The sights and sound…yes the pic is meant to arouse sensibilities on a Sunday morning

Barbados, like all of the other States in the Caribbean region has committed itself to protecting the rights of children through ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (C.R.C.). Integral to this collection of rights are those geared at the protection of children who are abused, neglected or at risk of harm.


The story which continues to incense sensible Barbadians of a child being abused by two adults on Kadooment Day is rapidly reaching the end of the seven day period for top billing. Director of the Child Care Board (CCB) Joan Crawford, goaded by the public outcry, is quoted in the media that the widely circulated picture will be forwarded to the Police for investigation. Implied in the action by the CCB is that there is enough evidence to support a case of child abuse.

It was interesting to listen to Joan Crawford explaining that the picture does not expose the faces of the adults in the picture therefore it will be difficult to locate the individuals. Her apologetic observation begs the question, is Miss Crawford a member of the Royal Barbados Police Force (RBPF)? She is obligated to report the matter and let the RBPF used its sleuthing skills to locate the individuals.

This is an opportunity for the government agencies responsible for guarding public morals to step up.  BU holds the view that even if the culprits in the picture escape having to answer a charge in Court, a message would have been sent to others. It is not business as usual, the public, many of us anyway, will NOT tolerate this nonsense any longer. Hopefully the public consternation being shown will resonate with parents who have the important job of raising children.

Part of the problem is that stakeholders in the Crop Over Festival need to agree to a Code of Conduct. It was interesting to listen to Gwyneth Squires and Chetwyn Stuart being questioned in the media about the incident. Gwyneth was horrified and scathing in her condemnation of the adults for including a child in their lewd exhibition. Chetwyn Stuart was more accommodating by suggesting that  bad situations will occur and we have to continue to educate the people. His a wishy washy response if ever there was one. We have Gwyneth who continues to build cultural themes into her designs and then there is Stuart who is into beads and feathers and making money. It explains what is wrong.

What made Barbados different a few years ago was the length we were prepared to protect our society. Look out for children by imparting wisdom driven by a value system which defined what was decent and what was vulgar. We live in a society where any behaviour can be rationalized in the name of the right to personal freedom.

75 responses to “We Have To Protect Our Children”

  1. Honestly there should be a law against using children like that (call it Paedophillia) or something,,,,,,wait,heck,,,,there is SUCH A LAW<<<<<<<<<<<Oh but then again shucks,,,you would require LAW ENFORCEMENT,,NAAH sorry not here,not now,,,who knows if ever………………………

  2. I have this sneaky feeling that, around this same time next year we will again be voicing our opinions on this subject.
    Some years ago the pictures of some under aged young girls ,in some most explicit positions were widely circulated on the net. The offenders were caught and given a slap on the wrist. One of the offenders, a few months later represented Barbados at a function overseas, that could best be described as “throwing him into the briar patch”.

  3. A noble blog David, but too little, too late and too emotional.

    When we have reached a situation where we have wrecked the national ship, and are now at the stage where we are taking on water heavily- it makes no sense talking about having to protect our children. Rest assured that they will be the first to suffer and drown…along with the other vulnerable ones in society.

    The way to protect our children was to protect our ship, but everyone wants to have a good time and will do whatever it takes to meet their selfish, short-term objectives. So what other result can we expect?

    Another group that will suffer serious shock are the women. Large numbers of our women now define themselves by their car, their house and their bling – rather than by their family. When they lose these things shortly (with the loss of all these “play play” jobs that are currently funded by our national deficit) they will face a crisis of unparalleled proportions.

    We have made our bed, who else do you expect to lie in it….?

  4. @Bush Tea

    Surely one can be forgiven for being emotional at the current state of affairs?

  5. What do ya know?Finally a first responder with a meaningful contribution.

  6. Hamilton….Onions musseee sleeping late today LOLL

  7. On a serious note how many people really know what is child abuse? Those parents who continually abuse their children feel that is normal parenting. Sexual abuse in the average person mind is being caught in the act with a minor. We have to define what is child abuse so that the average Joe will be able to identify it when they see it.

