Prime Minister Mia Mottley shows off a Kensington Oval ready for T20 World Cup
Submitted by Artaxerxes
Golden Square Market Stall 3
Golden Square Market Stall 3

Here are photographs of the stalls located at the Golden Square Market on Probyn Street that were built for vendors who were to be relocated to this site from from the old Fairchild Street market.You would notice that they are being stripped of doors, windows and certain utility fittings read vandalized. You should also note also the stalls were constructed with taxpayers dollars. The disregard for the public till in this case is reminiscent of tax dollars spent on public housing across the island where many houses have been unoccupied for years and are at various stages of rot.

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42 responses to “Golden Square Market: Tax dollars in Hole”

  1. Just the beginning..! All those newly affordable housing complexes built by the Government that nobody lives in will be next..! …and quite rightly so!

  2. Really don,t know why the blp foot soldiers try so hard to demonise present govt. Afterall the skeletons of overruns and mismanagement left behind by the fourteen year blp govt is enough to make a grown man cry much of what has been passed on to present govt and taxpayers.

  3. Chuckle………..Has this ever happened in Bim either in D or B times and more to the point should it happen?

  4. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Vincent Haynes January 11, 2016 at 1:47 PM

    That’s what you call the Westminster system of governance in action. There is nothing fundamentally wrong (“flawed” to use your word) with the Westminster system as you alluded to in a previous post.

    It’s irrelevance to Barbados is not with the system per se but more with the irreverently stupid monkeys handling the guns of governance. Michael Carry-away-a-ton is the epitome of immorality and unabashed disdain for the public that undermine the Westminster circus performing in Bim.

  5. @millertheanunnaki January 11, 2016 at 2:15 PM #

    I agree with you………it is based on convention………doing the right thing.

    The reason I say flawed is that we have no conventions to fall back on,nor do we know what is right,so its flaw lies in the fact that it is not suited for us.

  6. By your comments you seem to be suggesting that, since the former BLP administration has been accused of engaging in “cost over-runs,” it gives the DLP the right to waste taxes as well. This goes to show what stupid political jackass yard-fowls you are.

    Richard Byer charging Caves of Barbados over $700,000 to give a legal opinion on a contract, a similar service attracted a fee of $17,000) can be considered as a “cost over-run.”

    Surely you must agree that this DLP administration has DONE ENOUGH to DEMONIZE ITSELF and these once newly built, but now dilapidated stalls only serve to “add brimstone to the fire.”

    It’s a pity, however, that after 8 years at the helm of government, the DEMS and their yard-fowls are still referring to “cost over-runs,” but have not found it necessary to investigate these allegations (on behalf of TAX PAYERS and in the interest OF JUSTICE, TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY) so the police could arrest and charge any former BLP minister who engaged in that activity.

    These dilapidated stalls are proof that the BLP and DLP are both cut from the same cloth since the STATUS QUO REMAINS the SAME.

  7. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    Glad ya’ll getting exposed AC, you yardfowls and your dangerous and viciously self centred politicians have played the taxpayers for fools long enough….4 decades…DBLP scam artists and their yardfowls…down with ya’ll

  8. @Well Well Vincent and Artra.
    What these pictures show is the degree of decadence the PEOPLE descend to. The stalls were built brand new, to accommodate the vendors who were supposed to demit the old market when the Asbestos roof was taken down. The vendors in the main, refused to use the stalls, and then the marijuana dealers and smokers, the thieves crooks and criminals from the environs of Nelson street and nearby ruined them. I am sure that none of them thought for one moment of the money and effort that was made constructing these facilities. I have written many times of the indiscipline rampant in this society. And this is the type of society that Well Well would encourage and support, because she has sympathy, empathy and support for drug smokers and dealers.Why are you blaming the politicians?The stalls were NOT dilapidated when they were constructed and have NOTHING to do with the political parties. It has to do with the tiefing low lifers we have as citizens.Check out some of the buildings in Nelson Street that have fallen into disrepair. Check out Ashby Alley, Queen Street and its environs.This is the Ghetto, what else do you expect? And talking of Cost over-runs…there is a prison…..

