend Sancho Panza, where thirty or more monstrous giants present themselves, all of whom I mean to engage in battle and slay, and with whose spoils we shall begin to make our fortunes; for this is righteous warfare, and it is God’s good service to sweep so evil a breed from off the face of the earth.”

“What giants?” said Sancho Panza.

“Those thou seest there,” answered his master, “with the long arms, and some have them nearly two leagues long.”

“Look, your worship,” said Sancho; “what we see there are not giants but windmills, and what seem to be their arms are the sails that turned by the wind make the millstone go.”

“It is easy to see,” replied Don Quixote, “that thou art not used to this business of adventures; those are giants; and if thou art afraid, away with thee out of this and betake thyself to prayer while I engage them in fierce and unequal combat.”

The analogy is satisfied even further whether we consider Sancho Panza to be Mr Mike Pence, the Vice-President, Ms Kellyanne Conway with her “alternative facts”, or Mr Steve Bannon with his antediluvian views on difference and press freedom; and Mr Trump’s choice weapons of war not to be the lance and shield but his penchant for executive orders and late-night-to-early-morning tweets.

None of this is to ignore the fact that for some unarticulated reasons perhaps best known to them, there are those who support Mr Trump. I will not hazard a guess as to their reasons, although I am prepared to concede that they are certainly entitled to their opinions.

Nonetheless, his obsession with being perceived as the smartest and the most popular incumbent ever, as well as his seemingly facile ignorance of the basic principles of US constitutionalism that he swore to uphold less than a month ago, together with his propensity to speak in superlatives all mark him out as nothing less than…quixotic.

Indeed, Mr Trump’s relationship with matters legal so far has been less than auspicious. First, he chose to dismiss, as was his prerogative, the substantive Attorney General for demurring to a patently discriminatory embargo on certain individuals, even as his proposed replacement awaits Senate confirmation, thus leaving a gap in the governance architecture that would be constitutionally repugnant in most other jurisdictions. Second, he nominates a predictable replacement for Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court; one who, unsurprisingly, comes mouthing the same tired conservative claptrap about the Constitution having a settled meaning, as if time has stood still since the time of Jefferson and the others in the 18th century.

This jurisprudential perception is indeed instructive in the current context, for the original Constitutional text in the US regarded certain individuals, definable by a common characteristic, as being less than whole human beings. Too besides, it is at least passing strange that this so–called “right” meaning seems always to accord with conservative points of view, while those opinions that endorse such progressive values as the autonomy of women and others to guard their privacy are considered matters of regrettable and unconstitutional judicial activism.

The following piece is apposite:

Almost immediately after, Don Quixote runs into some merchants whom he challenges to admit that his lady, Dulcinea, is the most beautiful damsel in the world. Not sure where the situation is leading, they address him as “Sir Knight” but anger him by some facetious comments regarding Dulcinea’s beauty. On hearing these remarks, Don Quixote charges but unfortunately Rocinante slips and our knight ends up beaten by a muleteer. What might be construed as a setback for Don Quixote is easily explained: it was Rocinante’s fault.  But equally important (to him) is the fact that the merchants addressed Don Quixote in chivalric terms.

388 responses to “The Jeff Cumberbatch Column – Don Quixote Goes to Washington”

  1. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    I read your post at 9:02 am with wonder and some trepidation as I think that Trump’s ascendancy is indeed a forerunner of major changes in this world.

    I agree with much of what you posted with the major exception that I could not see Trump as a champion of the side of the existential duality where you place him. He appears to be a totally imperfect vessel for effecting the changes which you imply, as contrasted with Christ who was, at least as far as his chroniclers write, a demonstrably “Good” person. Trump appears to be the opposite from almost everything his biography suggests and which he has shown no likelihood of renounciation.

    But I could certainly be wrong!

  2. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Chadster…ya took a real beating so I will leave you alone for a couple hours to lick ya wounds…lol

  3. David February 6, 2017 at 6:19 AM #
    We are hearing two thing: Washington has no standing in the matter and the President has sweeping powers when it comes to directing immigration policy. How will the Court rule?

