Compiled by the Department of Management Studies, UWI Cave Hill – Click image to read in PDF

  1. With the growing popularity of golden apple juice, the abundance of the fruit in Barbados and the ease with which golden apple trees are grown here, the production of golden apple juice seems to be a perfect fit for Pine Hill – and no foreign exchange needed. But, I have not seen any evidence of movement in this direction. Am I overlooking something?

  2. @Alien

    Yes, land is for houses and golf course, we will import food.

    Also, read of the Credit Union concerns as they fight money laundering…

    Is anyone aware of this Credit Union money laundering problem?

    Notice of Amalgamation

  5. Is anyone aware of the amount/compensation per share being paid to the minority shareholders of BS&T pursuant to the amalgamation?

  6. good question alien. one can assume the least they where offer is the current closing price of $7.30. you would have to get in contact with one of the shareholder for the price being offered.

  7. Anthony, thank you, but I was hoping that David had already used his endless contacts to secure this information.

  8. Nobody, not even those at BS&T Head Office, is willing to say what compensation the minority shareholders will receive. Is this a secret?

  9. must be. It would normally would be publish the in details of bse daily stock trade report.

  10. There will be no reason for BS&T to be listed on the Barbados Stock Exchange after 100% ownership of the amalgamated entity is assumed by Neal and Massy.

  11. yes but amalgamations /takeovers are normally listed on bse with share buyout prices, so it shouldn’t be secret. after the amalgamation bs&t trading will be remove from bse.

  12. Anthony, agreed – it will probably be listed on the BSE after the shareholders meet to make the decision.

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