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97 responses to “School Children Having Fun You Think?”

  1. Loads and loads of fun actually. The kind taught to them by us adults.

  2. The youth of today is responsible for the leadership of tomorrow.

  3. And some got de Gall to criticize Rhianna!

  4. Now really, what is the purpose of this?
    Is it suppose to promote an Independence Kadooment?
    Is it to demonstrate that kids are actually learning and that the present education system is not a total waste?

    If it is suppose to highlight something negative that was taking place, I for one do not see it. I mean, how can I condemn these children and at the same time condone and endorse the behaviour of their elders, including our very own Grammy Award winning Ambassador and the Queen of Soca.

  5. Random Thoughts Avatar

    Dear David:

    Don’t you think that as an adult you have a responsibility to protect foolish school children from themselves?

    Even if somebody sent you this video, you did not have to post it.

    Shame on you.

  6. @Random

    Next time BU will push it under the rug.

  7. the youth of today is responsible for the leadership of tomorrow. very nice sounding words david.
    Questions: But aren’t the leaders of today responsible for the youth of tomorrow .

  8. What the hell you expect when you allow that kind of behavior (and worst)to dominate Kadooment and fool the youth (by the actions of the adults) that this is ‘we culture’?

    The NCF can be justifiably proud as can the Minister of Culture. Moral decay, a society that has lost its way.

  9. What you are seeing on the vid is more the influence out of Jamaica and the dancehall dibby dibby stuff.

  10. @David

    Why do you seek to portray Jamaica as the source of all that you consider negative especially when it relates to the behaviour of our young people?

    First of all they may be young but they are sexual beings and when their hormones are flowing its “kitty bar the door”. If the folks who” tut tut” at the action were honest they would admit that when they were teenagers they did the same when they thought that they could get away with it.

    BTW since you mentioned the dance hall activity, have you ever observed how American College kids act during Spring Break? How come you don’t blame them for this type of activity?

  11. that’s dancing? or wukking up, looks like boring sex, since clothes are still on.

  12. @Sargeant

    To anyone who wants to be honest about what is happening in Barbados – what is being portrayed on the video should be of concern. Several factors are obviously interacting to bring us where we find ourselves, the ghetto Jamaican sub culture is just one factor.

  13. can’t get better than that ! blame Jamaica! Who next dee obeah man!

  14. There is no one to blame but ourselves. Strange behavioral influences have always been around. Time to take stock of what we are doing on this rock of ours instead of pointing fingers all the time and trying to put the blame on anyone but us. Not one of those children could be or would be mine…and if one was and I recognized it, that child would nevah see a party evah again until he/she became an adult with responsibility. There is not much more to say…except perhaps one thing…when I look at some of the comments above, and some comments on other blogs, I can see why this behaviour is taking place amongst our youth and further, during the celebration of our independence – a celebration that should be conducted with some form of decorum because of its symbolism which seems to be lost today…no problem with having fun and dancing but this is outrageously bad. And BU thanks for exposing (and do not pardon the pun!). Shame on all of us. Pure shame.

  15. We live in a time where there is declining moral standards and rising parental delinquency. In such an environment don’t you thing a strong sub culture would thrive?

  16. True these youngsters are imitating adult behaviour. One of my students told me the same thing in a discussion about the behaviour at the school.

    I asked her if she has seen all the adults she knows misbehaving themselves? If most of the adults she has ever seen were misbehaving themselves?

    The answer to both was; no. So the next question was why do they not imitate the behaviour of the adults who were not “loud and brawling, not behaving crude and lewd, not swearing and fighting, not disgracing and disrespecting themselves”?

    Yes I do believe that adults need to set the right example and I believe that most do, but if the youngster was not nurtured to be strong and sound in judgement, he/she is most likely to follow his/her peers if they choose to follow the bad examples.

  17. I see boys and girls haveing fun, doing what they do at cropover, now lets just say you are right David, and what they are doing is wrong, can you tell me what they SHOULD be doing instead?

  18. cut it. blame jamacia, blame america, blame england, blame adults,blame,blame,blame. i am 54 years old and living in the US, i did that stuff 30 years ago in Barbados, the difference? the girls did’nt bend all over like that

  19. Caswell Franklyn Avatar

    We are saying to our children, “Do as I say and not as I do”. Children imitate what the adults do. You cannot have all this vulgarity on the streets every year, sponsored by Government, right in front of the children and then say to them that it is not acceptable.

