Submitted by A Fair and Balanced Douglas Leopold Phillips
Roy Morris, Editor-in-Chief, Nation Newspaper
Roy Morris, Editor-in-Chief, Nation Newspaper

I hate to return to this topic; and, although I may want to resist invoking his name, like the late Branford Taitt, these days, I am forced to read the Daily Nation (and the Sunday Sun) with a red-ink pen in one hand. I often tell my friends that the Barbados Advocate, especially the Sunday Advocate, is a far better newspaper – good stories, well researched articles and earnest commentaries

Now to the matter at hand. I saw this story in today’s online Daily Nation:

Shock as brothers die 2 days apart

by Lisa King, Nation News

AS THE JONES FAMILY plan a double funeral for two brothers who died suddenly in the space of two days, they are left with more questions than answers.

The Durant’s Road, Christ Church family are trying to muster enough strength to make funeral preparations for Shurland “Jonesy” Jones, 47, who died on December 2, and his older brother Henderson “Buck” Jones, 50, who passed away two days later.

Their sister Marlyne Jones, who spoke to the DAILY NATION yesterday, said the family was not expecting either death. In fact, she said both men were thought to be in good health and the family was therefore anxious for the autopsy reports to learn the causes. (LK)

Family is a collective noun, which carries a singular verb. So, in one instance it cannot have a plural verb and then a singular verb in the same story – see the highlights in red. Most of us know that collective nouns, like class, crew, band, crowd, gang, pack, board, bunch, group, etc. all carry a singular verb; but, not the Nation.

I guess some publications are more concerned with maximising circulation and profits, than being journalese-correct, factual, ethical and responsible.

Bad grammar, particularly where the subject doesn’t agree with the verb, is very pervasive in the local media.  Their seeming inability to use correct English is mind-boggling. For example, recently, the Nation and the Sunday Sun (following their overseas counterparts) were reporting things like: “Barbados are batting in their second innings”, “he said the Barbados Water Authority are dealing with the situation”, and “the Chairman assured the public that the Board are aware of the matter and are addressing it”.

Lots of reasons for me to again fall off my favourite chair with laughter. Where are the proof-readers? Poor fellows, they really don’t know better anyhow. Gladstone Holder and Jeanette Layne-Clarke must be turning over and over again in their graves.

But hey, the constant absence of subject and verb agreement is not the only common error being ‘perfected’ by them. They still wallow in poor syntax and gobbledegook as they continue their crusade to undermine this administration by daily highlighting shortcomings and so-called matters of national import, as well as outright trivia and partisan copy. Case in point: two Sundays ago, there was a news item pertaining to the NUPW’s Akanni McDowell receiving payment for the month of November despite having been asked to revert to his substantive post in October. The Sunday Sun’s ‘story’ while purporting to be a genuine news item was actually a blatant case of the reporter editorialising with subjective comment and personal opinion, and a few expected Ws thrown in to give it a semblance of authenticity and credibility. So RIDICULOUS! All the basic tenets of journalism went thrown out the window.

One only has to read their lead stories everyday.They give prominence to the “bad roads and potholes”, the “reduced Transport Board fleet, late buses, and people stranded in the bus terminals for hours on end”, “poorly maintained government buildings, sporting facilities and playing fields”, “leaking sewerage along the south coast”, “visitors turned-off by sewage overflow in St. Lawrence”, “continuous industrial action at both ports of entry”, “persistent water woes” (like we never experienced these situations before) and “threats by one Rosalind (‘shut-down-de-country’) Smith”, “the Hyatt Hotel issue and Town Planning permission”, “BUT and BSTU militancy”, and “environmental problems at Combermere and other schools”. Talk about a partisan, politician organ!!! The NATION, tip your hat, take a bow!

But, they won’t publicize: the thousands of tourists who arrive here daily; the 6 Condor, 6 Thomas Cook, 2 Virgin Atlantic, one BA,  and 2 Jet Blue flights that were on the tarmac yesterday afternoon at GAIA.  We are in for another record year for tourist arrivals. And, while we are at it,  what about the $M7 and other resources that were invested in our 50th anniversary of Independence celebrations that have redounded to our collective benefit in a BIG WAY. Many persons realized employment as the multiplier and trickle-down effects kicked-in.

