Submitted by Brian Frederick
Derek Alleyne, Director of UDC (on leave from NUPW)
Derek Alleyne, Director of UDC (on leave from NUPW)

Here we go again shortly after shameful admissions by the Director of the Urban Development Commission of the waste of taxpayers money by incompetent management now we have the Minister of Finance complaining that politicians are taking the blame for management and he mentioned Ministry’s of Water, Housing, and Environment and there are others where management is paid more than the politicians. But hold on a minute I may be wrong but are not the Ministers IN CHARGE! Do not forget where the buck stops so if the highly paid management is not doing the job get rid of them. Private companies would not and could not afford bad management and even if they had to pay off someone it would be done so why not in any Ministry. What has happened to 2 verbal warnings and a written warning and the dismissal or does that not apply to government employees?

53 responses to “Government Blames Workers”

  1. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    once again dont let none of the workers or ministers lie to you the public, The UDC is a fraud set up to launder the 15% and now the 17.5 VAT, After PM David remove the crooks , Who were the top 3 at the UDC and the lawyer for the UDC at that time for laundering the funds to Richard Byer a well know crook who was put back in place ” in the HOUSE” after the powers that be killed the Prime Minister David, ,there also was 140 houses missing from the UDC under Owen and MIa two well know crooks, As the lawyer for the UDC had land tax numbers under his name as owner. With no clear title found out by you minister Sink man and the IDB.The land at that time was for Kensington plantation of 73 acres,Later then there was SinkMan, Todd 2 good crooks covering up to take for self after the BLP, now the DLP taking their turn teeeefing ,
    Ask the Question , Where is over 18years of VAT?
    How many people paid for land and still have no deeds from the DBLP government
    Why dont out side banks not give the people or the DBLP loan?
    Why they can not find the missing houses,?
    Why have none of these Bitches been charged?
    How much land does lawyers and white people in Bim with big money dont have title deeds to land , Just land tax biils?
    Why if COW own so much land why is he not allowing them to get water,?
    Why is it said that the DPP is from Guyana and a well know crook in Barbados? Is he?

    Why is the Global Reset going to drop on Barbados like a H – Bomb?
    Why are the banks leaving?
    NO CLEAR TITLE TO LAND ON OVER 2/3 OF THE LAND, WE ALSO HAVE FOR ALL THE LAND UDC LOOKING TO CLAIM,yes we have title deed to unblock Barbados mess,

  2. The Stinkliar has me confused.

    Did not he and his ilk put all of the same non performing managers in place?

    Were these same non performing managers those who stayed the course with the DLP who were given a place at the trough to feast on the fatted calf?

    Was it made clear to them then that they had to perform and not only feast?

    Is it not a fact that these same non performing managers are the creatures of the various ministers and carry out their mandates?

    So bearing in mind all of the above, Mr Stinkliar how could you blame these lackies when they are only carrying out the rules and regulations you morons set?

    Wait, why after all, you all have performed so poorly especially yourself, Lowe, the PM …….so you cannot talk…… are overpaid as far as I am concerned, were you to be appraised annually, there is no way in hell that you could be in the same job… would have been fired long time.

    Stinkliar, you are bold though……….how could you in all good conscience criticise anyone for performing badly

  3. This nonsense of “we the people” is the most stupid thing that happened to Barbados.We the people,to be exact 40% of the electorate decided we are not voting for either the DLP,or the BLP and look where that stupid action has landed us,in bare poop.Stuart,the 8-4 PM doesn’t have a clue and our stupidity of “we the people” got only ourselves to blame.
    Since Sinckler and the same stupid PM have realized that there is no management of the scarce resources of the country,they have resorted to the blame game.The first casualty will be the great booby Worrell.The IMF will insist on it this time around.They are coming soon however the 30% government of “them,those people” are using the 50th anniversary preparations to ward of the visit however the crap will hit the fan early in the New Year.Its going to be cat piss and pepper in George Street.

  4. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    Gabriel August 22, 2016 at 9:17 PM #@ We gave you a vote, it seem you are waking up to the fraud ways on ever level of the DBLP ,

    Global Reset will hit them hard and the lack of cash food will have an audit done before they are allowed to rejoin the new market based on Gold,

  5. The planned zones to shop with foreign currency are simply a test what will come soon: devaluation.

    Surely, the ministers, high bureaucrats, lawyers, pastors and their families will be paid in USD to preserve the means to buy food in Massa Super Center, whereas the masses can spend their useless BBD to buy milk and milk for 50 BBD each in some rum shops.