  9. “ac January 11, 2016 at 1:43 PM #

    Really don,t know why the blp foot soldiers try so hard to demonise present govt. Afterall the skeletons of overruns and mismanagement left behind by the fourteen year blp govt is enough to make a grown man cry much of what has been passed on to present govt and taxpayers.”

    Let me once more refer you to page one of the Weekend NATION of February 14, 2014 and I quote

    On page three under the title
    We’re to Blame.

    That was the admission of embattled Minister of Agriculture Dr David Estwick to Prime Minister Freundel Stuart when he addressed his boss and fellow Cabinet colleagues at Government Headquarters yesterday.

    it was the opportunity he had insisted on having and he took his time to detail the mistakes made by the present Government. Estwick observed that the pet DLP social projects – free bus rides for school children, summer camps and the creation of constituency councils – “should not be introduced when your revenue is declining and you have no way of knowing the duration of the recession.”

    He rejected the lay off of civil servants as a method of saving the economy, saying; “Prime Minister, retrenchment is not a policy! it is an action of last resort because of failed policies.”

    In outlining how the economy got into difficulties. Estwick said the DLPs first budget in 2008 was created during the estimates cycle that started in October 2007 and was therefore set pre-crisis. Yet, he added, no adjustments were made to those Estimates to reflect the negative impact of the recession on the major drivers of the economy.

    As a result, said the St. Philip West Representative the Government spent money based on those Estimates and at the same time did not realise the expected projected revenue projected, with a resulting worsening of the fiscal deficit on the current account.

    As far as I am aware the above statements by Estwick were never challenged or rejected by his Cabinet colleagues.

  10. @Alvin Cummins January 11, 2016 at 6:51 PM #

    Chuckle……..Governance dear boy,its all about management.

  11. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    Alvin…stop mixing me up in ya’ll nastiness, that is the same lowlife drug dealers, pimps etc DBLP use to recruit yardfowls to vote for them, to share out the marijuana and ipads prior to election day, to share out hundred dollar bills to buy votes…don’t get me started and if you want to talk about the same lowlives, why don’t you talk of the bigger population of the same type of drug users, dealers etc in Canada, or are you slithering around Barbados telling Bajans who don’t know any better that those types of people don’t exist there, you are slimy enough.

    Try using commense next time to read my post, my empathy and sympathy lies with the people whom your DBLP are robbing of access to clean potable water as well as those who are suffering from pain and are not allowed access to medical marijuana….you are only vex because AG Adriel Brathwaite did not consult with you before saying that he had no problem and already stated that anyone held with a nickle bag should not be locked up……and why should he consult with you Alvin, you are only one yardfowl, no one of significance in the grand scheme of things.

  12. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    And besides DBLP politicians are just as destructives as the paros, drug dealers etc, leaving all those buildings along Baystreet to fall in and burn down, maybe if the politiciansk new how to set a good example as real leaders, the people would also follow a positive lead and not mimic the destructiveness and destructive ways of DBLP politicians….ha!

  13. Oh dear balance for every one of Dr. Estwick speeches pertaining to present govt policies where u try to use such as an example of proof to govt failures i can present ten times as many speech presented by Dr. Eswtick where he has on numerous occasion lambasted the Blp economic policies.
    Here u go on and political fishing expedition using little or no bait to haul in a whale . bro u need to learn to pick sense outta nonsense

  14. Alvin Cummins January 11, 2016 at 6:51 PM #

    “The stalls were NOT dilapidated when they were constructed and have NOTHING to do with the political parties. It has to do with the tiefing low lifers we have as citizens. Check out some of the buildings in Nelson Street that have fallen into disrepair. Check out Ashby Alley, Queen Street and its environs. This is the Ghetto, what else do you expect?”

    Cummins, as I wrote in a previous post, judging from your responses to certain issues, one can safely assume that either you do not read the news, you purposely make yourself unaware of certain events unfolding in Barbados because of the embarrassing position in which it places the DLP or you deliberately interpret news to suit your political bias.