    Barbados has become a nation of wuk up. We even have a national wuk up foundation. The NCF does precious little to develop other aspects of our culture. We are now reaping the whirlwind. We can be justly proud of our success.

  20. I don’t comment or say much on this blog but the comment on this video has mad me upset. When are you all going to wake to hell up and understand what is total ignorance and what is commonsense its time the majority of you on this blog learn to do such.

    First of all whatever is taking place is taking place at school, where are the teachers and principle that are responsible for these children from the time they arrive at school? Secondly the teachers and principle are NOT doing they job, if they were what we are witnessing in the video will not have be taking place, two thing am assuming are happening the children are unsupervised or the principle and teachers just don’t care about what is taking place right before they eyes.

    I see nothing wrong with allowing the children to have dress down day at school allowing them to wear the national colors of Barbados to showcase and high light Independence. But its total unacceptable for the principle and teachers to just sit or stand around and allow those children to behave in that manner within the walls of that school that they are responsible for.

    Time to STOP POINTING FINGERS and who is charge with running the schools of Barbados take RESPONSIBILITY of doing so.

  21. Rosemary Parkinson and David I congratulate you both for knowing what is ignorance. Caswell Franklyn am disappointing in you just so you know now that am finally speaking on this blog, I once look up to you and see you as someone with credibility but from seeing you in action on this blog I no longer do. Your above comment is a perfect example. Stop pointing your finger and blame who is to be blame the NCF has nothing to do with what is taking place in the video.

  22. Many will blame outside forces (sounds familiar) for the behaviour of our school children when we see this taking place at Crop over over the years. This didn’t happen overnight, we see toddlers behaving this way and laugh and say it is cute. Vulgarity is the accepted norm as it is considered WEE CULTURE. When anyone criticizes this vulgarity he or she is condemned and told that “wunna trying to be white” or “wunna trying to be BOURGEOIS”. Children learn what they see and hear. Good examples will go far just as Bad examples. Let us start setting some good examples and start correcting the little ones. The outlook doesn’t look too good if we continue to accept this type of behaviour.

  23. Who Is To Blame?

    On August 21, 2008, I submitted an article on this Blog (BU).
    “Is wuking up “without limits” Barbadian culture?

    I looked into the distance and did not like what I saw but excuses are always made.

    I will say now, that not before long the attire in such dances will be so minimal that no imagination will be required and then some soul to make a name of sorts for him/herself will throw all caution to the wind and there “it will happen in full view”. On stage in a quiet place, then perhaps a club and then more open. People will shake their heads and ask how did we get to so dark a place. How? because by increments my friend by increments.

  24. I will say now, that not before long the attire in such dances will be so minimal that no imagination will be required and then some soul to make a name of sorts for him/herself will throw all caution to the wind and there “it will happen in full view”.

    Sir, the above already occurs. If you doubt me tell David to ask his sources and report back to the blog.

    The “Ghetto Culture” as BU likes to term it, is embraced and promoted by respectable and honorable members of this society for profit.

    The bigger problem is that too many, as they hobnob with the well-to-do and better-off, are oblivious to the new Barbados taking shape beyond their little enclaves

  25. I agreed with David that this type of dancing came out of Jamaica dance halls in which some Barbadian adults and young persons are now hook. It is called the 360.

    My problem is that it is happening on the school compound where the Principal and teachers should be in control of whatever is happening.

    These same children go to school prayers and talk and do all kinds things because they have to stand up too long which is usually about 15 minutes. The same adults who are in charge of them and cannot get them to take prayers seriously plan all kinds of shows for them to wuk up for hours.
    Time to take a stand Barbadians; find out what is going on in our schools

  26. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I never asked you or anyone to look up to me: I am not one of your parents, you are looking in the wrong place for role models. I call things as I see them, if that disappoints you, tough! My younger son once said to me, “Daddy I want to be just like you”. that’s who I am responsible for and he is proud of me , so to hell with you.

    That said, now to deal with your naivety. Do you think that the children’s eyes are closed when a state agency, the NCF, promotes and sponsors the exact behaviour that these children are copying. If you doubt me stand on the streets between the National Stadium and Spring Garden on Kadooment Day and tell me what you see. This vulgarity is promoted even by our churches since they lend their blessings to the proceedings. While they would argue that church members were not dancing in that manner, ask what are they doing there, walking holy or otherwise?

