Submitted by the Secretariat of the PEOPLES  EMPOWERMENT  PARTY
David Comissiong
David Comissiong, President of the Peoples Empowerment Party

The issue of race is ever present in Barbados, and surely underlies the amazing  public furor that has arisen over the recent crowning of a white Miss Barbados beauty queen.

And so, we now take the opportunity to revisit the issue of racism in Barbados, and to share with the public a number of pertinent questions that Mr David Comissiong, President of the Peoples Empowerment Party, posed to the government appointed ‘Committee On National Reconciliation’ way back in the year 1999.

These questions – as relevant today as they were seventeen years ago – are as follows:-

  1. To what extent does the false notion of Black or African inferiority still infect Black, White,  and Asiatic Barbadians? If this is the case, how do we correct this state of affairs?
  2. Are there Churches, religious practices and theologies in Barbados which foster and / or perpetuate the false and discredited notions of Black inferiority, subordination and dependence on non-Blacks?
  3. To what extent is the distribution of land in Barbados racially skewed and inequitable? If this is so, are specific governmental corrective measures required? Is there a need for “Alien Landholdings legislation”?
  4. Is the education system doing an adequate job of imparting to our students information about the history and achievements of the various racial and ethnic groups which make up our population? Is the news media of Barbados doing an adequate job of providing the majority Black population with news and information about Africa and peoples of African descent?
  5. To what extent are there racially segregationist regulations and/or practices in place in the clubs, beaches, hotels and social institutions of Barbados? Are governmental corrective measures required?
  6. To what extent do businesses in Barbados indulge in racial discrimination in their employment and procurement policies and practices? To what extent is there evidence of race-based business monopolies and unfair race-based business practices designed to eliminate competition?
  7. What is the precise state of the distribution of wealth in Barbados across race and class lines? Is there a need for new re-distributive policies?
  8. To what extent is there evidence that the lending policies and practices of banks and other financial institutions are based on racial considerations? Is there a need for governmental intervention?
  9. To what extent do the major secular institutions of Barbados – the law courts, police force, office of the Governor General, etc – still retain elements of an institutional culture that is alienating to Black and/or working class Barbadians?
  10. To what extent are the foreign films, videos and music coming into Barbados propagating racially demeaning notions and sensibilities?
  11. To what extent is the racist historical tradition of the stigmatization and criminalization of the business activities of small black business-persons still in evidence?
  12. To what extent do we have a sense of consciousness of the great moral wrong of slavery, and of the inhuman cruelties and disabilities that were inflicted upon Black people? Are we prepared to support a campaign for Reparations?
  13. Is there the need for a conscious effort to rectify the imbalance deliberately built into our national culture by investigating, re-evaluating and re-appropriating aspects of African culture?

If the current storm-in-a-teacup motivates us to address our minds to these vexed yet very relevant questions, then something positive would have been achieved!

270 responses to “The Real Race Issues in Barbados”

  1. Where is the damn Committee On National Reconciliation Report?

    Let us hazard a guess, there is no soft copy.

  2. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Is the education system doing an adequate job of imparting to our students information about the history and achievements of the various racial and ethnic groups which make up our population? Is the news media of Barbados doing an adequate job of providing the majority Black population with news and information about Africa and peoples of African descent?”

    This is the question that needs to be answered and the issue rectified,.

    Adult Barbadians do not know that the population on the island is majority black….Barbados is a BLACK NATION…there are at least 260,000 black people on the island and much less than 8,000 local bajan whites and everything else…that puts blacks as more than any other group on the island.

    The adults could not tell their children, if they themselves did not know..,, that knowledge MUST be taught in the schools..because the people are still living in ignorance.

    When a greedy parasite like Bizzy Williams can dispute the black Prime Minister Fruendel calling Barbados a BLACK NATION……you know there is a disturbing social problem where minorities like Bizzy et al…. all 8,000 or less of them….. have been spreading the myth and keeping the ignorance alive, that blacks are not only inferior but are the minorities, less than anything, only fit for being consumers and workers. enrich minorities.

