Submitted by Caswell Franklyn

Credit: Nation Newspaper

Remembrance Day is observed on November 11th in Commonwealth countries because World War I formally ended at 11 o’clock on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. The day therefore has special significance as a day of remembrance for members of the armed forces who lost their lives in the line of duty. However in Barbados, and some other countries, Remembrance Sunday is observed, on the closest Sunday to that date, with a military parade, a church service and the laying of wreaths at the Cenotaph. It bears repetition; Remembrance Sunday is set aside for members of the armed forces who fell in the line of duty.

It is therefore quite surprising and totally inappropriate for a Government Minister to lead a band of his constituents, with photographer on tow, to St. John to demean the significance of Remembrance Sunday. The Daily Nation of Monday, November 14, 2011 carried a story, with photograph, about Minister of Tourism, Richard Sealy et al laying wreaths on the grave of the late Prime Minister, David Thompson. By now, the members of the Democratic Labour Party should have come to the realization that every occasion, especially days of national and in this case of international significance, is not an opportunity for politicking.

If I stretched it, I could understand and even forgive them if they had used Remembrance Sunday to commemorate something about the Rt. Excellent Errol Barrow, after all he fought in World War II. But I can’t understand why David Thompson was given significance on that day: he was not in the army, and certainly he did not die in the line of duty: I don’t think he was ever a scout. Do not cheapen David’s memory by trying to impose him into every sphere of activity of national life. The Government has already done so by organising a football competition to compete with one that was already organised by others for Mia Mottley.

Mr. Sealy your conduct in this matter was inappropriate, and I think that someone should tell you so: consider yourself told.

88 responses to “DLP, Let David Thompson Rest In Peace”

  1. chocolate city hussle Avatar
    chocolate city hussle

    u are a retard, who would go to a picnic with a wreath? u are a real jackass

  2. chocolate city hussle Avatar
    chocolate city hussle

    @Amused | November 16, 2011 at 4:43 AM |
    “…After all, David was a PM and of the very party that led us to Independence. Makes perfect sense to me”

    hehehehehehehehehehehe.lord have mercy

  3. chocolate city hussle Avatar
    chocolate city hussle

    @Colonel Buggy | November 15, 2011 at 4:32 PM |
    And almost as inappropriate as seeing the GG, PM, AG, Commissioner of Police and the Chief of Staff ,in Monday’s Nation laughing and obviously joking …


  4. In all of the reviews given in the newspapers on the anniversary of his death there was one common factor stated which was his ambition to become primeminister. There is no other fact that rivals this. Not even committment to serve,no not even as boy scout.
    Surely AMBITION is the hallmark of his achievements.

  5. The DLP playting childish politics, sounds like something HH would come up with.Since David Thompson was born on Christmas Day, I don’t think the DLP would be BOLD enough to want to share that day with David, so maybe they will either celebrate his death date or his elevation to P.M date. One day some DLP yardfowl would try digging him back up to try and help Sinckler usurp Stuart. Watch it Mr P.M even your confidante Ronald Jones seems to be speaking without your knowledge on the UWI issue; good to hear your own views, even though they defer

  6. Stop the politics! Wow! great line. i wonder who would be the first.This submission was not meant to demean David Thompson according to Caswell. is that so!

  7. @ David
    PM Thompson was about putting on a face so he would not have intimidated the media; but engaged in surreptitious behaviour e.g. the $10m bonus contract.

  8. Sargeant | November 16, 2011 at 12:38 AM |
    wrote “Five out of ten days for people to frolic and relax”

    What is wrong with that ?

  9. Hants

    Nothing wrong with it if you can afford to, but wasn’t lack of productivity one of the burning issues around the Isle?

  10. david, it is you who should stop playing politics ‘ i am willing to accept that arthur was hostile to the media when criticised; but having ignored the incident with hartley henry and the media , i mentioned it to show that despite promising unbridled freedom of expression they began to scratch when cornered. and have there any more press brifings since the passing of the great one , may i ask?

  11. @Balance

    To bring up Henry’s dispute with the Nation and Arthur’s and Thompson’s relationship with the Press in the same breath is a weak attempt to grasp at straws.

    Arthur’s belligerence at the Press was only revealed after he was out of Office, it wasn’t an issue before because they were afraid of him and the media mice didn’t have the guts to bell the cat.

    When Henry sent his missive denouncing the reporting at the Nation it was front page news, proof that they weren’t afraid of him.

    BTW where is Henry now? My sources tell me that he and Freundel don’t see eye to eye.

  12. @balance

    To add to what Sargeant wrote we all know that Carol Martindale did not enter that issue with clean hands given her relationship with Mia so don’t make that issue with Henry as innocent as you are making.

  13. Quoting “What will they think of next | November 16, 2011 at 10:41 AM | A cabinet colleague laying a wreath at the tomb of a well loved PM who died prematurely at the young age of 48 and was mourned by every Barbadian is crass politics?”

