Submitted by Damian Hinkson
Without the microbiology farmers will have to use more and more, chemical energy to get the same amount of produce.
Without the microbiology farmers will have to use more and more, chemical energy to get the same amount of produce.

If farming were easy we would all be doing it! after all Food is our most basic need. So it stands to reason that farming should be profitable. However that’s not the case. I will point out why using 3 points below and then explain one solution to make farming profitable in Barbados.

  1. First point is we need to take a look at the big picture. If it was an equation farming would equal (carbon/nitrogen) + photosynthesis = calories. Each of the 3 parts requires energy inputs to bring the product to point of consumption.
  2. Second the source of all energy on earth is the sun and the general rule is; the quicker it can be harvested the more sustainable it is, while the longer it is stored the more harmful it becomes e.g. hours from solar panels vs. Thousands of years from gasoline.
  3. The last point and the only one under mans control is, control the energy and you control civilization. Unfortunately older type, harmful energy is easier to control therefore it is the type of energy our current civilization is built upon.

Combining these three points with my experience in advocating food production in Barbados gives me a view of a successful agriculture network that I would like to shear with you. Only through shearing information can we get “agriculture for profit” commonplace. Agriculture has a niche for everyone. The food economy is the backbone that the other economies, like financial and services are built upon. They are cashiers, pilots, research scientist, accountants all involved in getting that food to your plate. Primary producers e.g. a farmer controlling all aspects from seed to consumer encompasses all three parts of our main equation and is the most difficult niche of farming because tackling Mother Nature can be unpredictable and requires a level of critical thinking our school system quite frankly destroys by process of standardization.

The magic happens when primary production is done on the individual level rather than spread throughout world wide networks as cheap oil has allowed civilization to do for the last century.

Out of the 10,000 years we started agriculture only in the last 100 have we used chemicals and this allowed us to expand primary production to worldwide scales building out the food economy as a base for the other economies thereby creating endless jobs.

If you’ve made it this far you’ve come to the meat of the mater. My argument starts with World war two, it jump started industrial civilization thus giving us a start and end point to measure it by. How was this done? World war two created the conditions favourable to move the world to chemical agriculture. First removing farmer’s support systems e.g. Horse was no longer primary means of transportation therefore limiting access to horse manure, while secondly providing massive amounts of chemicals to the masses. International laws also prevented research on chemical weapons so the scientist used agriculture as a mask to hide operations, evidence in every insecticide having a lethal human dose. And fertilizers are still used to make munitions.

Also most farmers were turned into solders and the few farmers left had to produce way more food with the pressure of bombs dropping around them, chemical usage in agriculture provided the necessary temporary spike in food production at the time needed and we kept that chemical support system from then onwards. This thinking has given chemistry the lead over biology in farming, remember our main equation? But in fact, the chemical end results are all from natural micro-biological processes. Chemicals are man made salts and kill the micro-biological aspect of our equation by osmosis, the same way salts kill slugs. Without the microbiology farmers will have to use more and more, chemical energy to get the same amount of produce.

Problem is if it takes 100,000 years to make and 1 hour to burn you’re going to run out, and we are running out. Peak oil is real and it is here.

The technology of Aquaponics offers a backbone suited for long term civilization by providing; supporting systems for individualized primary production, access to quick energy and builds microbiology rather than destroy it. Aquaponics really is just a natural ecosystem held in a man made container; it uses electricity to provide conditions favourable for all aspects of our main equation, it is based in science so the results are measurable and repeatable. It can be an integral part of the solution to our coming problems.

Check out Bairds Village Farms

16 responses to “If Farming Were Easy…”

  1. It is clear I got to talk bout weed or bulling to get a responce.

  2. @ready done

    We are what we eat.

    We eat alof of junk dont we?

  3. LOLL that is why nuff people gine ded when de boat stop coming and when dem ent got nuh money to spend. Ready Done yuh gots to feed dese political yard fowls wid some shite, dat is all dem knows!