Also, let’s remember the overwhelming  success of Jimmy Cornell’s Sailing and Yachting Events, including the return of the much sought after, annual Trans Atlantic Yacht Race. Scores of sailing vessels have been docking here in the Barbados Odyssey 50 since mid-year, and by next month close to100  would have called. Don’t forget the temporary partnership with the private waste haulers to clean up the “piles of garbage across the country” that the Nation was highlighting. The place is now free of the “pile-ups”. To date, that arrangement has been a resounding success. The de-bushing campaign to clean our highways and by-ways is now under way; and, by the way, Combermere is being made ready for the start of the next school term. Work is continuing there apace. Can’t the Nation at least mention these FACTS. Anyhow, enough said!

I usually try to desist from criticising my ‘friends’ in the media, but I get incensed sometimes at their ‘foul-ups, bleeps and blunders‘, as they persist with their non-stories and solecisms, on the one hand, while their editors, lead writers and columnists  adopt a holier-than-thou attitude and a partisan, political posture on the other. So, I can be forgiven for again jumping on my hobbyhorse.

131 responses to “The Daily Nation’s Continuous Poor Grammar”

  1. The Nation is a bad paper, but it is all we have. The Advocate is a joke. Are the Nation’s journalists formerly trained?

  2. … at the university no less I bet.

    All part of the plan that each family need to have a member who is a graduate!!!!

  3. is … or are?

  4. People in Barbados are not interested in the RBPF much less the grammar police. I wonder if you have ever listened to some of our members of Parliament….they use improper grammar or some might term green verbs. This is a minor point. The story of the death of the two boys is more important than the grammatical errors. If you visited the mother, would you point out the grammatical error in the Nation, or would you express your sympathy.

  5. The Nation is a foreign-owned entity with its own agenda for Barbados…… but that is another story. The problem which we face right now is the damn DLP.

    What Douglas needs to be concerned with is the Nation’s continuous poor governance.

    How the hell can the DLP complain about grammar …after hiding crooked Greenverbs himself from criminal prosecution…?

  6. you want to see bad grammar? Read anything written by Dennis Kellman.

  7. The writer oversimplifies. Whether a collective noun takes a singular (instead of a plural) verb depends on whether the members of the collective are acting in concert.

    And I have to assume, but cannot know for sure, that the ungrammatical “continuous poor grammar” is a clumsy attempt at irony.

  8. I often tell my friends that the Barbados Advocate, especially the Sunday Advocate, is a far better newspaper – good stories, well researched articles and earnest commentaries

    Agree 100%

  9. Two men die, their families distraught and now seem s like a good time for someone to have a teaching moment on proper writing. Who cares …so funny when ebonics seems the norm in barbados a text every second word is spelled wrong but we all know what the message was. Typical bajan timing poor as usual, other than that Mrs Lincoln how did you like the play

  10. Don’t you get it, this is how the political parties try to shift narratives.

  11. That sounds like a conspiracy theory some people are just insensitive and dumb

  12. You could be right very sad i wonder if the brothers had been swimming at worthing lately strange things happen but two deaths so close in one family they should be looking for a nexus

  13. The Nation is too busy getting flawed information from Mia Mottley during Parliament intervals one reason for the constant grammatical errors
    Most of their articles are generated sources of blp political hacks sent by my email and whats app and directly copied and printed as news article .
    Expecting anything better from the daily rag is a waste of precious time . Like the South West Sewer plant the nation is hopeless

  14. At first I was reading with interest, then you went political, sad sad.

  15. @Lawson

    I am glad for the teaching moment lawson because it demonstrates at least, I am not the only person who employs bad grammar in Bim (lol), but when you have people being paid to write proficient, doing otherwise, it brings some measure of comfort in knowing that certain elements of the educated class in Barbados is in trouble. In any event, even though proper grammar is integral to our daily communication, it is by no means a true measure of one’s intelligence, and had it been the case, many wouldn’t have been able to graduated university.