    Pleade do not speak for me. I never met David Thompson, so therefore I could not love him as it is impossible to love a person whom you have not met. Therefore I did NOT mourn him either.

  14. To All:
    The oldsters used to say class is class especially when Sir Garry played a shot. What is apparent here is that the Minister who walks around going to a picnic with a wreath and AC have no class.

  15. Lemuel; What is even more interesting is that the same minister is not noted (afaik) for over the top use of media opportunities. He doesn’t normally appear to walk around with journalists ready to take his pictures and record his words at the drop of a hat. He isn’t featured in round-the-clock photo-ops in the papers like some others such as the overexposed Ronald Jones. Yet here he is going to a picnic on remembrance Sunday and just happens to have photographers and reporters in tow when he decides to take a small detour to place a wreath on the grave of the extremely politically over rated departed prince at a time that is significant for the remembrance of former soldiers who had given their lives in past wars and definitely not for anything the departed prince did in his life.

    I totally agree with Caswell. It was a crass, unthinking act. Worthy of being punished with belly laffs. I think the Minister is one of the few current ones who has done some good things in his substantive post. He is one of the best ministers. This incident only cheapens that performance.

  16. That minister fought the battle of Ch Ch for years and each time he came up against his foe he was defeated, the late P.M, as Commander in Chief, had faith in him and even fought alongside him on many occasions. Are you telling me that they both should not remember each other on this special Rememberance Day?

  17. The Scout; I see that you have put a nice (tongue in cheek, I hope) explanation of the relevance of the DT wreath-laying on the Military remembrance day.

    The Florists should be very happy as we can now have Remembrance day commercialized to include every warrior and suh-warriors who have passed on outside the field of their battles. Thus the heavy rum drinker who fought valiantly with his alcohol addicton could be suitably commemorated on remembrance day. Similarly the many husband and wife couples who constantly fought each other should also merit their colleagues placing wreaths on remembrance day.

    Indeed, the idea is one that can bring life back to this sector of the economy.
    It is so good it should be included in the DLP manifesto.

  18. Well lemuel! To have class is to spite venom in the face of the Dead! Very classy indeed! carry on smartly. i listening! are you happy how the paling cocks have come out in full force to attacked a dead man who in no way can defend himself from the onslaught of mortar attacks. but that is class! BTW what is your definition of class All of the above or none of the above,be careful how you answer it may include you

  19. AC
    You are fighting against the odds. Don’t you realise that you are not even getting support from the party faithful? It looks as though your friend Carson Cadogan is on my side: not a word from him, how unusual!

  20. now i am really scared! odds are that the BLP gonna get trounced next election. Never mind this dead weight issue ! The real losers will be the BLP. next election this political poppycock here i call entertainment just good fuh laughs.

  21. Here is the Feature Address  delivered by  Mr. Winston Cox Former Governor, Central Bank of Barbados at the 26th Adlith Brown Memorial Lecture on November 16, 2011 at the Frank Collymore Hall
    The International Financial Architecture and its Application in the Caribbean
    Thanks to Airbourne for the speech.

  22. scout from your comment you seem to mistaking richard sealy for john boyce. and david, there is no effort to invoke innocence; i am only stating facts.i would not know of mia’s bedroom business nor do i care.

  23. @balance

    Relationships can speak to motives, sometimes.

  24. @balance the Blp gone quiet they must be scheming how to get rid of Rawle Eastmond; whats’ the latest on See Thru interlopers, he indentify them? We want to hear from Rommell Marshall how he doing against Gail Marshall and short me crutch Payne in St. Joseph.
    Mia football and David Thompson football bringing out the youth in numbers and harmony thats not good news for See Thru.
    Bonnie Peppa want to hear from you too.

  25. One must remember Owen cry down Mia football and David Thompson football the youth turnout telling See Thru what he can do with he opinions.

  26. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Just saying | November 18, 2011 at 9:11 AM |

    Just letting you know that “See Thru” is now imbibing “old brigand”!
    The one-eye man has no burning desire to win the next general elections for the sake of serving the people and in his view save Barbados.
    That job will euthanise the burnt-out “fella” fit only for a very short political cremation. But vengeance is a spiteful motivation to seek to reclaim the reins of power even if it means self-destruction in its pursuit. Like sex to the victims of the black widow spider, political power is a drug that leads to aggrandizement and then the inevitable self-annihilation.
    OSA’s intent is to stymie at all cost the political ambition of MAM. By sacrificing the BLP’s chances of winning the next elections he would, by extension, be marginalizing her national appeal and seriously setting back her chances of election to the top “dog’ position.

