Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Workers Union
Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Workers Union

Rev. Devere Murrell, at the NUPW’s annual church service, made reference to allegations of vote buying in the last General Election, in the context where that union would be going to the polls on April 3, 2013 to elect a new executive. I understand his concerns but I think that his message would have been lost on NUPW President Walter Maloney. After all, where would Maloney find the money to bribe anyone? I would therefore like to suggest to Rev. Murrell that he need not worry on that score.

If Maloney had any money, I do believe that he would have avoided embarrassment and paid his $6,000 cellular phone bill; his substantial NUPW bar bill; and he would not have found himself in trouble with the union’s credit card. In this regard, I am therefore tempted to vouch for Maloney when it comes to any hint of vote buying.

On the other hand, Rev. Murrell should have concerned himself more with the obvious political bias emanating from the union. After hearing the positions taken by Maloney on national and particularly workers’ issues; anyone could be forgiven if they erroneously concluded that the NUPW policy script is being written at George Street.

Also while giving advice, Rev. Murrell should have advised the media to be fair to both sides in the presidential race, or ask them to stay to hell out of the process. The last time NUPW members went to the polls, Maloney was given preferential treatment in the campaign by the media particularly CBC. It is therefore not difficult to conclude that Maloney and his team had the Government’s backing based on how CBC manipulated the news in their favour.

This election will be crucial in the labour relations environment in this country. Government would most likely to be happy if the leadership of the NUPW remains unchanged. The union refuses to challenge them on any issue. For example, the Employment Rights Act, which would protect the workers at statutory boards, has been passed since May 2012 but has not been brought into force to date. NUPW has not said a word on the issue. It should not be in the Union’s interest to remain silent on issues that adversely affect its membership, but it has. Instead the Union found time to engage the Opposition on the privatisation issue.

It is time that the NUPW moves away from party politics and pay attention to its mission of representing workers. Under current leadership, it does NOT appear that its mission is a priority.

  1. The following conversation took place on another blog and as you can see is relevant – David
    erice | March 15, 2013 at 11:36 PM | | Edit
    Caswell franklyn ,now that the NUPW elections are in the air will you please look at the rules and tell us who are responsible for the management of that organisation on a daily basis ,and also if the general secretary has the authoity to manage that fianances of that organisation —and can the council discipline any EXECUTIVE OFFICER
    Caswell Franklyn | March 16, 2013 at 7:13 AM | | Edit
    The General Secretary is responsible for the day to day management of the NUPW. The Treasurer is responsible for the finances but he must obey the instructions of the National Council. However, the Treasurer can refuse if he is asked to do something that is contrary to the rules or is otherwise illegal. Case in point, the former Treasurer Ken Dash refused to sign cheques even though he was so instructed by the National Council. He refused because the union was attempting to utilise funds that were part of the Government’s subvention for training, which could only have been used for that purpose. Dash quite rightly refused because the expenditure had nothing to do with training. Mind you, the Auditor General can cause those funds to be audited and Dash wanted no part in misappropriating the subvention. An illegal resolution was passed to suspend Dash and the Deputy Treasurer then signed the cheques as acting Treasurer.
    To answer your question about discipline of an executive officer, the rules are absolutely clear. Only a general meeting of members can discipline executive officers. To be clear, there is a general rule about the National Council disciplining officers, but there is a specific rule that deals with executive officers only which require a meeting of members.
    Even though you did not ask, what is Dennis Clarke still doing at NUPW after he has passed retirement age? He should have retired at the end of October last year. He well knows the retirement age since he made sure that the Watchman, Jordan, was force into retirement when he reached 65. Jordan like Clarke did not want to go into retirement but he had no choice. Why is Clarke given a choice?
    David | March 16, 2013 at 7:25 AM | | Edit
    Two issues are of concern to those looking on.
    Who are the alternatives to the present leadership? Are they credible?
    What about the membership that they are not able to discern the issues which have been articulated on BU and elsewhere?
    Caswell Franklyn | March 16, 2013 at 8:45 PM | | Edit
    Anything is better than what currently exists at NUPW. Over the last few years more than enough evidence of corruption in the affairs of the union has emerged. In addition to that the President appears to be a spokesman for the DLP. The interest of the workers has taken over the back burners of the NUPW in preference to party politics. We even had an instance where the President appeared to be attacking Dale Marshal. Not even the Combermere tie prevailed when he is seeking to defend his party.
    I understand that it is a two way race for the presidency: Danny Gill and Walter Maloney, aka Mamoney. Mamoney is still tarnished by the scandals involving money for obtaining benefits from the union that he was not entitled to receive. No one should forget that they illegally suspended the Treasurer and then signed a number of cheques that he had objected to signing. I will say no more as that matter is now before the Courts.
    On the other hand, Danny Gill comes without any corruption baggage. He is feared by both political parties. At one stage, he even ran against Billie Miller and he really put some telling blows in the BLP for which he has not yet been forgiven. But we will wait and see if the DLP wins this election or for once an independent is victorious at the polls.
    David | March 16, 2013 at 11:15 PM | | Edit
    We will see what the membership decides on April 3(?).
    erice | March 17, 2013 at 12:05 AM | | Edit