  4. @ready done.

    You are wasting your time.

    Bajans will only take you seriously when there is no forex to pay for imported food.

  5. @Ready done
    Absolutely correct. Once it’s about bulling everyone in the “BU family” wants a little “piece” 🙂

  6. LOLLL Nostradamus good one there !!

  7. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Acquaponics and controlled farming is one of the most effective means of producing wholesome crops without the wide scale use of chemical additives. The control environment allows for better quality crops, increase yields and a reduction in losses via spoilage, bruising and the scourge of praedial larceny The initial investment in such an endeavour would be substantial but I think I said some where on some topic on this blog that about 200 million taken from the 1 billion dollar food import bill is mere chalk to the cheese.

    Heavy investments in Agriculture will bring significant returns but to sell this to policy makers is another thing. Food production in Barbados must first rid itself of the stigma attached to it to be taken seriously. Acquaponics right now is seen as a mere hobby and thus remains in the small scale state. If agriculture had any real impetus to force change towards difference approaches (to make it attractive), there would be a mass campaign of advertisement and educational paraphernalia disseminated on many aspects of agricultural production. I am sorry to say that Barbados is not ready and seem not to have the wherewithal to press significant agriculture drives.

    Good piece Damian Hinkson.

  8. Colonel Buggy. Avatar
    Colonel Buggy.

    In spite of all the lethal pesticides, that are mostly derivatives of the military (Nuclear) Biological and Chemical warfare arsenal, we have yet to produce a solution against the number 1 pest in this country, which is putting farmers out of business, and off of farming–The Praedial Larcenist or common and bold Crop thief.

  9. The BU family not interested in growing their food. I wonder what they like to “EAT” .

  10. What’s the status with White Paper on Agriculture? According to the Ministry of agriculture website a BACKGROUND DOCUMENT ON A WHITE PAPER FOR AGRICULTURE by Samuel Inniss dated
    Tuesday, 29 May 2012, “It is expected that the White Paper on Agriculture will be available in early July, 2012.”

    According to a story in the Nation Newspaper dated Wed, November 27, 2013 reporting on comments made by Minister Estwick the paper had this say:
    “The minister told the country today that a White Paper on Agriculture, which should be going before Cabinet soon,…….”

    This is May 2014. Did the White Paper go before cabinet in November 2014? December 2014? When can the public see it?

    The background document on the white paper says “The preparation of the White Paper is but the first step in a process that will lead to the transformation and repositioning of the agricultural sector in Barbados.” Unbelievable that the White Paper is spoken of as “but the first step” and as of today it is not available to farmers and the public. Since November 2013 the Cabinet is still reviewing it?

  11. Farming? Wunnah better pray for a little rain things ’bout here brown

  12. We should blame our media as well, this is an issue which they should be pushing.

  13. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hants | May 20, 2014 at 11:16 AM |
    “You are wasting your time.
    Bajans will only take you seriously when there is no forex to pay for imported food.”

    Agree with you unequivocally.
    Very soon you will see how true your prediction will turn out to be.
    The Mighty Sparrow said “No money, No love.
    Hants is saying “No Forex, No imported food”.
    There will be only one alternative left for Bajans. Local Food will certainly come First. Carmetta Fraser must be smiling from above.

  14. David:

    UWI held a seminar on food security, and Dr. Brathwaite was the leading voice. Now the government sending him to China as Ambassador. The other Brathwaite like he is a fraud!! No body is taking the fact that we could be exposed to all kinds of diseases that are not common to the region by this dependence on imported food, seriously!!

  15. @Lemuel

    What is planned by UWI for the land donated by the Edghills?

  16. UWI is looking to teach some aspects of agricultural science with land. They intend to include the Chinese in some form or fashion. And Prof. O’Garro is involved in this venture also. UWI is yet to clearly indicate what is going to be done!!

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