Submitted by Caswell Franklyn

Credit: Nation Newspaper

Remembrance Day is observed on November 11th in Commonwealth countries because World War I formally ended at 11 o’clock on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. The day therefore has special significance as a day of remembrance for members of the armed forces who lost their lives in the line of duty. However in Barbados, and some other countries, Remembrance Sunday is observed, on the closest Sunday to that date, with a military parade, a church service and the laying of wreaths at the Cenotaph. It bears repetition; Remembrance Sunday is set aside for members of the armed forces who fell in the line of duty.

It is therefore quite surprising and totally inappropriate for a Government Minister to lead a band of his constituents, with photographer on tow, to St. John to demean the significance of Remembrance Sunday. The Daily Nation of Monday, November 14, 2011 carried a story, with photograph, about Minister of Tourism, Richard Sealy et al laying wreaths on the grave of the late Prime Minister, David Thompson. By now, the members of the Democratic Labour Party should have come to the realization that every occasion, especially days of national and in this case of international significance, is not an opportunity for politicking.

If I stretched it, I could understand and even forgive them if they had used Remembrance Sunday to commemorate something about the Rt. Excellent Errol Barrow, after all he fought in World War II. But I can’t understand why David Thompson was given significance on that day: he was not in the army, and certainly he did not die in the line of duty: I don’t think he was ever a scout. Do not cheapen David’s memory by trying to impose him into every sphere of activity of national life. The Government has already done so by organising a football competition to compete with one that was already organised by others for Mia Mottley.

Mr. Sealy your conduct in this matter was inappropriate, and I think that someone should tell you so: consider yourself told.

88 responses to “DLP, Let David Thompson Rest In Peace”

  1. Hi Caswell,

    I have no problem with it…David Thompson was one of Barbados’ great leaders.

    Unless you are implying that to deposit your party’s election funds into your personal account is worthy of emulation …as the Nation news publish in their Remembrance Day coverage of the culprit being drawfed by his “wife”

  2. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ wizard | November 15, 2011 at 3:33 PM |
    I think you need to re-word your adulation and write:
    “I have no problem with it…David Thompson was one of the Democratic Labour Party’s great leaders”.
    If you to extend this adulation to the national level you would have to identify the great deeds done by the same leader to advance this country politically, socially, and economically. Being a prime minister does not automatically make the person “great”. In that case Barbados has had 6 great leaders and one carrying the title.
    We are “watching” and eagerly awaiting your magical spin on this one!

  3. Why are you being so hard on the poor Minister. he is just policticking like ALL the others.

  4. Well I understand there is an Independence Day Thanksgiving/David Thompson Memorial Service being held in London under the patronage of the High Commissioner.

  5. And almost as inappropriate as seeing the GG, PM, AG, Commissioner of Police and the Chief of Staff ,in Monday’s Nation laughing and obviously joking in the midst of such a solemn parade. As an ex Serviceman I take issue with this . It is downright disrespect for all those who have died in the line of duty, and those present who have survived.
    And to think that not having spent a day in the Armed Forces, ( COP & C of S Excluded) these gentlemen are accorded a salute by the military.

  6. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Colonel Buggy | November 15, 2011 at 4:32 PM |

    “Class is class, form is temporary”! We like to copy the English in regard to pomp and pageantry and military parade fit for the occasion but are unable to appreciate the subtleties, niceties and finesse associated therewith. The way we view and treat our buildings and implements of historical and cultural significance is a case in point. You figure we can hold an “Antiques Road Show” type exhibition in Barbados at least once a year around Independence Celebrations time?

  7. @Millertheanunnaki
    You figure we can hold an “Antiques Road Show” type exhibition in Barbados at least once a year around Independence Celebrations time?
    We have one every five years.

  8. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Colonel Buggy | November 15, 2011 at 5:11 PM | ;
    Yes, Colonel! How true, Sir!
    But what a piece of circus is usually on show! I think there is one just around the corner. A bit earlier this time around! But after such a trying year Bajans deserve a bit of laughs from the lying comedians!

  9. any body that is politicking is you caswell . whether does it say in the article that the wreaths were being laid as a commemoration to David life as a soldier . it is all speculation and politics on your part and you just like all the other political yardfowls running loose on this blog can.t wait to demean the life of David Thompson even in Death. You guys need to go get a life.