  16. The bottom line is that this DLP administration even got Pornville speaking the truth at last.Pornville distancing himself from the party of fools and catholic followers called the Fatted Calf.Sandiford was an errant school teacher and a failure as a PM.Stuart is exactly the same,only that he talks less and does less but still with 5 pens in his top pocket.A teacher you see.Old habits die hard.But he thinks he looks impressive.If he only knew how he is seen by others who have no use for his style of leadership.Lets see if Pornville can stage a successful palace coup.Mia is his friend and might help him achieve the numbers if they can agree on the time of the next NCM.

  17. Because some white-man says that our verbs must agree, does this in any meaningful way invalidates our measure of intelligence? (Of course not) Einstein, arguably the greatest intellect in human history, was dyslexic and was noted for writing backwards, but can it be said that he was illiterate?

  18. Anne, and Lawson:
    The point is that if you are going to do something it should be done correctly. People SHOULD care. If a surgeon stitches a wound, use of the wrong sutures will mean the difference between life lasting ugly scar, and one that is barely noticeable. A journalist; especially one who is supposedly trained, MUST, use correct grammar, syntax, sentence construction, and words that are spelled correctly. Wrong sentence construction can convey the wrong impression.
    Two people living closely dying soon after each other is something that occurs quite often. Parents of a good friend of mine, some years ago, died within two days of each other. Her mother died, and soon after, her father indicated that since his wife had died, there was nothing for him to live for, went to bed and just died. Grief can be a killer sometimes. Wait for the autopsy results and then comment. Speculation is too rife in this country.

    Dompey; If Einstein had written his mathematically theories backward what do you think would have been the result? And it has nothing to do with: ” some white-man says that our verbs must agree,” How does colour get into this? Martin Luther King said:”If you are going to be a garbage collector, make sure you are the BEST garbage collector”. Mediocrity should not be a satisfactory goal. Only the best should be good enough.

    Gabriel: We know that you will jump at every opportunity to denigrate this government so what you write does not surprise anyone.

  19. In true political style Douglas Leopold Phillips began this article by criticizing the use of grammar in ONE Nation article, as a PREAMBLE to his real POLITICAL AGENDA.

    The DLP and its supporters are of the opinion: “IF YOU ARE NOT WITH US, YOU MUST BE AGAINST US.”

    Any individual, special interest group, organization, club, media house or even blogs such as Barbados Underground that are critical of government, are AUTOMATICALLY LABELED as ENEMIES of the DLP and supporters of the BLP. I’m surprised Doggie did not take a swipe at “Barbados Today.”

    This article reminds me of the period leading up to the 2008 general elections, when VOB’s call-in-program, “Brass Tacks,” was inundated with pro DLP callers, who were ably assisted in their criticisms of the then BLP administration and pushing DLP agenda, by pro DLP moderators.

    Similarly to Douggie’s comments, “Brass Tacks” “gave prominence to the “bad roads and potholes”, the “reduced Transport Board fleet, late buses, and people stranded in the bus terminals for hours on end”, “poorly maintained government buildings, sporting facilities and playing fields,” etc.

    However, in those days Douggie and the DLP did not considered VOB to be “a partisan, politician organ,” it was the best thing since sliced bread.

    After the DEMS won the elections, we saw an “EXODUS” of those particular moderators from VOB, some of whom previously disassociated themselves from the DLP, to the “PROMISE LAND of MILK and HONEY,” i.e. DLP picks as Senators, chairmen of statutory corporations, ambassadors and resident political analyst at CBC.

  20. John:
    You said,”All part of the plan that each family need to have a member who is a graduate!!!!
    What is wrong with that? Don’t you think that EVERYONE; even you, should be educated?

  21. Alvin my statement of finding a nexus may protect other family members if it turns out to be a defective trait that now known may be corrected, You cant overlook grief but that may be a stretch, Strange place barbados you want to get rid of the monarchy but then attack people who do not speak the queen’s english.

