Submitted by Peter Rabbi
An intriguing case
An intriguing case – photo credit: BBC

I think that this sordid mess concerning the Derrick Crawford issue has more than gone far enough. It has now reach to a stage where it is before the British Parliament with a recommendation that a travel advisory be issued against Barbados. We can only wait and see but we can logically anticipate a fall in tourist arrivals from that market. In addition to that, if a civil suit results from that we the tax payers of this country will most likely have to compensate Derrick Crawford, a known criminal who has been a parasite preying on visitors for years.

I do think that this is a serious indictment on the AG who has either refused to or believes he is powerless to act on this issue.  I can only now call on the PM to do something. I was in total agreement with the way that you handle the Alexander issue, but certainly Mr PM if that industrial dispute that did not even meet national proportion attracted your attention; should it not be more compelling that this issue that has reach global proportion merit some attention?

Would anyone really believe that these two women could possibly be mistaken, they are fighting this every step of the way, they seem to have some peculiar knowledge of what ever has taken place. They are using they hard earn cash and concentrating the time and energy and should not be dismissed as they were. I would have understood the position taken by the COP Mr Dottin if it was one victim but certainly not two educated and mature women. Can anyone say with any certainty if there was in truth a third victim?

What will it take for the powers that be to act? I believe that it has passed the stage where it can be done but if those in position had given this issue some attention, pay a listening ear to the victims and do the necessary damage control, we would not now be in this position. We can no longer let the perceived power that we have master us but we must master the power. We are now in a global environment within minutes what happen here could be all over the world as this issue now is.

My friend Mr Stuart, you have a good policy, he who humbles himself shall be exulted and he who exult himself shall be like Mr Dottin the laughing stock. Have a meeting with those women, at the highest possible level as it has now gone pass the police force and let us do what we can to SERVE, PROTECT and REASSURE.

May God Bless you.

  1. LooK at What? evertime there is a problem the PM must get involved? now must the PM take on the role of Commisioner of Police ? and entire police department ? before it washis role to be MInister of EDUCAtion when teachers strike .thenMinister of labour when the Lime employees strike. What next. Look PM don”t read BU. . ,,Further more don’t need the advice. it always PM must do this orPm must do that> stupsee.Those woman got a barrage of lawyers and media working on their behalf . Now the PM must get involved I say ABSOLUTELY NOT!

  2. Ac why you don’t go long sleep nuh?
    …that is when you are at your intelligent best…

    By choosing to accept the role of PM, Stuart automatically accepts responsibility for all national issues.
    ….we probably can’t blame him for you though…. 🙂

  3. What national issue.? such issues are under the jurisdiction of the BPF . that is their job. Everycountry have experienced similar incidents and their leaders go about doing the the job they were elected to do.not jumping around from ministry to minisrty like headless chicken with 2×4 in hand threating people. PM stuart have a blessed Easter…….

  4. Bushtea ac delivered a message at “BUSH TEA AT LARGE” BTW the name befits you !as in “suspicious!

  5. There is also the matter of the the young girl Viciously tortured and Murdered in St John.
    That has been swept under the carpet after a Saga of the most blatent criminal manipulation of the evidence,by the DPP of Barbados Charles Leacock.
    Wherein ,after one of the most horrific killings in Barbados Legal History, DPP Charles Leacocks evidence to the Courts of Barbados ,made both Murders not only; NOT GUILTY of Murder; but actually both having been (if we look at DPP Charles Leacocks evidence) the “Innocent” party.
    The Guyanese leader and perpertrator of the crime being made “Innocent of Murder ” by DPP Charles Leacock s” diametrically changed evidence ,at the first trial and the last trial.
    Now I understand that the Guyanese Murderer, is “Appealling” as he feels his treatment was “unjust” (Leacock asked for 25 years but ACCEPTED 15 after allowances etc) (Very reassuring for any Tourist to see)
    Who can beleive that DPP LEACOCK acts solely on his own.
    Where is the AG?The Cheif Justice? The Comissioner of Police?
    Was this crime NOT HORRIFIC enough to have been worthy of his , the PM’s attention?
    OR WAS IT worthy of his attention?
    That being the reason the matter was “reasolved” in the blatent “Upsiderdowner” fashion of total criminal misrepresentation of evidence to the Courts by DPP CHARLES LEACOCK.