    CASWELL –you spoke of a subvention from Government ,but do you know that the same thing you wrote about that is the using of the subvention for other purposes is being done by CTUSAB, and who is the PRESIDENT –CEDRIC MURRELL and who is the TREASURER—ANNE MARIE BURKE (yes the same ANNEMARIE who went behind the former treasurer ken,and signed the cheques for walter ,denis and denis son )
    erice | March 17, 2013 at 12:27 AM | | Edit
    CASWELL do you know that Walter ,CEDRIC and DENIS CLARKE and company has form a company to run the medicare with out permission from the general membership –and that the side kick GRACE before meals is supposed to have a major job in it and also that the side kick LOWE from St.Andrew is suppose to have a major job in it also –FRANKLYN CAN YOU TELL US HOW MANY CASES has been filed against
    erice | March 17, 2013 at 12:33 AM | | Edit

    CAS–can you tell us how many cases has been filed against NUPW and its president –can you tell us if the NUPW is still paying for a building in NEWTON that has not been occupied and can you tell us if the medical hospital that DENIS ,WALTER,and CEDRIC has spent so much money trying to get millions of dollars to set up has started and who is expecting to get a ten percentage of any funds as a finders fee
    Caswell Franklyn | March 17, 2013 at 2:00 AM | | Edit
    I am aware that the level of corruption at NUPW has not diminish: it has only taken another form. I heard about the company that was set up to handle the Medicare scheme. Again, it was done with stealth. Whoever formed the company did not get permission from any of the duly constituted decision making bodies in the union. The National Council was presented with an au fait accompli. My understanding is that Cedric Murrell is the Chairman. I don’t seem to get it, why is Cedric featuring in these questionable actions? He became president of CTUSAB when he was not even a delegate to that body. But no one questioned it, just like the docile council has taken no action against the perpetrators of these breaches.
    They will fight hard to retain control of the union after the elections because they have to be there to continue to cover up the wrong doing that is now endemic. Nothing but a clean sweep will suffice. By the way, Erice, it seems that you are close to the union so could you tell me who got all the Arawak cement free when building their bungalow.
    erice | March 17, 2013 at 6:04 AM | | Edit
    CASWELL–I AM A RETIRED civil servant and must go there to pay my dues –you need to ask DENIS CLARKE that question ,may be the HALL OF GRACE which can be found in and at kendal St.John about that cement also ask him who finance the wife trip to CPSA years ago by the way the other occupany of his home is employed at the ARAWAK CEMENT PLANT —and yes the staff at NUPW has been talking freely about the corruption that has been taking place there
    Lemuel | March 18, 2013 at 6:58 AM | | Edit
    I was reading with some interest the exchange between Rice and Caswell about the NUPW. To my surprise I opened the daily Nation only to see at page 3 the strategy by the Nation Newspaper, Cawmere and the DLP to attempt to keep Walter Maloney as President of the NUPW. Now Rev. Murrell qite knows that the “buying votes theme” is a red herring for BOTH sides BLP and DLP bought votes on February 21, 2013.
    What then is the purpose of this entanglement if not an attempt by Rev. Murrell to use his good office to influence the outcome of the NUPW April 3, 2013 poll. Now Maloney has an opponent by the name of Danny Gill, as indicated by Caswell, but where is the opportunity for Mr. Gill to get some media time also. And this is not strange for last election Ma Money was given all the media coverage he wanted. But at no time did the media or Rev. Murrell inquired into Ma Money infelicities at the NUPW. If Mike King is a past Cawmere man he should hold his head in shame.
    This why the chair of the electoral commission does not understand why we need the Barbados Underground. For where else can I go to express my opinion on such matters as these.