    It will be plantation time again. Saint Bussa and Goddess Bim, help us!

  6. Soon the US dollar will be the currency of the realm as it is in the BVI.

  7. @Gabriel

    That means total segregation between the 90 % of the masses without inflow of USD, GBP, EUR, CHF and the privileged 10 %. A system of financial apartheid between the BBD-townships and the USD-gated communities.

    Will be interesting to see what will happen from December on. In theory, they could sell Mercedes and all the other stuff in these segregation zones for very competitive prices. We will see how it works. Can we use our USD/GBP/EUR/CHF credit cards or do we need to pay in cash?

    As soon as we get the zones, the real value of the BBD will drop to zero without any official devaluation. Ups! Might I remind Venezuela? In other words and to sum it up:

    Devaluation from December 2016 on.

  8. “…….now we have the Minister of Finance complaining that politicians are taking the blame for management and he mentioned Ministry’s of Water, Housing, and Environment and there are others where management is paid more than the politicians.”


    Perhaps Sinckler should have provided evidence to substantiate his claim that managers in the civil service are paid more than politicians.

    From April 1, 2016, the PM’s salary was supposed to receive a salary of $203,175.60 per annum or $16,931.30 per month, in addition to travel allowance of $4,903.20/m or $21,834.50/m.

    The other ministers were to receive $152,382.00 ($12,698.50/m), entertainment and travel allowances of $2,014.19 and $2,715.50 per month respectively, which totals to $17,428.19

    According the schedule of personal emoluments, the “super scales,” from S9 to S1, varies from $71,025.72 ($5,918.81/m) to $147,926.19 ($12,327.18/m).

    Whereas the Auditor General, for example, receives a salary of $12,327.18/m ($147,926.18/pa), the inept minister of housing is paid $17,428.19.

    Based on the above information, is it reasonable to conclude that Sinckler has once again been a bit stingy with the truth?

    And if we are discussing blame, the minister of the environment, Denis Lowe, National Conservation Commission’s general manager Keith Neblett and the NCC board of directors should have accepted responsibility for the injustices that occurred during the NCC’s retrenchment programme, and resigned, especially after the ERT ruling?

  9. As hard as it continues to be we have to hold on until the election Bell Rings and then we will exact from them a penalty that they will not forget for 25 years

  10. Interesting article that appeared in the Nation yesterday which shows a clear relationship between the printing of money by the Central Bank and contracting foreign reserves.


  11. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Does that mean US currency will be made more readily available to the majority population, there are not enough minorities on the island, dont care how wealthy they believe themselves to be in their minds… make duty free shopping or any kind of shopping a success, they need the black majority population….dont care how poor, to make any transactions related to cash floor circulation a success….or they are shit outta luck.

    Now if they were smart leaders, they would be in negotiations with our great satan…the US….all like now….re currency change….what do they have to lose, they are already in as deep a shit as they can get, unless they are waiting to see how much deeper the hole can sink….they definitely don’t have an Errol Barrows sitting in parliament, they should be ashamed to associate that dude to that party…he was a cut, in his own way, above what currently obtains as excuses for leaders.

  12. Yellow Moon Rising Avatar
    Yellow Moon Rising

    In the coming weeks and months this DLP government will blame everyone and everything, everything but themselves of course. This will not surprise anyone in Barbados.

    They going to blame the civil service, the private sector, the BLP, the rating agencies, the international community, the regional governments, the justice system and even the people of Barbados in the end.

    This DLP government has been a COMPLETE FAILURE in administering the affairs, economic and social, of the state of Barbados. They will have had 9 years in February 2017 to turn things around, they have not and will not be able to do so.

    I noted with much interest that the Minister Finance made not a single reference in the Budget his Home Grown Strategy to create much needed growth.

    The last thing and hope for the DLP to is buy a horse named BREXIT and ride that to the finish line. Rest assured the DLP has a horse named BREXIT.

  13. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And the government mimes in parliament cannot even say the idea of adopting the US currency is selling out cause they themselves sell out country and people to every little halfassed local crook and foreign criminals they can help swim ashore to rob the people and country…so they, the ministers and politicians can collect bribes.

    And besides…the great Satan….US, is the best to go to bed with, friends with benefits.