    I understand that the Law offices of the present PM were involved ,in a case against the father of the Murdered child, by a Foreign woman,who was allowed into Barbados and stayed for ONE year ,WITHOUT PAPERS and was GIVEN FREE LEGAL AID to put the father in Court over a matter that was “not of this jurustiction” and long out of date had it been..
    (A Foreigner gets off a plane and ILLEGALLY stays in Barbados for a YEAR while recieving FREE LEGAL AID and recieves daily many phone calls at her Accomodation from the law office of PM STUART) and Strange enough the “Bosom Buddy ” of the PM ; Hal Gollop ,has the work routed thro his office. (Note here that Gollop was at the time representing the father in this matter and never informed the father that the lawyer representing the woman was from Gollops’ own chambers)
    Also WHY was the law office of the PM needing to “Call” this attractive ,white ,young female,when that case had been placed thro Gollops Chambers?
    Then when the case is over and the Woman “loses” the father of the murdered child, is not allowed to collect his 12,000B$ costs.
    His lawyer refuses to collect and the father is “Advised” he does “NOT KNOW who he is up against” and to “go to another lawyer if he wishes to collect as the current lawyer “Is not getting involved”

    Do we see a “Vendetta” here, another incident of those “that Can” abusing the Law of Barbados.
    Sounds very much like a Case the British MP dealing with the case of the “Arrest of a Rapist” in Barbados, is very likely to find, extremely usefull.

    Anybody want to book on the SS,Titanic /Barbados for a nice cheap One way trip.
    Any investors in Barbados ,encouraged?
    Any family with young girl children,STILL considering a nice “Uneventful” trip to “Paroe,dise”

  6. What do you expect the PM to do. He wasn’t very good with the Alexandra affair; how does he now solve more of a messier mess – no tourist industry by next year. I would not panic about the attitude of these ladies; they believe that they are cuffing at this island’s under belly, but for years good old Hawaii was the rapist capital of the world; none of the international networks said anything including the good old BBC.

  7. This is a foolish foolish post by Mr. Peter Rabbit
    Sorry epic fail

  8. @Bushy. Do like I do with ac. Read the first few lines and see from that if there is a modicum of sense (which happens – RARELY!) and, if not, scroll down smartly and ignore. You get the hint that ac is not on her meds when she says that this is not a national issue. Something occurs that hits the international press thereby losing Barbados tens of millions of dollars in tourism revenue and international respect for the justice system (which includes the police) that we, the taxpayers, pay for – but ac sees this, like Dottin the Dolt, as being solely a police matter. So the moment you see this, you have to figure that either it is a full moon or ac has stopped taking her medication.

    @Peter Rabbit. Agree with you overall. It is a disgrace and the PM does have an alternative, which is to seek a commission under the Constitution for the removal from office of the CoP and the DPP, which would require that they be immediately suspended. In the case of the CoP, there is a reluctance to do this, as he would, if dismissed, probably lose his pension from us, the taxpayers. But of course, we have the lehal advises of the wife of an un-named lawyer that this is NOT a matter that ought to concern us, the people who are paying the bill.

    Bottom line. If Crawford brings a civil action, he will likely win it and yes, the Bajan taxpayer will be expected to foot the bill – but this is, of course, none of the taxpayers’ business.

  9. The CoP in one of his press conferences on this matter ‘threatened’ to open the case file on the matter to support his claim the Force has run a good investigation. Open the damn file, we are dying here.

    Surely it is asinine to spend millions in marketing tourism in the UK and have this Crawford matter being carried in the same press eroding all the gains?

  10. Please read INTO my last post.
    What the post exemplifies is DEPTH of the CORRUPTION and the level it is at.

    THINK who would have been involved and how WIDE SPREAD the CORRUPTION is (there fore to the perpertrators the NORM.)

    Just the matter of the year without papers. Think ,HOW many and Whom and at what ;levels must have been involved.

