Prime Minister Mia Mottley shows off a Kensington Oval ready for T20 World Cup
Adrian Loveridge - Owner of Peach & Quiet Hotel
Adrian Loveridge – Owner of Peach & Quiet Hotel

There is a very fine line, when writing a column like this. The risk of being branded as a pessimist is high. I only hope that readers will focus on the message that is trying to be conveyed and perhaps apply some of the content objectively to look at issues in a broader more holistic way.

When I heard the Minister of Tourism recently predict that he anticipated long stay visitor arrivals in 2013 should reach the same levels as last year, frankly I was surprised. Look at our largest single market, the United Kingdom has already experienced a decline of 15,631 visitors in 2012, when compared with 2011.

In the first week of May, Virgin Atlantic brought forward from October 27 their planned change of aircraft on the Gatwick/Barbados route by substituting the larger B747 aircraft with smaller A330 equipment on each day of the week, except for Thursdays. This immediately cuts up to 1,134 seats weekly and by the end of December this year I estimate to be almost 40,000 seats lost. Put another way, we will lose airline capacity for nearly 23 per cent or around one in four of all our British land based arrivals annually, which in 2012 totalled 173,519 persons. It is also not unreasonable to conclude that at least 50 per cent of those lost seats could have been used by the largest tour operator into Barbados, Virgin Holidays.

Has anyone considered the incredible overall loss of occupied room nights this will bring to our hotels and the devastating financial consequence? Needless to say, its not just the negative effect on our accommodation providers, but the trickle down effect it will have on restaurants, attractions, activities, car rentals, shopping, taxis etc. And at a time when Government most needs higher tax collection, the loss of non reclaimable VAT on all these tourism offerings.

It’s vaguely conceivable, that our policymakers imagine they are going to make up the numbers from other major markets, like the USA and Canada, but this is extremely unlikely. Out of these two sources, there was negligible growth in 2012. But sadly so far, in the first four months of 2013, there has been an average monthly decline of 11.9 per cent from the United States and 9 per cent from Canada.

Of course, we do not have the winter climatic advantage for most of the remaining eight months, so this trend is hardly likely to change without extensive cost-effective ‘consumer facing’ marketing and a dramatic improvement in destination visibility overall. Yes! there are a few rays of sunshine on the horizon. The Thomas Cook double-drop charters from Manchester and TUI flights from Hamburg, but these do not commence until November, and clearly will not come anywhere close to making up the Virgin deficit.

This scenario regrettably paints a very gloomy picture, but personally I believe we must start to face this reality and implement measures needed to redress this situation, rather than repeatedly utter predictions, which are at best, whimsical and almost impossible to achieve with the status quo.


    Agree.. , now things can only get better.. Happiness is moments at a time . So when that time comes enjoy and save for the bad times that will come again.
    Long live the King

  2. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “Commentary: Tourism Matters: A few rays of sunshine on the horizon

    There is a very fine line when writing a column like this. The risk of being branded as a pessimist is high.

    I only hope that readers will focus on the message that I am trying to convey and perhaps apply some of the content objectively to look at issues in a broader, more holistic way.”

    “Hotelier Paints Bleak Outlook

    There is a very fine line, when writing a column like this. The risk of being branded as a pessimist is high. I only hope that readers will focus on the message that is trying to be conveyed and perhaps apply some of the content objectively to look at issues in a broader more holistic way.”

    The same article posted on two different websites.

    One website being responsible the other being alarmist and trying to paint a picture of doom and gloom.

    I report, you decide.

    This happens every week.

  3. @carson
    Whether doom and gloom or whatever .
    You seem not willing to say BUT THESE ARE THE FACTS.
    So who is trying to manipulate whom??
    YOU are the type of person that is Responsible for the bad position of Barbados now ,with your partisan,bamboozle the population approaches to any subject .

  4. Yes! there are a few rays of sunshine on the horizon. The Thomas Cook double-drop charters from Manchester and TUI flights from Hamburg, but these do not commence until November, and clearly will not come anywhere close to making up the Virgin deficit.

    With respect to Adrian the above statement is a non sequitor. He has established in his article that the Thomas Cook and TUI charters will not fill the breach and also the initiative begins in November. In the context of discussion the present reality it is not relevant :-).

