Former Prime Minister Owen Arthur (l) Leader of the Opposition Mia Mottley (r)
Former Prime Minister Owen Arthur (l) Leader of the Opposition Mia Mottley (r)

The following was posted to Facebook by Minister Denis Kellman who acted as Minister of the Environment for a short period.

Denis Kellman

1 hr ·

As Minister Of the Environment I toured the plant and the swamp and what I was told about he plant and its capacity to function perfectly . I was told that a plant was built that was not suited for us and they have to dump . The most affected person is the lady by the corner by the swamp , who had problems from the inception. MIA AND HER GROUP must take blame for building an outdated plant and now blaming the DLP. We will clean up your mess again. Buses, sanitation trucks, windmill and Sewerage Plant all new to Barbados to old to the world

Sewage Alert!

The revelation in recent weeks that sewage (raw) is spewing into the sea on the South coast should be of concern to all Barbadians. Along with the health concern there is the potential to dent the …

165 responses to “Former BLP Government Blamed for Sewage Problem”

  1. They are still singing the same old tune blaming the BLP after 8 years of DEM misery. Any bet if Maloney et al cook up another scam to defraud the tax payers of their money to resolve this sewage problem, the very idea that DEM can profit from it may be their only incentive to solve this problem. It is a shame that the now silent DEMs wasted over 7 million dollars to fool some people and did not realise that some day the shit would not only “hit the fan” but would run into the sea to destroying Tourism; the last leg the economy is standing on.

  2. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    Do not blame Kellman, he takes his role of Clown Prince very seriously.

  3. Seriously now. The blame game between these two governments has to stop. It is childish and plainly ignorant. When a party fights on the podium for voters and gets elected, the mandate is to govern and govern well. This means to address whatever problems and fix same without complaint and wasting time and money pointing fingers and shouting in the hallowed halls of Parliament. Close to eight years has passed since the previous government and the country is in a mess, the Trident is so broken one wonders if it will ever recover. If this or any other government had any knowledge of the job they had taken on, the first order of business would have simply been to ensure that all essential services were up to mark. This tiring obsession for power without a clue of how to govern but with a strong knowledge of how to waste money on foolishness till the proverbial shit hits the fan, has to stop. Pun hugely intended.

    When will ALL all our governments understand that it is the peoples hard earned monies they play with. Every breath they take once elected belongs to the people, every bite they eat, every chair they sit on. And by the mere virtue of this, the people and the country they serve deserve their loyal attention to all they in turn deserve for the giving up tovsame said government their hard-earned money called taxes.

    A country such as this small island, if run properly as a business, with the amount of money coming in from the taxpayer should be able to allow for the best health care (free), the best education (free), the best utilities (free) by using today’s technologies available by merely googling to find out what they are if the knowledge is not there in the brain.

    By banning pesticides, GMOs, feeds filled with growth hormones and antibiotics, removing tax from all agriculture and husbandry, aiding the creation of clean food production, again using modern technology, this island could not only feed itself but export foods through agreements with the EU between them and ACP countries of which we are members and we would also reduce our food bill, monies that could be use to keep the system working.

    Cull jobs in the public sector and teach good business practice within the service with those chosen to leave given the opportunity to find niches that will enrich their lives, such as manufacturing according to what the country requires. Enhance culture – theatre, dance, music the visual arts with funding so that this area can become part of the export market and stop the brain drain. The list goes on and on as to how it can all be made idyllic – bring the country into a position of being the flagship of the Caribbean. Were we not this before?

    Could it be that our governments have lost their way? Could it be that greed and ignorance, egoism and corruption with repetitive words me, me , me , me ringing in the air and fingers across floors going you, you, you when a little problem arises instead of we, we, we will fix same together because we love our country not provide some clear rebuilding of the broken Trident? Has our independence meant nothing to those who govern us? When those who should be setting an example are like crabs in a barrel, the sheeples become the same way for their own survival. And they get nowhere good as we can now clearly see with all the crap going on at this time on what was once known as the Gem of the Caribbean. It is time to stop the crap. Pun extremely well intended here.