    Just the matter of the FREE LEGAL AID (and the cost .It was a year) Must have been Chairman of Legal aid Fredric Waterman and Lawyer and WHO else??? Remember the woman was a TOTAL ALIEN not a Bajun.
    Steps off a plane onto a RED CARPET of State arranged finance,paid for by YOU.

    Think about the LAWYER refusing to claim the Fathers Costs.
    Firstly the lawyer, KNOWING who was manipulating the law , denying the law to a person justified in receiving JUSTICE.
    Not informing the client of the dangers and what they were BUT STILL taking 12,000$ for 20 minutes in Court.

    Worry yourself to DEATH about the antics of a GUYANESE DPP of YOUR BARBADOS.


    Just SIMPLY rearrange the LAW as he wants/is Instructed .Just SIMPLY TAILOR the jacket to fit.
    Return US into BONDAGE of whoever is STRONGER, RICHER , MORE CORRUPT.

    THINK THINK THINK, about HOW MANY and WHOM were Intimately involved and that it MUST have BEEN at the VERY HIGHEST level to have been , AGREED and carried out.

    ITS NOT about WHAT we expect any person of Goverment to do.
    IT IS ABOUT OUR RIGHTS as FREE PEOPLE and OUR ability to EXERCISE those rights FREE FROM Corruption.

    IF you CAN I invite you just to THINK

  11. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | March 30, 2013 at 11:46 PM |

    Ac, let us play a little game of time travel as is your wont to go back in your 14 year OSA space mobile and assume we are stuck in a time wobble on March 30, 2005.
    Let us assume also the same events raised in this thread are being played out with OSA as PM.
    Now Ac, what would be your views. Would you still say that this matter is of NO National Importance and that PM OSA is doing the right thing by leaving it under the sole jurisdiction of the Police & DPP? Why did this PM not leave the Alexandra issue under the sole jurisdiction of the MoE as per the King report?

    You are strongly advised to ask your husband to read what Amused wrote above @ “Amused | March 31, 2013 at 4:04 AM | “ and to explain the serious ramifications of what is happening to the image and reputation of Barbados in one of our main source market from which we earn foreign exchange the lifeblood of this economy.
    Amused knows what he talking about. The British Media would destroy the image of this country as a tourist destination and a place to buy properties and invest unless this country seeks immediately to change the perception being spread as far as the halls of Whitehall and Westminster. If we fail to rectify the deteriorating situation this scandal would end up at the door of Number 10 Downing St as a petition to the PM to really do something about that banana republic called Barbados.

  12. There has to be something fundamentally wrong with this DPP.

    Example- The last case where he accepted a plea of manslaughter against a man who went to his former employer’s house, waited for him to return home and shot him dead in front of his family…..
    …and the DPP argues that he was provoked “because he lost a case against the man” when our shitty court system UNFAIRLY dismissed the case for lack of evidence in his absence having not advised him of the court date.
    …so he was provoked to get a gun, go to the man’s house and kill him.
    This DPP want sending back to Guyana….

  13. This reinforces the need for the attorney general to take decisive action over the reorganisation of the criminal justice system.
    In case he nbeeds reminding, the police commissioner is sresponsible for operational matters, while he is in chare of strategy and policy. I suggest the ball is now in his court.
    As I have said in my Notes before, we need to separate uniformed police from the investigative branch, removing the right of arrest from the detectives.
    Set up a number of mobile stations under the operational direction of an inspector, which can be moved in to troubled areas with a day’s notice, and the team will be tasked with knowing every househokd, every animal, every bird on their patch; who the troublemakers are, the ddrug dealers, the people living beyong their means.
    In the meantime, immigration and customs officers will be given the right of arrest, with drug dealing being the remit of customs.
    Fraud and other economic crimes will come under the direction of Inland revenue, with the support of more export staff, including forensic auditors.
    The professional Defence Force will be disbanded with the current team divided between the police and Coastguard, maintaining only a skeletal staff to deal with the volunteer regiment.
    Senior officer who now deal with prosecutions in the magistrates courts – so-called police courts – will be put back on the beat, with the director of public prosecution’s office taking responsible for all prosecutions.
    The one thing Barbados is not short of is lawyers.
    Although police prosecutors have produced some outstanding lawyers in the past – Garry Sergeant comes to mind – those were in the days when there was a shortage of lawyers.
    Once we have reorganised the criminal justice system, then we can talk about competence and efficiency.