  8. @David,

    Honesty is what is needed , not “emotional” feelings. But do we want to walk that walk ? Hardly, cause it might just offend our highly sensitive Bajan ego and reveal we are not who we think we are.

  9. @runner

    It is the emotional outburst of usually slumbering public which has evoked a little action. Bear in mind similar images have circulated in the past.

  10. the usual nine day wonder and then caput – allgood things would come to an end

  11. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bush Tea | August 15, 2012 at 7:06 AM |
    “Another group that will suffer serious shock are the women. Large numbers of our women now define themselves by their car, their house and their bling – rather than by their family. When they lose these things shortly (with the loss of all these “play play” jobs that are currently funded by our national deficit) they will face a crisis of unparalleled proportions.”

    Bushie, this is vision of unparalleled telescopic proportions. This is a spotlessly clear insight of what is around the corner when the forex runs out and the country’s credit card is taken away by the IMF ATM.
    Expect to be labeled as: prophet of doom and gloom; being negative; disloyal and unpatriotic.

    The pols know what is really around the corner and are dropping hints and subtle words of warning.
    Those who have ears to hear let them hear. Those who have eyes to see, like you BT, let them see.

  12. i do have a serious problem with adults giving minors alcholic beverages to sip on. this should be of concern since already alcholic consumption is at a high level in barbados and for sure we do not need another generation being led down this dangerous road aided and abeited by adults, how about a law or enforcement of law for that.

  13. Hope we are not saying miller that as the water is rising we should stop trying to swim to safety. It seems with many a defeatist mentality has taken root. Especially the older folks who as our history tells us should be the wise ones.

  14. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | August 15, 2012 at 8:33 AM |

    And it is in these challenging times that strong decisive visionary leadership is absolutely needed.
    Not fancy words, denial of the realities on the ground, dismissal of politically unbiased warnings and in some cases blatant lies to cover up wrong doings and poor decisions that are exacerbating our fast deteriorating situation.
    Just look at just what is up for major discussion at the upcoming DLP conference: The “Greening of the Economy”. A topic that has been talked about ad nauseam for some time that now seems like immemorial. It was made an election pledge in the various manifestoes, discussed at every Estimates and Budget debate.
    It’s time we stop with the long talk and implement workable strategies to bring this “greening” proposal to a reality. We know what has to be done. We just need the leadership to step up to the plate and set the example. Start with a clear no nonsense “green” policy regarding the type of vehicles assigned to staff and carrying the registration plates ML & MP. What about offering householders incentives to recycle and reduce waste especially organic matter from ending up in our fast expanding land fills? What about removing the thousands of unsightly abandoned vehicles that despoil our landscape especially in the built-up St. Michael areas?

    Let the political leadership mandate the inactive Transport Authority to regulate those PSV’s including the TB fleet that belch out tons of carbon dioxide from poorly maintained exhaust systems compounded by the use of very poor quality diesel out of Trinidad.
    BTW, David, do you know how many ML & MP vehicles are registered in Barbados?

  15. millertheanunnaki | August 15, 2012 at 8:24 AM |

    @ Bush Tea | August 15, 2012 at 7:06 AM |
    “Another group that will suffer serious shock are the women. Large numbers of our women now define themselves by their car, their house and their bling – rather than by their family. When they lose these things shortly (with the loss of all these “play play” jobs that are currently funded by our national deficit) they will face a crisis of unparalleled proportions.”

    I agree that Bush Tea has it spot on there.

    Too many are putting accumulation of wealth and greed before rational and wholesome living. I know this because I have witnessd it closely, accumulation of wealth and cut-throat greed at the expense of all else.

    Shokcing to see it as closely as I have, but as Bush Teae says, this thype of thinking is a train wreck waiting to happen.

    When the markets and by extension pension funds fail, what do we have left, if all we rely on is material things?