  4. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    Both DLP and the BLP are to blame and right now the tot-C is in the hand of the DBLP government, We know they are a mess, The same type of people with different heading ,
    All are in office doing nothing for the people , They dont even care about their White bread and butter at the beaches,
    When they whites make noise , maybe there will be action,or when the whites in Bim once again look to make money from black ministers of fraud,
    The people got what they Ministers paid for , Fools taking money for votes,We will see very soon if the people learn their lessons and this time do not surrender your I.D.Cards for money. To be taken to the polling stations for your vote to be cast as you are still home in bed, Now how many people had to be in that?
    Maybe its Voting behind the vote?

  5. NorthernObserver Avatar

    The Minister’s command of the English language is very similar to that of a frequent BU blogger.

  6. NorthernObserver Avatar

    A gem from the said Minister’s FB page

    No country can reduce taxation , without increasing productivity and reducing expenditure. People have to understand that our economy is now the consuming economy that is dominated by technology that has been given a free ride and the expense of workers who paid direct taxes. Direct taxes is now a diminishing return, whereas indirect is a increasing return and should be imposed on all .Is overtime a diminishing return or should we appreciate the point and replace overtime by abolishing direct taxation and reducing the cost of production while creating a demand by allowing workers to see the benefit of moonlighting by shifting from one job to the other and creating a choice of jobs , while reducing the production cost and increasing units allowing the growth rate to increase . Remember growth is measured in units. More not less impacts on the growth rate. Stop laughing at kellmanomics like how you laughed at Community tourism which is now called AIRBNB.

  7. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I would appreciate it if you would also post the English translation.

    Sent from my iPad

  8. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I would appreciate it if you would also post the English translation.

  9. Heard OSA giving a punishing lecture to the private sector for the consummate activity to lean on govt for loans and guarantees , Maybe he should have also done a reflection and blamed himself as being the great contributor to availing the tax payers monies to this avaricious group of one armed bandits so much so that monies not recouped by the failure to repay these loans fall in the balance pages of govt debt to be repaid by the taxpayers
    At the end of his BLAME SPEECH in Parliament yesterday he should have told the taxpayers he was sorry

  10. We always had problems trusting people who carried a silly smile or grin on their faces.

    To them they thought that they were smart men

    And to us they always seemed like idiots

    Whether they knew it or not.

    This gallery of idiots includes Denis Kellman, Owen Arthur et al. The smart men!

    That eight/nine years after being in government that a mouthy idiot could come, with a smile on his stupid face, to try to convince the people that ‘any’ problem the country has belongs to somebody else is nothing less than extreme abuse of the people by their government.

    What about the positive the former government has done? Do you disclaim that as well?

    Is there not a guillotine anywhere to correct this problem?

  11. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Kellman needs to attend the PAC hearingnto account for the taxpayer’s missing millions of dollars in the Mark Maloney scam, he is trying to distract with his usual idiocy, he is not minister of sewage, then again.


    The couple is trying to be civil, but they will consider other places for their next vacation. Both governments have been hoodwinking, lying to and deceiving bajans for so many decades, who refused to put their foots down and expose these nasty ministers of government, that it has finally reached the end…

    ya cannot fool people from large countries, they do not tolerate shit of any flavor from their own governments, they EXPOSE them and force them to resign.

    I have relatives who love staying at Worthing Court, very, very nice place…they are the first people I contacted about this sewage leak, some travel all the way from Asia to meet each other there.

    The government better clean up it’s filthy act.

    “The situation is just unfortunate. Someone is not taking responsibility for what happened. I think someone needs to take responsibility for what is happening. The fact that someone is quoted in the newspaper as saying it isn’t sewage going in there to me is the wrong thing to say. Say it’s unfortunate, say we’re investigating, and say we are going to look into fixing it. Don’t wash your hands of it. Take ownership of it”

    “It’s just a shame what’s happening. The smell is awful. I know what a swamp smells like and that’s not swamp we are smelling. That sewage going in there and the colour that it was, and seeing the black line just going through the water, it’s just a shame seeing it all,” she told Barbados TODAY”

  12. I invite others on this thread to get past the customary, habitual denunciations of politicians as useful idiots, and see many of the problems we face as arising from the system of government we have.