  14. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Dr Love | March 31, 2013 at 7:02 AM |

    And to think the people involved are currently walking the inner corridors of power in this country parading as icons of integrity and good governance.
    The miller was like a lone ranger fighting against the lies, deceit and barefaced hypocrisy hiding within a political eggshell coated in a yellow facade of false integrity and living a personal lie.
    Many arrows with their tips dipped in a chalice of poisonous innuendo and carried in a quiver full of partisan DLP rotten bile were directed at and continue to be aimed at the miller. But the Light of Truth shall prevail!

    Come out things! More to come! We shall soon see whom and what we as a country are really up against. They shall “ugly away” before we hear from them again.

    “Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.” ~Elbert Hubbard.

  15. Amused ! i couldn’t give two shit..s about wether ANYBODY agree or disagree with any of my comments. Really not interested in joining a bandwagon of “know it alls” here on BU predominately males.
    As a female i stand ALONE and enjoys that status tremendously as a matter of fact I wear it with a badge of honour as my my ego is firmly intact and secure so much so that when the arrows of the pseudo =intellectuals come flying by i simply ignore. Unfortunately similar cannot be said of people of your ilk and Bush Tea who reveals in egotistical fanfare and pomposity seeking the approval of others.

  16. In T&T the soldier has been given the right to arrest hell there was even talk about flying squads. Are we there yet?

    Can we locate the debate on the issue if we can?

  17. I think that the people of this country should stop and think and see that some action is done abpot this whole state of affairs. Where are the media houses are the suffering to from the nine day disease. Where are the investigative journalist.
    This is no longer a police issue is the COP also responsible for Tourism, where are the human right watch dogs or are they only interested in The stopping properly convicted murders from getting hang. What about the possible economic fall off if tourism is affected.
    Does the people understand that the British market is our main source destination now. What image is being painted that Bardados has being feature negatively since late last year in that market.The Crawford issue, the shooting of the cruise ship visitors and the stabbing of the professors in St Peter. How can someone intelligently conclude that this is a policew issue. How can the officals be so silent.
    This issue has gone way pass the RBFP. It should be actively engaging the attention of the Cabinet, it certainly touches on Min of Tourism, Min of AG, Min of Foreign Affairs, and to a lesser extent Min of Internation Development because if the justice system is allowed to remain looking like a circus how can we expect to arttract foreign investement. Let put it down to a basic level which one of us with $150.000 to invest in a home will make our first option Nelson Street, theRred Sea or the Marl hole certainly more peace and secure communities will be our option.Why should then we expect stranger to want to invest wher they cannot feel secure.
    This whole issue has the potential to touch on the standard of live that we has become acustome to, the info is availible check how the Rodney King affair affected the tourism in L A a few years ago can we afford a 4% drop in arrivals i think not well LA had something like a 44% drop. What else do we have to offer other than safe peace and tranquillity to our visitors. All others sorts of attractions are imported from the very markets we target.
    Mr PM, AG, and cabinet plz nip it in the bud stop the personal attackks and be wise it is not a laughing matter.

  18. @ David

    We do not want to follow the Trinidadians in lots of things, including the crime levels and the ways of fighting crime, including Canadian senior officers.
    Paramilitary policing divides up society in to them and us. In Barbados we want police to be part of our society. Uniformed police, not muscled-bound young men (and they are often men) in baseball caps and overalls terrorising our streets.
    For one, young men know who they are, where they live, who their parents and family are. We want ideally young men and women obeying the law, and one way of doing that is by giving them jobs.
    We have a number of bogus criminologists now talking about toddlers using drugs and drugs being the cause of the break down in society.
    Global cocaine use is basically a US problem, wish they skilfully try to export. Drug dealers only use the Caribbean for trans shipment and Europe as a second market.
    The big drugs market is the Washington beltway.
    Our politicians must stop taking money from the US and Canada to set up drug courts and special squads, and marine patrols.
    Do not let them set the agenda.