    The ministers of government have also been ignorant, they have the statistics and know the number of people on the island, but they kowtow to the minorities….to keep their own people ignorant, unknowledgeable and feeling inferior.

    A big part of the social and burdensome race issues, starts wIth the government ministers and their inability to understand that it’s 2016…not 1950….not 1850….not 1650.

    The education system needs to be overhauled re telling the HISTORY of how blacks arrived on the island, Africa and it’s rich history…and cut out the lies and myth of Columbus and HIS lying STORIES.

  3. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    I was about to post in the ‘Crime…’ blog on one of the racial issues noted there but this new blog offers an excellent pathway as well. But I am intrigued by the author’s remarks at point# 9 re “To what extent do the major secular institutions of Barbados – the law courts, police force, office of the Governor General, etc – still retain elements of an institutional culture that is alienating to Black and/or working class Barbadians?”

    Those elements are still seen 100% to the disadvantage of ‘Black working class Barbadians’. In my view there is absolutely no “and/or” as there are only two classes in Barbados: the elite upper class and the working class.

    The former is populated by politicians and their sycophants. The latter by everyone else not so connected.

    Thus it is palpable that a governing Black class could, for example, take land from poor, working class Bajans in order to develop the ‘natural wonder’ that we know as Harrison’s Cave and to this day 35+ years later have REFUSED to compensate many of them for said land.

    From a commentary I saw (hopefully to be published here) this matter was originally started under Errol Barrow. Then Tom Adams stepped in during his tenure and changed the rules of the arrangement. Unbelievably even Mr Fruendal Stuart was retained in his legal capacity to lead plaintiff’s valid and fair claims and yet to this day even now as PM he can see no natural justice and equitable right to facilitate a resolution for his working class Black Bajans.

    YET, a political sycophant in a most incredulous charge for his legal advice was paid $700,000 for SIMILAR services of time and skill to those of another lawyer who had invoiced and accepted less than $100,000, less than $50,000 in fact less than $10,000 (as I recall) as full and complete payment for his work.

    Generally that is called fraud. But it’s also fraudulent to take land – even under eminent domain – and NOT pay the owners. Crooked and criminal. This is Black on Black crime and discrimination of the worst order.

    Absolutely the working class has been alienated, marginalized and victimized by this ‘plantocracy’ of disingenuous Black leaders’ who are more ‘white’ in their discriminatory behaviour than some of the most rabid racists of the past.

    Ahh…now I can’t append my planned original post to this. I’ll wheel and post again!

  4. The Problem in Barbados are the lawyers and Ministers greed, That goes to help who has money, At this time its the WHITES and non Moors Bajans, The buying off of those elected putting them self above the People, Those who bring in out side workers before looking at our own, Those who take money under the tables and over tax and vat people. Those who re write the History book to make it look like the Bajan Moors have done nothing or can not get any thing done, All you write David Come -sing a song , Is because of Owen , Mia , FUmble, MOF selling out the land and homes, Bajan Moors dont even know who they are , their titles , their own truth History, So called Black leaders in Barbados using their people as slaves for any one with money, or who they can rip off,

    DAVID BU we dont need no report, the white people can only do what they do for they bought slave Ministers and lawyers to go around the laws of Barbados and to let them do as they like based on Skin and Money ,

    We will keep talking without a heading , but all of what we see hear feel and know is that we are sold out by corrupt Black Skin People, so many niggers in bim for whites niggers money, 5% running the new plantations of slaves, making beds, cutting grass, cleaning and being under paid 200 to 250 per week BDS and the VAT and TAXES killing as all whites can come to BIM duty free, tax free, all is free for whites as Bajans are over taxes and over vatted,

    The more taxes we pay the less we get in return , no tax returns, no protection under the law, labour board do not help when white people let them go without pay, for they are also bought out nice A/C living slaves ,,,, then go play golf on green grass with white men ,

    Please, the problems we have in bim was made by crooks in Office, All 60 DBLP is part of the sell out, vote them Bitches OUT.