    Then, the outlook to life becomes the ONLY thing one has and if it was all about material wealth, you have lost everything.

    I am not wealthy, trying to survive and raise a family, but at least my priorities are health, food and shelter, in that order.

    If I have those, I am wealthier than many.

  16. It is very difficult to understand why so many seem to be so hooked on the essentially meaningless frivolities of life. Even your listed priorities are questionable Crusoe….

    You see that family that you are raising…? THAT is your number one asset skipper…. Above and beyond health, food, shelter and anything else that you can materially possess. Indeed, the only greater asset possible- is a family attachment of a different nature- a spiritual one of the BBE KIND … But that is another story… 🙂

    Even In times of failing health, or of no food or shelter, you will discover that having a true family is what REALLY matters… Everything else is icing….

    This family thing is another of those designed natural phenomenon that has put in place to teach us the REAL VALUES IN LIFE and from which we can learn life’s true purpose….symbolizing BBE’s overall design plan.

    It also clearly shows the true potential role and value of the women in our societies…. But of course they are much more interested in outdoing the men in acquiring material success….. When the result hits the fan shortly, they will be hell to pay… Issues such as little boys wukking up on their auntie’s behind in the middle of the street will be paled into insignificance…

    If you plant okras you can’t expect to reap tomatoes…..

  17. Where was MS Crawford when the Picture of the child first surfaced in the newspaper or is her intervention only swayed by public outrage?

  18. @Bush Tea.

    I understand and agree re the family being the ‘raison d’etre’, but that IS the point, health, food shelter, for the family, are the main priorities, yes, spiritual connections are part and parcel of who and what we are, but along with the daily moral teachings, the three basic and necessary facilities are nevertheless the real issue, the only priorities.

  19. Hi Crusoe
    …Bushie won’t argue. It may just be a matter of perspective.

  20. Observing (and reading) Avatar
    Observing (and reading)

    Are we prepared to do what is necessary to “save”or children and our society?
    as individuals, groups and leaders?
    In the community, church and streets?
    Without fear and with courage?
    Consistently, fairly and objectively?

    The answers to these will let us know if anything at all can be saved. The new normal is horrific, but it is what we must now face.

  21. Why would Minister Jones say he will withdraw because the country is NOT listening to him?

    Why would the Minister not throw his weight behind the need to prosecute the culprits in the image? Yes we understand that there is a bigger problem.

  22. Observing (and reading) Avatar
    Observing (and reading)

    What do you mean by withdraw David?

  23. @observing

    Words to the effect that he will shut up and keep quiet like rest of society which has done nothing to stop the moral rot over the years.

  24. @David
    Some thought provoking submissions.I have said my piece on this already but suffice it to say I will share a personal experience on a Canadian experience where the young boy aged 5 was told at school that if he ever needs help he should call 411.Well he did have a problem with a game he was playing on tv and called 411 to have them solve it.You can guess where the questioning went and in no time the Police was at the door demanding to be let in and the Child Protection Services was fast on their heels to investigate what appeared to be child neglect.Mum and Dad were summoned from their workplace and the child’s grandmother who was at home all the time but asleep,was awakened by the racket and wondered why the police and childcare services were in their home.The PARENTS were subsequently placed under “observation” and had to submit to questioning by the c/care services for a three month period with the threat over their heads of losing all the children into foster care!!
    Barbados is no where near as strict,not even in our governance.We started off very well indeed with GHA,EWB,JMGMA,HBsJ,and then we lost our way.The last 2 DLP live PM’s are more concerned with their image and want homage whilst making severe mistakes in their on the job performance.

  25. @Gabriel Tackle

    We dial 911. The Children’s Aid Society would never turn up or enter a parents home just like that. The police would remove the child and hand it over to the Children’s aid for temporary care. The CA would then have to go before a Family Court Judge to justify putting the child in foster care. Before this is done there have to be home studies done, interviews with children and neighbours and teachers, pastors, etc. Parents do have their rights.

