Afra Raymond
Afra Raymond

In this provocative talk, Afra Raymond takes a deeper look at race and racism. He successfully uses the talk to place a new perspective on how we think about race […]

and its role in corruption.

Sobering commentary on the sad reality of how things happen or don’t happen in our society. The comparison with India and Nigeria make it all the more haunting. We have failed and we have to do better – Chip Sa Gomes


380 responses to “Is it Only White People Who Can be Racist?”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Racism is a learned behavior that has been practiced for centuries to gain, retain and maintain control, wealth etc over others, it has been and still is being used as a weapon. As with all learned behaviors and weapons it is used by the descendants of the creators and perpetrators as well as copied by those groups victimized by racism, against each other, because it seemed to have worked out so well for so many centuries for the perpetrators and their descendants.

    Of course, the descendants of the creators of racism realizing what was inevitable, by the 90’s coined a new phrase to protect themselves…….reverse racism. I always say, if there was no racism to begin with, there would be no need for reverse racism.

    That too, after centuries of use and misuse, has turned into a hot mess, proving that it’s an evil that should never have been invented, has no place in the present. and has the potential to bite the perpetrators. The ugliness is in seeing it still being practiced in the Caribbean, where the Caribbean leaders, lacking brain power and common sense see nothing wrong with the practice against their people, the one place that racism should be forever destroyed.

  2. In my view…!!! Racism stems from the majority…! Whites counts for 2:5% of the population, if that…! Only the majority in any given population can be described as racist… The minorities can only be prejudiced not racist…! Check the EUs law! Please enlighten me people!

  3. Racism is an emotional issue that is used as a hot button by those who lead the narratives in the country.

  4. @ Shaft
    Racism stems from the POWER BROKERS…
    One Man can be ‘racist’ – if he has the power to enforce it
    while a whole country of brass bowls can be victims….

    All it takes is a few bribes directed at the right political pimps….

  5. @ Shaft

    Let me see if I got your reasoning correctly.

    I was thinking how I could paraphrase what you said to make a point. I failed

    Yur fallacious argument would seem to suggest that, as long as a group of people are not in the majority, they cannot be racist?

    Where you went to school? Did you go there long? Did you attend classes at the school? on a regular basis? Can I assume that you are a Bajan White?

    You d know that the other Bajan Whites on this site are reading what you said and cringing in their boots per your stupid reasoning, dont you?

  6. Whuloss Bust Tea, we going gots to stop meeting like dis!!

    De nex ting you know dem gine say dat you and me went school together!! and dat we does go church together!!

  7. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lol….Shaft is trying to confuse the politicians, AC and Alvin.

  8. What really bothers me is how easily it is to become racist whether you are or not. Years ago being called one meant something now it seems inevitable so it doesn’t have the same stigma.

  9. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Practice makes perfect, Lawson. Those dudes in the US who started calling each other niggas made a mockery of it, then the young whites started calling each other niggas and really made it laughable, but, it’s still being practiced at a level that retains control, denigrates others and cause different groups to believe they can adopt the practice for personal gain.

  10. @ Lawson

    It is simply a matter of respect.

    It is an automatic thing really…white people who are not racially inclined NEVER, EVAH say “why I have a few friends that are coloured(s)”

    That is like me saying “some of the women that I had who were really good lovers used to snore, IN THE SAME SENTENCE”

    It is an interweaving of verbalized detail WHICH BY ITS VERY NATURE of incredulous juxtaposition brings focus to the remark, more particularly the genesis of the remark.

    Look I dont know you but you are a bajan white fellow.

    Actually, let me use that phrase to underscore my point.

    I did not use it intentionally, but it is a conditioned remark which in retrospect, rather self introspection, suggest a subliminal track and a marked verbal discrimination.

    When a white man comes in a group where his friend is black, and the group is black, if any of that group “attacks” his buddy, he “represents” through one or two words, “nigga chill” and the rest of us understand that the white boy has earned his stripes and is not to be ostracised or accosted or anything.

    Let my black donkey (speaking of which where is domps?) turn up by Cow and Ms Hoagie Xmas party and watch how the bubble of friendship is about 6 feet away from me!! You know Nick Bryan from Bryan’s funeral home? you evah been dere while he or his now deceased fadder treat dem nigga drivers?

    It is something that exists on both sides of the divide and the only factor that I or any black man can so easily revert to, Slavery, just over the “horizon”, stares me more readily in my face than it stares you.