    No, Cummins, you are ERRONEOUS in suggesting that “The vendors in the main, refused to use the stalls….”

    Those stalls were PARTIALLY BUILT and ABANDONED by this DLP administration approximately five years ago.

    Under these circumstances, are you prepared to inform BU how the VENDORS were supposed to USE INCOMPLETED stalls?

    They should have been COMPLETED and given to those individuals FOR WHOM THEY WERE INTENDED, or consideration should have been given to SECURING THEM, since they are the property of the Crown.

    Obviously, as is done with property that has been abandoned in ANY LOCATION within Barbados, without proper security, the property remained “susceptible” to vandalism.

    So YES, Cummins…… it has SOMETHING to do with the members of this DLP administration. They are culprits who APPROVED THEIR CONSTRUCTION and SUBSEQUENTLY SANCTIONED THEIR ABANDONMENT.


    “And talking of Cost over-runs…there is a prison…..”

    The DLP had 8 years to investigate, conduct a commission of inquiry or could have mandated the Office of the Auditor General or subcontract the services of forensic auditors to conduct a special audit of all the financial transactions and contractual obligations relative to the construction of HM Dodd’s Prison. If financial infelicities were discovered, the government could have used this evidence as a basis to PROSECUTE those persons involved.

    However, since government has refused or neglected to pursue these options in a quest for TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY, then talk about HM Dodd’s Prison “over-runs” must be DISMISSED as DLP RHETORICAL POLITICAL DIATRIBE.

  15. Alvin Cummins January 11, 2016 at 6:51 PM #

    “…………… the marijuana dealers and smokers, the thieves crooks and criminals from the environs of Nelson street and nearby” “Ashby Alley, Queen Street and its environs. This is the Ghetto, what else do you expect?”

    I hope voters residing in the areas you alluded to in your above comments read BU to discover what you think and how you characterize them.

    When election time comes around, I guess “the marijuana dealers and smokers, the thieves, crooks and criminals from the environs of Nelson Street” would then be characterized as decent voters only because the DLP wants to solicit their votes.

    If Patrick Todd decides to “run” for the City in the next general elections, for his sake, I hope you do not have anything to do with his campaign. Because if I was a resident of those areas, when you and Todd come around campaigning, I would rudely ask the entire entourage to leave my premises.

  16. “Oh dear balance for every one of Dr. Estwick speeches pertaining to present govt policies where u try to use such as an example of proof to govt failures”

    Oh No sir/madam I am not trying to prove anything -just trying to show you where the mismanagement of the economy lie according to your Former Minister of Economic Affairs and principal spokesman for the DLP on economic matters for over ten years.

  17. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    Alvin would be up front in soliciting votes from those he now labels drug dealers, marijuana users, thieves, etc come next general elections, anything to foist destruction and misery on his own people, that’s the nature of that beast. Since he is well known by sight, all the same people he is on here denigrating tonight have to do is wait patiently for him to slither into their neighborhoods and chase him out. He totally forgot that those were the same people DBLP used shamelessly to accumulate votes by recruiting other members of the same communities by all types of disgusting and illegal means, last elections……..that hypocrite.

    I was not in the island in 2012 or early 2013, but people are still quite vocal about the methods used by DBLP.

  18. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    The politicians themselves are too low rent, they only remember these same people they help to marginalize, around election time, just to use them to be reelected, all other times, the only people the politicians want to see to perpetrate their false status are the cows, bizzys, bjerkhams etc….how lowlife and bottomfeeding is that, all other times they are hot to arrest these people, would not even want to be seen speaking to them……but want their votes and to use them as recruiters, pimps and distributors of vote buying money.