  2. To Caswell:
    Thanks for this piece. Only tonight someone called me and informed me that Dennis Clarke and Ma Money Maloney’s handlers have even incorporated David Ellis and Starcom net work to present Ma Money as presidential as possible, but alas all failed for Ma Money only resorted to stock phrases that he has picked from 2005 until present.

  3. To Erice:

    I share your passion for the NUPW to return to being an instrument of unionism.

  4. Mike King is St. LEONARDS
    All NUPW employees/president /general secretary are living off the people in the Union that is why we nurses left long time ago

  5. Will the real leaders please stand up?

    Just observing

  6. Look into the. Mirror Franklyn Avatar
    Look into the. Mirror Franklyn

    Franklyn why should anyone even take you seriously?

    Also why is it in your every writing or posting everyone one you refer to, or comment on is corrupt or dishonest and you the prime leader in dishonesty and corruption never mentions yourself as corrupt or dishonest?

    Is not that more than passing strange?

  7. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    This post and my comments on the QC post have really struck a nerve. When they start to abuse me, I realise that I am on to something. Anyway, its just water off a duck’s back.

  8. Look into the. Mirror Franklyn Avatar
    Look into the. Mirror Franklyn

    You are a self confessed crook Frankly and rather than spreading untruths about decent people you should be spending time behind bars for theft and corruption yourself and not on here writing the utter rubbish that you submit for posting here.

  9. I can attest to the fact that Mike King is a St. Leonard’s Old Scholar

  10. @Caswell

    Expect the criticism to crescendo in a second term. It will happen to BU as well. Instead of responding to the issues rationally there will be an inclination/desire to destroy the messenger. Don’t you see some on this blog have started to belittle the Auditor General?

    The incestuous relationship at play in so many of our institutions need to be rooted out. The NUPW is no exception.

  11. Mr Caswell. it seems as though you spring into action criticising the NUPW at its time of choosing a new Executive Committee. Now i know that you are supporting Danny Gill for Prseident in this election, so not even the old combermere tie is strong enough for you to give Maloney support. Danny Gill is a “lesser evil” option, we need people who are not tainted, disgruntled, scarred by the past. Fresher thoughts and intentions.

    it is time that you come to grips with the fact that this strategy that you employ is a proven failure in unseating Maloney as President. Try something else. Nobody cares that Maloney has outstanding bar bills, abused the cell-phone assigned to him to the tune of over $6000 (which the monthly salary of a public officer in the S-scales), that Maloney uses the NUPW platform to seek support the DLP policies, that he continues to make false promises to public officers (early gratuity to pay for education/homepurchaes and improvements, housing plans, medical facilities and buying clubs. HE VOICE BIG AND HE DOES B PON TV!!! that is what we like.
    dont blame maloney for trying to get that all elusive appointment as customer service manager at the NHC. in the absence of academic qualification or competence a man must use all other resources available.
    Look at Cedric Murrell! He is more an agent of the DLP and himself than anything else, but he does it QUIETLY!!! UNDER THE RADAR. he sits on more boards under the dlp admin than a lot of people realise. a professional board member.


    When the NUPW keeps recycling deadstock in the Executive then what do we expect. why are there no more competent, younger persons coming forward to stand for leadership of the Union. time for change!!

  12. OOOPs Did not realise that General Secretery Dennis Clarke had reached that golden age of retirement. he has been in the trenches for so long! Kudos to him for wanting to keep in the fight even past his compulsory age of retirement. How is he overcoming his health issues??
    So who coming after Clarke? my Union is looking like the will go the road of the BWU and keep their GS until the 12th of Nevruary. The longer that Sir Roy and Clarke hold onto those responsibilities, the deeper the holes they will dig for their unions. What will their legacy be? THE UNION DIED WITH ME??
    Except for Maloney the NUPW gone silent. Clarke has not made a sound since the Alexandra School affair.

    I am going to have to get up off this blog and head to the NUPW Annual General Meeting for some answers.

  13. How does Gill plan to kick Maloney from his Orange Hill stronghold at the NHC? What is the strategy? Time to give some others a chance.

  14. Joseph Coat made an important point. The members are the only ones who can “kick” Ma Money out of the NUPW position. No strategy will be of any effect until the members realize that the future of the union is at stake. The members must seize this opportunity to deal decisively with that entire executive that has supported Ma Money and his non sense. The replacement of Dennis Clarke shall be vital for the Union, and Ma Money must not be allowed to mess that up too.