  22. Alvin if I said that, that that, that that man said was redundant ….would that be okay

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I too was more concerned about what could cause 2 brothers to die so closely together at their ages.

    :”If you are going to be a garbage collector, make sure you are the BEST garbage collector”. Mediocrity should not be a satisfactory goal. Only the best should be good enough.”

    Yep..the best yardfowls

    The best slaves

    The best jackasses…..despite all the education.

    No wonder there is poop in the streets and running into the sea…because a 7 million? dollar celebration was more important than fixing a 2 million dollar raw sewage leak.

    But there is still so much mediocrity displayed by ministers and yardfowl lackeys etc, that being the best of the worst still shows yall up to be failures.

  24. Hey Hall Austin do you REALLY mean FORMERLY trained or FORMALLY trained?

  25. It is a proven fact that the Advocate supports the party that forms government; and this was evident during the previous BLP administration as it is now evident during the present DLP administration.

    Don’t be surprised if the BLP were to win the next general elections and the Nation undertakes actions as described by Douglas, Beresford would be posting an article, for the BLP, with similar criticisms of the Nation.

    On the other hand, Douglas would embrace the Nation, poor grammar, not highlighting the positives and all, conveniently forgetting his criticism in December 2016, while leveling criticism at the Advocate.


    By the way, Douglas, BU is also viewed as “social MEDIA.”

    Your resident consortium of yard-fowls, the ACs, contributes to this “media” as representatives of the DLP. Their grammar and spelling are atrocious and they assassinate the English as well. “They still wallow in poor syntax and gobbledegook.”

    “Where are the proof-readers” in the DLP? But “poor fellows, they really don’t know better anyhow.”

    “I guess (the DLP is) more concerned with maximising (the extent of their political propaganda), than being journalese-correct, factual, ethical and responsible.”

  26. The nation by allowing itself to sleep with both parties is pox on their instution and as scandalous as a whore picking fares
    Reason enough that the nationnewspaper should be condemn and crticised in what ever manner.

  27. I thought the purpose of coming here to BU was to have a discussion and share ideas, even if with a propaganda intent. It continues to amaze me that nit wits here with little grasp for the English language continue to call for “standards ” of setting forth the language without a modicum of ability to do justice to the effort. Getting the machinery of grammar correct is not writing and has never been!!!

  28. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David at 6:05 AM. Touche re “Don’t you get it, this is how the political parties try to shift narratives.”

    I read the piece and started to laugh hilariously just at the point that the author invoked the famous Muff Holder and Lickmout Lou Clarke.

    We accept that grammar is an issue but this is a truly ‘laughably’ attempt (slick tho) to paint the Nation as a poorakey rag while giving a loud shout-out to DLP projects.

    Surely we are not that gullible. Well you aren’t Mr Blogmaster…..So to the ‘substantive’ point.

    I agree with Chad45 point re usage of the collective noun family: it can go ether way. I respectfully disagree with his further thought that the reporter was making “a clumsy attempt at irony”.

    No sir as soon as the reporter and her editors mixed the noun-verb agreement they identified themselves as careless, inept craftsmen of their task. They were clumsy. Period. It would be incredibly ironic if they were aiming for irony.

    Very poignant article though. That family needs our attention at this time not some political mouth piece playing stupid games. Dismiss him.

    Give the family some love, which by the way, he in his wondrous waste of words did not.

  29. I recall that a UWI spokesman from Cave Hill some years ago stating that once you had a knowledge of the subject matter,use of the english language was not important.

    The proof of that statement can be found not only in the nation as far as literacy is concerned but also in the lack of interest in doing resaearch and having a spell checker for the scripting of road signs,one also cannot forget the blooper recently with Ri-Ri’s name at independence……….we are in good company as Trump is showing us.

  30. Steupsss
    …so if a nation of brass bowls cannot even manage their OWN national business, banks, utilities, supermarkets, insurance companies or even water authority, what the hell difference does it make what grammar we use…?
    Back before the days of free available education, our grand-parents did not know shiite about grammar, but managed to live within their means; to be productive enough to acquire valuable national assets and to make a name for themselves as proud people.