    In an arithmetic democracy, supreme decision-making authority rests with leaders who secure their power in popularity contests. Our leaders have social skills, yet they are also expected — or take it upon themselves — to be the final arbiters of thousands of technical decisions on a range of issues and problems.

    When they screw up, we ridicule them.

    How about working harder to establish political norms that would put greater distance between the politicians and the technical professionals, and re-design their roles and responsibilities. That way, we could create a situation in which the failures of sewage disposal systems — which are technical failures — create irresistible pressures for the immediate resignations of the technical specialists responsible for the reliable performance of the systems that failed.

  13. A useful idiot is another animal altogether.

    Nobody here used that term

    We said plain ‘idiots’

    At least a useful idiot could be employed for reason that that idiot knows not

    While a plain idiot has no raison detre.

  14. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Thanks Pacha.., ah was just about to point out the obvious, useless idiots woukd be the appropriate term.

    Givernment ministers need to distance themselves from direct contact with those who carry out work that are paid for by taxpayers.,, distance themselves from the contract phase eith minorities who they know are crooks willing to bribe them fir special favors abd more contracts.

    There are permanent secretaries who are there and whose jobs it is to carry out those tasks and can be better monitored and dismissed for corruption., if the ministers are not also involved in the corrupt activities that have brought the island to its knees today..

  15. The language of the press again!!

    “Officials at the Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary declined to comment on the report, but when a Barbados TODAY team visited the nearby sleuth gate on the beach side opposite the swamp in Worthing, Christ from the sanctuary and is controlled by that gate appeared to be one solid green carpet.”

    What exactly is a sleuth gate?

    Is this an alternative form of spelling a sluice gate?

    Or is there any such thing as a sleuth gate?

    Google seems to be able to figure out that what is really meant is a sluice gate and directs me to that but seems silent on the existence of the term “sleuth gate”.

    Is the press trying to demonstrate its google like abilities or does it just not know?

    If there is no such thing as a sleuth gate that might explain the problem!!

    Atlee may have spent a year trying to fix a non existent sleuth gate as described by the press when he should have been looking at the sluice gate.

    …. or maybe he is a better sleuth than we can imagine and just didn’t do anything!!

  16. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    ac December 7, 2016 at 6:27 AM #
    Heard OSA giving a punishing lecture to the private sector for the consummate activity to lean on govt for loans and guarantees , Maybe he should have also done a reflection and blamed himself as being the great contributor to availing the tax payers monies to this avaricious group of one armed bandits so much so that monies not recouped by the failure to repay these loans fall in the balance pages of govt debt to be repaid by the taxpayers
    At the end of his BLAME SPEECH in Parliament yesterday he should have told the taxpayers he was sorry

    If OSA invented teefin’, your crowd perfected it.

    Unfortunately your gross mismanagement has depleted the pot of gold to the point that there is nothing left to run this country after you lot take out your bit.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lol…spell check is much appropriare for newspaoer editors, it would not pick up the wrong word if it’s spelt right, however. Therefore, editors should double check and triple check word meaning…lol

  18. Retribution-things that make me go hum! Avatar
    Retribution-things that make me go hum!

    The DLP’s mantra – PM Thompson – Family first!
    PM Fumble – Not me, it’s the BLP

  19. Over the years I have like the people in the newspaper thought of buying a home since we are there often but I havent for the same reason I have not purchased a condo back home. You can make sure your place is nice but what if your neighbours have bedbus and roaches your trapped. Until who ever is in charged sorts out the problems that they should be ahead of the curve on , who would risk their retirement savings. Barbados is a one trick pony….. tourism….. you cant just hope the ocean will take your problems away as it has for hundreds of years and think no damage is being done to your product till it does. Fire somebody show the locals and tourists incompetance will not be rewarded,

  20. I keep tellin’ wunnah Kellman retarded.

  21. @chad999999

    There is merit in your observation. The flipside is that the political parties and surrogates do the same, blame!