  5. @ david

    ???”a non sequitor” (does not follow:make sense?)
    Are you saying we have NOT “a few rays of sunshine on the horizon”
    just a slight lessoning in the” DOOM ratio”:)

  6. @Dr. Love

    While your conclusion maybe correct the non sequitor is in the context of Adrian’s piece…lol.

  7. A greek philospher once said “Redundancy is an epedemic no person.s mind should have to endure……. Seems like I have heard this all before.

  8. Adrian why would you put yourself through this on a regular basis,you know you could write everything is great, no problems here and the same people would be complaining, logic and common sense dont seem to matter when pitted against race and status.Hopefully things turn around,…..they wont to the degree they were in the past but lower prices and property values may not be a bad thing, it might allow CCC to buy a hotel have to work 24/7 and here him whine from the other side.

  9. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    Lawson, good points. Do you think CCC has ever worked 24/7?

  10. Instead of the political rabble by some challenge Adrian’s numbers. On a similar point the Governor indicated last year that if our Winter numbers did not come up to scratch it would be foreboding for the economy. Well the numbers did NOT come up to scratch. Why have we not insisted the governor carry on the conversation? We soak everything in silly political rhetoric and invective.

  11. information junkie Avatar
    information junkie

    A spokesman of the Tourist Board was on CBC news last night saying the number of arrivals for May are up over last year. He is screwing around with your forecast Mr. Loveridge. Who is lying you or him?

  12. How can a comparative 2013 over 2012 for May be in the conversation except with political yardfowls? It can only be a lie if we are discussing empirical data.

  13. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    Your problem seems to be the fact the the TRUTH is getting in your way.

    And I might also add, Adrian Loveridge way as well.

  14. We have a government that does nothing and makes no decisions, but will blame our collapse on the outside world’s woes.

    Has no ideas, but will wait for the IMF to tell them what to (coming very soon) – so they can blame them (IMF) for drastic draconian actions that we will have no choice but to smile at – as we let it get here.

    Spending more money that we don’t have – but the people like that – of course – they voted and want their social care, medical care, education, transport and even their housing at the cost of everyone else (but it does catch up)! That system was tried already and failed miserably.

    It has never been so bad in my life – We are all waiting patiently to fall off the cliff with no way to stop the rot that has taken root in every part of our society from the law at the top and government straight to the drugs on the streets at the very bottom.

    No one is being held accountable – Time for revolt!

  15. Alvin Cummins Avatar

    Some weeks ago I made suggestions t improve the attractions for tourists and tourism. I challenged you to comment, and/or lay out your suggestions for improving the position. I did not get a response and I reminded you again. You still hav not responded. What is the problem? Is it that you, a veteran of the tourism industry are also devoid of suggestions? Is the BTA devoid of suggestions? Why must hoteliers always want government to come up with ways of improving the plant when the practitioners in the industry are too lazy to find their own solutions, and put these into practise? I again reequest your suggestions.

  16. Tourism Numbers Avatar
    Tourism Numbers

    Information Junkie

    Arrivals not including Cruise:
    Jan 2013 = -4,479 passengers or -8.5%
    Feb 2013 = -4,914 passengers or -9.1%
    Mar 2013 = -0,815 passengers or -1.5%
    Apr 2013 = -6,025 passengers or -12.5%

    May 1to10th only = +0,238 passengers or 2.1% increase
    Nothing to celebrate about as we need to get to the end of the month.

    As at the end of April the total visitors stood at -16,233 compared to the previous year or a -7.7% decrease in arrivals.

    It should also be noted that most tourism entities (hotels / attractions / man on the street / vendor selling jewellery etc) really make their money to carry them through the year in those months that just passed. From here on they are discounting deeply on their rates to help generate business to the island and find it hard to make money in these coming months – probably why many hotels choose to close their doors no over summer.

  17. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    David/Information Junkie,

    I really don’t mind responding. The acting BTA CEO/President stated that the first half of May (15 days) was up 2 points. If by 2 points, he means a two per cent increase in long stay visitor arrivals for the same period as last year, then it needs a 9 per cent increase by the end of May 2013 just to catch up. May 2012 was down 9 per cent (3,764 persons) over the same month in 2011. Having lost up to 6,048 seats out of Gatwick this May alone, unless this can be made up from the other markets, that simply is NOT going to happen.