    “Hitherto I had thought only slavery dreadful; but the state of a free negro appeared to me now equally so at least, and in some respects even worse, for they live in constant alarm for their liberty; and even this is but nominal, for they are universally insulted and plundered without the possibility of redress; for such is the equity of the West Indian laws, that no free negro’s evidence will be admitted in their courts of justice.” Olaudah Equiano shortly after gaining his freedom.

    But Lawson, as a nigger pun dis piece uh rock in 2015, tell me how “shortly” is that “shortly” for we, black men, are still universally insulted and plundered without the possibility of address, both by the white economically enfranchised massa pun dis heah rock AND de new House Nigga pimps (persons in my parliament) so called leaders of this rock.

    Lawson, de ole man gine gots to stay way from dese articles causing I be one angry black man so it ent fair to come here and “let us reason togedder”

  11. de Ingrunt Word Avatar

    David, as Raymond alluded to in his talk, your remark above is a a ‘nod and wink’. Cue, smile and LOLLL as the audience did.

    Although of course the hard-charging activist speaks as directly and forcefully to the same issue of politics, corrupted power and financial impropriety in his other essay/talks, this is the first Raymond piece in his last three surely and maybe his last whatever many that has generated a comment from anyone on BU.

    And all because of that emotive, hot-button issue. Inject the word racism and whaplax!

    I’ll say this, Mr Raymond is a brave and dedicated voice of change who speaks expertly, directly and eloquently to those in power. He is a Caribbean man whose substance should be followed, read and commented on always…but if he has to get attention by aligning his message to a hot topic then so be it.

    The T&T gov’t won an election with some serious talk of transparency and FOI and yet this new govt’ continues to maintain an legal appeal against Raymond for the case he won to release the details on the CL Financial/CLICO bailout.

    As Raymond states, the country being duped and power abused continues apace whether East-Indian Trinis or Afro-Trinis are in charge.

    That is the RACISM of which he speaks. Call it tribalism in Barbados or in Nigeria (of which he spoke) but as he says it’s the same ‘wrong number’ being called.

  12. Prejudice is prejudgment, or forming an opinion before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case. The word is often used to refer to preconceived, usually unfavorable, judgments toward people or a person because of gender, political opinion, social class, age, disability, religion, sexuality, race/ethnicity, language, nationality, or other personal characteristics. In this case, it refers to a positive or negative evaluation of another person based on their perceived group membership.[1] Prejudice can also refer to unfounded beliefs[2] and may include “any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence”.[3] Gordon Allport defined prejudice as a “feeling, favorable or unfavorable, toward a person or thing, prior to, or not based on, actual experience”.[4]


    It is all about being fearfull of the unknown and varying degrees of melanin gives one that opportunity as do the other factors as my copy from Wikipedia so aptly explains.

    The Caribbean is a good example of all the prejudices mentioned above,based on class,money and melanin content.

  13. A Scottish cop was asked how he would break up a crowd he said I would take up a collection.

    Why does a blackman cry during sex?……..the mace

    Which one is racist both? neither? or are they just funny

  14. In the Caribbean as in some other places,we have many individuals described as white who have ancestors from Africa who were slaves.

    The white and black thing is like comfort food for most bajans who in any case are all inter-related despite pigment……..they like it so.

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    De Word…I believe Raymond with his usual insight has recognized and able to visualize that racism, coupled with corruption, lies front and foremost as being the root problems, the tap root, confronting Caribbean people and successfuly impeding any progress. Can’t just look at the simplistic surface, one has to delve into the stinking, decaying belly.

  16. de Ingrunt Word December 8, 2015 at 8:04 AM #

    “As Raymond states, the country being duped and power abused continues apace whether East-Indian Trinis or Afro-Trinis are in charge. That is the RACISM of which he speaks. Call it tribalism in Barbados or in Nigeria (of which he spoke) but as he says it’s the same ‘wrong number’ being called.”

    An excellent contribution.

    De Word, I began to draft a response to this article after listening to Raymond’s speech on YouTube. Unfortunately, I had to focus my attention on other matters, which resulted in me not posting my contribution. The reason I explained this is that I realized we have similar thoughts on the issue, with you posting before I could.

    I began my contribution with the following paragraph:

    “As soon as we read the words “white people” and “racism,” many of us will confine our comments on this topic within the context of racial discrimination. However, Afra Raymond’s speech goes much deeper.”

  17. @Dee Word

    Good to see you have a sense of humour, others on BU should take note.

    Wonder how many besides you listed to Afra and are reacting to the title.