  14. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    Barbados is one of the few places in the world where companies go bust and the gardener gets fired.

    You cannot push a rope.

    In the rest of the world promotion brings longer hours, more responsibility, more accountability. In Barbados, especially the snivel service, promotion brings the right to come in late, leave early and fire orders around; there has never been accountability.

    The fundamental problem is that politicians’ only qualification for office is popularity. The only member of the current cabinet with any business track record in Kellman and every time he opens his mouth that reality seems more like a matter of luck and less like the result of applied skills.

    There will be no economic recovery under Fumble’s Fools.

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    …….*they need the black majority population….dont care how poor, to make any transactions related to cash flow circulation a success….or they are shit outta luck.

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And if the Bajan currency can be tied to the US dollar, it sure as hell can be changed to the US dollar, ya have to give up something…..what do they have to lose, they are shitheads anyway.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I hate when they dont want to give up power, they prefer their rotten corpses to be removed…steupss.

    This dude got rid of the Rhodes clan and his pack of racists, that was a feat in and of itself….time to let forward thinkers drive the country.

  18. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    Well Well & Consequences August 23, 2016 at 7:27 AM #
    This dude got rid of the Rhodes clan and his pack of racists, that was a feat in and of itself….time to let forward thinkers drive the country.

    To be correct, the Rhodesian system of democracy had an education qualification, not a race qualification like S.Africa or Greece who invented democracy. The black majority population of Rhodesia mostly did not meet the education qualification with the obvious exception of the CIVIL SERVICE.

    I bet most Zimbabweans and Bajans wish they/we had some kind of voter qualification now.

    The problem with incorporating socialism and democracy is that the majority will always vote for more freeness; but eventually every socialist system runs out of other peoples’ money.

  19. When next is the IMF team expected to visit and assess the situation here?

  20. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    I , We see many crabs on BU talking she-it , Crooks Liars and Scumbags , We not and never changing our tone for we speak what we know , Now what others post waiting for crooks to call them self a crook, or even pass the buck, Barbados is a wreck because of coverup on web pages that is to help send a message that people are watching well known crooks and supporters, There are may good post to the facts and yet in the unlike by clicks, So we can see the crooks on this web page,

  21. The people of Barbados will teach the DLP and primarily Stuart and Sinckler a valuable lesson shortly. And you know……………… Barbados you can be a PM and MOF today and tomorrow a stranger in curse your ass in public in a ruff ruff way.

  22. Before the last election the D’s knew they would have lose the elections and so they ran the economy into the ground so that the population would be able to say “see they (the B’s) can’t handle the economy”. After winning because of Arthur, they found themselves in the position they were hoping the B’s could not recover from or undo the damage they did to Barbados.

    Now they are pulling the sane nasty stunt by sinking the country even further into the dodo than that last time.

    The new Government is going to catch hell to fix the economy after the damage done by this NON administration. The Treasury will be totally wrecked of foreign reserves because of the money Worrell won’t stop printing and because of the hugh payouts to friends and family members to get their kickbacks. The construction industry for for fraudsters will flourish and that for the minorities will crumble.

    As for accountability of ‘party lackies’ called heads of departments placed there by Ministers to rig the whole system. The comment by ‘Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass. August 23, 2016 at 7:04 AM’ is as correct as it can be, but Barbados will continue to stand whatever these people that should be in Dodds do to us.

    ? Is Bjerkham (the construction magnate and one of the directors of the Central Bank) advising Worrell correctly? Something is seriously wrong here.

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Frustrated…ya short on memory. ..remember Marley’s song….

    “Africans ah liberate Zimbabwe….I and I ah liberate Zimbabwe.”

    Do not try to rewrite history, Rhodes was a racist, beast and thief..what he stole from the Africans he turned some into scholarships to make himself look good, they were debating recently on if to remove some statute of him, because of his criminals acts.

    Mugabe had to fight many battles to liberate Zimbabwe from Rhodes and his thiefing racist beasts.

    Rhodes scholarships are rewarded to only a few…they were not meant to be given away.

    Stop trying to rewrite history…it will not help young people…trying to adjust to lies and fantasies never helped any generation move forward.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    In saying all of that Frustrated…as a businessman, instead of other minority business people waiting for their turn to rape the island, bribe future politicians and ministers from the 2 political parties and run their con games to get government contracts… become self-proclaimed millionares…what do you think of the current lot of ministers using the few brain cells that may exist in their heads… negotiate, though they have very little to no skills, to adopt the US, our Satan’s….currency.