    ….now we have a pack of BDLP brass bowl jackasses spending what they don’t have …and failing in every possible endeavour – except the building a shiite monument to Satan in the middle of the damn Garrison savannah…..

    …then some Jackass named Douglas Leopold comes to direct the discussion away from the shiite flowing in the streets and sea…. and wunna falling for it…

    The only way to get through to a jackass is with licks…..
    If we INSIST on being a nation of JA’s, then we should prepare for the coming licks….

  31. Alvin Cummins December 21, 2016 at 8:28 AM #
    You said,”All part of the plan that each family need to have a member who is a graduate!!!!
    What is wrong with that? Don’t you think that EVERYONE; even you, should be educated?

    Did you know that Barbados’ love affair with education begun, or is it began, with the Quakers?

  32. …so if a nation of brass bowls cannot even manage their OWN national business, banks, utilities, supermarkets, insurance companies or even water authority, what the hell difference does it make what grammar we use…?


    Maybe both are a symptom of educational flaws!!!

    Maybe our leaders are simply a reflection of us!!

    Said that already!!

  33. In days of yore when men were bold hey better stop there before I get banned from this “family” blog. The headline writer is using the old “bait and switch” technique to draw in readers and then you get the switcheroo. Papers use to employ “proof readers” who would vet the copy before it was printed but they may have gone the way of the dodo. In this digital age where reporters can file their stories from their cell phones (don’t know if that employs in Bim), but in the rush to get out an online article attention may be lacking in some details, it also happens on CNN (can’t believe I am defending the Nation).

    As to political slant prior to 2008 the Advocate was pro BLP but switched its allegiance after the 2008 election, if the BLP assumes power look for an about turn. The Nation’s political stance reflects the political leanings of its Management and Board of Directors (BTW what became of Ezra?) but it has also been treated like a red headed stepchild by Owen when it strayed, the word “negrocrat” was added to the Bajan lexicon because Harold was less than complimentary to the BLP.

    One of my pet peeves with the Nation was its habit of using colloquial or Bajanisns in their reporting depending on whom they were quoting e.g. Joe’s quotes from the standpipe would appear as “looka dah dey” but Edward from the Rotary Club would be quoted as “Look at that there”


    Here’s the advocate as it appeared in the early 1950’s!!

    A bit before my time but brings back memories and perhaps those who still read the newspapers can compare and contrast the standards and methods of delivering news.

    Remember, no internet back then so reporters relied on other means for international news so were probably a bit out of date!!

    … and no political parties as we know them today back then, perhaps a fledgling BLP

    Is there a political bias in any of these old newspapers?

    …. and yes, it will be interesting to take the old red pen and mark the grammatical errors.

    Somehow I think it will be hard to find them.

    Different educational system back then, different standards, different opportunities … everything different, or was it?.

  35. One difference was it cost 5 cents!!

  36. PROBLEM!!!
    Sewage or sewerage with escherichia coli bacterium overflowing into Graeme Hall swamp and bubbling up on the street in worthing.

    SOLUTION??? Use spell check, grammar check.

  37. “Most of us know that collective nouns, like class, crew, band, crowd, gang, pack, board, bunch, group, etc. all carry a singular verb”

    But how many of us know that this has changed?

  38. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Vincent at 9:16 AM re “I recall that a UWI spokesman from Cave Hill some years ago stating that once you had a knowledge of the subject matter,use of the english language was not important.”

    As a man of the world you surely know that perspective was held by many and since several years past by those in the field of education. In many regards in goes to BushTea’s comment above as well and could be described as a ‘neo-educationalist’ view to unlock the talents of those who were not ‘marinated in the sauce’ of correct grammar usage.

    Thus the attempt ‘to evolve’ Ebonics as some mainstream language. That to me was nonsensical, counter-productive and counter-intuitive: there always was and will be various cultural vernaculars (back again to BushTea’s post) and basically there should be no need to bring that into the mainstream.