  18. Word wrote

    The T&T gov’t won an election with some serious talk of transparency and FOI and yet this new govt’ continues to maintain an legal appeal against Raymond for the case he won to release the details on the CL Financial/CLICO bailout.

    Word, this sounds very familiar as in DLP promising to implement Integrity Legislation. The truth is that Corruption is an Equal Opportunity Employer where those practicing the evil arts should not be defined in racial terms since it is a Human activity. Why do both TT Parties want to hide the details/ truth? Most likely because the money trail before Clico, during the Clico investigation and the $25bn used so far by Pols will lead back to Corrupt Pols in both parties dominated by the 2 major racial groups. It is ALL about the $$$$$ and power hunger and NOT Caring one rass about the Peeps!!! This is true in TT, Bim, US, Canada, Europe and Worldwide!

    Afra Raymond is to be highly commended for his analysis, his obdurate pursuit of the truth and overall fairness. It is surprising that in today’s TT he has not been eliminated by these high powered criminals who dont want to be exposed.

  19. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Money….as corruption too, is a “Human activity”, i don’t hink it’s the animals practicing corruption it must also be include when defining the evils being practiced in the Caribben. Corruption is also a learned behavior, ask anyone from bottom to top in the Caribean what they think of the corruprion and they wil expound on th many leaders, many business people who are corrupt in the industrialized countries, until reminded tht when those are caught, unlike in the Caribbean, they go to jail. I can safely say that corruption and racism have become married.

    Trinidad is a Republic, they cannot pretend otherwise and must show a certain level of maturity. Ending Afra’s life, making him miserable or retaliating, like politicians in Barbados do to those who speak out, all in an attempt to keep their corruption alive and well, because he speaks the truth and attempt to make his country a better place, is NOT a sign of a mature country. The intelligent Trinis will know this and act accordingly. Punishment is meted out to corrupt politician’s in Trinidad.

  20. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Money..I don’t see animals practicing racism either, these are all human activities at the most corrupt levels. One cannot have it both ways, but these two have been practiced with zeal for the last 40+ years by politically independent leaders, learned from their former masters. One cannot separate the two.

    I believe that is what Afra has noticed. Maybe the problems in identifying the cause of the islands’ inability to achieve progress beyond what they know lies in separating the two, racismand corruption came from the same source, now being practiced by the same groups who were previously victims. Dude is unto something.

    I make no apologies.

  21. WW

    Racism and Corruption are not White conditions that can be learned. Racism and Corruption are Human maladies not endemic to any one racial group, class or creed.
    I appreciate that some may hope to gain something from framing things that way but that is evidence of their own prejudice.

  22. @MoneyBrain, May the Good Lord make his face shine upon you and….give all pause for your stark remarks that points to that JOLTING reminder of the base, cruel realities of life. Yours is a poignant truth we all muse face.

    Raymond has repeatedly worn a bulls-eye on his chest; one can only hope he has otherwise reinforced his vestments beneath that target. May he live long and prosper.

    And yes, the remarks re the T&T gov’t are directly taken from Raymond’s speech and absolutely go to the core of our issues here in Bdos.

    @Artax, absolutely correct re : “As soon as we read the words “white people” and “racism,” many of us will confine our comments on this topic within the context of racial discrimination. However, Afra Raymond’s speech goes much deeper.”

    @Well, Well. I am really not sure how much deeper one can “delve into the stinking, decaying belly” than what Raymond has been doing for these last several years and what he did in this last speech.

    I may be misunderstanding you so I’ll leave it at this. Your other remarks “Of course, the descendants of the creators of racism realizing what was inevitable, by the 90’s coined a new phrase to protect themselves…….reverse racism” appears to be the same type of ‘excuse’ as @Shaft espoused.

    It is impossible in this modern era, in my view, to validate racism as a white spawned illness principally. As the Bushman correctly says and as validated by Raymond’s pellucid examples and the situation in T&T, racism is about POWER.

    For us Blacks in the west that power dynamic is manifest against us by Whites first and foremost. So let’s agree that its very simplistic to rant that the white folks are the alpha and omega of this ting called racism…cause that just scratches the surface as you noted.

    Comrade Forbes Burnham, for example, was quite ‘racist’ towards East-Indians down there in Guyana and all due to his need to be the power-player. Did he learn all that from Whites? (rhetorical question, pls don’t grab hold).

    I gone. Duty calls.