  5. Anonymouse - The Gazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – The Gazer

    From my vantage point, I see DC asking relevant questions and fighting real battles. This is the kind of resume we need from BDLP candidates.

    Anyhow, in a matter of minutes, ‘the ac’ will ignore all that was said and babble about socialism.

  6. There is enough material here to write one hundred plus dissertions. I have to admit that i admire this man’s clarity of thought and his writing style.

  7. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Not to detract from the Bajan thrust of this blog but racism and discrimnation (and brass) is the same regardless of where it is found…so wanted to touch of the news item from Tulsa which stated rather surprisingly (to me) the following: ” The officer who fatally shot an Oklahoma man with his hands up faces manslaughter charges in his killing. Prosecutors in Tulsa County announced Thursday that Betty Shelby would be charged with a first degree count for shooting unarmed Terence Crutcher in the chest as he stood unarmed next to his car.”

    Peoples, that is a damn quick indictment. Now starts some real fireworks.

    Officer Shelby will likely be acquitted. Fired surely but I am unclear how she will be convicted for manslaughter in the first degree under the circumstances as seen on the video. Of course that is my non-legal juror’s view (I presume it will be a jury trial).

    Of course she was the ONLY officer of three to fire her gun so the obvious question is why she felt under threat and the others didn’t. So her police career should end here deservedly in tatters but she has lots of wiggle room (unfortunately) to avoid a conviction, seems to me.

    What a conniption.

  8. Reminder

    There’s a UN report due September urging US to pay slavery reparations

  9. “Kathy Miller, chair in a crucial Ohio county, resigned after the Guardian released video of her saying, ‘It’s their own fault’ if black people haven’t succeeded”

  10. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The problems in Barbados re racism, bad labor relations, discrimination of blacks by minorities and the dumb blacks who buy into class consciousness and a slew of other destructive issues, starts with the leaders…they allowed these disparities to grow out of control.

    Most of the leaders in parliament post independence. ..have always been lawyers, they can’t say they do not no the law, cannot or could not legislate or enforce laws to prevent these now out of control social issues…the government ministers made themselves part of the problems for 30 years, as opposed to being part of the solution.

  11. Anonymouse - The Gazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – The Gazer

    “When a greedy parasite like Bizzy Williams can dispute the black Prime Minister Fruendel calling Barbados a BLACK NATION…”

    Do you know I read that story and never thought about it….. Usually when there is a drop of black blood, the person is not considered white; but even with a 30:1 ratio of drops Bizzy does not consider Barbados black.. His calculus: It would take over 50 of wunna to balance out one of Bizzy’s

  12. Anonymouse - The Gazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – The Gazer

    My last comment on race:
    I think it was in 1980 when we had a “black Power” guy married to or dating a white woman. I am not commenting on whether it was right or wrong; I just found it strange and it gave me a better insight into race relations in Barbados.

  13. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Anon….it was the most blatant disrespect of contradicting a sitting prime minister by Bizzy I have ever seen, if he had any respect for Fruendel, he would not dare, but he believes that black people have no right to claim their nation as a black nation.., that only the greedy, crooked thief…Bizzy and his ilk, have any right to say what Barbados is and what the majority blacks on themisland are….he could not do that if the slaves in parliament weren’t so weak with greed, bribery and corruption.

    Bizzy would have been immediately put in his nasty place….but they couldn’t. ..they had to allow him to publicly bribe the police…after that stunt.

    I told you the black leaders are the problem in Barbados. Bizzy could not go anywhere else and do that and he certainly should not have been allowed to do so on the island leaders how weak they are.

  14. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “but even with a 30:1 ratio of drops Bizzy does not consider Barbados black”

    Bizzy’s reasoning is, if blacks are allowed to think of theur country as a black nation….it would empower them and he and his fellow minorities would not be able to use them as his personal slaves and jackasses to get wealthy….he would no longer have power over them.