    Nothing open and shut about this one … flip a coin

    Sounds like the rights of the states vs the rights of the federal government …. both have merit

    e pluribus Unum

    Last arguments due in at 6 tonight … pst or est … not sure.

    Probably know by tomorrow or later tonight.

    Outcome will be interesting.

  4. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    Just an idea which just hit me.

    Could it be that the Evil one is the ruler of the current world and we are participating in a chess game of sorts between Good and Evil. The changes that Trump might therefore be presaging could be ostensibly, to our imperfect minds, be geared towards Chaos but be actually, in the longer run, likely to result in a new World Order that tilts towards the “Good” protagonists? Could Trump’s input in this battle be actually somewhat like a fake dribble?

  5. John:
    “The attempts to begrudge the man an honestly earned victory against odds only a madman would take on are palpable.”
    This is what you wrote. Did you analyze it, before you printed it? Do you really believe what it say? “Honestly earned”? What do the intelligence community say? I leave it as such, but your postings reveal a level of thinking that we should never sink to. Do you realize that all Trump has don in his two weeks of work, is SIGN executive orders, that have contributed to chaos? Check it out. Patience has to be the watchword world wide, for much turmoil will be forthcoming.

    Zoe, nothing good and edifying can be attained by following your posts. ““Stand Tall America, and Honor Israel”. What the f…! Are you nuts, man? No, I correct that, You aRE nuts.

    “He will continue to give much of his fortune, and much of his life, for this cause which I have yoked his heart to. And this cause, which he has not yet fully understood himself, shall continue to take hold of him and consume his heart. I will make him a compassionate leader, a loving leader, but a strong leader, fearless in the face of the demonic,” says the Lord.
    “Let the spirit of breakthrough flow through this man’s administration, as the breakthrough of Heaven’s armies continue to invade the earth, even Africa, even the Sudan, even the far east, parts of the world broken, uncontended, I will contend for your heart,” says the Lord.”

    Definitely the ravings of a demented person, who wants to be considered as being relevant!!

  6. @ AWTY
    If you examine Zoe’s automatic reaction when challenged on anything…you may come to understand why he will have difficulty in seeing the evil in Trump.

    Anyone who walks over ‘little people’ in their quest for wealth- is not likely to be a representative of BBE
    ….BBE representatives do NOT grab women’s pet cats…
    ….BBE representatives pay their debts. They do NOT hide behind bankruptcies…

    Zoe may be comfortable with Trump (not hard to see why)…. but to assign him as a BBE representative is a big stretch…. of common sense.

    On the other hand, rational onlookers can easily see the common factor that resides in Trump, in Israel …. and in Zoe….

  7. God’s Prophecy and Truth – 6th trumpet war – 2 billion dead‎‎
    The Antichrist – the False Prophet

    The Rapture of the ChurchIslam and ReligionEnd Time PropheciesThe Christian Life

  8. ‘Firefighter Prophet’ Updates His Vision for Donald Trump’s Presidency ……/61220-firefighter-prophet-updates-his-vision-for-donald-t...
    Nov 11, 2016 – In that powerful prophecy, God said Donald Trump had been chosen … onto his program (interview begins at the one-hour mark) for an update.

  9. Simpsons writer says President Trump episode was ‘warning to US … › Arts › TV & radio › The Simpsons
    Mar 17, 2016 – A possible future Trump presidency, said the episode’s writer Dan Greaney, … six or ten years ahead of Greaney’s prediction – depending on whether his fictional …. Democracy is a joke, says China – just look at Donald Trump.

  10. I get the impression that many here read from similar sources so at some point Chad45 and John the Truthteller will read these remarks below…and provide their interpretations. So this is just an early request.

    MOST chilling from the long quotes below and going directly to the main point Jeff’s was heralding with his video post was this explosively ALARMING nugget:

    “For Trump’s part, according to a New York Times report, he wasn’t fully briefed on the memorandum he signed placing Bannon on the NSC.”

    Almighty Father, we are at your mercy…as always!