  10. @ac

    It would seem a little weird to most people that you doing in remembrance Sunday. Not to mention they just did wreath laying on the oct 22 the day of his passing. If remembrance Sunday fell on nov 3 (not that it could earliest date it could be is the 8 nov ) the day he buried might make some sense. or if it fell on his birthday but that dec 25. Really no reason for wreath to be laid that day.

  11. @ ac
    That is Caswell’s exact point–he was not a war veteran!!
    I find it strange reporters up in St.John church yard on a day people focused on the Cenotaph. Look set, Christmas may very well become Christvid, after all Thompson’s birthday is December 25th. lol

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ anthony | November 15, 2011 at 7:04 PM |
    What other kind of reasoning can one expect from purblind ac ?

  13. well his/her reasoning is at least above ccc so there is some hope. right ?

  14. It is obvious this was a PR effort by Richard Sealy and crew and it worked.

    Not sure if the act has resonated however.

  15. I think that it is about time you people get over the fact that Arthur allegedly deposited the $75,000 campaign funds into his account. There has been no information forth coming from the BLP to suggest that he was called to account for his actions, and if what he has done can be classified as fraud, then why did the BLP not take the issue to the police?

    Conversely, as we seek to vilify Arthur [and not his party], we need to remember that someone gave Thompson personal information in the form of a returned cheque. If we criticize Arthur for being unethical in his actions, surely Thompson and those who gave him the returned cheque to brandish to all and sundry, is also guilty of being unethical.

    Additionally, Thompson had an intimate relationship with CLICO and its hierarchy, and had to be privy to all types of information. However, Arthur did not have a similar relationship with this company; point being, if he did, maybe he would have advanced information indicating funds distributed to the DLP, and funds that Thompson may have received from the company and deposited on his personal account.

  16. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    Know your place: you really want noticing. How can you interpret what I wrote as an attempt to demean his memory? If anything I was protecting his memory from those who are demeaning it for cheap partisan political gain. David Thompson was my friend from our days at Combermere and we remained friends to the day he died.

  17. DONT you know that you should ignore ac ??
    DID you see how I described ac in another post ???

  18. ac you asked for it. your oterwise erudite reasoning seems to have gone like a candle blowing in the wind.

  19. I often disagree with Caswell, but in this instance Caswell is right.

    I too thought it really strange that a wreath laying was done for David Thompson on Remembrance Sunday.

    Some of the Bajan soldiers who fought and suffered in wars are still alive. It was disrespectful of the MInister and his dumb followers to hold a “remembrance” ceremony for David Thompson on the same day as the national remembrance ceremony, especially as a wreath laying had been held for the late PM only a few weks before.

    David Thompson did not fight any wars, in fact David Thompson had a pretty easy, pretty priviledged life, and was Prime MInister of Barbados only briefly. There is no need for anyone outside of his immediate family to remember him in perpetuity.

  20. As far as i know you are free to lay wreaths on the grave of a love one at any time. So Caswell no need for you to try to make an issue out of a simple wreath laying.

    If you read the article you would have noticed that Richard Sealy and his constituents were on their way to a picnic at Bath beach. Since St. John’s Parish church was on the way they decided to stop to lay wreaths on the grave of the late Prime Minister David Thompson.

    I hope you don’t have a problem with a picnic on Remembrance day. Hope that is not going against protocol or seen as a sign of disrespect.

  21. wizard, i challenge you or anyone on the blog to identify one action not two just one done by mr thompson to justify the label “great” now given to him. the only leader that lost more elections than mr thompson is mr julian hume of st lucia, now president of the wicb.

  22. Yeah everbody knows that David thompson did not fight any wars. So what! just because the ministers lay a wreath on the grave on commemorative day is a big deal.So what! and most of the comments reflect the political yardstick you people is using to measure David Thompson. Ridiculous

  23. @just asking the :Serial Clown! wuh dat you say !

  24. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    You are too gullible. Richard Sealy was on his way to a picnic at Bath and just happen to have a few wreaths handy and also a Nation photographer. You idiot!

  25. Caswel. I second that. We all take funeral wreaths to picnics. And we always invite the media to attend our wreath laying picnics.