  27. This behaviour is an escalation of carnival and crop over wukkin up.

    Google you tube videos of “sparrow de two ah dem” then Alison Hinds and then lill Rick.

    Children are usually a product of their environment.

  28. Dear David:

    I have not changed my mind, so I repeat

    “Dear David:

    Don’t you think that as an adult you have a responsibility to protect foolish school children from themselves?

    Even if somebody sent you this video, you did not have to post it.

    Shame on you.”

    These children may be too young to know better, but there is no excuse for a had back man such as yourself.

  29. UWI-Barbados Carnival Avatar
    UWI-Barbados Carnival

  30. AH, to be young and foolish again. I’m sure that ALL of US in our youth did things, that in later life, we were not too proud of, however most of us turned out to be responsible individuals. Some Posters think this style of dance comes from Jamaica, I think it comes from the GREEK culture of the Mediterranean, they made the “back door” approach famous long before Jamaica or Barbados was even thought of.

    Let the youth of today have some fun just as we did.

  31. Article in the Boston Globe:

    Arlington High bans student dances

    Arlington High School administrators have suspended school dances because an increasing number of students are drinking alcohol and dancing inappropriately at the school functions.

    Mary Villano, the interim principal at the school, sent a newsletter to parents Monday saying the moratorium will be in place until administrators can address growing concerns about behavior at the dances.


    At every dance in the past few years, at least a couple of students have been asked to leave and have then been suspended, because of drinking, Villano said. This school year, she said, some students have vomited and been taken to the hospital from dances because they were intoxicated.

    At the same time, Villano said school officials also believe the dancing has become too sexual, including a dance style called grinding, in which students are in close physical contact.

  32. @Green Monkey

    Why bother, let the children have ‘fun’.

    Let them bend down and expose the crack of their arse because it is the decent thing foe a 13 year old to do.

    Let them party in the classrooms unsupervised because it is the way to go.

    Why bother if it has been happening through the ages.

  33. We throw our hands up in despair as if nothing can be done, that is not the case.

    We need a Police Inspector with the will to Act.

    (1) He should observe the dance; choose his opportunity carefully.

    (2) Ensure he has photographic evidence, this is crucial as all dances are not the same.

    (3) When certain parts of the body are exposed even if fleetingly, warn the young lady that if she continues to dance in that manner so attired, she will be arrested for indecent behaviour. If she persists arrest her immediately, your evidence must be unambiguous. Ensure that some of the persons watching or who saw the dance were offended by it, and are prepared to give evidence.

    Which Inspector of Police will step up to the plate and do Barbados proud, your name will be spoken of in future as one who had the courage to stop this foolishness. Who will be the “Man?”

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Yardbroom | December 4, 2011 at 1:42 PM |

    Why don’t you stop with this moral policing agenda?
    First get the said bent moral police to lock up Leroy and his thieving cronies along with those that took millions from people in VAT and bluntly refuse to pay it over to the Treasury to help reduce the deficit! When we see those enforcement measures occurring we will support you on your moral crusade to try to “straighten out” the hormone-charged youths. At least they are not yet in board rooms planning how to rip off naive suckers like the CLICO policyholders!
    Fix the cabinet and the vip champagne stalls and bars before you comment on the playpen! (Hoping you get the gist!)

  35. Indecent behaviour or indecent exposure?

    Please confirm.

  36. you could say david is a pervert by showing an orgy gang banging video of underage school children. merry xmas bu

  37. Who decides when a dance is indecent?
    Those plumbers bending down and exposing the cracks of their arses around this country daily, you are hereby asked to cease and desist.
    The same also goes to you young women travelling on ZR Vans.

    By Order Of Management.

  38. @miller

    We have to be vigilant about all things you are correct. However as adults we have to speak out about behaviours which we believe are wrong. Arising from the discussions the moral compus will ‘settle’. There is no absolute right or wrong this is why morality issues are the most challenging. Do not deny the citizenry the right to express outrage.

  39. Jesus piece man, I wish I was back school in these times … wah … Look, I was very opposed to co-education, but now I change my mind … Too sweet!