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    MoneyB…you are misunderstaning me, those who choose to practice racism and corruption in 2015, do so because they want to and keep repeating the same mistakes by passing on to generation after generation, the same practice, they learned the practice of corruption during those eras.

    I don’t know who you would like to blame for starting the practice of racism and corruption, but you are welcome to blame whomever makes you feel better. The point is, that too was practiced for generations without fail and without pause. Let’s roll forward to where political independence was achieved and you still find racism and corruption being practiced in one form or another.

    Corruption, as you yourself admitted, is nothing new to the bigger countries and has also been practiced for centuries, before Caribbean people gained political autonomy. You can also blame whomever you feel for developing the practice. Take note that I did not once mention black, white or in between, but someone is responsible for creating the practice of both evils…..racism and corruption.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The trick now lies in identifying why racism and corruption were allowed to become institutionalized and why Caribbean leaders refuse to dismantle both evils so that the islands can move forward. I know Money will tell me it’s greed, but they don’t have much to be greedy with at present and they all getting exposed. Status, but one does not have to practice either evil to achieve status. My take on it is, it has become a comfort zone, put in place by others, so without any sweat or bother, it’s easier to carry on the tradition. What do you think…….MoneyB.

  25. We too like to get tie up as my bajan ancestors would say.

    Prejudice…that is all it is and this case tied in with a healthy dose of greed and corruption……racism is a form of prejudice exhibited by all the animals on earth of which we are one.Do pigeons and wood doves co habit?

    Why do you think the Hutus and the Tutsis have a problem or the Serbs and the Croats?

    We too love to pick up this racism thing and run with it and it is a relatively new concept in the pantheon of prejudices a mere 6-700 years old.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    That’s the main problem Vincent, it’s too old and we are intelligent enough to dismantle it, I don’t see wood doves et al with political systems that we can understand, so because you think the animals practice it also, it should be left alone in our system to create more destrution, I don’t think you believe that and just dismissing it’s existence will not make it go away. It will just be refined and reused at a more destructive level. That’s why the topi was highlighted to begin with…is that not so.

  27. @Well Well & Consequences December 8, 2015 at 12:19 PM #

    This post could easily have been called “the more things change the more they remain the same”,which is why I referenced greed and corruption which has been around from time immemorial and can be controlled but never eliminated.
    who we are
    Human Nature…..the genetic make up of humanoids……if we can identify the genes that are responsible for killing,greed,corruption and which ever other human trait that makes us who we are and remove them we would have a different world.

  28. Birds of a feather flock together……most of the time.

  29. WW

    Racism and Corruption among other nasty Human frailties are probably the product of the Devil himself/ herself. Either that or Human choice as some humans are just plain evil.

    WW, U do appreciate that by suggesting that Cbean “leaders” learnt this behaviour, U are giving them an excuse? There is no excuse, because they in all probability went to Church/ Temple/Mosque etc like the rest of us and “learnt” right from wrong.

    The fact that there is not much to be greedy with just causes these criminals to act faster to thief what is available asap. They would know that anther major collapse is likely so hit the accelerator!

    One fact is for sure we need many more like Afra R to stand up to these criminals.

  30. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Vincent…….I gather you are telling me that greed, corruption, racism etc are encoded in our DNA and cannot be removed and it’s impossible for different habits to be learned and applied. I believe that is too easy an explanation and believe it only encodes in the genes after centuries of practice. I gather you don’t speak a second language

  31. @Well Well & Consequences December 8, 2015 at 12:42 PM #

    PREJUDICE,verstaan……….will always be with us……….a rose by any other name will still be a rose.

    Chuckle…….For your information english is my second language and the second word is in my original language.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    This, in no uncertain terms is what corruption and racism breeds. In the Caribbean there are varying degrees of racism practiced by each other, against each other by varying groups. Tribalism is in my view a different practice of stupidity. Racist breeds, all agree on the same thing, to preserve their philosophy of superiority, wealth and intense hatred for anyone who does not look like them.

    The levels of racism practiced in the Caribbean is used to maintain poverty in the majority while only a small minority benefits. Don’t jump up Money, the leaders are the ones enabling, aiding and abetting this evil using the strength of corruption.

  33. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Aha…Vincent…I got ya…lol

  34. @Well Well & Consequences December 8, 2015 at 1:03 PM #

    Why do you continue to believe that these things are a phenomena,a modern day constuct with the overiding need to destroy all melanin rich individuals.

    Pigment does not have a gene,so we will always have variations of melanin on earth.