  26. @ balance
    I take up your challenge and shall give you three: [1] He was great for displaying the $75,000 cheque at the Haggatt Hall campaign meeting, but conveniently forgot to mentioned how much he got; [2] After criticizing the consultants hired by the previous administration, revealing their salaries and subsequently firing them, he went on to hire his own, starting with Hartley as the political advisor (first in the history of Barbados); [3] He promised freedom of information and integrity legislation within 100 days of coming to office, so that the tax payers of this country will never again see the level of corruption and squandermainia as perpetrated by the previous administration;

    Surely these actions should qualify him to be “great”.

  27. and yes Caswell you have used the occasion and the story to drumup controversy. Which is worse the nonsense being spouted here over a few wreaths and the occasion of the day . Or the placing of wreaths on David thompson.

  28. Who is funding the tomb for our late Prime Minister at St. John’s church? Who is funding the David Thompson Football League? If the DLP’s want to memorialize their hero, let them raise the money for these projects. I don’t see that DT was Prime Minister long enough to warrant the country idolizing him, and using our tax dollars in this manner. The most I can remember him for is his promise to bring in freedom of information and integrity legislation within 100 days, and his refusal to take any action towards honoring that promise.

  29. we would lay a wreath too..if we knew. After all we would like to thank him for his most prudent “wait and see” approach to the Barbados economy; that is why we are here.

  30. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    You accuse me of drumming up controversy. What a laugh! If you want an example of drumming up controversy look at the front page of today’s Daily Nation. Rather than try to resolve the major problems that are plaguing this country, Minister Donville Inniss has attempted to ignited a potential firestorm of debate by proposing to take away parental rights so that minor children could further degrade themselves without the parent having an opportunity to provide guidance. This move is designed primarily to divert the peoples’ attention away from the inept handling of the ship of state. The simple solution would be to raise the age of consent to 18 years so that adulthood and the adult decision to have sex would coincide. I am sure that you would only get opposition from dirty old men and dirty old lesbians who want to sexually exploit minors.

  31. Listen to the BLP brigade stampeding over the grave of the late ‘Great
    David Thompson.LEFT! RIGHT ! LEFT ! RIGHT!

    Caswell i am not going to read anything in the Nation!. my point is that the Title to your submission is misleading.and it is pretentious .The article does not serve any real purposed it is not any thing that is beneficial to public interest .just another story that very few if any would have given any meaningful thought too. it is not even news worthy .

  32. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | November 15, 2011 at 10:09 PM |
    “The article does not serve any real purpose it is not any thing that is beneficial to public interest .just another story that very few if any would have given any meaningful thought too. it is not even news worthy.”
    Sounds like the DLP 2008 manifesto to me!
    I know you avoid me like you worst nightmare but prove Dirty Harry wrong this time! Bring it on!

  33. miller what is there to bring on. You have a morbid obsession with the DLP. You are so heartless that children getting free education upsets you. Then you complainabout the free meals for the needy and the bus fares for the children.Now you got the wreaths to add to your list of complaining. Next election get on the ballot then i can get to see your manifesto and how it line up better than any of the canadidates , Hurry time is runnung out.

  34. There is one positive which BU will remember Thompson. Before the DLP won the election there was a climate of fear in the media space. One remembers several law suits or threats of same. There was the famous tussle between Ellis and Arthur where the former was refused interviews. In fact it is the main reason which gave birth to BU.

    It is instructive that BLP surrogate Raquel Gilkes posted on Facebook yesterday that the BLP does not have a policy on FOI. She stated it was an initiative proposed by the DLP and therefore was incumbent on the DLP to deliver.

    Barbados is badly in need of a third party.

  35. I remember CLICO

  36. Bajans always paying homage to dead politicians and the country ends up paying. EWB (my favourite Bajan politician) died in 1987, two years later the DLP established a National Holiday – Errol Barrow Day on his birthday.

    The BLP not to be outdone established a National Heroes Day (also a Holiday) guess whose birthday it falls on? None other that GH Adams.

    Consider this year 2011

    April 22- Good Friday
    April 24 -Easter Sunday

    April 25- Easter Monday
    April 28-National Heroes Day
    May 2- Labour Day

    Five out of ten days for people to frolic and relax ( I know that Good Friday and Easter Sunday are supposed to be Holy days) but that still makes three of eight days (April 25th -May 2nd .