  25. @ Cat Piss & Pepper

    The article on Zimbabwe is instructive insofar as the action of “legal” dissent using social media.

    “Popular electronic outlets for citizens to air their views like call-in programmes and Internet blogs ought to have a “framework of accountability.”

    These were the words of then Deputy Prime Minister Mugabe Mottley now leader of the Opposition and soon to be the next Prime Minister of Barbados who now speaks of the “Rule of Law” much like the perpetual motion of the pendulum swinging, mercurially?, from one side to the other, depending on if the matter is for or against her.

    We here in Barbados are under similar siege by the incumbent, soon to be absent, party of the Demonic Labour Party.

    We do recall the recent rant of Senator Verla Depeiza in response to BLP Senator Wilfred Abrahams’ reading of the letter, from the office of the Prime Minister which confirmed the Cahill Deal.

    Depeiza, in classic “suck Fumbles’ pooch” style gave her now infamous tirade on how “leaking of documents is treason and those found doing it should be punished”

    For those of you who are not au fait with the laws of Barbados, Barbados states that murder and treason are punished by death by hanging.

    So imagine the crass idiocy expressed by this “pooch licker” who states that for the act of “whistle blowing which showed that the Prime Minister was indeed privy to and part of the Cahill Fiasco, the person who provided that document, as a civic responsibility, to confirm the complicity of Fumbles in the Cahill Scam WAS TO BE HANGED!!”

    But we are where we are Cat Piss and Pepper

  26. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    Well Well & Consequences August 23, 2016 at 9:00 AM #
    Frustrated…ya short on memory. ..remember Marley’s song….

    “Africans ah liberate Zimbabwe….I and I ah liberate Zimbabwe.”

    Do not try to rewrite history, Rhodes was a racist, beast and thief..

    As always WWC, you are large on rhetoric and short on facts.

    I never denied that Rhodes and his gov’t were racist, that was not my point. My point was on historical fact. Rhodesia’s political system was not based on race, it was based on the qualification of individuals to vote; that qualification was education.

    Now imagine if we had a system of voter qualification based on national contribution such as PAYE, NIS, pension contributions, real estate ownership (property tax contributions) etc. etc. I.E in order to determine the future of this country you should have a stake IN IT, not a free ride ON IT.

    Would all the Grantleys flying around last election in the seas of unemployables of this country have had the huge negative impact it did? I doubt. I don’t think most Bajans are as stupid as the outcome of the last election proved us to be.

    We can dream.

  27. Dam if u dont have any thing relevant to the article posted it might be better if u rummage through your poster file fir some stupid posters
    What Chris Sinckler said was as much as a warning as it can get to slacked workers and management
    Those who have years to hear should take his comments seriously with a realization that there are being watched and assesed by govt ministers.

  28. @WWC

    No, the masses won´t get any USD into their buckets. The USD-zones will install a system of financial apartheid.

    The sole purpose of the zones is to go on printing BBD and to get rid off the USD problem as the same time.

  29. Frustrated
    I disagree with you and your view that the last election was a’ Grantleys’ election.Barbados was sold out by the 40% who did not vote.
    In the same way that Steve Blackett will for ever be remembered as the minister responsible for the deaths of two young Barbadian children,Shemar and Jahan.

  30. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “IE in order to determine the future of this country you should have a stake IN IT, not a free ride ON IT.”

    Frustrated…but that is exactly what Rhodes and his band of criminals got in Zimbabwe….a free ride, AFTER thiefing everything….you cannot be a thief and criminal today and when ya get the illgotten gains, pretend you are a savior and respectable and ya created the best possible system….when ya thief to achieve the status in the first place.

    “Now imagine if we had a system of voter qualification based on national contribution such as PAYE, NIS, pension contributions, real estate ownership (property tax contributions) etc. etc.”

    As practical as you make it all sound, the population on the island is still less 300,000 people, it’s still a black majority nation, the less than 8,000 minorities on the island still carry the Rhodes mentality of thinking they entitled to thief everything…particularly too many of the business people, they still bribe the politicians, the politicians still extort bribes, so how will anything change Frustrated.