    I think I have answered most of the question you have previously posed. I have never pretended to know all the answers, but try and put forward constructive suggestions to tempt policymakers to look at all the options.
    I am really fed up with the frequent ludicrous comments that we are constantly expecting Government to do everything. During the last 25 years, we have directly generated over BDS$12 million in foreign exchange, and indirectly probably twice that amount and built a BDS$9 million investment.
    This has been achieved without ANY Government assistance. In fact Government’s contribution is stating we should upgrade our hotel plant and then keep us waiting over 3 years and 7 months for agreed VAT refunds.

  18. @information junkie

    Can’t you read?

    The thrust of Adrian’s article is how will the change of equipment by Virgin impact and what can we do to avert. Don’t you think there is a time to stop the stupid political arguments? It will NOT fly on BU.

  19. For years some of us have called on respective governments to undertake a study to determine forex leakage in the sector. Should the hoteliers be responsible for this undertaking?

    Should hoteliers borrow from banks to finance debt?

    Should the hoteliers be responsible for building/refurbishing places of amusement?

    Is there another sector in Barbados which contributes to GDP in the way tourism does?

  20. Alvin Cummins – I think you should do some investigation and see what the various hotels & ancillary services are doing for yourself. The ones who are left (since many hotels have closed or been sold to make condos – if they were all that successful and making BIG money they would have still been open today) are out there spending money on their product and marketing it on the international scene leveraging every possible avenue themselves. I am sure you would be surprised at the level of money already being spent.

    But, on a bigger scale the island needs to be marketed – and this is not happening. You can’t expect the tourism players to market the islands primarily – that is the job of the Government specifically the BTA. Right now they are spending most of their 100 million dollar budget on (I think I heard 60%) on staff to run the various offices they have! Apparently only about 30% goes to marketing efforts!!! And it is spent very badly from what we have seen in their recent attempts at marketing!

  21. @Adrian
    Adrian, you are white and will be until you die ,thats how long your problems will last in Barbados.

  22. Say what you want about Adrian but at least he consistently speaks the truth! At least someone has the balls to do it bout here. Everyone else too frighten for victimisation. Everyone hiding behind a fake name except him.

    David, ya right! Let’s forget bout the rest of noise out there and concentrate on the impact that those lost Virgin seats going have on this little country. Even if they get a little bump in May (well lets wait to the end to see what happens!) that don’t mean there is a big turn around happening. Those numbers above by “Tourism Numbers” are very insightful and tell a sad story.

    How do we really bring change to this little rock? That is the really big question. Like I think we need new leaders to rise out of the ashes – anyone out there with a new view want to run the country?

    My two cents to solve the problem – we need to reinvent ourselves. But I don’t see anyone in there now who has a clue where Barbados wants to be in the next 5, 10 or 20 years and is working towards that with a vision going forward.

    I suppose they will soon announce that a new study will be proclaimed so friends can make some money. Why don’t they just go out and get help if they don’t know what they are doing? Or that would be too easy.

  23. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Adrian Loveridge

    If things are so bad in Barbados, why don’t you head back to England where it is “flowing with Milk and Honey”?

  24. @david
    Virgins actions UNDERLINE the whole TRUTH of what Adrain says.(Regardless of Carsons Idiocy)
    BUT they are a Fait accompli.
    We can do nothing to “Avert”; which implies action to avoid or stop.
    As Adrian totally accurately predicts the results and that is PRESUMING that all the smaller planes fly FULLY LOADED.
    We are impotent to act in any way, we just accept the consequences of the “Fait Accompli”
    We are unable to change events that are passed.
    A drop at out peak periods needs a huge corresponding increase at a later non peak period.
    If that was acheivable by desire of the public to arrive in Barbados .The means will not be there.
    Like selling Iced drinks in the middle of the SAHARA.
    Businesses dont Bullshit ,they take solid constructive actions based on facts,therefore Vrigins actions speak volumes about the FACTS and Barbados tourism product.
    What sayeth Thou Carson??