    The quotes:

    “Retired Navy Adm. Michael Mullen, who served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during George W. Bush and Barack Obama’s administrations, penned a New York Times op-ed Monday arguing that Bannon DOESN’T (my emphasis) belong on the NSC.

    “Trump signed a memorandum late last month putting Bannon on the NSC and its Principals Committee — a brain trust that no longer regularly includes the director of national intelligence and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff….

    “In my experience there are very few — if ANY (me) — meetings of the principals committee at which the input of the military and the intelligence community is not VITAL (me),” Mullen said. “With an increasingly belligerent Russia, tensions in the South China Sea and a smoldering Middle East, it makes little sense to minimize the participation of the professionals leading and representing these two groups.”

    Mullen challenged the White House to clarify whether the new NSC structure downgrades the roles of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or DNI, …

    “The second much needed adjustment to Mr. Trump’s arrangement of the council is the removal of Mr. Bannon from the principals committee,” … “Putting aside for a moment Mr. Bannon’s troubling public positions, which are worrisome enough, institutionalizing his attendance threatens to POLITICIZE (me) national security decision making.”

    “He described security council meetings as a venue for candid discussions that at times “can get heated” and “territorial” but rarely turn political.

    “Having Mr. Bannon as a voting member of the principals committee will have a negative influence on what is supposed to be candid, nonpartisan deliberation,” …


  11. Trump’s grandfather was an apprentice barber,a pimp and a brothel keeper making his fortune in the great gold rush of the West.Trump is living off immoral earnings passed down by his gramps a recorded ole time hoarmonger.

  12. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Ah told yall trump is a fraud, they are all frauds, the only real Americans are the Natives and blacks they found there and the descendants of black slaves…all others are descendants of half dead refugees from the 1600s.

  13. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    That did not come out right…all others are descendants of the half dead refugees who washed up on US shores in the 1600s….

  14. are-we-there-yet

    He (Briggos) was the brother of Arden Clarke (late) and…. Father of …………..

    Taught at St. Michael’s, a few other schools.

    Yes, we recall another Briggs. There were two in that era we seem to recall. They might have been both teachers. Not sure.

    Briggos was also a football, basketball coach – enthusiast.

    Use to hang around Weymouth Wales, Carrington Village, Pinelands.

  15. Alvin

    What I think about Trump is irrelevant … I can’t vote, I am not a US Citizen.

    My impression of most posters here is they too are not US Citizens and what they think about Trump is irrelevant as well.

    Are you a US citizen and capable of voting?

    What I find amazing and relevant is the depth of feelings the man has created in people.

    I don’t think people would have arrived at the polarized positions they take were it not for the press.

    And yet, the press has repeatedly got it wrong and led people up the garden path.

    What was it that all the protests were about between inauguration and now …. women, “Muslim” ban all sorts of myriad reasons but ….

    … in reality all directed at Trump regardless.

    When he was asked if he would accept the outcome of the elections he said I will let you know and followed it up with the statement … only if I win.

    His opponent took him to task!!!

    She would accept the outcome unconditionally.

    So, he has won and he accepts the outcome, and his opponent has lost and also accepts the outcome.

    So what is the point of the protests?

    Will they remove him from office and if they do, will his opponent waltz in?

    There is a Vice President who steps up if for some reason he is removed.

    Do people have a problem with the VP too?

    Would the press also incite protests against him as well?

    What is the real reason for the protests?

    There is something fundamental missing in all the crazy rhetoric which makes Donald Trump and his progress a riveting study in human thought and the power of the press.

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    This is what people are getting taday in thanks, from the 1600s to the 1800s, they all slogged into the US with no legal documents work permits or passports but now their descendants upend other people’s rights and lives, trump now being the latest and main abuser and he himself being the product of illegal immigration to the US.

    “Vowing to turn away immigrants and run America like his own glittering business empire, Donald Trump has become the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination.

    But he has been less vocal about the root of his success: a chain of seedy brothels and restaurants setup by his immigrant grandfather Friedrich Drumpf.
    Born in Germany, Friedrich took a boat to New York City at the age of 16 in 1885 to join his older sister and find work.