    Don’t stop the Carnival.

  37. Think before you act Avatar
    Think before you act

    Franklyn has the sad record of being fired from every job he has had can it be possible that David at BU would fire him for writing such absolute crap on this site, what a load of hogwash !

  38. @Casewell. I am glad to see you have recovered from whatever ailed you recently. I completely agree with you. Political opportunism of the worst sort. You are right to point out how crass it was.

    If the High Commissioner is planning to have a fete in London as both celebration of Independence and in memoriam for David Thompson, I applaud his trift. After all, David was a PM and of the very party that led us to Independence. Makes perfect sense to me.

  39. ryan ; is it the norm for person leaving home for a picnic obviously to enjoy themselves along wreaths in their picnic basket? howdumb can some party supporters be?

  40. david there is no need for a new party ; there is need for new system of governance excluding parties where parliament would be supreme and governance would not directed from the gallows of george street or roebuck street or crumpton strret.the people of barbados need to regain control of their parliamentary system. it galls me to read or hear official pronouncements in the name of the barbados beginning with ” the government and people of barbados” rather than “the people aand government of barbados” we do not need another party. party political institutions have eaten what is left of the calf down to the bone.

  41. david i take it that it was an oversight that caused you to forget the famous tussle betwen hartley henry and the editor i cannot recall her name of the nation newspaper. i understand fro a dlp operative that owen arthur would cuss his opponents but you could cuss him back. i understand that miss mottley though aggressive was accessible. iam speaking from hearsay. i have never met any of them.

  42. How the hell did David Thompson get to be one of Barbados great leaders? Pray tell. we the Clico policy holders are waiting to hear

  43. @balance

    No it was not an oversight. Do not believe anyone can deny that Arthur intimidated the local media; a lot of money was paid to him and his operatives too. Thompson you have to agree hosted more media conferences in his brief tenure as PM than his predecessors.

  44. Politics is a funny game, the David Thompson I knew would not want all this fanfare. some of these same people who are idolising him now from the DLP were cussing him only a year before he became P.M, he was not P.M for that long (just one year), now these same people are again using him as a political yardstick to whip up sympathy prior to a general election. In case the DLP really wanted to use him to promote themselves, Stuart should have called elections soon after becoming P.M. I think he is over a year to late now.

  45. Indeed the sympathy vote has long run out. plus it would have allowed stuart to see who is really backing him.

  46. What will they think of next Avatar
    What will they think of next

    A cabinet colleague laying a wreath at the tomb of a well loved PM who died prematurely at the young age of 48 and was mourned by every Barbadian is crass politics?

  47. Stop the politics please!

    There was an opportunity only a couple weeks back when the one year anniversary of the death of Thompson was recognized.

  48. It is crass when you invite the press. The sentiments that they were trying to convey by the wreath laying are as genuine as a three dollar bill.

  49. Who paid for all those wreaths laid last Sunday and on the anniversary of his death? The taxpayers of this country?

    I had no problem with laying a wreath or two by his wife and children (I do this for my deceased parents yearly) but the amount of wreaths laid was like it was the funeral all over again.

    I agree with you Caswell, I thought the same as I read the paper. Funny how they were going to a picnic and had wreaths and a Nation photographer in tow. The same Nation who they say are anti DLP.

    I am still waiting to hear from the Dems on this blog what David Thompson did to make him a great leader when Peter Wickham said that he was the first PM who was a CEO, he did nothing, he had the largest cabinet in the history of Barbados, people did the work and reported to him!

    Great my foot, to the Dems who are trying their best to destroy Owen Arthur, do you not know that David Thompson put all of CLICO’s money in Families First account. Investigate that first and dont only bring the cheque given to Owen, tell us how much he put into that account. The last election expenses were run out of Families First account. I handled many of the cheques in the job I do so dont tell me it is a lie!!!

  50. Don’t fear the David Thompson Holiday will be soon coming…..dead man still leading from the grave. For those of you all who claim that David Thompson was one of Barbados’ great leaders need to have your heads examined. If you all can honestly say that this man did great for Barbados it is very obvious that mediocrity is the given standard. Stupseeee….

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