  22. after 8 years in power it is still the other Parties fault ! yet we spend $7m to celebrate the Nation’s 50th birthday and cant find money to buy spare pumps, new garbage trucks, fix pot holes or ensure that the people in St. Joseph and all the other water affected areas have clean potable water. To say nothing of the ineffective method of fixing pot holes which the continuing rains are washing out.

    We build a new BWA fancy building for $60m instead of replacing mains and are building a new SSA building – Madman acts.

    The most frightening thing is the realization that Kellman is a safe seat.

  23. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ chad99999 December 7, 2016 at 7:07 AM
    “When they screw up, we ridicule them.

    No Chad, no 9×5! It is not a matter of screwing up. It is a matter here of bold-faced lying and blatant refusal to take responsibility for a massive problem that has been looming for months and which now threatens the last remaining chance of economic survival.

    Ms Mottley, a few months, ago brought this situation and its potential for national economic disaster to the attention of the very man at the top only to be rebuffed with the curt response of ‘not talking to that kind of woman’. Now who is up shite street without a scoop?

    This one is so dirty not even the BU shit crab ac would want to touch it with a barge pole made from Lowedown crooked wood. Even the rose tree trimmer called Alvin Cummins has done a runner.

    The Greenland dump might have been a screw up just like Cahill or even the construction of multi-storey housing units on top of a cave called the Grotto.
    But the flowing of liquid poo on the streets and into the sea right in the heart of the tourist belt is not a matter of screwing up but of shitting up the whole country and its economy.

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Tudor December 7, 2016 at 8:14 AM
    “…after 8 years in power it is still the other Parties fault ! yet we spend $7m to celebrate the Nation’s 50th birthday and cant find money to buy spare pumps, new garbage trucks, …”

    It seems you too, Tudor, have fallen for $7 million magical figure of pure propaganda.
    Use your commonsense, Tudor, we are not dealing with $7 million using 1980’s money.

    Think about the David Thompson Memorial Complex in St. John and you will begin to get a better understanding of the final bill of the big party.

    Don’t have a heart attack when the true figure is revealed in some PAC meeting in 2066.

  25. Anonymouse -TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse -TheGazer

    The current administration response to any problem is well known
    1) Say nothing until the short attention span of the public moves on to the next issue
    2) Compare the situation to that of the US.
    3) Blame the current ills on the prior administration
    4) Attempt to solve the problem by putting money in the pockets of a select few/

    An administration that kicks the can down the road until the responsibility is transferred.This seem to be more of a prescription for failure than for success;

    Can you see how this limits the success of the next administration and leads to a succession of one-term or two-terms administrations? The DBLP rules.

    If the diamond in the current administration’s crown is the celebration of 50 years of independence, then it has been dirtied by the flow of these polluted waters..

  26. Calling a spade Avatar

    Health minister John Boyce plea to the opposition not to curse the country in their rush for power falls on deaf ears. Bu yardfowls the back stabbers of the country, miller, artass, bush Art tea, prodigal the lot might have dreams come true for Christmas. Deep throat ahh meant deep voice MAM with BLP minions Abrams, Rock Hard cement Sutherland, the Soodeen girl, Cyril Clarke boy in addition to a white bigot or two working hard to accomplish what the NUPW couldn’t. That is destroy the tourist trade. Bu yardfowls are happy. David bu in glee.The question is how much fatted calf will Mia have to parcel out to lackeys when she inherits a broke wreck of a country.

  27. Retribution-things that make me go hum! Avatar
    Retribution-things that make me go hum!

    Dear Kellman,

    Can you advise on the status on the TITILE DEEDS for the owners of the NHC units.
    Can you advise on when the ELECTRICALS on the older units can be upgraded from 110 to 220. This has been pending for many years.
    Can you update us on the units at the Grotto?
    Why are tenants allowed to owe thousands of dollars in rent. Is there a system in place to try to retrieve these outstanding funds?
    Why does some of your staff strolls into work at 9:00am and 9:30am when the office closes at 2:30pm?