  25. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “Say what you want about Adrian but at least he consistently speaks the truth!”

    Whose “truth”?

  26. As Adrian/Tourism Number

    Unless there was a huge increase by other airlines the loss of person of Virgin will defintely hurt our tourism sector. the sector is already 7.7% for the jan -april total. This will probably continue into our slower months for the tourisum season with maybe july and august being slight increase over last year number if we are lucky. The following month will be down until novemeber at best

  27. @CCC
    You are a REALLY NASTY BASTARD you know that?
    Adrian points you to IMPROVEMENTS and you use PURILE INSULTS.
    Barbados is in REAL deep shite as long as you breathing.

  28. Dr. Love…………that’s some kinda reality.

    Carson…………..i see you are back and in fine form, combative to the end.

  29. Virgin Atlantic has just registered record losses as a company. Are teh adjustments to the barbados route part of their own restructuring or weak demand on the route? In terms of forecasting the extent of the impact on bim it would be useful to know what percentage of the virgin capacity to barbados is typically utilized.

  30. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Well Well

    It is raining down here. Water and Idiots!!!!

    How is the weather your end?

  31. ONDON (Reuters) – Virgin Atlantic said tough economic conditions over the last year and lower demand for business travel caused by the London Olympics dragged it to a wider annual loss.

    The airline, founded by British entrepreneur Richard Branson, on Thursday reported a loss of 93 million pounds for the year to the end of February, 16 percent worse than the 80 million loss it reported a year earlier.

    “Last year saw a double dip recession, a continued weak macro economy, and an Olympic Games which, although a fantastic event, severely dented demand for business travel,” said chief executive Craig Kreeger, who joined Virgin earlier this year from American Airlines .

    European carriers such as IAG’s Iberia, Lufthansa (Xetra: 823212 – news) and Air France-KLM (Other OTC: AFLYY – news) are slashing jobs and shelving growth plans as they grapple with high fuel prices, a weak economy and fierce competition from low-cost carriers and Middle East airlines.

    Kreeger said he was confident the airline’s financial performance would improve “considerably” in 2013/14 and that it would return to profit in the second quarter of 2015.

    Late last year U.S. carrier Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL – news) bought a 49 percent stake in Virgin Atlantic, creating a joint venture that the pair said would generate new revenue and leverage Virgin’s strong luxury brand.

    Branson retained his 51 percent stake in Virgin Atlantic and ownership of the brand of the airline he founded in 1984.

    Revenue increased by 5 percent to 2.87 billion pounds as 5.5 million passengers flew with the airline, 188,000 higher than last year.

    At a group level, Virgin Atlantic’s pretax loss was 69.9 million pounds after a one-off positive 35.4 million pounds exceptional item and 23.1 million pounds in other income was taken into account, it said.

    Virgin Atlantic, which launched its Little Red domestic service last month, has suffered in recent years from soaring fuel costs and increased competition as well as the global economic downturn. It last reported an annual profit for the 2010/11 fiscal year.

    Rival International Airlines Group , owner of British Airways and Iberia, last week reported an operating loss of 278 million euros ($364 million) in the first three months of 2013.

    (Reporting by Rhys Jones; editing by Neil Maidment and Brenda Goh)

  32. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    I think you have made a good point, but don’t forget that Virgin also recorded a loss of GBPounds 80.2 million in the previous financial year
    (f/y/ending February 2012).

    British long stay visitor arrivals declined by 8.3 per cent (15,631 people) in 2012 when compared with 20111. Virgin Atlantic operated their first A330-300 flight (registration GVSXY) on 2nd April 2011, so there has been a lot of time to switch the fuel saving A330’s onto the Barbados route.

    I think the question that has to be asked, would the BDS$733 per person BTA subsidy being used on the Barbados Island Inclusive programme, have been more cost effectively used to support the lost Virgin Airlift?

  33. Adrian my question is whether or not we are in effect into a new normal at least in terms of tourism arrival numbers from the UK? I respect a can do attitude but can we realistically get back the numbers we used to get given the drastic and protracted change in economic circumstances in the UK? Is it really simply a matter of better marketing and/or pricing? It can be pointless pushing on a string.