    Racism is just another word to be added to the list of our prejudices and overtime more will appear and others will disappear….all part of the human construct…..same as different tribes of varying melanin content have ruled this earth over millenia.

  35. Depends on our perspective of what we believe/perceive/think racism to be.
    My view might be narrowminded; but i believe racism is encompasses a set of negative behaviours/attitudes by the people of one race who believe their race to be superior to another race. It is most evident in sports. In years gone by in Barbadod; there were white clubs and black clubs. Black spectators turned out in their numbers to offer vigorous support to their club when playing against the white clubs. The white clubs were well supported by their own kind as well even if less vociferously. The same attitudes were reflected at a higher level in the seneties when the West indies cricket teams became a force to be reckoned with and were well supported by black west indian fans especilly when pplaying in England which they saw as the oppressor.

  36. de Ingrunt Word Avatar

    @Vincent at 12:09 PM…succinct and sharp as a tack as usual. You don’t go to church wid me or went to school wid me, like those two other denizens pun BU but bro you does tek de words right outta ma mout!

    Definitely, “we… like to get tie up… [cause] Prejudice…that is all it is……racism is a form of prejudice exhibited by all”.

    De ‘pigeons and wood doves’ ting had me a bit discombobulated though…LOLLL That would be another of mix and match cross-fertilization den…I thought that some previous ‘dove-tailing’ had already taken place and that de two of dem were all ‘lovey-dovey’. (Do excuse me David, work boredom!)

    But back on point: Although prejudice is a basic human construct the idealistic @Well Well is “…intelligent enough to dismantle it”. What I would ask therefore is if there can also be a dismantling of other human characteristics like hate, stereotyping or lying?

    Afterall, if racism (prejudice/tribalism…) is a learned psychological construct and not ingrained as a fundamental makeup of the human psyche like any other such ’emotion’ surely those others can be unlearned too.

    Come on, Well Well, get real. Fah real, real and not your Utopian idealism.

  37. WW
    Regarding Trump, his popularity is based on anti Washington politics as usual/ intransigence etc. People see Trump as someone that can and will take appropriate action. I assume many supporters overlook his over the top statements as being hype which he will NOT act on. He may win the GOP race BUT will have to change and explain himself in detail to overcome the negative perceptions he has created–only an idiot totally alienates WOMEN who are 51% of the population, Muslims, Mexicans et al——he could have made excellent hard hitting points without alienating such groups, indeed there is a Muslim lady who heads a Repub Muslim Assoc who is pissed at him but would consider voting for him because of his Business/ Management ability.

    Donald is now at 35% and soon he had better take his time to tone down and clarify his positions. He did do so in talking about the Chinese and correctly blamed the US Trade negotiators, showed respect for the Chinese capabilities and stated that he does loads of business with them. Perfect–play tough but responsibly and without hating the wrong people or fomenting potential violence against certain groups like Muslims or Mexicans.

    DT loves to be the centre of attention regardless of how, he should have learnt long ago that the how is very important.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Vincent…you continue to deal with skin color, I am speaking about dismantling racism and corruption that is causing destruction in small islands. The large countries are hopeless and have to evolve as we have noticed they are doing over time. The practice of racism and corruption in the Caribbean is relatively new, just about 50 years since political independence, even by bajan white standards because they too were considered sub-human, so my argument really has nothing to do with skin color.

  39. @balance December 8, 2015 at 1:22 PM #

    You are aware that Sir David Seale indicated on VOB 6.30 some time ago that he was not permitted membership in the then Royal Barbados Yacht Club…..I also happen to know of such situations back then.

    You should also recall that at one time a certain cricket club of middle class slave descendants refused entry to lower class slave descendants forcing them to start their own club.

    This is the real world we live in.

  40. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    De Word….we learned over the years thate hate, love, etc are emotions, a part of human naturem now you to add the system of racism and the system of corruption which can both be outlawed and classified as crimes, as human nature, what is wrong with the two of you.

    By the way corruption is a crime and racism is classified as a hate crime when violent. These are controllable practices. Yes, you feel love and hate, but do you two walk around all day feeling corrupt and racist…I think not.

  41. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    See Vincent…you admit that racism is being practiced on each other by various groups, now where the hell did middle class slave descendants learn to practice racism against their lower class slave descendants which am sure some would be their blood brothers and sisters back then, because of the selling factor and none of them knowing their history or who was who..