  19. On the article, maybe it IS time the case file be opened. But likely the Police would need written agreement from the parties concerned, to do so.

    My first question, was there forensic evidence and what did it indicate. Forensic evidence is usually self explanatory unless contested.

    That said, as for the further matters written above, as comments, I sincerely hope those statements of events are not true, re both the little girl case and the former employer case, cannot be, it boggles the mind.

    If twere true, our land has surely gone mad.

  20. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hal Austin | March 31, 2013 at 7:51 AM |

    Hal, you really don’t know what’s going on at the socio-political coalface in Bim today.
    What you have suggested and the proposals outlined are all fine and good with many of them either doable or already in place as policies, laws, regulations and procedures but not implemented or enforced. The problem with Barbados today is the excessive political interference and incestuous relationships between wrong doers and the political and administrative elite.

    The tax dodgers and drug dealers are either related to or are “big friends” of the political elite and protected from investigation far less prosecution. Leroy Greenverbs is a case in point. Many of these lawbreakers are financial backers and vote buying enforcers to the political parties.
    When we can have very senior appointed lawmakers stating publicly they both have witnessed vote selling and buying and drug dealing without pursuing these matters to the point of resolution permitted by our justice system one can only conclude we are in a downward spiralling quagmire leading to further social and political decay.

  21. No wonder the PM here don’t live to a ripe old age .Each dept of govt is assigned a Minister and when inefficiency and any problems arise those are the people to whom the issues should be address.
    The BTA ! The BFP ! the AG ! the DPP ! maybe we should abandon all these ministries and depts and have a country run by a dictator who can implement t any and all policies at a whim.
    Yes there is a crime problem of growing concern that should be address but asking the PM to address the role is not going to contain the situation. the possibility of more funding may be of assistance in helping the Police Force do a better job at apprehending and keeping crime at a minimal.

  22. @Hal


    The comment was meant to be tongue in cheek recognising that we are prone to be reactive given our conservative disposition and a strong inclination to romaticise the fact that Barbados is God’s island.

  23. AC why does everything in this country have to become a gender issue. Why do we have to stoop to the level of behavior that you are exhibiting. If womwn are really comfortable about themselves and are reallly shining as they are suppose to be why is it still necessary to continue to shout Iam a woman can we not have a trational debate without gender being an issue
    Is not the physical appearence enough for us to know the difference between men and women. A good rational debate need not be fan in the face of genderism

  24. @ Miller

    You are talking about a flawed, maybe even corrupt system. It has eve been thus. People are prosecuted on the basis of who they know: why do you think relatively few white Barbadians go to prison, or even end up in court, and for serious offences such as killing their young sons, end up on minor charges.
    It may surprise you that I am fully aware of the under-wiring of Barbadian society. You can either become fatalistic about these flaws or try to put them right.
    I am talking about an efficient and workable system in which law and order are enforced objectively and according to law. I am sure this is not too much for even Barbadians.
    A cousin of mine was a senior police officer. I won’t call his name so as not to embarrass his immediate family.

  25. What about the DNA ,it was his DNA that was found ;by the way to most WHITE people we all look the same and he may had put on some weight and got some grays in between but from how Derrick Crawford was in them women faces he is guilty just doing what some rapist do playing with them that the don’t even recognise him.He playing with them woman and enjoying it.

  26. If the file which the COP has will vindicate the Force and himself then he and or the authorities concerned need to release the damn file.

  27. old onion bags Avatar

    Butt looka my big able crosses…….Big Easter Sunday and waana want to give Stuartie a heart attack…..cheeseon breds…man musse sweating bullets.

    @ ac…..cuddear LOL..tekk um like a man dear,,,its ur turn !

  28. old onion bags Avatar

    Forgetting my manners……Happy Easter All

    An Easter Prayer
    Of all of God’s gifts
    Easter shows us our fate
    Forgiven we will rise
    And pass through Heaven’s gate

    This Easter remember
    The sacrifice of a Son
    And through His resurrection
    Eternal life we have won

    This Easter I pray
    That the love of God
    Is resurrected
    Reborn, renewed
    Inside your heart
    God Bless You All !