    Language and its use is always a wonderful discussion and many local and regional folks have done excellent work on the subject. With that in mind, I disagree with you that the alleged spread of poor grammar is so badly affecting academic research, incorrectly spelling a name and so on.

    We can’t conflate one with the others. Bad grammar has been around for ages, society and life has yet evolved quite nicely thank you!! (smile)

  39. Propagandist - The Gazer Avatar
    Propagandist – The Gazer

    It seems as if the propagandists are using an outdated playbook or is getting bad advice form someone.

    First, they ‘coined’ the pharase political class, which smack of elitism as it divides Barbados intotwo classes.

    Other strategies are
    (1) First, they ‘coined’ the phrase political class, which smack of elitism as it divides Barbados into two classes. It appears that all of the brains is in the political class and the working class are too stupid to understand anything and therefore there is no need to talk to the working class.

    (2) Trying to pass the buck to prior administration instead of addressing current issues

    (2) Trot out a lame comparison to The USA. Yesterday, I almost commented as one blogger mentioned that the debt of the US was in trillions. I think he/she will be alarmed about GOB debt only when it is in trillions.

    (3) It is happening elsewhere. Yesterday a blogger referenced a news article about the flow of sewage in Kingston Jamaica. What a sad job it must be to search the internet for worst case scenarios and use them in support of your political party.

    (4) The social media police. Wasn’t this same guy railing against anonymous bloggers in the past few weeks? Daring Bajans to put their names to blogs, which could be interpreted as low grade threat to anonymous bloggers.

    (5) Now we have the word police, He demonstrated a clear insensitivity to the family and trivialize their grief. With the abundance of bad grammar, he could have use a next story. His lack of sympathy for the family and his willingness to score cheap political points at their expense is a good example of his lack of manners. Put down your book on grammar and take up a book of etiquette.

    (6) How do they address serious issues? By taking pictures on a beach with a towel or posting pictures of drinking a glass of water on Facebook. These two acts dispel all notions of a sewage problem or a water shortage. It is imaginary. Welcome, to “The Theater of the Absurd”.

    On a purely cash basis, I think I could help them launch a more effective propaganda campaign.

  40. Propagandist - The Gazer Avatar
    Propagandist – The Gazer

    I will work on the propaganda; he will polish up the grammar; and we will launch a renewed ac on BU.
    On second thoughts, no need to polish the grammar as ac will mangle it again.

  41. Professor Brass Bowl alias
    Since u like to dabble in there is another thread for the Sewage plant spouting shit all day that you can wade through at your hearts delight

  42. Vincent Haynes

    Irrespective of what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, said many decades ago with regards to do a job, I am constantly reminded by my colleagues here in the States that showing up constitutes 90% of the job and the other 10% is doing the job.

  43. Anonymouse - The Gazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – The Gazer

    One man’s opinion….

    This guy Donville Inniss has his own playbook. If Doville continue to distance himself from the folly of the rest of his party, he will be a hard candidate to beat.

    With the opposition expecting to win based only on disgust with the party in power, by the time it bring its guns to bear, it will find that Donville has has already stated similar position to those they are now advocating.

    It will be pointed out that the opposition is saying nothing new and trying to steal Doville ideas.

    It is not apparent in the above video, but this man can be pretty smooth. It will be interesting to see what happens when he is running at full speed.

    At this time, the opposition party should respond to everything this man does. Create a designate hitter who gives an interview the next day and points out that Doville is an integral part of the problem (the party in power).

  44. This is not a defence of the weak standards across all media—print, broadcast and blogging. Collective nouns can be either singular or plural.

    Committee, clergy, enemy, group, family, and team, refer to a group but are singular in form.

    A collective noun takes a singular verb when it refers to the collection considered as a whole, as in “The family was united on this matter” or “The enemy is at our borders”.

    It takes a plural verb when it refers to the members of the group considered as individuals, as in “My family are always fighting among themselves” or “The enemy were showing up in groups of three or four to turn in their weapons”.

