Vernon Smith QC
Vernon Smith QC

The unfortunate death of Marcelle Smith who was the wife of retired headmaster of the Lodge School Aurelius Smith and who is the brother of Vernon Smith and Frederick ‘Sleepy Smith’ of the venerable Law Firm Smith and Smith has generate a distasteful public story.  Based on the documents attached we have a family feud which is fuelling serious allegations. In the interest of being balanced and transparent BU will post the attached documents to inform public discussion and leave the speculation to others.

308 responses to “The Vernon Smith Vs Marcelle Smith & Family Affair, with Court Documents”

  1. And David I know that you will tell me that I always have a story. And indeed I do. I am a 21st century electronic griot and it is my duty to pass on the stories.

    I have had a beloved sibling who ordered me out of the nursing home in which our parent then resided. That sibling had been continuously absent from Barbados (except for 5 or 6 brief vacations) for more than 50 years. That sibling had refused to contribute any money to pay the nursing home fees which were largely being paid by me (why do you think that I have to catch the ZR’s Bushie). I left the room.

    Absent sibling was completely unaware that the will had been made 20 years previously, and that parent even though very ill was still mentally competent and had no intention to change the will. And did not change the will.

    Of all the siblings I am the only one who had seen a copy of the will. I never asked to have it changed because i am not a greedy person and our parent knew that.

    On the day that the parent died I emailed a copy of the will to all of the siblings. A week or so after the funeral I instructed an attorney to do the legal work. Within less that a year it was done and I FEDEXED each siblings title deeds to him/her. Of course I had to twist some arms to make some of them pay their fair share of the administration costs.

    But I am good at twisting arms — and at using a ‘lins if the need arises.

    The moral of this story is that we should all chose our most honest, least greedy most dedicated most loving person to administer our affairs.

    And if they are able and will to use a ‘lins if need be that is also helpful.

    I have have dozens of outlaws whom i would be most happy to introduce to my ‘lins if they trespassed at my home.

    But they know not to come ’round me.

  2. @Simple

    Noted. There is another story to be told here. Still trying to find it. We have siblings all overseas mixed with in laws feeding this feud.

  3. Where did I ever say that Vernon was the person nominated by Aurelius to be either his executor or his to have charge if him should he become incompetent? I never said that. I happen to know for a fact that it is not Vernon Smith. And no, I will not say who it is as it is no one’s business.

    @Bushie. You stated in effect that someone suffering from physical disabilities was incompetent mentally, which was a massively silly thing to say. I gave you an example of just one person, admittedly the most famous of these, who completely disproves your contention – in the eyes of the VAST majority of the world. But you instead of manning up and admitting error, choose instead to practice racial discrimination and have, apparently, managed to attain the academic stature of those who happen to think that Professor Hawking is right. Clearly you are missing your calling as PM. Of Barbados, of course.

  4. @ Amused
    You stated in effect that someone suffering from physical disabilities was incompetent mentally,
    Boss, if you could show where Bushie said that, …and it was not an OBVIOUS typographical error, then you will get an unreserved apology …AND a promise not to rubbish any other shiite you write on this blog …all the way up until 4 PM today…

    What the hell has PHYSICAL disability to do with MENTAL capacity?
    …and even if ac had said that …how could you not just dismiss it as a misstatement …. steupsss.
    Wuh you need not have brought you ‘professor’ Hawking’ into this… – ALL OF WUNNA FELLAs who claim to be highly schooled – and who, yet fail to grasp the ABSOLUTELY BASIC understanding of the FUNDAMENTAL purpose of life, are – much like Hawking…just shapers….
    Can you imaging going on a life journey and having NO IDEA what the destination is…?
    …and seeking to guide others…??!!

    ….you could have just used our friend AC to make your point…. she is physically OK …but mentally gone – completely….

    This case like it got you out of sorts yuh….

