Submitted by Anthony Davis

With the future of Barbados’ struggling sugar industry already very uncertain, insurance and financial services giant Sagicor Financial Corporation today announced that it is in the process of reviewing its participation in the island’s agribusiness sectorBarbados Today

Dowridge Miller - CEO Sagicor
Dowridge Miller – CEO Sagicor

Talk about dilatory tactics!

I would like it take that long for politicians to agree to raising their money which they get from the taxpayers tax free monthly – no matter what else happens. There are public servants not being paid, and the ones who are supposed to run this country are making a mockery of it.

Fifteen years is an eternity for the cane farmers to wait for an answer from any government – whether BLP  or DLP, and it is many times worse when both of them did not have the time for or care about how the sugar industry was doing. It seems like a case of the blind leading the blind – no matter who wins the next elections.

What should the taxpayers – especially the young ones – do when the time comes to put their X next to someone’s name? Should we all decide to take the time for voting off and go to one of our beautiful beaches – which are no longer our own with various hotels being granted private beach rights – and enjoy ourselves? This is a farce and it must be said that both of the parties who rule this island should be brought to justice for dereliction of their duty in this case. No wonder they both allowed prime sugar cane land to be sold to the highest bidder.

Why should Sagicor – or any of the other farms/persons in that industry- wait another 15 years for an answer from any government. They say that the wheels of government turn slowly, but this seems to have been discontinued.

Pray tell me: Why would you want to build a state-of-the-art sugar cane factory, when you know that you have not even sorted out this vexing question?

It’s no more than putting the cart before the horse. The only thing that does not take long to go from plan to execution are taxes – no matter how asinine they are – just like the Solid Waste Tax which goes according to the size of the house one occupies and not the number of occupants, or the new one where the haulers have to pay for delivering the waste to the recycling dump.

I have never heard such codswallop!

No other country makes its populace pay for taking material to be recycled to the dump. Yet, you want us to become a First World country. Do you think that we can wake up one morning and find ourselves being one? No, it has to be earned – and that is the substantial difference. Can any of you – whether BLP  or DLP hazard a reason for this decision to take 15 years?

I very much doubt it except that you want to admit negligence of what made Barbados what it was – where it had one of the best healthcare facilities, one of the best education systems, and one of the best welfare systems in the Caribbean. Can this Government especially because it is the incumbent one, and the Opposition, give us a plausible excuse why the farmers should wait 15 years for such a plan to bear fruition? Do you realize how many people who depended on you for that 15-year plan to be put into action may have died hoping and praying?

Both parties have failed the sugar industry – and consequently Barbados – miserably, while, it seems, going after their own selfish interests. I would like to hear what Sir Charles Williams, Government, the Wards, the owners of Brighton and Friendship plantations and CLICO have to say on this matter!

Why was Bulkeley closed, being in the middle of the agriculture belt? It would be ideally suited to today’s problems in this issue as it would be better for the small amount of cane which has to be ground now. Why did Government refuse to sell CLICO’s lands to Sagicor which wanted to restructure the sugar industry? Why does the Minister of Agriculture have one proposal for bankrolling the new factory – backed by Arab money- and the Minister of Finance another one – backed by a diverse group including Senator Carmichael, an Investment Banker out of Hong Kong and some other Barbadians?

I bet that the Minister of Finance wins – as usual!

I hope for Mr. Miller and the other players in the industry that a decision will be made before the next decade and a half. Can anyone really imagine two parties taking a decade and a half to make such a critical decision. For me it seems surreal. No wonder people can’t get anything done in this country and more and more people are being disheartened by Government’s lack of interest of getting things speeded up when it comes to business – as much as Minister Inniss rants and raves about what needs to be done.

All talk and no action!

Procrastination is the thief of time, and I think that a so much time has been stolen here that astronauts could have gone to some planet light years away and returned.

21 responses to “Sagicor Threatens to Part Ways With the Sugar Industry After Waiting 15 Years on a Plan”

  1. Hope this is not a reaction to Denis Kellman’s outburst!

  2. Inertia is the name of the game.
    “Oil Can Stuart” looking for a legacy cuz the one he got now ain’t pretty.
    Always late to everything.
    Dem slow like molasses.

  3. John Hanson 1781-1782- I SERVE 1788- 1792 BARBADOES. Avatar
    John Hanson 1781-1782- I SERVE 1788- 1792 BARBADOES.

    Who cares ,we must purge the crooks from our Country , Land Fraud and Slavery Company,

  4. @Deeds

    What happened to Naked Departure on Facebook.

  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David [BU]

    I was wondering the same thing.