  15. @ Anonymouse – The Gazer September 22, 2016 at 6:57 PM,

    I once listened to a BBC radio programme who interviewed a white American chick who was in a long term relationship with one of the most recognised leaders of the American black power movement from the sixties. This relationship was conducted in privacy. Yes, like you, i found it strange. No point sitting on the fence. I would find it very difficult to condone such a relationship especially when the politics of race is involved.

  16. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    I am still trying to figure out what the main article and the interventions have to do with the dissenting voices surrounding the result of the Barbados Miss Universe competition. First of all the winner does not appear to be white and even if she were are the objectors not practicing racism? Does racism exist when it is white against black, but not black against white? I thought the objective is to choose a Barbadian representative for the competition. And one most likely to win. Trumpism is alive and kicking in Barbados. May God help us to see the folly of our wicked ways.

  17. If Barrow had pulled the rug under those whites who were not in favour of independence we would not be having this conversation. Barrow’s poor and feeble decision making and planning has led us to the position that we are now in. The spirit of revolution during our time of indepedence never came to fruition. It was aborted in its enfancy; and never given the opportunity to witness natural daylight.

  18. @ David Comissiong

    With all due respect

    Here you are, 17 years later, the champion of the Race Issues in Barbados asking these questions

    It is either that you do not have the answers to some or all of these questions which have a quantitative component which is an indictment of the very process that you are seeking to lead OR, that you do have the answers and are being provocative for the sake of this article.

    I wonder how many people here realise the leverage that you and your organization have among certain international organizations regionally and world wide.

    That this question for example “To what extent is the distribution of land in Barbados racially skewed and inequitable?”

    You mean that, with our vaunted UWI and the Department of Social Studies, and SALISES and Dr A. Downes and other luminaries, that you do not have a handle on the state of land distribution in Barbados?

    Take a look at this picture

    Does that give you any idea that with a land mass that is a big as the United States that they have all the land plotted and we here with 166 sq. miles, the size of a small farm in Australia, you dont know who owns what pun dis 2×3 rock???

    Looka some of these questions ent worth the time of day to read furthermore debate but you need to spend some of your currency to get solid metrics for serious discussion as opposed to all of this emotive discussion that your article is going to elicit.

    But before the kill whitey arguments and posits start to deluge this post here be the ole man Question #6 readjusted for your response (which I dun know you ent going give)

    6.To what extent do [BLACK] businesses in Barbados [PROMOTE AND ACTIVELY support the propagation of BLACK BUSINESSES] ?

    I erased all your blah blah bout “…indulge in racial discrimination in their employment and procurement policies and practices?”

    I sorry but I dun supporting that woe is me mentality that you love to espouse to emote people every year round this time

  19. The fact that there is a debate about the fair skinned Miss Barbados/Universe bears out the point that there is work to be done as it relates to race relations and reconciliation is concerned.

  20. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    @ Exclaimer

    It was never Barrow’s intention to pull the rug from under any Barbadian, be he white , black or khaki colour. He was too wise and educated to contemplate such folly. His intention of providing free secondary and tertiary education seems to have been wasted on far too many citizens in this country. Luckily they are less than 2% of the population.

  21. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Gazer and Exclaimer, with respect, but do both of your actually realize the complete ‘absurdity’ of what you are suggesting which I presume to be that Black male leaders fighting against discrimination/demanding Black power should not fraternize, marry or have strong relationship with White women.

    Gentlemen please take off your blinkers and get serious.

    Can you both reflect on the conception of Malcolm Little, known to all and sundry as Malcolm X. Was he not of ‘mixed blood’ in body and birth. Did that diminish his fight for Black power? And if as a Muslim he had married a progressive ‘White’ Muslim woman would that make him persona non-grata.

    What of Thurgood Marshall? Is he less of a Black stalwart because of his obvious mixed-up ancestry.

    We all know that there is a lot of rape in our history which forced much of that ‘mulatto look’ or the less than pure Black lineage, but regardless it is rather simplistic and actually self-defeating to adopt the perspective which you seem to be offering.

