Submitted by Old Onions Bag
Senator Irene Sandiford-Garner
Senator Irene Sandiford-Garner

Wednesday’s proffer from the Senate to consider as source, additional revenue via punitive measures on the poor man’s barrel trade smacks of perturbation, pettifogging and pittance. A shallow deputation …a humbling for the poor and a generous ‘stimulus’ givings to affluent. How easy it is to hear of a loftiness to the tune of $600 Million in placate for mega construction magnates, and with the now ‘accustomed prissiness,’ a pitchfork for the destitute. Must we all be reminded that the barrel trade initiated out of need, sometimes even desolate hardship.

Have some forgotten from whence we came? From all humble recalls, when granny used to tell that a barrel coming from New York, was a time of elations for everybody, sometimes even the neighbours. One could rest assured always, there would be inside something of sweetness and ‘muchly needed proteins and viddles’ that would have had to be done without for reasons of affordability in one’s homeland. Even a $2 Salvation Army happy pants (checkered) that would be proudly worn to the next upcoming school fair, a 10lb Spam ham to ease on the souring meat loaf and baloney,..a couple of t-shirts for Sis with shiny sequin. Much needed tings and more tings sent from ova n away by a considerate relative from the land of Great n Plenty.

Now to hear of such ponderous and taxing plans to put an end to this now entrenched, Bajan ‘great expectation’ is nothing more than political folly coming on the eve of a recent serendipity. Pooh Pooh even poodle scoop, Friar Tuc, dare say, and not the way to go prosy. ..“more than an economy, more a society.”

35 responses to “Barrelling a Bob?”

  1. New must access app. www,coucouandflying

  2. ISG aka Goat Garner is a confused person. I have never heard anything of worth or substance emanating from her lips.

    However, I want the DLP to tax the barrel trade. A 100% increase sounds good to me. Wunna of the belief that the DLP for the poor man. Oh how misguided you all are!

  3. @Alvin

    Do you realise this online website list almost every thing except online blogs?

    You start in a box you will end up in a box.

  4. Senator Sandiford-Garner was flying a kite for the Minister of Finance. This is a normal tactic that politicians use to test the water. If there is adverse reaction, the Government can pacify the community by saying that it was not their policy, and that the person was on their own behalf, definitely not for the Government.

    My only concern that the persons who the Government use to fly these kites are usually expendable, without any real political prospects. I thought that she had more sense than to allow herself to be used in this fashion. The person used in this fashion is usually the clown prince in the Government: in this case, the clown princess.

  5. Gabriel Tackle Avatar

    Goat Garner is well known for writing in a newspaper column the Nation afforded her some years ago that she went to a hotel with family and friends for dinner and had to insist that she be brought the house wine list ’cause she want to be sure that they got de wine she want!Turned out that she wanted a port wine that used to be made in Roebuck Street near the Spark.

  6. The upside for the government and the MoF is that they have five years therefore now is the time to implement any unpopular policy.

  7. LOL @ David
    …with a majority of one?
    They cannot even pass air in that parliament during the coming term.
    ….it is like heaven for Frundy, whose expertise in ‘not doing one shiite’ will be ideally suited for the job.

    The dog is dead David.
    Get that into ur head!
    …and let us get into the REAL issues of BBE…. 🙂

  8. old onion bags Avatar

    For once I finding myself “totally in agreement” with the Bush Doctor….He is now really in his element….. a relaxer’s paradise..

    @Gabriel Tackle
    ..D only wine mix sold at that establishment I kno bout went by the name of GP (Gorilla psssst)….you sure you got the right place?

  9. wait onions i got nutting in the barrell comin or going so i not worried. BTW what i hey trying to figure if dat was u i used to see at the fair wearing the army and navy checkered pants and a cork hat pun de head, cause fuh sure i thought to myself the poor soul must be orphaned.!

  10. old onion bags Avatar

    Nose ur place ac……onions was a pressure boy and a hard seed, ya

  11. Freundel gone back to sleep. This time he gine set his alarm to wake him up in April 2018.

  12. Maybe just in time to pay for more votes, I can guarantee they will all be in for a shock worthy of old sparky next time they pull that stunt.

  13. old onion bags Avatar

  14. Smooth Chocolate Avatar
    Smooth Chocolate

    they did not want the BLP so they have to take what they get. they wanted to accept lies now the truth is only starting to unravel. a $90,000,000 stimulus was bad for the economy but in less than a year a $600,000,000 is good for the same economy?

  15. Smooth Chocolate Avatar
    Smooth Chocolate

    @Gabriel Tackle | March 29, 2013 at 6:49 PM |
    “Goat Garner…went to a hotel with family and friends for dinner and had to insist that she be brought the house wine list …Turned out that she wanted a port wine that used to be made in Roebuck Street near the Spark.”

    are u implying that because something cost less, she should not like it? or that the more expensive wine implied that it tasted better? SMH…we have come so far yet have so much further to go. ur analogy is the same as many members of parliament and the wider community in Barbados i.e as long as something costs more, we must prefer it to what costs less…thank God I come from a sensible family.

  16. “Senator Sandiford-Garner was flying a kite for the Minister of Finance. This is a normal tactic that politicians use to test the water. If there is adverse reaction, the Government can pacify the community by saying that it was not their policy, and that the person was on their own behalf, definitely not for the Government.

    The person used in this fashion is usually the clown prince in the Government: in this case, the clown princess”.

    I agree with you, Caswell. From the time ISG burst onto the political scene, thanks to the dead king, she says the dumbest things, comes over as a maguffy and like she is always ready to fight. You should have seen the garbage she posted on her facebook page after her defeat.