  15. Just wondering ! Avatar
    Just wondering !

    @ David .
    What does BU think of a Union through its sole officer Caswell Franklyn getting invoved in the business of ANOTHER union NUPW ? Is this not improper?

  16. Caswell on any issue concerning Trade Unions……it would best for the sake of INTEGRITY that you keep your mouth closed.

    For you are one individual in Barbados who has sought to discredit any UNION (including marriage) just because you were denied from carrying out your RASCALITY and ILLEGALITY.

    You even tried the same tactic on your wife RHONDA !

  17. To Look into the mirror:
    Are you saying that Joseph Coat and Caswell are the biggest lairs in Barbados.

  18. Fractured BLP:
    Why don’t you leave Caswell alone. When Caswell responds I hope you can take the lashing. It shall be worse than that two by three one on this blog.

  19. caswell dont mind Fractured BLP–THSES attacks on you tell that you have been making a strong case ,these corrupt persons will do they best to keep crooked Maloney –that high way crook -slapping nhc women on the bottom .refusing to pay depts —-i hope that the members kick him out

  20. @Just Wondering

    Is this not a free country to speak? Can you challenge anything which Caswell has posited on this matter? BU again observes with great interest how the traditional media has ramped up its airplay of the triumvirate Clarke, Maloney and Murrell.

    @Fractured BLP

    Why have you been commenting about the internal affairs of the DLP?

  21. Maloney vs Danny Gill; Six vs. half dozen. Check Danny’s associations over the past 15 years or so. Most recently the Ministry of Health.
    Fresh blood needed.

  22. To Checkit Out:
    Give me more on Danny Gill on “Danny associations over the last fifteen years”. If you have accusations to make make them, let the members know.

  23. everybody knows how to pick caswell brain for free and he does deliver

  24. We also have to remember that Mr. Danny Gill is also a Combermerian !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Rate This -not all Combermerians are CROOKS,like WALTERand CEDRIC I went there too and my son and daughter went there ,and they are nice young children ‘,CASWELL and DANNY was there when i was there but i was a year infront Franklyn –yes caswell I see you every saturday in the market and i saw you last Wednesday coming out of NUPW

  26. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I would like to pick your brain, but it is difficult to locate. I have seen no evidence from all your post that it is used for anything other than life support.


    Mamoney has been president of NUPW for eight years, and so far, he has done nothing to bring any value to that organisation. He is a net beneficiary as a result of his position. It is about time that someone with ability emerge as leader. All he has done is to locate the development union policy firmly in George Street.

  27. To David:
    What is becoming more sinister about these elections is that I am reliably informed that Dennis Clarke has started to manipulate the elections. He intends to put the voting box as far away from the National Housing people because they intend to vote Ma Money out. He got his side kick Suzette Harper to add names to those who are running. I was told that people are now saying that they are running when their names were not read out from the list Ma Money was given by Dennis Clarke. Six people are running for 2nd vp when only three names were read out by Ma Money. Last time Clarke worked some magic and he expects to do so again. By the way as Chief Electoral Officer for the election, Clarke should not be promoting any candidate but he is blatantly do so. This is why AC is on this blog with these puerile statements about other people. This why CBC can have Ma Money’s candidate for 2nd vp on Morning Barbados while the other candidates suck salt. This is a crucial election people come out and vote for change; for any any candidate who is not associated with the Ma Money Team, the existing executive.

  28. Gingerbread Girl Avatar
    Gingerbread Girl

    Is Walter playing with a full deck of cards? I have been told he had some issues at one time required a stay at the mental.

  29. To Ginger Bread Girl:
    I have heard about unpaid bills, non payment of loans, abuse of credit card but this mental thing is the first about Ma Money.

  30. The battle will have to be won in the trenches by mobilizing members through visits to the departments.

  31. Noticed that John Downes who is running for for 3rd Vice President has gone Facebook to promote his candidacy.

  32. WalterMaloney tell us why you and the watchman at NUP W had a fight –over a woman that the watchman was working on at the UNION and your drill as you said cannot work without covers ,so she went to the watchman who was drilling some deep wells , when he found out he cuss poor AGARD
    Danny you have got to ensure that the fraud that happen at the last election does not happen again –ask DENNIS ,WALTER ,SUZETTE HARPER(who feel up the secertary BUBBIESand BOTTOM and dennis and CLARKE treatened the poor little girl to fire she if she push her case against HARPER)about voting for people after voting was closed –recall WALTER HAD 300 VOTED from the first five boxes and only end up with 5oo votes .