  19. @Arta, Well Well and Balance.
    Well Well, Your juxtaposition of D and B in your discussions about the behaviours of DBLP. serves as an indictment of both parties. So when you criticize the DLP you are attaching the same”sins” to the BLP. Not true? That type of thinking displays a particular type of confusion, deliberate or intended to confuse those wh do not know differently. So please be specific. If you want to criticize the DLP, be bold and do so. If the BlP BE BOLD AND DO SO. DO NOT CONJOIN THEM. Now, despite your best efforts thieves and criminals; that exists in all strata, cannot be divorced from the type of vandalism spoken about. Vandals exist in every society; in Canada, the U.S. and everywhere else, but to try and blame the politicians for the vandalism at the stalls, finished or unfinished, is to stoop to a level that borders on desperation. The area is within the constituency (“owned”?) by the member who is a BLP:and a Colonel to boot, and is his responsibility. Question, do these people really vote though? Have to check with the electoral commission to see the proportion ov votes cast by them. Are you sure that the people who are so vocal are speaking the truth? You have said that politicians are ayers so we have to discount their mouthing, so since you were not here how can you verify the mouthing of others? I deal in specifics, not rumour and innuendo.
    Balance the types of vandalism perpetrated are perpetrated by persons under any administration. The desire and decision to act that way is all in their heads. They want some money to buy a bag of drugs, there is a window in the stall, so they go, pipit out, sell it to someone of like thinking, get their moment of “high” and look for another window. Marijuana perpetuates this type of thinking. And Well Well wants to legalize it. Like thinking.

    Arta, Because Barbados, and its politicians are right thinking people, Vandals have the freedom to be vandals, without fearing the heavy hand of Dictatorship. The Vendors in the
    Fairchild market would have been FORCED, in some other societies, to move into that space. The area would have been fenced off; Frnces coming right up to the street, and NO Vending permitted at all, with heavy enforcement. But the vendors protested; even at the partial fencing off, and the government acquiesced. If that is mismanagement, then the DLP stands accused, and must take the blame. But we ;one in a peaceful and accommodating democracy. On another note…rhe costs were brought to the house by the then Attorney General…somewhere in the area of 90 million dollars (turned out to be US dollars, but the overall costs ended up somewhere in the vicinity of 400 mullion? Don’t bother to correct me because according to you I am usually wrong.

  20. @ Alvin

    “The Vendors in the Fairchild market would have been FORCED, in some other societies, to move into that space.”

    Perhaps your above comments are correct. However, I’m sure those societies would have ensured the stalls were COMPLETED.

    In the event they were partially constructed, as is the case in this situation, “The area would have been fenced off; Fences coming right up to the street,” so as prevent the “Vandals (having) the freedom to be vandals.”

    So, I agree with you, “that is mismanagement, then the DLP stands accused, and must take the blame.”


    Alvin, Alvin, Alvin………. It does not matter if the costs were $90M or $400M, the important issue here is that the DLP recognized and spoke about these “cost over-runs.” Therefore, in the interest of JUSTICE, TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY, you should encourage the DEMS to use this EVIDENCE to make the relevant politicians accountable and liable for the alleged financial infelicities.

    Since the DEMS have not done anything, but talk nuff shiite about this issue, we could conclude, by their non-action, that the DEMS are ACCESSORIES AFTER the FACT.

  21. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    Alvin……I say DBLP because they are one and the same and interchangeable, don’t try to draw me into a discussion about who did or did not do what, I am not yardfowl material and would get all ya’ll locked up, happily… both DBLP are infested with fleas, ticks and parasites, most of whom are sucking the lifeblood of the taxpayers, no more explanation necessary.

  22. During the presentation of the last budget, Sinckler announced that the VAT registration threshold will be increased from BDS$80,000 to BDS$200,000. This means that those business owners whose gross income was $80,000 per annum, no longer have to file VAT returns.

    Since January 04, 2016, I have been trying, on behalf of clients, to enquire about the procedures registrants will have to undertake if their income is less than $200,000 per annum. So far, I have been unable to receive any definitive answers, because it seems as though no one in the BRA is aware what should be done.

    One employee suggested I complete an application for the cancellation of VAT registration and submit it together with the VAT certificate to the BRA.

    Unfortunately, the business owners cannot cease filing VAT returns, but must continue the process, even though their income is below the VAT threshold, and will have to wait until they receive notification from the BRA that they have been deregistered.