  42. de Ingrunt Word Avatar

    Actualy, Well Well in some parts of the US love was practically a ‘crime’ and still is is some places…ask the famous county clerk if you doubt me….(LOL). And let’s not talk about walking around feeling corrupt…some do in all day and night.

    You deeply want things to improve and you are willing to consider re-engineering the human psyche to achieve that. I definitely feel your pain but obviously I am not as scientifically positive about human biology as you are.

    BTW, you are being very revisionist in your history to suggest that “The practice of racism and corruption in the Caribbean is relatively new, just about 50 years since political independence”. Fah real!

    So what of the issues re field slaves vs house slaves, light-skin vs dark skin; ecke-bekie v other Bajan whites, HC & Cawmere snobbery circa 18**- mid 1900’s. All that and more can be dismissed as just human nature of love and hate and that we started to live the humanity that we know today after Barrow took us to independence.

    Humm! Seems a bit fishy to me. Your reasoning needs a ton more fish oil strengthening Well, Well!!

  43. Surely Racism is just one manifestation of discrimination which nearly all humans tend to practice. Why would people of African descent not be afflicted? When Village B attacked Village A and were soundly beaten the resulting POWs would certainly be candidates for Sale to slavers. What would they do with criminals who were serial offenders, get rid of them for Cash! How U think the Irish were sent to Bim—POWs!!! Racism is but an obvious method of Discrimination, so is Shadeism as in the Spartan Empire example or that of Rich versus poor White Bajans at RBYC.

  44. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    De Word….I meant the practice of racism post slavery and after obtaining political independence, we already know what obtained pre-slavery abolition. I am speaking about the practice of the comfort zone of corruption and racism once Caribbean leaders were given political independence, I don’t see where anyone but themselves can be blamed for those practices which now see them looking as what they project.

    Besides Word, the practice of corruption requires opportunity, those are no longer as frequeng as before, so they can only practice corruptio as opportunities arise not yhat they are not always on the lookout. Once certain practices are outlawed, they become less prevalent.

  45. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    De Word…all you described in your last paragraph is not only a direct result of slavery which was outlawed, but also the after effects of racism, which is still in practice..

  46. @Well Well & Consequences December 8

    You have me utterly confused…….let us start again by you explaining your understanding of Racism,when it started and how you intend to get rid of it as well as its boon companions of corruption and greed.

  47. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Vincent….it’s simple no long talk, we already understand the causes and all the other rhetoric. While reading a history on Harriett Tubman, it was revealed that the male slaves including Tubman’s husband, never believed that slavery could and would be abolished and made illegal, effectivelly ending the practice in it’s then brutal form. I bet they too were confused and saw their slavery as not a practice, but part of human nature to be endured and never end. The males were the weakest link.

    I see you, De Word and MoneyB are related to those long dead males believing that corruption and racism are part of human nature, it could never be made illegal and unlawful, therefore you don’t see the practice as ever ending. Any practice that is counterproductive to human development and progress can be made unlawful and the practice made punishable. Try enslaving anyone now in 2015 and see what will happen. Racism and corruption can also be made illegal in the islands.

  48. @de Ingrunt Word

    Could you kindly one more time try to explain to Well Well & Consequences the facts of life,as my efforts are proving futile.

    @Well Well & Consequences December 8, 2015 at 4:22 PM #

    Slavery still exists in the world and the practices of prejudice and corruption have been addressed in law.

  49. Hitler and his co-horts more ,than less , institutionalised racism in Germany during the 1930’s . Almost every German by the time WW2 started in 1939, were brainwashed into believing that all other races were inferior. And we know well ,the story of Jesse Owens and Meine Fuhrer at the 1936 Olympics.
    Some years ago, I met a group of Germans war veterans, who came out of the war knowing that Hitler was damn wrong,especially concerning Black People.
    I was on a military exercise in an area in the old Southern West Germany, Kassel,a community which did not see much of the many NATO forces stationed on the Rhine . I sat in a pub with a large group of Brit Soldiers. I was the only black among them, and this group of men, on seeing me, began to flood me with Deutsch Marks to buy beer. When it was my turn to buy beer for my colleagues whom I was drinking with, and went up to the bar to order , I was told in no uncertain terms by these old German guys, not to buy any beer , ” for those white bastards!”
    It transpired that during the war these men, all from the same unit, were captured. They were imprisoned in an American POW camp, and as they put it , were treated like sh** by the White American camp guards. But , they said, the Blacks treated them most humanely.
    Here was a group of men who went to war under a racists leader, believing every word he said , but who came out thinking differently.

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