    It’s IMPOSSIBLE for Black by ourselves to EVER solve the issue of racism. Thus, in my humble opinion, when and how partnership with the other races are forged to effect that change cannot be seen as a disqualification to a brother’s conviction to the cause.

    Errol Barrow married a American. Does that mean that he thought that the women from the nation for which he fought so tirelessly were unsuitable for marriage?

    Your positions seem strange to me. We can’t fight racism and be secretly racist too!

  22. Barbados is a majority Black Country and that fact should be reflected in patterns of ownership and control in every area of business here.Enclaves of minority privilege however perceived must not be allowed to take root.The rot of racism and elitism must be a thing of the past.Reparations are outstanding and due.So also is respect for blacks by blacks and by others.Blacks can start by shopping at blacks.Give your business to those who respect you.Stuart and his band shows scant respect for black people.He has been doing this for too long.His and their time of reckoning is here.Ditch them and ditch those businesses which disrespect black people.

  23. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    He actually married ‘AN’ American , I believe. (shame faced, smile)

  24. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    @ David
    The media ,in its quest for sensationalism, has created an unnecessary debate. It has ignored its responsibility to educate, and take the high moral ground. It only became an issue because tasteless reportage made it one. The press should have pointed out that racism is not encouraged in Barbados. I am not a lawyer but I am reasonably sure that it is unconstitutional.

  25. i have noticed how donald trump has eloquently weaved together his racist speech and have attracted millions of followers by asking some the same questions DC has posted,

  26. @Bernard

    Your comment is interesting because BU has been scanning socoal media since it blew up on the weekend and although there is voluminous comment about the matter in RESPONSE to those negatively offering comment, no such luck to pick up on said negative comments. The BU household is suspicious that this is a contrived subject.

  27. let/s say all the points mentioned in the article are true what i do not understand how DC and his political team can endorse a country like cuba where there is obvious discrimination against the Afro Cuban

  28. Anonymouse - The Gazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – The Gazer

    @Depandic one
    You have a tendency to get things wrong.
    I only stated that it was “strange” that advocates of “Black Power” would have a white girlfriend. And even after your contribution, I still think it is strange.
    I would also find a meat eating vegetarian strange…

  29. Anonymouse - The Gazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – The Gazer

    I suspect you endorse the US where there is discrimination against the Afro American.
    Just do what I said you would do – call the man a socialist and get it over with.
    That would save you making several nonsensical statements

  30. from what i gleaned from the article it speaks of racism , so why would you Anonymous make light to my imposing my two cents worth albeit to a Cuban dictatorship that DC and his team endorses wherein there is abject Racism against Black Cubans.
    The issue of racism especially against blacks cannot be given special preference regardless of country or governance, i therefore with all intents and purpose tabled my concern for people of african descent and since DC and his team has made an effort to bring the racial matter to table leaning on the arms of the new crowned Barbadian of mixed race i simply followed the same path and ventured across the water to pay an humanitarian visit to Cuba which is well admired by DC and to see the lowly state of affairs some borne on racial divide against my Afro Cuban brothers and sisters So may i please ask of your indulgence and also asking if i am wrong in so doing

  31. WW&C

    Barbados is a multiracial society. Just as most African-Americans were outraged whenever white American leaders publicly declared Amerikkka to be a white country, white Barbadians are entitled to push back if black leaders in Barbados declare the island to be a black nation.
    I agree with a previous comment that many of the questions raised in this post should already have been studied to death by those (lazy) lecturers at UWI. I don’t know what they do with all the time they are supposed to be spending on research.
    As long as political parties need money to operate, their leaders will be for sale. Voting out the current cohort of leaders will not resolve the problem of politicians doing big favours for wealthy businessmen.

  32. millertheannunaki Avatar

    “Are there Churches, religious practices and theologies in Barbados which foster and / or perpetuate the false and discredited notions of Black inferiority, subordination and dependence on non-Blacks?”

    Yes! And that is the way your god has ordained it. The white man god and his religion will always be the opiate of the black fools keeping them in mental subjugation to know and accept their station in life.