  27. balance
    Minister Boyce contested that Ch Ch seat on a number of occasions(maybe three times, before he won, David Thompson had faith in him and ran him again, this time he won, therefore he is saying thanks to the late P.M for helping him win the battle. What’s wrong with that, and the best time to do it is Rememberance Day

  28. December 25th,will no longer be celebrated as X-mas Day in Barbados.Understand those idiots in George Street are going to rename it David Thompson Day.Enjoy yourselves now,cause at the end of the day,three quarters of you would be on the outside looking in.

  29. @wizzard
    “David Thompson was one of Barbados’ great leaders”
    Man you are being economical with the truth.
    The title “great leader” can only be applied to Tom Adams and the National hero the Rt. Excellent EWB. No one else qualifies as yet!

  30. @ millertheanunnaki

    What I would like to know…

    Why would he do that to himself? What did Mia do to him to have him so intent on cutting her down? I’n sorry, but I wouldn’t sacrifice my reputation to get back at someone…not when “night running till day ketch it” works so much better! ‘Cause “day” will “ketch night!”…

    This seems a lot more than politics…or the “cuthtroat” way of politics clearly going to the heads of these folks!

  31. @Caswell

    are u aware by age sixteen there are very few vigins left; both boys and girls, even those who are in church are sexually active. The age of sexaul consent is sixteen and since they can made a decsion about sex, they should be able to make decsiions about their reproductive health. Simply put.

  32. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    I want you to get me very clearly. Having sex is probably the most adult decision that a young person would have to make because of the potential consequences: you can get a baby with all the associated cost and responsibility, and you might not be working. Who would be called upon to bear the burden, probably the parent?

    If you are old enough and mature enough to make the decision to have sex then you should be old enough and mature enough to vote in an election for members of the House of Assembly. You should also be old enough and mature enough to marry without your parents’ consent.

    The decision to strip parents of their parental responsibility should be carefully thought out with regard to the impact in other areas. It should not be a decision made because of the lobbying of some horny dirty old men who just want an opportunity to legally get their hands on some young meat. Rather than make it easy for little children to have sex, we should be extolling the virtues of abstinence to our children. Of course, all will not adhere to those teachings but I suspect that more and more will if they are not constantly bombarded with sex at every turn.

  33. @Caswell

    You are normally poignant with your arguments, but you will not win this one. As I said to you most young people are invovled in sex without their parent consent and some of them get pregnant. How many men you see get haul before the courts for having sex with minors. It only happens when there is a falling out. These stories are true as the gospel.

    Legislation or not young people are being involved in sex and the church, which should be the agency to instill the values about abstinnence has lost its influence on the community, and in particular the young persons.

    Some countries have the age of consent lower than sixteen. As I said it is a public health concern and if the young persons do not have a relationship with their parents and there is a requirement for a public healt intervention, tell me what should happen. Should we allow those young persons to go their merry ways and impact the community further.

    Dont you think that it would not have preperly though out. Are you failing to follow the international public helath issues. Imagine being able to have a child at age sixteen + and cant make a legal decision. The two do not coincide.

    By the way dirty old men and women will continue to have sex with minors if they have positional power. That is why we need to train the young people to know when advances are being made towards them, The adults need to learn to say no as well, when the young inpregnable ones approach them. They are getting their hands on the young meat and are not being punished.

    In most cases, it is the family member that introduce the young ones to sex. Only quite recently, my sister was telling me about this nieces who is always angry and she placed some confidence in her and tell that her uncle had fingered her at age seven and convined her not to tell her mother. Another niece who is overseas and from the same side of the aforementioned niece indicated that her uncle also tried to force himself on her and that is why she protects her daughter like a hawk..

  34. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    You are using the same type of reasoning that the former administration used when it introduced jambusting. The minibuses and ZRs would not obey the law so they changed it to legalise their bad behaviour.

    If a man had sexual intercourse with a minor that results in pregnancy that man should be jailed. Don’t tell me that the child might refuse to testify, that might have been a good reason years ago but now with the advent of DNA testing you don’t need evidence from the minor.

  35. @Caswell

    I urge you to go do some research on the topic and come back to the blog.

    I will not engage u until u have, and dont forget i am not that smart as i have only been to brumley.

  36. Quoting uneducated “uneducated | November 19, 2011 at 2:29 AM | @Caswell…are u aware by age sixteen there are very few vigins left; both boys and girls, even those who are in church are sexually active.”

    This is not true. THe last survey which I saw, done by the BFPA or the HIV Comission found that the majority of 16 year olds had not yet had sex. I recall that the number was about 56% who up to their 16th birthday not not yet had sex. This nonsense that all 15 and 16 year olds in Barbados are having sex is a lie put out there by adults who want to have sex with teenagers.

    Befor the government changes the law a survey should be conducted by a reputable organization, perhaps by UWI’s medical faculty to find out exactly how many 15 year olds are having sex. I bet that most of us would be surprised at the result.

  37. I agree with the writer, and those who do not most likely have never served so they do not see the insult.

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    of clever work and coverage! Keep up the wonderful works guys I’ve included you guys to our blogroll.

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