  5. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Amused…you have to admit that something very bad happened here, over the years there have been clear evidence that relatives who live far away from parents have found some really evil, underhanded things happening to their elderly relatives re land, property, money etc.

    It’s passing strange that the judge overlooked any other documents, if they existed, and appointed the wife and son, who is still very much alive, the son….now I am quite sure that there is much more in the mortar, than the pistle….

    It has become so bad , that people are asking their elderly relatives to sell properties, go into nursings homes, let the bills be paid from overseas and the younger relatives are being warned not to buy anything on the island….no land, no house, nothing.

    Simple…you are right in saying at least one child should be looking after elderly parents so that the beasts on two legs do not have any access to their affairs when they become incompetent However, since the brightest people are alwats forced out of the island to look for greener pastures, particularly if they are not part of the incestous pool of filth now being exposed, it’s not always feasible under certain circumstances and some elderly refuse to age in colder climes, prefering to die where they were born…..circumstances.

  6. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    BTW…you said Vernon does not have any legal standing to the properties, then it’s fair to say he was trespassing and had absolutely no right, him and his sidekick, to be in Smith’s house speaking to her or threatening her, seeing as he was acting for the other party and not for her, he certainly could not be acting for the brother, although they love to pull that crap re properties, acting for the property owner and the party interested in stealing it……shithounds.

    This conflict of interest is what will bring them and their greed to their knees.

  7. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Please note that I did not say innocent, but incident. Subliminal message there.

  8. If two people have been married for over half a century and own property (presumably acquired during the union) can one member of that union transfer control of the property and assets of that union to a third party without the consent of the other partner?

    Just trying to determine if A Smith could have appointed anyone to look after “his” assets without the consent of his spouse or indeed a Court order unless the spouse was also determined to be incompetent.

    This case calls for some vigorous investigation as one of the principals later died – indeed was murdered- not that this is likely to come from the RBPF members of whom were only too happy to serve as “security” in a Civil matter and entered a home without consent from the occupants (from the correspondence), whose interests were there to serve and protect?

  9. @Sargeant

    There appears to be a lot not yet deposited in the public domain. Let us see what unravels over time.

  10. Sure, some of us will pontificate and try to bamboozle others with such high-sounding latin expressions as ‘corpus delicti’, ‘mens rea’, ‘actus reus’, ‘res ipsa loquitur’ etc. Speculators will speculate, and believers will inevitably believe ! Some of us, less articulate and perhaps more simple-minded, will revert to the old adage about there being ‘three sides to every story’! But there is no gainsaying the fact that truth inevitably exists ! Perhaps,the problem is corruption coupled with ineptitude, may be clouding the truth … and we know only too well, that the ‘wheels of justice grind EXCEEDINGLY slowly’ in Barbados. Let’s hope, for the sake of all the parties involved in this tragedy, that the truth will SOON come to light so that we may be able to move on !

  11. errata

    should read “were they to serve”….

  12. Wait. Policemen in uniform are private security guards now?

    Wait. Tell me are members of the Police Force permitted to enter private homes without the consent of the residents and without a search warrant?

    And if a policeman enters your home without your consent and without a search warrant isn’t that unlawful entry?

    Isn’t the householder permitted to use whatever force necessary to put him out?

    Shouldn’t this policeman should be investigated and if necessary disciplined by his superiors?

    Isn’t a wife of 50+ years (or even a pretty young gal Guyanese wife of 2 days) a lawful wedded wife?

    Does the law divide wives into catergories?

    Or are all wives, wives and equal in the eyes of the law?

    Aren’t wives customarily next of kin?

    if a husband keeps a wife whether or not his family likes her/approves of her isn’t that his choice?

    Does a man keep a wife for 50+ unless years unless he likes her/loves her (a lot, a lot)?

    So many, many questions.

    And me so simple that I cannot comprehend the answers.

  13. Another question.

    Are Bajan men sexist?

    Final question.

    Are old Bajan men in particular especially misogynistic?