    The move sent him on a wild journey across America into the brothel industry of the Wild West, making him a fortune – and allowing him to dodge army service and taxes back home in Germany.
    In fact, he even tried to return home to Kallstadt to marry his neighbor sweetheart and settle down with his wealth, according to German history books. But he was refused repatriation and was forced back to New York to start a family – and ultimately raise a likely contender for the presidency.”

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  17. Who is pulling the strings and for what purpose?

  18. WC

    Are you a US Citizen?

  19. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    dpD; Thanks for the above post on the views of Mike Mullen re. Bannon’s appointment on the Principals committee.

    Actually It does not take a retired general to come to such conclusions. It is just commonsense. I was wondering myself when the Democrats would make it an important point in their strategy for combating Trump and the GOP.

    That Bannon and Trump are joined together at the hips in some existential arrangement is almost certain. Despite Trump’s aversion to read it is still inconceivable that anyone could have the temerity to trick Trump into making Bannon a permanent member of that very important committee without Trump’s knowledge. He must have known. He could not have been so disengaged that he was not even shown a slide with letters of the size (40 point or so) that he could not have helped being able to read. Something’s awry!

    Trump is also essentially a genius as evidenced by his Teleprompter reading skills and flawless presentations for important events (or is he lip-synching ). Such skills are at odds with the low reading skills that are suggested in Jeff’s early YouTube posting. Something is at play here that is somewhat unsettling and seems to be suggestive of a machavellian role being played by Bannon. Hillary Clinton was probably right in characterizing Trump as a puppet, but he might be a puppet of not only Putin but Bannon and the GOP establishment as well, while being fed in the coin of false adulation.

    The situation is actually very serious. Neither the GOP nor the Democrats are making the appropriate noises for the situation thatcan be gleaned by a consideration of the facts in the public domain.

  20. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    John…ya full if crap, you know nothing about this outside of the fact that yall few thousand minorities on the island are the descendants of outcasts deported from the UK in the 1600s and washed up on the shores of Barbados with the same fraudulent intent as those who were deported from UK and washed up half dead on US shores in the 1600s……yall arrived on the same boats under the same circumstances, same can be said for Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc…… cant change the past, the truth….or hide history.

    Trump is raging and rampaging on twitter I am laughing too hard to figure out what it’s about, but his buddy Putin is rampaging and pissed at Fox News and Bill OReilly who called him a killer, but trump had agreed he is a killer…lol

    Get ya popcorn, if nothing else here is real comedy.

  21. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Yes John, how is that going to help you and no I did not vote….no one worth voting for.

  22. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    As a matter of fact, I aint voting in Barbados either, even less to vote for, heard some of my relatives claim they will vote to get Fruendel the Fiend out, but if they have that ticket money to waste…it’s their business.

  23. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    Thanks! I knew those Clarkes. The Briggs Clarke who taught me Art was not related to that family as far as I know.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Human Rights 101 for those like John who do not understand the US constitution or basic human rights cause yall minorities been violating the human rights of the majority for too long, aided by backward, greedy government ministers.

  25. Hal Austin

    writes as if he believes all MBAs are equal. An MBA from Harvard, the Wharton School (where Trump graduated), Northwestern, Chicago, Stanford, etc is vastly better preparation than an MBA from, say, DeVryUniversity, or the CFA, which is a home-study designation narrowly focused on finance, and designed for community college students like Hal.


    “More than half the nation’s governors say they oppose letting Syrian refugees into their states, although the final say on this contentious immigration issue will fall to the federal government.

    States protesting the admission of refugees range from Alabama and Georgia, to Texas and Arizona, to Michigan and Illinois, to Maine and New Hampshire. Among these 31 states, all but one have Republican governors. ”

    CNN reckoned in 2015 that the fate of Syrian Refugees was for the Federal Government to decide!!

    Trump is not alone!!

    More than half the states in the country told him what to do as long ago as November 2015.

    So, what will the court decide?

    Will it agree with CNN?!!

  27. Washington was one of four states in 2015 who said they would welcome refugees.

    All of the other states were non committal, including California!!