    In British usage, collective nouns are more often treated as plurals: “The government have not been able to repair the roads”. “The team are playing in the test matches next week”.

    Be careful not to treat a collective noun as both singular and plural in the same construction, like “The family is determined to press its (not their) claim”.

    Don’t forget, the language keeps evolving.

    Pity “A Fair and Balanced Douglas Leopold Phillips” did not have the courage to sign his or her name, having raised an interesting topic for discussion. But then that would not have allowed for the political polemic that followed.

  45. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    “Bad grammar, particularly where the subject doesn’t agree with the verb, is very pervasive in the local media. Their seeming inability to use correct English is mind-boggling. For example, recently, the Nation and the Sunday Sun (following their overseas counterparts) were reporting things like:”

    Doesn’t the phrase “Their seeming inability” sound a bit contentiously awkward to you, not so?

    Now Mr. DLP- the schoolmarm from the English university of correct ‘Grammar’ and proper ‘Speaking’, please tell us, the BU linguistic idiots, if you are using the word “media” as a “collective noun” or only making reference to a ‘selected’ few from that collective of clones.

    I must agree with you that many in the “media’ need to attend your university of Grammar. The question to be asked is where should this university be located.
    Should it be in the English city of Oxford or in the land of the broken trident which was recently interred to signal the birth of the Republic of ‘Barbadoes’?

    While you are thinking about its location why not recommend a number of your colleagues for similar training both in the use of ‘proper grammar’ and ‘correct speechifying’.

    We in the BU classroom of superannuated idiots would like to nominate the following people for the course of continuous improvement in the use of “Bajan English”:

    Denis Kellmanomics who make the perfect class clown by winning the prize for the greatest speaker of gobbledegook with a major in bullshit accounting.

    Ronald “de chilren ain’t want na edikation” Jones.

    And most outstandingly in need, Jept(a)r “Physical Deficit” Ince the self-acclaimed guru in Public Finance who clearly knows the difference between a lack in physique and a ‘Fiscal’ excess of expenditure over revenue.

    Oh, we purposefully omitted from the above list the acs of BU; both accredited cretins from the school for deceitful lying political yard-fowls located right in the cesspool on George St.

    By the way, if you want us to be equally pedantic, ‘perfected’ English grammar would require consistency in the use of the letter “s” instead of “z”, for example, in the words “realized” “publicize” as you “correctly’ applied in previous usage of similar verbs (and nouns), e.g. “maximising, editorialising, criticising”.

    Leopold, just as you would wish to take umbrage to the way your unprofessional “friends” in the media tend to be economical with the Truth in order to paint (and quite unjustifiably so, but only in your ‘own’ opinion) your highly performing administration in a bad light so, too are we ‘acutely’ quick enough to identify similar action of partisan political value from your side of the propaganda divide.

    Why don’t you truthfully state that the ‘many’ “thousands of tourists who arrive here daily” are just ‘passing through’ from many European countries to join the ‘many’ cruise ships using the Bridgetown port as a convenience to enjoy their Caribbean cruise holidays?

    Well, if your administration wishes to take your advice and count them as long-stay visitors to Barbados then you should see their spending on the ground reflected in the foreign exchange earnings of the country.

    Here is some recommended reading for you Douglas and your classroom of DLP minions in George Street:

    “THE 25 RULES OF GRAMMAR”: The Essential Guide to Good English” – JOSEPH PIERCY.

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carl Moore December 21, 2016 at 11:58 AM

    Well put, Carl. And welcome back, Teacher!

    Even the ac clan should be able to follow your erudite explanation which is certainly is different to (or should that be ‘different than’) that coming from the ‘authoritarian’ source on the grammar rule book hidden in plain sight on George Street.

  47. Grammar check dis kolij boy column.

    “As you are reading this, you may already have read the news coming out of that press event, which I was told on the phone, was to let media managers first and then their reporters know of the Government’s plans to deal with the gurgling and bubbling from hell coming up through the drains on the South Coast, the Graeme Hall Swamp’s problems, and so on. ”

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