  14. And David I did not tell you but for many years I had helped to raise this sibling’s children. And for many years was the principal care giver and care arranger for the elders…

    and yes this sibling because of being eldest had the unreasonable expectation of inheriting the entire estate…sibling still believed in primogeniture…did not know did not understand that Barbados had abolished primogeniture decades ago.

  15. We are surrounded by wickedness and idiocy.

  16. What weed to do is continue to ask questions, demand transparency from those responsible and to avoid blindly trying to pin a tail on the ass. The we are no different than those who playing the ass here.

  17. Halvern Golpsmith Avatar
    Halvern Golpsmith

    Dear Learned Colleagues, and those less-learned,

    To the Good and the clearly evil,

    A couple of points here on these posts which I read with incredulity and consternation make me scared, confused and angry as a citizen of Barbados that people like Vernon Smith and Hal Gollop are still out on the streets.

    Enough pussyfooting around. This is not pin the tail on the donkey party game. It is not a game at all (@David). It is a matter of fraud and murder. In effect it is a matter of life and death. Not a matter of subsection 3c of whatever law one may care to quote in line with the sometimes verbose comments of some of the dear Learned Colleagues above.

    For the sake of being open and clear, I am addressing my post directly to ‘Amused’

    Amused is an agent of Vernon Smith who can use a computer, unlike Vernon, who as he mentioned in the Nation that ‘he think he write Google to stop naked, but google haven’t replied yet.’ Amused is Hal Gallop, because Amused purports to know so much about items related to this case and recounts with such detail in a slanted and untrue manner, that this can only be the case.

    Hal you have posted mistruths and lies in your posts above to attempt to cover your tracks for awful deeds you have executed. You have gotten into something that is way above your wildest dreams and probably not an original career ambition, to be fair. But in aiding Vernon, a man (like his siblings) also suffering from a form of dementia, you are, in fact, just plain evil:

    From humble music teacher at St Michael’s at the beginning, to now murderer/facilitator of murder – what a curriculum! What loyalty to your Lodge friend Vernon!

    Vernon’s dementia (as the Smiths all seem to have it) has manifested itself in a different manner to his siblings, it alters the personality, exaggerating some traits (increased aggressiveness and arrogance – heightened sense of being untouchable, infallible). This is how he has put into action what would normally be a fantasy thought – to kill his brother’s wife who was a pain in the ass for him, to get at Aurie’s money/property.

    I see Vernon at a funeral the other day and he unhinged. No idea was it his dementia, general old age or the trauma that he realizes that it was wrong to actually execute his fantasy. I don’t know how he can live with himself, but I guess there are some of us who don’t have any conscience.

    Hal, you and Vernon are akin to the star teachers of a school waving to pupils’ parents at the school gates while in fact you are both paedophiles committing crime in plain sight. You have murdered a woman in plain sight. It is so close to us that we don’t see it.

    But let’s get back to the documents and your posts:

    Based on the documents above, it seems Aurie was tricked into signing documents when you (Hal), Vernon and the police visited his home. Is that how you, Hal, know who was put in charge?

    How can you say it is no-one’s business. Surely it is not your business? It is a matter for the children, who from all accounts are united in grief over their mothers murder and father’s condition – after all, someone is paying for Aurie’s home care.

    By the way – where is the document that shows Aurie appointed you, Hal, as his lawyer. Looks like someone from BU better speak to Yearwood and Boyce to find out if it exists.

    Hal – what bank account did you take the money from to pay Ince – was it your money or Vernons? I hear you paid him $10,000 – less that the money Vernon stole from Aurie – a bargain! especially if you thought there was more coming your way via fraud once the wife was out the way. I hear the old man didn’t make a will – or is that what you got him to sign in the car that day?

    Where did you give Ince the cash for the job – the St. Philip bar near his house, where you, Ince and Vernon frequented? Who did you give the money to – him, his baby mother or his mother? Is that part of the deal – to protect Ince’s family, while you got him out of jail for a short holiday? I guess he owed you one – his old buddy and lawyer from when he was a Juvenile. Is the St. Philip bar also where you gave Ince the spare key to Aurie and Marcelle Smiths house that I hear Vernon had?