  28. Four states is a tiny minority

  29. So why the protests?

  30. Community colleges are a US invention.

  31. We have found, over many years, that the differences between credentials are about marketing not substance.

    About potential networks, after completion, not better preparation.

    About classism not a better ‘class’ of critical scholarship

    The truth is that all regionally accredited institutions have similar syllabi.

    Like the difference between Coke and Pepsi.

    We have to stop these people fooling us with their nonsense

    In any event, this credentialism business has gone full circle and has been found wanting.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I did not go looking for this article, but found it anyway, it answers John’s questions and a lot of other questions….ya definitely cannot hide secrets forever.

    “Trump Is A Hidden Illiterate
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    “Not ignorance, but the ignorance of ignorance is the death of knowledge.”

    (Alfred North Whitehead)

    When Samantha Bee had some fun with Trump posing the question, “Can Trump Read?” she hit upon a most inconvenient truth: HE CAN”T!

    He READS but only at about a 6th grade level and certainly NOT well enough to process and understand the enormously complex details of running the U.S. Government.

    He freely admits he’s “not a reader,” and can only name ONE book, “All Quiet On The Western Front” that he claims he read in the past 20 years. I would wager he cannot remember the author’s name though?

    What Is a Hidden Illiterate?…

    It explains why he has family members sitting in with him at briefings and meetings. It explains why Ivanka listened in on his call with the President of Argentina. It explains why he hates the Teleprompter and prefers to ad-lib, as he has stated. It explains the never released Transcripts from Fordham University or from the University of PA.

    Rumors claim his father bought his way into Fordham University. Why did he transfer after 2 years? We do not know but the Wharton Admissions Officer was best friends with older brother Freddie. Trump spent years trying to brag he earned a much more prestigious Wharton MBA degree before finally admitting it was an only a BA.

    Fellow students have little to remember:…/2…/08/donald-trump-wharton-classmates

    One former classmate in an Accounting class remembers, “He rarely showed up to class and “everyone” knew he bought the answers to the final exam. He spent little time on campus preferring to travel back and forth to New York City.”

    4000 Wharton Alumni, Faculty and current students recoiled and were prompted to write, in July 2016, an open letter to Donald Trump stating “You do not represent us,” in which they collectively denounced Trump and the hatred he “actively endorses.”

    BUT-there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that precludes an ILLITERATE from becoming President.

    The requirements are simple :… but that does not mean an Illiterate should be POTUS!

    Legally to be President one only need to be able to read the speeches people hand you.

    Can Trump even do that? The evidence suggests NO! Even his voluminous and incessant tweeting, he admits, comes from his speaking out his comments and one of his staff writes them down.

    During the campaigns there were analyses of Trump’s word usage and most experts agreed that Trump’s language was about the 4-5th grade level. Most likely the same level as his reading and comprehension skills.

    As a Hidden Illiterate Donald J. Trump proudly shows off what an ill-informed, malignant narcissist and pathological LIAR he is! However, a $14 million inheritance buys a lot of other people’s expertise!

    As POTUS however, there will be times when he and he alone will have to rapidly analyze, process and comprehend dangerous & critical material and make decisions that affects the lives of millions of people around the world.

    Trump is INCOMPETENT & INCAPABLE to be the Leader of the Free World! He should never be allowed anywhere near a nuclear weapon! Before it’s too late we must expose these dangerous facts and keep Trump out of the White House!

    Watch carefully & judge for yourself: @FullFrontalSamB gets an A+

  33. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “BUT-there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that precludes an ILLITERATE from becoming President.”

    I suppose he or she will be tolerated as long as they are a white, wealthy illiterate, how long for, will be another story, seeing as after 10 days he ended up violating the constitution. …this is mindboggling, not what I expected, not this serious….and trust me, it is serious not a laughing matter period.

    Chadster…you plant, did you know that the president is an illiterate.

  34. Does a new president mean new terror attacks?

    New President: Get Ready for Terrorism
    Posted on February 5, 2017 by Kevin Ryan

    In the last 24 years, every new U.S. presidency has been accompanied by increased acts of government-sponsored terrorism in its first year. It began with the 1993 WTC bombing only a month after the inauguration of Bill Clinton. As the New York Times reported at the time, it was clear that the FBI was involved in the WTC plot. According to an FBI informer, agents knew the bombing would happen and helped to prepare the explosives.