    Those are but a few outstanding issues with your Ministry I will like to hear you speak on.

  28. The most affected person is the lady by the corner by the swamp , who had problems from the inception.

    I wonder if this was the same lady that was complaining so bitterly in MIA’s video posted on the Sewage Alert thread at having to pay her own hard earned money to clean up and dispose of the disgusting and odoriferous messes that the sewage plant periodically left in her own back yard, or was Kellman’s reference to another lady altogether? Whether it is the same lady or not, the BWA management really got some brass balls to know that the sewage plant is malfunctioning and/or overloaded and then force the lady in the video to deal with the odoriferous and disgusting messy overflow the sewage plant dumped into her own back yard by herself and out of her own pocket, while apparently adding insult to injury and expecting her to regularly pay the sewage treatment fees on her BWA water bill. But then again, the BWA was alleged to be sending regular water bills to inhabitents of the water scarce parishes when they had received no water at all for the period the bill was supposed to cover. So no surprises there I guess.

  29. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    That filthy move by Fruendel and his Liars will cost the island dearly, that is what they will be remembered for, fpr generations, poopmin the streets and in the sea, not no stupid money wasting independence celebration, oh yeah, they will be remembered for that too, cause the poop was flowing at the same time they were partying.

    Fruendel shows he does not care about the wellbeing of the environment or the people, he is interested only in throwing parties at taxpayer’s expense…that is all.., beeving he can make a name for himself by being irresponsible and disdainful of the social problems his government helped create for the people……he was told not to hold those celebrations, they were not necessary, waste of money, more important problems to give his attention, he ignored the voice of the people, now he will deal with the shitty consequences.

    If the tourists who only spend days on the island can see through this government’s lack of accountability and skill at shifting responsibility, bajans would have to be dead not to be able to see…an African claimed they call the island… of the dead in Africa……bajans better rise the hell up and stop giving life to that name.

  30. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I cant believe a big hard back black man, a minister of government, a leader would want to be remembered for throwing parties, celebrations and burying a damn pitch fork…..

    …. he has worked very hard to be remembered for a lot more for decades to come…..steuppsssss.

  31. Anonymouse -TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse -TheGazer

    @lawson 7:50 a.m.
    Excellent contribution.

    Let me add that a next issue in buying a home in Barbados is that the price can become more than the asking price (highly inflated ) if you are not on the island. Having friends and family as your front man also carries risk.

    Sadly, the recent flow of sewage was not the equivalent of cleaning the Augean stables, but the island needs a cleaning from the top to the bottom.

    It is amazing that the thumpers could not interpret ‘the flow’ as a sign from God.

  32. The problem is at the head of the stream!!!

    It does not matter which party makes up the head, neither one is any good.

    The technocrats take some of the blame but if the head is busy teefing and diverting funds hither thither and yon, the actual day to day safe running of the machinery will suffer.

    So who can change things?

    We can … but we like it so, we don’t want to be independent and chart our own destiny, we want somebody else to do it for us!!!

    So we get a whole pantomime of ineffective characters who trot out a plethora of platitudes.

    … and we seethe!!!!

    But we don’t do one sh!te!!

    We get what we deserve

  33. If the BLP leadership and there band of misfits are willing to accept praises then in the same vein they should be willing to accept their gross ineptness in goverance as contributors to failures in the system .
    There are two sides to every coin.Deal with it.Therefore in the good name of fairness good goverance and total transparency Truths must be told.
    Just as half of the broken trident stands as a reminder to a past so does the pot holes and the water problems which the people have endure and the ongoing sewerage problems stands as a reminder of fourteen years of neglect under the blp
    The other half would stand in a future of corrective measures which govt undertook in harsh economic times
    Deal with it misfits and stop being propaganda machines for purposed lies and exaggerated falsehoods

  34. We are definitely well into the post-truth era in Barbados!!!

    Mr. Kellman should do some research to find out when the South Coast Sewerage Project’s final study and designs were completed and when the IDB project cycle started on this project.