  40. Hi 630,
    Who decides when a dance is decent?

    To outrage Public Decency
    “(1) Publicity: the offence ( whether substantive or a conspiracy to commit it) must be commited in public, in the sense that the circumstances must be such that the alleged outrageously indecent matter could have been seen by one person only, no offence is committed. (2) Outrage: it should be emphasised to the jury that “outrage” (like corrupt) is a very strong word. Outraging public decency goes considerably beyond offending the susceptibilities of, or even shocking, reasonable people. The offence is concerned with minimum standards of decency which are likely to vary from time to time. The jury should be reminded where appropriate that in a plural society with a tradition of toleration towards minorities, this atmosphere of toleration is itself part of public decency.”

    If you equate a workman be it a plumber etc doing his work and thus bending over in the act of working or a young lady boarding a bus; as the same as a young woman very scantily dressed – to the point where at times she could be exposed – contorting herself with a male behind her simulating the sex act accompanied by music as the same. I will leave it to others to decide if the circumstances mentioned here are that….the same.

  41. This exhibition is but a reflection of Western society’s dearth of appropriate behaviour. This dry humping would be okay if it did not lead to further encounters due to the youngsters inability to restrain further action on the basis of comprehending potential consequences. C’bean people tend to be very sexually explicit and as a youth I did some serious “grinning” too BUT was somewhat more circumspect than many. Indeed I had a few experiences where really over heated females demanded sex in front of other friends! The peer pressure can lead to trouble, as in promising students ending up pregnant and placing major roadblocks in their attainment of a successful life.

    This kind of premature action does NOT occur in many societies including Singapore, Muslim countries etc. It is definitely an aspect of Cbean life that impinges on our development and maximisation of our most critical resource …people.

  42. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | December 4, 2011 at 2:38 PM |

    Agree! Life is not a black or white picture but is made up of various shades of grey and other colours of the spectrum.
    My contention is that interpretation of morality is not the province of the police. Whereas blatant violation of statute laws is the immediate concern of the police and should be their direct focus as opposed to watching young people “wukking up” in a bacchanalian fashion even under the sponsorship of well known corporate peddlers of alcoholic beverages. Yardbroom has every right to express disgust and outrage at his interpretation of immoral behaviour but also should have the more important expectation that blatant violations of the laws of the land must be brought to the fore (not swept under the carpet with his hypocritical broom) and dealt with by the same law enforcement agencies that he or she wants to see spend scare resources spying on ‘energised and sexually expressive ‘young people.

  43. @BAFBFP
    Agreed, I would still be in 3rd Form at HC now so!

  44. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Moneybrain | December 4, 2011 at 3:10 PM |
    “This kind of premature action does NOT occur in many societies including Singapore, Muslim countries etc. It is definitely an aspect of Cbean life that impinges on our development and maximisation of our most critical resource …people.”

    Take your pick: “Wukking up” and gyrating in a sexually suggestive way in a Caribbean Dionysian environment or a woman being raped and then punished by stoning or jailing for inviting this violation on herself under Sharia circumstances. What about a fitting act of “honour’ killing of a woman not keen on marrying a man chosen for by her family even if he is an abuser or homosexual? What about other acts of moral rectification in line with the pronouncements of theocratic dictators from the 6th century.

  45. Yardbroom,
    Unless you are saying that a crack exposed to the public during a dance is more offensive than one exposed under other circumstances, as far as I am concerned, a crack is a crack. Patch one, patch all.

    … a young lady boarding a bus; as the same as a young woman very scantily dressed – to the point where at times she could be exposed – contorting herself with a male behind her simulating the sex act accompanied by music …

    The same thing takes place every year during August at state sponsored events. Events that the members of the RBPF, including Inspectors , provide security and prevent breaches of the law.
    I cannot recall any of those person simulating sex being arrested for doing so, but I guess it is not too late to start doing so. Recorded evidence is all over the Internet, not sure if it is admissible in the hallowed chambers at Whitepark though.

  46. Moneybrain

    To be honest I feel that you should still be in third form .. fah real!

  47. If a female bends down on the bus to pick up her bag and her blouse accidentally rides up her waistline and exposes her bottom how can you equate that with another female who is knowingly and deliberately exposing her behind?

  48. Okay let’s nit pick.
    How does one enforce a subjective law?

    Females deliberately exposing their cracks are offensive. Agreed?
    Now if a female deliberately chooses to dress in such a manner that if her blouse accidentally rides up, her behind is exposed to the public, is she also not guilty of indecent behaviour?

  49. This is why issues of morality will occupy us until eternity.

    There is alot of grey and this is why citizens will always have to dialogue on these kinds of issues, ensuing tensions notwithstanding.

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