    CBS News also reported that the informer had recorded many of his conversations with the Bureau and that those tapes were very incriminating. Apparently the tapes, which were never revealed to the public, went into significant detail about the FBI’s coordination of the bomb building.


    It is widely recognized that the crimes of 9/11 rescued George W. Bush from rapidly declining public and media support in his first year as president. After the attacks, his approval ratings rose 35% and his administration was able to implement many pre-planned policies that the public would otherwise have never supported including the Patriot Act and several wars. Evidence that Bush Administration members were involved in the attacks and the subsequent cover-up has become compelling.

    In 2009, the first year of the Obama presidency, TIME reported that domestic terrorism hit a peak. Although the government claimed to have foiled many of the alleged terrorist plots that year, news coverage of the events kept terrorism in the forefront of the public mindset.

    By 2011, even mainstream media sources were catching on. Journalist Glenn Greenwald reported in Salon that the cases in which the FBI had supposedly stopped terrorist plots were actually instances of the FBI plotting terrorist acts and entrapping the young, naive suspects.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And before the trump supporters , who did not get rave reviews for intelligence either, jump in screaming fake news, this article is from the Washington Post…studies were done at the prestigious Mellon Carnegie University to arrive at the conclusions.

    The author of the above article tried to warn voters about this and were called liars…now too late, the truth comes out.

    “Now, an academic paper has put some presidents and political candidates’ language on trial. “A Readability Analysis of Campaign Speeches From the 2016 US Presidential Campaign,” released this week by Carnegie Mellon University, analyzed stump speeches to measure their “readability” — the reading level of an address, ranked from first grade to 12th grade. And, according to a summary from the university, the study found “most candidates using words and grammar typical of students in grades 6-8, though Donald Trump tends to lag behind the others.”

    [Trump supporters have the worst Facebook grammar, study finds]

    The story was more complicated than “Donald Trump can’t talk good,” however. First, the researchers needed a way to measure readability.

    “It is based on the observation that some words (and grammatical structures) appear with greater frequency at one grade level than another,” Maxine Eskenazi, a scientist in the university’s Language Technologies Institute, and Elliot Schumacher, a graduate student, wrote. “For example, we would expect that we could see the word ‘win’ fairly frequently in third grade documents while the word ‘successful’ would be more frequent in, say, seventh grade documents. We would not see dependent clauses very often at the second grade level whereas they would be quite frequent at the seventh grade level.”

    Then, they needed some speeches to analyze.

    “A database was collected containing documents from each of the [then] five current presidential candidates: Ted Cruz (5), Hillary Clinton (7), Marco Rubio (6), Bernie Sanders (6), Donald Trump (8),” the paper read. “… They range from the declaration of candidacy speech to campaign trail speeches to victory speeches to defeat speeches.” What about a historical comparison? “We also analyzed the readability of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address … and a speech from Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan,” the researchers wrote.

    The results showed that the level of our political discourse had deteriorated — partly because of Trump.”

  36. There are two topics here on BU that are guaranteed to get people rankled euphemism for misdirected.

    Donald Trunk and Gays/Lesbians.

    In fact I would ask the honourable Blogmaster to provide the BU family or is that household? with a generic statistic.

    What is the average uptake read hit, on American politics, and that on Bajan sufferation under the hand of local politicians

    Without access to those statistics de ole man would hazard to say that “as long as it is about America, and the American economy, and things that irrespective of what we do know about it, dont mean jack badword to the wellbeing of Barbados.

    I wonder if Jeff were to have hypothetically weaved a similar construct around the Cervantes like pursuits of Fumbles Stuart or the Machiavellian interludes of Mugabe Mottley, that is IF HE WERE TO HAVE BEEN SO BOLD, whether there would have been such fervour in the incredible wealth of research and biblical utterances of Zoe and the other Bible thumpers.