    Some months ago, she insulted the middle class in the Senate saying that they like they dont understand how harsh the times are but still want to maintain a high lifestyle wanting to send their children to ballet lessons, French lessons, swimming lessons and on and on she went. I said then she comes over like such an idiot and seems jealous of people wanted to do the best for their children. Like she want the children to become like the thugs on the block whom they can gather up on election day and throw a little money at them and get their votes! It is sad.

    I said on another thread this week that the mere fact that she mentioned the barrel trade, it means that it has been already discussed! And the DLP is for the poor man! Only their low information voters believe that!

  17. David,

    A blessed Easter to you and all on BU!

  18. @Prodigal Son

    Same to you and yours!

    Leave the Senator, she has a style which is her own and has tormented the man with many hats leading to nights…lol.

  19. LOL! She still could not beat the man of hats!

  20. old onion bags Avatar

    Nor never will…….Ha ha ha ha …the doctor neither…witch ever one..

  21. Is this the same Senator who stated publicly after she was attacked for her Blackberry, that she has owns and has very expensive taste in jewellery? No I can’t believe she thinks that extra curricular activities that parents pay for their children is living above their means. If that is true then that has damaged my opinion of her. In fact her husband has been a dancer for many years.

  22. I wont lie on her, islandgal, she said this in the Senate around December time and it was carried on the 4.30 and 5.30 news! She opens her mouth and story jumps out. I wonder if she was to say in the Senate this week that the economy is like a patient in ICU, critical and barely alive!

  23. So Prodigal all she needs now is a blonde wig?

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ islandgal246 | March 30, 2013 at 4:44 PM |

    You cheeky monkey! Leave my girl “Currants” alone, LOL!!.
    At least she is being frank when she says the government is in dire ICU financial straits and heading straight towards IMF strictures in order to operate on this country’s fiscal incontinence. The monkey barrel business is just full of laughs compared to what this government will be forced to impose on a country with a $1.2 billion fiscal deficit and its international credit card “eaten” by the credit rating agencies’ ATMs.

    Get real, Bajan black people, we are broke in the eyes of the international financial community. We have been living way above our means for too long now.
    Let us use the savings in Bajan dollars tied up in the commercial banking foreign owned entities and credit unions to “indigenize’ the economy with the aim of making a mark once again on the international scene as we did in the past with our sugar, molasses, rum and highly educated people with our sun, sea and sand coupled with basic decency, politeness and sophisticatedly rude cheekiness.

  25. miller,

    I was speaking to a public servant recently and what the person said to me is frightening.

    The gist of the conversation is that the country is in a real mess, wages and salaries are not being paid on time, every month they have to borrow to pay wages and salaries, departments cannot hire for any one who goes on leave, some temporary workers have not been paid for weeks, departments have been told not to order goods and services as budgets have been slashed, suppliers have not been paid and for any new orders, they are demanding 50-60% up front, the supposed stimulus is just talk, that the MOF is an arrogant SOB who does not listen and says its my way or the highway and that the government is hiding the true position from Barbadians who will get the shock of their lives by June!

    I had an instant headache! Happy Easter, partner!

  26. Sincker shall tax the barrel trade. The ten years that now has is enough for a pension with the other financial dainties that he has been promised. What David Estwick did not understand is that Freundel was instructed to keep Sinker as the MOF. Please be fair with Irene “fronts”. I still do not believe that Miller meant “currants” in the reference to Irene. I believe he meant to say she could sell “fronts” at Bush Hill.

  27. Miller
    You or Bushie ever buy “fronts” at Bush Hill?

  28. old onion bags Avatar

    Lemuel | March 31, 2013 at 1:03 AM |

    ….Sincker shall tax the barrel trade. The ten years that now has is enough for a pension with the other financial dainties that he has been promised.
    Dont make mock sport ……Tax what? ….besides how much money can be collect by such trifling measures…$14 m mabe….nah boss, not when NIS still got in nuff monies….Problem is however, what we go do when it run out?…Ah wonder where $120 M bond repayment money came from ?

    Ask James Bond…

  29. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    It is way time some of these officals engage the brain a lot mo before spewing potta….shoite talkin becomin a favorite past time

  30. old onion bag Avatar

    blondie…….like she catch wind and decide to sett off D dogs to them that once fed her… unions

  31. Pooh Pooh even poodle scoop, Friar Tuc, dare say, and not the way to go prosy. ..“more than an economy, more a society.”
    What society what…….gimme a break !!!!!

  32. BARREL TAX coming. Wanna could talk all wanna like. Try and buy a Bajan turkey for $160 and a ham for $80 ( smallest). Barrel what, wanna champagne tongue wid mauby pockets. L O L.

  33. To hear of plans to implement this tax coming eight months after Sen. Garners herbage, shows the lack of vision and confusion of minds existing wherein……Right on the hinds of the Sandals concessions… is evidence there is no empathy at all being given to the suffering of the poor……how much can this TAX realize any way?..$ 1 million, two maybe?..In contrast look at what hardship these barrels would be relieving….Some people just don’t get it …rich people don’t receive barrels…….no vision, the people WILL definitely perish.

  34. I don't tell LIES at least not intentionally Avatar
    I don’t tell LIES at least not intentionally

    Hicup , hicup.
    Tell Irene to give up her salary as a Permanent Sec.and stop talking Shiite do. Those barrells are mostly filled with second hand goods and stuff Bajans can get cheap @ a Thrift shop.

  35. Did I hear right,, that the Senator has finally gotten her way?…the increase in port charges on freighters I mean…..Sealy man gimme a break…you killin the small man….pun a barrel trade? Only poor people duz get lil vitals in dey barrel stupess….. real terrible boy!

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