    What should be the focus of our marketing thrust now? Alternative markets, better targeting of the segments in the UK that are still coming, seeking to increase length of stay and spend in that group maybe?

    I am asking questions!

  34. “I think the question that has to be asked, would the BDS$733 per person BTA subsidy being used on the Barbados Island Inclusive programme, have been more cost effectively used to support the lost Virgin Airlift?”

    I think the answer to that could depend critically on the corporate and strategic motives beyond the Virgin cutbacks.

  35. information junkie Avatar
    information junkie

    Observer what you gone and do? You asking questions Adrian and David hate. Barbados existS in a fairy tale land where if not for spending 60% of the tourism budget on salaries -island girlz figure- (u hear lie that is lie) the island would be bursting at the seams like Bermuda and Bahamas USED to be.

    UK’s nearly triple dip recession has jack squat to do with BIM. Obama’s constant refrain that the world’s biggest economy is not performing as he hoped has nothing to do with this island.

    The thing is most big hoteliers are parasites. They blame everyone except themselves. Had an argument recently on who are the biggest blood suckers. It end as a tie between big players in tourist sector and lawyers. Hoteliers saving grace was they are not sent to jail as often as lawyers for THIEFING. Hinckson the blp lawyer MP spoke loudly on tht the other day about one of his blp MP legal eagle comrades.

    Alvin dont hold your breath to hear answers from Adrain on taking your suggestions or even discussing them. Helping themselves is VIRGIN territory to Adrian’s hotelier posse they are hooked on GOB nipples and they sucking them sore and dry until the end of never.

  36. Carson…………………it keeps blowing hot and cold up here, one minute it’s spring, next minute it’s winter, things gotta get sorted out in Bim so that there are no negative surprises that will adversely affect the people.

  37. Parasites and vampires continue to rule the roost.

  38. The DLP and BLP must be sent packing for good by the broad masses and middle classes of people from the political governmental landscape of Barbados.

    And as we have previously communicated to many people on here and elsewhere, there is a certain time period within which this must be done.

    So, as time goes by, the closer it is to this time that we have said they must be removed permanently from this landscape.

    As it stands now, it is five years left within which they must be permanently removed from the political governmental landscape of Barbados.

    We have also stated categorically that If this is not absolutely done, there will be some very progressively destructive and diabolical and hellish political material financial circumstances that have never before been visited upon this country in this post-independence era, within the next 9 to 14 years and beyond

    We have on numerous occasions in the past said in various fora – and we will say it again on BU more than ever before – that if the total and permanent removal of these two political is not done, and their places taken by other progressive people-centered groups that will remove it from the current trajectory that it is on to one that is exciting progressive. prosperous, etc, Barbados – on this current trajectory – will become like how Jamaica was in the 70s and 80s in many respects.

    It is during these decades that many observers of much of what was generally socially politically materially financially happening in Jamaica then, were able to witness the substantial beginning of untold dedevelopment decline stagnation across many fronts in post colonial Jamaican society.

    Indeed, these were also times from which the Jamaican society has never totally recovered.

    A proper survey of the available evidence across all major fronts in the Barbadian society will allow any one with the right senses to see the untold damage and destruction that these DLP and BLP governments have – since the late 80s up to now – been hugely helping to wreck and inflict on this country.

    One of the fronts where these most horrible scenes of massive damage and destruction have been taking place is in the tourism sector.

    In this sector, such damage and destruction have involved – but are not limited to – the unnecessary closures of too many hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, the poisoning of many tourism related projects in their embryonic stages, and the deliberate withholding of critical political support to many tourism related accessory outfits.

    That stakeholders in tourism would have over the years stood almost passively by and have allowed most of this sector to have been decimated by the baleful and nefarious political activities of another level of local looters and plunderers and parasites in the form of government officials have been and are another set of examples of another set of stakeholders in another important commercial business sector simply lying prostrate and virtually allowing the government of Barbados in net terms to have been substantially destroying with impunity another important commercial business sector in Barbados.

    For, it is these DLP and BLP governments of Barbados that have already been the prime and most despicable destroyers of the once verdant and buoyant agriculture and manufacturing sectors in this island through the continuous visitation of the relevant evils and monstrosities – TAXATION, regimes that purport money debts, etc – on these two sectors.