    Where you part of de tiefing I hear Vernon did with other family members too? including de other brothers? not many still alive to tell the tale…

    What does it feel like to commission a murder? Is it the butterfly in stomach frisson as you buy a lottery ticket, hoping to win (again!)? Or the dread of an oncoming car crash you can’t avoid?

    You have brought shame on the legal profession and on Barbados.

    When you potentially end up in court (in the dock), I will watch the case with interest.

    When you are locked up in Dodds I will bring you oranges, (if you will accept my visits) and we can talk about the good times in the past, religion and whatever comes to your mind.

  18. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    what the hell just happened there in India…fantastic!

  19. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie


  20. @GP


  21. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    I have no idea of course who “Halvern Goldsmith” is although the creation of the pseudonym is quite easy to spot, but his or her stunning submission above @12:45 pm where he or she accuses certain individuals of incitement to murder coupled with Brathwaite’s assault on Stokes in Kolkata is too much for one day. I am overwhelmed!

    This will not dun here! The most graphic post on BU ever! The most brutal piece of batting we may ever see!

  22. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    Well let me tell ya……..Ah proud as punch to be a West Indian, but more importantly on both occasions products of BIM came through for de region. The only thing that could please Bajans more is if the Freundel Stuart administration collapse tonight. Ah gine back and drink mah Johnny Walker Black. Lord ah feel too sweet!

  23. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Darren Sammy just initiated his path to a political future…oh lawd….

  24. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    oh lawd…you proud of the WI and in the same breath you big-up the Bajans….LOLLL..

    The WI won the tournament…awesome stuff from all the ‘boys’…and de captain just piss off the WICB President again..LOLLL…he days dun fah sure.

  25. @Well well. How do you know its was Marcelle Smith’s house? Might it not have been Aurelius’ house or that they jointly owned it? If so, Vernon Smith would have taken instructions from and been granted permission by the owner or co-owner of the property and therefore had a perfect right to enter the premises, so there is no trespass. Also, since when do we operate in a system and society where unproven allegations are taken as fact, such as that VS threatened Marcelle? I am astonished that you even raised such a self-evident points. You really must try to curb that propensity amounting to a mania for scandalous statements, otherwise one of these days, you are going to do it un-anonymously and suffer for it – consider that a friendly and non-threatening bit of advice that you are at prefect liberty to take, or not. You also appear to speculate on the matter of the wife and son being appointed when I have already said that Aurelius had made his own arrangements for his care in the event of his being incompetent. Might I remind you that there are two (02) sons and one (01) daughter. Why would you think that the elder of the two should be passed over by a judge in favour of the younger or the daughter?

    @Sargeant. Question about transferring property. The answer is that it depends. Simplistically, whoever owns the property or is in the position of trustee for the property, has the right to transfer it. If they both have rights in the property and one wants to sell and the other not, then the one that wants to sell must first offer the property to the other. If that is done, and the offer to purchase refused, then the property can be sold to a third party. A divorce settlement is a completely separate issue and I think you are mixing the two.

    @Simple Simon. A lot of questions to which I am convinced you already know the answer, so I will restrict myself to just two. Wives are next of kin of course, however you can assign the authority for your care and your assets to someone else, whether they are related to you or not. Does a man keep a wife 50+ years unless he likes/loves her, you ask. Depends. These days, not usually, unless there are other factors in play like she is rich and is supporting you or the negative effect on the children or your parents will not leave you their fortune if you divorce or it is a marriage of convenience etc. But the most important is that there are also some who, having taken the vows of marriage, consider it an unbreakable contract between God and themselves – so while they can do nothing if the other party sues for divorce, they themselves will not initiate it nor break their marriage vows. In my experience in such circumstances, it is chancy for the other spouse to sue, as it gives the God-fearing one the right to respond in a manner that might well adversely affect or even negate any divorce settlement they might try to claim. However, nothing like that is before us and I have digressed and merely answered those two questions just in case you really needed the information, which I am damned sure you already had. Primogeniture, by the way, only existed in cases of intestacy, but was done away with in those cases in, if memory serves, 1975. So, in fact if your parents passed away post 1975, your sibling had no right to expect that it would apply. All the siblings would have benefited equally had your parents not left a will if, of course, they died post 1975.