  29. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | March 31, 2013 at 7:57 AM |

    So you can’t intellectually defend your position and as a result resort to the GENDER card.
    Every male BU blogger is against ac because she is a “woman”!

    No ac, we are against what you are arguing. Your position is totally untenable and your persistence in defending it- not out of principle but pure political ass licking- is beyond human understanding or even simple commonsense.
    We are against your idiotic ranting not you as a woman; like how Christians claim they hate the sin but love the sinner. Ask Bushie or Caswell for confirmation!

  30. It appears that those who have been put in charge of running the affairs of this country have no one to report to. Who is in charge of our security? The RBPF? Then if complaints are made who looks into those complaints? The PM of Barbados in charge of the country and if he sees something or someone not working he should alert the necessary persons he appointed about his observations. The PM has made several observations aloud but no action has been taken. He has taken over the MOT and has been meeting with them. They must have brought the incidents of crime against Tourists to his attention. Has he fallen asleep after the elections? Why is it so difficult to govern a small society like Barbados. Has progress has exposed the monster in us?

  31. @ AC
    It is people like you that made our fore fathers conclude that women cannot reason. You want support for women well this coming from a woman like you do us a favour and shut your mouth ya full breed jenny ass

  32. Miller …….AC has acquired the taste of shoite that is why she loves ass licking the PM. Sorry AC but that is how you present yourself. Why can’t you let go of your partisan ways? Stop defending people who are not doing their jobs! Are you afraid that by criticizing the government means that you are no longer a supporter? Jeez girl take of those rose tinted glasses and look at the dog in its face! Bring something new to BU nuh?

  33. Of late we have heard the AG and his throw your hands in despair statements. We need a short term strategy, we need a medium term strategy and we need a long term strategy. Politicians seem to believe strategies are only required to deal with fiscal/monetary matters. Importantly, we need to ensure whatever strategies are eventually stumbled upon that the people are on board.

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | March 31, 2013 at 8:19 AM |

    The bucks stops at the boss, my dear!
    It is he who makes people feel he has the solution to our problems and tells us everything is fine in Bim under his leadership.

    That’s what you get for telling lies and pretending to be a person of utmost integrity and competence but surrounded by a bunch of lazy ass incompetents lying thieving puppets in a cabinet.
    Now get on with the job and stop complaining. The fire has just started, lying bastards!

  35. Lemuel | March 31, 2013 at 12:53 AM |
    What do you expect the PM to do. He wasn’t very good with the Alexandra affair;

    Absolutely disagree with you in fact the PM wise moves in the AX affair is one of the understated reasons he rose so rapidly in the leadership stakes. It caught his nemisis the CADRES liar Wickham by surprise.

    I’m with the Commish on these rape cases.Although my heart goes out to all women who are victims of rape all roads from the evidence leads to the accused who is now a free man.

    The English women’s hate for and anger at the Commish and RBPF has overtaken their sanity and natural desire to put their rapist behind bars. The criminal psychologists will tell you this occurs sometimes. Now thier rage aided and abetted by some local traitors is aimed at bringing down Barbados. They’re not only hunting the Commish and RBPF with the assistance of the British MP’s theyve manipulated methinks their objective is to see the collapse of our country.

  36. Is Reality Check being serious or is s/he mentally ill.

  37. HAPPY EASTER YUH ALLL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>running Late. Talk to wunna later. any nhow to make a long story short . i stand by my comments.

  38. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hal Austin | March 31, 2013 at 9:27 AM |

    Quite serious, indeed!
    This is the kind of political mindset running the affairs of this country.
    We hear a similar tone coming from the Cabinet regarding very serious issues facing this beleaguered country. A country that is fast losing the confidence of people with genuine interest and commitment to see this country keep its hard won reputation of a developing state with great management and great potential.
    We are really up a creek here, you know!

  39. @Hal

    Ignore Reality Check, one of those DLP supporters who believe that a moniker change does the trick.