    If these governments are allowed to take their levels of damage and destruction of many affairs in tourism to higher levels it will mean that tourism too will suffer a similar fate as agriculture and manufacturing.

    Too, it will also mean that if the majority of tourism stakeholders – taxi operators, coach operators, beach vendors, coastal cruise operators, in land tour operators, restauranters, hoteliers, villa owners, private tourism planners and developers etc – continue to do like the majority of stakeholders in both the agriculture and manufacturing sectors have been doing, and do not adopt some very firm, resolute and unshakeable attitudes and stances that inform these visionless intellectually and politically bankrupt corrupt DLP/BLP factions, i.e, that it is either they that must be totally destroyed by the broad masses and middle classes in the medium term to long term, or that instead it will be they that will be totally destroyed by these factions in the medium term or long term, will mean that they will become like how the said stakeholders in agriculture and manufacturing have long been made to become – reduced to performing lowly depreciated and marginalized roles in the process of the commercial and business functioning of the country.

    Surely, a refusal on the part of these stakeholders to act in the national interest and their better interest, will also mean that they will continue to see the essential systemic destruction of many Tourism affairs by the government and will also continue to see the national status quo providing greater more maleffects for making Barbados become like Jamaica in the next 9 to 14 years in many ways.


  39. Gabriel Tackle Avatar
    Gabriel Tackle

    The big big problem in Barbados is that the electorate has saddled the country with an ignoramus for Prime Minister.The saving grace in past years has been the ability of three former holders of that important post to be sufficiently intelligent to take on the twin portfolios of Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.This incumbent does not know his arse from his elbow and cannot guide Monetary and Fiscal policies,Economic policy,Business policy,National output,Income distribution,International trade,in short, he lacks the expertise and understanding of Errol Barrow,Tom Adams and Owen Arthur .Responsible management of a country is not for the dumb and dull.Barbados is paying the price for its stupidity. Errol Barrow was the DLP.The party’s ashes were scattered at sea along with his ashes from the Caricargo plane that facilitated the final rites in 1987.

  40. Let me make two confessions:

    1. I currently believe that markets are the least bad way of allocating resources and should be allowed to work as far as possible.

    2. Unlike many on this blog I have no interest in re-fighting the 2013 general elections. DLP won, they are the government we have and I am prepared to engage with them as the legitimate government. I do not buy the “Buy election” argument. Whichever Wickman poll you choose they both had the two party leaders running a statistical dead heat. In such a case why would the election result not be close. Why would the incumbent not prevail in a close race?

    David one of my questions is whether or not we are chastising the policy makers and hoteliers for not being able to maintain the pre 2008 status quo when the world has changed fundamentally. General public cursing policymakers and hoteliers, hoteliers cursing government and vice versa because of an inability to maintain the pre 2008 status quo while fundamental change has occurred.

    Adrian it seems to me that some business models will no longer be viable with the prolonged recession in Europe, and the increases in energy costs. Why should these entities not be allowed to fail if they are unable to adjust. My sense is that some shakeout in the sector is inevitable and should be allowed be to happen. Instead of doing too little the policymakers try to do too much to keep entities that should fail alive.

    I sympathize with the hotels about the increase in water and electricity rates. But Barbados is a water scarce country, as a free market person, I am of the view that if the hotels do not face the true costs of these resources then they remain very inefficient in the usage of these resources. The administration seems to want to enhance the competitiveness of the sector by promoting investments in energy efficiency and renewables. Are hotels interested in reducing energy costs and also gaining a further 50% rebate on property taxes due if they invest in renewables. Are hotels looking at this or lobbying for a return to the good old days? What are the issues?