    I reiterate that I am NOT Hal Gollop nor am I Vernon Smith nor am I an agent of either. And I really don’t give a rat’s ass whether Mr Smith Jr believe me or not.

  26. Wuh 4 O’clock almost here….
    Bushie done draft the apology for Amused as per 11:35 AM…. just waiting for the claimed offending reference to insert in the text of the apology …..

    ….and not a word yet from the fella….he mussee gone church yuh…

    Or is this a big-foot trick to get Bushie to hush up until 4.00 anyway…?

    @ Halvern
    …boss you don’t bother bout no foreplay …or warmup …or nothing so…
    You gone straight for the thing….
    Count Bushie outka dat bozie ….
    Bushie like NUFF foreplay …. sometime yuh does have to get up and run ….after some of the things you discover during that process….

    …besides Amused was just about to give the Bushman some guidance about how he can go about leaving some stuff for Simple Simon …instead of the Bush gal….

    …now Bushie gotta wait fuh ‘Lawyer on call’ tuh get an answer….

  27. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie


  28. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Sure, some of us will pontificate and try to bamboozle others with such high-sounding latin expressions as ‘corpus delicti’, ‘mens rea’, ‘actus reus’, ‘res ipsa loquitur’ etc.”

    Lol…..Pied, pretty basic definitions when studying the law, but can nevertheless be used to confuse who do not know…..but google has changed all of that.

  29. @Jeff Cumberbatch,

    I am shocked and saddened by what I am reading .

  30. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Amused…just give me a minute to answer ya, still reading and Halvern Golpsmith got me good. lol

  31. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Jeff, you are a bro with quite the turn of phrase…”…she accuses certain individuals of incitement to murder coupled with Brathwaite’s assault on Stokes in Kolkata is too much for one day…”

    MURDA, all bout de place.

    But seriously though. I really wonder what you and your legal colleagues really make of all this.

    Let’s forget the wild speculations about murder – although if this was a CSI or FBI-BU case, we all know where the principal investigation would be targeted- and focus on the alleged actions of these men of silk in your profession.

    Coupled with the scalding that these two gentlemen took from the CCJ and the simple actions of gross legal delinquency they are alleged to have perpetrated on ‘Joe Physics’ Smith I do wonder about your profession, my good sir. Back to that class on ethics again. LOL.

    re the legal profession in BIM, the smart wag who said: It s difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it” was spot on!

    So although my top graphic post are those re the murder of 16-year old Anna Druzhinina , I would agree that this is a very strong top contender.

    BTW, did anyone go and properly pad-up the change-room and surrounding areas…that lad Stokes liable to break both wrists and feet today after that slaughter.

    Will he ever bowl another final over again….oh lawd!

  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Amused…I want to do this is sequence so it’s well understood, ya see, I am one bitch none of you on Barbados want to mess with.

    Why is it none of you can get to overturn Justice Alleyne’s decision, re the wife and son….and if no one else besides another lawyer could understand why I asked that question,,, I know you understand why.

    I will now read your second paragraph….and I hope Halpern does not have to bring you oranges at Dodds.

  33. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Halvern Golpsmith;

    A name to conjure with.