    Is it a case of “the blog having so egregiously breaking Facebook’s Terms and Conditions of use that the DEM crew were able to get it closed down”?

    Only yesterday I had mentioned its “sister” site which posts comments “outside the envelope or propriety” (euphemism for propaganda) BUT doesn’t permit responses/replies to be posted.

    DEM like dem was able to get DEM Herman Goebbels policies upheld by Facebook!!

    The way the ole man look at it is that it is obvious that DEM is afraid.

    The social blogs are springing up all over the place.

    People are talking BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, people, particularly the international agencies are watching. And DEM fraid of dat…bad

    This is not like Lick Mout Lou or Pudding and Souse, many in these cyber halls do not pull their punches and a man who was formerly bouncing $100 checks, and could not rub two two dollar bills together, will go to many lengths to protect 17,000 Grantleys

    He will even go as far as to change the status of the country to a Republic.

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    The so called social contracts “of a future administration” (not those monopoly player clowns Adamson and the other braniac) MUST INCLUDE The Power of Recall!!

    Else we are faced with power hungry BvHKVNTS who, once having supped in the House of Assembly lunch room on the sumptuous meals, catered by their friends’ wife, exorbitantly prices, will, obviously, and unfortunately, upon sipping the “elixir of representation, supplication and genuflection” called Minister of Parliament, find it hard, as do these dummies, to release the reins of power.

  6. Just listened to the 12:30 news on VOB and there was your answer for why Sagicor wants to pull up stumps and move – IMF places Barbados at bottom of Caribbean countries with a growth expectation of 0.8%. Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance have dismissed the IMF’s evaluation (again). I hope that they will be as dismissive in 20 years time when the Barbados economy turns around. Matter of fact, why don’t we have Stu and Sinc take over and run the IMF as they appear to know more about economics than any there.

  7. ac has devised a new strategy for the blp mouth rats and it seems to be working,,,lol

  8. Colonel Buggy Avatar
    Colonel Buggy

    Did you hear Moreurine on CBC this morning gloating over if we were to strike oil big? And when I win the big Super Lotto I am going on an outer space cruise.

  9. Hi David,

    Greetings from Blighty

    Pg 20 Peter Webster in Barbados Today makes for interesting reading vis a vis this blog,you may wish to add it.

    The path of Ag. is crucial to the future of Bim.

  10. Frustrated Businessman Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman

    Gov’t wants to teef part of the new factory building money and teef whatever comes out of it. Private growers will not grow cane at a loss for teefing to continue so they are no longer cultivating anything but grass which no-one wants to teef. They would be happy to build their own factory with no gov’t involvement if gov’t deregulates the sugar trade (only gov’t can currently trade sugar). There can be no rotation crops without sugar cane and so the loss of the cane means Bajans starve. It really is quite simple.

  11. Is it a coincidence that Sagicor wants to “get out” of agriculture and “get in” to more Banking?

  12. @ Colonel B
    Did you hear Moreurine on CBC this morning gloating over if we were to strike oil big?
    This is a typical jackass knee-jerk attitude. Part of the CURSE.

    Rational people would note that;

    Venezuela HAS big oil;
    Trinidad HAS big oil;
    Iraq HAS big oil;
    Nigeria HAS big oil;

    ….but a JA would expect that Barbados (home of mega thieves and bribe-takers while on mauby pockets) would somehow live happily afterwards with oil money….

    Just add Moreurine to Caswell’s list of DLP blondes…..

    …bet she won’t gloat over if we were to vigorously pursue INTEGRITY, JUSTICE, TRANSPARENCY and PRODUCTIVITY…..
    …cause that would spell the end of the damned DLP …..and blasted BLP….

  13. @ Hants
    Is it a coincidence that Sagicor wants to “get out” of agriculture and “get in” to more Banking?
    No Hants.
    This is how parasites operate.
    They suck a particular host dry …all the while looking for a new victim to jump onto when the original host is near death.

    After CENTURIES of living off the backs of ordinary Bajans, SAGICOR is nothing but a large parasitic shell. What productive contributions have they made to Barbados that is in keeping with the UNTOLD BENEFITS they have amassed over the centuries?

    Imagine a massive organisation such SAGICOR… crying like children about having to await ‘permission’ from people like wuk-fuh-wuk, Lowe “millionaire-mudda” Down, and “Moutha” Estwick in order to reform the sugar industry?
    NO ENTITY IN EXISTENCE owes more to the Barbados sugar industry that Sagicor…..

    But then again, they too are cursed with the curse of INEPTNESS in leadership…..probably paying for sins committed against blacks in their ‘Mutual’ days….