    On the other hand, parents often do call the CAS for help with unruly, uncontrollable or wayward children. In these instances children are taken with the parents consent and no court appearance is required.

  26. My Saturday Sun is usually delivered to my home, there was none left to deliver,and up to about 9.30 pm, not aware of the published picture in question , I was still looking for a copy of the Saturday Sun. Apparently all were sold out, as those who were not present at the actual scene,and heard about it wanted a peep . So its not only the spectators who were present and enjoyed the act that we should point a finger at, but also those , who probably would not have bought a Saturday Sun otherwise, but did so to gawk at the photo.

  27. o what double standards in society. Lets be frank, dance instructors teach minor very provocative latin and spanish dances everyday in this very barbados. society holds this acceptable. now de tables turn and a father teaches his son how to wuk-up / culturally dance on a woman society call it foul.
    for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. wish Society will turn to God where there is no double standards and upright conduct.

  28. @Jermaine

    Double standards or not we are where we are today, deal with it.

  29. Jermaine | August 16, 2012 at 8:00 AM |
    o what double standards in society. Lets be frank, dance instructors teach minor very provocative latin and spanish dances everyday in this very barbados. society holds this acceptable. now de tables turn and a father teaches his son how to wuk-up / culturally dance on a woman society call it foul.
    And todays Nation carries a photo of a group of little girl campers whining down in front of a government minister…..probably to the calypso Panty Expose

  30. Why ac was also reprimanded on another thread (successor)…even threatened to be relegated to the opposition bench…. to ragbag with the ole collinear….Now l hear …”.is what it is.” ..( shaking head in confusion)….deal with it”

    Tell ya what I would like some of this solace extended to the poor ripped off, pensioners too…. some who have died because they didn’t have their CLICO monies in time, for medicine…for operations, that they had invested for that autumn of their lives….. wait old people don’t count too..?… my guess, that’s the deal wid it part…

  31. Sometimes we see what we want to see….ignore all others.

  32. @Colonel Buggy 16.08.1204p
    Just to add my 2 bits to your comment of p3 in today’s nation newspaper.I am of the firm view that that is child abuse also.These politicos think of one thing,a vote.He could’nt get away with that at St Winifred’s or St Angela’s or St Gabriel’s but with less aware folk who either don’t know what is going on at this camp,have a misplaced confidence in the supervision of the camp,or a misplaced confidence in the DLP and its tunnel visioned membership.There
    is a lack of self respect in this society which is bewildering and the main church leadership is silent.With all the hue and cry over the child making moves on the woman in the road,not a peek from monsignor,nor fr paul,nor bishop holder nor bishop brome nor the deputy president of the senate dean crichlow.Granted VOB removed the sunday microphone from these folk but surely the bdos christian mission can call a press conference and give barbados a glimpse their contribution to the debate.Or is this a conspiracy of silent
    support of the powers that be.

  33. […] | August 16, 2012 at 6:03 PM | Please continue your comments HERE. ← Older […]

  34. @ SA

    first of all i am not pretentious. my simple response the govt cannot be the guardian for all that is wrong or evil. parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children. having the moral police knocking at peoples doorstep is not the answer to correcting societies morals. govts have tried and it has not worked from the illegal use of alcohol to abortion. so now what we have reached a stage where govt, must intervene in the lives pf people because they wuk up, what next. Oral sex! look SA . if you find it so disgusting stay away .. people like you are insecure and finds any and every reason to dictate what others should do. just leave people alone and do what is best for your family lead by example and not by interfering or dictating how others should live their lives. as for me i have never been sexual [promiscuous and have no intentions to. but i would be damned if you and others tell me how to live my life because out of morbid fear or believing that govt can change a person behave, notice how quick you are to endorsed belly dancing with all its sexual wuk up gyrations

  35. ac wrote “the govt cannot be the guardian for all that is wrong or evil. parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children.”

    And The police are responsible for arresting those who contribute to the delinquency of a minor.