  34. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    I don’t know about anybody else but I am shamelessly partial to Barbadians. I have never understood how we as Bajans constantly discount our own. As a boy I stood in Queens Park and heard a crowd of Bajan men seeking to convince who would listen that Bernard Julien was a better all rounder than who was at that time Garry Sobers. Right now the way I feel I was telling some friends of mine that we should start a Carlos Brathwaite for Prime Minister campaign, but then I tell myself there aint no real glory in replacing GEAR BOX. Don’t know about anybody else but the name STUART at this present time pales in comparison to HOLDER, MATHEWS or BRATHWAITE. They have done us proud. The other? HARM

  35. @Amused

    What are really saying here:

    Might I remind you that there are two (02) sons and one (01) daughter. Why would you think that the elder of the two should be passed over by a judge in favour of the younger or the daughter?

    that the siblings are not as one on this matter?

  36. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    So Amused…I am married to you for 50+ years, obviously there will be community property involved,…. you have lost your faculties, but I aint lost mine…remember, you the one alluded to joint property in the Smith’s case. Which means if ya brother get the nerve to come to my house, remember joint property, to tell me it’s none of my business re the property and my husband who has lost his faculties is not able to handle any situation or your brother try to question my husband outside of my presence, remember the judhe already ruled on that and you Vrrnon and his sidekick is totally ignoring the decision; or your brother make him sign anything or threaten me in anyway, or invite police to my house who had no right being there…….well simple is a lins girl, but I would rock your brother’s world with my glock…hypothetically speaking of course.

    Ya see, if Marcelle was like me, she would be alive, despite her age and the little creep who killed her, would be lying peacefully in his hole.

  37. HEY AMUSED….Auri Smith was already suffering from dementia in 2014, he gave no one permission to come to his house. You may not be Gollop or Smith but there is more to you than meets the eye, or should I say rat’s ass.

  38. It seems Aurelius is a magnet for controversy. Was it Aurelius who confronted then Billie Miller all those years ago?

  39. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Amused…….remember the judge already ruled on that matter of who is in control of Aurie and properties and you, Vernon and his sidekick Gollop continue to totally ignore the judge’s decision, as too many lawyers in Barbados love to do; or your brother make my husband sign anything or threaten me in anyway, or invite police to my house who had no right being there…

  40. bush shit i am pleased to see that you have use the moniker ac to tar brush and bambozzled the intelligentia in the BU classroom into a defensive posture with a closed mouth HA! HA!
    Unlike them ac would not let up on kicking you in the groin when and wherever possible.

  41. @David. Dame Rumour, of whose services I will now avail myself since everyone else is, posits that the one has written or phoned the other telling him that he is no longer a member of the family. Now, not being a member of the family myself (or a Gollop for that matter) I have no clue why this would be, if indeed it is. Perhaps Mr “Golbsmith” would care to enlighten us, bearing in mind that if this is the case, there may well be records out there just waiting to make an appearance.

    @Well well. Save your threats. They don’t impress me at all. I gave you some friendly and non-threatening advice. Take it or not as you see fit.

    @Bushie. I always thought that apologies between you and me were totally unnecessary. You and I are going to agree and disagree till the cows come home. It is fun. We both enjoy it and are consenting adults – no harm no foul. In the same way that some people enjoy whipping and biting.

  42. @Amused
    Might I remind you that there are two (02) sons and one (01) daughter. Why would you think that the elder of the two should be passed over by a judge in favour of the younger or the daughter
    I have heard that one of the basic tenets of cross examination is to never ask a question to which you do not know the answer and surely you know the answer to that one. If that question was put to a witness depending on which side of the fence he was sitting one of your learned colleagues would object “Don’t answer that it calls for speculation” but I am not a lawyer, just a keyboard warrior (not even a Sargeant). Isn’t the judge supposed to rule on what is before him/her?

  43. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Me threaten you…I thought you were threatening me. Amused, I sincerely hope you are not a corrupt attorney, I am not getting that vibe from you, but I want you to know that the corrupt ones can only do what they do in Barbados, they do not control anything outside the island, they are nothing outside, a dime for 2 dozen..nothing, for what you dont know people outside of Barbados are working on those same demons who think they are all powerful on the island.