    Ironically, Donville Inniss’ favourite phrases are “bring solutions” and “it can’t be business as usual.” This DLP administration should heed the words of Inniss, because with the DEMS and policy implantation……… “it’s business as usual” and they definitely “need solutions.”

  23. @
    well Well,
    I am glad you acknowledged that you are referring to both political parties, but you have to be specific, because it is only the DLP that is in power. Are you holding the BLP responsible for what the DLP is doing? I know you are not, so stop trying to confuse the readers.

    Arta; The Public Accounts Committee is under the aegis of the Opposition chairmanship. It is their function to examine infelicities in the government. However they cannot be expected to examine their own behaviours. They can’t. Game drawn. You speak of business owners filing VAT returns; does this also mean payment of funds into the government coffers?
    Surely the Chamber of Commerce can request and obtain official answers, on behalf of companies. What is their function?Can’t you get answers through them? Don’t they know?January 4th was less than seven working days ago. Should I try on your behalf?On another note; the stalls WERE completed, and some vendors used them. However, like what took place at the Cheapside market, when they noticed that some vendors did NOT move out of the Fairchild spaces, and thus provided unfair competition, they moved right back in, and abandoned the Probyn stalls. You went down by Cheapside recently? Many of the vendors who were inside have moved back outside, because other vendors were allowed to set up stalls outside. The Markets Division is responsible for that area, not the Minister, but the Market Managers do not have the courage to do their work, as they should, and refuse to MANAGE their departments and responsibilities, and so we have the perpetuation of the indiscipline I refer to. It is no sense putting up signs, they either can’t read the signs or just simply ignore them.

    If it were up to me, I would enforce the necessary discipline, but then, Well Well would be after me “for taking advantage of the poor vendors, who have no money, and have been downtrodden for so long.” As she would say, “It goes back to the days of slavery, so leave them alone,” and she would point out how heartless I am toward my own people.
    So Arta…stop complaining, it is due to slavery. That’s why we have the indiscipline in the ZR stand and the emergence of more indiscipline.

  24. Well Well & Consequences2I Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2I

    Alvin….you have finally reached the point of making no sense at all, it was just a matter of time.

    Your first 2 sentences and last 2 said it all, no need to read the rest, it would be bore me. Good luck using marijuana to buy votes come next elections. I hope to hear people chase your deceitful tail out of their neighborhoods when you slither in talking about canvassing. Ya can only be a pimp and yardfowl for so long and then ya have to give that up also…..everything is but for a time.

  25. @ Alvin

    Yes, I agree that “the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is under the aegis of the Opposition chairmanship and its function is to examine infelicities in the government.”

    However, when HM Dodd’s Prison was under construction and officially opened, the DLP was the OFFICIAL OPPOSITION of Barbados, and as such, David Thompson, being LEADER of the opposition, was CHAIRMAN of the PAC.

    Rather than exercise his duties as chairman of the PAC and conduct an investigation into the arrangements surrounding construction of the prison, Thompson preferred to speak about cost over runs at campaign meetings for electioneering purposes.


  26. @ Alvin

    As it relates to the stalls, YOU ARE INCORRECT.

    Mr. Cummins, I have been frequenting that location from the time the vendors were relocated as well as attending karaoke in the Golden Square Market EVERY Friday afternoon from the time it began about SEVEN YEARS AGO, and unless I had reason to be overseas, was sick, at UWI or had important business projects to complete. And I does be out dey sometimes during the week. I use the time to relax and drink a few AmBev beers.

    I can WRITE on this ISSUE with “AUTHORITY,” since I knew when those stalls were being constructed. Perhaps your source has been “feeding” you with the wrong information. I am NOT writing from “hear say.”

    The stalls built on the OUTER PERIMETER of the Golden Square Market that are now being vandalized, were NEVER COMPLETED nor were they EVER OCCUPIED by VENDORS.

    The government built the TEMPORARY Golden Square Market on the site that was once occupied by the “Plaza Cinema,” to relocate vendors who sold inside the old Fairchild Street Market, which was to be demolished.