    The population is still limited in what they are allowed to acquire and contribute, by stagnating governments…ya cannot get blood from stone…or the majority would be able to contribute more

    Some old dead, racist dude’s philosophy is equally dead and cannot be resurrected or be successful in 2016…under the present conditions.

  31. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    Tron August 23, 2016 at 9:43 AM #

    No, the masses won´t get any USD into their buckets. The USD-zones will install a system of financial apartheid.

    The sole purpose of the zones is to go on printing BBD and to get rid off the USD problem as the same time.

    You forgot to mention the realisation of the true value of our currency.

    You are a taxi driver with US$500 in cash.

    I want a fridge which costs BBD$2,000 duty paid or US$500 duty free.

    I pay you BBD$1500 for your US$500 and thereby save BBD$500.

    You make an additional BBD$500 over US$ face value to meet your expenses.

    The true value of US currency is now 3:1.

    Simple maths.

  32. The people will not be fooled again. It is the DLP own supporter who by not voting will thereby put them out of officer.
    The entire lot are frauds, hypocrites and worst of all, very poor liars.

  33. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And besides, you really need to expose the issue of Bizzy, Maloney, Cow, Harris, Parris, Bjerkham etc providing the money to both politicals parties to buy votes from the majority voters/electorate….they are the ones, the corrupt businessmen, providing the vehicle…the money…to buy votes.

    They are the ones, the corrupt businessmen, creating the environment so that they can be awarded a free ride of contracts and exemption from prosecution for their criminal activities.

    Do you think these posters are for show, they were created by concerned people…to STOP the voter buying, stop the corruption. ..what part will you play to help stop business people providing money for political parties to buy votes….Frustrated.

    In case ya did not see it the first 5 times it was posted…Frustrated

  34. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “No, the masses won´t get any USD into their buckets. The USD-zones will install a system of financial apartheid.”

    Tron and Frustrated….now if the politicians were not tunnel visioned and had top class negotiating skills…this would not now be a problem, it would have been fixed at least 8-15 years ago by ministers gifted with real vision.

  35. Good point.

    What is disappointing is how political parties use social media to try to manipulate and NOT to enlighten. It depends on when the political party is in Opposition or not.

    In the developed world MPs have Facebook, Twitter and blog accounts as another channel to communicate with their publics.


  36. This “stoopid Cartoon” takes its inspiration from the new blogger Yellow Moon Rising who recently commented on “Who The DLP is going to Blame?”

    He made these comments while speaking about the Democratic Labour Party Government, the worst Government Barbados has had in its 50 years of Independence.

    He states “In the coming weeks and months, this DLP government will blame everyone and everything, everything but themselves of course.

    “This will not surprise anyone in Barbados.”

    “They going to blame the civil service, the private sector, the BLP, the rating agencies, the international community, the regional governments, the justice system and even the people of Barbados in the end.”

    “This DLP government has been a COMPLETE FAILURE in administering the affairs, economic and social, of the state of Barbados. They will have had 9 years in February 2017 to turn things around, they have not and WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO SO.”

  37. Well Well & Consequences August 23, 2016 at 6:24 AM #
    It also means that Ministers of Government no longer have to sneak millions of dollars ,US and/or Bajan ,out of Barbados in briefcases

  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Colonel…not necessarily. ..the anti-money laundering laws will be still alive and well with even more restrictions in place.

  39. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The many years the ACs and Alvin pimps used their presence on the blog to defend the indefensible and deceive people, protect criminality and lies by government ministers. ..those 9 years and their energies could have had a more positive effect, used wisely to build a concrete rapport, using social media….

    ….instead the short sighted politicians tried to disappear social media to please the minorities to keep their corruption intact….now it’s too late because all they will get going forward are attacks and challenges to their inefficiencies and incompetence.

  40. Can’t David Ellis spare us the listeners from this moderator Glyne Murray.He exhibits poor reading skills with every 2 words preceded by about 3 or 4 ams.Lord have its mercy pun we.How long O lord,how long.Yuh mean the DLP and now Murray!

  41. As Frustrated mentioned, shopping with USD/GBP/CHF/EUR cannot be confined to a certain zone as long as everybody can shop around within the zone. Rather, it devalues the whole country.

    I have seen this development before in the former Soviet block. You could get everything at reasonable prices, provided you paid in Western currencies. The communist masses on the other hand had to wait 6 months for some bananas. Result: Official exchange rate 1:1, inofficial 1:10. The latest textbook example is Venezuela. There is an official exchange rate where you cannot buy toilet paper and an inofficial one where you get everything.