    Listening to their leaders (with few exceptions) is an exercise in intellectual pain….
    …and looking at their national IMPACT (given the resources available) shows performance that is comparatively WORSE than the damn NCC workers …who could not even manage to cut the grass along the highway…

    This entity just SAT THERE and allowed STRANGERS like Massy, Cable and Wireless, Butch Stewart and EMERA come here and enslave Bajans all over again….. while they were demonstrating their ineptness wasting money with LLoyds of London….

    SAGICOR – …..just high level parasites sitting on old plantation monies and looking for more easy money…

  14. @Vincent

    Easy on the bit’ers!

    Here is the link to the Peter Webster column:

  15. John Hanson 1781-1782- I SERVE 1788- 1792 BARBADOES. Avatar
    John Hanson 1781-1782- I SERVE 1788- 1792 BARBADOES.

    David May 3, 2015 at 9:58 PM #


    What happened to Naked Departure on Facebook.@

    The page was unpublished because it needed ‘cleaning up for certain posts’. WE WILL NOT BE CLEANING IT UP. Join us at NAKED DEPARTURE DOT COM group and the site will be coming soon.

  16. Colonel Buggy Avatar
    Colonel Buggy

    Bush Tea May 6, 2015 at 9:40 AM #
    This entity just SAT THERE and allowed STRANGERS like Massy, Cable and Wireless, Butch Stewart and EMERA come here and enslave Bajans all over again…..
    Bajans better wake up and realise, that this is how business in Barbados will be conducted from here on in. We have sold out, and our government has sold out. The Unions are toothless, and even although we have cursed them over and over again, we no longer have the traditional benevolent local managers in charge,who for all of their faults understood the Bajan culture.
    The new McDonald farm’s first priority is looking after its shareholders in Canada, and the new Massa is beholden to his investors in Port of Spain.
    And we talking about going Republic. Pennyless and senseless, we will attract even more Emeras and Massys to our shores to take advantage of our predictable poverty stricken populace, ie the Working Class and the former Middle Class.

  17. @Bushie and Colonel

    Hoyos’ column is interesting reading on the subject of Sagicor.

  18. Anyone listening to Dowdridge on VOB’s 6.30 recently can see why SAGICOR is essentially a mediocre piss-poor joke …. given its long history of taking advantage, garnering benefits, and fleecing ordinary Bajans.
    No wonder then that, like a true parasite, they are inclined to run away to a new jurisdiction rather than to exercise their financial and moral weight to make Barbados what it should and could be…

    Here is the leader of a century old, billion-dollar establishment responding to Hoyos’ clear barb about their abysmal failure in agriculture and in alternative energy ..with the defence that their ‘core’ business is insurance …and now apparently banking in Jamaica…

    Shiite man… mean we have brass bowls at all levels?

    After so much time in business, SAGICOR cannot broaden their vision beyond being financial paros?
    ….How about recruiting AGRICULTURAL and ENERGY expert management to MAKE these areas work for Barbados ,,,,or is such thinking only limited to Jamaica and banking?

    How the hell can Sagicor be so brave to invest with Lloyds of London- and lose $100M, but the hotel industry in Barbados is too scary for them? Banking in Barbados is beyond their imagination….

    Hoyos clearly was trying to tell the man that he is an unpatriotic brass bowl, but Dowdridge is so dense that even that message he appeared not to get….
    But this is how SPIRITUAL LAWS work….
    The level of this national CURSE on Bim is such that Bushie feels that we are not even AWARE yet, of the level of wickedness and evil being perpetrated in this little place…

    CLICO is likely only the tip of the iceberg….

    Woe is our asses….

  19. @ David
    So your SAGICOR boys will be cutting and running again? – this time with the lotta sugar lands that they own…
    What could we have done to deserve leaders like these Boss….?

    You heard the man in charge of their farms on VOB today?
    ohhh shiite man!!!… no wonder they have been losing money every year… sounds like Froons second cousin…. probably how he got the damn job anyhow….

    Same shiite as the Credit Union leaders…. established (100 year old) institution …except that they fleeced black Bajans for decades…and then demutualised when it suited the white leaders (and their adopted overseers Sir Cave Hilary and Mrs Nation Publisher)…… Also, like the Credit Unions, having a massive asset base, but no kind of VISION or ABILITY to make impact…..

    Steupsss …. they don’t even have any damn shame…

  20. Do you mean Edward Clarke?

    It is amazing isn’t it?

    We have CLICO lands fallow soon to be joined by Barbados Farms?

    Did we have to listen to the Prime Minister spinning the message the region must focus on food security ?

    What a pack of JAs.


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