    Golden Square food court consists of 18 stalls. Stall #1 is occupied by Skeete; #2 and #3 are unoccupied; #4, Julia, who sells one of the best tasting souse in Barbados; #5 = David; #6 = Evette (no “Y”); #7 & 8 = Dan Reid; #9 & 10 are occupied by Lynette and her daughter; #11 = a Guyanese who is sub-letting; #12 & 13 = Ann, who sells clothes; #14 & 15 = Angela, who sells drinks as well as make and sell kites; #16 = Tyrone; #17 = Janice and #18 is Della, one of the original food vendors from the old FSM.

    To the front of the food court, spaces were allocated for other vendors, while air conditioned facilities and a commercial freezer were built adjacent to the open area, to accommodate the butchers.

    You cahn tell me nuttun ‘bout out dey, I know out dey good uh nuff.

    A few food and beverage vendors were FORCED to remain on the site of the old FSM, because the stalls were not completed. These vendors include Pat, Janice and about 5 or 6 others, as well as the shoe makers. ALL OTHERS ARE GUYANESE.

    The situation that prevails in that area is one that has seen Guyanese building ILLEGAL STALLS and SELLING food and drinks ILLEGALLY. During early December last year, the police carried out an operation in that vicinity and made those vendors who did not have the appropriate licenses close their business. However, later in the night many of them reopened.

    Cummins, MANY of the vendors selling in front of the Cheapside Market are GUYANESE. Is it fair that Bajans are renting spaces in that market while Guyanese ply their trade outside for free?

  27. Arta, In my last submission you would have read where I pointed out that the Markets Division is responsible for overseeing the Markets. You would also have read that the supervisors are not doing their job. They should be fired. Are you sure you are not mixing up the Bus stand; (Fairchild) with its stalls for commuters to purchase things? Karaoke is carried on there, and the number of activities conducted there support your assertions, but the spaces at the Golden square do not agree. Yes that is on the site of the old Plaza, but the spaces behind the statue of Clement Payne are not occupied; they were forA SHORT TIME. I HAVE BOUGHT VEGETABLES THERE, but they were mostly abandoned. But if you say that so many are now occupied, how were vandals able to mistreat them so?

  28. Mr. Cummins, PLEASE DON’T BE STUPID! Are you trying to INSULT my intelligence by implying I don’t know the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN the LOCATION of the FAIRCHILD STREET TERMINAL and the SITE of the former PLAZA CINEMA?

    The Golden Square Market is LOCATED on the SITE of the former Plaza Cinema, with the Fire Station being next door. The entire compound is fenced and has been OCCUPIED by vendors since the market was opened to accommodate them. KARAOKE is HELD in the FOOD COURT EVERY FRIDAY, except when it’s a bank holiday, it would be held on the Thursday.

    YOU ARE A LIAR, you could NOT have bought vegetables from ANYONE in ANY SPACE BEHIND the Clement Payne statue, because STALLS WERE NEVER LOCATED there nor were SPACES allocated to vendors.

    The stalls that were vandalized are located adjacent to the Golden Square Market behind the Methodist church. In other words, JORDAN’S LANE seperates the Golden Square Market and the stalls abandoned by the government.

    Anyhow, I will solve the argument by submitting photographs to BU to substantiate my point. But knowing you, you may suggest they were “photo shot” because you think YOU MUST ALWAYS BE CORRECT.

  29. Arta…
    Photo shop.

  30. Thanks for the correction.


  32. Well Well & Consequences2I Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2I

    Art…..waste not your energy on Alvin, Estwick just proved him to be a liar and not having the best interests of Bajans at heart, particularly the ones suffering for water, he got on here lying about the aquifier, speaking for the government, but here is what Estwick said……and I quote

    “He gave the assurance that all was not lost in spite of the anxiety and anguish that had arisen from the water outages, revealing that there were still some aquifers that the BWA had not appropriately tapped, which would be put to use shortly.

    “We also have some other options that we are finding with some significant water and aquifers that have not been fully utilized,” the Minister of Water Resource Management explained.”

    One wonders why all of this could not have been done by DBLP governments before, before, before….and what do the people do for water in the meantime.