    One wonders if Zoe or any other would have called Fumbles or Mia the Antichrist and then gone on to show, with as much evidence as John and Chad99999 have elicited online, how either of both of them have acted similarly, in fact worse for whereas Donald Trunk Dismissed his Attorney General, Mia dismissed her Maria Agard and that matter ent get hear yet and Fumbles and his crew have appointed the local mafia equivalents of Bannon and company while we unlike the American public are non protesting pooch sucking sheep.

    But, enough of this…where ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise….come leh we wuk up and have a good time

  37. Green Monkey
    The finding that it was the FBI which was planning the terrorist attacks and entrapping young people is simply a continuation of these state funded institutions becoming involved in varied and several acts of destabilization but especially outside the USA and targeting governments not considered exactly friendly.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “while we unlike the American public are non protesting pooch sucking sheep.”

    Lol…nice that ya can answer your own question

    Trump tried an endrun around the constitution with his illiterate self….and from coast to coast…country to country…people ROSE UP IN PROTEST….the judicial government slapoed him down and he ran off to Florida to pout.

    While bajans still sit on their asses waiting for something or somebody else to do something about the two stinking infected political parties, politiciansnand ministers they got. …..instead of RISING UP and doing something themselves about the two faced , forked tongue, bribetaking, thiefing, lying scum in the government

    Very few of us on BU are not cowardly and wont run when it’s time for action, or feed the blogmaster fake news, read the sale of CGI Towers to Scotia bank….or would stab each other in the back to maintain the same stinking status quo in Barbados for another 50 years….I have been trying Piece, but it’s hard to see a way to win that battle….say what you want about people in the US but they know how to stand on principles.

    Bajans on the other hand like being beasts of their own self-inflicted burdens….very discouraging for anyone to tolerate….let alone fight any battle to release them….if they refuse to unshackle themselves.

    Peoole in the US on the other hand, give you the encouragement to wage war on principles for human rights, a hard case to beat….or refuse.

  39. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And of course they cant have trump giving any long convoluted speeches in the UK, it will really make them look bad…..on numerous

  40. @ Well Well & Consequences

    The evils that we face, and worse, abound across the earth, so i do not ascribe a(n) uniqueness to our plight of corruption greed envy and murderous dispositions to any citizen of earth read Bajans.

    But what i do ascribe “uniqueness” to is our genetic docility and this ubiquitous affliction and predisposition to just lay down and let people do shite to us.

    What is even more shameful is that it is niggers like us that doing the shyte to we under this stupid Mugabe chant bout “we is we” and those words that she enunciated at that pretend tribute for Adrian “Boo” Husbands

    Do you believe in black magic or obeah or the practice of necromancy?

    We joke about obeah and wizardry and covens while around us we (i) feed the little ones “How to train your dragon” as a Child Approved Animation (ii) Hell Boy as our hero (iii) Werewolves and Vampire interbreeding spawn as our heroes in the Hollywood agenda perpetrated by CBC reporting Lies and the Barbados Censorship board and our trust internet.

    But one must believe that we have been cursed and are spawn of the Evil One the Real Evil Lord and not Lord Evil for, were it not so how else would we have, successive governments of black people, men and women and the inbetweeners, who have persisted in persecuting other blacks?

    BLP, DLP both alike who just are committed to fvcking the rest of the niggers dem, without any respite.

    If it was somebody like COW or the son killer Berjerk de men of a nation or even Pat Brayshaw (ex pat Brits) who were doing de dog in Parliament against other niggers like you and me, you could at least understand and possibly accept it like how John the Quaker encourages us to all be good niggers.

    But WW&C it is you and me dat doing this, the nigger Mugabe Mottley and the broad nose nigger Fumbles Stuart, and the nigger Michael Lashes and every one of them Stinkliar call dem all.

    Niggers like you and me who effing we other niggers jes like massa had we breeding pun de plantation but now we “educated” and effing each other with a grin pun we face.

    While Pastor Doctor David Durant and Reverend Atherley and Reverend Baird and Aloysius Joseph jes sitting dere getting fat while taking the name of the Lord in Vain.