    I will give him a hint…1988-1990. When he finds out which administration was in power then, he will have a better idea as to who guided and approved the current sewerage system on the south coast!

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    ACs…and if Fruendel and his Liars cannot fix the problems in 8 years as they promised the voters twice in 2 elections that they would and cannot deliver on not one promise…them yall are even more inept and worse…the biggest liars and losers…get out the people’s damn parliament. gone.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And besides.., ah getting bored with yall, it will cause me to get meaner and nastier…ah want a turn at Mia, yall parasites.

  37. Anonymouse -TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse -TheGazer

    @Calling a spade December 7, 2016 at 8:33 AM #
    “The question is how much fatted calf will Mia have to parcel out to lackeys when she inherits a broke wreck of a country.”

    Your words condemn you and expose your limited view of Barbados politics. It is not about national pride or development, but sharing of the fatted calf; to you, the spoils of war.

  38. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Calling a spade December 7, 2016 at 8:33 AM
    “Health minister John Boyce plea to the opposition not to curse the country in their rush for power falls on deaf ears. Bu yardfowls the back stabbers of the country, miller, artass, bush Art tea, prodigal the lot might have dreams come true for Christmas. Deep throat ahh meant deep voice MAM with BLP minions Abrams, Rock Hard cement Sutherland, the Soodeen girl, Cyril Clarke boy in addition to a white bigot or two working hard to accomplish what the NUPW couldn’t. That is destroy the tourist trade. Bu yardfowls are happy. David bu in glee.The question is how much fatted calf will Mia have to parcel out to lackeys when she inherits a broke wreck of a country.”

    The country is already cursed but not by Mia or the Opposition. The ghost of a thieving lying devil still haunts your DLP administration which itself has been spreading the pox to the country. Check it out and see what has been happening from the time your Dangerous Lying Party administration took control of national affairs. The deported Guyanese must be smiling with a smirk of vengeful karma on their faces.

    We told you that the industrial action of the NUPW would not be the downfall of your administration but the shit flowing in Ch Ch right in the heart of the tourist belt; the last egg in the economic basket. You are doing fine in causing it to addle.

    Hard ears you would not hear, hard ears you are now feeling.

    But look on the brown side of the shitty situation. Here is the perfect alibi to renege on your promise to avoid the IMF like the plague.

    Just tell that boss Stinkliar to tell the people his administration has to go to the IMF because the Shit made them do it. But you do have a way out from this Hobson’s choice to get hold of forex.

    All you guys pensions are now secure so why not call elections very early in 2017 and let the people return you as they did in 2013?

  39. Into the valley of death rode the brave 600,guns to the right,to the left………..and the rest is history.

    Interesting performance by this govt… the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary as well as having had 7 years to work on the recomendations,they deny all responsibility.

    Their performance now left in the hands of the sheeple of Bim to judge and take action…..what will they do?

  40. Even though OSA was correct in his pronunciations in Parliament yesterday .Those pronunciations adds up too little too late. For indeed if he had used corrective measures to close the stable door before the horse bolted his present words would have meant and would have added economic value to public purse.
    It is almost laughable to hear OSA speaks with such punishing authority when he was the one sitting at the helm and giving said monetary approvals to the private sector
    Meanwhile a precedent has been set and it is hard to correct a bad measures without vocal dissent

  41. Good morning Artax do not forget to bring your time clock today. Just a friendly reminder..HaHa Ha

  42. There is a concept used in some companies called ” continuous improvement “. There is also something called ” crisis management “.

    It does not matter who built the Sewage Treatment system. It is malfunctioning.

    HURRY UP AND FIX IT!!!!!!!

  43. Miller you need to stop pushing that thieving lying agenda which u used as a political weapon as it only serves to be reminders of the blp illegalties and the OSA now infamous check which will be written in history as one of political mysteries of mysteries

  44. #1 The previous administration.#2 The elements. #3 The Saboteurs. #1 ….gone since 2oo8. #2 ….No match for the Devastation/ Lethargy/Paralysis currently effecting the Country….#3… Introspection takes care of that.As you collect your monthly salary, tek a look in the mirror…There is the answer to our every problem.