  33. Well Well & Consequences2I Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2I

    All these dangerous issues government ministers refuse to address….until something happens.

  34. @ Arta…
    You wrote “…To the front of the food court, spaces were allocated for other vendors, while air conditioned facilities and a commercial freezer were built adjacent to the open area, to accommodate the butchers.
    This is where I bought my vegetables a little while ago, and I knew I was correct when I answered your submission. I am not a liar. I HAD to visit that area again this morning to satisfy myself that I was right.
    I grew up in that area. I went to church, Sunday school; learned to ride a bike in the church yard, bought lead pipes from the little window behind Gwen Workman’s shop, and sat in the Pit at the Plaza (approximately where Clement Payne’s bust is), and watched the first Newsreel with Fidel Castro in the mountains of Cuba. The abandoned, and vandalized facilities you speak of were not the ones intended for the vendors IN the FSM. Those were moved into the Food Court. Are you a good Karaoke singer by the way? If Guyanese vendors are occupying space and vending illegally, then appropriate action by the authorities should be taken. But we all know that if they moved in with the heavy hand of the law, people like Well Would be crying about the lack of an understanding for Caribbean Unity, and shouting out that they are our black brothers, and how anti-foreigners we are etc. etc. Remember the hue and cry over the Myrie case? Well Well was one of those on the government’s back
    And Well,Well, Government has taken action, and is still taking action to alleviate the situation in such places. You will note the house referred to was abandoned and empty when it slipped. It is privately owned and the responsibility of the owner. The person whose guard wall; not house, was damaged should seek restitution from the owner. Government has no responsibility in this instance. Neither of them is government property, or on government lands. Don’t try to hold government responsible for everything. And I hope you listened well to what Dr, Estwick and the Manager of BWA said; especially with regard to the effects of El Nino. You should get a repeat. But then you would say it is rubbish and not listen. Just ike you don’t want to read through my “rubbish”, but there is wisdom in whaT I WRITE.

  35. @ Alvin

    I don’t sing at karaoke (actually I can’t sing), I sit, relax and enjoy the ambience.

    No, the vendors moved into the food court BEFORE the abandoned and vandalized facilities were built.

    Yes, I have to agree with you that “Guyanese vendors are occupying space and vending illegally, then appropriate action by the authorities should be taken.”

    It is UNFAIR, in my opinion, that illegal Guyanese vendors should be allowed to sell in front of the Cheapside market, especially against the background that Barbadians have to RENT spaces within the market.

    Another cause for concern is the fact that Guyanese have built stalls on the compound of the old FSM, some of whom are operating without the appropriate licenses, but are selling food and alcoholic beverages.

    The market authorities should investigate these matters.

  36. @Arta,
    I concur. The Market authorities are too lax, and too slack or too afraid to enforce the rules and regulations. The Manager of Markets, the supervisors, and the whole motley (no pun intended) crew should be subjected to disciplinary hearings themselves. They are not doing their job, and the whole Civil service is held up to ridicule. If more managers would do their jobs fully, and correctly a lot of problems could be solved.The self made stalls in the fairchild market is what crEATES THE GHETTO APPEARANCE AND ATMOSPHERE WHERE VANDALISM OCCURS AND IS CONDONED.

  37. Well Well & Consequences2I Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2I

    Hants….I see the the commenters. ..taxpayers..are telling off both parties…love it. lol

    That 59 cent loonie don’t sound good at all.

  38. @Hants,Global economic woes affect everyone. I wish the folks here in Barbados would understand that there are some circumstances over which you have no control,. As a consequence one has to do what the older people used to say, one has to learn ro cut and contrive. Canada will recover. Barbados too will recover, but it takes time and patience.
    Well Well I see you are beginning to understand world affairs. Why do you like it when politicians are being “told off”.?You don’t like a noise but you adore a riot!

  39. Well Well & Consequences2I Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2I

    Jackass Alvin….we all know what happened to Canada….does Barbados have oil.

  40. Well Well & Consequences2I Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2I

    Or oil sands. Does Barbados compete with other countries on the world’s oil market…..know it all.

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