    How many whites still attend the Anglican churches now headed by black priests?
    How come you don’t see many, if any, whites or other ethnic groups attending the same churches “owned and managed’ by blacks as can be found in the reverse with blacks longing for acceptance by their white religious masters?

    Just name a country or “society” where blacks exist (either as a minority or as the majority in the case of Barbados) along whites or other races and are in control of that country’s economy.

    You are sadly mistaken if you feel whites will be in control of the future economy of Barbados unless you see the IMF as a white controlled organization.

    Check and see who are the real owners of the small to medium-sized business in Bim. Check the names and see if they are representative of the dwindling white population or even the copycat blacks of the past.

    Leave the white people alone, black Bajans. They are not your enemy any longer. You are your biggest enemy when you spend your hard-earned (and otherwise) money with those who don’t give two hoots about you or your culture.

    To quote the BU Grandmaster of Commonsense, PUDRYR-INRI:
    “To what extent do [BLACK] businesses (and black people with their disposable income) in Barbados [PROMOTE AND ACTIVELY support the propagation of BLACK BUSINESSES]?”

  33. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Chad…define multiracial in Barbados and compare it to the cosmopolitan environment of Trinidad….Trinidad is the real definition of a multiracial society…Barbados has a definitive MAJORITY of blacks. Dont care what you think Chad, the US is a majority white country, so is Canada and Europe, being politically correct to soothe the sensitive, does not change that fact. The minority populations are controlled for a reason, in those countries.The government in Barbados need to acknowledge that fact.

    Dont care what the judges in Barbados think, the judges at the ms. Universe pageant will be looking fpr something quite different in the female candidates…so all the controversy surrounding Barbados’ candidate is useless….Unless .

    ” The issue is not one of color but can she compete with women who are graduates, specialists in several fields, professionals, masters in several skills with talent to back it up and most of those females also speak several languanges, attended 3 or 4 universities and naturally all of them attended kindergarten and grade school like St. Angelas and high schools like Harrison College. You need an exceptional candidade, you need to choose professionals with noted exceptional skills.”

  34. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Cjad…I will not argue with you, dont care how many years yall spend outside of Barbados…yall live in this fantasy island of stupidity when it comes to the realities of Barbados.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Exclaimer September 22, 2016 at 7:26 PM #
    If Barrow had pulled the rug under those whites who were not in favour of independence we would not be having this conversation. Barrow’s poor and feeble decision making and planning has led us to the position that we are now in. The spirit of revolution during our time of indepedence never came to fruition. It was aborted in its enfancy; and never given the opportunity to witness natural daylight.”

    And this is why the island is in it’s current state of flux.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Luckily they are less than 2% of the population.”

    And the other 93% of the population have the mentality of and act like slaves…thanks to Barrow’s and successive prime minister’s inaction.

  37. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “The press should have pointed out that racism is not encouraged in Barbados. I am not a lawyer but I am reasonably sure that it is unconstitutional.”

    And which world do you live in Bernard.

    Here is a list of the most racist countries as told by the british who should know since it’s their creation.

    South Africa

    So tell me, who encourages and PRACTICES the racism in Barbados.

    Yall lowlifes wont stop telling lies, that’s why it’s all manifesting and coming to a head.

  38. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @ The Gazer September 22, 2016 at 8:57 PM …there is some value in ‘getting things wrong’ if corrective action is taken post haste!

    If it is wrong to call out veiled racism regardless of source and tone then so be it.

    Doctors sometimes get things wrong and sans prompt corrective action a life is lost. Two men just died because two police officers got things wrong. A wrong move in the Korean peninsula and we will have a nuclear catastrophe.

    So I take much solace in your broadside of being wrong as my error as perceived by you will cause not a single life to be lost.

    And frankly there is really nothing strange about “a meat eating vegetarian”. If one looks at life practically an occasional treat or desert adds ‘spice’ to one’s regular daily diet!

    So seen through my lens of life your remarks were less that wise; seen through your lens, my remarks were wrong.