  33. To Erice:
    Apparently Ma Money and his team are determined to win by any means necessary. Poor Dennis has to get his man winning as he has no good excuse for lingering around the precincts of the NUPW. Dennis is a retiree!!

  34. It would be sad if the results of this election go the way of the courts and poor Dennis be caught squarely in the middle. I hope he has some funds put aside as Pat Cheltenham is the lawyer for the NUPW not his personal lawyer.

  35. David–while at the nupw on monday night it was stated that the external auditor has tender his resiginasation , can we get caswell to check this out –Danny it was being discuss but as soon as you got in reach ,the follows shut down the discussion but Suzette did confirmed it ,

  36. @erice

    The change will come only if the foot soldiers get into the different departments and spread the word.

  37. To David:
    More civil servants read and come here than people think. You need to invite all candidates to send their campaign flyers to be posted on BU.

  38. @Lemuel

    If they do they should know they are welcome to submit bios.

  39. Thanks David.

  40. David i am a retired government officer and i only pay medicare and half union dues ,but i can do with paying them because my two grand children are in the Medical field and they take care of me amd the wife –it is the current civil servants who must realised that this team at NUPW is distroying the Union ,and get ride of them –WALTER,DENIS,MURRELL ,SUZETTE,GRACE are all telling the workers lies so that they can live on the hog and they SEX relations —i will do by best but it the youth who must take the lead —-we need to stamp out this corruption

  41. Just wondering ! Avatar
    Just wondering !

    @ David
    The issue has nothing to do with it being a free country and a right to speak . Surely you know better than that . It is a matter of a rival unionist openly interfering in the other union’s business . DOES BU CONSIDER THIS PROPER ? Let us not forget while you are considering your response that the same rival unionist Caswell Franklyn was twice fired from the NUPW .

  42. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn



    Danny Gill Masters in Community Health with a concentration in Health Planning, Policy and Administration.

    Walter Maloney Bullshitter.

  43. Just Wondering:
    I do not see the interference. This blog had its opinion last election and the members went out and voted accordingly. Why should Caswell shut up or be silent. He has not endorsed any candidate. Was it very proper for trade unionists to be involved in politics before the people got rid of Bobby Morris and Leroy Trotman from our parliament? If I for once thought that Caswell was improper I would say so here!

  44. Just wondering ! Avatar
    Just wondering !

    @ Lemuel
    Your illogic has taken you far from the point ,,,,

  45. To just Wondering:
    Was it right for the trade unionists to abstain and let the DLP pass the 8% cut by one vote.Was it right that these trade unionist ran under the political banner of the DLP and are ardent members. You mention my logic but I thought we were discussing interference. However, you seem bent on discussing Caswell. Are you saying that the NUPW membership should role over and let that nasty set of affairs to continue at its helm?

  46. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Just Wondering

    Why don’t you leave me alone? Go back to begging for your QC. I know that you were thoroughly disappointed since you went to England and bought your wig and gown five years ago. By the way, I was fired from NUPW three times. The first time is when Elliot Belgrave (now Sir Elliot) and Major Daniel ruled that my dismissal was wrongful, and I was reinstated.

    By the way, I am not trying to destroy NUPW. If you look at the rules of Unity Workers Union, you would realise that one of the aims of Unity is to amalgamate with other unions. Why therefore would I want to destroy NUPW. I get request for assistance from many trade unionist from other unions when they run into trouble. I assist them all: they are my friends. Unlike you I don’t bite the hand that feeds me.

  47. One bio received so far, feel free to pass the word around. Will be updated in the evening.

  48. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Caswell Franklyn | March 20, 2013 at 8:28 AM
    “I know that you were thoroughly disappointed since you went to England and bought your wig and gown five years ago”

    Funny, funny indeed! One wonders what colour is the wig. Maybe it is ‘blonde’ and with five more years on Just wondering’s body clock he probably would look like aged black monkey parading as a “white haired” legal buffoon.

    BTW, is it true that the Auditors of the NUPW submitted their resignation in the true sense of the word? That is, severing all ties with that organization and will not be offering themselves up for reappointment.

    If that is the case then there is something seriously going on with the finances and accounting. Maybe the Auditors want to distance themselves from another mini CLICO scandal.

  49. @Just Wondering

    Are you aware that government subsidises union dues from taxpayers? Is Caswell as a taxpayer?

  50. Miller:
    If the external auditors have resigned, then this should be discussed at the coming business section of the NUPW annual conference. But I think the question is did they go or were they pushed?

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