  45. The DLP is not well served when they have idiots like Kellman on social media spouting about the merits and performance of his Gov’t and placing blame on the Opposition on the ills of the country after eight years in power.

    But every idiot “got e own sense” and Kellman’s sense lies in running his bar/grocery store and that’s where he should have stayed in preference to embarrassing himself on the airwaves and on social media.

    Barbados likes to pride itself on being at the forefront of change and innovation ( I also believe in Santa Claus and Baccoos), there is one more category it should lay claim to e.g. “The Kellman Principle” where politicians with the least knowledge and ability can be promoted far beyond their competency.

    BTW I hear that Kellman is one of the Ministers who listens to staff and takes their recommendations seriously to which I say “Thank God”.

  46. For Christ sake, it does not matter who built it, where the money came from, what was done right or wrong. The state of this sewage situation is affecting all Barbadians and visitors alike. Apart from being detrimental to people’s health, tt could ruin the tourism industry that is in a really bad position anyhow. WHETHER ANYONE LIKES IT OR NOT, THIS GOVERNMENT IS IN CHARGE NOW SO JUST GET UP OFF YOUR ASSES AND FIX THE DAMNED THING IMMEDIATELY. SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE THE DAY THE FIRST PIECE OF SHIT BUBBLED UP.

  47. You see how these yardfowls operate? All Bajans and visitors alike are very concerned about recent developments on the South Coast but this bird would come on this topic trying to obfuscate. We will know in a few days when the water testing comes back. Several civic minded citizens and businesses on the South Coast have sent water samples to be tested.

    BU will ask commenters to stay on topic to avoid BU intervention.

  48. Potholes are “problems”.

    Sewage in the street and in the sea is a CRISIS because it not only threatens the health of people but can devastate the TOURIST INDUSTRY.


    This is now!!

    A year ago here’s the position!!

    At least a year ago the problems at the Sewage Plant were identified and the neeed for funds to fix them identified.

    But, GOB is more interested in celebrations and $7 million gets blown.

    All we have to show is some monument at the Garrison!!

    … and semi processed sewage all over the place!!

  50. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, but what exactly will a positive (for raw effluence) water test mean actually? That the sewerage plant is malfunctioning and spewing raw gunk into Bajan society or that an act of God precipitated an overflow, due to flooding, of sewerage?

    Will a positive test provide a platform for the gov’t to be sued by Bajans claiming illness et al?

    I too look forward to a positive resolution to our problems considering the impact on our tourism plant but as @John and others have noted who will bell the cat for the abject failures that messed up a sensible waste strategy and the inability to purposefully fix problems when discovered.

    @TheGazer at 8:50 AM re”…Let me add that a next issue in buying a home in Barbados is that the price can become more than the asking price (highly inflated ) if you are not on the island. Having friends and family as your front man also carries risk.”

    Euphemistically you are saying that a whole lot of Bajans are teefing even from their family over-in-away. So which came first: chicken or egg. We cuss D Thompson for his corrupt ethos but was his a learned behaviour.

    A behaviour seen manifest across the island (long before he executed his fancy lying) in those nooks and crannies where family members are as high a risk to steal your concrete blocks to the tune that two houses are built as the ‘friendly’ lawyer who steals your money.

    How then can the politicians be any better!

    And as ‘inflated’ as the prices are and as risky as the investment re possible bad neighbors or one catastrophic act of God the properties on island do have those high values because big US and Brit money is chasing them.

    We who are off-island can scoff all we want but frankly just as we can’t buy (or won’t) buy property on the NY upper-east side or along the golden areas of Miami’s South Beach we are also priced out of the ‘fabulous’ locations in Bim…

    Unless as a true Bajan we can accept that every spot in Bim is fabulous. Then, purchasing a ‘home’ back-home can be quite reasonable and practical.

    And yes there are still honest lawyers and builders around!

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