    Hopefully we can all be right next time!

  39. “ac September 22, 2016 at 8:49 PM #

    let/s say all the points mentioned in the article are true what i do not understand how DC and his political team can endorse a country like cuba where there is obvious discrimination against the Afro Cuban”

    Good point Ac but you ought to draw this to Mr Obama’s attention as well for legitimising this action by going to bed with leaders of the repressive regime

  40. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Fir the jackasses among you who do not and cannot live in reality.

    South Africa is a black majority country…..30 million blacks….3 million minorities…it’s a black nation. Multi-cultural by the millions, but black majority.

    I just realized that’s where the mixup comes…yall do not understand the difference between multi-cultural and mixed race.

    Barbados has a minority population of multiple cultures, that does not change the fact that it’s a majority black nation.

    The US is white majority….multicultural….with several million minorities.

    Yall should have paid attention in school.

  41. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I just realized that’s where the mixup comes…yall do not understand the difference between multi-cultural, multi-racial and mixed race.

  42. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    This is what bajans need to do to assert their rightd.

  43. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar


    You query “Are there Churches, religious practices and theologies in Barbados which foster and / or perpetuate the false and discredited notions of Black inferiority, subordination and dependence on non-Blacks?”

    As usual, you miss the point.

    Do you know who Bertram Hall, Dave King, Peter Miller, Andrew Boyce or Branker are?

    But you and thousands of Bajans know miss Ram, and Cow Williams though.

    When that white manager pushed that niggers face into the display case at the hardware store in WarrensOR Miss Hoaggie carried two niggers into the black owned boutique in SPEIGHTSTOWN and deposited her garbage on one of the 95% majority citizens the results should have been loud and unambiguous

    We the ingrunt black people should have closed that business down until we collectively thought that they were chastised enough.

    Fellows like you David are impotent in the sense that, with all your well intentioned bluster, are alone in this Clement Payne induced fallacy.

    This is not meant to be derogatory it is just a statement of fact.

    You do not have, rather there is no collective consciousness that is centered around our blackness that you could appeal to that could galvanize Bajans to effect one national action of black solidarity on any issue Comissiong

    Take that statement and carry it to the bank!!!

    Let de ole man tell you what will impact the studied eradication of the negro in America at today, I use America purely because the circumstances are perfect to create the required leverage.

    I call it Black Lives Matter “on Steroids ”

    You might have seen one of my stupid cartoon posters calling for us niggers to buy black, buy from Hall at popular etc.

    For whites to notice that their Klu Klux Klan strategy to infiltrate the police and actively incarcerate and kill ALL BLACKS under cover of the law, we niggers, everywhere, have to close down their businesses.

    The actual mechanism to do it will bore you if I detailed it here but the results will be a concerted focus that would apply a proportionate “sentencing regime” which acted in the same way that their locking up a nigger is doled out.

    You treat a nigger customer badly, because he black, 1 year we don’t come to your store.

    You don’t hire niggers, we done come to your place of business at all,

    You kill a black man through your KKK police, and it is proved that it is state sanctioned murder, we protest by targeting every white business in that precinct’s purview and we boycott all business there and stop spending money at your establishments till it is rectified

    And suffice it to say that I would make this platform technologically supported to support this act of social dissent Come Sing A Song.

    You love talking pretty David, you always did but you are not a soldier, you are a weekend warrior who engages the enemy with paint cannons and water pistols, tags them with goo just to return next week, like you do with these articles, todo the Reparations Tag game BS again and again

  44. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Does this sound familiar to the intelligent people on the blog.

    It sounds just like something the idiotic and arrogant minorities on the island would say…without looking at the issues and root causes because they are too busy counting their illgotten gains.