  41. @PDC
    WE need to isolate the distinct and separate things that are destroying Bim.
    Segregate and then destroy them.
    If our life is not just to be a game in which we are just the pawns.
    This is a WAR going on ,not just a small social disturbance.
    Get some candidates together,stand for election.
    People sick and tired of de same shite

  42. Adrian I dont know about 24/7 but maybe on a 247,347,or maybe even a 747 it sure seems like he is carrying a lot of baggage with him, maybe he is a disgruntled red cap that some brit forgot to tip at the airport

  43. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    Again some goods points which I probably cannot do justice in responding fully to you.
    I personally think that we should tackle the things where we can make a difference. I remember some time ago, discussing with Stephen Worme of BL&P the idea of having a dual electricity tariff with a lower rate for off-peak
    (night use) electricity. They implemented a pilot project, but it was only open to highly selected BIG companies. I suggested addressing an area like hotel, villa, apartment, condominium swimming pool pumps and having them operate at night (even 12 hours a day) on a lower rate. Government could play their part by allowing the importation of the meters duty/tax free. Even if the savings represented only 10 per cent it still amount to a significant ‘national’ reduction.
    I am a very simple person and tend to look for simple workable solutions.
    With somewhere around 40-60 per cent of the annual BTA budget being spent on staff and administration it makes absolutely NO SENSE to spend 11 per cent of the total budget to HOPEFULLY generate a ROI of 1:1.76 (less than $2 return on each $1 spent).
    I get lots of criticism from certain quarters for some of my comments, but I defy anyone sensible to argue that this is the best use of the BTA budget.

  44. I don’t think the subsidized rate for electricity can be a medium to long term solution. Unlike Gabriel Tackle I think the fundamental problem in BIm is the fallout from this great recession in our source markets. I think we should be focusing on our response. A question in my mind is how do we subsidize the capital costs of the energy efficiency and renewable energy investments as one means of responding to the challenges in the sector?

    Adrian how much of the challenge is pricing, or pricing relative to the quality of the plant and product we currently offer?

    Gabriel Tackle I just want to remind you that between 2001 and 2002, the declines in tourism, GDP and increases in the fiscal deficit (under Mr. Arthur) after the mild global recession of 2001 were in the same ball park as those experienced during this current recession. Your man Tom Adams had to go to the IMF aftert he relatively mild 1981 recession.

    Lets deal with the issues and not the politics.

  45. Dr love,

    We agree with you 100 per cent on that one.

    We, as part of the Coalition of Unified Parties (CUP), are moving ahead with our plans for the next elections in this country.

    Both the DLP and the BLP must go in the foreseeable future!!


  46. @Adrian
    I keep tellin you
    You are speaking Chinese to an Afaganistani.
    They are not interested in the TRUTH.
    They got elected for PERSONAL GAIN.
    They just get a lable stuck on them ,that entitles them to MILK what they been awarded till its dry.
    Get REAL please!!!.Understand .
    They do not give a DAMN.
    They stack up the loot.The lower and cheaper Barbados becomes ,the BETTER they live cos they have the MONEY so they pay less for what they want.
    Now I know you just a skinny white boy ,but if you can decipher and relate to all the statisics you show as the truth,surely to GOD you have the sense to understand that what you are hitting your head on is a BRICK WALL ,not misunderstanding or incompetance.
    If it means ONE cent less for them its a total NONSTARTER.

  47. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    I think it is the pricing in relation to the quality of the product we are offering, and I believe this is where we fail dismally. There are of course exceptions that have got it right or close to.

  48. @PDC
    When you ready, I have some savings,I find a way we can contact and I publically guarantee you candidate support as many as I can afford.

  49. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carson C. Cadogan | May 20, 2013 at 9:57 AM |
    “Adrian Loveridge If things are so bad in Barbados, why don’t you head back to England where it is “flowing with Milk and Honey”?”
    Fair exchange is not robbery! Why not trade Adrian for a few thousand Bajans living in the UK and who would gladly return to the paradise called Bim?
    In return for this repatriation you could get their State pensions to shore up Barbados’ fast depleting foreign reserves. The British government would certainly save on winter fuel allowance payments, free TV licences, council tax and housing benefits.

    You could also include them as UK arrivals in your tourism numbers game. You and your deceitful lying party are good at manipulating numbers even at the polling stations.
    Deal or no deal, CCC?
    Adrian has as much right to live in Barbados as you have to exist as a poor excuse for a human being. Pick sense from that.
    You are just a racist idiot with the brain the size of a bed chink sucking the blood of that bitch that sleeps in your fleas-ridden bed!

  50. But Adrian my sense is that is very much a private sector challenge, which they must deal with.

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