  42. Fool !you had nine years to report all those said allegations you have been posting against govt and you have not but rather come on BU frothing and foaming at the mouth talking about transparency nincoompoop you need to check self first and bring the facts and evedience to back up all you have been saying nine years and counting is a very long time for a citizen to hold on to such evidence.

  43. Interesting discussion on the talk show just now about how vote buying and ‘influencing’ is done in Barbados. Good to see mainstream media catching up with what we have been discussing in this forum for years. Keep reading Glyne Murray 😐

  44. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lol…..over 3,000 views on Piece’s poster on how to stop vote buying is no easy feat, imagine how many others will view those instuctions between now and elections 2018.

    What happen ACs….yall getting scurrrrd.

  45. Seem to recall the late David Thompson calling a meeting in 2008 at Sherbourne Conference Centre of the heads and senior management of the statutory boards. At that meeting he read the riot act to the the hierarchy of the government agencies – holding them accountable would have been a high priority.

    Promises, promises, promises

  46. The cynical future:

    “Bridgetown, 25 December 2026. After the DLP surprisingly won a 3rd term in 2018, Chris Sinckler became new PM of Barbados and Freundel Stuart the president of the new republic. Mara Thompson is Chief Justice, Michael Carrington head of the Anglican Church of Barbados and Chairman of the National Ethical Committee.

    In order to feed even more people, the government expanded the public service to 80,000 servants with 40 ministers, 100 judges, 1,000 pastors and 1,000 additional tax commissioners. The VAT is now 26 %, income tax ranges from 30 to 60 % plus 20 % solidarity tax, there is also a 20 % special special import tax, a car tax of 500 % and a 10 % tax on every other tax. Fat tax was not introduced for obvious reasons. However, Barbadians have the chance to shop in Bridgetown without any duty – provided they pay in cash with USD, GBP, CHF or EUR. And the government expanded the social welfare system: food stamps for every Barbadian family during the year and corned beef at Christmas on PM Sincklers trucks. And the exchange rate is still 2:1, a national symbol of pride and industry.

    Experts from Venezuela and North Korea regularly come to Barbados to consult PM Sinckler. Since too many of the brightest Barbadians left the island around 2020, the government does not issue passports anymore. Travelling abroad is restricted to ministers and high bureaucrats, the internet is offline. Tourists are kept in their all-inclusive-hotels to avoid contact between Barbadians and foreigners.

    Nevertheless, PM Sinckler called Barbados the freest black country on earth during the big celebration in November 2026 which only costed 100 million USD.

  47. @ Tron

    This speaks to the financial fancy stepping the DLP has been doing for 8 years.

    Dont worry though – “Every Day Has Its End”

  48. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    abajanhowe August 23, 2016 at 8:59 AM #

    Before the last election the D’s knew they would have lose the elections and so they ran the economy into the ground@@@

    Again the BLP under Owen and Mia got this Fraud going ,and took the PONZI deep, The DLP took over and ran it even deeper, So this is where we are today, All of the problem of Barbados is in the land records, This is why we were not listed last year and may not be listed this year with S&P or Moodys,

    All the what is wrong in Barbados is in the LAND. No CLEAR TITLES TO BANK ON.
    Barbados economy is the ground, earth , soil, the records the hidden replaced, removed , the changed records that dont a line with History ,
    1966 Barbados was given their History from England and the Bitches changed the History and hide it from its own people to take land for self, Then to act like the government of Barbados have land, They have none, they paid no one , they just take for self and call it CROWN land , Land that was sign over by the AG who acts like bully and sign over land to the NHC and UDC ,,and call it crown land,,,, Out side bankers looking for records of who they paid for the land there is none, Land laundering and FIRST CARIBBEAN BANK,internal internal banking and laundering actors ,You Minister of Barbados did this, the police cover it up, the AG is the head on this , approved by the PM , killed by the BAR and eat and live well were the bottom feeders of the entire scam . Taking tourist money for thing that never got off the ground with no refunds, No law court help to recover for the DPP is also a crook, Dottin also a crook , EX CJ Simmons also a crook , now the island is STUCK .
    Madoff nor Allen Stanford have nothing on the DBLP government of Barbados, none can make it on the CCJ for they know they are crooks,

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