    And here we are, on the eve of another exercise in the Supremacy of Nation, poised to tek Fumbles and his lot out and Put Back in Mugabe Mottley

    And not a fellow ent saying a ting…

    Come leh we wuk up and have a good time….

  41. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Well said Piece, if only the people on the island could see themselves, they would be ashamed.

    The reason why the US finds itself in this predicament, a couple million who found themselves struggling along with the tens of millions of covetous, arrogant, ignorant racist souls,….envying trump his yet to be proven billions….voted for crap, but the people in the US are strong enough to fix this mistake….roll back the mess.

    The crabs on the island…loves things just as they are….they like it so.

  42. By suggesting the CFA professional designation is an inadequate qualification, chad99999 has once again demonstrated he is an idiot.

    Based on his silly comments, it seems he does not acknowledge professional designations such as ACCA, CGA or CPA, which are based on a combination of home study and class room lectures, or PhD where the candidate has to conduct his own research and defend his/her thesis before a panel on professors.

    And are these qualifications rated much higher than an MBA?

    Any qualification after high school is mainly undertaken through a combination of home study and lectures.

  43. Piece

    Both good comments, especially 12:25

    We are not so sure that the popularity of those subjects, current, have to be so juxtaposition-ed.

    You may want to presume that that popularity means local political talk, issues, is of lesser importance.

    However, that argument cannot stand when everywhere else in the culture Pax-Americana predominates.

    For example, we would venture that 95% of the food in your supermarkets is as American as apple pie. Or movies, news on local TV.

    What would you expect for a ‘colony’?

    Indeed, an argument which states that Bajans are stakeholders in American politics may well have more currency.

  44. Mussee Mexicans or Muslims……

    Breaking: 474 People Arrested Across Los Angeles in a Massive Pedophile Ring Bust

  45. Sancho J. Panza Avatar

    While I have every sympathy with the author’s intent, this whole Don/Don analogy fails if we recall that the very reason why the word “quixotic” has passed into common English usage is that it has acquired a very particular meaning, and it doesn’t mean “stupid” or “useless”.

    Don Quixote (the don is an honorific, not his first name) had his mind turned by the endless tide of knightly ballads and sagas that flooded on oral tradition through the various kingdoms of Spain at the time. He set out to do good, to be a man of honour, to fight with valor on the side of justness, and to do so with goodness of heart. He was a hero in his way.

    Trump, by sharp contrast, is just an idiot. He is not even slightly quixotic.

    Cervantes intended his readers to laugh at his Don (and in that he succeeded brilliantly even at the time), but he meant them to laugh with empathy. An important part of the whole 1605 joke is that Quixote was trying and failing to fight for the dignity of humankind.

    In some ways the novel is like a very, very long version of an Ossie Moore joke. Of course you’re supposed to laugh at Ossie, but you’re supposed to find his buffoonery somehow endearing. Ossie is never wicked.

    Trump, though, it bears restating, is an idiot, and his idiotic doings have already had wickedly pernicious effects on children separated from their parents at US airports.

    Those who like to quote the Quixote for political purposes often have not read it, so they always fail to recall an unsettling fact that truly is useful for the purposes of analogy: the novel “Don Quixote” had a sequel.

  46. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    All in a bid to uphold the constitution because the animals who would practice slavery and human trafficking are all still on the loose in the US.

    “The Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking and the Saving Innocence organization were coordinating efforts to help victims in L.A. County.

    “Operation Reclaim and Rebuild focused on rescuing victims of sexual slavery and human trafficking, providing victims with much-needed services, identifying and arresting their captors, seeking successful prosecutions, and disrupting the demand for vulnerable victims by targeting their customers,” the release stated.

    “Police agencies and other trafficking task forces throughout our state joined in the enforcement operation to send the clear message that California law enforcement shares a unified mandate: Human trafficking must not be tolerated in our state.”

  47. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Jeez Sancho…ya still trying to become a blog master…that flatten tel aviv comment will worry you until trump flattens it…haha….just let Netanyahu rub him the wrong way one of these days, ya know trump aint got no pretty, pretty sense….then it will be goodbye tel aviv…lol

    What jewish woman, is she not buried yet.

  48. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

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