    I am one person who want to see them brought and and brought down they will be, no amount of knowledge of the law can save them….none.

    And again, they aint shit outside the island, that’s their comfort zone…step out of that zone and they are nothing but targets…feel me.

  44. @Amused

    With all the unsupported allegation/speculation back and forth what is the next development in this case likely to be?

  45. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    You are really amusing. I say no more.

  46. Amused, any power of attorney is invalid, once the person is incapacitated, as the documents show, the Family was granted a receivership.

    Doesn’t matter what came before, Hal Gollop’s letter aims to overturn the receivership. One has to ask why?????

    There are many in Barbados no doubt like yourself who run around waving a worthless power of attorney piece of paper , knowing that it would not withstand a legal challenge.

    Hal Gollop was Ince’s lawyer, at some point , how is it that the lawyer for the man accused of killing Marcelle, wants to control her incapicated Husband’s estate. why???

    Marcelle’s body was found in a location where it was never meant to be located. These details in any country with a properly functioning system would set off alarms to law enforcement.

    It was also featured in Barbadostoday that the Hal Gollop and Vernon Smith proceedings Vis-a-vis the Leroy Paris/Clico case are happening in closed door sessions. why??

  47. @sbvP2G2

    Interesting statement:

    There are many in Barbados no doubt like yourself who run around waving a worthless power of attorney piece of paper , knowing that it would not withstand a legal challenge.

    A reminder the government of Barbados ignored the Barrack Court Order for years.

  48. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    There is another job for Chief Justice Marston Gibson, rectifying these wrongs by attorneys and the governments, often the biggest culprits of ignoring judge’s decisions. ..just plain ignoring any judgements from judges, like they are not valid, the lawyers are very disrespectful of what judges say, they are ignored, too many lawyers do this, it has to come to an end….everyone is watching.

    Insurance companies ignore judge’s decisions and judgements to pay claimants, an easy process should be implemented and enforced at the supreme court that once the claimant is not compensated at a reasonable time, the claimant can have a lien placed on and the goddamn insurance building sold for the amount owed. Very few lawyers and insurance companies have any respect for the judges, that needs to stop….what’s the use of having judges if their judgements and decisions are being blatantly disrespected by the same disgusting people, over and over.

  49. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    We should not even mention the police force in this….why, what can they do, it’s easy for the usual suspects to get over them.

  50. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @ sbvP2G2 at 3:43 PM #The other day a relative of mine told me that they want me to be the executor of their will and so on…thus I reading all of this stuff real seriously to understand these matters as I ain’t no lawyer.

    Now you seem to be proficient in this area (lawyer or otherwise) so do clarify for me how you could make the sweeping statement that “There are many in Barbados …who run around waving a worthless power of attorney piece of paper , knowing that it would not withstand a legal challenge.”

    How can a real and valid ‘power of attorney’ doc become null and void, just so?

    That doc and the receivership to which you refer are separate items issued in very different circumstances.

    Maybe in this case the PoA is not applicable but you certainly can’t state so glibly that its invalid in all cases where – as you are suggesting- the person issuing same subsequently becomes mentally incapacitated.

    –2 Unfortunately this is an ‘incestuous’ policing jurisdiction and the legal community seem to cleave together rather admirably to protect their privilege and prestige.

    In most other jurisdictions with strong standards of justice or just with people demanding accountability the release of this information would have created a major ethical dilemma for Hal Gollop and thus his government sponsors.

    It would have been the proverbial circus…and he would have been asked to step off his high-wire at least temporarily!

    The small matter you raised re the nexus between him and the accused would be a clarion call for a transparent review of their relations in recent times and given pause when considered in the context of the overall matter; the coincidences paint a troubling circumstantial picture.

    But on the other hand his defense would argue that it would be rather stupid (asinine, even) for him to be involved with a former client to whom he can be so easily linked.

    But, then again in the criminal (and legal) world they call those things, bluff and double bluff…

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