  40. Reality Check is one a them corrupt officers

  41. Boy, this is serious. Is there a psychiatrist in the house?

  42. old onion bags Avatar

    Rc..used =..Ac…lol….sweet den !

  43. @ David
    i hear u always talking about ppl changing their names/handles on this blog, but for goodness sake do u think that every household has a computer in every room, you dont think that more than one person can use the same computer, and contribute to the same blog? smh wunna old ppl boy

  44. @bk

    You comment and let BU manage the blog. Don’t you think after 6 years we know what we are doing?

  45. Wickedness must be stopped in the country and the COP must be stoped. I know a young constable who has servrd this country for ten years applied to go overseas to finish his legal studies and permission was refused. He submitted his resignation and proceeded to go the goodlygentleman the COP ha refused to forward it saying that he is not acepting it that he is waiting to dismiss him on his return. has we now gotten to the stage of force Force labour. this young man is seeking to progress at his own expense. Is this how we are to encourage our young to progress. No wonder the weak thing it better to turn to crime than fight againt the wicked dealings in high office.
    Take attorney -at law Mr Bennet, he studied law when he was an Inspector of Police alond with another Inspector. on their return that other inspector now a S/Superintendant was put to act three ranks up which was unprecedented inn this country wit and increase pay of almost $3000 but Mr Bennet was transfered tpo a department resulting in him loosing an allowances with amounted to a reduction in income. tell me who in their right mind would not have done what he did to seek greener pastures. do you inprove yourself for less.
    Would ypoubelieve that after Mr Bennett left the COP would not even acknomledge his application for a licence firearm Mr Bennett as a police was involved in serious drug intradiction matters the Raul Graciea affair to mention one. He carried a firearm for over 15yrs both on and off duty as drug officers do and then to be treated so by your own. Tell me is this motivation for others to give quality service after putting yourself and family at risk for so many years to be treated this way.
    Can you imagine how it would feel to know that you stopped millions of dollars in drugs from in the Columbia, Jamacia,and Vincentian drug trade and because you made a decision to improve yourself the very country and ouganisation you serve slap you in the face and say to hell with you we don’t want to hear you. You could be a target for death we do not care.
    Sorry this is not personal but Wicked Darwin and Seymore must be stopped.

  46. No one should be surprised that both the Hal Gollop law firm and the PMs Office is quite active in conflict of interest issues that are illegal but the accepted norm in legal circles in Barbados, no great surprise there, most lawyers in Bim are proud that they can actually circumvent and manipulate the system to a successful outcome by being attorney for both defendant and plaintiff.

    Hal Austin…………you are a little behind, from what I am hearing, the drug shipments are now leaving the US and Canada and being sold in Bim because the profit margins are now quite larger if sold in Barbados.

    I never heard of any DNA match from Crawford (as miserable a character that he has always been) that matched any taken from the females, I may be wrong, but police in Bim are not big on evidence gathering.

    AC??………, when I see her posts I can never decide if to laugh, cry or do both. If the PM cannot get involved with all matters of national interest he should not be PM and should not be paid by taxpayers, he is a very questionable character as things already stand and the island is already on shaky ground. Some of ACs posts border on the mentally deranged and others on the semi-retarded…………and I am a female who try to be objective and balanced but ac tends to provoke the soul through her most often illogical and incestuous party rantings………….it is scary, but it does not look like it will change since she is set in her ways, it is a cross we will have to bear.

  47. Reality check
    The ONLY people in Bim who believed the PM handled the Jeff Broomes affair properly and with great statesman ship are you and those like you who sing for your supper at the feet of the said same PM. The DLP final straw was to buy the elections and they did just barely.

  48. i was talking to someone who lives in england ans was told that this matter and the recent shooting of the tourists have attracted the attention of the british press.

  49. @Lemuel

    i think it is time to move on and let us discuss passinately the ills facing this society. Stop the foolishness of vote buying.

  50. @TPP

    Where have you bee living the last 3-4 weeks? Have you not seen the BBC and other UK links to UK media discussing this issue?

    On the subject of vote buying does it matter that it occurred? You should not worry too much about it because the PM promised on the morning after he was reelected that he will allocate some time to it. Maybe you should tell the PM to forget about it.

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