  45. @ Sorry Balance but your reference to Obama legitimizing racism in Cuba against black Cubans is an untruth. Mr. Obama in several speeches have made several references of condemnation of race color or creed directed to all government and countries including his own
    Furthermore are you saying that Obama initiative of giving Cuba the freedom of choice to enter free trade with the global economy is legitimatizing racism in Cuba ? are you serious ? However back to my first trend of thought in reference to DC and his political team if you want to defend DC then direct me to where DC has made statements of condemnation against Cuba to any of Cuba’s policies within its system that undermines racism against blacks in Cuba ,
    All i am saying that in this little country of barbados there are several battle to fight but when the messenger wants to pick his battles his hands should be clean of all or those thing that would negatively affect the message being carried
    For what it is worth DC has being fighting against racist policies those that have affected the plight of blacks , However failure to fight the same racist policies that breeds and depletes blacks in Cuba of civil rights and equality he has been silent . Why is that ?

  46. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Piece…all it woukl take to bring a semblance of balance to the island…given it’s size, is to shut down ALL minority owned business for one week…that is all it will take, if they determinedly restart their nssty practices…give them another week’ shutdown…it’s easy to control wild animals.

    They CANNOT fire everyone if the workers are ALL on the same page….assert your rights.

  47. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @AC, we need to accept Commissiong on the merits of the causes against which he agitates and which we as citizens agree and criticize him on those about which we disagree.

    To presume that he is wrong on subject A because he is wrong on subject B about which we disagree is puerile and lacking the maturity that we need to build our society.

    I vehemently disagreed with his stance and gushing praise of Robert Mugabe many, many years ago in one of his very vociferous appeals on the Zimbabwe land and race issue. However, I have agreed more (and disagreed, too) with him on several other issues since then.

    As the Blogmaster says here often, play the ball and not the man.

    Frankly, I try desperately to do that with you as well…it’s very difficult but we must play our cricket in a fair and gentlemanly way; must we not!

  48. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ well well and consequences

    Isaiah Washington’s strategy per staying home while well intentioned is wrong

    We as blacks might not be able to risk the continuous weekly sickout and maintain it, WITHOUT BEING FIRED.

    However we can sustain the boycott of their businesses forever.

    We must hurt their pockets.

    The white man both the racist and those who aren’t racist understands one thing, diminution of wealth.

    This is why the Stock Market Crash of 1929 caused such widespread suffering, it hit them in their pockets.

    Let de ole man mention one silly inconsequential thing that may provide a context for you.

    The Imgur counter in the bottom left of the posters that Colonel Buggy and I post here or “views and likes”

    Washington tweets that article and it will experience “X” likes and “y” retweets and the Establishment notices that and they respond to him in a few ways two of which I will mention

    A.His ratings go up and he instantly gets calls to go on talk shows and make paid appearances

    B.His Hollywood contracts take a dive because Hollywood DOES NOT like the problem that he is fanning I.e. Hurting the American economy and he, like that uppity nigger Bill Cosby, MUST BE TAUGHT A LESSON.

    The Democratic Labour Party, among the things they do each day when they view this site, look at the counts on these posters to gauge the initial readership of the posts (they can’t see the retweets, only we see them on Imgur)

    The points that I am repeating are (a) metrics and measuring them (b) perceived and actual impact (c) sustaining the impetus of a movement (d) controlling the cost (we can’t afford self genocide for what would be the point to obliterate our race just to be right?) and (e) securing lasting equity

    Comissiong ‘s movement in black self awareness seems to this ole man (a) sadly devoid of measurable impact, neither perceived nor tangible (b) is mired in the same repetitive chant for over 17 years in support of this stasis of psyche (c) has never done an analysis of the “cost or benefits” of this pan African, pan Caribbean dressed up African hard thingy and all the Sherbourne denouements, the Caricom melees, the Durbham South Africa meetings etc., and, consequently (d) cannot expect to achieve any lasting equity if all he, and the rest of my well intentioned brethren does, and do, is talk about it and twist up their faces with a superlative phrenological acuity (read look how impassioned he and Sir Hilary does look while dem talking bout slavery. It does be nuff to mek you cry)

  49. @PUDRYR

    DC has done more as a citizen advocate that many. It is easy to highlight the warts but…


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