  36. hants @ac
    And The police are responsible for arresting those who contribute to the delinquency of a minor.

    if there is a law to prove such . but let us stick to the issue of child abuse where in the picture there is none. it can be classified as distasteful or in poor taste or poor judgement but not child abuse. if barbados wants to makeor costitute laws on those which i have mentioned than we all can look for the police knocking on or doors. just think before you leap.

  37. @ac

    ‘but let us stick to the issue of child abuse where in the picture there is none.’

    The Child Care Board and others responsible and trained in these matters agree this is a child abuse matter. On what basis do you declare that it is not? For all of us who have brought children into this world your statement quoted smacks of insensitivity which cannot be explained by sane beings. What is good about the outcry from Barbadians, finally, is that it has heightened awareness around this matter. Ignorant adults will think very carefully in future about subjecting children into situations such as portrayed. Perhaps it is the catylst which we need to galavanize good people in Barbados to win back our country. Again this is not about wukkin uip, this is about our children

  38. fanatics like to use fear and emotionalism to get their point across . one would think that when a law is broken their are courts designed to deal with lawbreakers now we have come to the stage where even people having dreadlocks are immmoral. what next. it never ceases to amaze me that the children are always easy pawns to galvanize reason for a cause , not surprising that finally those against the wuk up culture would cease upon this opportunity to label the picture one of ‘child abuse” yet the same fanatics refuse to rebuke or speak out against those who offer or give alcholic beverages to just about pushing an agenda and not about the rights of anybody but their own. how hypocrtical.

  39. @ac

    All that matters is protecting the children.

    As adults we are duty/morally bound.

  40. Hi ac
    No one is against WUKKING-UP people are against young children being encouraged to wuk-up in the sexual positions exhibited, with adults.

    It is the young children that need to be protected as David has suggested.

    If you think is is so good, let BARBADOS market it, put it on the WORLD WIDE WEB and tell visitors you can see young children wukking Up in the positions exhibited encouraged by ADULTS.



    Yardbroom …I am afraid It is already out there. Why are you all arguing with AC? You can bring an ignorant horse to water but you cannot force it to drink from the fountain of knowledge.

  42. So the Campus Trenz guy get a number of life sentences and the idiots that would NOT do their jobs and insist that the public buildings in and around town be appropriately outfitted with emergency exits, the cowardly fire people that would not enter the building and save the women when they were still alive, and the owner of the building get to walk free. A number of crimes took place on that day, crimes that involved, and neglect and cowardice and one retard gets to answer for all.

    That Justice woman should be shot …!

  43. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | August 16, 2012 at 9:37 PM |
    ” the govt cannot be the guardian for all that is wrong or evil. parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children. having the moral police knocking at peoples doorstep is not the answer to correcting societies morals. govts have tried and it has not worked from the illegal use of alcohol to abortion. so now what we have reached a stage where govt, must intervene in the lives pf people because they wuk up, what next…”

    Well argued, ac! I support you here. Same thing can be said of the use of marijuana.
    Just a lot of hypocrites and use of double standards from the bible thumping brigade.
    Wonder what this same brigade would say about the precocious little girl belly dancing in the video?

    Keep us the objectivity and intellectually solid comments and analysis even when it comes to your purblind political mindset. Where there is truth there is always hope.

  44. Parents are the ones to protect and discipline their children already there are enough laws which protect children from heniuos acts of child Abuse proposing another law on the grounds of wuk up is proposterious and only gives/govt another Excuse of sticking it nose into peoples personnal lives .we as adults can easily send a message to the children by doing those things that examplify good morals there are more good among us than bad let the good do their part but for christ keep govt far away

  45. BAFBFP should be shot—-with whatever they ‘shot’ people with at Jenkins –BAFBFP is a mad ass

  46. @ac

    Who is asking for another law? The outcry is to find the culprits (adults) and prosecute them.

  47. Eric Jerome D

    Shut up … do!

  48. Baffy…POW POW POW! LOLL

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